Mydev Module 3 Answer Sheet
Mydev Module 3 Answer Sheet
Mydev Module 3 Answer Sheet
3. Your leadership style: What is your preferred leadership style? Which leadership style are you least comfortable
with? Is it possible to use /adopt all types of leadership styles?
ACTIVITY 3.3 Cooperation and Leading Teamwork (PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 23-24)
You were tasked by your Barangay Captain to lead a Clean-up Project in your neighborhood. Your task is to gather
all the youth (14-24 years old) in your community to ensure all public spaces are clean. You also need to make sure there
are labelled trash bins in key areas to encourage everyone to dispose of their trash properly.
1. What will you do to develop cooperation among your team members?
2. What would you do to help members complete the necessary tasks that you decide to do as a team?
3. If you are not the leader but just a member, how will you work to support teamwork?
ACTIVITY 3.5: Scenarios for Problem Solving Steps. REFER YOUR ANSWER TO ACTIVITY 3.4 CHECKLICT.
Select at least 2 scenario from Scenarios for Problem Solving and use the 6 problem solving steps to help solve
the problem in the scenario. If you would like to practice on more scenarios, you can jot down your answers on the back
of this sheet or a separate piece of paper. Practicing the problem solving steps is a good way to perfect it! REFER TO
ACTIVITY 3.6: Leadership in the Workplace – Interview with a Manager/Secretary or any officer of a company or work
1. Tell me a little bit about your role as a manager. What 6. As a leader, how do you deal with challenges?
are your responsibilities?
2. How did you become a manager? 7. How do you help your team solve task-related
3. How did you develop your leadership skills? 8. How do you help your employees improve their
quality of work?
4. What skills do you use to manage your team? 9. What is the most important thing you have learned as
a leader?
5. What is your style as a leader? 10. Can I contact you in the future? If yes, get their
contact information.