Toolkit For Sleep: Andrew D. Huberman, PH.D
Toolkit For Sleep: Andrew D. Huberman, PH.D
Toolkit For Sleep: Andrew D. Huberman, PH.D
1) View sunlight by going outside within 30-60 minutes of waking. Do that again in the
late afternoon, prior to sunset. On bright cloudless days: view morning and afternoon sun for
10 min; cloudy days: 20 min; very overcast days 30-60 min.
2) Wake up at the same time each day and go to sleep when you first start to feel sleepy.
Pushing through the sleepy late evening feeling and going to sleep too late (for you) is one
reason people wake at 3 am and can’t fall back asleep.
4) If you have sleep disturbances, insomnia, or anxiety about sleep, try the zero-cost research-supported
protocols on the Reveri app. Do the Reveri sleep self-hypnosis 3x a week at any time of day. It’s only 10-15 min
long and will help you rewire your nervous system to be able to relax faster.
5) Avoid viewing bright lights—especially bright overhead lights between 10 pm and 4 am. Here is a simple
rule: only use as much artificial lighting as is necessary for you to remain and move about safely at night. Blue
blockers can help a bit at night but still dim the lights. Viewing bright lights of all colors are a problem for your
circadian system. Candlelight and moonlight are fine.
6) Limit daytime naps to less than 90 min, or don’t nap at all.
7) If you wake up in the middle of the night (which, by the way, is normal to do once or so each night) but
you can’t fall back asleep, consider doing an NSDR protocol when you wake up. Enter “NSDR” into YouTube
and the top 3-4 options have different voices, durations for you to select from. Or simply do a “Yoga Nidra” protocol
(enter “yoga nidra” to YouTube; 100s to select.)
8) Expect to feel really alert ~1 hour before your natural bedtime. This is a naturally occurring spike in
wakefulness that sleep researchers have observed.
9) Keep the room you sleep in cool and dark and layer on blankets that you can remove.Your body needs to drop in
temperature by 1-3 degrees to fall and stay asleep effectively. Body temperature increases are one reason you wake up.
Thus, keep your room cool and remove blankets as needed. If it’s too hot you would have to use a cooling device and that’s
harder than simply tossing off blankets if you get too warm.
11) Kids (and indeed all of us) have changing sleep needs over time. Adjust accordingly.We might be night owls at 15
but become “morning people” as we age or need 6 hours a night in summer and 7-8 in winter. It will vary.
Best nootropic: sleep
Best stress relief: sleep
Best trauma release: sleep
Best immune booster: sleep
Best hormone augmentation: sleep Mind your sleep to honour your temple!
Best emotional stabilizer: sleep