Tesco Scandal Rijul Rana
Tesco Scandal Rijul Rana
Tesco Scandal Rijul Rana
Hidden agreements with suppliers- As key personnel realized that sales targets weren’t
going to be met hidden agreements were made with suppliers.
Offered suppliers in store promotion, bonus payments etc. - These agreements offered
to suppliers benefits such as in store promotions, bonus payments etc. if Tesco hits the
sales targets.
Revenue recognized in the wrong accounting period- The payments that Tesco received
from the suppliers were purposefully recognized in the wrong accounting period. In
some cases Tesco even ended up paying back the supplier in the subsequent period.
Commercial income seemed steady despite declining sales- This false recognition of
future revenue meant that commercial income seemed steady despite sales declining
Withholding money due to suppliers- It was later found that Tesco was also
withholding money due to suppliers in order to boost performance
Manipulation over business costs- They were also thought to be manipulating business
cost. This centered on the booking of out of date food and stock theft.