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Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study

Article  in  New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences · December 2018
DOI: 10.18844/prosoc.v5i3.3906


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1 author:

Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylińska
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej


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New Trends and Issues
Proceedings on Humanities and
Social Sciences
Issue 3 (2018) 014-021

ISSN 2547-8818
Selected Paper of 9th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership (WCLTA-2018) 26-28 October
2018 Quality Hotel Rouge et Noir Congress Center, Roma, Italy
Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study
Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylinska*, War Studies University, Warsaw, Al. gen. Antoniego Chruściela "Montera" 103,
00-910 Warszawa, Poland

Suggested Citation:
Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends
and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014–021. Available from:

Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Jesus Garcia Laborda, University of Alcala, Spain
2018 SciencePark Research, Organization & Counseling. All rights reserved.

Using the model of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE) with regards to instructional
design has become a prevalent practise among e-learning designers and developers. This model assumes assigning specific
roles to project team members and their linear cooperation. However, in case of working in a dynamic and complex
environment, the ADDIE model may evolve into more adaptive and people-oriented Agile instructional models. This article
analyses a hybrid approach to the process of creating the e-learning course introduction to cultural awareness in specific
situational context, which involves a small size of a project team and geographically dispersed project contributors. The case
study reveals that a successful accomplishment of multinational projects, conducted in specific environments may require a
hybrid approach; moreover, in such atypical projects good communication skills and personal qualities are crucial for goals’
achievement. The results of qualitative analysis may open further discussions on this topic.

Keywords: ADDIE model, Agile model, e-learning course, instructional design.

* ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylinska, War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland.
E-mail address: ggawlik2000@yahoo.com
Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

1. Introduction

The concept of instructional design (ID) appeared in educational technology literature in the later
part of 1950. It is a process by which instruction is improved upon through the analysis of learning
needs and systematic development of learning materials (Battou, Baz & Mammass, 2017). It involves
the use of specific models, which make the work of an instructional designer more systematic.
The aim of this article is to reconcile rigid ID model with an Agile approach (Align, Get set, Iterate
and implement, Leverage and Evaluate) and prove that while creating an e-learning course in specific
circumstances, the combination of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation
(ADDIE) and Agile brings positive results. The author assumes that despite the fact that they are both
defined as opposite models, the Agile approach may function with the rigid framework of ADDIE and
supports tasks’ performance. The analysis of a case study of creating an e-learning course Introduction
to Cultural Awareness (ICA) has to prove that both ID models can co-exist and complement each
other. Worth noticing is the fact that in literature models of ID are constantly modified and improved
upon; for instance, ADDIE model can incorporate practises taken from IT software development
models and be transformed into ADDIE+ (Shor, 2012). However, there is tiny number of researches
based on combining two ID models. Therefore, an insight into another practise may contribute to
research on ID process. Moreover, this attempt can facilitate the emergence of new approaches to ID

2. Instructional design models—an overview

The most recognised model of ID is a cascade or waterfall model—ADDIE (the abbreviation stands
for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Its popularity was proven by the
analysis of 113 papers on ID models published from 1999 to 2014 in 44 SSCI and SCI journals. The data
revealed that the most frequently researched/reported model was ADDIE (n = 20, 22.47%), then
ARCS Model of Motivational Design—Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (n = 10, 11.24%),
Gagne and Briggs (n = 9, 10.11%) and 4C-ID (n = 9, 10.11%) (Goksu, Ozcan, Cakir & Goktas, 2017).
Worth noticing is the fact that after 2014, ADDIE remains the most popular ID model (Allen, 2017;
Brown & Green 2015). Despite its popularity, there are still voices which stress that present-day ID
models do not provide much insight into design processes for creating e-learning instructional
solutions (Adnan & Rizhaupt, 2018). Seeking for proposals to enhance ID models, there are
suggestions that software engineering design principles should be adapted to such models (Adnan &
Rizhaupt, 2018). Rooted in the history of software engineering, Agile methods can be implemented
through ID processes (Abbas, Gravell & Wills, 2008). Agile methods are defined as very lightweight
processes that employ short iteration cycles; they actively require users to establish, prioritise, and
verify requirements; and rely on tacit knowledge within a team as opposed to documentation (Boehm
& Turner, 2003). Rapid feedback and willingness to change, as major features of Agile methods, may
enhance the process of ID.

2.1. ADDIE model

This waterfall model is used both in traditional and e-learning trainings and it involves five key
stages of operation: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The first stage,
Analysis, includes a detailed analysis of the elements of the didactic process. It has to answers to key
questions on specific needs of the training group, learning objectives, form of communication, time of
training, expenditures for the project implementation, infrastructure and expected training results. At
this stage, a popular SWOT analysis can be performed to recognise the opportunities, weaknesses,
limitations and obstacles concerning the implementation of the project. A complete diagnosis builds
foundations for the second stage—Design. For this stage, it is important to clarify learning objectives,
choose an instructional approach, develop instructional strategy, materials and plan the lessons and
assessment instruments. In the third stage, the programmers develop or integrate technologies,
Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

instructional designers create scenario, which should be discussed with subject matter experts (SMEs),
teachers (e-teachers), as well as multimedia specialists. This phase also involves testing of materials
and procedures. Implementation phase involves evaluation of the design, improvement of the script;
it develops procedures for training facilitators and learners. The last stage—Evaluation applies to the
course participants and the entire teaching system, IT solutions and even group educators/mentors.
The evaluation mainly involves a comparison of the pre-project and post-project status. It consists of
two stages: (1) formative evaluation, which concerns each stage of the ADDIE process and (2)
summative evaluation, which focuses on the outcome of a course and provides opportunities for
feedback from the users (Battou et al., 2017). The ADDIE model is a recursive model—after the fifth
phase, there is the first phase. This model is sometimes criticised for its excessive linearity and lack of
flexibility. However, its supporters rate it as a universal model that can be modified and used
according to the needs of instructional designers or user-experience specialists. For instance, Nichols
Hess and Greer (2016) described how a team of librarians used the ADDIE ID model to incorporate
best practises in teaching and learning into an online, four-credit information literacy course (Nichols
Hess & Greer, 2016). In other cases, ADDIE model was used either to design learning materials for
apps (Yang & Chang, 2017) or to design a prototype of Online Collaborative Project based on
Collaborative Learning model (Nadiyah & Faaizah, 2015). ADDIE can also be perceived as a
simplification of complex processes (Adnan & Ritzhaupt, 2018).

2.2. Selected Agile-like models

ID models should meet the needs of a dynamic working environment. Therefore, Agile principles
become more and more popular and they are incorporated into ID process (Arimoto, Barbosa &
Barroca, 2015; Battou, 2017; Rocha, Valle, Maldonado, Bittencourt & Isotani, 2017). Contrary to ADDIE
model, Agile models are described as more adaptive regarding the process of course design and
development. Such models provide an iterative, active learning cycle to parts of a project, with
emphasis on stakeholders over processes, working software over wieldy specifications and
documentation, collaboration of a team, responsiveness to change versus adherence to detailed plans
(Czeropski & Pembrook, 2017; Tiger & Hess, 2012). It is useful in case of emerging parameters, which
should appear in the course impromptu. The Agile model has its roots in software industry and its
principles can be directly transferrable into ID.
A modification of the traditional Agile technique to support ID and development projects is LLAMA.
Similarly to ADDIE model, it begins with analysis phase then moves to iterative cycles of design
development, implementation and evaluation, which repeat until the most viable solution is achieved
(Czeropski & Pembrook, 2017). Another Agile-alike model is successive approximation model (Allen,
2012). This cyclical model of repeated small steps, starts with preparation phase, then involves design
and development phases. The model emphasises collaboration, efficiency and iteration or repetition
(Czeropski & Pembrook, 2017). It is highly adaptive as it allows for exchanging ideas, more frequent
evaluation of a prototype, and sufficient number of tests.

3. The introduction to cultural awareness e-course case study—ideological approach and practical

3.1. Situational context

The ICA course was created at the National Defense University in Warsaw (present-day War Studies
University) in 2012 as a response to challenges related to operating in international environments. The
topic of the course was tasked by Individual Training and Education Developments NATO Training
Group (ITED NTG), Spring—77th Meeting, and the course leitmotif, which was organising a fictional
international conference, was developed during Advanced Distributed Learning Working Group
Meeting 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia. The planned time for studying the content amounted to 12 didactic
hours. The Analysis phase began with international consultations on key topics explored in the course;
Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

they included greetings and farewells, courtesy talks, social norms, religion, gender, nonverbal
communication in both military and civil contexts. Starting from year 2012, the Design, Development
and Implementation phases were conducted. Core works were distributed between a chief SME and
an instructional designer. A tiny number of works from these three phases were supported by a
multimedia specialist (e.g., video recording, creation of interactive map of gestures). The Evaluation
phase was performed by a number of domestic and international experts from civilian and military
environments (project contributors). The key evaluation process took place during meeting of the
NATO Training Group Task Group on Individual Training and Education Developments (NTGTG ITED) in
Warsaw, Poland in April, 2012.

3.2. The ICA course description

On the basis of the agreements in Tibilisi, it was assumed that the scenario will take the form of a
decision game and will consist of scenes, hypothetical situations on what you will do when ..., during
which the learner will choose the most common way of behaving in a given situation. According to the
game scenario, the person undertaking the course is included in the organisation of the conference,
during which he will have a number of tasks to perform; every day at every hour meets with different
situations that are related to the ability to behave in a multicultural environment. Each time an
answer is given to a question, it generates a feedback response, the aim of which is to bring the issue
to the forefront—regardless of whether the answer was correct or incorrect. The answer to the
answer is an explanation of the given behaviour. A busy week in a multicultural environment runs
from Monday to Saturday. The tasks were based on a calendar of a week (in total 6 days, in each from
8.00 to 15.00 learners met different situations). The total number of tasks was 48. After completing
this part of the course, you are redirected to a compendium of knowledge, in which the topic-sorted
content can be re-explored in order to repeat and prepare for the knowledge test. The final test
consisted of 20 questions (multiple choice, gap filling, matching and interactive map). The scenario
was subjected to consultation with the key SME. The most work was devoted to design and
implementation of the game-based tasks in which a learner could choose one or more correct
The course has been launched onto academic e-learning platform and partner organizations’
platforms gained recognition and great popularity in the NATO environment, in further steps was
translated into French. Regarding the domestic platform (ILIAS, War Studies University), according to
data provided by a platform administrator, since 2012 till September 2018, the course was used in 143
online teaching programs and was taken by 3,243 learners.

3.3. The roles and tasks of the e-learning project team—an ideal approach and practical solutions

3.3.1. An idealistic approach

It was assumed that ADDIE model will be used in the process of course creation. A basic project
team for e-learning course working with the ADDIE framework consists of a project manager, a SME, a
multimedia specialist, media didactics and a text editor. In this structure, each team member has tasks
assigned according to the scope of responsibility; for example, the project manager supervises the
implementation of the entire project, communicates with other team members and cares about
the right way to accomplish tasks. SMEs work together with instructional designer in order to refine
the content, add appropriate media. The media teacher cooperates additionally with a multimedia
specialist who presents content in the course in a creative way. After the content implementation, the
editor starts evaluating the prototype, corrects any grammatical and stylistic errors. The editor
consults with an SME and instructional designer the relevance of specific information in the course. In
the final stage, a group of evaluators indicate possible technical or methodological shortcomings.
The ready course is used by an e-teacher who sometimes supplements its content with other learning
objects or provides synchronous (chat, conversation using the camera and virtual board) and
asynchronous (e-mail and discussion) means of communication. In an ideal approach, the number of
Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

personnel is specified, their roles and tasks are clear. Also, the time for particular tasks and the cost of
work and infrastructure are assumed. This model of work, where the project framework and model of
ID are clearly established, is likely to bring predictable results. Furthermore, it makes the work
environment stable and eliminates crucial risks concerning achievement of milestones.

3.3.2. Practical solutions—elements of Agile models

In the project of ICA e-learning course, the tasks of team members could not be specified. In this
particular case, the analysis phase began in 2011 and it lasted 1 year. It included specifying the needs
of the international organisations from the civilian and military environments, topics specification and
outlining the content. This phase included discussions and surveys. It was agreed that the course will
be created in SCORM Editor, which makes this learning object transferable for all interested groups.
The obtained data were provided by two project managers for consultations with a SME and
instructional designer.
The Design, Development, Implementation stages were realised throughout 3 months and two
persons: SME (Americanist, multicultural researcher, academic teacher and PhD student) and
instructional designer (graduate of adult pedagogy, English didactics, English translations and PhD
student with digital skills) were working to accomplish the project goal. The video production and
interactive map (course components) was in responsibility of multimedia designer. The final
Evaluation stage involved international military and civilian experts, those who primarily specified the
needs and the course topics and their value and then, at the end of the project, they focused on
technical and teaching content errors or mistakes (Table 1).
Table 1. Qualitative analysis grid of ADDIE model actions and Agile-like model actions
ADDIE model—typical actions Agile-like model actions
Analysis The analysis phase questions were A wide group of international and
Determining audience, time for domestic experts (two Project Managers initiate research and are
learning, key issues, desired responsible for obtained data).
behavioral outcomes, delivery Discussions and uncategorised interviews with international and
options, timeline for project domestic experts (about 1 year, blurred in time, 2011–2012). Specified
completion. the tool, scope of the course, audience, delivery options.
Design Two team members: instructional designer, key SME discuss the project
Design a sketch of a scenario, idea on the basis of delivered data from analyses.
multimedia choice. Writing a script and course rapid prototyping on ILIAS platform.
Specifying learning objectives,
selection of media and template
of the course.
Development Two team members: instructional designer, key SME discuss the scope
Content is written. of topics/lessons.
Creation the content There is an ad hoc decision on creating video with a SME on cultural
awareness; an instructional designer deals with legal aspects regarding
image publishing. Video preparation performed by multimedia designer.
Still rapid prototyping—several substantive issues have been added by
an instructional designer due to the specifics of research interests.
Evaluation of the added content by SME.
Game-based tasks are created by the instructional designer.
Implementation Instructional designer searchers and chooses multimedia for the course
All course materials are uploaded (Dreamstime, Wikimedia Commons sites, university’s archives
to one place. browsing). Rapid prototyping. An electronic version of a script is
created. An SME joins the work of instructional designer and composes
game-based tasks. An SME tests interactions and control questions. The
course is delivered to Project Managers to submit it for evaluation.

Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

Evaluation A wide group of international and domestic experts. The presentation

Setting specialist measures how of the course prototype and its evaluation took place during NTGTG in
well the project achieved its goals Warsaw (April 2012). Other domestic and international groups
(formative and summative provided feedback to instructional designer and key SME. The course
evaluation). content (text) and interactions are corrected, edited, till the course
final release at the end of 2012.

It can be noticed that the assumed ADDIE model evolved towards Agile process. This process was
carried through sometimes unplanned subsequent activities. Regarding time, team roles and scope of
tasks, those elements can be perceived as blurred in this case study. The closest to ADDIE model were
two phases: Analysis and Evaluation, but the three remaining phases were completely different: they
were more like rapid prototyping within sprints, especially in cases when SME and instructional
designer had to re-discuss the content, change topics and design the specific game-based tasks.
Regarding the three phases, there is the question why they were accomplished successfully. It seems
that it is connected with the background of the two team members and their good communication
skills and personal qualities (creativity, critical thinking, responsibility for tasks, accuracy in tasks
performance, decisiveness and time-management ability). It must be noted that some tasks were
performed interchangeably. The instructional designer created some new content. Conversely, the
SME overtook the work of the instructional designer and created a set of game-based tasks which
were, in turn, implemented by instructional designer onto the platform. This solution allowed for
accomplishment sprints in the Design and Development phases. The remarks from feedback received
in Evaluation phase was successfully implemented and checked again by other experts. In this Agile-
like model, the key roles played instructional designer and the key SME. On one hand in brought a lot
of flexibility and independency to those team members, but on the other hand, the working
environment was perceived by them as unstable and chaotic.

4. Findings and discussion

An analysis of ID actions reveals that the ADDIE model, interspersed with Agile techniques can bring
positive results. However, it must be noted that this hybrid approach to ID, which may be associated
both with flexibility and instability, may be realised in a team members with good communication
skills and specific personal qualities (so-called human factor). Those factors that allow the whole ID
process to adjust to a specific situation, in which breaking a linear sequence of actions is necessary.
Also, in this case study, the role of technical knowledge and skills of an instructional designer (in ID
and in the ILIAS SCORM Editor) as well as flexibility of the key SME should not be neglected. The
knowledge on the process of creating and implementation, overtaking some tasks of instructional
designer by the key SME, significantly improved the work of the entire project team.
The limitation of the study is that the findings cannot be extended to wider populations as they
concern a particular case study. However, they support views of other researchers who stress that
instructional designers must have a solid foundation in ID and learning theory, possess soft skills and
technical skills, and have a willingness to learn on the job (Ritzhaupt & Kumar, 2015). Moreover,
project team members, specifically educational technologists (or instructional designers) should
possess social competencies (act cooperatively in group works and to work together with different
experts and other shareholders), educational competencies (knowledge on psychology in learning in
different age groups, ID, consulting, technology integration) and technological competencies
(technology, hardware, software and virtual environments) (Izmirli & Kurt, 2009).
Thus, it can be recapitulated that either soft skills or technical knowledge are necessary to achieve
success in this types of work.

Gawlik-Kobylinska, M. (2018). Reconciling ADDIE and Agile instructional design models—case study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 5(3), pp 014-021. Available from: www.prosoc.eu

5. Conclusion and recommendations

The main conclusion of this study is that ID process can rely on the reconciled opposite models,
which complements each other. This is related to a specific situational context: the size of a project
team (two, sometimes three real working team members) and cooperation with geographically
dispersed SMEs from civil and military environments required a flexible approach to an ID process.
Good communication skills and specific personal qualities, as well as technical competencies,
willingness to learn are key factors which enhance project works based on a hybrid ID model. It is
recommended in order to explore the role of soft skills, personal qualities in the field of ID, especially
when the whole process is performed in specific situational contexts. This study stresses how complex
and the interdisciplinary nature of ID process can become crucial for researchers, professionals
dealing with the ID process as well as decision-makers from e-learning industry. In the era of
transferring educational activities to the virtual space, increasing the importance of the Internet and
the intranet, eliminating space-time barriers, striving towards the individualization of education
(Uhomoibhi et al., 2010), learning in virtual spaces becomes a crucial trend in education. Therefore,
soft skill, such as flexibility in performing tasks, mutual understanding, openness, task-orientation,
willingness to learn become crucial elements to accomplish any e-learning projects. Instructional
designers, especially novice instructional designers, should be trained in specific communication and
even project management skills (York & Ertmer, 2016; Kim, 2012). Education and training provide
them with knowledge and skills on how to operate effectively in specific situational contexts.


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