3 Master Model Concept Misconceptions - The PLM Dojo
3 Master Model Concept Misconceptions - The PLM Dojo
3 Master Model Concept Misconceptions - The PLM Dojo
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If you’re around NX for very long you’ll hear someone talk about the Master Model concept. It is an
important concept. It comes up in the various forums from time to time. Usually when people as, “What is
the master model concept?” There are no shortage of answers offered. But I feel that most of the discussions
miss the mark. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the Master Model Concept. I am going to try to
clear some of them up.
But that’s not the only thing you can do use MMC for. You can have a separate file for your manufacturing
tool path information too. And another file for your FEA analyses. Any type of work you need to do that is
driven by the model but does not influence the model can (and should!) be broken out into a separate file that
references the master model.
I think the primary benefit is that MMC decouples your model file from your drawings, machining files, and
analysis models. “Decoupling” is a word that is used in software engineering fairl regularly. However, if it’s
used in terms of CAD modeling, I’ve not heard it. Decoupling means to take a system and divide it into
logical self-contained units which share only what they need to share with each other through well defined
channels. For example, drawings do not need to know the model tree for the geometry. It makes no
difference if that hole was created with a feature or by extruding a sketch. All the drawing needs to see are
the faces and the edges. Likewise, the model does not need to know that the drawing even exists.
The flow of information in MMC is from the master model and to the dependent files.
No, I’m not talking about protecting the reputations of Victoria’s Secret models. I mean that there is nothing
you can do to the drawing, tool paths, or FEA analyses that will damage the master model.
If you had everything in one file, could you be sure that you wouldn’t inadvertently make an unintended
change to the model when you were only supposed to be updating the drawing?
A second benefit of decoupling the model from the dependent files is that you can now divide the work effort
into parallel tracks. One person can be working the model while another starts on the drawing and a third
begins to prepare the tool paths.
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Since the model and drawing and machining and analysis files are separate they can be submitted to different
workflows for review and release. The engineering group can review the model, the drafting group can
review the drawing, manufacturing, the tool paths, etc.
Independent changes
The different files can be revised independently. A change to a note on the drawing does not require the
model to be changed. Nor does a new analyses. And changes to the model that do not affect the other files do
not require them to be updated. For example, there’s no reason to update a tool path because someone added
a new reference set to the model.
Closing Thoughts
If anyone knows the history of who first came up with the master model concept, please share. (Paging John
Be Consistent
I endorse using the MMC for all files. I know that some people feel that for really simple models that the
drawing should be embedded in the model file. Personally, I feel it’s better to just consistently use one
approach. If you’re going to use MMC in some cases (and you should), just use it in all cases.
Have I missed any misconceptions? Do you disagree with my choices? Leave a comment, below.
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Pull up a chair and let me As I’ve mentioned before, There are times
tell you a story from my Multi-key identifiers in precise assemb
early days as a … Teamcenter was a … is incorrect; the
. just two points:
UGPART = drawing
It's the result of having a single .prt file type all types of files. I
haven't heard of any other CAD programs that that use a
single file extension.
The fact that a manifestation does not get locked down is both a
blessing and a curse.
Just go find one of those really important released CAD models and
cut/delete the manifestation with those many man weeks of NC
programming it in... Viola!!
Also, where used does not report manifestations that reference their
master so if the relation gets cut you are hosed.
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Thank you for the insight about manifestations (and for the
compliment :-)
In your view, is there not a need to lock down the tool paths at
some point and control when and how they are updated, even
if they are updated separately from the master model &
revision? I'm imagining possibly having a workflow that only
accepted and statused UGPART datasets -- but then i don't
know how you'd "revise" just the dataset.(unstatus it and
create a new version?)
Cant wait to use my ITK skillz to begin re-identifying all those legacy
items when V10 gets here ;) I love POM calls!!!!!
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other for that matter) as well?And how about the dependencies in the
case of MMC? Say a TC part has a model as well as drawing
attached with it..in such a case how is it possible to have
independent lifecycles for model and drawing(when both have the
same TC part)? FYI, i work in TC Enterprise.
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- Item Revision
- Model Dataset
- Drawing Dataset
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Model Item
- Model Item Revision
- Model Dataset
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