Mummy, The Curse - Storyteller's Handbook
Mummy, The Curse - Storyteller's Handbook
Mummy, The Curse - Storyteller's Handbook
Storyteller’s Handbook
By David Brookshaw, Michael Goodwin, George Holochwost, Khaldoun Khelil, Ari Marmell,
Malcolm Sheppard, Greg Stolze, and C.A. Suleiman
The Seven-Times-Hallowed Mask
Walter could almost forget, machine’s skids, looking for The Dwelling We Do Not
sometimes. For days on end, other tracks, footprints… but Speak Of started as a crack
when his life was going right. no, they weren’t there, and he’d in the flinty hillside. Slipping
But out on the ice, it was see it before he saw any signs of within, all was dark and frigid.
impossible, unthinkable, and its passage, wouldn’t he? Ancient lamps loomed in a
especially when he was close to Under the layers of Gore-Tex long niche by the entry, made
the path. He was taking the long and down and fleece and wool from walrus pelvic-bones. In
way home, as he was bound, and and cotton and his own skin the ceremonies, they burned
he told himself he would pass by and fat, his blood ran cold. With whale oil, but it was forbidden
the path and look, and it would no real choice in the matter, he to store fuel in the Dwelling, so
be as white as a blank sheet of pressed on, and soon, he came Walter made do with a tiny LED
paper. He would drive home to to the end of the stones. There keychain.
supper and… was a blank stretch leading to Even in the dim, flat light, the
He saw tracks. Walter the hill, and he followed the walls gleamed. Generations of
slammed on the brakes, making snowmobile path straight to its Walter’s people had left totems
his pickup slew to the left, then base. The tracks were dismally of carved bone, images of gods
to a stop as he expertly steered clear. Someone had parked at and authorities unnamed to any
into the skid. (To Walter, driving the base of the hill, walked up anthropologist. In normal times,
on snow was simply “driving.”) the stone trail to the Dwelling, it all centered on a pillar of ice.
The way to the Dwelling walked back down, then Atop that column sat the golden
We Do Not Speak Of was not remounted and driven off. Seven-Times-Hallowed Mask
supposed to be in use tonight. It The second set of tracks had and, within it, the shadowy
should have been as unmarked only come down and were not black figure of a dead man.
as a blameless conscience, but aimed at the road. They went But the mask was missing,
there were clear and obvious straight toward the stones, and the ice was shattered, and the
tracks—the lines and tread of to the snowfield beyond, and footprints of the dead man
a snowmobile, by the look of Walter was sure they made a went straight from the frozen
them. The path was not meant spear-straight line toward his wreckage toward the entryway.
to be driven upon—ever. That home town of Qaarsut.
was why he’d stomped the He swore in both his B B B
brake pedal instead of just languages. How far could it have
Once he was outside, Walter
pulling over. gotten? Did he dare confirm his wished he could talk to Priestess
He parked where they bleakest fears? Could he face Nujalik, but it was hopeless.
always parked, in a windbreak the others if he didn’t? The closest cell phone was in
created by a jagged rise of Still cursing, he tore off his town, its service was spotty,
stones a respectful distance snowshoes and ran up the steps, and Walter had never bothered
from the Dwelling. He strapped his rifle held before him. It to buy a handset. The ground
on his snowshoes, and after wasn’t that he thought it would around the Hill We Do Not Name
a momentary hesitation, he do any good, but he didn’t want was commercially worthless, so
pulled down his rifle, as well. to leave it behind in the snow. he’d have needed an expensive
Walter wished he could run, sat-phone to contact anyone.
but he only trudged into the There was the CB in his truck,
rough tumble of upthrust stones, but it would only work if anyone
a peculiar range of debris in the was listening.
otherwise unmarred ice sheet. He retrieved his snowshoes,
He stared at the marks of the took a deep breath, whimpered
without realizing it, and set off snow, all tissue desiccated into “I apologize.”
toward the upright rocks. He leathery lumps, collarbones “Are you sure we cannot
made it all the way through and and elbows and the pelvic ridge simply go to the Mask and
to the other side before he saw it. prominent in its silhouette. seize it?”
Night had fallen but the “What name do you claim, Walter risked a glance at
moon was high, and the dead you who would stay me in my his passenger and shuddered.
thing was a blotch of blackness course?” The voice was dry as “Please, it would be better if you
disturbing the featureless white a tomb, but it spoke perfect were… concealed.”
of the plain. Behind, its trail was English. “If you a temple servant
“Less distress for you, you
a scrawl of lesser darkness, for be, our mutual pledge exceeds
mean.” Sefet Qam somehow
the snow here had blown deep. my loyalty to you or yours to me.”
managed to look shrewd, even
At points, the thing was forcing “I… speak only Dutch and with a frozen, leathery grimace
its way through chest-high Kalaallisut.” Walter clutched for a face. Yet now there was
drifts, and at no point was it less his rifle like a child with a a gleam in the back of his
than knee deep. stuffed animal. eye-pits, as if something was
“Neem me niet kwalijk?” “De Heilige Masker,” Sefet thawing there.
Walter said, in a voice no man Qam replied, in the same “We can make pictures very
could have heard over the wind. tongue. “It is taken, and I am quickly. It would not do for
The creature did not pause, and arisen. Know you the one who people to come looking if an
Walter took a dozen reluctant violated the temple?” image of you traveled very far.”
steps closer.
Walter shook his head. “But I “Po-laroid,” the dead man said.
“Utoqqatsissutigaa!” he called, can help you search,” he said. “I“I know of these images.”
now speaking Kalaallisut, have… a vehicle. And clothes.”
which they called the New “They have improved since
It was hard to read expression your last awakening.”
Language. The thing continued,
on the rotted face before him,
and he wondered if it was “How many years since… the
but after a pause, it nodded and
ignoring him or if it was simply year of the English, 1963?”
began trudging toward him.
mindless in its pursuit. “It is now the year 2012.”
Walter willed himself to turn
“Sefet Qam!” Walter charged Walter risked another glimpse.
his back on the temple defender,
forward, numb lips stumbling “But you were last awake in 1983.
but his eyes would not look
over the alien syllables that Do you not recall it?”
away. Eventually, they walked
aligned roughly to “Strength of “I… do not. Not yet.”
side by side—he atop the snow
the Crocodile’s Skin.”
and the dead thing pushing An awkward silence
“I name you and claim your through it. descended until they reached
loyalty,” he said in the Old Walter’s home on the outskirts
Language, rote phrases he’d B B B of town. “We’ll bundle you up
been taught intermittently all so you can pass,” Walter said.
his life. “By the temple and the “Your horseless carriage is
“No one is in my house, so we’ll
Mask we serve, I…” loud,” the temple guardian said
be safe.”
as they moved down the road.
Walter’s thin voice faltered. It “If no one is there, who opened
had stopped, and it had turned. the gateway?” Sefet Qam asked,
Freed of the ice, its eye-sockets pointing to the garage door.
were brown pits. Its mouth was “It’s an electric device,” Walter
a pursed circle, drawn tight by said.
dried flesh. It was naked in the
“Like the flameless lamp.” truck came to a halt. Walter “Recovered my charge. Yet
Sefet Qam shook his head in tried his key and frowned, and now I wonder… is my task
what Walter could only assume he was going to try again when complete?”
was amazement. Sefet Qam gently pushed him “You’ve killed him!”
Soon, the animate corpse to the side. With what seemed
“Yes. I suppose I was meant
was zipped into Carhartt equal gentleness, the walking
to. Yet when I produced the
overalls, galoshes, and a pair corpse pulled the knob out of
relic from where it hid beneath
of thick woolen mittens. A the door with a crack and squeal
the bed, the man gaped in
scarf, stocking cap and pair of yielding wood.
astonishment. It was only
of sunglasses completed his Walter gaped. The door had when he attempted to struggle
disguise. Walter was surprised been deadbolted and, he could that I struck him.”
at the relief he felt, having now see, padlocked on a freshly
“Okay,” Walter mumbled,
that shriveled and unnatural installed hasp.
unable to stop staring at the
nudity covered, even in such a “Something’s wrong,” he motionless figure on the floor.
rudimentary costume. said, but Sefet Qam didn’t “Okay, the police chief is one of
“You can sense the Mask?” acknowledge it; just strode in us… this man, he’s foreign…”
“I can… yes, but we must and up the steps while Walter
“Portuguese, I suspect,” Sefet
hurry.” struggled to put the door back in
Qam added, turning the golden
something like a closed position.
As Walter pulled out into the mask over in his hands.
He left that task hurriedly at the
snowy night, he became more Walter looked up sharply.
sound of raised voices above.
and more uneasy. He had tried, “That’s right, he’s a… was a
from his home phone, to call He heard a fleshy impact and
scientist. He said he was taking
Nujalik, but had gotten only a then a loud thump that shook
ice core samples, but everyone
busy signal. It was becoming the light fixtures above. He
knew he was really looking for
clearer that the mute gestures started to run and didn’t stop
of his ally were directing him until he saw the Seven-Times-
Hallowed Mask, resting heavily “Or gold?” Sefet Qam asked,
toward her home.
on Walter’s borrowed mittens setting the mask on a table,
“Do you remember Nujalik?” heavily. He knew now the
as the corpse contemplated it.
Walter asked. relic was false—an attempt
Lying on the floor, bare-
“No.” to conceal the theft of the
chested, was another man,
“But… she is the High Priestess,” true Mask (if only briefly, to
bleeding heavily from his nose
Walter said, wondering how the win precious time)—but
and mouth. With a little hiss,
creature could have forgotten said nothing.
Walter got closer and realized
1983, a night that would live the man’s head was no longer a “He’s been here for almost
on in Walter’s memory—when simple dome, but dented under a year. If he knew where the
they summoned the guardian the torn scalp and bloodied hair. Mask was, why would he wait
from its icy tomb to choose so long before stealing it?”
“What have you done?”
between Nujalik and Walter as “Perhaps it took him that long
Walter gasped.
new leader of the faith; when to seduce the priestess.” Sefet
Walter had failed and screamed Qam was studying Walter now.
at its approach, leaving Nujalik
“No! He was an… an outsider.
as High Priestess of the Faithful
She wouldn’t!”
by default.
Delicately, the tomb guardian
“The relic is within,” the dead
raised the heavy layers of quilt
man said, climbing out as the
and blanket to look at the sheets
beneath. “Unless women and “Is that so? And how will you “Then we will fight them or
men have changed greatly in find the betrayer priestess?” we will hide,” the implacable
recent years, she did.” Walter hung his head. “I voice replied. “I am not here to
“And then fled in shame?” have no idea. Is that… really protect you, or your people, or
Walter couldn’t help but necessary? I think it would be your way of life. You, like me,
despise the tone of eagerness better for the Faithful if they serve the Mask and the Judge
in his voice. Nujalik had always never found out about…” Then who placed it in our care. The
sneered at him, ever since he’d his voice was stilled with a difference is my obedience is
disgraced himself, back when sudden, painful jerk as Sefet direct and yours is a matter
he was just 18. Qam seized Walter by the throat of custom. We are all but tools
and lifted him bodily off the of Fate, yet in this matter you
The guardian did not answer,
floor. shall be subordinate to me.”
only stared at the gleaming
mask. “She defiled my place of rest,” Sefet Qam raised a hand
the corpse’s voice grated. “High and pulled down his scarf. To
“To where would she flee?”
Priestess or no, she has stolen Walter’s amazement, the skin
he asked.
the Mask, and she has made me had filled in and re-colored
“Qeqertarsuaq, perhaps. If itself, turning from leathery
her implement of murder. I will
she borrowed a boat from brown to a dry but recognizably
not be used so by a mortal.”
someone, or just took it. Maybe human black. The creature
as far as Sisimiut, if she wanted Sefet Qam opened his hand,
swept the spectacles from its
somewhere big enough that and Walter dropped to the floor,
face, revealing brown eyes,
people wouldn’t know her. But gasping and clutching his neck.
bloodshot but obviously alive.
why would she flee?” “Summon your Faithful,”
“So soon?” Sefet Qam
“Why, indeed. We know that Sefet Qam intoned. “We shall
muttered, in distracted English.
she is not here. Let us check have them all for the search.
“We have little time, Walter. Call
her automobile,” Sefet Qam The traitor is to be found and
said, using the English word. sent before the Judges of Duat,
there to receive Their eternal As Walter scrambled to his
In moments, they were in her
judgment.” feet and stumbled toward
empty garage, the dead man
the house, the mummy Sefet
holding the relic in front of “But… *cough*… but what if
Qam spoke under its deathless
him like an old woman with a people find out? What if more
grocery sack. outsiders come to Qaarsut?
What if they find the Dwelling?” “And now my scattered
“All right… we can call the
thoughts knit once more,
police chief to handle things
Walter of Qaarsut. I recall your
quietly. I’ll drive you back to
cowardice of that day, though
the Dwelling, where you can
‘tis hazy. We shall see if young
restore the treasure to its place
Nujalik proves herself your
and… resume your rest.”
better once again.”
Creative Director: Rich Thomas Dedication: This game is dedicated to the people of Egypt.
Concept and Design: C.A. Suleiman Special Thanks:
Writing: David Brookshaw, Michael Goodwin, George To professors Edward Said and Norman Finkelstein, for
Holochwost, Khaldoun Khelil, Ari Marmell, Malcolm histories untold and obfuscations denied.
Sheppard, Greg Stolze, and C.A. Suleiman To Russell “Purpose First” Cohen for keeping his eye fixed
firm on the ball.
Developer: C.A. Suleiman
To L.J. “Not That Pittsburgh” Nickerson for being a proud
Editor: John Chambers pilgrim in an unholy land.
Art Director: Mike Chaney Playtesters: Agena Allen, Chris Allen, Arran Boyd, Beau
Brown, Whitney Carnes, Nate Duvall, Phil St-Leger Harris,
Interior Art: Aaron Acevedo, Samuel Araya, James
Ginie Holochwost, Chris Langston, Matthew Malis, Matt
Denton, Craig S Grant, Borja Puig Linares, Johan Lindroos,
McCormick, Andy Parker, Neall Raemonn Price, Ramon
Vince Locke, Marco Mazzoni, Andy Trabbold, Cathy
Reyes, and Joana Suleiman.
Wilkins, Tyler Windham
Michael would like to dedicate his work on Mummy to
Book Design: Craig S Grant & Mike Chaney his mother.
© 2012 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the
publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character
sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire, World of
Darkness, Vampire the Masquerade, and Mage the Ascension are registered trademarks of
CCP hf. All rights reserved. Vampire the Requiem, Werewolf the Apocalypse, Werewolf the
Forsaken, Mage the Awakening, Promethean the Created, Changeling the Lost, Hunter
the Vigil, Geist the Sin-Eaters, V20 Companion, Children of the Revolution, Storyteller
System, and Storytelling System are trademarks of CCP hf.
All rights reserved. All characters, names, places, and text herein are copyrighted by CCP hf.
CCP North America Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CCP hf.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. All mystical and
supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book
contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Table of Contents
Book Two: Mummy Storyteller’s Handbook 165
Chapter Four: The Scroll of Ages 167
Chapter Five: Faces of Undeath 176
Chapter Six: Vessels of Power 212
Chapter Seven: Framing Immortality 238
Table of Contents
Chapter Four
The Scroll of Ages
Some of the greatest thinkers among the Greeks regarded Egypt as not only the
home of knowledge and the source of civilization and of the arts, but also as the
fountain head of what has been called “white magic” and the “black art.”
— E.A. Wallis Budge, Egyptian Magic
Mr. Wodehouse,
strangest after-action report I’ve ever filed (or
Before we go any further, I feel compelled to say that this is far and away the
I leave it to you to decide what to do with it all.
probably will file). I’ve seen some shit in my day, as you know, but this… well,
I only know what I’ve observed.
I took direct part, I obviously can’t attest
On the subject of knowing what I know: Beyond my account of the events in which
tion was my area of expertise, rather than
to either the truth or the falsehood of the data I’m sending along. Even if interroga
coercing information from this particular subject. It’s
surveillance and acquisition, I still don’t imagine that I’d have much success in
that) could suffer the greatest indignities your man
plain to me—if not to your man, Collins—that this woman (if it’s fair to call her
any answers she provides, she provides willingly;
could devise without giving up so much as a pained look. My assessment is that
which I suggest you give serious thought.
whether or not this calls her initial capture into question, as well, is a matter to
better part of a week. While our initial
Pursuant to your instructions, my team and I shadowed the woman for the
just about anywhere she desired, within 12 hours
reconnaissance painted a picture of someone of independent means, able to live
district, about 500 yards off the bazaar, beneath
of our picking up her trail, she was moving her operation into the Sonagachi
almost immediately and that the increase
a brothel. (My numbers man says the building saw a marked increase in traffic
continued right up until we acquired her there the following Sunday.)
your every directive, took your every precaution,
Insertion was just about as messy as I’d anticipated it would be. We followed
I consider that a separate matter from whether
of course. The measures simply weren’t enough to insure clean victory, though
The lieutenant you told us to track down—the one
they succeeded in delivering the subject into our midst; that, they certainly did.
with her—died during insertion. We prepared our
you called “Sadiq” and who turned out to be the means by which we caught up
bolts and blades as instructed, and they proved effective.
were breached, her Sadiq, fallen—in that
Then the woman appeared. When she saw that she was compromised—that her defenses
in the boudoir flickered out entirely, and even the
the moment, it seemed to us as if all power fled the room. The already low lighting
but to ask what we wanted. When I informed
gun-mounted lights of my team dimmed. She used the opportunity not to escape,
she just held her arms out, one wrist crossed over
her that we needed her to come with us and to answer a few questions truthfully,
attractive Arab woman, there is a noticeable…
the other, and said, “I am yours to command.” Although she seems at first an
handcuff her says he saw something, well, moving
change in her appearance the closer we get, and my man who stepped forward to
behind her face, under her skin, maybe. She clearly makes him nervous.
ons, but from the first moment, she’s given
We blindfolded and gagged her for transport to our facility, as per your instructi
h I expected her cooperation might dry up
us no trouble. She asked to be called “Menat,” and so far, I’ve complied. Althoug
finally opened up for real. I don’t know who this
once we got into the topic that concerns you most, that was, in fact, when she
woman is, but she certainly seems to know a lot about mummies.
Please advise.
- A.
The subject has satisfied our skepticism, but not our interests. Do NOT allow her to meditate.
Get back in there, and ask her about the catalyst and the price. These are the things we need to know.
Do NOT address her as “Menat.” Do not address her at all. She speaks, you notate.
Respond soonest.
No, squad leader, it does not. It makes her our competition. We hope that’s clear. As such, her
discomfort is of little consequence to us and, therefore, of none to you. Get back in there, and ask her
how much these “Arisen” know of their own origins and condition. How deep does the rite’s patterning
overwrite their own memories and instincts? Also, what of this “betrayal?”
Respond soonest.
The Wall
Some attention was paid to the bifurcated nature of Mummy back in the game’s introduction, and here, at the start of
the Storyteller’s Handbook, that topic needs especial revisiting. Unlike some Storytelling games, this one has a backstory/
history that remains true regardless of what individual mummies think. This principle difference—this secret history—means
that it becomes by default the Storyteller’s prerogative and responsibility to safeguard that truth in his game.
In the game world, this barrier between the reality and Arisen awareness thereof manifests in their inability to know
and/or remember anything that’s ever happened to them in Duat (beyond their initial appearance before the Judges).
While cradled in the death-sleep, all they know or recall is the dusky repose of henet. During development, we likened
this phenomenon to the existence of a “Chinese wall” in the game, separating the realities of the characters’ pasts
from the lives they get to live in the present. Given exposure to contrary evidence, individual mummies can learn to find
the cracks and, in time, break down the wall themselves, but their default state of not only mind, but of being is not to
question. The power of the Shan’iatu’s hold over them, through both the claiming of their servants’ true names and the
might of the spiritual programming of their Rite, is such that only Apotheosis offers hope of total reclamation of one’s
name and soul.
On a practical level, what all this means is that unless you are a Storyteller, and really do intend to run Mummy at
some point, the following remains true for you: You’re reading the wrong chapter.
Anpu 171
energies of the Rite of Return serve to anchor his spirit to where the scene is tailored more specifically to the character
the living world, like a set of mystical nails driven into the and story of the deceased. He might find himself back in a
stuff of his being. This creates a potent but volatile conduit tomb he abandoned long ago, or in the domicile of a former
between the Earth and the Underworld, a swirling vortex— lover or ally… or even in Irem itself. The point is for him to
part mystery, part magic, and part memory—that wends its face something about himself or his past that he’d forgotten,
way, tunnel-like, through the shadowscape of Neter-Khertet. dismissed, or buried intentionally so he could move on.
All the mummy has to do is follow this “path” back to his During (or at the end of) the first part, the Storyteller will
body, and he is again arisen. call for a single Memory roll. She notes the result of this roll,
This journey is, of course, the heart of the matter… the but it has no other bearing on the scene or the soul’s progress.
rub and the problem. Dying is a harrowing experience for At the end of the second part, the player rolls Memory again,
any creature, and doubly harrowing for an Arisen whose but this time, he modifies the roll according to the previous
soul is torn prematurely from its sahu before its purpose can roll’s result: If he achieved an exceptional success, he adds
be fulfilled. Not even grim experience and painful repetition two dice to the roll. If the first roll was a success, he adds one
will offer hope of alleviating this distress and disorientation, die. If he failed the first roll, he subtracts one die.
as each death cycle is different—not merely from one Arisen If the second Memory roll is a success, the mummy
to another, but from one death to another. takes what he learned from the sequence and returns to
That said, two chief components remain consistent his body (or organ), where he loses a dot of Sekhem in the
throughout a mummy’s various death cycles. The first of process of resurrecting his remains. If his player garnered
these is the presence of Anpu, who yet fills his eternal role as exceptional success on the second roll, the Arisen returns
ferryman for the Arisen soul even during these strange periods as per a success, but gets a chance to avoid losing the
of turmoil and doubt. The second component is the mummy’s Sekhem to resurrection: His player makes a Descent Roll,
own past, which literally comes back to haunt him as he makes and only if that roll succeeds does the mummy lose the dot
his way back to life. Whatever form a given death cycle takes, of Sekhem. (His player can’t spend Willpower to subtract
these two elements will always figure in somehow. dice, however.) If the player fails the second Memory roll,
For Storytellers, the adjudication of a death cycle is largely the Risen loses the dot of Sekhem and his player must
a narrative matter. Outside of plots and events related to make a Descent Roll (potentially losing the character two
the Arisen’s summoned purpose, much of Mummy revolves dots of Sekhem to resurrection). If the second Memory roll
around the twin themes of memory and self-discovery, and fails dramatically, the mummy loses two dots of Sekhem
the death cycle is both encapsulation and manifestation of automatically, with no chance for a Descent Roll. The
that idea. It’s an opportunity to challenge both player and Storyteller is encouraged to describe the feeling of losing
character, and as often as not, to unearth some important two dots of Sekhem in narrative terms, as the shades of
or revealing aspect of the mummy’s past or present. Neter-Khertet and his own crumbling awareness conspire
System: Structurally, the death cycle is an interlude—a to strip him of his vital life force; he arises weary and
scene the Storyteller runs for the player of the deceased. battered, as though barely “surviving” his death cycle.
Depending on the needs of the group and the story, this
interlude could last two or even three scenes, but since most
merets don’t die in unison (short of those rare occasions APOTHEOSIS
The other sentient denizens of the World of Darkness—
when they’re all caught standing at ground zero for the
detonation of a pretty brutal explosion), the interlude is human beings and the restless dead—both have belief
likely to leave one or more players out of the action for as systems centered around “moving on” from their current lot
long as it lasts. What’s most important is that the narrated in life (or death). In mortals, this takes the shape of a myriad
sequence accomplishes its intended purpose for the deceased. of cultures’ perspectives on “enlightenment,” whether one is
Sometimes, this can be achieved by having the other players graduating from supplicant to priest or attaining the sacred
roleplay their characters as figments of themselves within rank of bodhisattva. Among the disembodied, of course,
the confines of the deceased’s dreamscape, but only if and this takes the form of one passing on to Heaven, reaching
when their appearance within his death cycle would make Nirvana, etc. For the Arisen, who are in effect the link
narrative and thematic sense at the time. between the living and the dead, things are no different.
Whatever the player composition, the typical interlude Although the mummy equivalent of this belief, called
breaks down into two parts (which needn’t be equal in Apotheosis, still remains unpopular among the Arisen, it has
length or scope): First, the disembodied soul must ground nonetheless penetrated the bubble of their community after six
himself within the tumult, to get his bearings enough to long millennia. The official position of not one, but every guild
follow the beacon (or sound, or star, or other signatory) that on the subject is generally unfavorable, and that’s certainly
leads to Anpu, who awaits him further on. Once they’re face reflective of the baseline opinion among the Deathless. Yet,
to face, Anpu shows the supplicant the way back to himself, that comes as little surprise, considering how much is working
occasionally with an added element of mystery or revelation against them when it comes to simply entertaining the idea, let
along the way (though it’s recommended that Anpu never alone committing to it enough to alter their purpose just to be
speak aloud); the passing of a torch is common. Part two is in accordance with it.
Apotheosis 173
This tale is an important part of the Iremite cosmological names even among themselves and their cults. Whatever
view, illustrating the origin and general methodology of the Arisen call it, the Ladder of Set is the spiritual construct
the model the Arisen tend to follow as it pertains to the that, in effect, comprises the Ascent.
Mentaar. Anglicization has had its effect here, too, with
the concept being known contemporarily as the Ladder of THE HERETIC
Set and the other key figures presumed to be pre-dynastic Once there was a worker in the house of Duat—born,
incarnations of Osiris, Ptah, Ra, and Isis. Certain guilds in acculturated, indoctrinated, and finally killed, like all the
certain regions even encourage the Ennead model (for a rest. This worker slept away the years in the dusky repose of
variety of reasons), some going so far as to adopt the Greek henet, arising now and then to serve the will of his master
and, presumably, the gods—just like all the rest. And like
the others, he sailed the river of time on a barge made
out of loyalty and buoyed by dark magic. Then something
Mountains in the Sky happened. The worker awoke. And everything changed.
As one of the shadow-decreed, this worker had long
When a person dies and the soul leaves the land maintained an academic interest in Apotheosis, but
of the living, the departed doesn’t just instantly only insofar as it held appeal on its metaphysical or
appear in Duat. The soul must first Go Westward. philosophical grounds. Then something occurred to ignite
The ancient Egyptians believed that two massive a spark, to drive some faith into the philosopher’s purpose,
mountains bookended the Earthly realm to the east and he set out to not only understand Apotheosis, but to
and west: Bakhu, the Eastern Gate; and Manu, the know it. And depending on whom one asks and what they
Western Gate. Upon arriving at either mountain, one want to be true, at some point within the last century, his
finds one’s self standing before a wonder the Iremites soul accomplished that goal. One of the Arisen—a former
called an akhet (meaning “sky gate”)—a soul portal. resident of Irem of the Pillars—has effectively finished his
Only by stepping through one of these akhet might a Ascent, becoming the first and only mummy to complete
soul cross from one realm to another. the process of Apotheosis.
When one of the Arisen dies because he has Needless to say, the guilds at large respond to any open
served his purpose and is ready to retire once more discussion of this “enlightened” mummy with a combination
to the repose of henet, he remembers nothing beyond of blithe dismissals, stern rebukes, and in certain regions,
laying himself back in his sarcophagus and closing veiled threats. Nobody knows this person’s name (as he
his eyes. When a mummy dies mid-Descent, however, effectively “reclaimed” it during Apotheosis), but several
his purpose yet unfulfilled, he opens his eyes to find Arisen have either confessed to or are said to be receiving
himself in Neter-Khertet—a bleak shadowscape that unsolicited communications from an individual who speaks as
acts as the byway between life and death, between the though he is ascended. Faced with mounting evidence of this
Earth and Duat. Only by finding his way back through being’s existence, the guildmasters at large acknowledge the
the akhet will his soul return to inhabit his remains in same chiefly by referring to him in all matters as the “Heretic.”
the real world. This process is known as a death cycle
(see next page). SYSTEMS
So, Apotheosis is not, in fact, the millennial pipe dream
When a mummy finds himself stuck within Neter-
most Arisen would claim (or even like) it to be. Yet, if it
Khertet without having first died, it’s because he found
isn’t all just a dangling carrot, forever barely out of reach,
or temporarily created an akhet in the living world…
then how does it work? The process can be likened to the
and stepped through it. What the Arisen call the Neter-
way certain mortal ascetics break through the barriers of
Khertet is known to many of its spectral inhabitants as
the fleshy and the material in order to touch the divine,
“living in Twilight.” When the mummy looks around in
whether it’s by fasting or sweating out the spiritual toxins
this Twilight, he sees a shade-filled overlay of the living
imposed upon the pure-form soul by a quintessentially
world ‘above’ it; everything that exists there is here as
rotten or debased world. For the Arisen, the process is just
well, plus a few things that aren’t. No matter his real-
as arduous and occasionally confusing as it is for the living,
world environs, when he’s outside in Neter-Khertet,
and it takes a lot longer to accomplish (for now, anyway;
he always espies the dim outlines—each backlit by a
it’s perfectly rational to assume that the more mummies
glow of burnished gold—of two mountains in the sky,
find Apotheosis, the more will try, and the faster they’ll be
together marking his eastern and western horizons.
able to achieve it).
Barring a cruel intervention of Fate, a mummy who
Memory: One of the central tenets of Apotheosis, even
travels far enough in either direction will eventually
in its most intellectualized form, is the reclamation of the
come upon an akhet that will let him step back into the
self. A soul can’t hope to know ascendance, or even truth on
living world.
some level, until the soul knows itself (at a bare minimum).
Two core game mechanics revolve around this notion, and
one of them is the Morality trait—in this case, Memory.
Apotheosis 175
Chapter Five
Faces of Undeath
Let my enemies devour each other.
— Salvador Dali
Prerequisite: Lucid Dead. The ghost can steal a dead Prerequisite: Terrify. Whenever the ghost’s manifesta-
body to inhabit as a Lifeless revenant, and she need not tion or undead revenant body scares mortals away using
have any special association with the corpse. She no longer the Terrify Numen, victims develop a derangement for
needs to manifest or use Numina to interact with the phys- one month chosen by the Storyteller (usually a phobia or
ical world, but is largely cut off from perceiving or interact- avoidance of ghosts). Further exposure during this time
ing with other ghosts. However, she can only enter with means their players must choose a severe derangement and
the assistance of external magic or specific conjunctions the duration resets.
of Fate. The intruder uses the victim’s Physical Attributes,
Size, Speed, species factor, appropriate Merits (e.g., Strik- OLD SOUL
ing Looks, Giant), and any other traits specifically associ- The ghost gains Age as a supernatural advantage trait
ated with the body. with one dot for each century that passed since its death
Intruders can’t heal their stolen flesh without Numina. (maximum Age 10). With Age 6 or higher, the ghost’s At-
If one’s body is destroyed, she is spiritually ejected with full tributes (and/or Skills if it has them) may be raised to a
Corpus and continues to exist as a ghost, but loses all her maximum of its Age. The ghost also gains additional ca-
Willpower and Essence from shock and pain and must wait pacity to hold Essence points equal to (10 + [Age x 2]).
for a new opportunity to take a body. These body snatch- Furthermore, whenever a dice pool is rolled for the appari-
ers gain Impassioned Soul, Siphon, Untethered, Will From tion to defensively contest a supernatural power, add a bo-
Power, and three other Numina for free as part of acquiring nus equal to the ghost’s Age (unless the dice pool already
this Numen, but they lose a dot of Wits. While an intrud- includes supernatural advantage). Time fogs the past and
er doesn’t risk Essence loss for not pursuing her Passions, fades human mores, however, so apply the ghost’s Age as a
her player must pay one Willpower point and one Essence penalty to rolls for the spirit to memorize or recall informa-
point each day at sunrise for the character or she loses one tion, or to resist degeneration. This penalty can explicitly
dot of permanent Essence. Moreover, these ghosts can’t reduce degeneration checks to a chance roll.
Chapter Six
vessel s of power
The blood of Isis, the charms of Isis, the power of Isis…they are a protection unto
me, and they crush that which I abhor.
— The Book of the Dead
The Arisen are not the only things to have been crafted them best. While ancient vestiges are most prized by the
and shaped by the ancient magic and occulted mysteries of Arisen, modern vestiges can sustain and comfort their
mighty Irem of the Pillars. Ancient relics and vestiges of the sahu just as well. In times of need, an Arisen can strip a
time before time are known to the Arisen as vessels. Vessels vestige of this pathos, to cannibalize it for the power re-
were objects of great power even during the time of Irem, quired to continue her toil. Vestiges resonate with the in-
shaped by the city’s guilds to contain, focus, and refine the ner being of a mummy, and her purpose draws her to them
Sekhem of that golden age. Many of those are today but a as an iron filing to a magnet. Most vestiges the Arisen will
shadow of themselves and a memory of a time never to come encounter will be modern objects, but the treasures and
again. While not all vessels take the shape of containers, debris of lost Irem will call to her like no other. Upon
they are called such because they all carry precious Sekhem seeing a treasure that may have survived from ancient
within. Unlike the Arisen themselves, vessels can never for- Irem, the Arisen’s first instinct will likely be to preserve
get the touch of Irem, and the whispered rumor of a vessel and to guard this reflection of her; to lay dead hands on
can fill a mummy’s dead heart with a sublime hunger. Ac- that which her own living hands may have once chanced
tive Arisen endeavor to recover as many of these strange upon. In darker, more desperate moments, the Arisen’s
artifacts as possible, especially those which form or purpose longing for a vestige may be cruder, born of a hunger for
bears a special connection to lost Irem or to the Arisen’s own the pure-form Sekhem contained within it.
guild. The connection between the Arisen and these vessels
of power is a powerful mystical bond that cults can use to
call upon their patron dead in times of need. VESSELS AND THE ARISEN
Consider chess.
While all vessels contain dim memories of the past, a
It’s an elegant game, the rules are short and simple,
but the emergent strategies are mind-boggling. The ulti-
reward precious enough for the Arisen, some vessels are mate goal is not to capture the opposing king, but to bind
“supercharged” with distilled Sekhem and infused with him—a lovely, subtle refinement. The mightiest piece
strange magical powers. This type of vessel is known is the queen, capable of swooping across the board and
among the Arisen as a relic. Most often, these objects (with a few notable exceptions) usually able to destroy
were crafted by the guilds of Irem, or by those who copied anything that threatens her. She can be blockaded, but
their great art, but a rare few are the organic products of her power and versatility are unparalleled. This is doubly
a more long-term distillation of Sekhem. Just as many of true when the board is mostly clear. In the endgame, the
these relics are tied to the City of Pillars, they are also queen’s dominance is assured.
tied to the guilds that ruled that ancient city and brought Each player only gets one, however, and she has a huge,
forth the great magic that allowed for their making. Not fat target on her from the opening move.
all relics were birthed from great and golden Irem, but The Arisen are the queens of the Judges’ chess match-
the germ of their mortal crafting was born there. That es. The vessels? They’re the other pieces. Relics are bish-
knowledge wafted as a seed on the wind of time, planting ops and rooks, while vestiges are the pawns. They’re not
itself in the fertile soil of one great culture after another. as swift as the queen, but they’re essential to constructing
robust gambits. Besides, if a pawn advances to the back
row? It gets promoted to queen. In a pleasing synchrony,
While these vessels do not contain the focused magical
vessels are what mortals use to summon the Arisen.
Mummies are the grand and flashy point men of the
power of relics, they are the touchstones upon which the Judges’ will for the world. They’re powerful assets, but
Arisen can moor their memory against the eternal tur- still pieces, not players. Sometimes—not always, but
bulence of time and fate. The raw Sekhem contained in sometimes—they’re sacrificed to protect another piece.
these vessels is the retained life force of those who valued Like a relic. Or the king.
Vestiges 235
the door handle behind his back as his Monster Magnet the ruins they found an old key, the teeth melted from
t-shirt filled with frigid lake water…. extreme heat to form a wavy but smooth curtain of metal.
Fetters: Justice and Greed. Miraculously, it had otherwise kept its shape and hadn’t
fused with the iron mouth of the lock it had been found
THE TIN CROWN (••) near. The victims, fists pounding on the door like the last
It was around the holidays—Thanksgiving, I think. beats of their hearts, likely forced the key out of the door
We still lived out on the farm (that’s what Michael al- before the fire ended their lives.
ways called it, anyhow); the small rancher with the gravel The top floor had collapsed before it had been com-
driveway. I think it was five years before we had a real next pletely engulfed by the fire. Thus, the victims, a male and
door neighbor; it was the Boonies back then, although a female, aged 12 and 16 years respectively, were likely
it’s all strip malls and the like nowadays. When my son crushed or smothered before their bodies were burned to
Michael was six, come Thanksgiving, I got it in my head ash and char. The condition of the bodies made identi-
to make him a crown for Christmas, like my grandfather fication virtually impossible, but investigators believed
had done for me and my brother when we were small. they were squatters from out of town and that a kerosene
(He’d come over from England, and that was a thing over lamp they were using started the initial fire. The flames
there.) My brother lost his, o’course, but me, I kept it a then encountered some gas cans that must have been
long while. Dearest thing in my heart until my first car or forgotten in the garage or kitchen, resulting in the explo-
my first girl, can’t remember which, finally displaced it. I sion and sudden structural collapse. The house’s original
don’t have to say I didn’t bring it with me to Vietnam. I owner is believed to have taken his small family with him
spent two years in that war digging holes and firing artil- upon moving out of state, and although he has yet to re-
lery shells out into the jungle; never did see the enemy, spond to any inquiries into the matter, the county has
alive or dead. Lost the crown soon after I came back, and suspended any further investigations.
I was bitterly ashamed of that fact when granddad passed. Fetters: Faith and Wrath.
Came time to try my hand at crafting one, and I used
some old tin snips and a scrap of sheet metal I got special, THE LONELY DOLL (••••)
just to make it. Brand new, it was something special, with This 14-inch doll was delivered to a Denver post of-
colored beads glued to its points. I even put some cloth fice in 1927, ordered from a catalog, its rosebud mouth,
around the inside so the edges wouldn’t leave a scratch pale skin, and painted swirls of auburn hair a delight to
from long wear. It’s not so fine-looking now, but it’s still the young girl for whom it was intended. “Patsy” was ev-
special nevertheless. erything the young child had imagined, and when they
Michael was happy to get the crown, but he didn’t have both laid down at night, tin eyes painted blue snapping
much opportunity to wear it. I’d elbow him to put it on shut under fiber lashes, their time together continued
for his mom come November, but he knew I was the one in dreams. Although hardship and scarcity fell upon
eager for him to get along with the thing. By the time the family in the years soon after, father never looked
he was 11, it spent most holidays on my shelf, and come upon dearly paid for, and more dearly cherished, Patsy
the time Michael was 15, I’d lost track of it altogether. with covetous eyes. As the years passed and the family’s
When the army called up Michael’s unit, he packed up fortunes were mended, so too were the injuries that be-
his apartment and asked me to store his things in his old fell Patsy’s stiff, pale, painted form. Her white dress was
room, for when he got back. We shook hands, and he cleaned, patched, and continuously sewn back to pristine
was on his way. I was mighty surprised to find you-know- condition. Her silver buckled black shoes never failed to
what amongst his boxes and laundry bags. Michael writ- reflect a smile. From mother to daughter to granddaugh-
ten plain and all spelled out in black marker on the cloth ter to cousin dear, Patsy, their ever present friend, nose
lining. Damn near cried when I saw it, but I can save the rubbed a raw silver and repainted pale white for the next
tears for when he gets back. eager child to plant Eskimo kisses on.
Fetters: Fortitude and Pride. After nearly 60 years, the doll was maintained better
than the family whose children had so cherished her.
THE WARPED KEY (•••) Even with no more children in the family to keep her,
After the water-soaked timbers were cleared away, the moth and dirt were not for Patsy, for she was still well
insurance men picked through the ashes. The fire itself loved. Now she rests amongst a box of more common
had done most of the damage, but the firemen’s high pres- toys, as she has for decades, but she is still rarely with-
sure hoses and red axes had done for the rest of the house. out a young companion. In the cancer ward of a Chicago
An insurance policy taken out by the bank for the aban- children’s hospital, beautifully pale Patsy, with the faded
doned building was still valid, even though the house’s auburn locks, is much prized. Her new playmates hold
owner had moved out months earlier while fighting repos- her lovingly, if lightly, in their cold hands. Their shallow,
session attempts by his creditors. The policy would likely medicine-scented breath does not ruffle her hair as her
cover any losses the bank might have accrued from selling ever smiling face presses against them. For the lonely doll,
the house in today’s volatile housing market. Amongst her young friends never stay with her for too long, disap-
Vestiges 237
Chapter Seven
Framing immortality
Each life makes its own imitation of immortality.
—Stephen King
Frameworks 239
many ways, the most obvious of the ways to build a chroni-
Showcase: Kabul cle, and what some players might assume to be the default.
It’s a game called Mummy: The Curse, so naturally, the
What is now the nation of Afghanistan has been the players should portray mummies with aligned interests. It’s
seat of one urban culture or another for over four a reasonable assumption.
millennia. Sitting at a strategic point along Middle It also, however, comes with its own difficulties—details
East trade routes, it has always possessed a level of that you must work out, or at least consider, before build-
both cultural and economic importance in the region. ing a chronicle around this framework. First off, only the
It should come as no surprise, then, that it has also largest or oldest of cults have multiple mummies on whom
been the home of this Arisen cult or that since the first they can call. It’s an enormous amount of power and re-
Sothic Turn. From the days of forgotten antiquity to the sponsibility just to have one. To have three or even more—
Pashtuns, from the nation’s scattering among multiple enough to form an entire meret? Fewer than a dozen cults
outside empires to its reunification, these cults have or factions in the entire world would have that sort of ca-
been present. Power ebbed and flowed; cults came pability. Almost all Mummy chronicles require the Story-
and went; but always, always, at least one mummy and teller and players to devote real attention to the creation,
his servitors maintained a presence. behavior, and motives of a cult, but that’s especially true
It was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979
of this framework. How did the cult gain so much power?
that changed the balance of power, not merely among
How long has it had it? What does it intend to do with it?
mortals, but the Arisen as well. Arisen cults throughout
Of equal importance to the nature of the cult is the ques-
the world are focused, in whole or in part, on the
tion of why multiple mummies are awake and active at the
preservation of relics and other vessels, both for the
same time. Nobody raises a mummy casually; it’s often the
power they hold and for their cultural importance.
step that a cult takes when things have well and truly gone
Several of those cults flocked to Afghanistan in hopes of
to hell, one way or the other. So how bad does the situation
protecting the land’s treasures—mundane and magical,
have to be for a single cult to call up three of them?
known and unknown—from destruction under the Soviet
You can, of course, always use the Sothic Wheel as an expla-
guns. The local cults, too, sought to defend themselves.
nation. That’s one of the reasons it’s part of the game at all; so
Unfortunately, these cults spent as much time battling
you have a justification for multiple Arisen awakening when all
one another as they did their shared enemy.
else fails. It’s not, however, a crutch you want to rely on regularly.
What this means, ultimately, is that while the “Allied
Those internecine struggles continued even after the Soviet Dead” framework might seem the most obvious set up, it’s
withdrawal in the late 80s, and they might have continued also the one that requires the biggest stories. Cult-threat-
indefinitely if not for the efforts of two mortal forces: ening, culture-destroying, even world-ending stories.
The Taliban, and the United States military. Nothing smaller is likely to encourage a cult to raise mul-
The violence on both sides of the Taliban insurgency tiple Arisen at once—at least not often. If you’re looking
throughout the 90s, the deliberate shelling of ancient to include smaller, more personal stories in your chronicle,
statues and artwork by the Taliban around the turn of the this may not be the best choice of framework for you.
millennium, and the chaos and devastation caused by (Alternatively, you can combine this framework with the Ro-
the U.S. invasion were finally sufficient to convince the tating Pyramid or the Living and the Dead frameworks, on pp.
local cults, native and foreign, to combine forces. Under 243-244 and 244-245, telling smaller stories when only one Aris-
the shared leadership of various priests, these factions en is awake and larger ones when multiple mummies are active.)
eventually coalesced into a single cult, consisting of native
Afghans, Arabs, and North Africans of various ethnicities,
and a small but significant minority of American and former THEAnother
DEAD in which all the players portray
Soviet military personnel. Calling themselves the Dera
al-Qadim, the cult has nearly half a dozen mummies on Arisen, this chronicle concept involves a meret in which
which it can call, to defend its members and the region’s the mummies all serve different cults from one another.
treasures against mortal military forces and scavengers This need not automatically lead to conflict, but it almost
both mundane and supernatural. certainly entails an element of suspicion under even the
best of circumstances. Not all cults are enemies or seek to
The eldest and most potent of these Arisen—Suten Mdjai, destroy one another, but ultimately, they’re like any other
one of the Mesen-Nebu—spends as many of his waking collection of competing factions: struggling for the same
moments enforcing the continued cooperation and shared resources. Relics and ancient lore are the most obvious
identity of the cultists and other mummies as he does fighting points of rivalry, but anything and everything—control
the actual enemy. The bulk of the cult is indeed united, but a over a given territory, political power, even just social sta-
small number of malcontents continue to brew dissent. tus—can set cults against one another.
And where the cults are opposed, their Arisen are al-
most certainly opposed.
Frameworks 241
If the allies aren’t members of this mummy’s cult—or if
they are, but the cult has largely let its practices lapse in
Showcase: Rio de Janeiro the modern era—they may know almost nothing about
their Arisen master. Their beliefs may come entirely from
Arisen cults have thrived in Rio—as well as all of Brazil, and Universal horror movies. And again, if the Arisen him-
even the bulk of South and Central America—since long self hasn’t been awake for a few generations, he’s likely to
before the arrival of the first Europeans. Precisely what point have absolutely no basis for understanding these mortals if
they arrived is unknown, but the tribal natures and totemic/ they’re not part of his cult. Learning about them becomes
spiritual beliefs of many of the native peoples lent themselves a lens through which the Arisen learns about the entire
almost perfectly to worship—or at least reverence—of the world into which he’s awakened.
Arisen. By the arrival of the Portuguese in 1502, the land Indeed, if it were purely a question of what was most
that would become Rio de Janeiro was already home to common in the Mummy corner of the World of Darkness,
multiple cults of both Tupi and Botocudo extraction. the Pyramid structure would indeed constitute the most
Unfortunately, the cults and the Arisen were just as common framework; the default, if you will. No matter
surprised and overwhelmed by the newcomers as the rest how story-intensive the game may be, however, one cannot
of the population. They initially failed to understand the need lose sight of the fact that it is also a game, and must lend
to fight against the Europeans, and even once they did, they itself to the enjoyment of everyone involved.
proved unable to put their own conflicts aside. Legend tells This framework only works, then, with gaming groups
that several of the French pirates who frequently raided the that do not mind playing with a vast imbalance of power
coast were, in fact, members of an Arisen cult themselves, between players’ characters. You certainly can—and in
but the true foreign danger came later. When a Portuguese most cases, should—take steps to minimize the practical ef-
Arisen cult arrived with the explorers toward the end of the fects of that difference. Perhaps the human characters gain
16th century, any advantage the native cults might have bonus points to spend on Skills and Merits, or have ac-
possessed was all but nullified. cess to some of the psychic/supernatural abilities presented
in the World of Darkness core rules. During the course of
The true name of this Portuguese mummy is Teshra- play, their familiarity with the modern world and advanced
Gemet. However, her cultists (and thus, her enemies) know technology can become an advantage, allowing them to
her as better as O Pardal Vermelho (“the Red Sparrow”). make use of equipment or solve problems that the less
She and her cult remain the predominant supernatural savvy Arisen cannot.
power in the more peaceful and affluent portions of Rio de Still, at the end of the day, the mummy character will
Janeiro to this day. vastly overpower the others. For groups who enjoy that sort
The remaining smaller cults and their Arisen, from which of play, that’s fine, but some players don’t care for it, and
a meret of player characters would be drawn, occupy you, as Storyteller, should respect that. For such groups, you
the many levels and winding alleyways of Rio’s favelas— should probably choose one of the alternate frameworks—
packed, ramshackle communities of the poor, crammed so or perhaps the Rotating Pyramid variant, discussed below.
tightly onto the city’s hillsides as to leave little if any room
for roads. Many of these favelas consider themselves their THEY WALK AMONG US
own communities, even their own cultures—and some An Arisen who isn’t currently bursting with Sekhem is ca-
have their own Arisen protectors. pable of passing as human, at least for a brief time. Most of
them give themselves away fairly swiftly: their knowledge of
This, then, is the current state of the once proud native modern technology, culture, and speech is lacking, or their
cults of Rio de Janeiro. The factions spend much of their time inhuman thought processes impact their behavior. A very
squabbling over territories throughout the favelas, almost few of the Arisen, however, possess sufficient knowledge and/
like street gangs (albeit usually less violent), hoping to or sufficient skills at deception and improvisation to main-
increase their own membership and power at the expense tain a mortal masquerade for a prolonged period of time.
of their rivals. That said, when an outside force threatens They Walk Among Us is a subset of the Pyramid frame-
the good of their people as a whole, these cults—and the work, in which the group of players’ characters is made up
Arisen on whom they may call—have, indeed, learned to put primarily of humans, with a single Arisen. The difference
their differences aside and work together, at least in the is that, in this instance, the humans don’t know there’s a
short term. In cooperation, they have managed to protect mummy in their midst, at least not initially. The charac-
their cults against the machinations of O Pardal Vermelho ters—and if done right, even the bulk of the players—only
and her own people; some of the worst depredations of the discover that one of them was an Arisen when she finally
region’s violent drug cartels (some of whom have their own reveals herself, at an appropriate point in the story. They
supernatural connections); and the nigh-countless restless might be cultists who know mummies exist but don’t re-
dead spawned by the constant bloodshed and want. alize their superiors have awakened one; monster hunt-
ers, who aren’t aware that their new ally is more than she
Showcase: Salem
It’s known and accepted, in the modern era, that the bulk care, no amount of security, seemed capable of halting
of the Salem witch trials—not only those that occurred from the slow but steady progression of funerals. At the
1692 to 1693, but the various trials and purges both before scene of every murder, they found the same peculiar
and after that specific panic—largely targeted innocents object, perhaps a fetish: a tobacco leaf folded around a
who were guilty of no real wrongdoing, supernatural musket ball. Nobody else in the community knew of the
or otherwise. Even at the time, despite the fear and Nesbits’ cult affiliations, but to the Nesbits themselves,
accusation, a substantial portion of the population knew this was very clearly an attack on their practices and
that what they were seeing was paranoia and oppression, beliefs.
rather than any sort of legitimate inquisition against evil. Eventually, the Nesbits sent several desperate messages
And even at the time, certain forces were willing to the Old World, and their fellow cultists responded. The
to use the violence as cover for their own even more community surged with newcomers—but more importantly,
nefarious purposes. they brought with them their immortal protector, rebuilding
his tomb brick by brick in a mausoleum hidden deep within
The Nesbit family—very much a clan unto themselves,
the woods.
once you factored in all the various siblings, cousins, second
cousins, in-laws, and so forth—had dwelt in Massachusetts With the arrival of the Arisen, the murders ceased—
for almost 100 years by the time of the witch trials. Through mostly. To this day, the cult is still based in and around
all that time, they had maintained a good Christian façade Salem, and their protector still rises now and again to aid
in public, but continued to venerate their Arisen patron and it. The cultists stay in part to protect the many vessels (and
some of his ancient beliefs in private. The Nesbits—who a few mystically empowered locations) left over from the
could trace their lineage directly back to dynastic Egypt time of the witch trials, in part to protect the locals from the
(where their eldest known ancestor was named “Nebit”)— ghosts that also linger from that period, and in part for no
were but one branch of a much larger cult, and though their other reason than this is their home.
patron was entombed half a world away, and none of the And to this day, once every few years, a member of the
living Nesbits had ever seen him, their beliefs never faltered. cult is murdered, a tobacco-wrapped musket ball left near
During the panic of the witch hunts, someone began the body, and even the Arisen has been unable to find the
murdering members of the Nesbit family. No amount of person—or thing—responsible.
Frameworks 243
Showcase: Prokneft
Since time immemorial, a small but exceptionally powerful Arisen and their efforts, while the Shchavichev benefited
Arisen cult thrived in an obscure village, roughly equidistant from their governmental, industrial, and military ties.
from what would eventually become the cities of Tomsk When the Soviet Union fell, the Prokhorov were among
and Novosibirsk, in Siberia. Although the village itself the various families and businesses whose wealth and
was never formally named, it was often referred to by the influence skyrocketed. Today, their primary business identity
name of the eldest local family—and also, incidentally, the is Prokneft, a major Russian oil company. Based out of
bloodline at the center of the cult—the Shchavichev. Novosibirsk, Siberia, this company maintains the family’s
For centuries, the Shchavichev comprised one of the profits and wealth—but more importantly, it provides cover
most potent Arisen cults in the region of what would, in for cultists to travel the world, infiltrating areas both rich and
time, become Russian territories. In secret, they and their poor. Their primary motivation remains the collection of relics,
mummy patrons (of which they had at least three) scoured confiscating them from any who would misuse their magics.
the area, protecting and retrieving relics from various (Of course, it is the Prokneft board of directors—all of whom
conquerors and even, eventually, the forces of the czars. are tied to the Prokhorov or Shchavichev families—who
decide what “misuse” actually means.) They also endeavor
With the rise of the Soviet Union and the militarization
to study and locate other Arisen cults throughout the world,
leading up to the second World War, the Shchavichev
to determine which might prove a threat to Prokneft interests.
recognized that they would not be able to keep their
existence, or that of their tiny community, secret for much Although Prokneft has several mummies on whom it
longer. They needed allies in high places, someone who can call, it prefers to do so only under the most extreme
could protect them from Stalin’s military and secret police. circumstances, otherwise relying on well trained and
mystically savvy mortal agents. The current chairman,
They found one in Jaska Prokhorov, the patron of a family
Makari Prokhorov, is a veritable genius in international,
powerful in Soviet military and industrial circles. Through
political, and occult affairs. He worked, during the last
a series of marriages over the course of the following
decades of the Soviet Union, as a KGB analyst, and while
generation—some of which might have been “helped
he has zero field experience, his knowledge is substantial.
along” by the necromancies of the cult’s mummies—the
He seems to have an almost supernatural knack for
Shchavichev tied themselves inextricably to the Prokhorov
determining in advance which efforts and operations
line. Many of the Prokhorov were slowly and subtly drawn
require the assistance of one of the Arisen and which do
into the cult’s beliefs, practices, and efforts. The remainder,
not. Only he and the eldest of the board are privy to the
when they finally discovered the truth, swiftly realized that
full extent of Prokneft’s efforts and agenda; even other cult
they could not expose the Shchavichev without destroying
members are kept in the dark as to specific details.
themselves. Some of their members sought a way out, and
a few had to be “disappeared” before they could cause Prokneft, or a similar entity, can function as a model for
problems, but over the generations, the two families truly any of the three sub-frameworks—They Walk Among Us,
became one. The Prokhorov became fully invested in the the Rotating Pyramid, and the Living and the Dead.
Assume, for instance, a cult with multiple mummies on framework, however, it doesn’t require that all such Arisen
whom they can call. In one story, they call on Amonit, be active at once, making it much easier to build more per-
of the Su-Menent, to assist them. Once that story is con- sonal stories around.
cluded, Amonit returns to sleep, and when another prob-
lem arises, the cult instead raises Nifé-en-Ankh of the THE LIVING AND THE DEAD
Tef-Aabhi. The player who portrayed Amonit in the prior The final variant of the Pyramid framework is a chronicle
story now takes on a human character, and one of the that is more accurately a World of Darkness chronicle that
other players temporarily puts her human character aside occasionally crosses over into Mummy: The Curse territo-
to portray Nifé-en-Ankh. On particularly rare occasions, ry. In this setup, all the players portray human characters the
when a truly important plotline erupts, the campaign may bulk of the time. These may be purely normal humans, or
even switch to an Allied Dead model, with multiple Arisen they might have some of the unnatural abilities presented in
active at once. the core rules, but they are absolutely mortal. They are also,
This, like the Allied Dead framework, requires a cult however, members of an Arisen cult (or some other organi-
large and powerful enough to possess more than one Aris- zational entity with Arisen connections) with its own goals,
en patron (unless characters are willing to swap out play- activities, and objectives. For the bulk of their efforts—that
ing a single mummy between them). Unlike the previous is, the bulk of stories in a chronicle—it’s these mortals who
Cult (Merit) 79, see also Cult illustration 33
Enigma 79 Sekhem 10, 14, 68, 73-74, 175
Guild Status 79-81 Rating 71,
Relic 81 chart 74
Tomb 81-83 losing, 24, 26, 27, 172, 183-184
Vestige 83 Memory sins involving, 77
Witness 83-84 spending 68, 74
Mesen-Nebu 10, 36-40 Descent rolls , 154, failing 193
Morality, see Memory
Neb-Abitu 57-58, 89 Sekhiru 59, 94
Nebha 58, 97 Ser-Kheru 59, 89
Neb-Heru 58, 97 Serpent-Headed 66, 70, 93-95, 181
Neb-Imkhu 58, 94 Amkhat 185
Nefer-Tem 58, 89 Ser-Tihu 59, 86
Neha-Hatu 58, 91 Sesha-Hebsu 10, 41-45
Neheb-Ka 58, 86 Set-Qesu 59, 91
Neheb-Nefert 58, 89 Shan’iatu 18-19
Nekhenhu 58, 97 Shet-Kheru 59, 89
Nenitu, 136, 137 sheut 10, 16, 67, 70, 75, 190
Pillar 10, 16-17, 74-76 as defining Pillar 56-60
at character creation 64, 67, 70 in Affinities 99-102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111
cost to increase, 71 in Utterances 113, 116, 117, 120, 122, 123, 125,
meditating on, 76 127, 130, 132-134, 137
failing to meditate on 77, see also Jackal-Headed
Religion of Pillars 17 draining, 194
See also Soul Affinity Shuankhsen 10, 29, 98, 192-196
Sadikh Pillars 190-191 becoming, 152
proxy, see vessel see also Bane Affinities
Qerrti 59, 86 Sickness see Sybaris
Silence 193
Regia 39, 215-216, 223-228 see also Sybaris
Social atrophy 78
relic 10, 16, 26, 80, 179, 213 Sothic Turn 10, 21-22, 67
central relic 27 Su-Menent 10, 46-50
draining 156-157 Sybaris 10, 23, 99, 112, 115, 121, 127, 128, 134, 138,
Relic Merit, 71, 81 147-149, 162, 193,
using, 76 roll chart 148
sensing, 147 Immunity to, 84 , 100, 161,
see also amulet, effigy, regium, text, uter Sybaritic Omens, 150
ren 10, 16, 67, 70, 75 see also SIlence
as defining Pillar 56-60, 190 Ta-Retinhu 59, 91
in Affinities 100-105, 108, 111 Tcheser-Tep 60, 97
in Utterances 113, 115- 117, 122-124, 126-128, Tef-Aabhi 10, 51-55
130-134, 137 Tem-Sepu 60, 94
see also Serpent-Headed Tenemhu 60, 97
text 10, 16, 45, 146, 216, 228-231
draining, 194 Tutuutef 60, 86
ren-hekau 43-44 Twice Arisen 152-153
resurrection 150-151, see also damage, healing Uamenti 60, 91
Rite of Return 10, 14-15, 20-21 Uatch-Rekhet 60, 94
Rite of the Engraved Heart 188 Underworld, the see Duat, Descent
Roller, the Unem-Besek 60 , 94
illustration 176 Unem-Sef 60, 97
Ruruti 59, 86 Usekh-Nemtet 60, 97
Sadikh 148, 182, 188-192 uter 10, 49, 146, 216, 232-235
sahu, 142 Utterance
repairing the, see healing Tiers 111
Seb-Hetchet Cost 71
fiction 62 Rules 112-113
illustration 53 Learning 112
Sefet-Qam Awaken the Dead 113
fiction 2-5, 12 Blessed is the God-King 115
Agata Gajczak Julian Penruddock AJ Marley
Alan Heah Kyle Griffin Brandon Burton
Amy Patricia Robson Matt Horn Brian E Hollenbeck
Athos Matt M McElroy Eloy Lasanta
Atlatl Jones Nathan ‘Fireman Lovin’’ Staines Jason Brennan.
Bhagczech Nina Heart Peter Krulder II
Bryan Tallencour Pablo “Mr. Saturday” Vazquez III Xiphos Games Studio
Corvus Pascal Bouchard
Craig “Renfield” Crowe Pete Woodworth Pascal Tremblay
Daniel J. Allen Robert Daines
Fanfare Tom Fleming Scott Gable Christian Jensen Romer
Gareth Hodges Shane Brennan CLAN PLOEGER
Janessa Tjara Portner Shawn Thill Kelly M Bennett
Jim Plamondon Steven England Reno Jacobs
Jim Ryan WHYYYYYYYYYYYY Stefano d’Ovidio
Josh “He-Who-Walks-Strange” Pearce Zalen Moore
Ju Ju James Huggins
Aaron Mouritsen Jean-Godfrey Knight Tim Bogosh
Adam J. Piskel Jesse Reynolds Tobie, Rocky and Yoshi.
Adrian Reynolds João Mariano Wade Jones
Amber Peace Joel Purton William E. Powers
Andrew Wilson Joel Stewart Xavier Freycon
Angus Lee John Garrard
Ash Walter John Halsey Aloysius “Grumpy” Lannister
Ben Bonds John Swan Andrew Hovanec
Björn Bonten Jonathan Lang Bobby Chow
blkmage12 Jordan Springer Brent A. Nellis
Bob Johnson Joseph Allen Marshall Brian “Fitz” Fitzpatrick -
BT Kennedy Kailindorian
Calla Harris K-Diddy Brian Gates
Chazz Kellner Konrad Juan Dohlen Celeste Delacroix
Chris Michael Jahn Link Hughes Chris Hill
Christopher Goetting Lisa Padol Christopher D. McDonough
Cody Black Marc Damien Hunter
David James McCann Mateus Cavalcanti Nascimento Dan Byrne
David Kamm Matt Herron Daniel Abigail
David Karlson-Weimann Michael Kusnetsov Daniel G. Dyrda
Dessandrick Neialothis David Cowie
EbTesap Olavi David Keyt
Elijah Kaine Raymond Perez Eric C. Magnuson
Felipe Nascimento Rick Danger Erin Short
Fred Filler Robert Vance Evan Sutter
Gary Phillips Ryan Spinney Fernando Camargo Pereira
Gizmit Sebastian Kopp Jake Mandel
Graeme Lewis Storm Vermin Jason Best
Ian V Tara De Blois Jennifer Cogar
J.T. Tememn Jesper Bisgaard
Aaron Knight Anthony Howell Caitlin Eckert
Adam Daniel-Wayman April M. Bremner Cal Rea
Adam J. Solis Ashley Robinson Caleb Bridges
Adam Krump Asura Kyoko Captain Eric
Adam Thompson Austin “Patience of the Grave” Carl Pellegrini
Adam Waggenspack Loomis Carolyn Self
Adrian L. Breto Barrymore Whitaker Chad Morelock
Aja Carter Beachfox Charles A. Wright
Akhenesh Belial Charles Minucie
Alec McClain Benjamin Spurlock Charny The Mummy Knight
Alex Chvatal Bentley Chism Chrespo
Alex Navian Bert isla Chris Butler
Alexander Brown Bludwynd Anfyre Chris Carlson
Alexander Chobot BlUsKrEEm Chris Lane
Alexander Miller Brad Gunnels Chris Lyden
Alexis & Jeremy Brandon Armentrout Chris Troxell
Alison Gill Brandon Coleman Chris Villegas
Amanda “Hyena” Johnson Brendan Whaley Christian Cunningham
Amanda Costigan Brennan Dawson Christopher Campione
Andrew L Perez Brian Alm Christopher L. Irvin
Andrew M Heston Brian Douglas Welch Chuck Foulds
Andrew McGraw Brian King Chuck O’Nan
Angela “Noko” Kahler Brice Tarbox Chuck Rozakis
Angela Lee Brogen CJ Lewis
Anthony A Davenport C. James Hurley Clayton A. Oliver
Anthony Damiani Caitlin E. Barry Clinton “Vermin” Cheek
Backer Credits
Coal The Coward Jacques “Upuaut” DuRand Kim Cicconi and Gabriel
Colin Fredericks Jairain Kristopher Deters
Colin Wilson Jaish Belarkham Kyle Gallagher
Cyrus the Great James F Tillman Kyle Miller
Dan’ James Montanari Laura Dasnoit
Daniel Arbuckle James Weiss Layne Delp
Daniel Betancourt Jared Shaver Lee Leggett
Daniel Feldt Jason Kenney Lin Wyeth
Darker Days Radio Jason Martinez Lindsay N Skinner
David Doucey Jason Ross Inczauskis Lindsay Steussy
David Franklin Felton Jay O’Leary London Drott, Horrorifyer, Story
David Mendiola Jaym Gates Forger, But Author Too
David Miller JC Cohen Mackenzie “Maq” Weaver
David N Dow Jeff Holland Magester
David Westover Jeff Pedersen Majdi Badri
Dead Gamers Society Jeff Zitomer Mason Zedaker
DeAnna Rossi Jeffrey Dahl Matias Grynderup
Dennis Newcomb Jeffrey Palmer Matt Petruzzelli
Dennis Wagher Jen Donohue Matt Smallwood
Dion Woods Jeremey D Walker Matthew G. K. Breland
Douglas ‘the Librarian’ Bramlett Jeremy A. Mowery Matthew Hedge
Dr. F.K. Suleiman Jeremy Quinn Matthew Horoszowski-Gelpi
Drew Biddle Jeremy Shaffer Matthew Laine
Duane Moore Jesse Breazeale Matthew Lynn
E. NiBrien Jesse Heinig Matthew Solomon
Ed Fuqua Jesse Mazer Melinda Grennich
Erik Barnhart Jesse Wallis Melody Haren Anderson
Erik Gorka JJ Simon Memnoch Demiurgos
Evan “Proteus” Grey Joe Christensen Menmire “Ray” Setepenre
Flaggk Joe OToole Michael “Razorvine” Smith
Franco Sangiovanni Joebobjoe Michael & Danielle
Frank Anthony Toich Joel A. Navarro Michael Buzzerio
Frank Castro John Canter Michael Jacobson
Frost John Hay Michael Ostrokol
Gary “Pezz” Hicks John J. DiPietro, Jr. Michael Parker
Gary Bland John N. Caparso Michael Pruitt
Geri and Matt Bartz John Thomas Kuulei Veltman Michael R. Innes
Gilbert Milner Jonathan “Buddha” Davis Michael Randolph
Gus Golden Jonathan Morello Michael Travis
Guy Seggev Jonathan Sebastian Mike Adams
Harley Cox Joseph Anthony Dempsey Mike McMullan
Harrison Venette Joseph Reis Mischa Wolfinger
Hayley Margules Joshua Benavides Mist Reynolds
Heather Rasmussen Joshua Machonga Morbis Lundra
Herald of Eternal Silence Joshua R. Pitre Mordicai Knode
Holden Shearer Joshua Wolfe Nathan Legg
Howard Andrew Jones JR Cillian Green Nathanael Grinnell
HPLustcraft JR Spencer Nathanielstarr
Huy Justin Dorsey Nautianisha Dubrovnik
Ian Ruark Justin Strouhal Neber-Ma’at-Ra
Ian Sargeant Justin Swinehart Nicholas Pilon
Isaac Bernstein Kalad Hovatter Nicole Porter
Isaac VanDuyn Karras Octavio Arango
Ixokai Kathryn Tucker Omer Ahmed
Jacob Bush Katy Crumb Oran Graydon
Jacob Heid Keith Gordon Orion Cooper
Jacob Holte Keith S Godwin Pat Murphy
Backer Credits
Eidan Rodriguez: Ehécoatl, The Wind Kevin C. Wong Phoenix Gruber
Serpent Kevin Caldwell Professor James “Croc” Blackwater
Elliott Freeman Kevin Lawler Qoorl
Emerson Daly Kimintri Randall Crawford
Emilio J. Sánchez-Sierra Kristi Hatfield Raven Gode
Emily Brumfield & Susann Hessen Kristopher McLane-Leavitt Remy Handler
epeeguy Kyle Krebs Rich Palij
Ephrim Moonbane Kyle Ricks Richard Javier “Blaque” Stephenson
Eric “Son of Bast, Heart of Set” Lance Schroeder Rob K. Stephenson
Crabtree Larry Lee Hassenpflug II Rob Wall
Eric Faulwell Lior Gonda =^_^= Robert “Anhur” Riley
Erik Bjelke Logan Ratica Robert Whitehouse
Ertong Lorelei Medora Darbee Robin (Drac) Martin
Ethan Skemp Luke Stintzcum Rogan the Librarian
Faelias Dracon Luxen Hawk Gauges-Balfour Ronnie Neises 2: Cursed Boogaloo
Fastidious Monk Ryan L. Van Every
Frank the Tank Malien the Black Saleem Halabi
Geoffrey A Rabe Marcelo “Bare Chest” Caraballo Samuel Dail
Geoffrey Stebbins Marcus B. Scott Adams
Glen Adams Martin J. Manco Scott Maynard
Glen R. Taylor Matthew Dames Sean K.I.W. Steele/Arcane
Gordon Gordon Gordon Matthew Lee Baldwin Sekhemkhet
Grant G. Gruenbaum Matthew York Seth Anderson
Greg Freeman Melkiev of Many Shapes Shad Scarboro
Greg Walters Michael “Storyteller” Holland Shankar Viswanathan
Gregory Krakovich Michael “Tentacle” Thompson Shaun D. Burton
Hildred Castaigne Michael Brightbill South Bay Planeswalkers
Ian ChristianScher Michael Foxman Stephen Parker
Imani Marks Michael Gearman Steve Hefley
J. Bruce Bufkin II Michael J. Kruckvich Steve Hinck
James “Callidus” Foster Michael W. Mattei Steven Gershowitz
James LePage Michelle “Kefira” Flamm Steven M. Jones
Jamie Gavin Mike Malaspina Stuart Mayo
Jared M DeWispelaere Miranda Polsean Ted Ludemann
Jarod Jett Morgan Weeks Ted Pertzborn
Jason C. Barbare Morgoth the Bellwether Beast
Jason Marks Naked904 The Capriles Brothers
Jason Schmidt Nameless One The Howard House
Jay Levy Nathan Kelly The Secret Keepers
Jaynesis Ong Neji Al-Rioh Thunderpaw
JAYSON “the14thguest” TURNER Nephren-Ka Tigress
Jerico Nicholas Curley Tim Boser
Jesse Zmick Nikika Giovanni Tim Link
Jimmy Collins Nulrensor Timothy J. Mushel
Joel “Pika” Keeney Obol Charonis todd estabrook
John “King” Roberts Omar Amador Tronoth Sarum
John Morel Owen Wesley Kerschner Tyler Brunette
Jonathan “Levant” Cotton Patrick H a r r on “Vincent “”Dodon Mastoklese””
Jonathan McCulley Patrick Hume Raymond”
Jonci Aguillard Paul Anderson Vorel Ashurha
Joseph Lonergan Paul Glass wadledo
Josephine Wicker Pete Houtekier William F Scrimsher III
Josh “JP” Parrish Peter Golaszewski William Neil
Josh Mueller Peter Nielsen William Paul Sanford
Julian McNichols Phillip Karst Xavier Aubuchon-Mendoza
Justin Brasfield Phillip Lawler Zeus & Hera Kramer
Justin Melton
Backer Credits
Shaun Casidhe Nebulosa Hyades Luine
Silvio Herrera Gea Cassian ‘RaithNPyxee’ Lawrence Ibon Presno
Simon Careau Auclair Chad Hastings iGor Jounan
Skargash Chris Fenton Ivo Manca
Soma Chris Harvey Jahn Barfoed
Søren Berthelsen Holm Chris ‘Kit’ Hartford James Iles
Stephen Esdale Chris Visser James Thornbury
Stephen Joseph Ellis Christian A. Nord James Valadas Marques
Stephen Lea Sheppard Christian Ankerl Jan Stanek
Stu McIntosh Christopher Handley - Darker Days Jason Hayes
Sunshine Edwards Radio Jean “Troll Traya” Faiderbe
Sutekh Christopher Irvine Jean Paleologue
Sylvain ‘Sly’ Pronovost Conrad Julian White Jean-Baptiste Vlassoff
The Eremite Dan L. Nielsen Jeremy Brown
Thijs Ballière Daniel Anctil Joe Arnaud
Tom Hunt Daniel HP Campbell John Doe
Ulf “McWolfe” Andersson Daniel Keppler Jonas Frogvall
Utis Danny James Walsh Jonas Hansson
Vahn Kergonan Dave Brookshaw Jonathan Marshall
Vistani Radanavic Dave Corner Jordan Millward
Wahibre, master of the Walls David Elhammer Josaphat Niebler
Wajanai Snidvongs Davildihno José Antônio Bernardeli Junior
William James Guild Diego de Góes Conti Julien “Selpoivre” Rothwiller
Wojciech “Onslo” Chełstowski Dominic Parent Justin Mohareb
Yauheni Bakanovich Dreamdealer Kai Schiefer
Dreaming Johnny Karl-Kristoffer Johnsson
(___) Drew “Industrial Scribe” Scarr Karnius the Unbroken
(un)reason Ed Gilbert Kelly J Clark
Alex B. Cochrane Edward Ander Kerry Pellett
Alexander “Almacov” Overton Elfi Rodatos Kevin “Psyches” Plante-Germain
Alexander “Keota” Clowes Elmon Gready Kimberly Horne
Alexandre “Magnamagister” Joly Emmanuelle “Claudia Vonïgner” Kjetil Kverndokken
Alexis HOARAU Nadin Kokiteno
Alvhild Sand Erez Shomron Krister Looveer
Andrea “Brains” Miotti Eric Iacono Ksinin
Andreas “Zanity” Bengtsson Espoir Duchagne L.G. Mendes
Andreas Bragd Eva Morrissey Luke Van Buren
Andrew Keddie Exkramental Madge Carew-Hopkins
Andrew Laliberte Flamen Mal Edge
Andrew Whittle François Courroux Manuel “Manny” Warum
Andy Johansson François Potvin Naud Marc Kuczborski
Ari Suntioinen Frank Marcelli Marcelle “Diké” Lemos
Arno Le Blanc-Ringuette Fraser Imrie Marco Johnson
Ashley Wormwood Fuzzy Mariano Alejandro Leonardi
Ashton Green Gabriel Costa Mark Lazure
Auriane Gareth McVicker Martin Seemann
Azikiel Gauthier Descamps Masatsugu Yazawa
Baleygr Georg Mir (zydake) Mateusz Pasternak
Bartosz Lewczuk Gilles Bressieux Matias Frosterus
Ben Baccaert Graham Lewry Matt Barker
Ben Neilsen Guilhem Matt Timm
Benjamin and Linda Guillaume “Lenny” Asset Matteo Tirelli
Benjamin Welke Guy-Samuel Dussault Matthew D Strachan
Calvin D. Jim Harry Hopkinson Matthew Sanderson
Carles Fornes Hekhemtet Matthew Shaw
Carlos Gustavo Ojeda Stelin Helder SHADAY Lavigne Matthew ‘The Gentleman Gamer’ Dawkins
Carlos San Emeterio His Tyrannical Majesty Simon Teece. Maxime Berar
Backer Credits
Nancy Calvert-Warren David Chart Chris Snyder
Nathan Wetzel Elisabeth Wittwer Christopher Bond
Neall Raemonn Price Elzo Tovani Benzaquen Christopher Crossley
Neville Kelly Eric “PANGEA” Collins Christopher Shaffer
Noah Bonebrake Filip Van Huffel Clete D.Collum
Panther Berg Fredrik Forssen Conner Syn
Panther Page Greg Davis, New Zealand Corey Elliott
Philip “Pip!” Martinez Guilherme de Almeida Ribeiro Crimson Sundown
Phillip Suttkus ipsi Daniel H. Spain
Pip Padden Jarrad Richards David “JustDave” Talboy
Rain & Aidenn Jason “Hierax” Verbitsky David & Kristin Rosson
Ralph Mazza Jason C Marshall David Bresson
Raphael Bressel Jere Manninen Davin Wärter
Robert T. Sagris Jessica Reardon Smith Derek Cardwell
Ryan Patterson John Lambert Donald A. Bachman
Sam Sylus Keller Jürgen Seehase Emmanuel “Tito” Betancourt
Scott M. Galliand Lachlan Smith Eric Stevens
Sean Gomez Lauri Hirvonen Ethan Zimmerman
Sekhemkhet Lloyd Eley-Smith Evan “JabberWokky” and Sarah Edwards
Seth Ruskin Lorenz Handstanger Fraethir
Shan W Simpson Luke Parsons Gabriel Night
Steven Thesken Luke Slater Gary R Smith II
Surothog Marco Andre Mezzasalma Greg “Vyko” Nielsen
Sydney Bridges Martin C. Howard Greg Foster
Tim Soholt Michael D Stein Gregory Frank
Timon Pike Michael Horton Henry F. Bruckman Vargas
Tommy G “Kanah Aris” Oliver Morris Henry Walton Jones
Tristan Valentine Paul Grindrod Ian Price
Vinny Tobia Phil Broughton James Estes
W. Schaeffer Tolliver Ranulf Fitz Rufus James Laing
Walter F. Croft Ricardo Nacarini Jason Freston
William Gentry Richard Chilton Jason Ramboz
Sachiyo Jason Sperber
Alec Disharoon Seana McGuinness Jennifer Hastings
Douglas Snyder Steve Rhodes Jesse Goble
Garren McKelvey Thomas Faßnacht Jody Bowman
J. P. (Exrandu) Bauer Tim Geraghty Joel “Lostkith” Cotton
Jeremy Southard, Wastex Games Joel Kurowski
Jessica Lilith Darke Adam Rajski John Abbott
Kasmiri Lupre Adam Reik John Carnathan
Travis LaFave Alec Humphrey John D. Jones
Xane the Black Alonso O. Rubio John P. Baggett
Andrés Montañez John R. Trapasso
Adrian Retana Meza Andrew Ellis Whitby Josh Rensch
Alex Johnston Andrew Meltzer Josh Sharp
Amber and Chris Roberts Andrew Richwine Joshua Coyle
Andre Braghini Andrew Warren Joshua Pietrok
Anedjib The Holy Annida Christofi-Clark Joshua Ramsey
Anhell Change Arikail D’Marco Karl The Good
Ben McKenzie (@labcoatman) Ashley Jason Bennett Kendall
Benjamin “eSca” Reed bastsbreath Kenneth J. Winland
Candice Bailey Bill “Dee” Mumner Kevin Butcher
Chris “Logris” Spiller Blair A. Monroe Kevin Chauncey
Chris AKA Doom Bob Stauffer Kevin Golden
Claude Martel-Olivier Byron McCullough Kevin Schantz
D Howard Cameron Michael Willadsen Kimberly Morris
David “Yoda” Odie Carroll R. Best III Ku’Athi
Backer Credits
Ferdinand von Schenk zu Rob B Marcin & Michal Rozycki , World of
Schweinsberg Roberto Hiroshi Kina Filho Darkness Asylum
Frankie Mundens Ronan ‘Chaka’ Comaskey Mark ‘Z-GrimV’ Kelly & Aaron Jacob Kelly
Gary Stephen Saiid Al-Khaleej
Greg Phillips Sam Wong Mikko Tolonen and Se-nefer Ari-em-a
Iain MacPhee Scott Forward Mr. Maw and Vismen the Everlasting
Ian Dominey Scott Mullock
Jan-Willem Kaagman Sean Packer Pieta Delaney, Dorian Rix
Jason Italiano Shane Cubis Travis N. Thomsen, Steven Downum
Jason L Shawn Kehoe
Jason Lund Simon Andrews Chad Griffith, Daniele
Jason Van Pelt Simon Bevis Neuenschwander, Juliet Krause,
Jay Steven Anyong Stephen Borgars-Smith Allyssa of the Baddacelli, Gretchen
Joerg Diener Stuart Adam Walther
Jonathan Romulo Geronimo Tara Imbery
Jorge “beeckamm” Jiménez The Kefalonian Darryl Nichols, Valley Rose Miller,
Ken Blakey Thomas Maund Charles ‘Chuck’ Rosethorn, Joel
Kent Anderson Tim Poultney Gouldberg, May Appleblossom
Khalayn Sepret Victor Moura In loving memory of our Lost friend,
Lars Holgaard Víctor Ventura Amanda Calloway
Lars Lauridsen Vox Anteron
Leath Sheales
Livia von Sucro A. Quentin Murlin, Scott Mann Alexander Hanson, Daniel Merrifield,
Luke Jostins Mia Iversen, Tim Hansen, Comrade Brad
Ben Bogaerts, Michael Brosens
M McClelland
Mathias Bøgehøj Carlos Vergara and Victor Vergara John M. Corradin, Mica X. Corradin,
Matthew “Hairy Matt” Geraghty Dan Trandberg Jensen and Jesper Stephen Gregory, Joe Brumfield,
Michael Maggs Bundgaard Karkov Frank Giovannozzi, Elyssia
Michel Foisy McCormick, Ciela C. Corradin
Neil Pritchard Diego Sousa, Alesson Lasombra McDevitt, Kyra Corradin, Ronan
Nevym Graeme Simpson, Tean Shaw McDevitt, Valin McDevitt
Nicole Mezzasalma Henrik Lindén, Charley Gustavsson Mark Garbrick, Jennifer Bedell, and
Oliver Steckmeier
J & C Risely the Atomic Empire team
Pat Core
Per Dahlin Jon Gaudet. Iona Farsight. Yami M. Gutierrez T. / Arthurbearmex /Rol
Peter Rolf Regio/ Ernesto Yip/ Ami Comi/Phoenix Lair
Petri Wessman Kenneth Peltokangas; and Hans
Philipp Neurohr Kontkanen
Charles Trécourt; Mirgwael; Louis Tré-
Pierre “Victor” Brun Krishna Farnese; Tiago court; Trollune; Spirit of Chantelouve;
Pnee the Great
Leonardo Justi & Gervasio da Silva Filho Paraphlegman; Captain Strommer
Quasi Mortuus
Ramothep: the Dusty Manolis Kemerlis, Antonis Natsis,
Renam Philippi Antunes Xaris Paraskevopoulos
Bourdot Raphaël Malisa Williams Ryan Moore
Greg Berry Meghan “Alastor” Fitzgerald Scott Woodward
Dawid “Salubrus” Wojcieszynski Lachlan Sutherland Ronald Steeves
Frédéri “Volk Kommissar Friedrich” Liliana Wagner Tlapiani Teokuitlapiali
POCHARD Roland Fritz Wyatt Starr
Jonathan Elcock
LJ Nickerson Russell Cohen
Backer Credits
( - 1 UNSKILLED) 6
Attributes 5/4/3 • Skills 11/7/4 (3 Specialties) • Judge (record Affinity) • Guild (record Affinity) •
Pillars 9 dots • Health = Sta + Size • Willpower = Resolve + Composure • Defense = lowest of Dex EXPERIENCE
or Wits • Memory = 3 Initiative Mod = Dex + Composure • Speed = Str + Dex + 5