Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting Checklist For Parents
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting Checklist For Parents
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meeting Checklist For Parents
©2020, 2011 PACER Center, Inc. | ACTion Sheet: PHP-c183 PACER CENTER
8161 Normandale Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55437 | (952) 838-9000 | (800) 537-2237 |
☐ Participate
• Ask questions. If answers aren’t available at the meeting, work with the team and make a plan to get
them answered soon after the meeting.
• Think creatively. If the outcome you’re working toward isn’t possible, keep the team focused on your
child’s needs until you find an alternative outcome that will have their needs met in an equally
effective and appropriate way.
• Use PACER’s IEP Team Meeting Planner to stay focused on the agenda and track outcomes as you go
☐ Verify the next steps before you walk out the door
• Ask a district staff person to recap the agreements reached by the IEP team and explain what will
happen next. Request the notetaker include a summary of the next steps in the meeting notes.
• If an IEP proposal will follow, ask when you can expect to receive it
• If you run out of time to talk about everything on the agenda or if more information is needed,
request the meeting be continued on another day or ask how the district proposes to address
the issues that were not discussed
• If you are unable to resolve your concerns and end the meeting in disagreement with the district,
discuss with the team what options you have to resolve the disagreement
• If the district has refused a request you made in the meeting, you can ask the district to provide you
with a Prior Written Notice to document their refusal