Surveying Report Full Document
Surveying Report Full Document
Surveying Report Full Document
Submitted by
Certified that this is the bonafide record of work done by the above student in
the SURVEY CAMP during the year 2017-2018
Date of submission : 15-12-2017
Signature of Signature of
Course Instructor Head Of the
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr.C.Udaya Kumar sir who took
great effort in organizing this camp and assisted myself and my fellow
colleagues in doing all the experiments and enlightened us in this camp.
I would like to thank Mrs.Gouthama priya ma’am for guiding us when we take
survey in palayaseevaram whenever sir was unable to clear our doubts.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is surveying
1.3 Surveying techniques
1.4 Horizontal positioning
1.5 Vertical positioning
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Parts of theodolite
2.3 Description of main components
2.4 Theodolite Vs transit level
2.5 Advantages of theodolite
2.6 Caring for digital theodolite and helpful hints
2.7 Use of theodolite
2.8 Measurement of horizontal angles
2.9 Measurement of vertical angles
2.10 Levelling
2.11 Optical distance measurement
2.12 Sources of error
2.13 Theodolite checks
2.14 Tacheometric surveying Introduction
2.15 Principles of tacheometric surveying
2.16 Advantages of tacheometric surveying
2.17 Uses of tacheometric surveying
2.18 Method of tacheometric surveying
2.19 Tacheometry (stadia method)
2.20 Tacheometry procedure
2.21 Experiment
3.1 Levelling
3.2 Objectives
3.3 Equipment
3.4 Temporary adjustments
3.5 Advantages
3.6 Disadvantages
3.7 Experiment
4.1 Contouring
4.2 Methods of contour surveying
4.3 Direct method
4.4 Indirect method
4.5 Method of squares
4.6 Method of cross section
4.7 Radial line method
4.8 Drawing contour
4.9 Contour maps and uses
4.10 Characteristics of contour mapping
4.11 Uses of contour maps
4.12 Experiment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Equipment used
5.3 Arrangement of plane table
5.4 Method of plane table surveying
5.5 Advantages
5.6 Disadvantages
5.7 Experiment
6.1 Triangulation
6.2 Objectives
6.3 Classification
6.4 Selection of layout of triangles
6.5 Well conditioned triangle
6.6 Strength of figure
6.7 Station mark
6.8 Measurement of baseline
The art of measuring the distances and angles on ground in such
a way that it becomes reproducible on a map which is drawn to scale later on, is
called surveying. Surveying is a science as well as an art, by which studies are
made of the objects present on the ground and below the ground at different
points. Although the earth is spherical but during survey of small areas, we
consider it flat. If large areas are to be surveyed, it is considered spherical, while
making maps of the different countries. In that case it is called Geodetic survey.
Knowing about the relative position of various objects, determination
of distances between them, measurement of angles, measurement of height,
determination of boundaries and relative heights of various points come under
the purview of surveying. It is very essential to mark the various points on the
land, boundary lines of the proposed construction sites and levels (heights) of
the various locations before starting the construction of building, bridge,
embankment, railway line etc. After performing the measurements of the shape,
size and location of objects on ground, the details are plotted on paper (drawing
sheet). After the completion of drawing which may be one or more than one,
describing the details, the construction process is started. After determining the
details of the soil strata below ground and bearing capacity of soil which is
called Geotechnical survey, the depth of earth work is decided by the engineer.
All these things are interrelated and forms the part of the total survey work. At
first sight the job of survey looks very simple but it actually requires special
knowledge about it and the understanding of the job. The students who have
studied or who have the knowledge of Mathematics and Physics can acquire the
knowledge about survey in a nice manner. The pace of development which is
going on in India and throughout the world has increased the importance of
survey, related works.
Surveying is classified into
1. Horizontal Positioning
2. Vertical Positioning
It is classified into
Astronomical methods
Satellite techniques.
It is classified into
Differential levelling
Trigonometric levelling
Barometric levelling
Satellite techniques
• It has the same features as in a dumpy level with eyepiece and internal
focussing for the telescope itself. The same precautions for focussing the
eyepiece and eliminating parallax should be applied.
• The vertical circle is a full 360° scale. It is mounted within one of the
standards with its centre co-linear with the trunnion axis. It is used to measure
the angle between the line of sight (collimation axis) of the telescope and the
horizontal. This is known as the vertical angle.
• Note that the side of the instrument where the standard containing the scale is
found is referred to as the face of the instrument.
• The upper plate is the base on which the standards and vertical circle are
placed. Rotation or transiting of the upper plate about a vertical (alidade) axis
will also cause the entire standards/telescope assembly to rotate in an identical
manner. For the instrument to be in correct adjustment it is therefore necessary
that the upper plate must be perpendicular to the alidade axis and parallel to the
trunnion axis. Also, before the instrument is used, the upper plate must be
"levelled". This is achieved by adjustment of three foot screws and observing a
precise tube bubble. This bubble is known as the plate bubble and is placed on
the upper plate.
Theodolites have many advantages when compared to other levelling
Greater accuracy.
Internal magnifying optical system.
Electronic readings.
Horizontal circles can be instantly zeroed or set to any other value.
Horizontal circle readings can be taken either to the le or right of zero.
Repeat readings are unnecessary.
Theodolites have an internal optical device that makes reading circles much
more accurate than other instruments. Also, because the theodolite allows you
to take fewer repeat readings, these measurements can be made much more
quickly. Theodolites with optical instruments have advantages over other layout
tools. They have more precise measurements, they are unaffected by wind or
other weather factors, and they can be used on both flat ground and sloped
The theodolite is used for the following tasks.
Controlling verticality
during this round of angles. If several rounds of angles are to be observed, the
initial plate setting is changed by about 90 each time.
c) Sight on to the right hand target(s) using the upper plate clamp and slow
motion screw, noting the reading each time.
d) When the last target has been sighted, change face, This is done by
rotating the telescope vertically through 180 and the upper plate horizontally
f) It is essential that the plate readings are checked for accuracy on
completion of each round of angles. Check that there is 180 difference between
the readings. Any variation from the 180 difference is an indication of
instrumental error and should be reasonably constant. This will discover gross
errors due to misreading scales, using wrong slow motion screws, sighting
wrong targets, etc. The targets can be re-sighted and the readings corrected
before changing the lower plate.
Note the different initial plate settings for each round, the use of the remarks
column and the summary of angles.
The operation of one second theodolites is practically the same as that outlined
above. The only difference occurs during the initial sighting of the left hand
Sight the target first and then set the required plate reading.
b) Level the altitude bubble, unless the instrument has automatic vertical
indexing in which case there may be a release button to press.
The theodolite could be used for levelling provided a number of precautions are
a) The altitude bubble should be centred and the telescope locked with a vertical
angle of exactly 00-00-00,
b). The mean of the two staff readings will give a reasonable result over short
e) Sight a vertically held levelling staff and read the staff where it is cut by the
horizontal crosswire and the two stadia hairs.
f) Check the staff readings. The difference between centre and top readings
should equal difference between centre and bottom readings. Read the staff
again if there is a disagreement.
g) Note the vertical angle after levelling the altitude bubble.
(a) Instrumental errors
The geometry of a theodolite comprises three axes directly related to ech
other called vertical, trunnion and optical axes.
iv) The zero line of the vertical circle is horizontal when the altitude bubbis
vi)The optical plummet provides a vertical line of sight once the instruments
is level
Note: Changing face will not eliminate errors crept in while levelling the
b)Manipulation errors:
i)Parallax not properly eliminated
iv) Check left and right face readings – is there the correct difference
between them?
v) If several rounds of angles have been observed, look for the odd one out.
Thereare six standard checks on a conventional theodolite and these should
be done on a regular basis.
a) Plate bubble:
Simply levelling the theodolite and “freezing” the bubble will check
for plate bubble error. If the bubble “freezes” away from the central
position, the theodolite is still levelled. Centralising the bubble by adjusting
the bubble tube is not a necessary adjustment.
b) Verticality of crosshairs
With the instrument correctly levelled the vertical crosshair should
be truly vertical. To check this sight on to a well-defined distant object and
move the telescope up and down. The object should remain on the vertical
crosshair throughout its entire length.
c) Horizontal collimation
This check determines whether the optical axis of the telescope is
at right angles to the trunnion axis. With the theodolite set up and levelled
sight a well-defined mark, say 50 m away with the lower plate clamped.
Record the horizontal plate reading. Change face and sight on to the mark
again. Record this plate reading. The difference between the two readings
should be 180 and any variation from 180 is twice the collimation error.
Collimation errors of 40 seconds or less are acceptable for most site
applications. This error will be eliminated by observing on both faces of the
Generally, horizontal distances are measured by direct methods, i.e.
laying of chains or tapes on ground. These methods are not always convenient if
the ground is undulating, rough, difficult and inaccessible. Under these
circumstances, indirect methods are used to obtain distances. One such method
is “Tacheometry”. Using tacheometric methods, elevations can also be
determined. It is in fact a branch of angular surveying in which both the
horizontal and vertical positions of points are determined from the instrumental
observations, the chain surveys being entirely eliminated.
The main principle of Tacheometry is based on the basic principle of isosceles
In any two side equal triangle means isosceles triangle, there is one property
which is used in the Tacheometry.
It state that
There is object which is far from instrument but if we take reading in instrument
then it appears as low distance in diaphragm. Now, Let see the some
Advantages of using survey from Tacheometer instead of other methods of
There is many advantages of doing survey by Tacheometry which is as follow:
Tacheometry have many applications like below. It is due to fact that it does not
need chaining or horizontal measurement.
It is used for the preparation of contour map in case when both horizontal
and vertical distances needed.
It is very useful for triangulation surveying also.
Sometimes work of surveying is in difficult areas when it is not possible
to use some direct methods like Theodolite traversing or plane table
Tacheometry is reconnaissance survey for highways, roadways and
It can be used as establishment of secondary control points.
There may be many more uses. Now, let's see method. There is two main
method which is generally used. Let's see method of Tacheometry in detail.
There is basically two method and one of this method is further classified
into sub methods.
Main two clarification is as follow:
1. Stadia Method
2. Tangential Method
Tacheometry Procedure:
Set up the instrument at a station point. (Settings, Centring, Levelling,
Measure the height of instrument (Vertical distance between horizontal
(trunnion) axis and station point on the ground).
Select a suitable station point to be observed and horizontal direction is taken
as 0.0000 grad.
Then a referencing point which can be identified clearly is selected and an
horizontal direction observation is compiled to the referencing point. And check
the horizontal direction of referencing point after about 10-15 detail point
Then observations are made to detail points on which levelling rod set up.
Read the upper, middle, and lower hairs for each detail points.
Levelling Rods: Cross-hair readings; levelling instruments have three
horizontal crosshair; the top and the bottom hair, the centre hairs. The three wire
levelling gives check on readings.
Centre = (Upper + Lower) / 2 Distance = 100*(Upper – Lower) If Upper
reading > lower reading
•A suggestion for rod readings; upper rod readings can be fixed at 1.000m or
2.000m to make computation easier.
Theodolite, Tripod, leveling staff, ranging rod.
Latitude=D cosƟ
Departure=D sinƟ
S=stadia intercept
Set up theodolite at D and level it. Using compass find out north and set it
up exactly pointing north.
Mapping of ground:
Place the ranging rod in north direction on boundary of ground.
Position the leveling staff at the ranging rod. Note the upper, lower
and middle cross hairs.
Rotate the theodolite to fixed angle of 10 degrees
Place the leveling staff at the new location and note down the
Similarly mark new points on boundary of ground and note the
readings. The readings are tabulated and latitude and departure are
Athletic track:
Set the theodolite at point I and make the preliminary adjustments.
Fix the ranging rod in boundary of track at north direction.
Place the leveling staff at this position and note the stadia readings.
Follow the same procedure for outer edge of the track.
Note down the readings in all the edges of boundary.
The readings are tabulated and latitude and departure are
The graph is plotted to get the boundary of the ground and
inner and outer edge of the track.
1.) To find the elevation of a given point with respect to the given or assumed
2.) Establish a point at a given elevation with respect to the given or assumed
The tripod is composed of aluminium and plastic, with three
Extendable / lockable legs and a base plate with screw fitting with which to
attach the level head. There is a canvas carrying strap and a belt to secure the
legs together.
3.) Telescope:
1. The telescope consists of two metal tubes, one moving within the other.
2. It also consists of an object glass and an eye-piece on opposite ends.
3. A diaphragm is fixed with the telescope just in front of the eye-piece.
4. The diaphragm carries cross-hairs.
5. The telescope is focused by means of the focusing screw and may have
either external focusing, or internal focusing.
6. In the external focusing telescope, the diaphragm is fixed to the outer
tube and the objective to the inner tube.
7. By turning the focusing screw the distance between the objective and
diaphragm is altered to form a real image or the plane of cross hairs.
8. In the internal focusing telescope, the objective and eye-piece do not
move when the focusing screw is turned.
9. Here, a double concave lens is fitted with rack and pinion arrangement
between the eye-piece and the objective.
10.This lens moves to and fro when the focusing screw is turned and a real
image is formed on the plane of cross-hairs.
4.) Bubble tubes:
Two bubble tubes, one called the longitudinal bubble tube and other
the cross bubble tube, are placed at right angles to each other. These tubes
contain spirit bubble. The bubble is brought to the centre with the help of foot
screws. The bubble tube are fixed on top of the telescope.
5.) Compass:
A compass is provided just below the telescope for taking the
magnetic bearing of a line when required.
The compass is graduated in such a way that a ‘pointer’, which is
fixed to the body of compass, indicates a reading of 0 degree when the telescope
is directed along the north line. The bearing is obtained by deducting the initial
reading from the final reading of the compass.
6.) Eye piece:
The main purpose of eyepiece is to effect the magnification of cross hair of
the diaphragm, and the image is formed by the object lens.
7.) Object lens or objective:
A combination of double convex lens at the front face and a concave lens at
the back face is used. The image formed by the above compound lens is an
inverted image.
8.) Diaphragm:
It consists of very fine cross hairs bounded in a braising fitted inside the
body of the telescope .The cross hairs are made of line platinum wires or line
attached on glass plate.
Temporary adjustments are to be made at each setup of the instrument. The
following are the temporary adjustments to be made.
1. Setting up of the level
2. Levelling up
3. Elimination of parallax.
1. Setting up of the level
a) Release the clamp screw of the instrument.
b) Hold the instrument in the right hand and fix it on the tripod by turning round
only the lower part with the left hand.
c) Screw the instrument firmly.
d) Bring all the foot screws to the centre of its run.
e) Spread the tripod legs well apart.
f) Fix any two legs firmly into the ground by pressing them with the hand.
g) Move the third leg to the right or left until the main bubble is approximately
in the centre.
h) Then move the third leg in or out until the bubbles of the cross-level is
approximately in the centre.
i) Fix the third leg firmly when the bubbles are approximately in the centre of
their run.
2 .Levelling up
a) Place the telescope parallel to a pair of foot screws.
b) Bring the bubble to the centre of its run by turning the foot screws equally
either both inwards and both outwards.
c) Turn the telescope through 90º so that it lies over the third foot screw.
d) Turn this third foot screw so that the bubble corners to the centre of its run.
e) Bring the telescope back to the original position without reversing the eye-
piece and object glass.
f) Repeat the above operations until the bubble remains in the centre of its run
in both the positions.
g) Turn the telescope through 180º and check whether the bubble remains
3. Elimination of parallax:
a) Remove the lid from the object glass.
b) Hold a sheet of white paper in front of the object glass.
c) Move the eyepiece in or out until the cross hairs are distinctly visible.
d) Direct the telescope towards the staff.
e) Turn the focusing screw until a clear and sharp image in formed in the plane
of the cross hairs.
The dumpy level is a widely used surveying instrument in surveying. The
advantages which have made the dumpy level so popular is given below.
Simple construction with fewer movable parts.
Fewer adjustments to be made.
Due to the rigidity of dumpy levels, it retains its two adjustment for a
long time.
High optical power.
Civil Engineers may find it difficult in making accurate measurements.
Difficulty in using.
Instruments required:
1. Levelling staff-1
2. Dumpy level-1
3. Tripod stand-1
4. Tape-1
5. Chain-1
6. Cross staff-2
7. Ranging rod-4
1.) Profile levelling: The process of determining elevations at points at
short measured intervals along a fixed line is called Longitudinal or
profile levelling.
2.) Cross sectioning: It is a method of levelling to know the nature of
Ground on either side of the centreline of the proposed route.
Levels are taken at right angles to the proposed Direction of the road end
at suitable distances and levelling is carried out along this cross Section.
During location and construction of highways, Rail tracks sewers and
canals strakes or other marks are placed at various aligned points and the
undulation of the ground surface along a predetermined line is adjoined.
The line of section may be a single straight lines changing directions.
Levels are taken at right angles to the proposed Direction of the road end
at suitable distances and levelling is carried out along this cross section.
Cross section are the sections run at right Angles to the centreline and on
the either side of it for the purpose
They are taken at each 10 m station on the centreline.
The length of Cross section depends upon the nature of the work if cross
sections are Short they are set square out by edge.
If long they are set out by the Optical square, box sextant or cross staff.
They are serially numbered from the beginning of the Centreline and are
taken simultaneously with the longitudinal section they may be taken at
the hand level, level, theodolite.
1.) ∑B.S - ∑ F.S.= LAST R.L –FIRST R.L
1.) Profile levelling (longitudinal sectioning)
1. Set the levelling staff on the bench mark having some elevation say
100 m.
2. Set up the dumpy level to levelling until the altitude bubble comes
to the centre.
3. Focus the dumpy level to levelling until the cross wire as well as image is
4. Note the middle hair reading.
5. Taking the centre line of the road as fixed line this is sectional into a
series of straight lines.
6. Intermediate sights are obtained on points along the line till staff
reading is visible.
2.) Cross Sectioning of the road:
1. When the intermediate sight is taken for points along the fixed line
equidistant points are marked on left and right of the central
point(taking two points on either side)
2. Intermediate sights to these points are also taken and tabulated.
3. Set up the instrument on one side of the profile line to avoid short
sights on the points near the instrument.
4. For each setup intermediate sights should be taken after the fore
sight in the next turning station has been taken.
5. The level is then setup in advanced position and backsight is taken on that
turning point.
6. For cross sectioning to check perpendicularity of the points which are
left and right of the point on the profile line, cross staff is used.
7. The position of intermediate points on the profile are simultaneously
located by chaining along the profile and noting their distance from
the point of commencement say 10m,20m.
8. When the vertical angle of the ground is gradually curving or
regular intervals are taken on points at equal distances apart and
generally at intervals of chain length.
9. On irregular ground the points should be chosen near.
2.) Plotting the profile:
1. The horizontal distance are plotted along the horizontal axis to
some convenient scale and the distances are also marked.
2. The elevations are plotted along the horizontal axis.
3. Each ground point is plotted by two coordinates.
4. The various points are joined to form the profile.
3.) Plotting the cross sectioning profile:
1. Cross sections are plotted in same manner as longitudinal
sectioning in case both the scales are kept equal.
2. The point along the longitudinal section is plotted at the centre of
the horizontal axis.
3. The points to the left of the centre point are plotted to the left and
those to the right are plotted at the right.
4. The points obtained are joined by straight line.
The longitudinal and cross sectional profiles are thus drawn.
Contouring in surveying is the determination of elevation of various
points on the ground and fixing these points of same horizontal positions in the
contour map.
1. Direct method
2. Indirect method
It consists in finding vertical and horizontal controls of the points which
lie on the selected contour line. For vertical control levelling instrument is
commonly used. A level is set on a commanding position in the area after taking
fly levels from the nearby bench mark. The plane of collimation/height of
instrument is found and the required staff reading for a contour line is
The instrument man asks staff man to move up and down in the area till
the required staff reading is found. A surveyor establishes the horizontal control
of that point using his instruments.
After that instrument man directs the staff man to another point where the
same staff reading can be found. It is followed by establishing horizontal
Thus, several points are established on a contour line on one or two contour
lines and suitably noted down. Plane table survey is ideally suited for this work.
After required points are established from the instrument setting, the
instrument is shifted to another point to cover more area. The level and survey
instrument need not be shifted at the same time. It is better if both are nearby to
communicate easily.
For getting speed in levelling sometimes hand level and Abney levels are also
used. This method is slow, tedious but accurate. It is suitable for small areas.
In this method, levels are taken at some selected points and their levels are
reduced. Thus in this method horizontal control is established first and then the
levels of those points found.
After locating the points on the plan, reduced levels are marked and
contour lines are interpolated between the selected points.
1. Method of squares
2. Method of cross-section
3. Radial line method
In this method area is divided into a number of squares and all grid points
are marked.
Commonly used size of square varies from 5 m × 5 m to 20 m × 20 m. Levels of
all grid points are established by levelling. Then grid square is plotted on the
drawing sheet. Reduced levels of grid points marked and contour lines are
drawn by interpolation.
The cross- sectional line need not be always be at right angles to the main
line. This method is ideally suited for road and railway projects.
Rotate the tracing sheet so that 100.2 the parallel line passes through point B.
Then the intersection of dark lines on AB represents the points on 98 m and 99
m contours.
Similarly the contour points along any line connecting two neighbouring points
may be obtained and the points pricked. This method maintains the accuracy of
arithmetic calculations at the same time it is fast.
After locating contour points smooth contour lines are drawn connecting
corresponding points on a contour line. French curves may be used for drawing
smooth lines. A surveyor should not lose the sight of the characteristic feature
on the ground. Every fifth contour line is made thicker for easy readability. On
every contour line its elevation is written. If the map size is large, it is written at
the ends also.
The contours maps have the following characteristics:
1. Contour lines must close, not necessarily in the limits of the plan.
2. Widely spaced contour indicates flat surface.
3. Closely spaced contour indicates steep ground.
4. Equally spaced contour indicates uniform slope.
5. Irregular contours indicate uneven surface.
6. Approximately concentric closed contours with decreasing values towards
centre (Fig. 1) indicate a pond.
7. Approximately concentric closed contours with increasing values towards
centre indicate hills.
8. Contour lines with U-shape with convexity towards lower ground indicate ridge
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
9. Contour lines with V-shaped with convexity towards higher ground indicate
valley (Fig.3).
11. If contour lines are meeting in some portion, it shows existence of a vertical
cliff (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4
12. If contour lines cross each other, it shows existence of overhanging cliffs or
1. A civil engineer studies the contours and finds out the nature of the ground to
identify. Suitable site for the project works to be taken up.
2. By drawing the section in the plan, it is possible to find out profile of the ground
along that line. It helps in finding out depth of cutting and filling, if formation
level of road/railway is decided.
3. Intervisibility of any two points can be found by drawing profile of the ground
along that line.
4. The routes of the railway, road, canal or sewer lines can be decided so as to
minimize and balance earthworks.
5. Catchment area and hence quantity of water flow at any point of nalla or river
can be found. This study is very important in locating bunds, dams and also to
find out flood levels.
6. From the contours, it is possible to determine the capacity of a reservoir.
To Prepare a contour map by radial method by using theodolite.
Compass with tripod
Levelling staff
Ranging rod
Rain cloth
The points are then plotted on the plan and the contours drawn
by joining the corresponding points by dotted curved lines.
General equipment used for conducting plane table survey are
Plane table
Alidade for sighting (telescopic or simple)
Plumb bob and plumb fork
Spirit level
Ranging rods
Drawing sheet and drawing tools
Paper clips or screws
Plane table:
A plane table is a device used in surveying and related disciplines to
provide a solid and level surface on which to make field drawings, charts and
Alidade Surveying instrument used with a plane table for drawing lines of
sight on a distant object and for measuring angles.
Plumb bob:
A plumb bob, or plummet, is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the
bottom, suspended from a string and used as a vertical reference line, or plumb-
A prismatic compass is a navigation and surveying instrument which is
extensively used to find out the bearing of the traversing and included angles
between them, waypoints and direction. Compass surveying is a type of
surveying in which the directions of surveying lines are determined with a
magnetic compass.
1. Radiation
2. Intersection
3. Traversing
4. Resection
In this method, plane table is located at one point “o” and perform the
whole from that point. From point O, sight the points A,B,C,D and E using
alidade, locate and plot the points as a, b, c, d and e in the drawing sheet.
In this method we can locate the point by plotting two rays from two known
stations. P and Q are the known station. First the equipment is placed on P and plot the
lines by sighting the stations A, B and Q. then shift the equipment to station Q and
plot the lines by sighting stations A, B and P. Finally, the intersection of A and B rays
is the required location of point of intersection.
Traversing is the connection of series of straight lines. In case of traversing,
plane table is located at one point for suppose A as shown below. From that point sight
towards B and measure the distance AB. Then shift the plane table to point B and sight
towards A and measure BA. Average distance of AB and Ba are plotted to scale in
drawing sheet. Then Sight the point C from B and measure BC and repeat the same
procedure until last point. Conduct some checks at some points. Finally traverse lines
are plotted on the drawing sheet.
Resection is a method of plane table surveying in which location of plane
table is unknown and it is determined by sighting it to known points or plotted points. It
is also called method of orientation and it can be conducted by two field conditions as
The three-point problem
The two-point problem
It is not suitable for work in wet climate.
It is heavy, cumbersome and awkward to carry.
There are several accessories to be carried, and, therefore, they are likely
to be lost.
It is not intended for accurate work.
If the survey is to be re-plotted to a different scale or quantities are to be
computed, it is a great inconvenience in absence of the field notes.
Plane table
Ranging rods
Plumbing fork,
Fix the point anywhere and that should be outside of the
surveying region.
Fix the plane table with stand and level it using sprit level.
Fix the point in the sheet and transfer it to the ground using
plumbing fork and plumb bob.
Before taking the reading, fix the ranging rods around the
boundary of athletic track.
Then focus the ranging rods using alidade from point ‘p’.
Then focus the next rod and draw the line. Repeat the same
procedure around the track.
• Method of determining distance based on the principles of geometry.
• A distant object is sighted from two well separated locations.
• The distance between the two locations and the angle between the line joining
them and the line to the distant object.
To establish relative and absolute positions (Horizontal and Vertical) of a
number of stations accurately.
to establish accurate control for plane and geodetic surveys of large areas,
by terrestrial methods,
to establish accurate control for photogrammetric surveys of large areas
to assist in the determination of the size and shape of the earth by making
observations for latitude, longitude and gravity, and
to determine accurate locations of points in engineering works such as :
Fixing centre line and abutments of long bridges over large rivers.
Fixing centre line, terminal points, and shafts for long tunnels.
Transferring the control points across wide sea channels, large water
bodies, etc.
Detection of crustal movements, etc.
Finding the direction of the movement of clouds.
• First order (primary) - to determine the shape and size of the earth, to cover a
vast area like a country.
• Second order (secondary) - network within first order triangulation, for a
• Third order (tertiary) - within second order triangulation, for detailed
engineering and location surveys.
The triangles in a triangulation system can be arranged in a number of ways.
Some of the commonly used arrangements, also called layouts, are as follows:
1. Single chain of triangles
2. Double chain of triangles
3. Braced quadrilaterals
4. Centered triangles and polygons
5. A combination of above systems.
A triangulation system consisting of figures containing four corner
stations and observed diagonals is known as a layout of braced quadrilaterals. In
fact, braced quadrilateral consists of overlapping triangles. This system is
treated to be the strongest and the best arrangement of triangles, and it provides
a means of computing the lengths of the sides using different combinations of
sides and angles. Most of the triangulation systems use this arrangement.
This layout in a triangulation system is generally used when vast area in all
directions is required to be covered. The centered figures generally are
quadrilaterals, pentagons, or hexagons with central. Though this system
provides checks on the accuracy of the work, generally it is not as strong as the
braced quadrilateral arrangement. Moreover, the progress of work is quite slow
due to the fact that more settings of the instrument are required.
Sometimes a combination of above systems may be used which may
be according to the shape of the area and the accuracy requirements.
The accuracy of a triangulation system is greatly affected by the
arrangement of triangles in the layout, and the magnitude of the angles in
individual triangles. The triangles of such a shape, in which any error in angular
measurement has a minimum effect upon the computed lengths, is known as
well-conditioned triangle.
In any triangle of a triangulation system, the length of one side is generally
obtained from computation of the adjacent triangle. The error in the other two
sides if any, will affect the sides of the triangles whose computation is based
upon their values. Due to accumulated errors, entire triangulation system is thus
affected thereafter. To ensure that two sides of any triangle are equally affected,
these should, therefore, be equal in length. This condition suggests that all the
triangles must, therefore, be isosceles. Let us consider an isosceles triangle ABC
whose one side AB is of known length (Fig. 1.10). Let A, B, and C be the three
angles of the triangle and a, b, and c are the three sides opposite to the angles,
respectively. As the triangle is isosceles, let the sides a and b be equal.
Applying sine rule to ΔABC, we have
Hence, the best shape of an isosceles triangle is that triangle whose base angles
are 56°14' each. However, from practical considerations, an equilateral triangle
may be treated as a well-conditional triangle. In actual practice, the triangles
having an angle less than 30° or more than 120° should not be considered.
The strength of figure is a factor to be considered in establishing a
triangulation system to maintain the computations within a desired degree of
precision. It plays also an important role in deciding the layout of a triangulation
The U.S. Coast and Geodetic Surveys has developed a convenient
method of evaluating the strength of a triangulation figure. It is based on the
fact that computations in triangulation involve use of angles of triangle and
length of one known side. The other two sides are computed by sine law. For a
given change in the angles, the sine of small angles change more rapidly than
those of large angles. This suggests that smaller angles less than 30° should not
be used in the computation of triangulation. If, due to unavoidable
circumstances, angles less than 30° are used, then it must be ensured that this is
not opposite the side whose length is required to be computed for carrying
forward the triangulation series.
The expression given by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Surveys for
evaluation of the strength of figure, is for the square of the probable error (L²)
that would occur in the sixth place of the logarithm of any side, if the
computations are carried from a known side through a single chain of triangles
after the net has been adjusted for the side and angle conditions. The expression
for L² is
D = the number of directions observed excluding the known side of the
δa, δb, δc = the difference per second in the sixth place of logarithm of
the sine of the distance angles A, B and C, respectively. (Distance angle is the
angle in a triangle opposite to a side), and
C = the number of geometric conditions for side and angle to be satisfied in
each figure. It is given by
n = the total number of lines including the known side in a figure,
n' = the number of lines observed in both directions including the known
S = the total number of stations, and
S' = the number of stations occupied
For the computation of the quantity
In any triangulation system more than one routes are possible for various
stations. The strength of figure decided by the factor R alone determines the
most appropriate route to adopt the best shaped triangulation net route. If the
computed value of R is less, the strength of figure is more and vice versa.
Should be permanently marked on the ground so that the theodolite and signal
may be centered accurately over them.
• Most important part of triangulation
• Aligned and measured with great accuracy
• Forms the basis of computations of triangulation system
• Equipment- standardized tapes, Hunter’s short base, tacheometric
measurements, EDM.
At the First day of our survey camp , all were present at the
Institute Of Remote Sensing and the instruction for the camp is given by
Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar who was our trainer. Then after telling about the
instruction and schedule for the camp, he started telling about the first
TACHOMETRY”. He explained about the experiment till noon and he also
allotted batch throughout the camp. At 12:15PM, Lunch break was given and
said to assemble at 1:15PM.
After the lunch, each batches collected their instruments and all
headed towards the ground. There, everyone assembled their instruments and
started taking reading. All students were in full throttle in doing the
experiment. After completing the boundary of the entire ground some couldn’t
identify the values of the athletic track. So, some of the batches shifted their
instruments to the center of the football ground and started taking reading of the
inner and outer athletic track. At 4:45PM, all have finished doing the
experiment and the instruments were submitted in the lab room. After
completing the experiment Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar sir gave us information about
how the calculation for the experiment is to be done and he also said to do this
experiment in AUTOCAD and submit it during the submission time. This is a
good initiative that has been given by him and its also brings us interest towards
learning AUTOCAD. That’s all for the first day of the survey camp.
On the last day visit to Palayaseevaram ,we reached the spot at 10:00AM
due to rain and our instructor Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar sir explained the last field
experiment in the place i.e. “CONTOUR MAPPING BY RADIAL METHOD
USING THEODOLITE”. This experiment was done by individual batches and
venue of doing the experiment is same for all that is on the banks of river palar.
Meanwhile taking reading we had our lunch and we continued our
experiment. but unfortunately rain came and so everyone halted the experiment
till they done and sir said that to do the calculation till the readings taken by
each batches. We reached the college by 6:30PM.
After finishing the visit to Palayaseevaram, our instructor Dr.C.Udhaya
Kumar sir explained our last experiment of the survey camp that is “PLANE
TABLE SURVEYING OF ATHLETIC TRACK”. This experiment was done
using the method of intersection. Then at 11:30AM we have started the
experiment and then after having lunch we continued the experiment and then
finished the experiment and returned to the class. In class he said about the
method of calculation that is to be done. Then class was dispersed at 5:00PM.
This day was started by assembling us at 9:00PM, where we have to do
calculation. The day fully went on doing the calculation for the experiment
done in Palayaseevaram. And Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar sir gave some queries
about the camp whether everyone have any suggestion in keeping the camp and
the session went good and he said to submit atleast one from each batch to get
signature and it was done and the class was dispersed.
On the last day of our camp, our instructor Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar sir
explained about the calculation procedure for triangulation experiment. Then
after having lunch, everyone were asked to submit their observation by
completing all the four experiments. After getting signature from him he then
bid a farewell to us and we finally had a group photo with him. These 10 days
of our camp makes us to be more responsible and punctual in our activities
which will further continue throughout our life. I thank our instructor
Dr.C.Udhaya Kumar sir to accompany with us throughout the camp and lady
assistant Mrs. Gowthama Priya ma’am for being with us and help us. And also
I have to thank the assistance those who helped us taking the instrument.
Finally I thank the almighty for successfully completing our camp without any
difficulties and harm to the society.
Eventhough we had a course in previous year these ten days gave us a
brush up in all the experiments that we have come across in that courses. At
initial we find difficult but as days passing we tend to stick to the condition that
one must be a surveyor. Being a surveyor is risky and as well as an adventurous
ride and we had experienced all these in ten days. Learned a lot at the same
time learned some qualities that one should have within himself.