3 Ways To Examine The Larynx: Piriform
3 Ways To Examine The Larynx: Piriform
3 Ways To Examine The Larynx: Piriform
- patient is lying down
- patient's head is proximal to the examiner
- patient's feet is distal to the examiner
- laryngoscope -inserted through the mouth to create
> Structures that are visible:
space for visualization or manipulation of the laryngeal
- arytenoids
- piriform sinus - located at the posterolateral to either side of
- direct visualization of the larynx without aid of
the laryngeal opening
equipments (mirror, endoscope)
- vocal folds
- tracheal cartilage
- cricoid cartilage
- tracheal rings
- suspension laryngoscopy
- with endotracheal tube with balloon inflated to
avoid aspiration and to access airway
- do not suspend on the patient's chest because it
may cause post-op pain. suspend it on a mayo table. > PHONATION
- the vocal cords goes into the midline
- voice is produced through the vibration of the vocal cords
- laryngeal ADductor muscles
- group of muscles that acts on the vocal ligament to
produce phonation
1. Thyroarytenoid muscle (Dr.Po)
2. Cricothyroid muscle (Dr. See) VOCAL CORD NODULE
3. Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle
4. Interarytenoids
- laryngeal ABductor muscles
- Posterior Cricoarytenoid (PCA)
- moves the vocal cords on the lateral side
- for breathing
- most common laryngeal chief complaint
- the usual case associated with hoarseness
- Acute Laryngitis - <3 weeks duration - junction of the anterior 1/3rd of vocal cords and posterior
2/3rds Highest
- location of the highest tension in the vocal cords
- usual location of lesions
- benign lesion
Ap Lateral
Upright waters view - head
- Inflamed epiglottis
- airway is partially compromised
- Laryngeal vs Esophageal FB
- anatomically, the opening of the esophagus is horizontal
- the opening of the larynx is vertical
- structures visible:
- frontal sinus
- ethmoid air cell
- rim of orbit
- maxillary sinus
- Classic Waters View
- patient is placed on a prone position
- significant in checking air-fluid levels in the sinus
- (+) air-fluid level on the Left maxillary sinus, (-) Right air-fluid
level, (+) Right mucoperiosteal thickening
- Mucoperiosteal thickening
- density on the poster- lateral border
- indicative of recurrent, chronic sinusitis
- Malignant Melanoma
- Excision requires 0.5-1mm margin on all sides
- In closing the excision, wait for the pathologist to confirm
that the margin are clean of malignancy
- Rotational flap
- from the diameter of the lesion, you harvest skin from
the posterior at a length multiplied by 4 and pull it
- wait for 4-6 weeks until the donor site is accepted by the
recipient bed
- cut the remaining skin and return it to the forehead
- delto-pectoral flap
- 2-stage procedure
- same procedure with midline forehead flap