Career Bands, Career Levels, Functions and Disciplines: General Overview
Career Bands, Career Levels, Functions and Disciplines: General Overview
Career Bands, Career Levels, Functions and Disciplines: General Overview
The Global Grade(s) aligned with each level also are noted. Global Grade differentiators are shaded since
North America survey participants only match to Career Levels.
NOTE: The job matching methodology presented here is for survey purposes only and is not a job evaluation
process. Although this survey methodology is related to the Towers Watson Career Map and Global Grading
methodologies, it may not align directly with specific client implementation of one of these leveling
methodologies. Therefore it is critical to align your internal levels to the survey levels based on a careful review
of the survey definitions to ensure proper job matching.
Career Map and the Global Grading System, when formally implemented, enable the alignment of reward and
talent management programs across businesses. When used as internal leveling tools, these methodologies
take into account the specific organizational context of a job and the detailed set of associated accountabilities
and demands. The outcomes of these processes are highly organization-specific, while survey job descriptions
and levels are by their nature generic. Therefore, organizations that use Career Map or the Global Grading
System as their internal leveling tool are still required to match their jobs to this survey using the job matching
process outlined in this Participant Guide.
An organization's internal Global Grade or Career Level may act as a starting point, but as the Career Levels
and Global Grades contained in these surveys represent a typical or generic organization, there may be
differences between the internal value a specific organization places on a job and where the job should be
mapped for purposes of external comparison.
● Entry-level jobs within the Professional Career Band typically require a university degree or equivalent work experience that
provides knowledge of and exposure to fundamental theories, principles and concepts
● Uses existing procedures to solve routine or standard problems Global Grade 8 Differentiators
● Has no discretion to vary from established
● Receives instruction, guidance and direction from others procedures
● Has no related work experience or has work
experience but requires formal training in
theories/concepts in own function
● Works under close supervision
● Entry-level graduate in the "probationary" period
AHR001-EX Top Human Resources Executive (with Labor Relations)
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing all human resource policies
including labor relations
● For noncorporate positions, this position is typically responsible for the execution and administration of
policies within a segment of the organization
● In highly decentralized organizations, responsibilities could also include policy design at the segment level
● If the position is not responsible for labor relations, or if labor relations are not applicable for the
organization, match to Top Human Resources Executive (without Labor Relations)
AHR002-EX Top Human Resources Executive (without Labor Relations)
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing all human resource policies and
● For noncorporate positions, this position is typically responsible for the execution and administration of
policies within a segment of the organization
● In highly decentralized organizations, responsibilities could also include policy design at the segment level
AHR010-EX Top Compensation and Benefits Executive
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing the organization's benefit and
compensation programs (executive compensation, salary, hourly, sales incentives, etc.)
● At the corporate level, this position has design/development emphasis; for noncorporate, the emphasis is
on administration unless the organization is highly decentralized
AHR020-EX Top Compensation Executive
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing the organization's compensation
programs (executive compensation, salary, hourly, sales incentives, etc.)
AHR060-EX Top Benefits Executive
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing the organization's employee benefit
AHR090-EX Top Employee/Labor Relations Executive
● Has primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining satisfactory employee and labor-management
● Responsibilities include labor contract negotiations and establishment and coordination of management's
policies regarding labor/union affairs
AHR116-EX Top EEO Executive
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing, implementing, and monitoring effective affirmative
action programs within the organization in compliance with government legislation and corporate goals
AHR125-EX Top Talent Management Executive
● Has primary responsibility for the organization's workforce planning
● Defines the organization's talent needs based upon current and future business objectives
● Assesses talent supply (internally and externally), defines critical gaps, and develops integrated talent
strategies to close the gaps
● May be responsible for performance management, employee development and succession planning
AHS000-EX Top Environmental Health and Safety Executive
● Has primary responsibility for designing, developing and implementing programs and policies that provide
and maintain healthful and safe working conditions in compliance with environmental health and safety
guidelines/regulations and other legal enactments and standards established by senior management
● Develops and implements programs in order to abate, control or eliminate environmental health and safety
AHS050-EX Top Safety Executive
● Has primary responsibility for establishing programs and policies that provide and maintain safe working
conditions on the organization's premises in compliance with applicable guidelines/regulations (e.g.,
Occupational Safety and Health Association [OSHA] in the United States) and other legal enactments as
well as standards established by senior management
AHS000 Environmental Health and Safety Generalist/Multidiscipline
● Designs, develops, implements and oversees the organization's environmental, health and safety programs
and procedures to safeguard employees and surrounding communities and to ensure that all facilities are
in compliance with regulations
● Responsibilities are within the Environmental Health and Safety Function as a generalist or in a
combination of Disciplines
AHS010 Environmental Science
● Develops and implements programs to ensure that environment regulatory obligations are fulfilled in a cost-
effective manner, and that environmental risks are effectively managed
● Analyzes and maintains detailed records of pollutant concentrations in air, water, plant and soil samples
● Assists field locations in pollution prevention and waste minimization programs through periodic monitoring
and technical guidance
● Conducts research on the degradation of pollutants in the environment, including streams, sediments and
● Maintains detailed records and prepares related reports and studies for submission to regulatory agencies
AHS030 Health and Safety
● Conducts studies and investigations to ensure compliance with government safety and health laws,
standards and regulations, and industrial hygiene
● Investigates accidents and promotes safety-conscious work performance and training programs
● Provides safety performance measures
● Determines root cause analyses
AHS040 Industrial Hygiene
● Inspects facilities and premises and prescribes corrective measures to reduce the risks of disease and
other job-related ailments
● Investigates and prepares reports on job-related injuries and fatalities, and determines measures to avoid
any recurrence
● Audits facilities to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and promotes maintenance of a clean
and sanitary working environment
● Conducts employee training in environmental compliance and the handling of hazardous materials
● Provides direction on how to contain spills and clean spill sites to avoid civil or criminal penalties