Seca Service Manual
Seca Service Manual
Seca Service Manual
Service Manual
Service Manual
seca 748 1 Contents
1 Contents 17-05.01.243A
2 Operation
2.1 Operating instructions seca 746 17-10-07-3218
3 Function
3.1 Functional description 30-34-00-4658
3.2 Functional diagram 746 25-Ol-02-392A
5 Electronics
5.1 Principle circuit diagram 08-09-01-276
6 Appendix
Service Manual
seca 748 2.1 Operating instructionr
17-10-07-321 Index B
Service Manual
seca 748 3 Function
Service Manual
seca 717/727/728/737/748/757 3.1 Functional Description
Functional Description The S-digit display consists of individual LED%
combined into a plastic frame to form a 7-Segment
The forte is measured by a platform weighing cell display. The digit height is 13.2 mm.
which is designed as a double torsion spring with
strain gauges. The strain gauges arc interconnected Power supply
to form a full bridge. The weighing cell delivers a The power supply to the electrical components is
weight-proportional voltage which undergoes analog realized with a discrete switching controller. This is
/ digital conversion and is then further processed by characterised by high efficiency and a wide input
a microcontroller. voltage range. lt tan therefore be supplied from a
rechargeable battery a banery or a power supply
The electronics is divided up into the following unit.
AD converter
- Power suppty
AD oonvortrr
The AD converter operates on the Dual-Slope
principle, i.e. the rising edge of an integrator is
determined by 8 reference resistance. while the
falling edge is determined by the differential voltage
at the strakt gauge measuring bridge. The AD
converter is of a discrete design and is controlled by
a microcontroller. The AD converter is temperature-
compensated and provides a resolution of 16 bit.
The core of the CPU section is an 6-bit
microcontroller. This fulfills the following tasks:
- Conversion into a digital value of the forte
introduced into the weighing cell.
- Calculation. automatic control and compensation
of the zero Point. If the measured value falls
below the current zero Point, ‘-----* appears in
the display.
Conversion of the digital measured value into a
5digit decimal display.
Control of the display in the multiplex
Self-test of the program memory and data
memory and also of the ALU,
Checking the maximum weighing range. ‘Stop’
appears in the display if the load is greater than
Supply voltage and rechargeable battery
monrtoring; ‘bAn’ appears in the display if the
supply voltage has reached a lower threshold.
Operation of a serral interface (not available
to the User).
Funktionsschema 25-01-02-392
Service Manual
seca 748 4.1 Service Instructions
The electronie incubator sc& seca 740 is a medical measurement and monitoring unit, with the aid of which it is
possibla to monitor the vital life functions of new-born babies. This places a special responsibility on the Service
technician who is entrusted with repairing or maintaining the sc&. All werk carried out on and in the sc& should
therefore only be performed by sufficiently trained. specialist personnel. The fixtures and units (load table, forte
introduction. weights etc.) necessary for Service work must be designed in accordance with the unit’s requirements.
The seca customer service should always be consulted in cases of doubt in order to provide full clarification of any
Depending on the workshop’s technical equipment. the scale electronics tan be repaired with tha aid of the enclosed
Plans and descriptions. However. it is essential to observe the following points:
. All manipulations in the analog part of the Signal processing of the electronics (see shaded area. adjustmant
instructions) merke adfustment of the scale necessary. Gradient and cornerstona calibration should be
performed in all casas (see adjustment instructions).
. The entire temperature coefficient of the sc& (elactronics + sensor) is compensated for at the factory for
the range +lo’C to +4O’C. Spezial care must therefore be taken when electronie components are replaced.
C) Only the stated types may be used as FET switches (low ON resistance).
. The design of this sc& has been confirmed as conforming to the guidelines and legal regulations. Repairs
should therefore only be made with original spare Parts. Installation, assembly and calibration must not result
in a Change to the ur?t’s design. lf in doubt. please contact seca customer service who will then help you
Refer to list 30-34-00-561 for the permissible Check pin 9 of IC 520 with an oscilloscope. If it is
rechargeable battery current. not possible to maasure a brief positive pulse when
the Start key is pressed, replace transistor 128.
Check the rechargeable battery current Otherwise, replace microprocessor IC 520.
Remove the rechargeable battery and connect a Check the oscillator of the microprocessor:
current measuring unit to the connections for the A frequency of 12 MHz must be measured at pins
rechargeable battery 18 and 19 of the microprocessor IC 520.
If the charging current is not in the defined range. If this is not the case. replace the quartz
check the polarity of diode 106 and correct it if
necessary (anode to input voltage. LED lights up If the scale still does not function. replace the
when rechargeable battery current flows). microprocessor.
3. Foult doocrlptlon: Scol. dlsplayo Check the output of the microprocessor, IC 520, or
‘bAtt’ l ftor thr Stut the input of IC 419:
‘bAtt’ is initiated at an input voltage of below approx. Using an oscilloscope, rneasure at the relevant pin
6 v. for controlling the Segment.
an offset of approx. + 4 V must be measured. If the output does not switch, replace the
A square-wave Signal with an amplitude of approx. 5
V must be measured at the collector of the 6. Fault domcrlptlon: Melno oporotlon
associated transistor. rocognltlon functlon dooo not werk
If this is not the case. replace the transistor. The unloaded scale should switch off after 10
minutes in the case of Operation with a plug-in
5. Feult doocrlptlom Sogmont teulty power supply unit.
Check control of the segments with an oscilloscope. The following applies to Operation with a
rechargeable battery:
Check the output of IC 419: seca 717. 727, 726. 737, 757: 1 Minute
Using an oscilloscope, measure at the relevant pin seca 748: 2 Minutes
for controlling the Segment.
Checktransistor 109:
In the case of mains operation, there must be a
UN voltage of approx. 0.2V at the collector.
i 4 6 8 10 12
I 14 tlms
If the output does not swtch. replace IC 419
Checktransistor 324:
approx. 0.2 V must be present at the collector of
transistor 324 UN
load the scale with 5 kg and restart
’ UP ’ flashes
- relieve the load on the scale by at least 1 kg
- 5 V must be present at the collector of transistor
324 for approx. 1 sec.
- if this is not the case. replace transistor 324
Checktransistor 325:
- there must be approx. 12 V (or 9 V in the case of 2
rechargeable battery operation) st the collector of
transistor 325
- load the scale with 5 kg and restart
’ UP ’ flashes
- relieve the load on the scale by at least 1 kg
0.2 V must be present at the collector of transistot
325 for approx. 1 sec.
if this is not the case, replace transistor 325
l 4
1.2Press the 4 cover taps (1) out of the housing (2) 3.1 Turn the scale and undo the 5 screws (4) on the
and undo the screws (3) Remove the housing (2). cover plate (5). Remove the cover plate (5).
Turn the scale back again.
1.3Undo the 3 fastening screws (6) and rernove the
rear panel (7). 3.2 Undo the two fastening screws (11) with the nuts
(12) on the housing carrier (13) and the base plate
1.4Undo the 4 fastening screws (6) in the display (14). Remove the housing carrier (13) and the
housing (9) in Order to rernove the display board connecting cable (15).
4. Seal. assombly.
2 Fault soaroh and roplacrmrnt of
rlrctronlo oomponwnts 4.1 Fit the new calibrated electronics (16) with housing
carrier anr connecting cable (15) in reverse order to
‘LIDepending on the fault type. perform the fault that described in points 3.3-3.2.
search in accordance with the fault description The housing carrier and the base plate must be
30-4c-0&437. parallel to each other.
Lateral Error
Start the unloaded scale. ’ 0.0 0 f? appears in the display. Next. load the Center of the scale and all
four corners with 3 kg in turn. The displayed value must not differ by more than 5 g.
Load the scale with the preload and a load of 0.5 kg and Start it. ‘-IJ P-’ appears in the display.
Relieve 0.5 kg of load from the scale. ’ 0.0 0 0’ appears in the display shortly afterwards.
Load the scale with 9.99 kg and set the gradient with Potentiometer SO4until
F = 9.99 kg, display = 9.990 kg.
Relieve the scale and restart with a preload and 0.5 kg. ‘-UP-’ appears in the display.
Relieve the scale of 0.5 kg load. ’ 0 0 0 0’ appears in the display shortly afterwards.
Load the scale with 9.99 kg and check the gradient.
F = 9.99 kg, display = 9.990 kg.
Repeat this procedure until the gradient check is successful.
Load with a preload and 0.5 kg and Start it. ‘- u P-’ appears in the display.
Relieve 0.5 kg of load from the scale. ’ 0 0 0 0' appears in the display shortly aftetiards.
Load the scale in the following Steps and check the following tolerantes:
Load the scale with the preload and the load of 0.5 kg and Start it. ‘-u P-’ appears in the display.
Relieve 0.5 kg of load from the scale. * 0.0 0 0’ appears in the display shortly afterwards.
Load the scale with 9.99 kg and check the gradient.
F = 9.99 kg, display = 9.990 kg.
If the gradient is not correct, it must be Set again.
Press Hold and relieve the scale. The displayed value must remain and the Hold LED must flash.
Press Hold again: The scale must now display O.ooO kg again.
03 02-12-04-246 Housing 41
22 61-70-67-511 IC microcontroller 32
Service Manual
seca 748 5 Electronics
Service Manual
seca 748 5.1 Principle circuit diagram
seca 748 Manual calibration instructions
l Remove the positive supply voltage (still under 6V) from the cathode of diode 102 and
connect to the anode of diode 110 (+RECHARGEABLE BATTERY).
- “bAtt” must now appear again afier the scale is started. If necessary, the supply voltage
must still be regulated down slightly. The scale switches itself off afler 2 seconds, otherwise
the power supply recognition function is faulty.
l Reconnect the positive supply voltage to the cathode of diode 102 and increase to 12V.
l Connect the ammeter to the anode of 110 (+RECHARGEABLE BATTERY ) and the
ground to the anode of 102 and Start the module.
l After starting, check whether all Segments and the Hold LED light up during the Segment
- The indicator lamp diode for the rechargeable battev charging must light up
l Set the module to continuous Operation with bridge 618. Put assembled boards with
weighing cells into the bum-in chamber, switch on and nm for at least 36 hours in lO-
second cycles.
l The intemal resolution is displayed with 5 digits. Therefore, plug in the 7-Segment display at
Position 30 1.
l DO not set any program bridge (intemal resolution with zero Point display).
l Insert a zero Point decade for resistor 509 and gradient decade for resistor 5 14. The
decades should be set to values obtained in the previous calibrations J.
l A weight value or “EEEE” (zero Point outside the limits) appears in the display.
l Actuate the zero Point decade until the display Shows a value of between 3000 and 6000
l If “EEEE” is still in the display, the Zero Point decade for the resistor 508 must be inserted
and then adjusted.
Gradient calibration6
5 Ifno values arc known, the zwo point decadeshould be setto lh4.Q and the gradient decadeto 5Okn
6 Calibration tan be in both countsand kg. Refer to the lefi column for calibration in count.sand to the tight
column for calibration in kg.
l Relieve the load from the scale apart from the preload of 850 kg
l Correct the zero Point with the zero Point decade until:
l If it is not possible to adjust the value with the gradient decade at 509, the zero Point decade
must be connected at 508 and the calibration must be repeated as from the zero Point
l Solder in values of the two decades as metal-film resistors (TK _ 50 ppm) from series E96
(next due).
Important: In the case of values greater than 9.995 kg, “STOP” appears in the display.
. Remove the program bridge 609. (Intemal resolution with zero Point display).
Gradient drift:
. If the module is outside the permissible error, the drift must be compensated for. Then
repeat the temperature test.
HAMBURG 717/727/728/737/748/757
cf-bleiben Vogel P Halke
Nr.: 08-03-01-006
component mounting diagram
HAMBURG analog-digital-converter
- l I