Load Cell Based Gas Monitoring System: December 2021
Load Cell Based Gas Monitoring System: December 2021
Load Cell Based Gas Monitoring System: December 2021
0 44
3 authors, including:
Radhakrishna Karne
Noorul Islam University
All content following this page was uploaded by Radhakrishna Karne on 30 December 2021.
G.Tejaswini, 3B.Akhila, 4Ch.Saikiran, 5S.Rajesh, UG Scholars
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Balaji Institute of Technology & Science
Abstract: Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the most important part of domestic daily human life but the
safety of human life is required for gas explosion. This
his methodology are used to gives the protection to
human life. when there is a gas leak aged by using automatic indication.it
ation.it also provide the feature for
automatic LPG gas booking when owner is busy and measure continues weight of LPG cylinder using
load cell.
Keywords: Arduino Uno, 16*2LCD display,Load cell,MQ3 gas sensorsensor,Buzzer.
LPG gas mostly used in domestic application but few days the domestic survivance or explosion of gas
are increased this explosion of gas are very ddangerous for the society.The LPG gas booking and weight
measurement unit gives visual indication of gas leakage and continuously measure the weight of cylinder
as well as display this weight on LCD display.When weight below reference value owner side GSM
modem send the booking message to the agency and agency gives the feedback message to the owner.
When owner is absent in home and gas was leaked then GSM send the gas leakage message to the owner
and buzzer or exhaust fan automaticallyon.
We analysis the system designn in two section one is the cylinder user .We are using the load cell
which will monitor the weight of the LPG gas and display the weight of the gas on the display.Gas sensor
which monitor the smell of the gas and tell us by buzzer if we can analyze by the sound of buzzer that
there is a leaking of gas.
Arduino Uno(ATmega328):
A load cell is an electronic sensor for measuring weight and force. When a force is applied to it,
a weak electrical signal at the millivoltage level appears on its output wires. In fact, the load cell is a
transducer which converts force into measurable electrical output.A load cell consists of a metal core
and a set of electrical resistances that transform when a force is applied to it. But after the force is
removed, it returns to its original state. The reversibility of this material de
termines the quality and
accuracy of the load cell.
The MQ3 Gas Sensor module is useful for gas leakage detection (in home and industry). It is suitable for
detecting Alcohol, Benzine, CH4, Hexane, LPG, CO. Due to its high sensitivity and fast response time,
measurements can be taken as soon as possible.The sensitivity can be adjusted by using the potentiometer on
the module
LM35 is a temperature sensor that outputs an analog signal which is proportional to the instantaneous
temperature. The output voltage can easily be interpreted to obtain a temperature reading in Celsius. The
advantage of lm35 over thermistor is it does not require any external calibration. The coating also protects it
from self-heating. Low cost
ost (approximately $0.95) and greater accuracy make it popular among hobbyists,
DIY circuit makers, and students. Many low
end products take advantage of low cost, greater accuracy and
used LM35 in their products. Its approximately 15+ years to its first rrelease
elease but the sensor is still surviving
and is used in any products
Safety and security.
In the home to prevent the explosion of gases.
To avoid the frequently checking the gas manually.
In gas numbering
In Domestic use in hotels.
As we shorted out the problems faced by LPG gas consumers so we come up with some solutions to
meet the few requirements of them, as we made our system is completely automate the process of refill
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