CIS Check Point Firewall Benchmark v1.1.0 PDF

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CIS Check Point Firewall Benchmark

v1.1.0 - 06-29-2020
Terms of Use
Please see the below link for our current terms of use:

Table of Contents

Terms of Use ........................................................................................................................................................... 1

Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Consensus Guidance........................................................................................................................................ 6
Typographical Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 7
Assessment Status............................................................................................................................................ 7
Profile Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................. 10
1 Password Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Ensure Minimum Password Length is set to 14 or higher (Automated) ........... 11
1.2 Ensure Disallow Palindromes is selected (Automated) ........................................... 13
1.3 Ensure Password Complexity is set to 3 (Automated).............................................. 15
1.4 Ensure Check for Password Reuse is selected and History Length is set to 12
or more (Automated) .................................................................................................................... 17
1.5 Ensure Password Expiration is set to 90 days (Automated) .................................. 19
1.6 Ensure Warn users before password expiration is set to 7 days (Automated)
................................................................................................................................................................ 21
1.7 Ensure Lockout users after password expiration is set to 1 (Automated) ....... 23
1.8 Ensure Deny access to unused accounts is selected (Automated) ....................... 25
1.9 Ensure Days of non-use before lock-out is set to 30 (Automated) ...................... 27
1.10 Ensure Force users to change password at first login after password was
changed from Users page is selected (Automated) ........................................................... 29
1.11 Ensure Deny access after failed login attempts is slected (Automated) ......... 31
1.12 Ensure Maximum number of failed attempts allowed is set to 5 or fewer
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 33
1.13 Ensure Allow access again after time is set to 300 or more seconds
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 35
2 Device Setup ................................................................................................................................................ 37
2.1 General Settings ................................................................................................................................. 38

2.1.1 Ensure 'Login Banner' is set (Automated) ................................................................. 38
2.1.2 Ensure 'Message Of The Day (MOTD)' is set (Automated) .................................. 40
2.1.3 Ensure Core Dump is enabled (Automated) .............................................................. 42
2.1.4 Ensure Config-state is saved (Automated) ................................................................. 44
2.1.5 Ensure unused interfaces are disabled (Automated) ............................................ 45
2.1.6 Ensure DNS server is configured (Automated) ........................................................ 47
2.1.7 Ensure IPv6 is disabled if not used (Automated) .................................................... 49
2.1.8 Ensure Host Name is set (Automated)......................................................................... 50
2.1.9 Ensure Telnet is disabled (Automated) ....................................................................... 51
2.1.10 Ensure DHCP is disabled (Automated) ..................................................................... 53
2.2 SNMP ...................................................................................................................................................... 55
2.2.1 Ensure SNMP agent is disabled (Automated) ........................................................... 55
2.2.2 Ensure SNMP version is set to v3-Only (Automated) ............................................ 57
2.2.3 Ensure SNMP traps is enabled (Automated) ............................................................. 59
2.2.4 Ensure SNMP traps receivers is set (Automated) ................................................... 61
2.3 NTP ......................................................................................................................................................... 63
2.3.1 Ensure NTP is enabled and IP address is set for Primary and Secondary NTP
server (Automated)........................................................................................................................ 63
2.3.2 Ensure timezone is properly configured (Automated) ......................................... 65
2.4 Backup ................................................................................................................................................... 67
2.4.1 Ensure 'System Backup' is set. (Automated) ............................................................. 67
2.4.2 Ensure 'Snapshot' is set (Automated) .......................................................................... 69
2.4.3 Configuring Scheduled Backups (Manual) ................................................................. 71
2.5 Authentication Settings................................................................................................................... 72
2.5.1 Ensure CLI session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10 minutes
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 72
2.5.2 Ensure Web session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10 minutes
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 74
2.5.3 Ensure Client Authentication is secured. (Automated) ......................................... 76
2.5.4 Ensure Radius or TACACS+ server is configured (Automated) ......................... 78

2.5.5 Ensure allowed-client is set to those necessary for device management
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 80
2.6 Logging .................................................................................................................................................. 82
2.6.1 Ensure mgmtauditlogs is set to on (Automated) ..................................................... 82
2.6.2 Ensure auditlog is set to permanent (Automated) ................................................. 84
2.6.3 Ensure cplogs is set to on (Automated) ...................................................................... 86
3 Firewall Secure Settings .......................................................................................................................... 87
3.1 Enable the Firewall Stealth Rule (Automated) ............................................................ 88
3.2 Configure a Default Drop/Cleanup Rule (Automated) .............................................. 89
3.3 Use Checkpoint Sections and Titles (Manual) .............................................................. 91
3.4 Ensure Hit count is Enable for the rules (Automated) .............................................. 92
3.5 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Destination filed present in the Firewall
Rules (Automated) ......................................................................................................................... 93
3.6 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Source filed present in the Firewall Rules
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 94
3.7 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Services filed present in the Firewall Rules
(Automated) ...................................................................................................................................... 95
3.8 Logging should be enable for all Firewall Rules (Manual) ...................................... 96
3.9 Review and Log Implied Rules (Automated) ................................................................ 97
3.10 Ensure Drop Out of State TCP Packets is enabled (Automated) ......................... 98
3.11 Ensure Drop Out of State ICMP Packets is enabled (Automated) ...................... 99
3.12 Ensure Anti-Spoofing is enabled and action is set to Prevent for all Interfaces
(Automated) .................................................................................................................................... 100
3.13 Ensure Disk Space Alert is set (Automated) ............................................................. 102
3.14 Ensure Accept RIP is not enabled (Automated) ...................................................... 103
3.15 Ensure Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer) is not enabled
(Automated) .................................................................................................................................... 105
3.16 Ensure Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries) is not enabled (Automated)
.............................................................................................................................................................. 107
3.17 Ensure Accept ICMP Requests is not enabled (Automated) ............................... 109
3.18 Ensure Allow bi-directional NAT is enabled (Automated) ................................. 110
3.19 Ensure Automatic ARP Configuration NAT is enabled (Automated) .............. 112

3.20 Ensure Logging is enabled for Track Options of Global Properties
(Automated) .................................................................................................................................... 113
Appendix: Summary Table ........................................................................................................................... 115
Appendix: Change History ............................................................................................................................ 118

This document, Security Configuration Benchmark for Checkpoint Firewall, provides
prescriptive guidance for establishing a secure configuration posture for Checkpoint
Firewall versions R75.x – 80.x installed on Gaia Platform. This guide was tested against
Checkpoint R80.10 installed on Gaia. To obtain the latest version of this guide, please visit If you have questions, comments, or have identified
ways to improve this guide, please write us at

Intended Audience
This document is intended for system and application administrators, security specialists,
auditors, help desk, and platform deployment personnel who plan to develop, deploy,
assess, or secure solutions that incorporate Check Point Firewall.

Consensus Guidance
This benchmark was created using a consensus review process comprised of subject
matter experts. Consensus participants provide perspective from a diverse set of
backgrounds including consulting, software development, audit and compliance, security
research, operations, government, and legal.

Each CIS benchmark undergoes two phases of consensus review. The first phase occurs
during initial benchmark development. During this phase, subject matter experts convene
to discuss, create, and test working drafts of the benchmark. This discussion occurs until
consensus has been reached on benchmark recommendations. The second phase begins
after the benchmark has been published. During this phase, all feedback provided by the
Internet community is reviewed by the consensus team for incorporation in the
benchmark. If you are interested in participating in the consensus process, please visit

Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout this guide:

Convention Meaning
Stylized Monospace font Used for blocks of code, command, and script examples.
Text should be interpreted exactly as presented.

Monospace font Used for inline code, commands, or examples. Text should
be interpreted exactly as presented.

<italic font in brackets> Italic texts set in angle brackets denote a variable
requiring substitution for a real value.

Italic font Used to denote the title of a book, article, or other


Note Additional information or caveats

Assessment Status
An assessment status is included for every recommendation. The assessment status
indicates whether the given recommendation can be automated or requires manual steps
to implement. Both statuses are equally important and are determined and supported as
defined below:


Represents recommendations for which assessment of a technical control can be fully

automated and validated to a pass/fail state. Recommendations will include the necessary
information to implement automation.


Represents recommendations for which assessment of a technical control cannot be fully

automated and requires all or some manual steps to validate that the configured state is set
as expected. The expected state can vary depending on the environment.

Profile Definitions
The following configuration profiles are defined by this Benchmark:

 Level 1

Items in this profile apply to Check Point Firewall and intend to:

o be practical and prudent;

o provide a clear security benefit; and
o not inhibit the utility of the technology beyond acceptable means.

 Level 2

This profile extends the “Level 1” profile. Items in this profile apply to Check Point
Firewall and exhibit one or more of the following characteristics:

o are intended for environments or use cases where security is paramount

o acts as defense in depth measure
o may negatively inhibit the utility or performance of the technology.

This benchmark exemplifies the great things a community of users, vendors, and subject matter
experts can accomplish through consensus collaboration. The CIS community thanks the entire
consensus team with special recognition to the following individuals who contributed greatly to
the creation of this guide:

Jayesh Rajan

Jayesh Rajan
Danny Kane
Darren Freidel
Tom Fowler CISSP, CRISC, Xcel Energy

1 Password Policy
Setting for the Password Policy section of User Management

10 | P a g e
1.1 Ensure Minimum Password Length is set to 14 or higher
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Defines the minimum length a password can be. The minimum number of characters of a
password that is to be allowed for users or SNMP users. Does not apply to passwords that
have already been set.


Password length has been found to be a primary factor in characterizing password

strength. Passwords that are too short yield to brute force attacks as well as to dictionary
attacks using words and commonly chosen passwords.


Run the following command to verify the Minimum Password Length.


Hostname>show password-controls min-password-length

Minimum Password Length 14


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy

Ensure Minimum Password Length is set to 14 or higher.


Run the following command to set the min-password-length setting.


Hostname>set password-controls min-password-length 14


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy

Ensure 'Minimum Password Length' is set to 14 or higher.

11 | P a g e
Default Value:

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.4 Use Unique Passwords

Where multi-factor authentication is not supported (such as local administrator, root, or
service accounts), accounts will use passwords that are unique to that system.

12 | P a g e
1.2 Ensure Disallow Palindromes is selected (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


A palindrome is a sequence of letters, numbers, or characters that can be read the same in
each direction. racecar, bob, and noon are some of the famous examples of Palindrome.


The Palindrome words are high on wordlists which are used before any brute-force attacks,
and it's simpler to crack using the password cracking tools.


Run the following command to verify the Disallow Palindrome setting.


Hostname> show password-controls palindrome-check

Password Palindrome Check on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy

Ensure Disallow Palindrome setting is checked.


Run the following command to set the palindrome-check setting.


Hostname>set password-controls palindrome-check on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy

Ensure 'Disallow Palindrome' is checked.

Default Value:


13 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.4 Use Unique Passwords

Where multi-factor authentication is not supported (such as local administrator, root, or
service accounts), accounts will use passwords that are unique to that system.

14 | P a g e
1.3 Ensure Password Complexity is set to 3 (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


This checks all new passwords to ensure that they meet basic requirements for strong
passwords. The required number of character types are: Upper case alphabetic (A-Z),
Lower case alphabetic (a-z), Digits (0-9), Other (everything else). A value of "1" effectively
disables this check. Changes to this setting do not affect existing passwords.


Password complexity recommendations are derived from the USGCB (United States
Government Configuration Baseline), Common Weakness Enumeration, and benchmarks
published by the CIS (Center for Internet Security). Password complexity adds entropy to a
password, in comparison to a simple password of the same length. A complex password is
more difficult to attack, either directly against administrative interfaces or
cryptographically, against captured password hashes. However, making a password of
greater length will generally have a greater impact in this regard, in comparison to making
a shorter password more complex.


Run the following command to verify the Password Complexity.


Hostname> show password-controls complexity

Password Complexity 3


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password Complexity:

Ensure '3 - Require three character types' checked.


Run the following command to set the password-controls complexity setting.


Hostname>set password-controls complexity 3

15 | P a g e

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password Complexity:

checked the '3 - Require three character types' setting.

Default Value:

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.4 Use Unique Passwords

Where multi-factor authentication is not supported (such as local administrator, root, or
service accounts), accounts will use passwords that are unique to that system.

16 | P a g e
1.4 Ensure Check for Password Reuse is selected and History Length is
set to 12 or more (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Check for reuse of passwords. When a user's password is changed, the new password is
checked against the recent passwords for the user. An identical password is not allowed.
The number of passwords kept in the record is set by History length. Does not apply to
SNMP passwords. Enables or disables password history checking and password history
recording, for all users.


The longer a user uses the same password, the greater the chance that an attacker can
determine the password through brute force attacks. Also, any accounts that may have
been compromised will remain exploitable for as long as the password is left unchanged. If
password changes are required but password reuse is not prevented, or if users continually
reuse a small number of passwords, the effectiveness of a good password policy is greatly
reduced. While current guidance emphasizes password length above frequent password
changes, not enforcing password re-use guidance adds the temptation of using a small pool
of passwords, which can make an attacker's job easier across an entire infrastructure.


Run the following command to verify the Check for Password Reuse and History Length

Hostname> show password-controls history-checking

Password History Checking on

Hostname> show password-controls history-length

Password History Length 12


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password History:

Ensure 'Check for Password Reuse' is checked.

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password History:

Ensure 'History Length' is set to 12 or more.

17 | P a g e

Run the following command to set tie history-checking setting.


Hostname>set password-controls history-checking on

Hostname>set password-controls history-length 12


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password History:

checked the 'Check for Password Reuse' setting.

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Password History:

Set 'History Length' is set to 12 or more.

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

4.4 Use Unique Passwords

Where multi-factor authentication is not supported (such as local administrator, root, or
service accounts), accounts will use passwords that are unique to that system.

18 | P a g e
1.5 Ensure Password Expiration is set to 90 days (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The number of days for which a password is valid. After that time, the password expires.
The count starts when the user changes their passwords. Users are required to change an
expired password the next time they log in. If set to never, passwords do not expire. Does
not apply to SNMP users.


The window of opportunity for an attacker to leverage compromised credentials or

successfully compromise credentials via an online brute force attack is limited by the age of
the password. Therefore, reducing the maximum age of a password also reduces an
attacker's window of opportunity.


Run the following command to verify the Password Expiration setting.


Hostname> show password-controls password-expiration

Password Expiration Lifetime 90


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes:
Password Expiration:
Ensure 'Password expires after' is checked and set to 90 or less.


Run the following command to set the history-length setting.


Hostname>set password-controls history-length 90


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes:
Password Expiration:
Set 'Password expires after' setting to 90 or less

19 | P a g e
Default Value:

Password never expire

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

20 | P a g e
1.6 Ensure Warn users before password expiration is set to 7 days
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The number of days before the password expires that the user starts getting warned they
will have to change it. A user that does not log in will not see the warning.


Providing an advance warning that a password will be expiring gives users time to think of
a secure password. Users caught unaware may choose a simple password or write it down
where it may be discovered.


Run the following command to verify the warn users before Password Expiration x days

Hostname> show password-controls expiration-warning-days

Password Expiration Warning Days 7


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes
Ensure 'Warn users before password expiration' is set to 7 days or less.


Run the following command to set the expiration-warning-days setting.


Hostname>set password-controls expiration-warning-days 7


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes
Set 'Warn users before password expiration' is set to 7 days or less.

21 | P a g e
Default Value:

7 days

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

22 | P a g e
1.7 Ensure Lockout users after password expiration is set to 1
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Lockout users after password expiration. After a user's password has expired, they have
this number of days to log in and change it. If they do change their password within that
number of days they will be unable to log in: They are locked out. A value of never allows
the user to wait as long as they want to change their password.


User accounts and their passwords are the front-line of defense against malicious users
gaining access to critical systems and data. Just as important as ensuring strong passwords
are used and changed regularly, unused accounts should be closely monitored and
disabled, whenever possible. Inactive accounts could become targets of brute force or
dictionary attacks to gain access to the network and critical data/devices attached to it.


Run the following command to verify the lockout users after x days setting.

Hostname> show password-controls expiration-lockout-days

Password Expiration Lockout Days 1


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes >
Lockout users after password expiration:
Ensure 'Lockout user after' is checked and set to 1 day.


Run the following command to set the expiration-lockout-days setting.


Hostname>set password-controls expiration-lockout-days 1

23 | P a g e

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Changes >
Lockout users after password expiration:
Checked 'Lockout user after' setting and set to 1 day.

Default Value:

Never lockout users after password expires

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

4.9 Log and Alert on Unsuccessful Administrative Account Login

Configure systems to issue a log entry and alert on unsuccessful logins to an
administrative account.

24 | P a g e
1.8 Ensure Deny access to unused accounts is selected (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Deny access to unused accounts. If there has been no successful login attempt in a set
period of time, the user is locked out and cannot log in.


User accounts that have been unused for over a given period of time can be automatically
disabled. Unused accounts pose a threat to system security since the users are not logging
in to notice failed login attempts or other anomalies


Run the following command to verify the Deny access to unused accounts setting.

Hostname> show password-controls deny-on-nonuse enable

Deny Access to Unused Accounts on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny access to unused
Ensure 'Deny access to unused accounts' is checked.


Run the following command to set the deny-on-nonuse setting.


Hostname>set password-controls deny-on-nonuse enable on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny access to unused
Checked the 'Deny access to unused accounts' setting.

Default Value:

Not Selected

25 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

26 | P a g e
1.9 Ensure Days of non-use before lock-out is set to 30 (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Days of non-use before lock-out. The number of days in which a user has not (successfully)
logged in before that user is locked out. This only takes effect if Deny access to unused
accounts is selected.


User accounts that have been unused for over a given period of time can be automatically
disabled. It is recommended that accounts that are unused for 30 days should be disabled.
Unused accounts pose a threat to system security since the users are not logging in to
notice failed login attempts or other anomalies.


Run the following command to verify the Days of non-use before lock-out setting.

Hostname> show password-controls deny-on-nonuse allowed-days

Days Nonuse Before Lockout 30


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny access to unused
Ensure 'Days of non-use before lock-out' is set to 30 or less.

Note: This setting only takes effect if 'Deny access to unused accounts' is enabled.


Run the following command to set the deny-on-nonuse allowed-days setting.


Hostname>set password-controls deny-on-nonuse allowed-days 30

27 | P a g e

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny access to unused
Set 'Days of non-use before lock-out' to 30 or less.

Note: This setting only takes effect if 'Deny access to unused accounts' is enabled.

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

28 | P a g e
1.10 Ensure Force users to change password at first login after
password was changed from Users page is selected (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Force users to change password at first login after their password was changed using the
command set user password or from the WebUI User Management > Users page.


This forces the user to change the password and not to use the password set by the


Run the following command to verify the Force users to change password at first login after
password was changed from Users page setting.

Hostname>show password-controls force-change-when

Force Password Change When Password


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Change:
Ensure 'Force users to change password at first login after password was
changed from Users page' is checked.


Run the following command to set force-change-when setting.


Hostname>set password-controls force-change-when password


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Mandatory Password Change:
Checked the 'Force users to change password at first login after password was
changed from Users page' setting.

29 | P a g e
Default Value:

Not Selected

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

30 | P a g e
1.11 Ensure Deny access after failed login attempts is selected
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


If the configured limit is reached, the user is locked out (unable to log in) for a configurable
period of time.


Locking out user IDs after n unsuccessful consecutive login attempts mitigate brute force
password attacks against your systems.


Run the following command to verify the Deny access after failed login attempts setting.

Hostname> show password-controls deny-on-fail enable

Deny Access After Failed Attempts on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
Ensure 'Deny access after failed login attempts' is checked.


Run the following command to set the deny-on-fail setting.


Hostname>set password-controls deny-on-fail enable on


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
Checked the 'Deny access after failed login attempts' setting.

31 | P a g e
Default Value:

Not selected

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

4.9 Log and Alert on Unsuccessful Administrative Account Login

Configure systems to issue a log entry and alert on unsuccessful logins to an
administrative account.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

32 | P a g e
1.12 Ensure Maximum number of failed attempts allowed is set to 5 or
fewer (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


This only takes effect if Deny access after failed attempts is enabled. The number of failed
login attempts that a user is allowed before being locked out. After making that many
successive failed attempts, future attempts will fail. When one login attempt succeeds,
counting of failed attempts stops, and the count is reset to zero.


Repeated failed login attempts could either be a valid user who has forgotten the password,
or a malicious attempt to gain access to the system. For this reason, this setting should be
as restrictive as possible to mitigate brute force attack attempts to discover a user's


Run the following command to verify the Deny access after failed login attempts setting.

Hostname> show password-controls deny-on-fail failures-allowed

Maximum Failed Attempts 5


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
Ensure ' Maximum number of failed attempts allowed is set to' is set to 5or


Run the following command to set the deny-on-fail failures-allowed setting.


Hostname>set password-controls deny-on-fail failures-allowed 5

33 | P a g e

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
checked and set ' Maximum number of failed attempts allowed is set to'
setting to 5 or fewer.

Default Value:





Looking for input regarding a value for this recommendation.

Note from checkpoint documentation....

Warning: Enabling this leaves you open to a "denial of service" -- if an attacker issues
unsuccessful login attempts often enough you will be locked out. Please consider the
advantages and disadvantages of this option, in light of your security policy, before
enabling it.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

34 | P a g e
1.13 Ensure Allow access again after time is set to 300 or more seconds
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Allow access again after a user has been locked out (due to failed login attempts). The user
is allowed access after the configured time if there have been no login attempts during that
time). This setting only takes effect if Deny access after failed login attempts is selected.


Users can accidentally lock themselves out of their accounts if they mistype their password
multiple times. To reduce the chance of such accidental lockouts, the Allow access again
after time setting determines the number of seconds that must elapse before the counter
that tracks failed logon attempts and triggers lockouts is reset to 0.


Run the following command to verify the Allow access again after time setting.

Hostname> show password-controls deny-on-fail allow-after

Unlock User After Seconds 300


Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
Ensure 'Allow access again after time' is set to 300 or more seconds.


Run the following command to set the deny-on-fail allow-afte setting.


Hostname> set password-controls deny-on-fail allow-after 300

35 | P a g e

Navigate to User Management > Password Policy > Deny Access After Failed
Login Attempts:
Set the 'Allow access again after time' setting to 300 or more seconds.

Default Value:

1200 (20 minutes)


Looking for input regarding a value for this recommendation.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

4.1 Maintain Inventory of Administrative Accounts

Use automated tools to inventory all administrative accounts, including domain and local
accounts, to ensure that only authorized individuals have elevated privileges.

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

36 | P a g e
2 Device Setup

37 | P a g e
2.1 General Settings
2.1.1 Ensure 'Login Banner' is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Configure a login banner, ideally approved by the organization’s legal team. This banner
should, at minimum, prohibit unauthorized access, provide notice of logging or monitoring,
and avoid using the word “welcome” or similar words of invitation.


Through a properly stated login banner, the risk of unintentional access to the device by
unauthorized users is reduced. Should legal action take place against a person accessing the
device without authorization, the login banner greatly diminishes a defendant’s claim of


Run the following command to verify the Banner configured on the device and it's status.

Hostname>show configuration message

set message banner on

set message banner on line msgvalue "Organization defined Banner"


Navigate to System Management -> Messages -> Banner message

Ensure Banner Message should be checked and "Organization defined Banner"
should be set.


Run the following command to enable and set the Banner.


Hostname>set message banner on msgvalue "Organization_Banner"

38 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > Messages

Checked the Banner message and configured the organization defined banner.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

39 | P a g e
2.1.2 Ensure 'Message Of The Day (MOTD)' is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Sets the MOTD message.


Network banners are electronic messages that provide notice of legal rights to users of
computer networks. From a legal standpoint, banners have four primary functions.

 First, banners may be used to generate consent to real-time monitoring under Title
 Second, banners may be used to generate consent to the retrieval of stored files and
records pursuant to ECPA.
 Third, in the case of government networks, banners may eliminate any Fourth
Amendment "reasonable expectation of privacy" that government employees or
other users might otherwise retain in their use of the government's network under
O'Connor v.


Run the following command to verify the MOTD Banner is configured on the device and it's

Hostname>show configuration message

set message motd on
set message motd on line msgvalue "MOTD BANNER"


Navigate to System Management -> Messages -> Message of the day

Ensure Message of the day should be checked and "MOTD" Banner should be set.


Run the following command to enable and configured the MOTD setting.

Hostname> set message motd on msgvalue "MOTD BANNER"

40 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management -> Messages -> Message of the day

Checked the Message of the day and add "MOTD Banner".

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

41 | P a g e
2.1.3 Ensure Core Dump is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


A Core Dump contains the recorded state of the working memory and CPU's contents of the
Gaia system at the time that a Gaia process terminated abnormally. The core file is stored in
the /var/log/dump/usermode directory.


The Core Dump helps in troubleshooting to identify for which reason the process/system
got crashed.


Run the following command to check the status of Core Dump.

Hostname> show core-dump status


Navigate to System Management > Core Dump


Run the following command to set Core Dump.

Hostname> set core-dump enable


Navigate to System Management > Core Dump > select Enable Core Dumps

Default Value:


42 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.4 Deploy System Configuration Management Tools

Deploy system configuration management tools that will automatically enforce and
redeploy configuration settings to systems at regularly scheduled intervals.

43 | P a g e
2.1.4 Ensure Config-state is saved (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The 'Config state' setting provides the detail of the current configuration which is saved or
unsaved. Saved state indicates the current configuration of the system is matched with the
saved configuration, while unsaved state indicates a configuration change has been made
and it has not been saved to the configuration file.


The Unsaved state indicates that some configuration changes are made in the system.
Administrator needs to review whether all changes are authorized or not by verifying
configuration change logs.


Run the following command to check the status of config-state.

Hostname> show config-state


Run the following command to save the configuration.

Hostname> save config

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.2 Maintain Secure Images

Maintain secure images or templates for all systems in the enterprise based on the
organization's approved configuration standards. Any new system deployment or existing
system that becomes compromised should be imaged using one of those images or

44 | P a g e
2.1.5 Ensure unused interfaces are disabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Disables the unused interfaces.


Shutting down the unused interfaces is a complement to physical security. In fact, an

attacker connecting physically to an unused port of the security appliance can use the
interface to gain access to the device if the relevant interface has not been disabled and the
source restriction to management access is not enabled.


Run the following command to check the status of all interfaces and verify interface state is
off if it is not in used.

Hostname> show interfaces all


Navigate to Network Management > Network Interfaces


Run the following command disable the unused interface.


Hostname> set interface <Interface_Number> state off


Navigate to Network Management > Network Interfaces > Open unused Interface >
unchecked Enable

Default Value:


45 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

9.1 Associate Active Ports, Services and Protocols to Asset Inventory

Associate active ports, services and protocols to the hardware assets in the asset

9.2 Ensure Only Approved Ports, Protocols and Services Are Running
Ensure that only network ports, protocols, and services listening on a system with
validated business needs, are running on each system.

46 | P a g e
2.1.6 Ensure DNS server is configured (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Gaia uses the Domain Name Service (DNS) to translate host names into IP addresses. To
enable DNS lookups, you must specify the primary DNS server for your system. You can
also specify secondary and tertiary DNS servers. When resolving host names, the system
consults the primary name server. If a failure or time-out occurs, the system consults the
secondary name server, and if necessary, the tertiary.


The purpose is to perform the resolution of system hostnames to Internet Protocol (IP)


Run the following command to check the Primary, Secondary and tertiary DNS are

Hostname> show dns primary
Hostname> show dns secondary
Hostname> show dns tertiary


Navigate to Network Management > Hosts and DNS > DNS


Run the following command to set DNS server.


Hostname> set dns primary <IP_Address>

Hostname> set dns secondary <IP_Address>
Hostname> set dns tertiary <IP_Address>

47 | P a g e

Navigate to Network Management > Hosts and DNS > DNS

Set Primary, secondary and tertiary DNS server address.

Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

48 | P a g e
2.1.7 Ensure IPv6 is disabled if not used (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Although IPv6 has many advantages over IPv4, not all organizations have IPv6 or dual
stack configurations implemented


If IPv6 or dual stack is not to be used, it is recommended that IPv6 be disabled to reduce
the attack surface of the system.


Run the following command to check IPv6 status.

Hostname> show ipv6-state


Run the following command to enable or disable IPv6.

Hostname> set ipv6-state on

Hostname> set ipv6-state off

Default Value:

ipv6 is disabled

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.2 Document Traffic Configuration Rules

All configuration rules that allow traffic to flow through network devices should be
documented in a configuration management system with a specific business reason for
each rule, a specific individual’s name responsible for that business need, and an expected
duration of the need.

49 | P a g e
2.1.8 Ensure Host Name is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Changes the device default hostname.


The device hostname plays an important role in asset inventory and identification as a
security requirement, but also in the public keys and certificate deployments as well as
when correlating logs from different systems during an incident handling.


Run the following command to check Host Name.


Hostname> show hostname


Navigate to Network Management > Hosts and DNS > System Name > Host Name


Run the following command to set Host Name.


Hostname> set hostname <name>


Navigate to Network Management > Hosts and DNS > System Name > Host Name

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

50 | P a g e
2.1.9 Ensure Telnet is disabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Disables the telnet access to the security appliance in the case it has been configured.


Telnet is an unsecure protocol as username and password are conveyed in clear text during
the administrator authentication and can be retrieved through network sniffing.


Run the following command to check the status of telnet.


Hostname> show net-access telnet


Navigate to System Management > Network Access > Enable Telnet


Run the following command to disable the telnet.


Hostname> set net-access telnet off


Navigate to System Management > Network Access > verify Enable Telnet is

Default Value:


51 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

9.2 Ensure Only Approved Ports, Protocols and Services Are Running
Ensure that only network ports, protocols, and services listening on a system with
validated business needs, are running on each system.

52 | P a g e
2.1.10 Ensure DHCP is disabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Disable the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server on your device.


The DHCP server supplies automatic configuration parameters, such as dynamic IP

address, to requesting systems. A dedicated server located in a secured management zone
should be used to provide DHCP services instead. Attackers can potentially be used for
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.


Run the following command to check the status of DHCP Server.


Hostname> show dhcp server status


Navigate to Network Management > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Configuration >
Enable DHCP Server


Run the following command to disable the DHCP.


Hostname> set dhcp server disable


Navigate to Network Management > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Configuration >
veriify Enable DHCP Server is unchecked

Default Value:

DHCP Server Disabled

53 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

54 | P a g e
2.2 SNMP
2.2.1 Ensure SNMP agent is disabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) server is used to listen for SNMP
commands from an SNMP management system, execute the commands or collect the
information and then send results back to the requesting system.


The SNMP server can communicate using SNMP v1, which transmits data in the clear and
does not require authentication to execute commands. Unless absolutely necessary, it is
recommended that the SNMP service not be used. If SNMP is required the server should be
configured to use only SNMPv3.


Run the following command to check whether the SNMP agent is configured:

Hostname> show snmp agent

SNMP Agent Disabled


Navigate to System Management > SNMP > SNMP General Settings

Verify Enable SNMP agent is unchecked.


Run the following command to configure the SNMP.

Hostname> set snmp agent off


System Management > SNMP > Unhecked the Enable SNMP Agent

55 | P a g e
Default Value:

SNMP Agent Disabled

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

56 | P a g e
2.2.2 Ensure SNMP version is set to v3-Only (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Sets the SNMP v3.


SNMP Version 3 provides security enhancements that are not available in SNMP Version 1
or SNMP Version 2c. SNMP Versions 1 and 2c transmit data between the SNMP server and
SNMP agent in clear text. SNMP Version 3 adds authentication and privacy options to
secure protocol operations. For configuration purposes, the authentication and privacy
options are grouped together into security models. Security models apply to users and
groups, and are divided into the following three types: •NoAuthPriv—No Authentication
and No Privacy, which means that no security is applied to messages. •AuthNoPriv—
Authentication but No Privacy, which means that messages are authenticated. •AuthPriv—
Authentication and Privacy, which means that messages are authenticated and encrypted.
It is recommended that packets should be authenticated and encrypted


Run the following command to check whether the SNMP agent-version v3-only is

Hostname> show snmp agent-version



Navigate to System Management > SNMP > SNMP General Settings

Verify version is set to v3-Only.


Run the following command to configure the SNMP agent-version v3-only


Hostname> set snmp agent-version v3-Only

57 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > SNMP > Select V3-Only in Version

Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

58 | P a g e
2.2.3 Ensure SNMP traps is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Enables SNMP traps to be sent to the NMS.


The purpose of the SNMP service is to monitor in real time the events occurring on systems
in order to meet the security requirement of availability of systems and services. The traps
are SNMP notifications sent to the NMS and should be enabled in order to be sent and
processed by the NMS. The NMS will then provide a comprehensive aggregation and
reporting of events generated, thus helping administrator.


Run the following command to check whether the SNMP traps are configured:

Hostname> show snmp traps enabled-traps



Navigate to System Management > SNMP > Enabled Traps

Verify authorizationError, coldStart, configurationChange, configurationSave,
linkUpLinkDown and lowDiskSpace alerts are selected.


Run the following command to Configure the SNMP traps.


Hostname> set snmp traps trap authorizationError enable

Hostname> set snmp traps trap coldStart enable
Hostname> set snmp traps trap configurationChange enable
Hostname> set snmp traps trap configurationSave enable
Hostname> set snmp traps trap linkUpLinkDown enable
Hostname> set snmp traps trap lowDiskSpace enable

59 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > SNMP > Enabled Traps > Set and select the
following traps
uthorizationError, coldStart, configurationChange, configurationSave,
linkUpLinkDown and lowDiskSpace

Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.3 Enable Detailed Logging

Enable system logging to include detailed information such as an event source, date,
user, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements.

60 | P a g e
2.2.4 Ensure SNMP traps receivers is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Enables SNMP traps receivers where traps to be sent to.


The purpose of the SNMP service is to monitor in real time the events occurring on systems
in order to meet the security requirement of availability of systems and services. The traps
are SNMP notifications sent to the NMS or SNMP traps receivers and should be enabled in
order to be sent and processed by the NMS. The NMS or SNMP traps receivers will then
provide a comprehensive aggregation and reporting of events generated, thus helping


Run the following command to check whether the SNMP traps receivers are configured:

Hostname> show snmp traps receivers

Trap Receiver
Version v3


Navigate to System Management > SNMP > Trap Receivers Settings

Verify Trap Receiver is configured.


Run the following command to Configure the SNMP traps receivers.


Hostname> add snmp traps receiver version v3


Navigate to System Management > SNMP > Trap Receivers Setting > Add > Add IP
Address Version details.

61 | P a g e
Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.3 Enable Detailed Logging

Enable system logging to include detailed information such as an event source, date,
user, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements.

62 | P a g e
2.3 NTP
2.3.1 Ensure NTP is enabled and IP address is set for Primary and
Secondary NTP server (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


These settings enable the use of primary and secondary NTP servers to provide
redundancy in case of a failure involving the primary NTP server.


NTP enables the device to maintain accurate time and date when receiving updates from a
reliable NTP server. Accurate timestamps are critical when correlating events with other
systems, troubleshooting, or performing investigative work. Logs and certain
cryptographic functions, such as those utilizing certificates, rely on accurate time and date
parameters. In addition, rules referencing a Schedule object will not function as intended if
the device’s time and date are incorrect. For additional security, authenticated NTP can be
utilized. If Symmetric Key authentication is selected, only SHA1 should be used, as MD5 is
considered severely compromised.


Run the following command to check the status of NTP.


Hostname> show ntp active


Run the following command to verify the IP address is configured for Primary and
Secondary NTP server.

Hostname> show ntp servers

IP Address Type Version

------------ ------- --------------- Primary 3 Secondary 3

63 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > Time > Set Time and Date

Verify Set Time and Date automatically using Network Time Protocol (NTP) option is
checked and Primary NTP server and secondary NTP server address is configured.


Run the following command to enable the NTP and configure the Primary & Secondary NTP

Hostname> set ntp active on

Hostname> set ntp server primary version 3
Hostname> set ntp server primary version 3


System Management > Time > Set Time and Date > Checked Set Time and Date
automatically using Network Time Protocol (NTP) and configured the Primary
NTP Server and Secondary NTP server

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

64 | P a g e
2.3.2 Ensure timezone is properly configured (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Sets the local time zone information so that the time displayed by the device is more
relevant to those who are viewing it.


Having a correct time set on the device is important for two main reasons. The first reason
is that digital certificates compare this time to the range defined by their Valid From and
Valid To fields to define a specific validity period. The second reason is to have relevant
time stamps when logging information. Whether you are sending messages to a Syslog
server, sending messages to an SNMP monitoring station, or performing packet captures,
timestamps have little usefulness if you cannot be certain of their accuracy.


Run the following command to verify the Timezone.


Hostname> show timezone

Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT +05:30)


Navigate to System Management > Time > Set Timezone


Run the following command to Configure the Timezone used by the enterprise (GMT, UTC,

Hostname> set timezone Asia / Kolkata


System Management > Time > Set Time Zone > Time Zone

65 | P a g e
Default Value:

Time Zone: America/New_York (GMT -05:00)

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

66 | P a g e
2.4 Backup
2.4.1 Ensure 'System Backup' is set. (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


List last-successful backup which is taken either locally or on a remote server. The backup
can be taken locally on the device and also on a remote server via FTP, tftp or scp. The
backup which is taken last is marked with (latest) in backup type.


The backup helps in restoring the configuration in the case of system failure or corruption
or in the condition of device replacement.


Run the following command to verify the last successful backup.


Hostname>show backup last-successful

Backup Type: local ( latest )
Backup file location: /var/log/CPbackup/backups/backup_gw-
Backup process finished in 00:19 seconds
Backup Date: 28-Dec-2015 15:46:43


Navigate to Maintenance > System Backup

67 | P a g e

Run the following command to Configure the backup.


To take the backup local on the device.

Hostname> add backup local

To take the backup of FTP or SCP server.

Hostname>add backup [ftp|scp] ip [IP Address] path [Path to store backup]
username [Username] password [Password]

To take the backup on tftp server.

Hostname>add backup tftp [IP address of tftp server]


Navigate to Maintenance > System Backup > Backup > Select (This appliance |
SCP Server | FTP Server | TFTP Server)

Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.2 Maintain Secure Images

Maintain secure images or templates for all systems in the enterprise based on the
organization's approved configuration standards. Any new system deployment or existing
system that becomes compromised should be imaged using one of those images or

5.5 Implement Automated Configuration Monitoring Systems

Utilize a Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) compliant configuration
monitoring system to verify all security configuration elements, catalog approved
exceptions, and alert when unauthorized changes occur.

68 | P a g e
2.4.2 Ensure 'Snapshot' is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


An image of the system partition creates when takes the snapshots, includes all the
configuration settings, Operating System and Checkpoint files. The locally stored firewall
logs are not stored in the snapshots, as log partition is not included in the Snapshots.
Snapshots can be restored on the same hardware on which it takes or on the same
configuration hardware.


Snapshots are critical to system recovery in the event of a System crash.


Run the following command to verify the list of snapshots taken on the system,

Hostname>show snapshots
Restore points:

Creation of an additional restore point will need 6.272G

Amount of space available for restore points is 7.34G


Navigate to Maintenance > Snapshot Management


Run the following command to take the snapshot.


To take the snapshot run the following command on the device.

Hostname> add snapshot [snapshot_name]


Navigate to Maintenance > Snapshot Management > New

Provide the Name and description for the snapshot

69 | P a g e
Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.3 Securely Store Master Images

Store the master images and templates on securely configured servers, validated with
integrity monitoring tools, to ensure that only authorized changes to the images are

70 | P a g e
2.4.3 Configuring Scheduled Backups (Manual)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The backup can be scheduled to take daily, weekly or monthly. The backup can be taken
locally on the device and also on a remote server via FTP, tftp or scp. The backup which is
taken last is marked with (latest) in backup type.


The backup helps in restoring the configuration in the case of system failure or corruption
or in the condition of device replacement.



Navigate to Maintenance > System Backup > Scheduled Backup



Navigate to Maintenance > System Backup > Scheduled Backup > Add Scheduled
Provide the Backup Type and Backup Schedule as per organization's policy.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.3 Securely Store Master Images

Store the master images and templates on securely configured servers, validated with
integrity monitoring tools, to ensure that only authorized changes to the images are

71 | P a g e
2.5 Authentication Settings
2.5.1 Ensure CLI session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10
minutes (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Set the CLI Session Timeout value for device management to 10 minutes or less to
automatically close inactive sessions.


An unattended computer with an open administrative session to the device could allow an
unauthorized user access to the firewall’s management interface


Run the following command to check Inactivity Timeout for Command Line is set to 10 or

Hostname>show inactivity-timeout


Navigate to System Management > Session > Command Line Shell > Inactivity
Timeout - Set to 10 or less


Run the following command to Configure the Inactivity Timeout for Command Line.

Hostname> set inactivity-timeout 10


Navigate to System Management > Session > Command Line Shell > Inactivity
Timeout - Set to 10 or less

72 | P a g e
Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

73 | P a g e
2.5.2 Ensure Web session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10
minutes (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Set the WebUI Session Timeout value for device management to 10 minutes or less to
automatically close inactive sessions.


An unattended computer with an open administrative session to the device could allow an
unauthorized user access to the firewall’s management interface


Run the following command to check Inactivity Timeout for Web UI is set to 10 or less.

Hostname> show web session-timeout

WebSessionTimeout 10


Navigate to System Management > Session > Web UI > Inactivity Timeout - Set
to 10 or less


Run the following command to Configure the Inactivity Timeout for Web UI.

Hostname> set web session-timeout 10


Navigate to System Management > Session > Web UI > Inactivity Timeout - Set
to 10 or less

Default Value:


74 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

75 | P a g e
2.5.3 Ensure Client Authentication is secured. (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Client Authentication allows a user and device to authenticate to the firewall and inherit
pre-configured firewall rules for a set amount of time. By default, these connections are
unencrypted yet can travel over unsecured networks. It is recommended that all Client
Authentication connections be made using the HTTPS configuration. This both uniquely
identifies the gateway and keeps the authentication credentials from being copied when
going over the network.


The Client Authentication is used to authenticate a user or device to the firewall and by
default, it works on HTTP port 900 and telnet port 259. The setting is stored in
$FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf file. HTTP and telnet both are non-secure plaintext protocol
and there is a number of published vulnerabilities, including the possibility of information
disclosure and unauthorized access to the host system, which could permit sensitive data
to be compromised. HTTPS configuration for all Client Authentication connections helps in
identifying the gateway and keeps the authentication credentials from being copied when
passes through the network.


Verify telnet is disabled for Client Authentication.

Verify following lines are commented out or not present in

$FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf file.
259 fwssd in.aclientd wait 259

Verify Secure HTTP is used for Client Authentication.

Verify following lines have SSL setting enabled in $FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf.

900 fwssd in.ahclientd wait 900 ssl:defaultCert

76 | P a g e

Comment out or remove the following line from $FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf file, or disable
the telnet service listening on port 259 by default, write a rule that prevents connections to
the daemon in the rulebase.

#259 fwssd in.aclientd wait 259

Edit the following line to include SSL setting in $FWDIR/conf/fwauthd.conf file.

900 fwssd in.ahclientd wait 900 ssl:defaultCert

Default Value:

259 fwssd in.aclientd wait 259 900 fwssd in.ahclientd wait 900

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.1 Establish Secure Configurations

Maintain documented, standard security configuration standards for all authorized
operating systems and software.

77 | P a g e
2.5.4 Ensure Radius or TACACS+ server is configured (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Configured the TACACS-Servers or Radius server for central authentication.


Authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) scheme provide an authoritative

source for managing and monitoring access for devices.


Run the following command to check TACACS+ server status and TACACS+ servers list.

Hostname> show aaa tacacs-servers state

Hostname> show aaa tacacs-servers list


Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > TACACS+ configuration

> Enable TACACS+ authentication

Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > TACACS+ configuration

> Enable TACACS+ Servers

Run the following command to check radius servers list.


Hostname> show aaa radius-servers list


Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > Radius Servers

78 | P a g e

run the following command to enable and add TACACS+ servers.


Hostname> set aaa tacacs-servers state on

Hostname> add aaa tacacs-servers priority <priority_value> server
<IP_Address> key <Key> timeout <timeout_value>


Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > TACACS+ configuration

> Ensuere Enable TACACS+ authentication is checked

Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > TACACS+ configuration

> Enable TACACS+ Servers > Add Provide <Server_IP_Address>, <Priority> and

Run the following command to enable and add Radius servers.


Hostname>add aaa radius-servers priority <priority_value> host <IP_Address>

secret <Key> port <Port_number> timeout <timeout_value>


Navigate to User Management > Authentication Servers > Radius Servers > Add
Provide <Server_IP_Address>, <Priority>, <UDP_Port> and <Timeout>.

Default Value:

Not Configured

CIS Controls:

Version 7

5.4 Deploy System Configuration Management Tools

Deploy system configuration management tools that will automatically enforce and
redeploy configuration settings to systems at regularly scheduled intervals.

79 | P a g e
2.5.5 Ensure allowed-client is set to those necessary for device
management (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Permit only the necessary IP addresses to be used to manage the device.


Management access to the device should be restricted to the IP addresses or subnets used
by firewall administrators. Permitting management access from other IP addresses
increases the risk of unauthorized access through password guessing, stolen credentials, or
other means.


Run the following command to verify the Device access restrictions. Verify IP Addresses in
allowed-client is limited to those necessary for device management.

Hostname> show allowed-client all

Type Address Mask Length

Host Any
Network 24

Navigate to System Management > Host Access > Allowed Hosts


Run the following command to remove the IP Address or Network from allowed-client list.

Hostname> delete allowed-client host (ipv4-address | ipv6-address) <IP

Hostname> delete allowed-client network (ipv4-address | ipv6-address)

80 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > Host Access > Allowed Hosts > Select and
Delete the not required IP address or Network

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.7 Manage Network Infrastructure Through a Dedicated Network

Manage the network infrastructure across network connections that are separated from
the business use of that network, relying on separate VLANs or, preferably, on entirely
different physical connectivity for management sessions for network devices.

81 | P a g e
2.6 Logging
2.6.1 Ensure mgmtauditlogs is set to on (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The mgmtauditlogs specifies if the Gaia sends the Gaia audit logs (for configuration changes
that authorized users make) to a Check Point Management Server.


The mgmtauditlogs enables the logging functionality for configuration change done by the
user. In Gaia os, we can export the Syslog messages from security gateway to Syslog server
or security management server, and it can be reviewed as normal logs in SmartView
Tracker. This enables organizations to monitor and analyze configuration change made by


Run the following command to verify the mgmtauditlogs.


Hostname> show syslog mgmtauditlogs

Sending audit logs to Management Server is enabled


Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

Verify Send audit logs to management server upon successful configuration is


Run the following command to enable the mgmtauditlogs.


Hostname> set syslog mgmtauditlogs on

82 | P a g e

Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

checked the Send audit logs to management server upon successful

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.2 Activate audit logging

Ensure that local logging has been enabled on all systems and networking devices.

83 | P a g e
2.6.2 Ensure auditlog is set to permanent (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The auditlog specifies if the Gaia saves the logs for configuration changes that authorized
users have done.


The auditlogs defines how it saves the configuration change logs. The configuration change
log helps organizations to monitor and analyze configuration change made by users.


Run the following command to verify the auditlog.


Hostname> show syslog auditlog



Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

Verify Send audit logs to syslog upon successful configuration is checked


Run the following command to enable the auditlog.


Hostname> set syslog auditlog permanent


Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

checked the Send audit logs to syslog upon successful configuration

84 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.2 Activate audit logging

Ensure that local logging has been enabled on all systems and networking devices.

85 | P a g e
2.6.3 Ensure cplogs is set to on (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


The cplogs specifies if the Gaia sends the Gaia system logs to a Check Point Management



Run the following command to verify the cplogs.


Hostname> show syslog cplogs

Sending syslog syslogs to CheckPoint's logs is disabled


Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

Verify Send Syslog messages to management server is checked


Run the following command to enable the cplogs.


Hostname> set syslog cplogs on


Navigate to System Management > System Logging > System Logging

checked the Send Syslog messages to management server

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.2 Activate audit logging

Ensure that local logging has been enabled on all systems and networking devices.

86 | P a g e
3 Firewall Secure Settings

87 | P a g e
3.1 Enable the Firewall Stealth Rule (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Create a rule to drop Any Service from Any Source or Any VPN that attempts to connect to
the gateway.


The stealth rule will limit access to the gateway to the control and service connections
enabled as part of the design. As such, it is very important to enable access to the gateway
as its role changes, for example, become a client VPN gateway. Another common example is
enabling Client Authentication. If ports TCP 259 and 900 are not opened (or if you change
the ports in the conf file), access will not work. Organizations with many Check Point
gateways may want to document each gateway and the Check Point services it is intended
and configured to accept.


Login to the Management Server via SmartConsole and create or edit the stealth rule and
make sure it is on top of all rules and only allowed sources and services are allowed to
access the Gateway.


Login to the Management Server via SmartDashboard and create or edit the stealth rule,
allowed only required IP address to manage the gateway and make sure it is on top of all

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.7 Manage Network Infrastructure Through a Dedicated Network

Manage the network infrastructure across network connections that are separated from
the business use of that network, relying on separate VLANs or, preferably, on entirely
different physical connectivity for management sessions for network devices.

88 | P a g e
3.2 Configure a Default Drop/Cleanup Rule (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Ensure that the final rule in the rulebase explicitly drops all services, destinations, etc not
specifically allowed in the previous rules. It is important that any access not explicitly
allowed be explicitly dropped.


The Clean up rule is necessary to block all the traffic which is not allowed by earlier rules in
the firewall. Ideally, Clean up rule be at the bottom in the Firewall rule base. By default an
Implied Rule in Checkpoint firewall which does the same thing, but logging is not enabled
for this rule.


Verify the last rule is present in the rulebase which is denying all traffic from any source to
any destination.


Create or edit the last rule in the rulebase which is denying all traffic from any source to
any destination.

89 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

12.3 Deny Communications with Known Malicious IP Addresses

Deny communications with known malicious or unused Internet IP addresses and limit
access only to trusted and necessary IP address ranges at each of the organization's
network boundaries,.

12.4 Deny Communication over Unauthorized Ports

Deny communication over unauthorized TCP or UDP ports or application traffic to
ensure that only authorized protocols are allowed to cross the network boundary in or out
of the network at each of the organization's network boundaries.

90 | P a g e
3.3 Use Checkpoint Sections and Titles (Manual)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


Use Sections to organize rules into related groups, whenever possible. Set each off with a
descriptive Section Title.


Rulebase clarity helps all workers and reviewers. By organizing rules, inserting new rules
is easier, and all can see the relationships among rules.


Verify each rule has a description added and sections are used as per the requirement.


Add a description for each rule.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

91 | P a g e
3.4 Ensure Hit count is Enable for the rules (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Hit Count setting shows the number of hits for the rules if enabled. When a new
connection crosses a Firewall, hits are incremented for the matching rule.


The Hit Count is a very useful feature which helps in finding the unused rules, which can be
reviewed and removed or update the rules accordingly as per the requirement.


Go to the following path in Smart Console and verify Enable Hit Count is enabled.

Navigate to Global Properties > Hit Count

Verify 'Enable Hit Count' is checked


Go to the following path in Smart Console and Enable the Enable Hit Count setting.

Navigate to Global Properties > Hit Count

Checked the 'Enable Hit Count' setting

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.2 Document Traffic Configuration Rules

All configuration rules that allow traffic to flow through network devices should be
documented in a configuration management system with a specific business reason for
each rule, a specific individual’s name responsible for that business need, and an expected
duration of the need.

92 | P a g e
3.5 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Destination filed present in the
Firewall Rules (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Firewall Rules with Any in Source field allows all the IP Addresses of the Network to
access the specified destination configured in the Firewall rules for specific services.


Ideally, the traffic should be explicitly allowed from specific Source to specific Destination
for the required services. This provides better control over the traffic passes through the
firewall and reduce the chances of an exploit because of service misconfiguration.


Verify there are no allowed rules present in the firewall which has Any used in the Source
field. If there is any such rule present in the firewall, it should have a business justification
and also it should be documented.


Delete the rule from the firewall which has Any used in the Source field.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

93 | P a g e
3.6 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Source filed present in the Firewall
Rules (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Firewall Rules with Any in the Destination field allows accessing all the IP Addresses of
Network from specified Sources configured in the Firewall rules for specific services.


Ideally, the traffic should be explicitly allowed from the specific Source to specific
Destination for the required services. This provides better control over the traffic passes
through the firewall and reduce the chances of an exploit because of service


Verify there are no allowed rules present in the firewall which has Any used in the
Destination field. If there is any such rule present in the firewall, it should have a business
justification and also it should be documented.


Delete the rule from the firewall which has Any used in the Destination field.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

94 | P a g e
3.7 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Services filed present in the
Firewall Rules (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Firewall Rules with Any in the Service field allows accessing all the Services from
specified Source to specified Destination configured in the Firewall rules.


There are many services like telnet, FTP, TFTP which are having many security issues.
Hackers can take advantage of these services to gain the credentials, access to the systems
or they can use these services for DoS attacks. These services need to be configured as per
the needs of the business.


Verify there are no allowed rules present in the firewall which has Any used in the Service


Delete the rule from the firewall which has Any used in the Service field.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

95 | P a g e
3.8 Logging should be enable for all Firewall Rules (Manual)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Track Field defines how the events of the rule are captured.


The event log of firewall rules helps in identifying the allowed and blocked traffic and also
helps in troubleshooting and forensic investigation. It is always good to enable logging for
all the firewall rules, but by logging multiple firewall rules results in a huge log files, which
requires huge disk space and management operations. Logs play an important role in
security auditing, incident response, system maintenance and forensic investigation, and
should be configured as per the business needs.


Verify all Track field in all firewall rules should have set to Log.


Set the Track field to Log in all firewall rules.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.2 Activate audit logging

Ensure that local logging has been enabled on all systems and networking devices.

11.2 Document Traffic Configuration Rules

All configuration rules that allow traffic to flow through network devices should be
documented in a configuration management system with a specific business reason for
each rule, a specific individual’s name responsible for that business need, and an expected
duration of the need.

96 | P a g e
3.9 Review and Log Implied Rules (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Rulebase clarity helps all workers and reviewers. Stating rules explicitly in the rulebase
makes policy analysis and review significantly easier. Select the ‗Log Implied Rules‘ to
ensure all understand when connectivity is denied or allowed through a subtle Implied


It is recommended to define rules explicitly rather than state them implicitly in the Implied
Rules section of Global Properties. If Implied Rules are used, configure logging for implied
rules by accessing the ‗Global Properties‘ dialog box.


Go to the following path in the Smart Console and verify Log Implied Rules is enabled.

Navigate to Global Properties > Firewall

Verify Log Implied Rules is enabled


Go to the following path in the Smart Console and enabled the Log Implied Rules.

Navigate to Global Properties > Firewall

Enable the Log Implied Rules

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.7 Regularly Review Logs

On a regular basis, review logs to identify anomalies or abnormal events.

97 | P a g e
3.10 Ensure Drop Out of State TCP Packets is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Drop out of state TCP Packets setting will drop the out of state or non-synchronized
TCP Packets for which firewall does not have a matching state table entry.


Bypassing security setting Drop out of state TCP Packets means that non-synchronized
packets which do not belong to an established connection in the Firewall's connections
table or non-TCP compliant traffic will not be dropped. This can be potentially used by
attackers for Denial-of-service attacks by flooding non-synchronized TCP packets.


Go to the following path and verify Drop Out of State TCP Packets and Log on Drop is

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Stateful Inspection

Verify Drop Out of State TCP Packets and Log on Drop is checked.


Go to the following path and checked the Drop Out of State TCP Packets and Log on Drop.

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Stateful Inspection

Checked the Drop Out of State TCP Packets and Log on Drop

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

12.1 Maintain an Inventory of Network Boundaries

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all of the organization's network boundaries.

98 | P a g e
3.11 Ensure Drop Out of State ICMP Packets is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


This drops the out of state ICMP packets.


The Firewall verifies that each ICMP reply packet matches a previous request, and each
ICMP error matches an existing connection. Out of State ICMP packets should be dropped
and logged.


Go to the following path and verify Drop Out of State ICMP Packets and Log on Drop is

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Stateful Inspection

Verify Drop Out of State ICMP Packets and Log on Drop is checked.


Go to the following path and checked the Drop Out of State ICMP Packets and Log on Drop.

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Stateful Inspection

Checked the Drop Out of State ICMP Packets and Log on Drop

Default Value:


CIS Controls:

Version 7

12.1 Maintain an Inventory of Network Boundaries

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all of the organization's network boundaries.

99 | P a g e
3.12 Ensure Anti-Spoofing is enabled and action is set to Prevent for all
Interfaces (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Anti-Spoofing is a technique which is used to identify and drop the packets that have a
false source IP address. The Anti-Spoofing detect mode is only monitor the Anti-spoofing
events while prevent mode drops the Anti-spoofing events.


Hackers change the packet's IP address and make a packet which looks like it is from a
trusted source. If your network is not protected with the IP-spoofing, hackers can exploit
the vulnerability to gain access to the network.


For all managed gateways verify that Anti-Spoofing is enabled, Anti-Spoofing action is set
to Prevent and tracking is set to Log.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select managed Gateway > Network
Management > Select each interface > General > Modify
- Verify Perform Anti-Spoofing based on Interface topology is checked
- Verify Anti-Spoofing action is set to Prevent
- Verify Spoof Tracking is set to Log


For all managed gateways enable the Anti-Spoofing, set the Anti-Spoofing action to Prevent
and set the tracking to Log.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select managed Gateway > Network
Management > Select each interface > General > Modify
- Checked the Perform Anti-Spoofing based on Interface topology
- Set the Anti-Spoofing action to Prevent
- Set the Spoof Tracking to Log

100 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

12.2 Scan for Unauthorized Connections across Trusted Network Boundaries

Perform regular scans from outside each trusted network boundary to detect any
unauthorized connections which are accessible across the boundary.

101 | P a g e
3.13 Ensure Disk Space Alert is set (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


This is used to generate the Log and Alert when disk space reaches the configured limit.


The device might get inaccessible and the logs are not getting stored once the disk space
reaches to the maximum capacity. It is imperative that organizations log critical
infrastructure appropriately, store and archive these logs in a central location


Verify Disk Space Alert is configured if disk space goes beyond the organization defined
configured limit.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > Select each Gateway > Logs > Local
* When disk space is below is checked and value MBytes or Percentage is
* Issue alert is set to Log, Popup Alert, Mail or SNMP trap alert.


Go to the following path and configured the Disk Space Alert.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > Select each Gateway > Logs > Local

* Checked the When disk space is below and value MBytes or Percentage is
configured as per the Organization Policy.
* Set the Issue alert to Log, Popup Alert, Mail or SNMP trap alert.

CIS Controls:

Version 7

6.4 Ensure adequate storage for logs

Ensure that all systems that store logs have adequate storage space for the logs

102 | P a g e
3.14 Ensure Accept RIP is not enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The Accept RIP is a Global property setting which you can set either to accept or reject the
RIP packets which is using UDP Port 520. RIP maintains information about reachable
systems and routes to those systems.


The security policy is made up of rules in the Firewall Rule Base. Other than the rules
defined by the administrator, The Check Point Security Gateway also creates Implied Rules,
which are defined in the Firewall Global Properties. The Check Point Security Gateway
places the implied rules first, last, or before last in the Firewall Rule Base. The
administrator can decide whether or not to log implied rules.

First — The Implicit rule will be placed before the explicit rules. Last — The Implicit rule
will be placed after the explicit rules. Before Last — The Implicit rule will be placed before
the last explicit rule.


Verify Accept RIP under Global Properties is not enabled.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Veiry Accept RIP is unchecked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Accept RIP.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Unchecked the Accept RIP

Default Value:


103 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

9.2 Ensure Only Approved Ports, Protocols and Services Are Running
Ensure that only network ports, protocols, and services listening on a system with
validated business needs, are running on each system.

11.1 Maintain Standard Security Configurations for Network Devices

Maintain standard, documented security configuration standards for all authorized
network devices.

104 | P a g e
3.15 Ensure Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer) is not
enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The 'Domain Name Over TCP (Zone transfer)' is a global property setting which is used to
allow or reject all the TCP-type DNS packets to and from anywhere. These rules are
considered as rule zero which are executed before any user-defined rules.


If this rule is enabled, it accepts Domain Name (DNS) queries and replies over TCP, to allow
downloading of the domain name-resolving tables used for zone transfers between servers.
For clients, DNS over TCP is only used if the tables to be transferred are very large. The
security policy is made up of rules in the Firewall Rule Base. Other than the rules defined
by the administrator, The Check Point Security Gateway also creates Implied Rules, which
are defined in the Firewall Global Properties. The Check Point Security Gateway places the
implied rules first, last, or before last in the Firewall Rule Base. The administrator can
decide whether or not to log implied rules.

 First > The Implicit rule will be placed before the explicit rules.
 Last > The Implicit rule will be placed after the explicit rules.
 Before Last > The Implicit rule will be placed before the last explicit rule.


Verify Accept Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer) under Global Properties is
not enabled.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Veiry Accept Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer) is unchecked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Accept Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Unchecked the Accept Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer)

105 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.3 Use Automated Tools to Verify Standard Device Configurations and Detect Changes
Compare all network device configuration against approved security configurations
defined for each network device in use and alert when any deviations are discovered.

106 | P a g e
3.16 Ensure Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries) is not enabled
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The 'Domain Name Over UDP (Queries)' is a global property setting which is used to allow
or reject all the UDP-type DNS packets to and from anywhere. These rules are considered
as rule zero which are execute before any user-defined rules.


If this rule is set to enable it allows the DNS traffic to pass over the firewall without any
control. The security policy is made up of rules in the Firewall Rule Base. Other than the
rules defined by the administrator, The Check Point Security Gateway also creates Implied
Rules, which are defined in the Firewall Global Properties. The Check Point Security
Gateway places the implied rules first, last, or before last in the Firewall Rule Base. The
administrator can decide whether or not to log implied rules.

 First > The Implicit rule will be placed before the explicit rules.
 Last > The Implicit rule will be placed after the explicit rules.
 Before Last > The Implicit rule will be placed before the last explicit rule.


Verify Accept Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries) under Global Properties is not

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Verify Accept Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries) is unchecked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Accept Accept Domain Name over UDP

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Unchecked the Accept Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries)

107 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.3 Use Automated Tools to Verify Standard Device Configurations and Detect Changes
Compare all network device configuration against approved security configurations
defined for each network device in use and alert when any deviations are discovered.

108 | P a g e
3.17 Ensure Accept ICMP Requests is not enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


The 'Accept ICMP requests' is a global property setting which is used to allow the ICMP
requests from any location. ICMP is used to send control messages (for example, ping,
destination unreachable, source quench, route change) to other systems. These rules are
considered as rule zero which are executed before any user-defined rules.


If this rule is enabled, it allows the echo requests, timestamp requests, information
requests, and mask requests. This can be used by a malicious user to create a denial of
service condition by flooding the network with broadcast echo requests and revealing
mask request information. The security policy is made up of rules in the Firewall Rule Base.
Other than the rules defined by the administrator, The Check Point Security Gateway also
creates Implied Rules, which are defined in the Firewall Global Properties. The Check Point
Security Gateway places the implied rules first, last, or before last in the Firewall Rule Base.
The administrator can decide whether or not to log implied rules.

 First > The Implicit rule will be placed before the explicit rules.
 Last > The Implicit rule will be placed after the explicit rules.
 Before Last > The Implicit rule will be placed before the last explicit rule.


Verify Accept Accept ICMP Requests under Global Properties is not enabled.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Verify Accept Accept ICMP Requests is unchecked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Accept Accept ICMP Requests.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > Firewall
Unchecked the Accept Accept ICMP Requests

109 | P a g e
3.18 Ensure Allow bi-directional NAT is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Allow bi-directional NAT applies to automatic NAT rules in the NAT Rule Base and allows
two automatic NAT rules to match a connection. Without Bidirectional NAT, only one
automatic NAT rule can match a connection.


When NAT is defined for a network object, an automatic NAT rule is generated which
performs the required translation. If there are two such objects and one is the source of a
connection and the other the destination, then without Bidirectional NAT, only one of these
objects will be translated, because only one of the automatically generated NAT rules will
be applied, and so a connection between the two objects will only be allowed in one
direction. With Bidirectional NAT, both automatic NAT rules are applied, and both objects
will be translated, so connections between the two objects will be allowed in both


Verify Allow bi-directional NAT under Global Properties is enabled.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > NAT - Network
Address Translation
Verify Allow bi-directional NAT is checked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Allow bi-directional NAT.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > NAT - Network
Address Translation
Unchecked the Allow bi-directional NAT

110 | P a g e
CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.3 Use Automated Tools to Verify Standard Device Configurations and Detect Changes
Compare all network device configuration against approved security configurations
defined for each network device in use and alert when any deviations are discovered.

111 | P a g e
3.19 Ensure Automatic ARP Configuration NAT is enabled (Automated)
Profile Applicability:

 Level 2


Proxy ARP is a mechanism that allows the configuration of a Gateway to respond to ARP
requests on behalf of other hosts.


Automatic ARP configuration ensures that ARP requests for a translated (NATed) machine,
network or address range are answered by the Check Point Security Gateway. This option
removes the requirement for manual ARP configuration for automatic NAT rules (using the
arp command in Unix or the local.arp file in Windows).

The command fw ctl arp displays the ARP proxy table on Check Point Security Gateways
that run on Windows. On Unix, use the arp -a command.


Verify Automatic ARP Configuration NAT under Global Properties is enabled.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > NAT - Network
Address Translation
Verify Automatic ARP Configuration NAT is checked.


Go to the following path and Configured the Automatic ARP Configuration NAT.

SmartConsole > Gateways & Servers > select each Gateway > NAT - Network
Address Translation
Unchecked the Automatic ARP Configuration NAT

CIS Controls:

Version 7

11.3 Use Automated Tools to Verify Standard Device Configurations and Detect Changes
Compare all network device configuration against approved security configurations
defined for each network device in use and alert when any deviations are discovered.

112 | P a g e
3.20 Ensure Logging is enabled for Track Options of Global Properties
Profile Applicability:

 Level 1


This defines the system-wide logging and alerting of parameters.


This enables the logging and alerting for specific types of parameters.

VPN successful key exchange: specifies the action to be taken when VPN keys are
successfully exchanged.

VPN packet handling errors: specifies the action to be taken when encryption or
decryption errors occur. A log entry contains the action performed (Drop or Reject) and a
short description of the error cause, for example, scheme or method mismatch.

VPN configuration & key exchange errors: specifies the action to be taken when logging
configuration or key exchange errors occur, for example, when attempting to establish
encrypted communication with a network object inside the same encryption domain.

IP Options drop: specifies the action to take when a packet with IP Options is encountered.
The Check Point Security Gateway always drops these packets, but you can log them or
issue an alert.

Administrative notifications: specifies the action to be taken when an administrative

event (for example, when a certificate is about to expire) occurs.

SLA violation: specifies the action to be taken when an SLA violation occurs, as defined in
the Virtual Links window.

Connection matched by SAM: specifies the action to be taken when a connection is

blocked by SAM (Suspicious Activities Monitoring).

Dynamic object resolution failure: specifies the action to be taken when a dynamic
object cannot be resolved.

Log every authenticated HTTP connection: specifies that a log entry should be generated
for every authenticated HTTP connection.

113 | P a g e

Verify Logging is set to Log or Popup Alert or Mail Alert or SNMP Trap Alert for the
following events

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Log and Alert > Track Options
VPN successful key exchange
VPN packet handling errors
VPN configuration & key exchange errors
IP Options drop
Administrative Notification
Connection matched by SAM
Dynamic object resolution failure
Packet is incorrectly tagged
Packet tagging brute force attack

Verify Log every authenticated HTTP connection is enabled.


Logging is set to Log or Popup Alert or Mail Alert or SNMP Trap Alert for the following

SmartConsole > Global Properties > Log and Alert > Track Options
VPN successful key exchange
VPN packet handling errors
VPN configuration & key exchange errors
IP Options drop
Administrative Notification
Connection matched by SAM
Dynamic object resolution failure
Packet is incorrectly tagged
Packet tagging brute force attack

Checked the Log every authenticated HTTP connection.

114 | P a g e
Appendix: Summary Table
Control Set
Yes No
1 Password Policy
1.1 Ensure Minimum Password Length is set to 14 or higher
 
1.2 Ensure Disallow Palindromes is selected (Automated)  
1.3 Ensure Password Complexity is set to 3 (Automated)  
1.4 Ensure Check for Password Reuse is selected and History
 
Length is set to 12 or more (Automated)
1.5 Ensure Password Expiration is set to 90 days (Automated)  
1.6 Ensure Warn users before password expiration is set to 7
 
days (Automated)
1.7 Ensure Lockout users after password expiration is set to 1
 
1.8 Ensure Deny access to unused accounts is selected
 
1.9 Ensure Days of non-use before lock-out is set to 30
 
1.10 Ensure Force users to change password at first login after
password was changed from Users page is selected  
1.11 Ensure Deny access after failed login attempts is selected
 
1.12 Ensure Maximum number of failed attempts allowed is set
 
to 5 or fewer (Automated)
1.13 Ensure Allow access again after time is set to 300 or more
 
seconds (Automated)
2 Device Setup
2.1 General Settings
2.1.1 Ensure 'Login Banner' is set (Automated)  
2.1.2 Ensure 'Message Of The Day (MOTD)' is set (Automated)  
2.1.3 Ensure Core Dump is enabled (Automated)  
2.1.4 Ensure Config-state is saved (Automated)  
2.1.5 Ensure unused interfaces are disabled (Automated)  
2.1.6 Ensure DNS server is configured (Automated)  
2.1.7 Ensure IPv6 is disabled if not used (Automated)  
2.1.8 Ensure Host Name is set (Automated)  
2.1.9 Ensure Telnet is disabled (Automated)  
2.1.10 Ensure DHCP is disabled (Automated)  

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2.2 SNMP
2.2.1 Ensure SNMP agent is disabled (Automated)  
2.2.2 Ensure SNMP version is set to v3-Only (Automated)  
2.2.3 Ensure SNMP traps is enabled (Automated)  
2.2.4 Ensure SNMP traps receivers is set (Automated)  
2.3 NTP
2.3.1 Ensure NTP is enabled and IP address is set for Primary and
 
Secondary NTP server (Automated)
2.3.2 Ensure timezone is properly configured (Automated)  
2.4 Backup
2.4.1 Ensure 'System Backup' is set. (Automated)  
2.4.2 Ensure 'Snapshot' is set (Automated)  
2.4.3 Configuring Scheduled Backups (Manual)  
2.5 Authentication Settings
2.5.1 Ensure CLI session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10
 
minutes (Automated)
2.5.2 Ensure Web session timeout is set to less than or equal to 10
 
minutes (Automated)
2.5.3 Ensure Client Authentication is secured. (Automated)  
2.5.4 Ensure Radius or TACACS+ server is configured
 
2.5.5 Ensure allowed-client is set to those necessary for device
 
management (Automated)
2.6 Logging
2.6.1 Ensure mgmtauditlogs is set to on (Automated)  
2.6.2 Ensure auditlog is set to permanent (Automated)  
2.6.3 Ensure cplogs is set to on (Automated)  
3 Firewall Secure Settings
3.1 Enable the Firewall Stealth Rule (Automated)  
3.2 Configure a Default Drop/Cleanup Rule (Automated)  
3.3 Use Checkpoint Sections and Titles (Manual)  
3.4 Ensure Hit count is Enable for the rules (Automated)  
3.5 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Destination filed present
 
in the Firewall Rules (Automated)
3.6 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Source filed present in the
 
Firewall Rules (Automated)
3.7 Ensure no Allow Rule with Any in Services filed present in
 
the Firewall Rules (Automated)
3.8 Logging should be enable for all Firewall Rules (Manual)  
3.9 Review and Log Implied Rules (Automated)  
3.10 Ensure Drop Out of State TCP Packets is enabled
 

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3.11 Ensure Drop Out of State ICMP Packets is enabled
 
3.12 Ensure Anti-Spoofing is enabled and action is set to Prevent
 
for all Interfaces (Automated)
3.13 Ensure Disk Space Alert is set (Automated)  
3.14 Ensure Accept RIP is not enabled (Automated)  
3.15 Ensure Accept Domain Name over TCP (Zone Transfer) is
 
not enabled (Automated)
3.16 Ensure Accept Domain Name over UDP (Queries) is not
 
enabled (Automated)
3.17 Ensure Accept ICMP Requests is not enabled (Automated)  
3.18 Ensure Allow bi-directional NAT is enabled (Automated)  
3.19 Ensure Automatic ARP Configuration NAT is enabled
 
3.20 Ensure Logging is enabled for Track Options of Global
 
Properties (Automated)

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Appendix: Change History
Date Version Changes for this version

Jun 5, 2018 1.0.0 NEXT _Listing Order, Status_ on **[section]

1.10 Apply latest Gaia OS patches**
were updated.

Jan 8, 2019 1.1.0 ADD - Create subsection for

Restricting Access (Ticket 6082)

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