Features of Constitution
Features of Constitution
Features of Constitution
Establishment of a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular Democratic Repuhe CHAP.3
Preamble of the Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign
eign, blic.-The Socialist,
Democratic Republic. The word 'Sovereign' emphasises that Indi
upon any outside authority. It means that both internally and externallydependent
is no more
sovereign. It's membership of the Commonwealth of Nations and that ofthdla is
Nations Organisation do not restrict her sovereignty. Critics say that India's memoed
of the Commonwealth of Nations is not compatible with her sovereign status. Rip
tus. But, it is
to be noted that India's membership of the Commonwealth of Nations does no
way restrict her sovereignty. India's membership of the Commonwealth is a self.imn
limitation. According to Mr. Ramaswamy. "it is a courtesy arrangement devoid a
constitutional significance". Explaining the true position of India in the Common
on 10th May, 1949, the then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru said "we took a nle
long ago to achieve Purna Swaraj. We have achieved 1t. Does a nation lo0se ite
independence by an alliance with another country? Alliance normally means Jtual
commitments. The free associations of Sovereign Commonwealth Nations does
involve such commitments. It is well known that it is open to any member nation
to po
oui of the Commonwealth if it chooses... It must be remembered that
. .
Commonwealth is not a super-State in any sense of the term. We have agreed to consider
kingas symbolic head of this free association. But the king has no functions attached
to that in the Commonwealth. So far the Constitution of India is concerned, the
no place and we shall owe no allegiance to him."
king has
The term Socialist' was inserted in the Preamble by the Constitution 42nd
Amendment Act, 1976. This concept was already implicit in the Constitution. The
amendment merely spells out clearly this concept in the Preamble. The word 'Socialisn
is used in democratic as well as socialistic Constitutions. It has no definite meaning. In
general, however, the word means some form of ownership of the means of production
and distribution by the State. The degree of State control will determine whether it is a
democratic State or socialistic State. India has, however, chosen its own brand of
socialism e.g., mixed economy.3
The term 'Secularism' means a State which has no religion of its own as recognised
religion of State. It treats all religions equally. In a secular State the State regulates the
relation between man and man. It is not concerned with the relation of man with God.
The term 'democratic' indicates that the Constitutiol. nas established a form of
Government which gets its authority from the will of the people. The rulers are elected by
the people and are responsible to them. Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity which are
essential characteristics of a democracy are declared in the Preamble of the Constitution as
the very objectives of the Constitution. The Preamble to the Constitution declares that
the Constituriun of India is adopted and enacted by the people of India and they are the
ultimate master of the Republic. Thus the real power is in hands of the people of India,
both in the Union and in ihe States. The term Republic' signifies that there shall be an
elected head of the State who will be the chief executive head. The President of India,
unlike the British King, is not a hereditary monarch but an elected person cn09
limited period. It is an essential ingredient of a Republic.
form of Government-The Constitution of India establishee
parliamentary of Governmentboth at In this respect
the Cenue and the States.
2. lbid.
3, Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. VII, pp. 494-95.
CHAP 3 25
makers ofthe Constitution have followed the British model in toto. The reason for this is
a c c u s t o m e d to this
were type of Government. The essence of the Parliamentary
that we is its
its responsibility to the Legislature. The President is the
stitutional head of the State. The real executive power is vested in the Council of
ead is the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers is collectively
isters whose head
nansible to the Lower House, i.e.. Lok Sabha. The members of the Lower House are
elected rectly by the people on the basis of adult franchise normally for five years. The
ition is the same in the States. This Government is, therefore, called a responsible
Government. On the other hand, the American Constitution establishes a Presidential
based on the principle of separation of powers. The President is the
tNDe of Government
al executive; elected directly by the people for 4 years. All executive powers are vested
not responsible to the Lower House, i.e., the Congress. The members of
in him. He is
members of the Legislature. They are appointed by the President and
his Cabinet are not
therefore, responsible to him.
Parliamentary v. Presidential System.--A debate has been going on in the country
or should be replaced with
whether the present parliamentary system should be continued
elected directly by the people for a fixed
the presidential system under which the President,
term, will function as the nation's executive unhampered by the legislature in taking
administrative decisions. He will also have the distinct advantages
of choosing his
ministerial team from among the best talent, available in the country without being
Those who favour the
subjected to the pulls and pressures of elected representatives. the
presidential form of government claim that it has the following advantage: First,
chief executive in a presidential system is relatively free from sectional and party disputes.
and President can devote
His term is fixed and thus it ensures stability of the government
he is free to choose his team
his time for the development of the country.' Secondly,
His choice is rot restricted
of ministers from the best talent available within the country.
to elected representatives as is the case in parliamentary system.
Thirdly, it discourages
the members of a political
the disease of defections and maintains discipline among
retention of the present parliamentary form
On the other hand, those who favour the
over the presidential form of
of government claim that it has the following advantages
The government is subjected to
gOvernments : First, it is a responsible government.
its achievements and failures. The ministers are
security in the legislature as regards
the Prime Minister who enjoys 2/3 majority in
accountable to the legislature. Secondly,
President in the United States. Thirdly, there
Parliament is much more powerful than the
Minister to choose the best talent from outside for
nothing to prevent the Prime either House of Parliament, and fourthly, the
or nominated to
cabinet and get them electedremoved
disease of defection can be by appropriate legislation.
that the framers of the Constitution preferred
At the it has to be made clear
the system was
of government mainly for two reasons-(1))
the parliamentary system
were well acquainted with it, (2) it provides
already in existence in India and people
accountability of ministers to the Legislature.
has been
However, the success of Parliamentary form of Government in India
cohesiveness and
marred by multiplicity of political parties, evil of defection, lack of issues,
illiteracy of voters, national issues versus Local
leadership in National Parties,
criminalisation of politics.
growth of regional parties,
I. Bowie and Friedrich-Studies in Federalism, p. 63.
K-I/ 403 601
3. Unique blend of rigidity and flexibility.-t has been the nature of h
amending process itself in federations which had led political scientists to classify ederal
Constitution as rigid.A rigid Constitution is one which recquires a special method
amendment of any of its provisions while in flexible Constitution any of its Drovicin
can be amended by ordinary legisiative proces) A written Constitution is generallysions
he rigid 1he Indian Constitution, though written. is sufficiently flexiblet isonlu
few provisions of the Constitution that require the consent of halfof the
Legislatures( The rest of the provisions can be amended by a special majority ofe
Parliament. ((he fact that the Indian Constitution has been amended 100 times during the
eriod of ast 66 years of its working disapproves the view taken by
had characterized our Constitution as rigid for the following
Sir Ivor Jenning ho
f amendment is complicated and
reasons: (a) that the process
difficult:b) that matters which should have been left to
ordinary legislation having been incorporated into the Constitution no
change in these
matters is possible without undergoing the process of amendment.
That power corrupts a man and absolute power corrupts absolutely which ultimatelvy
leads to tyranny, anarchy and chaos has been sufficiently established in course of
evolution of human history, and all round attempts have been made to erect institutional
limitations on its exercise. When Montesquieu gave his doctrine of
he was obviously moved by his desire to
separation of powers,
put a curb on absolute and uncontrollable power
in any one organ of the Government. A executive and a judicial power
legislature, an
comprehend the whole of what is meant and understood by Government. It is by
balancing each of these two powers against the other two that the efforts in human nature
owards tyranny can alone be checked and restrained and
any freedom preserved in the
Judicial Review is thus the interposition of
well as the executive organs of the Government. The
judicial restraint on the legislative as
of limited Government and in the
concept has the origin in the theory
theory of two laws-an ordinary and supreme (i.e., the
Constitution). From the very assumption that there is a supreme law which constitutes
the foundation and source of other
that any
legislative authorities in the body polity, it proceeds
of the ordinary law-making bodies which
contravenes the provisions of the
supreme law must be void and there must be some organ which is to
possess the power
authority to pronounce such legislative acts void.*
The doctrine of judicial review was for the
first time propounded by the Supreme
Court of America. Originally, the United
States Constitution did not contain an
provision for judicial review. The power of judicial review was, however, assumedexpress
by the
Supreme Court of America in the historic case of Marbury v.
case were as follows The
: Madison. The facts of
Federalists had lost the election of 1800, but before leaving the
office they had succeeded in the
creating several new judicial posts. Among these were 44
justices peace, to which the retiring Federalists President John Adams
two Federalists. The appointment of appointed forty
commissions were confirmed by the Senate and they
were signed and sealed, but Adam's
Secretary of State, John Marshall, failed to deliver
certain of them. When the new President, Thomas
Jeffersaon, assumed office, he instruct
. E.S. Crown-Essay on the Judicial Review in Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences, Vol. VIII. p. 451.
2. Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC
3. Letters by James Adams to Richard Henry.
Basu's Commentaries on Constitution of India. Vol. 1.
5. 2L Ed. 60.
. Socretary of State, James Madison not to deliver seventeen of these commissions
including one for William Marbury. Marbury, filed a petition in the Supreme Court for
the issue of a writ of mandamus to Secretary Madison ordering him to deliver the
ommissions. He relied on Section 31 of the Judiciary Act of 1789 which provided: "The
Supreme Court shall have the power to issue.... writs of mandamus, in cases
waTanted by the principles and usages of law, to.....persons holding office, under the
authority of the United States". The Court, speaking through Marshall, who had now
hcome Chief Justice, held that Section 13 of the Judiciary Act was repugnant to Article
l. Section 2 of the Constitution inasmuch as the Constitution itself limited the
Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to cases "affecting ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, and those to which a State is party". Since Marbury fell in none of
these categories the court had no jurisdiction in his case. The observations of Marshall,
C.J.. in that case are pertinent to note
*** * *
20015,SC 1571.
Kerala Bur Hotels Association v. Statc of Kernla. AlR 2016 SC 163 at p. 181; Census Commisioner v.
(2015) 2 SCC 796 referred
R. Krishnumurthy.