Sensor de Presion Bombas 321 2

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12 0 S e r i es

120 Seri es

• Class I, Div. 1 & 2, (Zone 1)
Class II, Div. 1 & 2
Class III
• Worldwide approvals and certifications
• Choice of one or two SPDT,
optional DPDT output
• Dual electrical conduit openings
• Terminal block wiring
• Welded diaphragm or bellows sensor
• Ultra-low pressure ranges

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120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

overview features
As safety requirements become more stringent, the determining • Approvals include cULus, ATEX,
factor in specifying an industrial pressure, differential pressure and/ GOST, CQST, IECEx; compliance
or temperature switch rests upon that switch protecting equipment, with CE and NACE standards
processes and personnel. Meeting hazardous location requirements
• Internal adjustment or external
through adherence to UL, CSA, and ATEX standards, UE’s 120 adjustment via calibrated dials
Series is the choice where potentially explosive or highly corrosive with tamper resistant cover
atmospheres exist.
• Integral cover lock
The 120 Series offers a variety of pressure, differential pressure, vacuum and
temperature ranges, as well as port connections, wetted materials and sen- • Single or Dual Output
sor types. With common, flexible “platforms”, models can quickly be adapted
• Wide variety of sensor materials
at the factory for special requirements, such as ranges, process connections
and electrical ratings. Typical industries using 120 Series switches include • Optional Hastelloy® and Monel®
chemical, petrochemical, refinery, oil and gas production and transmission, sensor material for corrosive media
and pharmaceuticals.
• Flush mount sanitary sensors
An innovator in Threshold Detection and Switching™ technology since 1931,
• "Pump" switch (model 15622) with
United Electric’s primary focus remains the manufacture of switches and sensors
wide adjustable deadband
for the protection of equipment, processes and people.
• Stainless steel, Hastelloy®, and
Monel® flanges conforming to
ANSI standards

• Heat tracing and freeze protection

Remote bulb and Welded stainless
temperature models
armored capillary steel diaphragm
temperature model pressure model • Most models available for
immediate delivery!

Ultra-low "wc Differential pressure

model with welded model with Option
stainless steel M210, Indicating
diaphragm module

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Storage temperature -65 to 160°F (-54 to 71°C)
Ambient temperature limits -58 to 160°F (-50 to 71°C); models 36-39, 520-525, 540-548, 701-705: 0 to 160°F
(-17 to 71°C); types 820E, 822E: -40 to 160°F (-40 to 71°C) set point typically shifts
less than 1% of range for a 50°F (28°C) ambient temperature change; less than 2%
for types E121& E122
Set point repeatability Temperature models: ±1% of adjustable range
Pressure models 126-164, S126B-S164B, 171-174, 270-274, 358-376, 520-535, 540-
543, 560-564, 701-705: ±1% of adjustable range; models 450-559: ±1/2% of
adjustable range; models 36-39, 183-194, 483-494, 544-548, 565-567, 612-680:
±1-1/2% of adjustable range
Shock Set point repeats after 15 G, 10 millisecond duration
Vibration Set point repeats after 2.5 G, 5-500 Hz
Enclosure Die cast aluminum, epoxy powder coated; gasketed; coverlock; internal set point lock
standard on types J, C, F; gasketed stainless steel tamper-resistant dial cover on types B,
H, E; aluminum nameplate
Enclosure classification Certified to enclosure type 4X. Class I, Division 1 product meet enclosure type 7; Class
II, Division 1 product meet enclosure type 9. Certified to IP66 requirements
Switch output One or two SPDT; dual switch may be separated up to 100% of range; except type 822E
where switch #2 can be set up to 25% of range span below switch #1 setpoint; switches
may be wired “normally open” or “normally closed”. Two SPDT hermetic sealed
switches available on H122P models
Electrical rating 15A 125/250/480 VAC resistive (standard) except types H122P; 11A 125/250 VAC
resistive; B121-13272, B122-13322, E121-13273, E122-13321; 22A 480VAC resistive.
Electrical switches have limited DC capabilities. Consult factory for additional
Reference scales Types B, E & H: external dial. Scale divisions vary with range
Weight 3-8 lbs. Varies with type and model
Electrical connection Type H, B, E; one 3/4" NPT E/C; type J, C, F, 820E, 822E; two 3/4" NPT E/C;
terminal block standard
Pressure connection Models S126B-S164B, 171-194, 483-494, 520-535: 1/2" NPT (female); models 560-564: 2"
sanitary connection; models 565-567: 1-1 ⁄ 2" sanitary connection; models 540-548: 1/8"
NPT (female); all others: 1/4" NPT (female)
Temperature assembly Bulb and capillary: 6 feet 304 stainless steel (standard) except for E121-13273 and
E122-13321: 10 feet; Immersion stem: nickel-plated brass (standard) except for B121-
13272 and B122-13322: stainless steel. Fill: Model 1BS: solvent filled; models 2BS-
8BS: non-toxic oil filled
Temperature deadband Type F120, 820E, 822E: typically 1%; type B-, C-, and E- 121 and 122: typically 2% of
range under laboratory conditions (70°F [21°C] ambient circulating bath at rate of
1/2°F per minute change)
Pressure deadband See Individual model charts
Differential pressure Differential pressure indication available types H121K and H122K with option M210
indicator (option M210) (check model availability under options); accuracy approximately 1% mid 50% of range,
3% at ends; window is plexiglass and gasketed; indicator may be field adjusted for
approximately ±1% accuracy at any set point within range
TEMPERATURE INDICATION Temperature indication available types 820E and 822E. Indication accuracy is ±1% of
adjustable range

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agency approvals
Class I, Division 1 and 2, Groups B, C & D Gosnadzorohrantruda Permit (OPTIONAL - code M404)
Class II, Division 1 and 2, Groups E, F & G 1ExdIICT6X
Class III Tamb = -56°C to +85°C (types 120, 121 & 122)
Class I, Zone 1, Group IIB + H2 T6 Tamb = -40°C to +71°C (types 820 & 822)
Enclosure Type 4X Certificate # 1867.04.30 - 31.62.4
UL Listed, cUL Certified
Pressure: UL 50 & 698; CSA C22.2
No. 25 & 30 - File # E40857 CHINA
Temperature: UL 50 & 698; CSA C22.2 CQST Certified (OPTIONAL – code M408)
No. 25 & 30 - File # E43374 Exd IIC T6
DIP A21 TA +85°C
Tamb. = -40°C to +75°C
EUROPE GB 3836.1, 3836.2 & 12476.1
ATEX Directive (94/9/EC) Pressure: Certificate # CNEx 04.300X
II 2 G EEx d IIC T6 Temperature: Certificate # CNEx 04.301X
II 2 D T+85°C
Tamb = -40°C to +71°C, IP 66
Certificate # DEMKO 03 ATEX 0305048 IECEx Certified (OPTIONAL – code M403)
EN 50014, 50018, 50281-1-1 & 60529 Ex d IIC T6
Tamb. = -40°C to 75°C
II 1 G EEx ia IIC T6 (OPTIONAL – code M405) IEC 60079-0 & 60079-1
(not available types 820E, 822E) Certificate # IECEx UL 03.0001
Tamb = -50°C to +60°C
UL International DEMKO A/S (N.B.# 0539) * See for a list of
Certificate # DEMKO 03 ATEX 0335063 participating members.
EN 50014, 50020 & 50284

Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (97/23/EC)

Category IV, Module H1 (OPTIONAL – code M407)
(check options for model availability)
TÜV Süddeutschland Bau und Betrieb GmbH (N.B.# 0036)
Certificate # USA 02/04/38/001 thru USA 02/07/38/033
Products rated lower than 7.5 psi are outside the scope of the PED

Low Voltage Directive (LVD) (73/23/EC & 93/68/EEC)

UEC compliant to LVD
Products rated lower than 50 VAC and 75 VDC are outside of the
scope of the LVD
The Low Voltage Directive does not apply to products for use in
hazardous locations

Gosgortechnadzor Permit (OPTIONAL – code M406)
(not available on types 820E & 822E)
Tamb = -50°C to +60°C
NANIO CCVE Certification Center
Certificate # RRS 04-8897
GOST, GOST R 51330.0 & 51330.10

Tamb = -56°C to +85°C (types 120, 121 & 122)
Tamb = -40°C to +71°C (types 820 & 822)
NANIO CCVE Certification Center
Certificate # RRS 04-8895
GOST, GOST R 51330.0 & 51330.1

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pressure model chart

Type J120, single switch with internal adjustment, dual conduits

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Over Range Proof

Low end of range on fall; Pressure* Pressure**
High end of range on rise
“wc mbar “wc mbar psi bar psi bar
Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with epoxy coated aluminum, 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection, large 0.72" orifice for clean-out purposes
(other wetted materials available see pg. 16)

520 300 Vac to 0 -746,7 to 0 0.2 to 8 0,5 to 19,9 200 13,8 400 27,6
521 10 Vac to 10 -24,9 to 24,9 0.1 to 0.6 0,2 to 1,5 200 13,8 400 27,6
522 50 Vac to 50 -124,5 to 124,5 0.1 to 3 0,2 to 7,5 200 13,8 400 27,6
523 0.5 to 5 1,2 to 12,4 0.1 to 0.3 0,2 to 0,7 200 13,8 400 27,6
524 2.5 to 50 6,2 to 124,5 0.1 to 0.8 0,2 to 2,0 200 13,8 400 27,6
525 10 to 250 24,9 to 622,3 0.1 to 6 0,2 to 14,9 200 13,8 400 27,6

Welded 316L stainless steel diaphragm and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection, large 0.72" orifice for clean-out purposes

530 300 Vac to 0 -746,7 to 0 0.2 to 15 0,5 to 37,3 50 3,4 100 6,9
531 10 Vac to 10 -24,9 to 24,9 0.1 to 0.6 0,2 to 1,5 50 3,4 100 6,9
532 50 Vac to 50 -124,5 to 124,5 0.1 to 3 0,2 to 7,5 50 3,4 100 6,9
533 0.5 to 5 1,2 to 12,4 0.1 to 0.3 0,2 to 0,7 50 3,4 100 6,9
534 2.5 to 50 6,2 to 124,5 0.1 to 0.8 0,2 to 2,0 50 3,4 100 6,9
535 10 to 250 24,9 to 622,3 0.1 to 10 0,2 to 24,9 50 3,4 100 6,9

psi bar (unless noted) psi mbar (unless noted) psi bar psi bar
2” sanitary welded 316L stainless steel diaphragm and pressure connection. Mates with Tri-Clamp® fitting systems, (not UE supplied)
560 0.5 to 15 34,5 mbar to 1,0 bar 0.1 to 1 6,9 to 68,9 200 13,8 300 20,7
561 1 to 25 68,9 mbar to 1,7 bar 0.1 to 1.5 6,9 to 103,4 200 13,8 300 20,7
562 2 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.1 to 2.5 6,9 to 172,4 200 13,8 300 20,7
563 4 to 100 0,3 to 6,9 0.1 to 4 6,9 to 275,8 200 13,8 300 20,7
564 8 to 200 0,6 to 13,8 0.1 to 5 6,9 to 344,7 200 13,8 300 20,7

1.5” sanitary welded 316L stainless steel diaphragm and pressure connection. Mates with Tri-Clamp® fitting systems, (not UE supplied)

565 5 to 30 0,3 to 2,1 1 to 5 68,9 mbar to 0,3 bar 1000 68,9 1500 103,4
566 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 1 to 12 68,9 mbar to 0,8 bar 1000 68,9 1500 103,4
567 15 to 300 1,0 to 20,7 3 to 22 0,2 to 1,5 1000 68,9 1500 103,4

Welded 316L stainless steel diaphragm and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection, large 0.72” orifice for clean-out purposes (NACE MR-0175 compliant)
171 1 to 20 68,9 mbar to 1,4 bar 0.1 to 1 6,9 to 68,9 500 34,5 1000 68,9
172 2 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.1 to 1.5 6,9 to 103,4 500 34,5 1000 68,9
173 4 to 100 0,3 to 6,9 0.1 to 2.5 6,9 to 172,4 500 34,5 1000 68,9
174 8 to 200 0,6 to 13,8 0.1 to 3.5 6,9 to 241,3 500 34,5 1000 68,9

Application Note: The use of metallic diaphragms where higher pressure shock or heavy cycling is expected should be avoided. Models 171-174 should not be used where system or
start-up vacuum might exceed 26 " Hg Vac
*Over Range Pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied continuously without causing damage and maintaining set point repeatability.
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)

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Type J120, single switch with internal adjustment, dual conduits (cont)

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Over Range Proof

Low end of range on fall; Pressure* Pressure **
High end of range on rise
psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

316L stainless steel diaphragm (optional Hastelloy® C or Monel®); Viton® GLT O-Ring (optional Kalrez®, Silicone, Ethylene Propylene or
Aflas®); 316 stainless steel 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection (optional Hastelloy® C or Monel®), 0.72” orifice for clean-out purposes.
Models 188 and 189 have a 316L stainless steel 1/2" NPT (female) pressure connection (NACE MR-0175 compliant)
183 1 to 20 0,1 to 1,4 0.3 to 2.5 20,7 to 172,4 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
184 2 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.3 to 3 20,7 to 206,8 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
185 4 to 100 0,3 to 6,9 0.5 to 6 34,5 to 413,7 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
186 8 to 200 0,6 to 13,8 1 to 11 0,1 to 0,8 500 34,5 1000 68,9
188 50 to 1000 3,4 to 68,9 25 to 125 1,7 to 8,6 2000 137,9 7000 482,6
189 250 to 3500 17,2 to 241,3 50 to 300 3,4 to 20,7 4000 275,8 7000 482,6

316L stainless steel diaphragm (optional Hastelloy® C or Monel®); Viton®GLT O-Ring (optional Kalrez®, Silicone, Ethylene Propylene or
Aflas®); 316 stainless steel 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection (optional Hastelloy® C or Monel®), 0.06" orifice to dampen pulsations.
Models 488 and 489 have a 316L stainless steel 1/2" NPT (female) pressure connection (NACE MR-0175 compliant)
483 1 to 20 0,1 to 1,4 0.3 to 2.5 20,7 to 172,4 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
484 2 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.3 to 3 20,7 to 206,8 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
485 4 to 100 0,3 to 6,9 0.5 to 6 34,5 to 413,7 mbar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
486 8 to 200 0,6 to 13,8 1 to 11 0,1 to 0,8 500 34,5 1000 68,9
488 50 to 1000 3,4 to 68,9 25 to 125 1,7 to 8,6 2000 137,9 7000 482,6
489 250 to 3500 17,2 to 241,3 50 to 300 3,4 to 20,7 4000 275,8 7000 482,6

Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection
S126B 30 to 3 ”Hg Vac -1 to -0,1 0.2 to 0.6 "Hg 6,8 to 20,3 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 5 0,3
S134B 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.2 to 0.6 "Hg 6,8 to 20,3 mbar 20 1,4 25 1,7
S137B 15 to 80 ”wc 37,3 to 199,1 mbar 2 to 6 "wc 5,0 to 14,9 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 5 0,3
S144B 0.5 to 20 34,5 mbar to 1,4 bar 0.1 to 0.3 6,9 to 20,7 mbar 20 1,4 25 1,7
S152B 1 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.1 to 0.5 6,9 to 34,5 mbar 50 3,4 75 5,2
S156B 2 to 100 0,1 to 6,9 0.2 to 0.6 13,8 to 41,4 mbar 100 6,9 125 8,6
S164B 4 to 200 0,3 to 13,8 0.2 to 1 13,8 to 68,9 mbar 200 13,8 200 13,8

Lower 75% range span Top 25% range span

psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar

Welded 316 stainless steel diaphragm and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection, large 0.72” orifice for clean-out purposes (NACE MR-0175
190 5 to 30 0,3 to 2,1 1 to 3 0,1 to 0,2 6 max 0,4 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
191 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 1 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 15 max 1,0 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
192 15 to 300 1,0 to 20,7 3 to 18 0,2 to 1,2 25 max 1,7 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
193 20 to 500 1,4 to 34,5 4 to 30 0,3 to 2,1 45 max 3,1 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
194 80 to 1700 5,5 to 117,2 5 to 120 0,3 to 8,3 150 max 10,3 2000 137,9 2500 172,4
Welded 316 stainless steel diaphragm and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection, 0.06” orifice to dampen pulsations
490 5 to 30 0,3 to 2,1 1 to 3 0,1 to 0,2 6 max 0,4 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
491 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 1 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 15 max 1,0 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
492 15 to 300 1,0 to 20,7 3 to 18 0,2 to 1,2 25 max 1,7 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
493 20 to 500 1,4 to 34,5 4 to 30 0,3 to 2,1 45 max 3,1 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
494 80 to 1700 5,5 to 117,2 5 to 120 0,3 to 8,3 150 max 10,3 2000 137,9 2500 172,4

Viton® is a registered trademark of Dupont Dow Elastomers Kalrez® and Teflon® are registered trademarks of E.I. Dupont
Hastelloy® is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc Aflas® is a registered trademark of Asahi Glass
Monel® is a registered trademark of the INCO family of companies Tri-Clamp® is a registered trademark of Tri-Clover, Inc.

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pressure model chart

Type J120, single switch with internal adjustment, dual conduits (cont)

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Over Range Proof

Low end of range on fall; Pressure* Pressure**
High end of range on rise
psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

Brass bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection; models 126 & 134 have zinc-plated steel spring which is exposed
to media
126 30 to 3 ”Hg Vac -1 to 0,1 0.2 to 0.6 ”Hg 6,8 to 20,3 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 5 0,3
134 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.2 to 0.6 ”Hg 6,8 to 20,3 mbar 20 1,4 25 1,7
137 15 to 80 ”wc 37,3 to 199,1 mbar 2 to 6 ”wc 5,0 to 14,9 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 5 0,3
144 0.5 to 20 34,5 mbar to 1,4 bar 0.1 to 0.3 6,9 to 20,7 mbar 20 1,4 25 1,7
152 1 to 50 0,1 to 3,4 0.1 to 0.5 6,9 to 34,5 mbar 50 3,4 75 5,2
156 2 to 100 0,1 to 6,9 0.2 to 0.6 13,8 to 41,4 mbar 100 6,9 125 8,6
164 4 to 200 0,3 to 13,8 0.2 to 1 13,8 to 68,9 mbar 200 13,8 200 13,8

Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection

356 15 to 100 1,0 to 6,9 0.7 to 1.8 48,3 to 124,1 mbar 100 6,9 800 55,2
358 15 to 200 1,0 to 13,8 1 to 3 0,1 to 0,2 200 13,8 800 55,2
361 20 to 300 1,4 to 20,7 1 to 4 0,1 to 0,3 300 20,7 800 55,2
376 25 to 500 1,7 to 34,5 1.5 to 5 0,1 to 0,3 500 34,5 800 55,2

Phosphor bronze bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection

270 4 to 200 0,3 to 13,8 1 to 4 0,1 to 0,3 200 13,8 250 17,2
274 6 to 300 0,4 to 20,7 1 to 5 0,1 to 0,3 300 20,7 350 24,1

*Over Range Pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied continuously without causing damage and maintaining set point repeatability.
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)
Deadband note: Models 190-194, 490-494 are expressed as the lower 75 % and top 25% of the range span because of the operating characteristics of the diaphragm sensor and switch.

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Type J120, single switch with internal adjustment, dual conduits (cont)

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Over Range Proof

Low end of range on fall; Pressure* Pressure**
High end of range on rise
psi bar psi bar psi bar psi bar
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

303 stainless steel piston with Buna N O-Ring and 303 stainless steel 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection (not recommended for gas service
since drying of the O-Ring seal can allow bleeding of medium into the atmosphere)
612 125 to 3000 8,6 to 206,8 40 to 250 2,8 to 17,2 6000 413,7 10000 689,5
616 700 to 5000 48,3 to 344,7 40 to 375 2,8 to 25,9 6000 413,7 10000 689,5

316 stainless steel bellows and 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection (not recommended for rapid or high cycling pressure changes)
680 100 to 1700 6,9 to 117,2 9 to 40 0,6 to 2,8 1700 117,2 2500 172,4

Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection; Optional Viton diaphragm and O-Ring available
701 1.5 to 30 103,4 mbar to 2,1 bar 1 to 2 68,9 mbar to 0,1 bar 500 34,5 1000 68.9
702 3 to 100 0,2 to 6,9 1 to 4 68,9 to 0,3 bar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
703 9 to 300 0,6 to 20,7 1 to 5 68,9 to 0,3 bar 500 34,5 1000 68,9
704 15 to 500 1,0 to 34,5 2 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 1500 103,4 2500 172,4
705 30 to 1000 2,1 to 68,9 3 to 20 0,2 to 1,4 1500 103,4 2500 172,4

Viton® diaphragm and O-ring with 1/4" NPT (female) 303 stainless steel pressure connection (includes adjustable deadband switch)
15622 20 to 200 1,4 to 13,8 12 to 26 0,8 to 1,8 500 34,5 1000 68,9

Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with 1/4” NPT (female) aluminum connection and cap
450 30 ”Hg Vac to 3 ”Hg Vac -1 to -0,1 0.1 to 0.3 ”Hg 3,4 to 10,2 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 225 15,5
451 2 to 80” wc 5 to 199,1 mbar 0.8 to 2 ”wc 2 to 5 mbar 80 ”wc 199,1 mbar 225 15,5
452 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1,0 to 1,4 0.1 to 0.4 ”Hg 3,4 to 13,5 mbar 20 1,4 225 15,5
453 0.5 to 20 34,5 mbar to 1,4 bar 0.05 to 0.1 3,4 to 6,9 mbar 20 1,4 225 15,5
454 0.8 to 30 55,2 mbar to 2,1 bar 0.05 to 0.2 3,4 to 13,8 mbar 30 2,1 225 15,5

Teflon® diaphragm and O-Ring 316 stainless steel with 1/4” NPT (female) 316 stainless steel pressure connection and cap
550 30 "Hg Vac to 3 "Hg Vac -1 to -0,1 0.1 to 0.4 "Hg 3,4 to 13,5 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 225 15,5
551 2 to 80 ”wc 5 to 199,1 mbar 1 to 4 "wc 2,5 to 10 mbar 80 "wc 199,1 mbar 225 15,5
552 30 "Hg Vac to 20 psi -1,0 to 1,4 0.2 to 0.5 "Hg 6,8 to 16,9 mbar 20 1,4 225 15,5
553 0.5 to 20 34,5 mbar to 1,4 bar 0.1 to 0.2 6,9 to 13,8 mbar 20 1,4 225 15,5
554 0.8 to 30 55,2 mbar to 2,1 bar 0.1 to 0.3 6,9 to 20,7 mbar 30 2,1 225 15,5
555 2 to 100 0,1 to 6,9 0.2 to 0.4 13,8 to 27,6 mbar 100 6,9 225 15,5

Teflon® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont

*Over Range Pressure: The maximum pressure that may be applied continuously without causing damage and maintaining set point repeatability.
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)

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pressure model chart

Type H121, single switch with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type H122, dual switch with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type H122P*, two hermetically sealed single switches with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Proof Dial Divisions

Low end of range on fall; Pressure**
High end of range on rise
psi bar psi bar psi bar psi
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connection

S126B 30 ”Hg Vac to 0 psi -1 to 0 0.2 to 0.9 ”Hg 6,8 to 30,5 mbar 5 0, 3 0.5 "Hg
S134B 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.2 to 1.2 ”Hg 6,8 to 40,6 mbar 25 1, 7 1 "Hg & 0.5 psi
S137B† 2 to 80 ”wc 5 to 199,1 mbar 2 to 10 ”wc 5 to 24,9 mbar 5 0,3 2 "wc
S144B 0 to 20 0 to 1,4 0.1 to 0.5 6,9 to 34,5 mbar 25 1,7 0.5
S146B 0 to 30 0 to 2,1 0.1 to 0.6 6,9 to 41,4 mbar 40 2,8 0.5
S156B 0 to 100 0 to 6,9 0.2 to 0.8 13,8 to 55,2 mbar 125 8,6 2
S164B 0 to 200 0 to 13,8 0.3 to 2 20,7 to 137,9 mbar 200 13,8 5

Brass bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection; models 126 & 134 have a zinc-plated steel spring which is exposed
to media

126 30 ”Hg Vac to 0 psi -1 to 0 0.2 to 0.9 ”Hg 6,8 to 30,5 mbar 5 0,3 0.5 "Hg
134 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.2 to 1.2 ”Hg 6,8 to 40,6 mbar 25 1,7 1 ”Hg & 0.5 psi
137† 2 to 80 ”wc 5 to 199,1 mbar 2 to 10 ”wc 5 to 24,9 mbar 5 0,3 2 ”wc
144 0 to 20 0 to 1,4 0.1 to 0.5 6,9 to 34,5 mbar 25 1,7 0.5
146 0 to 30 0 to 2,1 0.1 to 0.6 6,9 to 41,4 mbar 40 2,8 0.5
156 0 to 100 0 to 6,9 0.2 to 0.8 13,8 to 55,2 mbar 125 8,6 2
164 0 to 200 0 to 13,8 0.3 to 2 20,7 to 137,9 mbar 200 13,8 5

316L stainless steel bellows and 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection

358 0 to 200 0 to 13,8 1.5 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 250 17,2 5

361 0 to 300 0 to 20,7 2 to 9 0,1 to 0,6 350 24,1 10
376 0 to 500 0 to 34,5 3 to 12 0,2 to 0,8 575 39,6 10

303 stainless steel piston with Buna N O-Ring and 303 stainless steel 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection (not recommended for gas service
since drying of the O-Ring seal can allow bleeding of medium into the atmosphere)

612 200 to 3000 13,8 to 206,8 40 to 250 2,8 to 17,2 10,000 689,5 50
614 500 to 6000 34,5 to 413,7 50 to 400 3,4 to 27,6 10,000 689,5 100

*Please note: Must specify option code 1180 with all models.
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)
†Not available on types H122 and H122P

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120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

Type H121, single switch with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type H122, dual switch with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type H122P*, two hermetically sealed single switches with external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Proof Dial Divisions

Low end of range on fall; Pressure**
High end of range on rise
psi bar psi bar psi bar psi
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

Phosphor bronze bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection

270 0 to 200 0 to 13,8 1.5 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 250 17,2 5

274 0 to 300 0 to 20,7 2 to 10 0,1 to 0,7 350 24,1 10

Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with aluminum 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection and cap

450 30 ”Hg Vac to 0 psi -1 to 0 0.1 to 0.4 ”Hg 3,4 to 13,5 mbar 225 15,5 0.5 ”Hg
452 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.1 to 1 ”Hg 3,4 to 33,9 mbar 225 15,5 1 ”Hg & 0.5 psi
453 0 to 20 0 to 1,4 0.05 to 0.2 3,4 to 13,8 mbar 225 15,5 0.5
454 0 to 30 0 to 2,1 0.05 to 0.3 3,4 to 20,7 mbar 225 15,5 0.5

Teflon® diaphragm and O-Ring with stainless steel 1/4” NPT (female) 316 pressure connection and cap
550 30 ”Hg Vac to 0 psi -1 to 0, 0.1 to .6 ”Hg 3,4 to 20,3 mbar 225 15,5 0.5 ”Hg
552 30 ”Hg Vac to 20 psi -1 to 1,4 0.2 to 1 ”Hg 6,8 to 33,9 mbar 225 15,5 1 ”Hg & 0.5 psi
553 0 to 20 0 to 1,4 0.05 to 0.3 3,4 to 20,7 mbar 225 15,5 0.5
554 0 to 30 0 to 2,1 0.1 to 0.4 6,9 to 27,6 mbar 225 15,5 0.5
555 0 to 100 0 to 6,9 0.25 to 0.75 17,2 to 51,7 mbar 225 15,5 2

Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connection; Optional Viton diaphragm and O-Ring available
(models 701-703)

701† 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 1 to 3 0,1 to 0,2 1000 68,9 0.5

702†† 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 1 to 5 0,1 to 0,3 1000 68,9 2
703†† 30 to 300 2,1 to 20,7 2 to 7 0,1 to 0,5 1000 68,9 10
704†† 50 to 500 3,4 to 34,5 3 to 12 0,2 to 0,8 2500 172,4 10
705†† 200 to 1000 13,8 to 68,9 5 to 25 0,3 to 1,7 2500 172,4 25

*Please note: Must specify option code 1180 with all models.
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)
†Not available on types H122 and H122P
††Not available on type H122P

10 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

differential pressure model chart

Type J120K, single switch with internal adjustment, dual conduits

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Working Proof

Low end of range on fall; Pressure*** Pressure**
High end of range on rise
psid bar psi bar psi bar psi bar
(unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted) (unless noted)

Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connections

S147B 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.3 to 1.5 20,7 to 103,4 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 100 -1 to 6,9 300 20,7
S157B 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.5 to 2 34,5 to 137,9 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 180 -1 to 12,4 300 20,7
Welded brass bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

147 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.3 to 1.5 20,7 to 103,4 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 100 -1 to 6,9 180 12,4
157 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.5 to 2 34,5 to 137,9 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 150 -1 to 10,3 180 12,4
Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

367 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 4 to 10 0,3 to 0,7 0 to 350 0 to 24,1 500 34,5
Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with 303 stainless steel 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

36 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 1 to 5 0,1 to 0,3 0 to 350 0 to 24,1 1000 68,9

37 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 2 to 8 0,1 to 0,6 0 to 500 0 to 34,5 1000 68,9
38 30 to 300 2,1 to 20,7 2 to 15 0,1 to 1,0 0 to 1000 0 to 68,9 2500 172,4
39 50 to 500 3,4 to 34,5 3 to 20 0,2 to 1,4 0 to 1000 0 to 68,9 2500 172,4
Buna N diaphragm and O-Ring with aluminum 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

455 5 to 80 ”wcd 12,4 to 199,1 mbar 1 to 4 ”wc 2,5 to 10 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5
456 2 to 20 0,1 to 1,4 0.1 to 0.3 6,9 to 20,7 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5
457 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.1 to 0.4 6,9 to 27,6 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5
Teflon® and Buna N diaphragms, Buna N O-Ring with aluminum 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

559 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.2 to 1 13,8 to 68,9 mbar 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5
Kapton® diaphragms, Buna N sealing diaphragms with aluminum 1/8” NPT (female) pressure connections
540 0.2 to 7 “wcd 0,5 to 17,4 mbar 0.05 to 0,6 “wc 0,1 to 1,5 mbar 30 ”Hg to 200 -1 to 13,8 400 27,6
541 1 to 20 “wcd 2,5 to 49,8 mbar 0.1 to 1.0 “wc 0.2 to 2,5 mbar 30 ”Hg to 200 -1 to 13,8 400 27,6
542 5 to 50 “wcd 12,4 to 124,5 mbar 0.2 to 2.5 “wc 0,5 to 6,2 mbar 30 ”Hg to 200 -1 to 13,8 400 27,6
543 10 to 200 “wcd 24,9 to 497,8 mbar 0.5 to 8 “wc 1,2 to 19,9 mbar 30 ”Hg to 200 -1 to 13,8 400 27,6
544 2 to 20 0,1 to 1,4 0.1 to 1.3 6,9 to 89,6 mbar 30 ”Hg to 1200 -1 to 82,7 2500 172,4
545 5 to 50 0,3 to 3,4 0.2 to 2.2 13,8 mbar to 0,1 bar 30 ”Hg to 1200 -1 to 82,7 2500 172,4
546 10 to 125 0,7 to 8,6 0.4 to 5.0 27,6 mbar to 0,3 bar 30 ”Hg to 1200 -1 to 82,7 2500 172,4
547 50 to 250 3,4 to 17,2 0.8 to 10 0,1 to 0,7 30 ”Hg to 1200 -1 to 82,7 2500 172,4
548 100 to 500 6,9 to 34,5 2.0 to 15 0,1 to 1,0 30 ”Hg to 1200 -1 to 82,7 2500 172,4
Kapton® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont
**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up, testing)
***Working Pressure Range: The pressure range within which two opposing sensors can be safely operated and still maintain set point adjustability.

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 11
120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

Type H121K, single switch with external adjustment dial via reference dial, single conduit
Type H122K, dual switch with external adjustment dial via reference dial, single conduit

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Deadband Working Proof Dial

Low end of range on fall; Pressure*** Pressure** Divisions
High end of range on rise
psid bar psi mbar psi bar psi bar psi
(unless noted)

Welded 316L stainless steel bellows and 1/2” NPT (female) pressure connections
S147B 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.3 to 2 20,7 to 137,9 30 ”Hg Vac to 100 -1 to 6,9 300 20,7 0.5
S157B 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.5 to 3 34,5 to 206,8 30 ”Hg Vac to 180 -1 to 12,4 300 20,7 2

Welded brass bellows with nickel-plated brass 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

147 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.3 to 2 20,7 to 137,9 30 ”Hg Vac to 100 -1 to 6,9 180 12,4 0.5
157 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.5 to 3 34,5 to 206,8 30 ”Hg Vac to 150 -1 to 10,3 180 12,4 2

Buna N diaphragm, O-Ring with aluminum 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

456 2 to 20 0,1 to 1,4 0.1 to 0.3 6,9 to 20,7 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5 0.5
457 3 to 30 0,2 to 2,1 0.1 to 0.4 6,9 to 27,6 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5 0.5

Teflon® and Buna N diaphragms, Buna N O-Ring with aluminum 1/4” NPT (female) pressure connections

559 10 to 100 0,7 to 6,9 0.2 to 1 13,8 to 68,9 30 ”Hg Vac to 225 -1 to 15,5 225 15,5 2

Differential Pressure Indicating Option M210

**Proof Pressure: The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage. The unit may require calibration (e.g. start-up,
***Working Pressure Range: The pressure range within which two opposing sensors can be safely operated and still maintain set point adjustability.

12 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
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TEMPERATURE model chart

Type B121, B121-13272 (HTFP), single switch, immersion stem, external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type B122, B122-13322 (HTFP), dual switch, immersion stem, external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type C120, single switch, immersion stem, internal adjustment , dual conduits
Type E121, E121-13273 (HTFP), single switch, bulb and capillary, external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type E122, E122-13321 (HTFP), dual switch, bulb and capillary, external adjustment via reference dial, single conduit
Type F120, single switch, bulb and capillary, internal adjustment, dual conduits

Model Adjustable Set Max. Temp. Scale Div. Stem or Bulb Size*/Finish**
Point Range

°F °C °F °C °F °C OD x Length

Type B121, B121-13272 (HTFP), single switch, immersion stem, external adjustment via reference dial. Type B122, B122-13322 (HTFP), dual
switch, immersion stem, external adjustment via reference dial. Type C120, single switch, immersion stem, internal adjustment
120 0 to 225 -17.8 to 107.2 275 135 5† 5† 9/16" x 1-7⁄8" below thread, 1/2" NPT
nickel-plated brass
121 200 to 425 93.3 to 218.3 475 246.1 5 † 5† 9/16" x 1-7⁄8" below thread, 1/2" NPT
nickel-plated brass
HTFP 15 to 140 -9.4 to 60 160 71.1 2 † 2† 9/16" x 2-11⁄16" long stainless steel
(Freeze Protection)
Type E121, E121-13273 (HTFP), single switch, bulb and capillary, external adjustment via reference dial. Type E122, E122-13321 (HTFP), dual
switch, bulb and capillary, external adjustment via reference dial
2BSA -120 to 100 -84.4 to 37.8 150 65.6 5 5 3/8 x 2-7/16"
2BSB 30 to 250 -1.1 to 121.1 300 148.9 5 5 3/8 x 2-7/16"
3BS 100 to 400 37.8 to 204.4 450 232.2 5 5 3/8 x 2-1⁄ 8"
4BS 25 to 100 -3.9 to 37.8 150 65.6 2 1 3/8 x 6-3⁄ 4"
5BS -20 to 80 -28.9 to 26.7 130 54.4 2 2 3/8 x 5"
8BS 350 to 640 176.7 to 337.8 690 365.6 5 5 3/8 x 3-1⁄ 4"
HTFP 25 to 325 -3.9 to 162.8 360 182.2 5 5 1/4" x 10-1⁄ 4"
(Heat Tracing)

Type F120, single switch, bulb and capillary, internal adjustment

1BS -180 to 120 -117.8 to 48.9 170 76.7 N/A 3/8 x 3-3⁄ 4"
2BS -125 to 350 -87.2 to 176.7 400 204.4 N/A 3/8 x 2-7/16"
3BS -125 to 500 -87.2 to 260 550 287.8 N/A 3/8 x 2-1⁄ 8"
4BS -40 to 120 -40 to 48.9 170 76.7 N/A 3/8 x 6-3⁄ 4"
5BS -40 to 180 -40 to 82.2 230 110 N/A 3/8 x 5"
6BS 0 to 250 -17.8 to 121.1 300 148.9 N/A 3/8 x 4-1 ⁄ 2"
7BS 0 to 400 -17.8 to 204.4 450 232.2 N/A 3/8 x 3"
8BS 50 to 650 10 to 343.3 700 371.1 N/A 3/8 x 3-1 ⁄ 4"

† Types B121, B122 only.

*Optional immersion stem lengths and capillary lengths are available. Standard capillary length is 6 FT except HTFP models which are 10 FT.
**Optional stainless steel immersion stem, and armored capillary covering available.

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 13
120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

Indicating temperature control model chart

Type 820E, single switch, external adjustment and temperature indication, dual conduits
Type 822E, dual switch, external adjustment and temperature indication, dual conduits

Model Adjustable Set Point Range Max. Temp. Scale Div. Bulb Size

°F °C °F °C °F °C OD x Length

1BS -180 to 120 -117.8 to 48.9 170 76.7 5 5 3/8 x 3-3/4”

2BS -125 to 350 -87.2 to 176.7 400 204.4 10 5 3/8 x 2-7/16”

3BS -125 to 500 -87.2 to 260 550 287.8 10 5 3/8 x 2-1/8”

4BS -40 to 120 -40 to 48.9 170 76.7 5 2 3/8 x 6-3/4”

5BS -40 to 180 -40 to 82.2 230 110 5 2 3/8 x 5”

6BS 0 to 250 -17.8 to 121.1 300 148.9 5 2 3/8 x 4-1/2”

7BS 0 to 400 -17.8 to 204.4 450 232.2 10 5 3/8 x 3”

8BS 50 to 650 10 to 343.3 700 371.1 10 10 3/8 x 3-1/4”

Standard capillary length is 6ft. optional lengths and capillary protection available

Explosion proof
indicating temperature
switch, available with
single or dual set points

14 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

how to order
Building a part number

Select a Type Select a Model Select an Option

Refer to the “Type” section below. Refer to the “Model Charts” Refer to the “Options” section
Determine type number based on switch Determine model based on adjustable Determine option number based on switch
output, enclosure, adjustment and reference. range, deadband and proof pressure. output, optional materials or other product
Fill in the type portion of your part number Fill in the model portion of your part num- enhancements.
with the corresponding number. ber with the corresponding number. Fill in the option portion of your part number
with the corresponding number.
Leave “option” portion blank if no options
are needed. For multiple options: Call
United Electric Controls.
Pressure Type J120 - One SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; internal adjustment with no reference scale, dual conduits
Type H121 - One SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type H122 - Two SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type H122P - Two SPDT; hermetically sealed switches; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Differential Pressure Type J120K - One SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; internal adjustment with no reference scale, dual conduits
Type H121K - One SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type H122K - Two SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Temperature Type B121 - Immersion stem; one SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type B122 - Immersion stem; two SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type C120 - Immersion stem; one SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; internal adjustment with no reference scale, dual conduits
Type E121 - Bulb and capillary; one SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type E122 - Bulb and capillary; two SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; external adjustment with reference dial, single conduit
Type F120 - Bulb and capillary; one SPDT; epoxy coated enclosure; internal adjustment with no reference dial, dual conduits
Type 820E - Bulb and capillary; one SPDT; external adjustment and temperature indication, dual conduits
Type 822E - Bulb and capillary; two SPDT; external adjustment and temperature indication, dual conduits
switch Options**
0140 Gold contacts, 1 amp 125 VAC resistive, not available type H122P, 820E, & 822E
0500 Close deadband, 5 amp 125/250 VAC resistive. Not available type H122P models 520-535
1010 DPDT switch, 10 amp 125/250 VAC resistive. Not available temperature versions; Types H122, H122P
H122K; OR J120K models 36-39, 367, AND 540-548; OR J120 models 171-194, 483-494, 520-535, 560-567, 680
1070 10 amp 125 VDC or VAC resistive; deadband and minimum set point will increase. Not available types 820E, 822E,
H122P, H122K, B122, and J120K models 36-39; J120 models 171-194, 483-494, 520-535, 560-567
1180 Hermetically sealed, SPDT, 11 amp 125/250 VAC resistive, must be specified with type H122P. Not available types B122,
E122, H122, H121K and H122K, 820 and 822E; deadband and minimum set point will increase.
1190 Hermetically sealed, DPDT, 11 amp 125/250 VAC; products set on rising pressure or temperature due to inherent separation of
circuits on falling pressure or temperature; specify option 1195 if setting on fall is required; deadband and minimum set point will
increase. Not available types 820E, 822E, B122, E122, H122, H121K, H122K, H122P or models 523, 533
1195 Hermetically sealed, DPDT, 11 amp 125/250 VAC; products set on falling pressure or temperature due to inherent separation of
circuits on rising pressure or temperature; specify option 1190 if setting on rise is required; deadband and minimum set point will
increase. Not available types 820E, 822E, B122, E122, H122, H121K, H122K, H122P or models 523, 533
1519* Adjustable deadband, 15 amp 125/250/480 VAC resistive; adjustable wheel changes rise setting only; if adjustment of fall
setting is required use primary adjustment; deadband and minimum set point will increase. Not available types 820E, 822E,
B121, B122, E121, E122, H121, H122, H121K, H122K, H122P or models 171-194, 483-494, 520-535, 560-567, 612-616
1530 External manual reset, 15 amp 125/250/480 VAC resistive; latches on rise only. Not available types 820E, 822E, B122, E122,
H122, H121K, H122K, H122P
1535 High ambient, 15 amp 125/250 VAC resistive; temperatures up to 250°F (120°C). Not available types 820E, 822E, H122P
models 520-535
1537 Vapor sealed switch, 15 amp 125/250 VAC resistive. Not available types 820E, 822E, H122P or models 520-535
*Please note: In order to accommodate free movement of adjustable wheel, left hand electrical conduit is permanently sealed.
** All switches have limited DC capabilities. Consult factory for details.
1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 15
120 S e r i e s
switch Options (cont)

1539 Fungus resistant case, 15 amp 125/250 VAC resistive. Not available types 820E, 822E, H122P or models 520-535
120 Seri es

2000 20 amp 125/250 VAC resistive. Not available models H122P, 520-535, 540-548
3000 30 amp 125/250/300 VAC resistive. Not available types 820E, 822E, B121, B122, E122, H121, H122, H121K,
H122K, H122P, J120K or models 171-194, 483-494, 520-535, 540-548, 560-567
sensor options
M504 316L stainless steel stem. Available temperature models 120 and 121 only
M540 Viton® construction; (deadbands and low end of range may increase slightly) wetted parts include Viton® diaphragm
and O-Ring. Available models 36-39, 450-457, 540-548 (Kapton® diaphragm, Viton® O-ring and sealing
diaphragms), 612-616 (O-ring only) with standard pressure connection. Available TYPE J120 MODELS 701-705 and
TYPES H121 and H122 MODELS 701-703 with stainless steel pressure connection.
M913 1/4" NPT (female) stainless steel pressure connection. Available on models S126B, S146B, S152B, S156B, and
S164B only
M914 1/2" NPT (female) stainless steel pressure connection. Available on models 356, 358, 361, and 376 only
optional sensor material for "wc ranges. Available models 520-525
XC001 Aluminum pressure connection, Viton® diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
XC002 Aluminum pressure connection, Kapton® diaphragm, Buna N O-Ring
XC003 Aluminum pressure connection, Kapton® diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
XC004 316L Stainless steel pressure connection, 316L Stainless steel diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
(Over range pressure is limited to 100 psi)
XC005 316L Stainless steel pressure connection, Viton® diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
XC006 316L Stainless steel pressure connection, Kapton® diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
XC007 316L Stainless steel pressure connection, Teflon® diaphragm, Viton® O-Ring
optional sensor material for corrosive media. available models 183-189, 483-489
XD002 Hastelloy® C diaphragm
XD003 Monel® diaphragm
XP112 Hastelloy® C pressure connection
XP113 Monel® pressure connection
XR211 Kalrez® O-Ring
XR212 Silicone O-Ring. Not available models 188-189, 488-489
XR213 Ethylene propylene O-Ring
XR214 Aflas® O-Ring
other options
M201 Factory set one switch
M202 Factory set two switches. Not available single switch versions
M210 Differential pressure indication. Available on H121K, H122K, MODELS 147, 157, S147B, S157B only
M277 Range indicated on nameplate in kPa or MPa. Not available on temperature versions
M278 Range indicated on nameplate in Kg/cm2. Not available on temperature versions
M320 Tamper resistant cover for indication portion of control, internal adjustment. available types 820E & 822E only
M403 Flameproof compliance for Australia per IECEx standards
M404 Flameproof compliance for Ukraine per Gosnadzorohrantruda standards
M405 Intrinsic safety compliance for European Union per ATEX standards. Not available types 820E & 822E
M406 Flameproof and intrinsic safety compliance for Russia per Gosgortechnadzor standards. Intrinsic safety not
available types 820E & 822E
M407 CE Compliance to Pressure Equipment Directive (category IV). Available on models 171-174, 183-189, 190-194,
and 701-705 only. Optional sensor material for corrosive media are excluded
M408 Flameproof compliance for China per CQST standards
M440 Cover chain
M444 Paper ID tag
M446 Stainless steel ID tag & wire attachment
M450 Breather drain. Not available with options 1530, M210 or with ATEX certification
M550 Oxygen service cleaning; internal construction may change
6361-704 Surface and pipe mounting hardware. (required for models 520-535, 540-548 when surface mounting)
Also Available: 150# and 300# flanges (consult factory for part numbers)

NOTE: No options are available on Heat Trace, Freeze Protection and Pump Switch products except M201, M444 and M446

16 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

options for temperature models

Option Replacement Number Description
W027 SD6213-27 1⁄2” NPT w/ 3⁄4” bushing
W045 SD6213-45 3⁄4” NPT
W051 SD6213-51 1⁄2” NPT
304 Stainless Steel
W028 SD6213-28 1⁄2” NPT w/ 3⁄4” bushing
W046 SD6213-46 3⁄4” NPT
W050 SD6213-50 1⁄2” NPT

For all bulb & capillary switches, except Models 13273 and 13321
W075 SD6225-75 3⁄4” NPT bushing adapter, 4” BT
W191 SD6225-191 1⁄2” NPT, 4” BT
W118 SD6225-118 3⁄4” NPT bushing adapter, 7” BT
W192 SD6225-192 1⁄2” NPT, 7” BT
316 Stainless Steel
W076 SD6225-76 3⁄4” NPT, 4.5” BT
W193 SD6225-193 1⁄2” NPT, 4.5” BT
W119 SD6225-119 3⁄4” NPT, 7.5” BT
W177 SD6225-177 1⁄2” NPT, 7.5” BT

For all immersion stem switches, except Models 13272 and 13322
W139 SD6225-139 3⁄4” NPT X 1-23/32” BT, BRASS
W140 SD6225-140 3⁄4” NPT X 1-23/32” BT, 316 ST/ST


Note: Option W000 is a special Immersion Stem construction that has no external thread. This option fits inside a special thermowell
and is secured with a set-screw.
Option Description
W000 Immersion stem only, BRASS
W097 Immersion stem and thermowell. Includes W000 stem and 1⁄2” NPT x 1-23⁄32" BT BRASS thermowell
W099 Immersion stem and thermowell. Includes W000 stem and 1⁄2” NPT x 1-23⁄32" BT 316 ST/ST thermowell

Optional immersion stem lengths to 15" available in brass, with or without 316 st/st thermowell. Consult UE for additional information.
Optional capillary length to *50' available in copper or 304 st/st. Armor or Teflon® capillary protection available to lengths less than or
equal to capillary length. Consult UE for additional information.
*Consult UE regarding repeatability and ambient effects on capillary lengths over 30'.

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 17
120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

dimensional drawings
(Dimensional drawings for all models may be found at

Internal Set Point Adjustment, dual conduits

Types J120, J120K, C120, F120

Dimension A
Models Inches mm NPT
126-164 7.25 184.2 1/4
S126B-S164B 7.63 193.8 1/2
171-174 8.72 221.5 1/2
183-186, 483-486 8.41 213.6 1/2
188-189, 488-489 7.47 189.7 1/2
190-194, 490-494 7.44 189.0 1/2
270-274 8.13 206.5 1/4
356-361, 376 8.09 205.5 1/4
450, 452 8.81 223.8 1/4
451, 453, 454 8.06 204.7 1/4
520-525 9.25 235.0 1/2
530-535 8.84 224.5 1/2
550, 552 8.81 223.8 1/4
551, 553-555 8.34 211.8 1/4
560-564 7.53 191.3 2” Sanitary
565-567 7.53 191.3 1-1/2” Sanitary
612, 616 7.88 200.2 1/4
680 8.13 206.5 1/4
701-705, 15622 7.44 189.0 1/4
Differential Pressure
36-39, 147-157, 367 7.59 192.8 1/4
S147B-S157B 7.59 192.8 1/2
455-457, 559 8.44 214.4 1/4
540-543 9.34 237.2 1/8
544-548 9.41 239.0 1/8
120-121 9.13 231.9 Immersion Stem
1BS-8BS 8.47 215.1 Bulb & capillary

All dimensions stated in inches (millimeters)

18 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

dimensional drawings
(Dimensional drawings for all models may be found at

External Set Point Adjustment, single conduit Dimension A

Models Inches mm NPT
Types B121, B122, E121, Pressure
E122, H121, H122, 126-164 8.09 205.5 1/4
S126B-S164B 8.50 215.9 1/2
H122P, H121K, H122K
270-274 7.88 200.2 1/4
358-376 7.81 198.4 1/4
450, 452 9.69 246.1 1/4
453, 454 8.94 227.1 1/4
550, 552 9.75 247.7 1/4
553-555 9.31 236.5 1/4
612, 614 8.75 222.3 1/4
701-705 8.31 211.1 1/4

Differential Pressure

147-157 8.44 214.4 1/4

S147B-S157B 8.44 214.4 1/2
456-457, 559 9.31 236.5 1/4
120,121 10.00 254.0 Immersion Stem
2BS-8BS 9.31 236.5 Bulb & capillary
Immersion Stem
13272, 13322 10.00 254.0
(Freeze protection)
Bulb & capillary
13273, 13321 9.31 236.5
(Heat tracing)

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 19
120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

dimensional dr awings
(Dimensional drawings for all models may be found at
External Set Point Adjustment & Temperature Indication

Dimension A
Models Inches mm
1BS 3-3/4 95,3
2BS 2-7/16 62.0
3BS 2-1/8 54,0
4BS 6-3/4 171,5
5BS 5 127,0
6BS 4-1/2 114,3
7BS 3 76,2
Type 820E 8BS 3-1/4 82,6
single switch

Type 822E
dual switch

20 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

dimensional drawings

Pressure Sensors
(see drawings and charts on page 18 & 19 for complete dimensions)

Models 126-164 Models S126B-S164B Models 171-174

Models 183-186, 483-486 Models 188-194, 488-494 J120 Models 270-376, 680

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 21
120 Seri es 120 S e r i e s

dimensional drawings

Pressure Sensors
(see drawings and charts on page 18 & 19 for complete dimensions)

H121/H122 Models 270-376 Models 450-454, 550-555 Models 520-525

Models 530-535 Models 612-616, 701-705, 15622

Models 560-564 Models 565-567

22 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 1 2 0 - B - 0 3
12 0 S eries

dimensional drawings

Differential Pressure Sensors

(see drawings and charts on page 18 & 19 for complete dimensions)

J120K Models 367 Models 455-457, 559

J120K Models 36-39 Models S147B-S157B

Models 147-157 Models 540-543 Models 544-548

Temperature Sensors
(see drawings and charts on page 18 and 19 for complete dimensions)

Models 120-121 Models 1BS-8BS

1 2 0 - B - 0 3 w w w . u e o n l i n e . c o m 23
RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND WARNINGS U.S. Sales Offices International Offices
United Electric Controls Company recommends careful consideration
of the following factors when specifying and installing UE pressure United Electric Controls CHINA
and temperature units. Before installing a unit, the Installation 31 Old Stage Road United Electric Controls
and Maintenance instructions provided with unit must be read and Hampton Falls, NH 03844 Room 1114, No. 511
understood. Phone: 617-899-1132 Shenshi Building
• To avoid damaging unit, proof pressure and maximum email: Weihai Road
temperature limits stated in literature and on nameplates must Shanghai 200041, P.R. China
United Electric Controls
never be exceeded, even by surges in the system. Operation of Phone: +8621-6255 8059
28 N. Wise Ave.
the unit up to maximum pressure or temperature is acceptable on email:
Freeport, IL 61032
a limited basis (e.g., start-up, testing) but continuous operation
must be restricted to the designated adjustable range. Excessive
cycling at maximum pressure or temperature limits could reduce
email: United Electric Controls
05-806 Komorow
sensor life. United Electric Controls
Kujawska 5, Poland
• A back-up unit is necessary for applications where damage to 1022 Vineyard Drive
a primary unit could endanger life, limb or property. A high or Phone: +48 22 499 4804
Conyers, GA 30013
low limit switch is necessary for applications where a dangerous email:
Phone: 770-335-9802
runaway condition could result. email: GERMANY
• The adjustable range must be selected so that incorrect, United Electric Controls
inadvertent or malicious setting at any range point cannot result United Electric Controls
An Der Zentlinde 21
in an unsafe system condition. 5829 Grazing Court
D-64711 Erbach, Germany
• Install unit where shock, vibration and ambient temperature Mason, OH 45040
Phone: 496-062-7400
fluctuations will not damage unit or affect operation. When Phone: 513-535-5486
applicable, orient unit so that moisture does not enter the
enclosure via the electrical connection. When appropriate, this MALAYSIA
United Electric Controls
entry point should be sealed to prevent moisture entry. United Electric Controls, Far East
102 Salazar Court
• Unit must not be altered or modified after shipment. Consult UE No. 1-2-2, 2nd Floor
Clayton, CA 94517
if modification is necessary. Jalan 4/101C
Phone: 925-408-5997
• Monitor operation to observe warning signs of possible damage Cheras Business Centre
to unit, such as drift in set point or faulty display. Check unit Batu 5, Jalan Cheras
immediately. United Electric Controls 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
• Preventative maintenance and periodic testing is necessary for 27 Summit Terrace Phone: 603-9133-4122
critical applications where damage could endanger property or Sparta, NJ 07871 email:
personnel. Phone: 973-271-2550
• Electrical ratings stated in literature and on nameplate must not email:
United Electric Controls
be exceeded. Overload on a switch can cause damage, even on United Electric Controls Andador Austria 102
the first cycle. Wire unit according to local and national electrical
4306 Whickham Drive Fracc. Petroquimica CP 89365
codes, using wire size recommended in installation sheet.
Fulshear, TX 77441 Tampico, Tamaulipas Mexico
• Do not mount unit in ambient temp. exceeding published limits.
Phone: 832-457-6138 Phone: 833-132-3726
LIMITED WARRANTY email: email:
Seller warrants that the product hereby purchased is, upon delivery,
free from defects in material and workmanship and that any such United Electric Controls RUSSIA
product which is found to be defective in such workmanship or 5201 Arbor Court United Electric Controls, Moscow
material will be repaired or replaced by Seller (Ex-works, Factory, Odessa, TX 79762 Kuusinena str., 19A, Office 310
Watertown, Massachusetts. INCOTERMS); provided, however, that this Phone: 432-770-4164 Moscow, 125252, Russia
warranty applies only to equipment found to be so defective within email: Phone: +7 (095) 792-88-06
a period of 24 months from the date of manufacture by the Seller. email:
Seller shall not be obligated under this warranty for alleged defects
which examination discloses are due to tampering, misuse, neglect, CANADA
improper storage, and in any case where products are disassembled WESTERN
by anyone other than authorized Seller’s representatives. EXCEPT FOR EASTERN
148 Silver Ridge Close N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 3T4
Phone: 403-247-3724
FAX: 403-247-3724
Limitation OF Seller’s Liability FAX: 905-455-5131

Seller’s liability to Buyer for any loss or claim, including
liability incurred in connection with (i) breach of any
warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, (ii) a breach of
contract, (iii) a negligent act or acts (or negligent failure
to act) committed by Seller, or (iv) an act for which strict
liability will be inputted to seller, is limited to the “limited
warranty” of repair and/or replacement as so stated in
our warranty of product. In no event shall the Seller UNITED ELECTRIC
be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or other
damages of a like general nature, including, without limi- CONTROLS
tation, loss of profits or production, or loss or expenses of
any nature incurred by the buyer or any third party. 180 Dexter Avenue, P.O. Box 9143
Watertown, MA 02471-9143 USA
UE specifications subject to change without notice.
Telephone: 617 926-1000 Fax: 617 926-2568

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