CG Initiatives
CG Initiatives
CG Initiatives
The need for corporate governance has arisen because of the inereasing concern
about the non-compliance of standards of financial reporting and accountability by boards
of directors and management of corporate inflicting heavy losses on investors
The collapse of international giants likes Enron, World Com of the US and Xerox of
Japan are said to be due to the absence of good corporate governance and corrupt practices
adopted by management of these companies and their financial consulting firms
The failures of these multinational giants bring out the importance of good corporate
governance structure making clear the distinction of power between the Board of Dircetors
and the management which can lead to appropriate governance processes and procedures
under which management is free to manage and board of directors is free to monitor and
give policy directions.
In India, SEBI realised the need for good corporate governance and for this purpose
appointed several committees such as Kumar Manglam Birla Committee, Naresh Chandra
Committee and Narayana Murthy Committee.
the basic
A Global Perspective. The extent to which corporate enterprises observe
factor for
principles of good corporate governance has now become an important
attracting foreign investment. In this age of globalisation when quantitative
restrictions have been removed and trade barrierS dismantled, the relationship
between corporate governance and flows of foreign investment has become
increasingly important.
In late 1990s and early 2000 different governance codes were formulated by
three distinct entities The Confederation of Indian Industry (CI), The Department
of Company Affairs (DCA) and The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
There was a broad consistency and consensus among the three in their recommendations
for better governance.
The CIl published the document named The Desirable Code of Corporate
Govemance" in 1998 which outlines several policies that can be adopted by Indian
in line with international corporate governance best practices.
that consisted of experts from the chamber of commerce, stock exchanges. professionals
and investors-association. The Naryana Murthy committee suggested mandatory
Such as reinforcing the responsibilities of audit committee, management of risks,
status of nominee directors and
raising standards of financial disclosures, defining the other
disclosure of non-executive directors remuneration to shareholders among
In early 1999, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEB)) had set up a committee
under Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla, member SEBI Board, to promote and raise the
standards of good corporate governance. The report submitted by the committee is
the first formal and comprehensive attempt to evolve a Code of Corporate
Governance, in the context of prevailing conditions of governance in lndian
companies, as well as the state of capital markets.
2 Composition Of Board Of Directors -Optimum Combination Of Executive
& Non-Executive Directors