Losing My Religion 4 PDF Free
Losing My Religion 4 PDF Free
Losing My Religion 4 PDF Free
A book review:
by Jeffrey Lang
On another, an extreme, virulent and irrational interpretation of the faith has assumed,
with a good deal of outside support, center stage on the world scene. On another, most
mosques in this country impose in the name of Islam, traditions and beliefs of
questionable necessity that obfuscate the fundamental message of God's last revelation
to humanity and that are driving individuals from the faith in droves, and that serve to
confirm for too many youth of Muslim parentage and American converts the overriding
negative impression of Islam that society seems to hold at large. Instead of seeing a path
to spiritual growth, enlightenment and fulfillment many of these disengaged Muslims
start to see a stagnant, retrogressive, patriarchal remnant of a lagging culture, mired in
meaningless controversies and hollow, lifeless formalism.
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Through your American upbringing, you have come to fully know and understand the
surrounding society, and through your love and commitment to God and your religion,
in a milieu that constantly tests it, you have by nature and necessity become the crucial
bridge between your faith and its future in this country. You are in the best position to
rationally respond to Islam's detractors and to communicate and demonstrate to your
fellow countrymen and women what it really means to be a Muslim. You think their
think, talk their talk, and appreciate their confusions and concerns. You are also in the
best position to reassess the vast tradition that has come down to us in the name of Islam.
It is precisely because you have not been reared in a traditional Muslim culture and
because you have been taught since your first day in school to search, question, critique,
and analyze that you are the prime candidates to endeavor to separate religion from
culture, to distinguish the essential to Islam from time and place bound interpretations.
It is you who are best able to understand and communicate to the disaffected Muslim
youth. This is your jihad (struggle), a jihad for minds and hearts, a jihad of intellect and
So I encourage you to arm yourselves, my younger brothers and sisters, with books, and
pens and personal computers, and all the other instruments of learning. And arm
yourselves with knowledge of your religious tradition and the works and thoughts of its
great minds of the past. But also arm yourselves with modern techniques of critical,
analytical, investigative research, so that you can better study and critique past
contributions in the Islamic sciences. Learn all you can in your coursework, and
especially in such fields as religious studies, history, anthropology, and linguistics. Arm
yourselves also, if you have the inclination and aptitude, with advanced degrees in these
areas of research so critical to the project of reappraising our community's traditions.
And arm yourselves with humility, because it is vital to objectivity, and with courage
and perseverance, brothers and sisters, because you will be opposed from without and
within the Muslim community.
And remember to always pursue the truth, for God is the Truth, and always pray for and
trust in His guidance. And so arm yourselves also with steadfast devotion to your Lord,
never forgetting that to Him, and Him only, you have surrendered-not to a tradition, or
a school of thought, or a local community or culture, or scholarly legacy-and that your
living, striving, sacrifice and dying, all is for Allah.
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The article was excerpted from Dr. Jeffrey Lang's book entitled Losing My Religion, an
in depth analysis of the current acculturation of the Muslim American identity.
This book review will be discussed under several headings; the content of the book, the
author’s experience, issue of islamophobia and finally the message to the readers.
The book
There are three parts in the inspiring book. In the introduction, he recaps some of his
conversations he had with his daughter about her questioning what would he do if she
is no longer a Muslim? He was stunned by this question as he mentioned that he
travelled around the country on giving public lectures on Islam and he couldn’t imagine
if it truly happens to himself. The issue of being a Muslim in America is worsening after
the September 11th attack. More islamophobia issues were brought forward and that
children were afraid to go to school. The peers and sometime the teachers too harassed
the Muslim children making them think that being a Muslim is difficult. This is what
the prejudiced Americans do to the other small ethnicity when they encounter them in
the neighbourhood. This somehow have a greater impact on the children, where their
friends made fun of them, throwing harsh words in front of others and they have a loud
laugh at them.
Another bigger problem are the culture and tradition that some of the Muslim
community are practicing that seem not to fit the American born Muslims. He
commented that the women are separated in the functions and feast held in the Mosque
or Islamic centres. They even denied to hold any post in the committee even if they are
a member of the community.
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Author’s experience
What’s next?
The most important message after I have finished the book is that all Muslims should
understand the importance of being knowledgeable according to Islam. As the world is
getting more advanced in technology, more people can be reached easily via a smart
phone. Only people with the true understanding of using the knowledge on technology
can use them wisely. But the fact that the opponent of
On another, an extreme, virulent and irrational interpretation of the faith has assumed,
with a good deal of outside support, center stage on the world scene. On another, most
mosques in this country impose in the name of Islam, traditions and beliefs of
questionable necessity that obfuscate the fundamental message of God's last revelation
to humanity and that are driving individuals from the faith in droves, and that serve to
confirm for too many youth of Muslim parentage and American converts the overriding
negative impression of Islam that society seems to hold at large. Instead of seeing a path
to spiritual growth, enlightenment and fulfillment many of these disengaged Muslims
EDU6003 : Section 2 Siti Sarah binti Sukor G1622938
So I encourage you to arm yourselves, my younger brothers and sisters, with books, and
pens and personal computers, and all the other instruments of learning. And arm
yourselves with knowledge of your religious tradition and the works and thoughts of its
great minds of the past. But also arm yourselves with modern techniques of critical,
analytical, investigative research, so that you can better study and critique past
contributions in the Islamic sciences. Learn all you can in your coursework, and
especially in such fields as religious studies, history, anthropology, and linguistics. Arm
yourselves also, if you have the inclination and aptitude, with advanced degrees in these
areas of research so critical to the project of reappraising our community's traditions.
And arm yourselves with humility, because it is vital to objectivity, and with courage
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and perseverance, brothers and sisters, because you will be opposed from without and
within the Muslim community.
And remember to always pursue the truth, for God is the Truth, and always pray for and
trust in His guidance. And so arm yourselves also with steadfast devotion to your Lord,
never forgetting that to Him, and Him only, you have surrendered-not to a tradition, or
a school of thought, or a local community or culture, or scholarly legacy-and that your
living, striving, sacrifice and dying, all is for Allah.
The article was excerpted from Dr. Jeffrey Lang's book entitled Losing My Religion, an
in depth analysis of the current acculturation of the Muslim American identity.
Crucial to the vitality of any religious community is its ability to attract and engage
descendants and converts. By this measure, notwithstanding the proliferation of
mosques and Islamic organizations, the Muslim community in America is not doing at
all well." This rather sober assessment motivates Dr. Lang to address, in this book, the
alienation from the Mosque of the great majority of America's homegrown Muslims.
In Losing My Religion: A Call For Help, the author comes to terms with many of the
queries put to him by Americans of Muslim parentage and converts to Islam since the
publication of his book Even Angels Ask in 1997. Lang asserts that to effectively
respond to the general malaise of American-born Muslims, the Islamic establishment in
America needs to be willing to listen to the doubts and complaints of the disaffected.
This entails engaging in open discussions on issues with which many in the Muslim
community will be uncomfortable, but Lang avers that such open dialogue will be of
more benefit to young American Muslims struggling with their faiths than the covert
and uniformed discussions that often take place or no discussion at all. For this reason,
Lang feels it is important and beneficial "to be candid and objective and not evade
controversy, for to inadequately state the case for or against a specific position,
especially when it challenges convention, only serves to fur! ther alienate the sceptical."
In addition to examining questions of theodicy, hadith authenticity, and moot practices
within the American Muslim community, the author includes many testimonials and
inquiries that make this book informative.
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