Grade 6 GS
Grade 6 GS
Grade 6 GS
Learning Objectives
State the importance of the Vedic Age
Describe the political organisation of the Vedic society
Describe the social life of the Vedic people
Represent the varnashrama system of the Vedic Age
2 Early Vedic Period
Arya literally means the man of ‘noble character’, and the “free-born”. They belonged to the
group of people known as Indo-Europeans. They entered India from the north-west.
They led a rural, semi-nomadic life as compared to the Indus Valley people who were urbanized.
It is believed that they entered India through the Khyber Pass.
Social life
The Aryan kula were joint families. They were patriarchal in nature. The oldest male member was
the head of the family.
3 Early Vedic Period
Women were held in respect and participated in yajnas. Many learned women attended the
assemblies, participated in debates, and composed hymns. They also enjoyed the right to choose
their husbands in a special ceremony called swayamvara. There was no child marriage and
widows were allowed to remarry.
Brahmins – high priests performed the religious ceremonies and prayers and imparted
Kshatriyas – King and warrior class fought wars and protected the tribe form danger
Vaishyas – people who carried on agriculture, industry and trade, producing goods for
Shudras – comprises the dasas, who were the labourers and did menial jobs.
4 Early Vedic Period
Agriculture and cattle- rearing were the main occupations of the early Aryans.
Barley, wheat, rice, fruits and vegetables were grown.
They ploughed their fields with the help of wooden ploughs drawn by oxen. Cows, horses, dogs,
sheep, goats and oxen were domesticated. The cow was considered very valuable and a sign of
prosperity. The Aryans introduced the horse in India from Central Asia.
Hunting, pottery, spinning and weaving, carpentry, metallurgy (copper and bronze) and
leatherwork were other important occupations.
Shipping was limited to the navigation of rivers for inland trade. Gold and oxen were used as
money during trading.
The men wore a dhoti and a piece of cloth over their shoulders. They also tied turbans around
their heads. The women wore a saree and an upper garment woven from the wool of sheep. Both
men and women were fond of ornaments, which were made of gold, silver and other metals.
The Aryans were fond of outdoor life. Music, dancing, chariot racing, hunting, gambling and game
of dice were their favourite pastimes. The flute, lute and drums were used for music
People personified the forces of nature and worshipped them as gods and goddesses. These gods
were classified into three groups according to their abode:
Learning Objectives
State the importance of the Later Vedic Age
List the different Mahajanapadas
Describe the political organisation of the Later Vedic society
Describe the social life of the Later Vedic people
Represent the Ashrama system of the Later Vedic Age
Compare and contrast the Early Vedic Period and the Later Vedic Period
2 Later Vedic Period
Anga Vatsa
Magadha Panchala
Malla Matsya
Vajji Sursena
Kosala Avanti
Kasi Ashmaka
Chedi Kamboja
Kuru Ghandara
Among them Magadha, Vatsa, Avanti and Kosala were the most prominent ones. Out of these
four, Magadha emerged as the most powerful kingdom.
The King was assisted by a large number of officials. The Raj Purohita performed the elaborate
rituals and gave advice. The senani came to occupy a prestigious palce in the court. Another
official of importance was the tax collector. There was a change in the composition of sabha and
samiti. Due to large territories, it was not possible for common people to attend these
assemblies. Therefore, the nature of the two assemblies became aristocratic, dominated only by
the upper class, the brahmins and princes.
Social life
A person’s birth became more important than his skill or merit. Each caste had its own code of
laws and marriage outside the caste was forbidden. The society based on Varna became rigid and
The position of women also began to deteriorate and they were thought to be inferior to men.
They were not allowed to read Vedic literature. Their main duty was to look after the husband
and children. Polygamy (men married to more than one woman) was prevalent among princes,
upper class and the rich. However, it was not prevalent among the common people. Women
could not own or inherit property.
Prajapati or Brahma was considered the creator – the supreme God.
Vishnu was considered the protector – protected the people.
Shiva was considered the destroyer.
The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva replaced the gods of nature.
During the Later Vedic Period, the three Vedas – the Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and the Atharva
Veda were composed. It was during this time, around 600 BC, that the Upanishads were
compiled. The epics - Ramayana and Mahabharata were also composed. Literary works were
4 Later Vedic Period
produced in the fields of grammar, poetry, astronomy, medicine, music and astrology. The
Sanskrit language also owes its origin to the Vedic Aryans.
Farming remained the most important occupation. Taxes were collected by the king, which
earned him revenue. Wheat, rice, vegetables, cotton and oil seeds were grown.
Weaving, leatherwork, pottery, jewellery designing and carpentry developed. They had
discovered the use of iron apart from gold, silver, copper, lead and tin.
The barter system discontinued and money in the form of gold and silver
coins was used as the medium of exchange. The earlier coins of India are
commonly known as punch marked coins. These coins bear symbols of
various types punched on pieces of silver of specific weight. They have no
defined shapes and they were mostly uniface. These coins lack any
The Aryans followed the gurukul system of education. A
student or brahmachari lived in the household of the guru
in the ashrama and served him by doing various
household tasks. In return, the guru imparted knowledge.
Guru-shishya or pupil-teacher relationship was
considered very sacred. The rich pupils offered guru-
dakshina or fees. Taxila, Kashi and Ujjain were some of
the important centres of learning.
Learning Objectives
Understand the political conditions during the Gupta period
Analyse why Gupta age is called the ‘Golden period of Indian History’
List the contributions of Gupta rulers
Describe the social life and political administration during Gupta period
Analyse the reasons for the decline of Gupta rule
2 Gupta Dynasty
About 500 years after the Mauryan Empire, a new dynasty rose to power in the Ganga Valley – the
imperial Guptas. For about two centuries, the Guptas brought unity to a very large portion of
India, although they could never control either the north-west or the far south.
The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central and parts of southern India between c. 320
and 550 CE. The period is noted for its achievements in the arts, architecture, sciences, religion,
and philosophy.
Sri Gupta founded the Gupta Empire c. 240-280 CE, and was succeeded by his son,
Ghatotkacha, c. 280-319 CE, followed by Ghatotkacha’s son, Chandragupta, c. 320-335
Guptas were mostly Vaishnavas or worshippers of Vishnu
Many people also worshipped Shiva
The rulers performed elaborate rites and rituals, including the Ashvamedha yajna
The Gupta rulers continued to be tolerant towards Buddhism and Jainism.
Samudragupta allowed the Sri Lankan ruler Meghavarman, to construct a monastery at
Bodh Gaya
Internal and external trade flourished.
The chief port was Tamralipti, which handled trade with South-east Asian countries.
Western ports handled trade with West Asian countries
The main items of exports were spices, precious stones, textiles, sandalwood, indigo,
herbs and ivory
The main items of import ws gold.
Various industries like weaving, carpentry, metallurgy and pottery flourished
Sanskrit was the court language of the Gupta kings.
Kalidasa was the greatest gem in the court of Chandragupta II. His works include the
famous play Abhijnam Shakuntalam and the epic poem Meghaduta.
Harisena was the court poet of Samudragupta and gave an account of Samudragupta’s
Pandit Vishnu Sharma wrote the Panchatantra, a collection of fables.
The Bhagavad Gita was compiled and the Puranas were given final shape during this age
Drama, poetry and prose reached their zenith under the Guptas
The greatest work on Sanskrit grammar, Panini’s Ashtadhyayi ws written during this
Aryabhatta, an astronomer and mathematician came to the conclusion that the Earth
revolves around the sun and rotates on its own axis.
The concept of zero as well as the system of writing numbers using zero and the numerals
one to nine was formulated by him.
The Indians also used the decimal system
The two great physicians of the period were Vagabhatta and Balabhatta who wrote
treatises in medicine. The Ayurvedi system developed medicines to cure various diseases
using herbs
During this period, great progress was made in the field of higher education.
The universities of Nalanda in Bihar and Taxila in north-west India attracted students
from all parts of India and from foreign countries for advanced studies
Nalanda was the most important seat of Buddhist learning and Taxila specialised in
Due to these reasons, the Gupta era is called the ‘Golden age of Indian history’ or the ‘Classical
age of Indian History’.
Learning Objectives
Understand the political conditions leading to the rise of first empire
Analyze the significance of Magadha
List the contributions of Chandra Gupta Maurya and Ashoka
Explain the impact of battle of Kalinga on Ashoka
Describe the administration of Mauryas
2 The Mauryan Empire
Magadha, which was one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas, had many geographical advantages,
which helped it to make it strong and powerful in comparison to other kingdoms. Magadha is
considered significant due to the following reasons.
The first ruler of Magadha was Bimbisara. During his reign, Magadha rose to power. He ruled in
the middle of the sixth century from his capital at Rajgir. He expanded his empire and
strengthened his position by marriage alliances and military conquests.
Bimbisara was succeeded his son Ajatashatru. He controlled the Gangetic plain by fortifying the
city of Pataliputra (modern day Patna) which was his capital.
After Ajatashatru, Nandas emerged as the last powerful dynasty before Chandragupta Maurya
captured the throne of Magadha.
During the second half of the sixth century BC, Cyrus established a large
empire in Persia. One of his successors, Darius I annexed Gandhara and the
Indus Valley. During the rule of Mahapadma Nanda, India was invaded by
Alexander, the Greek ruler of Macedonia. He defeated the Persian ruler. Next, he overran
Afghanistan and entered through Khyber Pass in 326 BC. Alexander’s army was tired and
reluctant to move further ahead and face the fierceful Magadha Empire’s army. On his way back,
Alexander died in Babylon in 323 BC.
Battle of Kalinga
A fierce battle followed in which an enormous amount
of life and property was lost. Kalinga surrendered and
for the first time in Indian history almost the whole
subcontinent except the extreme south was under a
single ruler.
Ashoka’s dhamma
Ashoka followed the principles of Buddhism – that of truth, charity, kindness, purity and
goodness. He wanted his people to lead pure and virtuous lives, irrespective of their religion or
culture. He considered all subjects (people) his children. He explained his ideas in his edicts by
engraving his principles on pillars throughout his kingdom. The edicts were written in Prakrit,
which was the language of the common people, so that they could understand and follow them.
The purpose of the edicts was to inform the people of Ashoka’s reforms and to encourage them
to be more generous, kind and moral.
Ashoka was an able administrator, an intelligent being and a devout Buddhist. He attempted to
spread this religion to Syria, Egypt and Macedonia and also sent his son Mahendra and daughter
Sangamitra to Sri Lanka.
5 The Mauryan Empire
The empire was divided into four provinces, each placed under the charge of a prince of royal
blood. The provinces were further divided into districts and placed under local officials.
The king undertook welfare projects like construction of roads and also planted trees on both
sides of the road; rest houses and wells were also provided for the comfort of travellers. Canals
were dug for irrigation and trade flourished.
The chief source of the state’s income was land revenue, which varied from one-fourth to one-
sixth of the produce. Sales tax, taxes on water, cattle, drinking, gambling and custom duties were
also levied. Fines were charges for offences such as littering public places. The chief collector and
the treasurer were the most important officials in the government.
People were mostly engaged in agriculture. Shipbuilding, weapon making, crafts were the other
occupation. Trade flourished with South India and north-west; Conch shells, diamonds, other
precious stones, pearls and gold articles, horses, hides and woollen cloth were traded.
Have you ever wondered what causes day and night or why weather
conditions keep changing all the time? Why polar regions always are
very cold and equatorial regions very hot? The extremities in the
climatic conditions are due to the movements of the Earth.
The circular motion of the Earth, around its tilted axis,
in an anti-clockwise direction is called rotation. It
takes the Earth roughly 24 hours to complete one
rotation, which makes for a single day and night.
The motion of Earth as it travels along an
imaginary path around the sun is called
Revolution. One complete revolution of the earth
around the sun takes 365 days and 6 hours. One
calendar year has 365 days. An extra day is added
to every fourth year to include the 6 hours of each
of the four years. The extra day is added to the
month of February. The year that has 366 days is
known as leap year.
The seasons that we experience throughout the year are caused by the Earth’s revolution.
The tilt of the earth causes a part of the earth to lean towards the sun, while the other part
of it is tilted away from the sun.
Due to this, different parts of the Earth’s surface receive different amounts of sunlight and
When the northern hemisphere leans towards the sun, it receives more light and heat,
making it warmer.
4 Earth Movements
During the same time, southern hemisphere which is tilted away from the sun, gets lesser
amount of heat and light making it colder.
As a result, the northern hemisphere enjoys summer while the southern hemisphere
experiences winter.
Have you witnessed sun appearing as a diamond on the sky? Have you ever seen a red moon?
An eclipse takes place when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the
shadow of another heavenly body.
A lunar eclipse usually lasts for a few hours. At least two partial lunar eclipses happen every year,
but total lunar eclipses are rare. It is safe to look at a lunar eclipse.
What Is a Solar Eclipse?
Sometimes when the moon orbits Earth, the moon moves between the sun and Earth. When this
happens, the moon blocks the light of the sun from reaching Earth. This causes an eclipse of the
sun, or solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon casts a shadow onto Earth.
There are three types of solar eclipses.
Total solar eclipse
When the sun is completely covered by the moon. The sky
becomes so dark that it appears to be night. Only a small area
on the earth can witness it. For a total eclipse to take place,
the sun, moon and Earth must be in a direct line.
NEVER look directly at the sun: It can permanently damage your eyes! You must use proper
safety equipment to look at any type of solar eclipse.
Watch out the following videos and references for further exploration:
Earth movements:
Solar Eclipse:
Learning Objectives:
Is it raining in your place? Or is it sunny? Are you feeling too
hot or too cold? Do you perspire? Are you looking at the clear,
bright sky or gloomy sky? Do you enjoy breeze or a strong wind?
Learning Objectives:
Explain how clouds are formed.
Categorize cloud patterns
Identify the types of clouds (cirrus, stratus, cumulus,
nimbostratus, cumulonimbus) and their shapes
Describe the features of the types of clouds
Able to observe, describe, and draw clouds.
2 Clouds
Clouds can make us happy. Clouds can make us sad. Big puffy white clouds floating through a bright
blue summer sky make us smile. But boiling black storm clouds slashed with jagged lightening and
crashing thunder make us run for shelter. To be precise, a cloud is nothing more than a collection of
water particles or ice crystals floating in the atmosphere.
A cloud is made of water drops or ice crystals floating in the sky. There are many kinds of clouds. Clouds
are an important part of Earth's weather.
All air contains water. When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water
vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air
and forms tiny droplets around each dust particles.
Classification of clouds
Howard’s cloud classification system uses Latin words that describe the placement (high) and
appearance (spread out) of clouds. For example, using Howard’s system, a high (alto), spread out
(stratus) cloud is called an altostratus cloud.
3 Clouds
Cirrus clouds
They form when the wind blows these ice
crystals into wispy streaks that look like thin
horse tails.
High (3+ miles above the Earth), curly, wispy,
feathery white clouds made of ice and usually
found on fair days.
Cirrocumulus clouds
They look like upside down waves rolling across
the sky.
Thin, white patch, sheet, or layered of clouds
without shading.
They are composed of very small elements in
the form of more or less regularly arranged
grains or ripples.
Cirrostratus clouds
High, thin CIRROSTRATUS clouds look much like
stratus clouds, but cirrostratus clouds contain
ice crystals and are much higher.
Transparent, whitish veil clouds with a fibrous
(hair-like) or smooth appearance.
A sheet of cirrostratus which is very extensive,
nearly always ends by covering the whole sky.
4 Clouds
Middle-Level Clouds
Altocumulus (Ac), Altostratus (As), and Nimbostratus (Ns) are mid-level clouds They are composed
primarily of water droplets. However, they can also be composed of ice crystals when temperatures
are low enough. In Latin, alto means 'high' yet Altostratus and Altocumulus clouds are classified as mid-
level clouds. 'Alto' is used to distinguish these "high-level" clouds and their low-level liquid-based
counterpart clouds; Stratus and Cumulus.
Altocumulus clouds
White and/or gray patch, sheet or layered clouds,
generally composed of plates, rounded masses or
They may be partly fibrous or diffuse and may or
may not be merged.
ALTOCUMULUS clouds look fleecy and have dark,
shadowed sides.
The most common mid cloud, more than one layer
of Altocumulus often appears at different levels at the same time. Many times, Altocumulus will
appear with other cloud types.
Altostratus clouds
Gray or bluish cloud sheets or layers of striated
or fibrous clouds that totally or partially covers
the sky.
They are flat clouds.
They are thin enough to regularly reveal the sun
as if seen through misty glass.
Low-Level Clouds
Cumulus (Cu), Stratocumulus (Sc), Stratus (St), and Cumulonimbus (Cb) are low clouds composed of
water droplets. Cumulonimbus, with its strong vertical updraft, extends well into the the high level of
5 Clouds
Cumulus clouds
Low hanging (less than 1 mile), white, puffy
clouds which change shape very quickly and are
found on warm, sunny days.
These clouds look like giant heads of cauliflower
because they are white and fluffy.
Detached, generally dense clouds and with sharp
outlines that develop vertically in the form of
rising mounds, domes or towers with bulging
upper parts
Over land cumulus develops on days of clear skies and is due diurnal convection; it appears in
the morning, grows, and then more or less dissolves again toward evening.
Stratus clouds
A generally gray cloud layer with a uniform base
which may, if thick enough, produce drizzle, ice
prisms, or snow grains.
When the sun is visible through this cloud, its
outline is clearly discernible.
STRATUS clouds are spread out, dull clouds
usually found at ground level.
Stratus clouds may so close to the ground they
are identified as fog.
Stratocumulus clouds
Gray or whitish patch, sheet, or layered clouds
which almost always have dark tessellations
(honeycomb appearance), rounded masses or
These clouds are spread out heaps of dense
cover that rise higher in the atmosphere.
6 Clouds
Nimbostratus clouds
This is a dark gray cloud layer diffused by falling
rain or snow.
It is thick enough throughout to blot out the
Dark, flat clouds often produce rain or snow.
Cumulonimbus clouds
The thunderstorm cloud, this is a heavy and
dense cloud in the form of a mountain or huge
The upper portion is usually smoothed,
fibrous or striated and nearly always flattened
in the shape of an anvil or vast plume.
Cumulonimbus clouds also produce hail and
These clouds are piled up high like scoops of
dark ice cream and they usually bring rain
1 Theory of Continental drift & Plate tectonics
Learning Objectives:
Describe Wegener’s Theory of Continental drift
Summarize evidence that supports Wegener’s theory
Understand the plate tectonics theory
List the different plates of the Earth
Identify the plates on a map
Identify the three general categories of plate boundaries recognized by
scientists: convergent, divergent, and transform
Identify the regions on the earth with different plate movements
List the different plate boundaries
2 Theory of Continental drift & Plate tectonics
The continental drift hypothesis was developed in the early part of the 20th century, mostly by
Alfred Wegener. Wegener said that continents move around on Earth’s surface and that they
were once joined together as a single supercontinent. While Wegener was alive, scientists did
not believe that the continents could move. Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents were
once united into a single supercontinent named Pangaea, meaning all earth in ancient Greek. He
suggested that Pangaea broke up long ago and that the continents then moved to their current
positions. He called his hypothesis continental drift.
Besides the way the continents fit together, Wegener and his supporters collected a great
deal of evidence for the continental drift hypothesis.
Identical rocks, of the same type and age, are found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Wegener said the rocks had formed side-by-side and that the land had since moved apart.
Mountain ranges with the same rock types, structures, and ages are now on opposite
sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The Appalachians of the eastern United States and Canada,
for example, are just like mountain ranges in eastern Greenland, Ireland, Great Britain,
and Norway (figure 2). Wegener concluded that they formed as a single mountain range
that was separated as the continents drifted.
Grooves and rock deposits left by ancient glaciers are found today on different continents
very close to the equator. This would indicate that the glaciers either formed in the middle
of the ocean and/or covered most of the Earth. Today glaciers only form on land and
nearer the poles. Wegener thought that the glaciers were centered over the southern
land mass close to the South Pole and the continents moved to their present positions
later on.
Coral reefs and coal-forming swamps are found in tropical and subtropical environments,
but ancient coal seams and coral reefs are found in locations where it is much too cold
today. Wegener suggested that these creatures were alive in warm climate zones and
that the fossils and coal later had drifted to new locations on the continents.
Scientists argued that there was no way to explain how solid continents could plow through solid
oceanic crust. Wegener’s idea was nearly forgotten until technological advances presented even
more evidence that the continents moved and gave scientists the tools to develop a mechanism
for Wegener’s drifting continents.
Plate tectonics
Increased knowledge about the configuration of the ocean floor and the subsequent formulation
of the concepts of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics provided further support for continental
By the late 1960s, several American investigators, among them Jack E. Oliver and Bryan L. Isacks,
had integrated this notion of seafloor spreading with that of drifting continents and formulated
the basis of plate tectonic theory.
The idea that the earth’s landmasses have broken apart, rejoined, and moved to other parts of
the globe forms part of the plate tectonic theory.
Most of these changes in the earth’s surface takes place so slowly that they are not immediately
noticeable to the human eye.
The deeper layers are composed of heavier materials; they are hotter, denser and under
much greater pressure than the outer layers.
Natural forces interact with and affect the earth’s crust, creating the landforms, or natural
features, found on the surface of the earth.
The Earth's Crust is like the skin of an apple. It is very thin in comparison to the other three
The crust is only about 3-5 miles (8 kilometers) thick under the oceans (oceanic crust) and
about 25 miles (32 kilometers) thick under the continents (continental crust). The crust is
composed of two rocks. The continental crust is mostly granite. The oceanic crust is
basalt. Basalt is much denser than the granite. Because of this the less dense continents
ride on the denser oceanic plates.
The crust of the Earth is broken into many pieces called plates. The plates "float" on the
soft, semi-rigid asthenosphere.
There are nine major plates, according to World Atlas. These plates are named after the
landforms found on them. The nine major plates are North American, Pacific, Eurasian,
African, Indo-Australian, Australian, Indian, South American and Antarctic.
The largest plate is the Pacific Plate at 39,768,522 square miles (103,000,000 square
kilometers). Most of it is located under the ocean. It is moving northwest at a speed of
around 2.75 inches (7 cm) per year.
How plate tectonics works
The driving force behind plate tectonics is convection in the mantle. Hot material near the Earth's
core rises, and colder mantle rock sinks. "It's kind of like a pot boiling on a stove”. Meanwhile,
geologists imagine the plates above this roiling mantle as bumper cars; they repeatedly collide,
stick together, then rip apart. Geologists refer to the places where segments meet and divide as
plate boundaries.
plate boundaries
There are many different types of plate boundaries. Each of these types of plate boundaries is
associated with different geological features. Plate boundaries can be categorized in three
fundamental types:
a) Divergent boundaries
b) Convergent boundaries
c) Transform boundaries
6 Theory of Continental drift & Plate tectonics
Divergent boundaries
where plates separate and move in opposite
directions, allowing new lithosphere to form from
upwelling magma.
This either occurs at mid-ocean ridges (the so-called
seafloor spreading) or at rifted continental margins
A divergent plate boundary often forms a mountain
chain known as a ridge. This feature forms as magma
escapes into the space between the spreading
tectonic plates.
One example of a ridge is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an
undersea chain of mountains that formed as two
pairs of tectonic plates spread apart: the North
American Plate and the Eurasian Plate in the north,
and the South American Plate and the African Plate
in the south.
Convergent boundaries
where plates move towards each other.
a convergent plate boundary can result in one
tectonic plate diving unde rneath another. This
process, called “subduction,” involves an older,
denser tectonic plate being forced deep into the
planet underneath a younger, less-dense tectonic
When subduction occurs, a chain of volcanoes often develops near the convergent plate
One such chain of volcanoes can be found on the western coast of the United States,
spanning across the states of California, Oregon, and Washington.
There are three styles of convergent plate boundaries
✓ Ocean-ocean collision -
Where oceanic crust meets
ocean crust. Island arcs and
oceanic trenches occur when
both of the plates are made of
oceanic crust. Zones of active
seafloor spreading can also
occur behind the island arc,
known as back-arc basins.
These are often associated
with submarine volcanoes.
8 Theory of Continental drift & Plate tectonics
Transform boundaries
where plates move horizontally past each other.
The relative motion of the plates is horizontal. They
can occur underwater or on land, and crust is neither
destroyed nor created.
Because of friction, the plates cannot simply glide
past each other. Rather, stress builds up in both plates
and when it exceeds the threshold of the rocks, the
energy is released – causing earthquakes.
A single tectonic plate can have multiple types of plate boundaries with the other plates that
surround it. For instance, the Pacific Plate, one of Earth’s largest tectonic plates, includes
convergent, divergent, and transform plate boundaries.
1 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Learning Objectives:
Understand the role of plate tectonics in the process of formation of
earthquakes and volcanoes
Describe the process of earthquakes and volcanoes
Compare and contrast primary, secondary and surface waves
Infer which seismic waves are the most destructive
Identify the different parts of structure of a volcano
Differentiate between the different types of volcanoes based on eruption
and shape
2 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Most geologic activity occurs at the boundaries between plates. Earthquakes are natural
vibrations of the ground, some of which are caused by movement along fractures in Earth’s crust.
Volcanoes develop from magma moving upward from deep within Earth.
What is an Earthquake?
Earthquakes are some of the most powerful natural disasters on earth and a single earthquake
can cause billions in damage and cause extensive loss of life. But what are all the causes and
effects of earthquakes? And how can you prepare for a large earthquake?
Although the ground beneath us seems solid, it is actually in constant motion. We usually do not
see it, but we can experience it through earthquakes.
Earth's crust is broken up into irregular pieces called tectonic plates. These large pieces of crust
were formed by the combination of gravity and rising heat from Earth's core. There are seven
major plates and many smaller ones, all moving in relation to each other. The lithosphere refers
to the crust and upper mantle that make up these plates.
As tectonic plates move past each other along fault zones, they sometimes get stuck. Pressure
builds, and when the plates finally give and slip, energy is released as seismic waves, causing the
ground to shake. This is an earthquake.
The focus is the place inside Earth’s crust where this movement first occurs and energy is
released. The point on the Earth’s surface located directly above the focus is the epicenter. When
3 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
energy is released at the focus, seismic waves travel outward from that point in all directions.
There are different types of seismic waves, each one traveling at varying speeds and motions. It
is these waves that you feel during an earthquake.
A sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of
movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
The seismic waves travel away from the focus in all directions, as given in Fig. 3. Some seismic
waves travel throughout Earth’s interior, and others travel along Earth’s surface.
4 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Secondary waves
Secondary waves, known as S-
waves, move through rock
material by causing particles in
the rock to vibrate at right
angles to the direction in which
the waves are moving.
They are transmitted by
alternating series of
sideways(shear) movements in a
They are transverse waves.
They are the second to be recorded.
Surface waves
Surface waves are the slowest
and largest of the seismic waves.
They cause most of the
destruction during an
The movement of surface waves
are complex.
Some surface waves move along
Earth’s surface in a manner that
moves rock and soil in a backward rolling motion. They have been observed moving
across the land like waves of water.
Some surface waves vibrate in a side-to-side, or swaying, motion parallel to Earth’s
surface. This motion can be particularly devastating to human-built structures.
They are the slowest waves and the last to be recorded.
Earthquake Measurements
6 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Seismologists are scientists who study earthquakes and seismic waves. The instrument they use
to obtain a record of seismic waves from all over the world is called a seismograph.
The measure of energy released by an earthquake is called its magnitude. The Richter Scale
magnitude is based on measurements of amplitudes, or heights of seismic waves as recorded
on seismographs. It describes how much energy an earthquake release.
7 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Another way to measure earthquakes is the Mercalli Intensity scale, which measures the
intensity of the earthquake. Intensity is a measure of the amount of structural and geologic
damage done by an earthquake in a specific location.
8 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
9 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
10 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust through which magma, ash and gas erupt. Volcanoes
can be different shapes although they are commonly cone shaped mountains. These cone shaped
volcanoes are made up of layers of ash and lava. Most volcanoes are found at plate boundaries.
Inside a volcano
Much like air bubbles that are forced upward toward the bottom of an overturned bottle of
denser syrup, molten rock material, or magma is forced upward toward Earth’s surface by denser
surrounding rock. Rising magma eventually can lead to an eruption, where magma, solids, and
gas are spewed out to form cone-shaped mountains called volcanoes.
As magma flows onto Earth’s surface through a vent, or opening, it is called lava. Volcanoes have
circular holes near their summits called craters. Lava and other volcanic materials can be expelled
through a volcano’s crater.
Some volcanoes form because of collision of large plates of Earth’s crust and upper mantle. This
process has produced a string of volcanic islands.
11 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Volcanoes can erupt from the crater on their peak or from a secondary vent on their side. The
side of a volcano is called the flank. The layers of ash and lava are built up over successive
eruptions. The more eruptions there are, the more layers of ash and lava there will be.
Volcanoes can be active, dormant, and extinct.
An active volcano is one that is known to have erupted in recent times, or which is likely
to erupt again. Eg. Mount Etna in Italy
12 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
A dormant volcano is one that has erupted in the last 2000 years but not recently. It is
inactive but not extinct. It is difficult to decide whether a volcano is dormant or extinct.
An extinct volcano is one that is not expected to erupt again. Ex. Mount Kenya is an extinct
Types of volcanoes
Volcanoes differ in many features such as height, shape and slope steepness. Some volcanoes
are tall cones and other are just cracks in the ground. The shape of a volcano is related to the
composition of its magma.
Composite volcanoes
Also called as stratovolcanoes.
They are typically steep-sided,
symmetrical cones of large dimension
built of alternating layers of lava flows,
volcanic ash, cinders, blocks and bombs
and may rise as much as 8000 feet
above their bases.
Example: Mount Fuji, Mount Cotopaxi,
Mount Shasta, Mount Hood, etc.
Shield volcanoes
They are huge, gently
sloping volcanoes built
of very thin lava
spreading out in all
directions from a
central vent.
They have wide bases
several miles in
diameter with steeper
middle slopes and a
flatter summit.
Eruptions of these volcanoes are not generally explosive but are more like liquid
overflowing around the edges of a container.
Examples: Mount Mauna Loa in Hawaii
13 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
Explore further about earthquakes and volcanoes from the given links:
• Government – the group of people with the authority to govern a
country or state; who officially control a country
Rights and Duties are like two sides of a coin, absolutely inseparable. Whenever and wherever we
have any rights, we must have corresponding duties. Whether it be the home, the society or the
country, in every sphere of life we have rights and duties that go hand in hand. We have rights in
the same as we have duties. The Fundamental duties are a novel feature of the Indian Constitution.
No democratic polity can ever succeed where the citizens are not willing to be active participants in
the process of governance by assuming responsibilities and discharging citizenship duties and
coming forward to give their best to the country.
Fundamental Duties
The following ten duties have been listed in the Constitution of India:
to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag,
National Anthem
to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom
to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do
to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of
India and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women
to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture
to protect and improve the natural environments including forests, lakes, rivers and
to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform
to safeguard public property and not to use violence
to serve towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.
Besides, a new duty has been added after the passage of Right to Education Act, 2009. “A parent or
guardian has to provide opportunities for the education of his child/ward between the age of six and
fourteen years.”
1 Fundamental Rights of India
We often talk about rights, but do you know what does the term ‘rights’ mean? Rights are rules of
interaction between people. They place constraints and obligations upon the actions of the state
and individuals or groups. Rights are defined as claims of an individual that essential for the
development of his or her own self and that are recognized by society or state. Rights are often
considered fundamental to civilization, being regarded as established pillars of society and culture.
But the rights have real meaning only if individuals perform duties. A duty is something that
someone is expected or required to do. Parents, for example, have a duty to take care of their
child. You have duties towards your parents. A teacher has a duty to educate students. In fact,
rights and duties are two wheels on which the chariot of life moves forward smoothly. Life can
become smoother if rights and duties go hand in hand and become complementary to each other.
Rights are what we want others to do for us whereas the duties are those acts which we should
perform for others. Thus, a right comes with an obligation to show respect for the rights of others.
The obligations that accompany rights are in the form of duties. If we have the right to enjoy public
facilities like transport or health services, it becomes our duty to allow others to avail the same. If
we have the right to freedom, it becomes our duty not to misuse this and harm others.
Fundamental Rights
Some of the rights which are recognized and
enshrined in the constitution are called
fundamental rights. These rights are
fundamental because of two reasons:
These are mentioned in the
Constitution which guarantees
These are justiciable, that is
enforceable through courts.
Originally there were seven fundamental rights in the Constitution. There was the
Right to property also. Since it created a lot of problems, it was removed from the
list of fundamental rights in 1978. Now, it is a just a legal right and not a
Fundamental Right.
Right to Equality
Right to equality is very important in a society like ours. The
purpose of this right is to establish the rule of law where
all the citizens should be treated equal before the law. It
has five provisions (Articles 14-18) to provide for equality
before law or for the protection of law to all the persons in
India and also to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
Equality before law: The Constitution guarantees that all citizens will be equal before law.
It means that everyone will be equally protected by the laws of the country. No person is
above law. It means that if two persons commit the same crime, both of them will get the
same punishment without any discrimination.
No discrimination on the bases of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth: The State
cannot discriminate against a citizen on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of
birth. This is necessary to bring about social equality. Every citizen of India has equal access
to shops, restaurants, places of public entertainment or in the use of wells, tanks or roads
without any discrimination. However, the State can make special provisions or concessions
for women and children.
Equality of Opportunity to all Citizens in matter of Public Employment: The State cannot
discriminate against anyone in the matter of public employment. All citizens can apply and
become employees of the State. Merits and qualifications will be the basis of employment.
However, there are some exceptions to this right. There is a special provision for the
reservation of posts for citizens belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Classes (OBCs)
Abolition of Titles: All the British titles like Sir (Knighthood) or Rai Bahadur which were
given to the British loyalists during the British rule, have been abolished because they
4 Fundamental Rights of India
created distinctions of artificial nature. However, the President of India can confer civil and
military awards to those who have rendered meritorious service to the nation in different
fields. The civil awards such as Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padam Bhushan and
Padma Shri and the military awards like Veer Chakra, Paramveer Chakra, Ashok Chakra are
conferred. Do you know that these awards are not titles? Educational and military awards
can be prefixed with one’s name?
Right to freedom
You will agree that the freedom is the
most cherished desire of every living
being. Human beings definitely want
and need freedom. You also want to
have freedom. The Constitution of
India provides Right to Freedom to all
its citizens.
The following are six freedoms:
Freedom of speech and expression
Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms
Freedom to form Associations and Unions
Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India
Freedom to reside and settle in any part of India
Freedom to practise any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business
However, the Constitution has authorized the State to impose certain reasonable restrictions
on each of them:
5 Fundamental Rights of India
Restrictions may be put on the Right to Freedom of speech and expression in the interests
of the sovereignty, integrity and security of India, friendly relations with foreign States,
public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or
incitement to an offence.
Right to assemble peacefully and without arms may be restricted in the interests of the
sovereignty and integrity of India or public order.
Right to form associations or unions may have restrictions in the interests of the
sovereignty and integrity of India, public order or morality.
Right to move freely throughout the territory of India and to reside and settle in any part
of India may also be restricted in the interest of the general public or for the protection of
the interests of any Scheduled Tribe.
Right to practise any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business may have
restrictions in the interests of the general public. The State is also permitted to lay down
the professional or technical qualifications necessary for practising any profession or
carrying on any occupation, trade or business.
Right to freedom of religion
As you know, one of the objectives
declared in the Preamble is “to secure to all
its citizens liberty of belief, faith and
worship”. Since India is a multi-religion
country, where Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs,
Christians and many other communities
live together, the Constitution declares
India as a ‘secular state’.
It means that Indian State has no
religion of its own.
It allows full freedom to all the citizens to have faith in any religion and to worship, the
way they like.
But this should not interfere with the religious beliefs and ways of worship of other
fellow beings. This freedom is available to the foreigners as well.
6 Fundamental Rights of India
Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour: Traffic in human beings and
begar and other similar forms of forced labour are prohibited and any breach of this provision
shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.
Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc.: As the Constitution provides, no
child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or
engaged in any other hazardous employment. This right aims at eliminating one of the most
serious problems, child labour, that India has been facing since ages.
Traffic in human beings means selling and buying of human beings as material goods.
Trafficking, especially of young women, girls and even boys is continuing as an illegal
Right to education
The Right to Education is added by introducing a new Article 21A in the Chapter on Fundamental Rights
in 2002 by the 86th Constitutional Amendment. It was a long standing demand so that all children in
the age group of 6-14 years (and their parents) can claim compulsory and free education as a
Fundamental Right. It is a major step forward in making the country free of illiteracy. But this addition
remained meaningless, as it could not be enforced until 2009 when the Parliament passed the Right
to Education Act, 2009. It is this Act which aims at ensuring that every child who is between 6-14 years
of age and is out of the school in India, goes to school and receives quality education, that is his/her
Thus, the Constitution guarantees these fundamental rights to every Indian citizen.