MitCatalog N CMM
MitCatalog N CMM
MitCatalog N CMM
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
• Has achieved an accuracy guaranteed • Adopts the horizontal-arm structure and installs the
temperature range of 10 to 40 °C thanks to the CMM controller and PC under the measuring table
combination of technologies such as a symmetric to save installation space. This has reduced the
guide structure, uniform material and footprint to about 70% compared with that of the
temperature compensation. conventional moving bridge model.
• Has achieved a contamination resistance more
than 2 times better than Mitutoyo's conventional
machine by adopting a newly developed absolute
scale* that is highly resistant to the challenging
production-line environment.
Equipped with the PH10MQ probe head
* Absolute scale that provides an absolute XYZ-values
relative to an internal reference point for each coordinate
captured. This eliminates the need for an initialization
MiSTAR 555
Model MiSTAR 555
X axis 570 mm
Measuring range Y axis 500 mm
Z axis 500 mm
Maximum permissible length measurement error*1*2
(2.2+3L /1000) μm
ISO 10360-2: 2009
Drive speed 5 - 350 mm/s (max. combined speed 606 mm/s) in CNC MODE
Drive acceleration 1556 mm/s2 (max. combined acceleration 2695 mm/s2)
Max. height 660 mm
Max. loading 120 kg
N Accuracy guaranteed temperature 10 °C - 40 °C
Catalog No. E16024(2)
N-3 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Products equipped with the measurement
data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
CRYSTA-Apex V 9106
Model CRYSTA-Apex V 544 CRYSTA-Apex V 574 CRYSTA-Apex V 776 CRYSTA-Apex V 7106
X axis 500 mm 700 mm
Measuring Y axis 400 mm 700 mm 700 mm 1000 mm N
Z axis 400 mm 600 mm
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-4
Coordinate Measuring Machines Products equipped with the measurement
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
CRYSTA-Apex S122010
CRYSTA-Apex S163012
Items 121210 122010 123010
X axis 1200 mm
Measuring Y axis 1200 mm 2000 mm 3000 mm
Z axis 1000 mm
CRYSTA-Apex S 203016 CRYSTA-Apex S 204016
N Items
X axis 2000 mm
Measuring Y axis 3000 mm 4000 mm
Z axis 1600 mm
Note: W
hile the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this
material is known can always be relied upon.
N-5 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Products equipped with the measurement
data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
Sweep scan
CRYSTA-Apex EX 123010R
Model CRYSTA-Apex EX 121210R CRYSTA-Apex EX 122010R CRYSTA-Apex EX 123010R
X axis 1200 mm
Measuring Y axis 1200 mm 2000 mm 3000 mm
Z axis 960 mm
Note: W
hile the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this
material is known can always be relied upon.
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-6
Coordinate Measuring Machines Products equipped with the measurement
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
STRATO-Apex 574
STRATO-Apex 776
STRATO-Apex 9106
STRATO-Apex 163016
Model STRATO-Apex 574 STRATO-Apex 776 STRATO-Apex 7106
X axis 500 mm 700 mm
Measuring Y axis 700 mm 700 mm 1000 mm
Z axis 400 mm 600 mm
Items 9106 9166 162012 162016 163012 163016
X axis 900 mm 1600 mm
Measuring Y axis 1000 mm 1600 mm 2000 mm 3000 mm
Z axis 600 mm 1200 mm 1600 mm 1200 mm 1600 mm
Note: W
hile the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this
material is known can always be relied upon.
STRATO-Apex Series Accuracy Unit: μm
N-7 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Products equipped with the measurement
data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
Items 203015G 204015G 205015G 305015G
X axis 2000 mm 2000 mm 2000 mm 3000 mm
Measuring Y axis 3000 mm 4000 mm 5000 mm 5000 mm
Z axis 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm 1500 mm
Note: While the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this
material is known can always be relied upon.
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-8
Coordinate Measuring Machines Products equipped with the measurement
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
LEGEX 9106
Model LEGEX 574 LEGEX 774 LEGEX 776 LEGEX 9106
X axis 500 mm 700 mm 700 mm 900 mm
Measuring Y axis 700 mm 700 mm 700 mm 1000 mm
Z axis 450 mm 450 mm 600 mm 600 mm
Note: Choose either a cast iron or a ceramic coated measuring table.
Main unit accuracy Unit: μm
Length measurement error*1
Probe used ISO 10360-2: 2009
MPP-310Q E0, MPE =0.28+L/1000*2
*1 Specifications vary by configuration, size, and thermal environment. Refer to the LEGEX Series Brochure
*2 L = Measuring length (unit: mm) (No. E16012) for more details.
N-9 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Products equipped with the measurement
data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-10
Coordinate Measuring Machines Products equipped with the measurement
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
N-11 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Products equipped with the measurement
data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
Refer to the Crysta-Plus M Series
Brochure (No. E16013) for more details.
Crysta-Plus M7106
Model Crysta-Plus M443 Crysta-Plus M544 Crysta-Plus M574 Crysta-Plus M776 Crysta-Plus M7106
X axis 400 mm 500 mm 700 mm
Measuring range Y axis 400 mm 400 mm 700 mm 700 mm 1000 mm
Z axis 300 mm 400 mm 600 mm
E0, MPE 3.0+4L/1000 µm 3.5+4L/1000 µm 4.5+4.5L/1000 µm
Accuracy *1*2
P FTU, MPE 4.0 µm 4.0 µm 5.0 µm
*1 According to ISO 10360-2 methods. L = Measuring length (unit: mm)
*2 When using the touch-trigger probe MH20i/ MH20 / TP20 and stylus (L 10 mm)
Note: W
hile the appearance of the natural stone measuring table varies according to the source, the high stability for which this
material is known can always be relied upon.
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-12
Coordinate Measuring Machines Products equipped with the measurement
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions data output function can be connected to the
measurement data network system MeasurLink
(refer to page A-5 for details).
N-13 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Software for Manual/CNC Coordinate Measuring Machines
• It is unnecessary to learn any special code MCOSMOS software modules • MCOSMOS is the data processing
since measurement can be performed by GEOPAK CAT1000P CAT1000S SCANPAK program family for the CMM that runs on
selecting the icons or the pull-down menu MCOSMOS-1 3 Windows.
to select functions in the same manner as MCOSMOS-2 3 3 3
for Windows OS operation. MCOSMOS-3 3 3 3 3
CAT1000S [Curved surface evaluation program] GEOPAK [General purpose measurement program] CAT1000P [On-/Off-line teaching program]
This software is used for free-form surface evaluation and This is the basic software for dimension measurement. The enhanced This software is used for on-/ off-line teaching. The interference
online/offline teaching. It is possible to display measurement graphic functionality allows real time drawing of the measurement check function is also added so that programming error when
results on CAD data in various ways. result, and the best-fit function, previously optional, and even the off-line can be prevented. In addition to SAT and STEP (standard
geometrical deviation drawing function are now provided as standard. functions) as CAD data that can be imported, CATIA V4 / V5,
PARASOLID, Creo, etc. are supported (optional).
[Result drawing]
GEARPAK-Worm [Gear evaluation program] MAFIS Express [Blade measurement/Evaluation program]
This is a program for evaluation of tooth form based on worm This software program enables creation of measurement programs
measurement data obtained from CNC CMMs. and measurement and analysis of blades and blisks. A part program
for measurement can be automatically created just by selecting
GEARPAK-Bevel/Hypoid required contents and evaluation conditions. The measurement
[Gear production support/evaluation program] results will be displayed in a report including 2D graphics.
This is a program for evaluation of tooth form, pitch error, etc.,
based on measurement data from bevel or hypoid gears obtained N
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-14
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions
Case study
Compare the measurement part-programming time for a test piece.
1: Programming in 2D drawing: 45-60 minutes
2 : Programming using 2D drawing + 3D CAD: 15-20 minutes
3 : Create with MiCAT Planner (using 3D CAD model + PMI): approx. 3 minutes!
Note: The measurement rules are defined in advance.
N Part-programming time
Reduced by up to 95% !!
Guarantee a
dramatically reduced
development phase
and at the same time improve
product quality.
N-15 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Non-contact type laser probe
• Three lasers used with the cross type line
laser enable batch scanning. Complicated
form can be measured efficiently (in the case • Ultra-high speed data collection • Powder-less measurement
of SurfaceMeasure 606T). SurfaceMeasure is a laser probe that Automatic configuration of the camera
Less changing of the probe orientation collects coordinate values of the surface of the sensitivity and the laser intensity settings
contributes to the improvement of workpiece by moving and irradiating laser light according to the environment and materials
measurement efficiency over the workpiece. enable establishing a simple and comfortable
* When using SurfaceMeasure 606/610/1010 laser-scanning environment since measurement
is now powder and spray free.
• Advantages of non-contact type
Non-contact measurement enables • Evaluation cases
measurement of materials that can be easily- The collected point cloud data can be used by
deformed by contact measurement, including various optional software in a wide range of
Without change of Laser selection is resin or thin, elastic parts. applications, such as editing, plane creation,
orientation available
comparison using CAD data and more.
Scanning from three directions enables
simultaneous measurement of the top
surface and inner surface
The laser light is
emitted from three
oblique directions.
• The flying spot type is capable of scanning Measurement of color Measurement of glossy parts
difficult parts, such as this impeller, precisely sample plate
and achieves highest scanning accuracy in the
class (in the case of SurfaceMeasure 201FS).
SurfaceMeasure Surface Surface Surface Surface Surface
403 *1 Measure 606 Measure 610 Measure 1010 Measure 606T Measure 201FS
Laser irradiation method Line Laser (single) Line Laser (cross) Flying spot
Max. scan width 40 mm 60 mm 60 mm Max. 100 mm 3×65 mm Max. 23 mm
Max. scan depth 30 mm 60 mm 100 mm 100 mm 65 mm 15 mm
Working distance 66 mm 123 mm 165 mm 165 mm 203.5 mm 57.5 mm
Scanning error *2 8 µm 12 µm 15 µm 18 µm 17 µm 1.8 µm
Max. Acquisition rate 60,000 points / sec 75,000 points / sec 3×25,500 points / sec 25,000 points / sec
Mass 430 g 430 g 400 g 400 g 480 g 500 g
EN /IEC Class2 [ EN/IEC 60825-1 (2014) ]
Laser Class JIS Class2 [ JIS C 6802: 2014 ]
Laser Type Red-light semiconductor Semiconductor
Wave length 660 nm 670 nm
Line Laser
Power output 4 mW 1 mW
Wavelength — 635 nm —
Point Laser
Power output — 1 mW —
*1 Made-to-order models
*2 According to Mitutoyo’s acceptance procedure. (1σ/ sphere measurement, probe alone)
Unit: μm N
403 606 610 1010 606T 201FS
General-purpose General-purpose Deep workpiece Large workpiece Deep workpiece/sheet Highly sensitive and general-
measurement measurement measurement measurement metal measurement purpose measurement
60 100 60
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-16
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions
Calculates point cloud data measured by CNC Conducts analysis or comparison verification of
CMM with SurfaceMeasure. It generates measured point cloud data in reference to nominal
scanning paths by defining the scanning start data (supporting CAD data import).
position, length, and width.
N-17 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.
Scanning probes
SP25M MPP-310Q SP80
Compact high accuracy type Ultra-high accuracy and low High accuracy scanning probe
scanning probe measuring force scanning probe (supports long styli)
This compact, multifunctional and highly This ultra-high precision scanning probe A highly accurate stylus up to 500 mm in
accurate scanning probe is only 25 mm incorporates built-in XYZ scales for highest- length (both horizontally and vertically) can
in diameter, which enables it to access accuracy performance. The compact size of be installed on this probe. This ultra-high
shrouded workpiece features. Data this probe is ideal for low measuring force and precision scanning probe allows data collection
collection is by scanning measurement, high speed scanning. Data collection can be by scanning measurement, ultra-high precision
ultra-high precision point measurement performed by scanning measurement, ultra- point measurement and center alignment point
and center alignment point measurement. high precision point measurement and center measurement.
The probe can be attached to a probe alignment measurement.
head (PH10M / 10MQ) to automatically
change the orientation allowing for MPP-10 REVO-2
maximum flexibility in measurement.
Probe for effective thread-depth High speed 5-axis scanning head
measurement This high-speed scanning head delivers high
This is the only probe in the world that is accuracy measurement while delivering high-
dedicated to measure effective screw-thread throughput. Contact measurement with a stylus
depth on a CNC CMM. The probe can also that can be up to 500 mm in length increases
attach to a probe head (PH10M /10MQ) to flexibility and makes simultaneous 5-axis
change the orientation to measure bores in measuring with non-step indexing possible.
various directions.
Non-contact probes
Non-contact type laser probe
This compact, high accuracy, non-contact type laser
probe is designed for use with CNC CMMs. The scanning
probe automatically adjusts to workpiece surface
characteristics to deliver highly efficient measurements.
Automatic laser intensity and camera sensitivity adjust
according to the environment and the workpiece
material, for simpler and more comfortable laser
SurfaceMeasure606 SurfaceMeasure606T 201FS
QUICK VISION probe Centering microscope for CMMs
This CNC CMM Quick Vision Probe This centering microscope enables
utilizes Mitutoyo's technology in a measurement of small holes or elastic bodies
vision measuring machine for totally- that are very difficult to measure using a
automated video measurement. contact measurement method such as with a
touch-trigger probe. It also allows a CMM to
be used as a very large microscope.
Touch-trigger probes
TP7M TP200 TP20 N
High accuracy touch-trigger probe Compact high-accuracy touch-trigger probe Compact touch-trigger probe
This high-accuracy touch-trigger probe has a high This compact, high accuracy, touch-trigger probe is only 13.5 mm in This compact touch-trigger probe is only 13.5 mm in diameter, making it an
repeatability figure of of 2σ ≤ 0.25 µm. A long stylus, diameter, making it an ideal choice where high-accuracy measurement ideal choice for probing deep inside narrow or shrouded workpiece features.
up to 150 mm in length, can be installed. inside narrow or shrouded workpiece features is needed. Styli auto-changing (optional) is supported when mounted on a CNC CMM.
Styli auto-changing (optional) is supported.
Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice. N-18
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Precision measuring technology in three dimensions
MH20i MH20
Touch-trigger probe with manual Touch-trigger probe with manual
probe head probe head
This touch-trigger probe equipped with a This touch-trigger probe equipped with a
manual probe head is designed for use with manual probe head is designed for use with
manual CMMs. The probe head may be manual CMMs. The probe head can be
manually indexed to 168 positions. manually positioned to the desired orientation.
Micro touch-trigger probe 5-axis control touch-trigger system
A stylus with an ultra-small diameter of Thanks to unique "head touches", it is possible
0.1 mm or 0.3 mm can be used. to measure by movement of the probe head
Measurement of miniscule form is possible by itself instead of moving the CMM elements.
mounting on the PH10MQ. Also, measuring time can significantly be
shortened by means of 5-axis concurrent
control and stepless positioning angle.
Probe heads
Motorized probe head Manually indexable head
The probe allows automatic control of This probe head allows manual positioning (up
positioning (up to 720 directions) of the to 720 directions) of the mounted probe (for
mounted probe. It is possible to mount TP200 /TP20 /TP2-5W). A probe extension of
not only a touch-trigger probe but also any up to 300 mm in length can be attached.
scanning probe, vision probe, laser probe,
screw-thread depth probe, etc.
Auto-changing is available (optional).
Manual probe head Fixed probe head
This manual probe head is A fixed probe head with autojoint connector
designed for use with the for use with TP7M or SP25M.
TP200 /TP20 touch-trigger
The attached probe is
manually positioned in the
desired orientation to suit sMounting example of Refer to the Probes for Coordinate Measuring Machines
the measuring task. touch-trigger probe Brochure (No. E16005) for more details.
Clamping System
• A workpiece can be mounted on a CMMs • Economical starter kits "Eco-fix Kit S" and
measuring table using a variety of combinations "Eco-fix Kit L" are available as shown below.
of Eco-Fix clamping components.
A dedicated fixturing jig isn't necessary.
Eco-fix Kit S
A kit includes a 250 mm × 250 mm base plate and a variety of clamping components.
N Eco-fix Kit L
Usage example
A kit includes a 500 mm × 400 mm base plate and a variety of clamping components.
N-19 Mitutoyo reserves the right to change any or all aspects of any product specification, including prices, designs and service content, without notice.