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LOAD & RESISTANCE FACTOR DESIGN3-127 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS tal length of beam between reaction points (ft ). imum moment (kip-in. imum moment in left section of beam (kip-in.). moment at distance x from end of beam (kip-in.). 2 concentrated load (kips). centrated load nearest left reaction (kips). ricentrated load nearest right reaction, and of different magnitude than P; (kips). : beam reaction for any condition of symmetrical loading (kips). end’beam reaction (kips). ight end or intermediate beam reaction (kips). ight end beam reaction (kips). um vertical shear for any condition of symmetrical loading (kips). imum vertical shear in left section of beam (kips). ettical shear at right reaction point, or to left of intermediate reaction point beam (kips). ical shear at right reaction point, or to right of intermediate reaction point “beam (kips). ical shear at distance x from end of beam (kips). load on beam (kips). sured distance along beam (in.). sured distance along beam which may be greater or less than “a” (in.). Jength of beam between reaction. points (i rmly distributed load per unit of length (kips per in.). rmly distributed load per unit of iength nearest left reaction (kips per itmily distributed load per unit of length nearest right reaction, and of ferent magnitude than w, (kips per in.). distance measured along beam from lett reaction (in.). listance measured along overhang section of beam from nearest reaction ion at any point x distance from left reaction (in.). ion of overhang section of beam at any distance from nearest reaction int (in.), Aamrican Institute or SrepL ConstRUCTION3-128 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS Frequently used formulas ‘The formulas given below are frequently requised in structural designing. They are inctaded herein for the convenience of those engineers who have infrequent use for such formulas and hence may find reference necessary. Variation from thestandard nomenclature on page 3-127 is noted. BEAMS Flexural stress at extreme fiber: i= Mc/l = MIS | Flexural stress at any fiber: i= Myil y= distance from neutral axis to fiber Average vertical shear (for maximum see below): v= VIA = Vidt (for beams and girders) Horizontal shearing stress at any section A-A: \ v= VO/lb Q=statical moment about the neutral axis of the entire seo. tion of that portion of the cross-section lying outside of || section A-A, I = width at section A-A | (Intensity of vertical shear is equal to that of horizontal shear acting normal to it at the | same point and both are usually a maximum at mid-height of beam.) i Shear and deflection at any point: | ey EISL =M — xandy are abscissa and ordinate respectively of a point of the dx neutral axis, referred to axes of rectangular coordinates through a selected point of support (First integration gives slopes; second integration gives deflections, Constants of integra- tion must be determined.) CONTINUOUS BEAMS (the theorem of three moments) | . . h Lib 4 Ljwld walt Uniform load: My + 2M,(2 +2) 4M,2 = — 2 [Mali , wale I, I i bh 4h & ‘Concentrated loads: Mo +a, ( + I y br (1 + &) — Paaabz i) k Considering any two consecutive spans in any continuous structure: M,, My, M, = moments at left, center,and right supports respectively, of any pair'of ( adjacent spans. oe (a) YP I and by length of left and right spans, respectively, of the pair. I, and f, = moment of inertia of left and right spans, respectively. ¥, and w= load per unit of length on left and right spans, respectively. 7 Py'and P; = concentrated loads on left and right spans, respectively. j— a; and ay = distance of concentrated loads from left support, in S Teft and right spans, respectively. b, and b, = distance of concentrated loads from right support in left and right spans, respectively. $ Ts ‘The above equations are for beams with moment of inertia constant in each spa hi differing in different spans, continuous over three or mote supports. By writing such at, equation for each successive pair of spans and introducing the known values (usually zet of end moments, afl other moments can be found. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL ConsrRUCTION3-129 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS Table of Concentrated Load Equivalents ; Beam fixed One End Loading cont Simple Beam | Supported at Other | Beam Fixed Both Ends|
c) . . = SP a+b) Ve (when x >aand< (a+b). = tt man.(ata= at FL) tk (whenx>aand
@em). . = Lyte (when
a) 6 2 6 5m Ra») sx (whena-
a) 2 PEE axa —any Pi=Mi RaeVe. : Ve (when x
aand<(@+b)) . = Rime Ve (whenx>@tby) . . 5 = Ra—watl—x) mmax(atx=Stwnen Ri
aand<(a+) 2 = Rix @x—a Me (whens cabin) os = Rama AMmRican INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION3-132 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 American INsTiTuTe of STEEL CONSTRUCTION |__— 7. SIMPLE BEAM—-CONCENTRATED LOAD AT CENTER 10. | + Total Equiv. UniformbLoad . . . . . = 2P ‘ —— 8 PV ee [* a : a 2 2 | Mmax(atpointoftoas) ©... 2 = 4 Le 5 TD me (mene yee aE EOD aman, (at point ottesd) . . . 2. = Ber es L -7 aC Pan te 8, SIMPLE BEAM—CONCENTRATED LOAD AT ANY POINT < }——4 Total Equiv. Uniform Load. 2... = SRP fy mVi(manwhena ce). 2. 2 PP te m Me enva(manwhena >). 2 6. PR a ~ mman.( at point ottond) = RB L4 5 HA recat (owt) =P AE Taman, (atx Z EEE wena) = Saba ee YOR | ia sa (atpointottoat) . = SEM ALLL ae (whence). a BB are er 9. SIMPLE BEAM—TWO EQUAL CONCENTRATED LOADS SYMMETRICALLY PLACED + Total Equiv. Uniform Load —_ , y Revove. P h LR, ot ad n(n i rm my (whence) oe Pe fo TTI aac (stent) oe fp aies woul oe (when ca) oe Seep Giana Tats, (whenxsaandcd-a). . = BeinBEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 “SIMPLE BEAM-~-TWO EQUAL CONCENTRATED LOADS : UNSYMMETRICALLY PLACED Pie Vi(max.whena
b) 2... =Puob+a - T Ve (whenxsaand cin). Bess (men viena>b) oo. = (maxwnenacb) ooo (wensca) oem (when x > aand
) oe Lol max. (stent =71) oe qh ax (atpointotiond) - « He (whens $) i : ae (womb) ee eager ORO Px. = goer G2 — 5x) {4. BEAM FIXED AT ONE END, SUPPORTED AT OTHER— CONCENTRATED LOAD AT ANY POINT meV ee Bere ReeVe es ait—at) mz (at point of toad) = faa vie (sesuetend) = ERGs whe (hone
a) os = Rix P a) aman, (nhena c atspataai fei) = Be eh sea Gray aman (whana> 46tate-tN GBS) "Ger Nace Ue (sepointotlosd) © + See OF? TREN ie (memes) = seh enon) we (wien ce) Beanie Awerican INSTITUT OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION- 135 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 a 1——> LOADS Total Equiv. Uniform Load. Rev x1 wt Vx Ms (secemter) Mx aman (atcenter) ax BEAM FIXED AT BOTH ENDS--UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED = yy Gix— 12 ~ 6x4) wit BHT = paep 0? CENTER Total Equiv. Uniform Load Rav MW max.(at conter and ends) ms (wren) aman. (ateenter) bx (wnenect) BOTH ENDS--CONCENTRATED LOAD AT ANY POINT fa-Va((manewhon 2 <8) f= Ve( max when a > b) mia (oax. when a
8) wie (at point ofced ) Mx (when xa) aman, (when a> bata zal wat aa (at point oftoad) . (nen
Total Equiv. UniformLoad . . . . = SW Wen . Lt ve =w =U Mi man.(at txed ond). anus v shear LY ame -we =a] wo. ome (attrecend) . = 4 Moment w Me ee le Ot arte eay 19. CANTILEVER BEAM—UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD 1 Total Equiv. UniformLoad . . . . = dul wt Revive ee HOF R Vee mm wit Mm te watt os UT t 2x. (at fixed end) 7 Shear Em wis aman. (attresend) . 2 0 = : a TT Tal. ¢ ) ‘et moment Tae ee gtr Ot aI 20. BEAM FIXED AT ONE END, FREE TO DEFLECT VERTICALLY BUT NOT ROTATE AT OTHER—UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD I beef Moment Total Equiv. Uniform Load - Sat ReVio et Re ee =x mmax(attred end) - es ws (aeaamectodend) et My EUR BD [| aman. (ataenestes end) « - [me ax Amprican INsriTurs oF Srees. ConsTRucriON atBEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 3-137 CANTILEVER BEAM—CONCENTRATED LOAD AT ANY POINT 1 Total Equiv. Unitorm Load . . , = SPB Reve. ae Ro mmax(attnedend) ©. 6. = Pb PP tae (nena) oe Pome aman (attrwona) oo. Ber San (at pointattoad). 2. = BBE BE fe (mene ca) oe Per aeoy wore IP A wnome a) oe. ROEM yr =P =P mmax(attied end) oo. Pr amax. (attrecend) ... , = BE ‘BEAM FIXED AT ONE END, FREE TO DEFLECT VERTICALLY BUT IT: ROTATE AT OTHER—CONCENTRATED LOAD AT DEFLECTED END Total que. Uniform Load... =P mORRY ee Wimax (atbothends) 0. =f { t 4 as pe ime American Insrirurs or Sree, Construction3-138 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 24. BEAM OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT—UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD Mave ep ReeV2tVa - ee ee gp tat k——1 Vee ae et witta) =a ebay (ovtween suppers). | = Bene (toroveenang) .. - «= wom Cree ee) er ae (am) oo tt | 2 (voteen uppora) - «= $f gt -at—xn (soroverhang) . - . - =F x0 1 (between supports) 2 Spe eRe bee 2a deat | on nq (foroverhane) = Bt carenscatectaal | | ® 7 ee dott Lg} Ba 25. BEAM OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT—UNIFORMLY ] DISTRIBUTED LOAD ON OVERHANG MeV Ra=VatVe 2 ee HBP ete pee OE aes as me = wa Fe | vy (lorevrnans) oss oe , ma (stme) ee tx (ortween supports). = “3% vi te, (forovesnane) = + + FT ‘shear allt ame (vtweensuporin st coma E Mam. max, (for overhang atx) . = sip A+ 3a) Moment ET wat i> 4x (between aupports) «+ ger ny (tor overhano)) cone = BBE ate sae te AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION3-139 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 BEAM OVERHANGING ONE SUPPORT--CONCENTRATED LOAD AT END OF OVERHANG Ries. lp Rem Vat Ve Wee! mm moe (se) Mx between su; ports) %, Ye Mix, (for overhang) max, (oetweensupportatiacfy) = amax. (for overhang at x: = ) : Ge ees ace l Ay (tor overnana)) bee = PA gat t3an—u8) p= fe asl DISTRIBUTED LOAD BETWEEN SUPPORTS Total Equiv. Uniform Load... = wt Rave. a Ve es we bHx) Mmax(ateanter) = SE = aoe Mee REE Butt <3 amass (avcmnte:) oo... Sgt. BR pRB (2b xy wees Ay ee = Total Equiv. Uniform Load f=vs(maxowhens <8) TT an Va( max.when a >) . fe M max.( at point of load ) . Fab Mx (whenxca) . . Pee falar+-2b), Pab (a+ 2b) Va (a £26) one (sg Blanenasn) = fb YRS aa (atpointottona). . . = Patt ax (whenx
a) POL jaye Pat bt ay ( gE besa Pabxt Be ee = ay AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION3-140 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 29, CONTINUOUS BEAM—TWO EQUAL SPANS—UNIFORM Loan | ON ONE SPAN LOAD AT CENTER OF ONE SPAN Total Equiv. Uniform Load We Ry RieV pp RaaVaiva momomoottty, Reva - shear Ve MW max, (at point of loa tn (atsveport Ra) ‘A Max, (0.480 from Fu) nea ie at. LOAD AT ANY POINT Rev. RX Fi AR, 1 . Reeves vy I Ly, Racvs - % lo nm wt man a point ot fond mts (atsupport) AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 4 Total Equiv. Uniform Load fe wt 7 Pusva sn _ ae Re ARs RawVatVs pw 1 T- 1 Roeva . qe — 76 vil by, 9 1 pera TE i" | u fe | jz. . 40 | ae mean (ster Zi) = has : HU te tt (at support me) eee | he [a tte (when) oe = Eat 4 Max. (0.872 from Ro) 0.0082 w/e 30, CONTINUOUS BEAM—TWO EQUAL SPANS—-CONCENTRATED CONTINUOUS BEAM—TWO EQUAL SPANS—CONCENTRATED | rab Pete a ee3-141 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 » BEAM—UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD AND VARIABLE END MOMENTS wesw (fox) MSM 2m (wxe tat “a - ie wes eons MSM eo Ma (oe locate ee Me =m) e\ 2 FSC na) NIECES) wad Le) Mae ea we (wom) = (SBF) x mn ™, Mz (Whenx> 3) = Sua + Be (whem <3) = ggey (3 — 4 2 emcee — 2) Matt + 201) AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION3-142 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 A Max. (0.679 from A or D) = 0.0098 wit/E1 36. CONTINUOUS BEAM—THREE EQUAL SPANS--ALL SPANS LOADED Ra=0s00wl Re=110w! 0.400 wi 0.500 wo 0.600 wt STEELY 9,600 col 0.500 wt SHEAR —0.100 wi? —0.100 wie 0.080 wi? al h 0 cn Oe wit eal ie" MOMENT 9 2007 0.5007 | 0.500 9.400 2 Ro = 1.10 wl Ro 4 Max. (0.446 I from A or D) = 0.0069 wi4/El AMERICAN INSIITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 34. CONTINUOUS BEAM—THREE EQUAL SPANS—ONE END SPAN UNLOADED 37. Col ap te oF , Ra = 0.383 wt : 450 wh | Ra 0.388 wl 0.033 wt 08 | =H 0,033 voy’ | 0.380 2: SHEAR 0.617 wt OAT wl 1] gear 1187 we | +0.0735 wile +0.0534 wie |—0.0838 wie | MENT De MOME! o.se3 MOMENT |. 0.5831} 6: Max. (0.490 from A) = 0.008 t/E1 35. CONTINUOUS BEAM—THREE EQUAL SPANS—END SPANS LOADED 38. CON af Ra = 0.460 wt 0.406 wt SHEAR SHEAR —0.050 wi? +0013 wit 40.1013 wt MOMENT ie" “CUT ‘{Momenr, iBEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various static loading conditions For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 CONTINUOUS BEAM—FOUR EQUAL SPANS—THIRD SPAN UNLOADED wh Ra=0a0w! Re—=128ul Ro= 0367 wl Ro=OSBwl o _ o4g7 wl S| 9.568. cer 0307 wt (0-040 wl 0.442 wh —0.068 wi? +0.0977 wht 442 I 4 Max. (0.475 Lfrom E) = 0.0094 wit/EL CONTINUOUS BEAM—FOUR EQUAL SPANS—LOAD FIRST AND THIRD SPANS : wl wh 1 c L DB 0.446 wl Re=0.572wl Ro =0.464wl Rp = 0.872 wl Re = 0.018 wl 0.482 wi 0,054 wil. 0.554 wl 0.518 wi —0.0536 wi? —0.0357 wie 0.0536 wie +0.0996 wi? I +0.0805 wiz Sl 0.446 1 0.518 f A Max, (0.477 Lfrom A) = 0.0097 wit/EL 0.1071 wi? +0.0772 wl? +-0.0364 wl2, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, ; 3-144 BEAM DIAGRAMS AND FORMULAS For various concentrated moving loads The values given in these formulas do not include impact which varies according to the requirements of each case. For meaning of symbols, see page 3-127 40. SIMPLE BEAM-—ONE CONCENTRATED, MOVING LOAD naman eVemos.(atx=0) 2202 9? M4 max, (at point of load, when x -) .-% 41. SIMPLE BEAM—TWO EQUAL CONCENTRATED MOVING LOADS Ri max. = Va max (atx = 0) wee - (2-4) REC]
(2— V2) = 5861 Pi with one load at canter of span | =“ (case 40) M max. 42. SIMPLE BEAM—TWO UNEQUAL CONCENTRATED MOVING LOADS Ri max. = Vi max, (ax=0) eo Paes [under Pa atx-3(1~ peter) = (Pere yE | load at center of span and other load off span (case 40) Me max less may oceur with saa , GENERAL RULES FOR SIMPLE BEAMS CARRYING MOVING CONCENTRATED LOADS ‘The maximum shear due to moving concentrated. ‘support when one of the loads is at that euppt location that will produce m With several moving load: mum shear must be determined by trial The maximum bending moment produced by moving iy jer on of maving loads on the beam is from the other support, In the accompanying diagram, the maximum, moment occurs under load Px when'x = b. It si floted that this condition occurs when the cen ‘Span ig midway between the center of gravity o Rearest concentrated load. ‘that ead fo'a0 far trom one support ag the center of gravity of all ht |) American Instirute oF Steet CONSTRUCTION ‘Moments Reactions
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