Employee Absenteeism
Employee Absenteeism
Employee Absenteeism
Employee Absenteeism
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RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595 ISSN No.2231-5063
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Abstract:-Absenteeism is a serious workplace problem and an expensive occurrence for both employers
and employees seemingly unpredictable in nature. A satisfactory level of attendance by employees at
work is necessary to allow the achievement of objectives and targets by a department. Absenteeism
results in financial losses, because of the resultant reduction in productivity and the cost of sick leave
benefits or others are paid as wages for no work. Absenteeism reduces the satisfaction level of the
employee and makes him unsecured about his job in the organization. Most researches had concluded
that absence is a complex variable and that it is influenced by multiple causes, both personal and
organizational. This paper focus on absenteeism as a threat to the organization as it reduces the employee
satisfaction and the ways to manage absenteeism in the Hindustan Coco Cola Beverages Private Limited
in order to improve the productivity of the organization.
Absenteeism is a serious workplace problem and an expensive occurrence for both employers and employees
seemingly unpredictable in nature. A satisfactory level of attendance by employees at work is necessary to allow the
achievement of objectives and targets by a department. Employee absenteeism is the absence of an employee from work. It is
major problem faced by almost all employers of today. Employees are absent from work and thus the work and thus the work
suffers. Absenteeism of employees from work leads to back logs, piling of work and thus work delay.
1.Innocent Absenteeism-is one in which the employee is absent from work due to genuine cause or reason it may be due to his
illness or personal family problem work. It is other real reason employee absenteeism is the absence of an employee from work.
It is a major problem faced by almost all employers of today. Employees are absent from work and thus the work suffers.
2. Capable Absenteeism- is one in which a person is absent from work without any genuine reason or cause. He may be
pretending to be ill or just wanted a holiday and stay at home. Many employees will, on occasions, need a few days off work
because of illness, however, when absences become more frequent or long term and reach an unacceptable level, action by
management is necessary. Absence from work can be expensive in both monetary and human terms.
1.The rate of absenteeism is the lowest on payday. It is considerably on the days following the payment of wages & bonus.
2.Absenteeism is generally high among the workers below 25 years of age & those above 40 years of age.
3.The rate of absenteeism rates form department of department with in an organization.
4.Absenteeism in traditional industries in seasonal in characters.
M. Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy , S. K. Avez and P. Chakradhar , “ EMPLOYEE ABSENTEEISM: A CASE STUDY OF HINDUSTAN COCO
COLA BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED”, Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | June 2014 | Online & Print
.Employee Absenteeism: A Case Study Of Hindustan Coco Cola Beverages Private Limited
Causes of Absenteeism:
3.Unsatisfactory Housing
Conditions at the work place.
4.Industrial Housing
The industrial fatigue compels workers to remain outside the work place.
Workers mostly prefer to spend money on the consumption of liquor and enjoyment after getting the wages. Therefore the rate
of the absenteeism is more during the first week of the every month.
8.Indebt ness
The low land wages and unplanned expenditure of the workers force then to barrow heavily. The research studies indicate that
workers borrow more than 10 times of their net pay. Consequently workers fail to repay the money. Then they try to escape
from the place in order to avoid the money lenders. This leads to absenteeism.
C.Swarnalatha And G.Sureshkrishna(2013), The HR department is entrusted with the role of creating and enhancing
the value of Human Resource and, in turn dealing with the challenges and threats in the changing organization scenarios.
Absenteeism results in financial losses both because of the resultant reduction in productivity and the cost of sick leave benefits
or others are paid as wages for no work. Absenteeism reduces the satisfaction level of the employee and makes him unsecured
about his job in the organization. He suggests that absenteeism as a threat to the organization as it reduces the employee
satisfaction and the ways to manage absenteeism in the automotive industries in order to improve the productivity of the
Rajshree Barmase and Dr. Harish Shukla(2013), discusses the absenteeism of the employees of Hare Ram cotton Mill
of Pandhurna, district Chhindwara. The major factors derived on the basis of suggestions by the employees that affect
absenteeism are- Welfare Facilities, Salary, Leave Policies, Supervisors' behavior, Present working conditions and
Transportation facility.
Dr. Renuka Rathod, and Mr. Basavanth Reddy (2012), Studied Entitled Employee Absenteeism: A Study At Titan
Industry Limited, Bangalore, Is Concerned With The Issues, Causatives, And Remedial Measures Related To Absenteeism.
The Research Helps The Organization To Know Their Current Practices Regarding Absenteeism In Titan Industry. It Suggests
Ideas To Improve The Business In A Better Prospect And Result In Organizational Development.
Obasan Kehinde, A (2011), in his study carries out an evaluation of the impact of job satisfaction on absenteeism in
Black Horse Industries Limited, a plastic manufacturing industry situated at Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Extrinsic sources of
job satisfaction including Pay, work, promotion, supervision, co-workers, working conditions and fairness are considered
only. Results obtained indicate that the extrinsic sources of job satisfaction have a direct impact on absenteeism. Thus, this
paper recommends that employers should pay due attention to extrinsic sources of job satisfaction as major practical tools to
reducing absenteeism.
Ruchi Sinha(2010) in her study reveals that there only 4% employees remain away from their work and that too due to
personal reasons. There is very high level of job satisfaction among the employees.
The study of absenteeism among industrial worker is not only from the view point of company but also from the view
point of moral of employees. Even though the effect of the good moral of employees may not be calculated in terms of costs but
it should be said that it is important more than cost. There is a clear relationship between high absenteeism and employees
morals because it can be easily traced that the departments having high rate of absenteeism have low moral. There is a clear
relationship between employee's attitude & absenteeism. They are related to each other. So employee's attitude & morale are
the important factors. Labor is human factor. Therefore consideration shall also be taken into account in the discussion of
problem connected in the absenteeism has been continuous to be one of the major labors problem in Indian industries. As ”No
work no pay” is usually the general rule, the loss to worker absenteeism is quite obvious. When, the workers fail to attend to
the regular work. Their income is reduced and the workers become still poorer. Hence, health and efficiency of the worker is
affected by the irregularity of the worker attendance. Thus the above discussions show how the problem of absenteeism is very
important to the organization.
1.To study the work relationships and Employee Facilities in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
2.To study the working conditions and Pressure of Work in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
3.To study the employee Habits and Other causes in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
The study is undertaken both by primary and secondary sources of data and information. For secondary sources of
data and information more reliance is placed on available standards literature comprising referred journals, articles, books,
reports etc., but primary sources of data have been collected by using a questionnaire through the Hindustan Coco Cola
Beverages Pvt. Ltd, Sri Kalahasti, Andhra Pradesh. A sample of 110 respondents has been collected from Hindustan Coco Cola
Beverages Pvt. ltd. A questionnaire has been prepared to collect the necessary information from the employees of Hindustan
Coco Cola Beverages Pvt. ltd. The questionnaire was selected in order to establish a better understanding between the
employee and researcher using the stratified sampling. The questionnaire consists of 33 questions included to various aspects
of employees such as Work relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other
causes. Care was taken to see that the information gathered was valid and reliable.
Frequency Distribution of Employee Absenteeism Scores of employees in Coca Cola Pvt Ltd:
Frequency Distribution of Employee Absenteeism Scores for the whole group and total sample (N=110) is presented
in table No.1. The distribution characteristics namely Mean(M) ,Median(Md), Mode(M), Range(R), Standard Deviation (SD),
Skewness (Sk), Kurtosis(Ku) for the whole group for the Employee Absenteeism scores are also given in Table 4.1.the
Skewness and Kurtosis are used wherever necessary. For Normal Distribution the value of Skewness and Kurtosis is 0.00 and
3.00. It is observed from table 1 that the Mean attitude towards Employee Absenteism is 80.645, Median is 80.000 and Mode is
86.000. The value of Skewness and Kurtosis are 0.104 and -0.173 respectively. Hence the frequency distribution of Employee
Absenteeism scores is negatively skewed and platy kurtic.
The influence of Age, Gender, Religion, Caste, Educational Qualification, Department, Level in the Organization,
Income Level, Experience towards Employee Absenteeism of Coco cola Pvt Ltd employees are investigated by employing
Factorial Designs. The influence of above variables is studied under following heads.
1.Work Relationships
2.Employee Facilities
3.Working Conditions
4.Pressure of Work
5.Employee Habits
6.Other Causes
On the basis of age, the employees are divided into two groups. The employees of age below 30 years come under
Group-I and employees of age above 30 years come under Group-II. It is clear from the table 2 that the computed value of t for
the score towards relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other causes is
less that the table value of 't' (1.98) for 1 and 108 df at 0.05 level. Hence it is concluded that age has no significant influence on
the all above variables in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
On the basis of gender, the employees are divided into two groups. The male employees come under Group-I, and
female employees come under Group-II. It is clear from the table 3 that the computed value of 't' for the six variables is less that
the table value of 't'(1.98) for 1 and 108 df at 0.05 level. Hence it is concluded that Gender has no significant influence on the
relationships, employee facilities, working conditions, pressure of work, employee habits, and other causes in Hindustan Coco
Cola Pvt Ltd.
On the basis of experience, the employees are divided into two groups. The employees of experience below 5 years
come under Group-I, and employees of experience 5-10 years come under Group-II. The influence of experience on the work
relationships, employee facilities, working conditions, pressure of work, employee habits, other causes are investigated. It is
clear from the table 4 that the computed value of t-test for the relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure
of work, Employee habits, other causes is less that the table value of 't'(1.98) for 1 and 108 df at 0.05 level. Hence it is
concluded that Experience has no significant influence on the above variables in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
On the basis of religion, the employees are divided into two groups. The employee who belongs to Hindu community
come under Group-I and employees who belongs to other communities come under Group-II. It is clear from the table 5 that the
computed value of 't' for the relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other
causes is less that the table value of 't'(1.98) for 1 and 108 df at 0.05 level. Hence it is concluded that Religion has no significant
influence on the relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other causes in
Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt Ltd.
On the basis of caste, the employees are divided into three groups. The employee who belongs to OC come under
Group-I, employees who belongs to SC come under Group-II and employees who belongs to SC & ST come under Group-III.
Table 6 indicates that the computed value of 'F-test' for all the variables is less than the table values (3.09) for 2 and 107 df at
0.05 level. It is concluded that the influence of caste has on significant influence in all the variables in the organization.
Educational Qualification:
On the basis of educational qualification, the employees are divided into three groups. The employees who have
completed SSLC and Inter come under Group-I, employees who have completed UG come under Group-II and employees who
have completed PG come under Group-III. Table no.7 indicates that the computed value of 'F' for the Work relationships,
Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other causes for the Employee Absenteeism is
less than the table values (3.09) for 2 and 107 df at 0.05 level. It is concluded that the influence of education on the Work
relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, Other causes in the organization.
On the basis of department, the employees are divided into four groups. The employees of Procurement and
Production department come under Group-I, employees of RMRD department come under Group-II and employees of QA
department come under Group-III, and employees of other department come under Group-IV. The mean values of the Work
relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, other causes and total employee
absenteeism for the four groups were tested for significance by employing 'F' test. Table no.8 indicates that the computed value
of 'F' for the work relationships, employee facilities, working conditions, pressure of work, employee habits, other causes for
the employee absenteeism is less than the table values (2.70) for 3 and 106 df at 0.05 level. It is concluded that the influence of
Department on the Work relationships, Employee facilities, Working conditions, Pressure of work, Employee habits, Other
causes in the organization.
Level in Organization:
On the basis of level, the employees are divided into four groups. The Managers come under Group-I, Executives
come under Group-II, Employees come under Group-III, and Workers come under Group-IV. Table no.9 explains that apart
from 6 variables work relations and pressure of work are significant. Hence it is concluded that the influence of level in the
organization on the above two variables.
Income Level:
On the basis of monthly income level, the employees are divided into two groups. The employees of annual income
5000-10000 come under Group-I, and employees of annual income 10001-15000 come under Group-II. It is clear from the
table 10 that the computed value of 't' for the relationships, employee facilities, working conditions, pressure of work,
employee habits, other causes is less that the table value of 't'(1.98) for 1 and 108 df at 0.05 level. Hence it is concluded that
Income has no significant influence on the variables in the organization.
Absenteeism affects the organization from the multiple angles. It affects severely the production process and the
business proves the effect of unauthorized absenteeism is more than the other types of absenteeism; however it would be
completely avoid absenteeism. The measures are useful in controlling or minimizing absenteeism.
Selecting the employee by testing them thoroughly regarding their aspirations, value system responsibility and sensitiveness.
Adopting humanistic approach in dealing with the personal problems of employees.
Following proactive approach in identifying and redressing employee grievances.
Proving hygienic working conditions.
Providing welfare measures and fringe benefits balancing the need for the employee and the ability of the organization.
Providing high wages and allowances based on the organizational financial positions.
Improving the communication network particularly the upward communication.
Providing leave facility based on the needs of the employee and organizational requirements.
Providing safety and health measures.
Providing cardinal human relations and industrial relations.
Educating the workers.
Counseling the workers about their career income and expenditure habits and culture.
Free flow of information, exchanging of ideas, problems etc., between subordinate and superior.
Grating leave and financial assistance liberally in case of sickness of employee and his family members.
Offering attendance bonus and inducement.
Providing extensive training encouragement special allowances in cash of technological advancements.
1.C.Swarnalatha And G.Sureshkrishna(2013), Absenteeism – A Menace To Organization In Building Job Satisfaction Among
Employees In Automotive Industries In India, Tactful Management Research Journal, Vol. 1 , Issue. 4 , jan 2013.
2.Dr. Renuka Rathod, and Mr. Basavanth Reddy(2012), Employee Absenteeism: A Study At Titan Industry Limited,
Bangalore, The International Journal of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 80-84.
3.Obasan Kehinde, A (2011), Impact of Job Satisfaction on Absenteeism: A Correlative Study, European Journal of Humanities
and Social Sciences , Vol. 1, No.1, pp:25-49.
4.Rajshree Barmase and Dr. Harish Shukla(2013), A Study of Employee Absenteeism in Hare Ram Cotton Mill of
Chhindwara, SVIM e-Journal of Applied Management, Volume I, issue I, January-June 2013, pp: 50-63.
5.Ruchi sinha(2010) , Absenteeism of Employees at Indchemie Health Specialities Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, ”Academy of
Management Studies, Dehradun.
Table no.2: Influence of Age on employee absenteeism in Coco cola Pvt Ltd
Table no.3: influence of Gender on employee absenteeism in Coco cola Pvt Ltd
Table no.4: Influence of Experience on employee Absenteeism in Coco cola Pvt Ltd
Table no.5: Influence of Religion on Employee Absenteeism in Coco cola Pvt Ltd
Table no.7: Influence of Education on Employee Absenteeism in Hindustan Coco Cola Pvt ltd
Variable Mean Standard Deviation F-test
1 Work 11.171 11.417 11.526 10.947 2.668 1.935 2.702 2.973 0.213@
2 Employee 13.390 14.167 12.158 12.421 4.282 5.505 3.558 4.127 0.850@
3 Working 13.829 14.917 12.526 15.184 3.919 2.326 5.051 3.670 2.127@
4 Pressure of 11.341 11.250 11.211 10.211 2.790 2.005 3.427 3.262 1.041@
5 Employee 13.366 13.250 13.053 12.342 4.011 5.494 4.796 4.759 0.341@
6 Other causes 18.293 16.333 18.000 19.605 7.006 7.899 7.448 7.043 0.677@
Variable Mean Standard Deviation F-test
1 Work 10.676 12.200 10.591 10.429 3.150 1.792 2.725 2.945 3.096*
2 Employee 13.53 13.175 13.045 11.000 4.771 4.353 4.150 2.390 1.081@
3 Working 14.588 14.375 14.136 12.786 3.766 3.998 3.634 4.974 0.692@
4 Pressure of 12.529 10.025 10.636 10.000 1.835 3.174 3.213 3.229 5.306**
5 Employee 13.265 13.100 12.636 12.214 4.623 4.679 4.195 4.916 0.213@
6 Other causes 18.176 18.675 19.182 17.571 6.767 8.125 7.114 5.803 0.165@
Table no.10: Influence of Income on Employee Absenteeism in Coco cola Pvt Ltd
S. K. Avez
Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Brahmaiah College of Engineering, SPSR Nellore,
Andhra Pradesh.
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