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Therapeutic Products Directorate


(SOP Template Version 3: Effective Date 2009-07-01)

Title: Using the Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Doc. Number: GRP(PSE)-01-1
Templates (PSEATs) to Prepare Reports on Submissions for Version: 2
Marketing Authorizations Review Date: 2015-01-01

Bureau / Office: Office of Status: Effective Date:

Business Transformation (OBT) final 2010-01-01
Area: Good Review Practices

Approved by: Signature: Approval Date:

Caroline Vanneste, on file 2009-08-07
GRP Project Manager


TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 1

1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................... 2
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 2
3. ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................. 2
4. RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 3
5. INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 General Instructions..................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Completing the Template Sections.............................................................................................. 4
5.3 Formatting ................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Revising the Template ................................................................................................................. 5
5.5 Multiple Reviewers (Team Review)............................................................................................ 5
5.6 Assessment Report Completion (Signing off)............................................................................. 6
6. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Guidance Documents................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Templates .................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Other References ......................................................................................................................... 7
7. AUTHORS .......................................................................................................................................... 7
8. DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................. 8
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Appendix 1: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for New Drug
Submission and Supplemental New Drug Submission (PSEATs)-(S)NDS ....................... 9
Appendix 2: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment
reports on Responses to Notices of Deficiency (PSEAT-NOD)....................................... 37
Appendix 3: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment
reports on Responses to Notices of Non-Compliance (PSEAT-NON)............................. 47
Appendix 4: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for Notifiable
Change (PSEAT-NC) ....................................................................................................... 52
Appendix 5: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment
reports on pediatric studies for Data Protection extensions PSEAT-PED........................ 57
Appendix 6: Assessment Report Completion Checklist ......................................................................... 61
Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure


This procedure provides instructions for reviewers on how to use Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy
Assessment Templates (PSEATs) to prepare assessment (review) reports.


This procedure applies to the preparation of reports on the review of safety and efficacy (non-clinical and
clinical) information in New Drug Submissions (NDS), Supplemental New Drug Submissions (SNDS),
Responses to Notices of Deficiency (NOD) and Non-Compliance (NON), and Notifiable Changes (NC).
Four versions of the Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template are provided for this
purpose: the PSEAT-(S)NDS, the PSEAT-NOD, the PSEAT-NON, and the PSEAT-NC. A template for
reviewing pediatric studies for extension of data protection is also provided (PSEAT-PED).

This procedure applies to the preparation of reports initiated on or after the effective date. Either version 1
or version 2 of the procedure (and accompanying templates) may be used up until the effective date;
thereafter only version 2 should be used. Both Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) staff and external
experts contracted to conduct safety and efficacy reviews should follow this procedure.

This procedure does not apply to the review of biopharmaceutics information conducted by the Divisions
of Biopharmaceutics Evaluation, or to the review of biostatistics information conducted by the Office of
Science. It also does not apply to additional reviews or consideration of the aforementioned submissions
conducted by review managers.


ADME: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination

ADR: Adverse Drug Reaction
AE: Adverse Event
BA: Bioavailability
BE: Bioequivalence
CR file: Central Registry file
CTA: Clinical Trial Application
CTD: Common Technical Document
DBE: Division of Biopharmaceutics Evaluation
DHCPL: Dear Health Care Professional Letter
ECG: Electrocardiogram
EEG: Electroencephalogram
GI: Gastrointestinal
GLP: Good Laboratory Practices
GRP: Good Review Practices
GRGP: Good Review Guiding Principles
ICH: International Conference on Harmonization
LOU: Letter of Undertaking
MTD: Maximum Tolerated Dose
NC: Notifiable Change
NDS: New Drug Submission
NOEL: No Observed Effect Level
NOC: Notice of Compliance
NOC/c: Notice of Compliance with Conditions
NOC/c-QN: Notice of Compliance with Conditions Qualifying Notice

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 2 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

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NOD: Notice of Deficiency

NOD-W: Notice of Deficiency Withdrawal Letter
NON: Notice of Non-Compliance
NON-W: Notice of Non-Compliance Withdrawal Letter
PD: Pharmacodynamics
PK: Pharmacokinetics
PM: Product Monograph
PR: Priority Review
PSEAT: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
PSEAT-NC: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for Notifiable Change
submission assessment reports
PSEAT-NOD: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on Responses to Notices of Deficiency
PSEAT-NON: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on Responses to Notices of Non-Compliance
PSEAT-PED: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on pediatric studies for Data Protection extensions
PSEAT-(S)NDS: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for New Drug
Submission and Supplemental New Drug Submission assessment reports,
including those subject to the Priority Review and Notice of Compliance with
Conditions guidance documents
PSUR: Periodic Safety Update Report
SBD: Summary Basis of Decision
SNDS: Supplemental New Drug Submission
TPD: Therapeutic Products Directorate


The implementation of this procedure is primarily the responsibility of safety and efficacy reviewers.
Review managers and regulatory project managers in the safety and efficacy review areas should also
ensure that this procedure is used. Deviations from this procedure may be acceptable, provided the
deviations and their justification are documented in the assessment report.


5.1 General Instructions

The pharmaceutical safety and efficacy assessment report should include a critical evaluation of the
submitted experimental studies and a comprehensive interpretation of the findings, with the objective of
presenting a clear evaluation of the safety and efficacy issues of the drug for human use. In order to
achieve this, a few general guidelines are listed below:

• Ensure the study methods (for example [e.g.] study population, dose, treatment duration, etc.) are
valid (make scientific and clinical sense). The findings, no matter how impressive, are only as
good as the methods employed.
• Although the findings in a study may be statistically significant, ensure that they are clinically
• Ensure sufficient evidence is clearly stated in the review report to support or refute the sponsor’s
conclusion. It is not sufficient to simply state that the reviewer concurs or does not concur with
the sponsor’s conclusions without stating the scientific or clinical basis used to support the claim.

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

• Be familiar with the most up-to-date non-clinical and clinical guidances recommended by TPD.
Challenge the sponsor if they deviate from standard procedures and/or analyses.
• Integrate the findings from the entire body of scientific and clinical evidence. There should be
consistency between non-clinical and clinical data. If the clinical findings do not reflect the non-
clinical data, find out why.
• Question the sponsor’s failure to follow the initial study protocol. Ensure there is adequate
justification for the protocol amendments. Beware of unplanned or altered statistical analyses or
interim analyses not pre-specified in the original statistical analysis plan.
• If you have unresolved concerns regarding the scientific and clinical rigor of a study or the
submission in general, consult your colleagues, manager, or other experts in TPD.

PSEAT section headings and subheadings are cross-referenced to the Common Technical Document
(CTD). For more information on the CTD, see the ICH CTD guidance documents.

5.2 Completing the Template Sections

In the annotated PSEATs (see Appendices 1 to 5), instructions for completing each section are included in
instruction boxes under each section heading. The "Items to Address" describe the type of data and other
information the reviewer should include within that section. Although the list should be adhered to, a
complete and adequate review of the section is dependent on the type of submission and the information
provided in the dossier. Some items under "Items to Address" may not be applicable to the particular
submission, while other information, not on the list, may be deemed necessary by the reviewer and
included. Thus, the instructions act as a guide for reviewers, but the inclusion or exclusion of information
under a section is left to the scientific judgement and discretion of the reviewer.

While the annotated PSEATs are not guides for reviewers on how to conduct a review, they do contain
some general pointers on how to critically assess the study design, findings and the sponsor’s conclusions
in a submission. These suggestions are found under “Points to Consider” in various sections. These
general points are not intended to act as a comprehensive list of all the issues which need to be assessed
by the reviewer, but are simply meant to enhance the critical thinking necessary to evaluate the merit of
the studies.

A reviewer may ask the sponsor to clarify data in the submission by sending a fax (called a clarifax) with
the appropriate questions. The reviewer’s assessment of the response from the sponsor should be included
in the relevant sections of the report. A copy of the actual clarifax and response does not have to be
included in the report, but should be stored in the CR file.

Words and phrases in the blank templates that are [in square brackets] should be replaced with the
requested information.

5.3 Formatting

The templates are available in Microsoft™ Word® only, and in English or French. The use of Word® is
recommended to maintain consistency. However, if reviewers wish to create and use WordPerfect®
versions of the templates, this is acceptable.

PSEATs use Times New Roman 11 pt font; this font should be used throughout the document. The
administrative information on the first page (ending with the reviewer’s signature) should remain on one
page if possible.

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

When completing the review of the submitted studies (under the Non-Clinical Studies and Clinical
Studies sections), if copying information from the submission and pasting it into the PSEAT, the text (that
is [i.e.] the sponsor’s information) should remain in a plain font. Clearly indicate where in the submission
the information originated (module, section, page number, table/figure), if not readily apparent. This also
applies to all other sources of information that may be used in the review. All references must be listed in
the appendix.

When reviewing studies, it is recommended that the reviewer follow the sections as laid out by the
sponsor, incorporating the subsection headings, in order to provide a clear, easy-to-read description of the
trial. A reference to the section and page number from the trial report can be added to the subsection
headings (i.e. Adverse Events, CSR 8.2, page 87) to guide readers easily to the original information, if

When inserting the reviewer comments regarding the submitted studies (i.e. critical assessment of the
development program, study design and results and sponsor’s conclusions), the text should be highlighted
yellow so that the reader is aware that the statements are from the reviewer and not the sponsor. If adding
a significant amount of reviewer’s comments, the text may remain in plain font, but must be preceded
with the phrase “Reviewer’s Comments” and followed by the phrase “End of Reviewer’s Comments”
(both highlighted yellow).

When completing the sections under the Product Overview and Review Strategy and Data Sources
sections, plain font should be used. Information that the reviewer deems important to convey in the
Summary Basis of Decision should be italicized.

An electronic, navigable Table of Contents has been created for each of the templates. After completing
the template, open the Outlining Toolbar (under View-Toolbars) and click on “Update ToC” to have the
page numbers automatically updated.

5.4 Revising the Template

PSEAT headings and subheadings should not be altered. All sections of the review template should be
completed or indicated as “not applicable or n/a”. For example, if non-clinical or clinical pharmacology
data have not been submitted, a "not applicable" should be recorded under that section along with a
statement of justification (e.g. Supplementary indication. Absence of non-clinical data deemed acceptable
by Reviewer.) Only subheadings under this section (in this case, Non-Clinical Studies) may then be
deleted to reduce redundancy.

In the case of sections for which a lack of data is determined to be justified, (e.g. a PK population analysis
or carcinogenicity studies for an oncology drug with a palliative indication), a “not applicable” should be
recorded under the section, along with a short statement of justification.

If needed, reviewers may create additional subheadings (e.g. subheadings under Pivotal Studies to help
organize the sections of a large trial). The numerical format of the template should be followed when
inserting the subheading section numbers. Subheading numbers and names should be added to the Table
of Contents by opening the Outlining Toolbar (under View-Toolbars) and changing the subheading from
“Body text” to the appropriate Level.

To alleviate formatting problems, reviewers may also create an additional subheading in the appendices
for tables and figures that are electronically copied and pasted into the review report.

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5.5 Multiple Reviewers (Team Review)

For some submissions, more than one reviewer will be assigned to work on different sections of one
submission (team review). For ease of submission tracking and retrieval, it is recommended that the
reviewers merge their work into one PSEAT, clearly stating the sections for which they were responsible
in the Review Strategy and Data Sources section of the report. If this is not viable, a separate PSEAT
template for each team reviewer is acceptable. The division of work and number of PSEAT templates
completed should be described in the Review Strategy and Data Sources sections of all of the reports.

For team reviews, when each reviewer is completing his/her own template, a short statement should be
recorded under the sections the reviewer is not responsible for, indicating that the data will be assessed by
another reviewer, (e.g. Team Review. The review of this section is not included in this report. See review
by [Name of responsible reviewer]). Subheadings under these sections may then be deleted to reduce

Although not desirable, it is acceptable for multiple reviewers of the same submission to use different
versions of the template (i.e. WordPerfect versus Word).

Formal consultations which produce a written report should not be attached to the PSEAT report, but
remain as a separate document.

5.6 Assessment Report Completion (Signing off)

All reviewers are encouraged to meet regularly with their managers and other colleagues to discuss the
scientific, clinical and regulatory aspects of their submission, particularly prior to entering into
discussions on the Product Monograph with the submission sponsor. Using the PSEAT, the reviewer
should write overall conclusions and recommendations for a regulatory decision that reflect his/her own
judgement. Review management is responsible for making the final decision. The review manager is
expected to write his/her own recommendation for a regulatory decision in a separate document (see
Manager Memo Template). This memo should indicate the reason(s) for any difference(s) from the
reviewer’s recommendation.

All reviewers must sign the assessment report at the completion of their review. The report is not
complete until all documentation associated with the regulatory decision (e.g. PM, LOU, DHCPL, etc.) is
finalized. If agreement on the regulatory decision is reached between the reviewer and the manager, the
appropriate documentation is completed by the reviewer and appended, as required, under the appropriate
sections of the report (see Labelling and Disposition of Submission sections of the annotated templates).

Once the documentation is in place, the reviewer signs and dates the first page and the report is then
considered complete and final.

On the occasion where the manager does not share the same recommendation for regulatory decision as
the reviewer, the procedure for completing the associated documentation is determined by the manager
and carried out separate to the reviewer’s report.

Prior to signing the report, it is recommended that reviewers read the “Assessment Report Completion
Checklist” located in Appendix 6 to ensure that the template has been completed accurately.

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6.1 Guidance Documents

i. Management of Drug Submissions

ii. Priority Review of Drug Submissions
iii. Notice of Compliance with Conditions (NOC/c)
iv. Preparation of New Drug Submissions in the CTD Format
v. Data Protection under C.08.004.1 of the Food and Drug Regulations

6.2 Templates

i. PSEAT-(S)NDS Version 2
ii. PSEAT-Response to NOD Version 2
iii. PSEAT-Response to NON Version 2
iv. PSEAT-NC Version 2
v. PSEAT-PED Version 2

6.3 Other References

i. SOP on Using the Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for Advanced
Consideration of Requests for Notice of Compliance with Conditions and/or Priority Review
(PSEAT-AC) to Prepare Reports
ii. SOP on Anti-VEGF Drugs - Serious Warnings and Precautions Box of the Product Monograph
iii. SOP on Using the Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template - Response to
Qualifying Notice (PSEAT-NOC/c-QN) to Prepare Reports on Products Proposed for
Authorization under the Notice of Compliance with Conditions Policy
iv. SOP on Using the Pharmaceutical Submission Executive Summary Template (PSEST) to prepare
Executive Summaries on Submissions for Marketing Authorizations
v. SOP on Using the Pharmaceutical Submission Executive Summary Template - Notice of
Compliance with Conditions Qualifying Notice (PSEST-NOC/c-QN) to Prepare Executive
Summaries for Products to be Authorized under the Notice of Compliance with Conditions Policy
vi. Notice Regarding Implementation of Risk Management Planning including the adoption of ICH
Guidance Pharmacovigilance Planning - ICH Topic E2E
vii. Factors for listing drugs in Schedule F


Elizabeth Prosen, Assessment Officer, Bureau of Metabolism, Oncology and Reproductive Sciences
Caroline Vanneste, Project Manager, GRP

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Version Section/Paragraph Change Made Effective

Changed Date
1 n/a Initial issuance of document. 2006-06-01
2 several Changes primarily to improve usability such as 2010-01-01
• navigable tables of contents in the
• separate templates for NODs and NONs,
• new microbiology section.
Changes to address new practices, such as
• instructions on classifying comments to
sponsors as “Major Objections” and “Other
• Data Protection template for pediatric study

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Appendix 1: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for New Drug
Submission and Supplemental New Drug Submission (PSEATs)-(S)NDS

Therapeutic Products Directorate

To: [Name], Manager Security – Classification:

[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] Protected B
From: [Name(s)], Date:
[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] [Completion date of the report.]

Subject: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment:

(Supplemental) New Drug Submission
PSEAT-(S)NDS GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2): Effective Date 2010-01-01

Brand or Product Name of Drug Product

Proper or Common Name of Drug Substance
Manufacturer / Sponsor
Therapeutic Classification
Dosage Form(s) and Strength(s)
Route(s) of Administration
Type of Submission [e.g. NDS, SNDS for Priority Review.]
TPD Target Date / Review Target Date [Target date for entire [Target date for this
submission review as review as per division
per Management of review plan.]
Drug Submissions
Control Number / File Number

Parts of Submission [e.g. All sections (entire submission) OR Non-clinical only OR All sections
Reviewed in this except for clinical pharmacology.]
Review Period [Start date and completion date for review of all documents.]
Reviewer This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered
Recommendation acceptable with respect to the safety and efficacy data reviewed (see above).

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Table of Contents

1. Product Overview ........................................................................................................................ 12

1.1 Drug Product..................................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Proposed Indication(s) ..................................................................................................... 12
1.3 Background of Proposed Indication(s) and Currently Available Treatments ................... 12
1.4 Sponsor’s Rationale for Drug Development..................................................................... 12
1.5 Canadian Regulatory History of Proposed Indication(s) and/or Other Indications .......... 12
1.6 International Regulatory Status......................................................................................... 13
1.7 Potential Review Issues .................................................................................................... 13
2. Review Strategy and Data Sources............................................................................................. 13
3. Non-Clinical Studies .................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 List of Non-Clinical Studies ............................................................................................. 14
3.3 Pharmacology ................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Primary Pharmacodynamics ................................................................................ 14
3.3.2 Secondary Pharmacodynamics ............................................................................ 14
3.3.3 Safety Pharmacology ........................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions................................................................... 15
3.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacology Findings.................... 15
3.4 Pharmacokinetics .............................................................................................................. 15
3.4.1 Absorption Studies............................................................................................... 16
3.4.2 Distribution Studies ............................................................................................. 16
3.4.3 Metabolism Studies.............................................................................................. 16
3.4.4 Excretion Studies ................................................................................................. 16
3.4.5 Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions...................................................................... 16
3.4.6 Other Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies ...................................................... 17
3.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Findings................ 17
3.5 Toxicology ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.5.1 Single-Dose Toxicity ........................................................................................... 17
3.5.2 Repeat-Dose Toxicity .......................................................................................... 18
3.5.3 Genotoxicity......................................................................................................... 18
3.5.4 Carcinogenicity .................................................................................................... 18
3.5.5 Reproductive and Development Toxicity ............................................................ 19
3.5.6 Local Tolerance ................................................................................................... 19
3.5.7 Toxicity of Impurities .......................................................................................... 19
3.5.8 Other Toxicity Studies, if applicable ................................................................... 20
3.5.9 Discussion and Conclusions of Toxicology Findings.......................................... 20
3.6 Microbiology .................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.1 General................................................................................................................. 20
3.6.2 In Vitro Data ....................................................................................................... 22
3.6.3 In Vivo Studies in Animals .................................................................................. 22
3.6.4 Pharmacodynamics / Supporting Studies............................................................. 23
3.6.5 Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Test Methods ................................................ 23
3.6.6 Summary and Discussion of Microbiology Findings .......................................... 23
3.7 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Non-Clinical Studies ........... 24
3.8 Overall Conclusions of Non-Clinical Studies................................................................... 24
4. Clinical Studies............................................................................................................................. 24
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 List of Clinical Studies ..................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Clinical Pharmacology...................................................................................................... 25

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4.3.1 Reports of Biopharmaceutical Studies................................................................. 25

4.3.2 Reports of Studies Pertinent to Pharmacokinetics Using Human Biomaterials... 26
4.3.3 Reports of Human Pharmacokinetic (PK) Studies............................................... 26
4.3.4 Reports of Human Pharmacodynamic (PD) Studies............................................ 28
4.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Clinical
Pharmacology ...................................................................................................... 28
4.3.6 Summary and Discussion of Clinical Pharmacology........................................... 29
4.4 Clinical Efficacy and Safety Studies and Reports ............................................................ 30
4.4.1 Pivotal Studies ..................................................................................................... 30
4.4.2 Non-Pivotal Studies ............................................................................................. 30
4.4.3 Supportive and Other Clinical Study Reports...................................................... 30
4.4.4 Reports of Analyses of Data from More than One Study .................................... 31
4.4.5 Reports of Post-Marketing Experience ................................................................ 31
4.4.6 Summary and Discussion of Other Information on Clinical Safety and Efficacy31
4.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Efficacy Findings................................................... 31
4.4.8 Summary and Discussion of Safety Findings ...................................................... 32
5. Overall Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 Benefit/Risk Assessment .................................................................................................. 34
5.3 Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision.................................................... 34
5.4 Disposition of Submission ................................................................................................ 35
6. Labelling ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Labelling Issues ................................................................................................................ 36
6.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer .......................................................................................... 36
7. Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Tabular List of Studies...................................................................................................... 36
7.2 Reference List ................................................................................................................... 37
7.3 Communications with Sponsor ......................................................................................... 37

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1. Product Overview

1.1 Drug Product

Items to address:
• generic and brand name of drug
• proposed dose and dosing regimen
• route(s) of administration
• therapeutic classification
• prescription versus over-the-counter versus other ethical (specify) and Schedule F review if

1.2 Proposed Indication(s)

State the sponsor’s intended indication(s).

1.3 Background of Proposed Indication(s) and Currently Available Treatments

Items to address:
• incidence/prevalence of disease or condition in Canada
• population affected (age, gender, race)
• risk factors
• etiology
• degree and duration of disease/condition
• currently available treatments in Canada and their safety and efficacy profile
• standard(s) of practice as per Canadian/international guideline.

1.4 Sponsor’s Rationale for Drug Development

Items to address:
• active substance
• physical chemistry, if relevant (e.g. structure, Pka, stereochemistry, etc.)
• proposed mechanism of action
• brief rationale for the development of the product with respect to the intended indication
• planned pediatrics indication(s).

1.5 Canadian Regulatory History of Proposed Indication(s) and/or Other Indications

Items to address:
• For proposed indication
o previous relevant filings (type of submission, control number, regulatory outcome and
• For other indications
o type of submission, control number, regulatory outcome and date.

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1.6 International Regulatory Status (CTD 1.2.7)

Items to address:
• regulatory status in other regulatory jurisdictions (as per date of this review)
• availability of foreign review reports.

1.7 Potential Review Issues

Items to address:
• concerns raised in CTA reviews, pre-submission meetings, priority review (PR) and NOC/c
requests, or other communications with sponsor
• review issues raised by foreign regulatory agencies
• safety/efficacy issues addressed in third party literature reports
• role/effect of drug on Canadian clinical practice (as per Canadian/international guidelines)
• if currently marketed
o concerns with safety (contraindications, precautions and warnings, adverse events)
identified in the labelling that may impact the current submission
o ADRs identified in PSURs or ad hoc post-marketing analyses of ADRs
o communications from foreign regulatory agencies
• any future considerations for this product.

2. Review Strategy and Data Sources

Describe the general review strategy employed. Items to address:

• information in the submission package emphasized or not reviewed and why
• other sources of data/information used in the report, including
o CTA assessment reports
o foreign review reports
o data from other indications
o consultation reports by Health Canada experts
o other expert opinions
o advisory committee meetings
o scientific publications
o specific guidance documents used for the review
o minutes of meetings or correspondence with sponsors (e.g. pre-submission meetings,
PR and NOC/c requests, ad hoc teleconferences, etc.)
• if multiple reviewers are involved in reviewing the submission, include:
o names of reviewers involved
o division of work
o method by which the overall conclusions and recommendations were synthesized and
• whether this is a second (additional) review for this submission.

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3. Non-Clinical Studies

Points to consider when reviewing non-clinical studies:

• provide an overview of the study design, the results and the sponsor's conclusions
• provide a critical assessment (comments on the validity and relevance) of the methodology and
o was the study valid?
o was the test model appropriate?
o are the findings relevant?
o are there inconsistences in the data?
• consider the implications for human safety
• ensure Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards were followed
• outline deviations from guidance documents
• provide justification for waiver of any preclinical studies
• take note of findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

3.1 Introduction

Briefly comment on the overall non-clinical development program. Points to consider:

• critical study design decisions
• non-standard approaches to the studies or analysis
• deficiencies of the development program
• ongoing studies.

3.2 List of Non-Clinical Studies

Provide a list of all non-clinical studies, including the page number where the review of the study can
be found in this report, and the module, volume and page number where the study can be found in the
submission dossier. A tabular format of the studies can be included in the Appendix under Section 7.1,
if desired.

3.3 Pharmacology (CTD 4.2.1)

3.3.1 Primary Pharmacodynamics (CTD

Items to address:
• primary desired therapeutic effect demonstrated in in vitro and in vivo studies
• assessment of proposed mode of action
• species-specificity.

3.3.2 Secondary Pharmacodynamics (CTD

Items to address:
• secondary pharmacological effects (other than the primary therapeutic activity) demonstrated in
in vitro and in vivo studies.

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3.3.3 Safety Pharmacology (CTD

Items to address:
• core battery (vital organ systems):
o cardiovascular (including QT prolongation studies)
o respiratory
o central nervous system
o exclusion of specific investigations within the core battery should be scientifically
• supplementary safety studies (other organ systems) may be warranted, based on scientific
o renal/urinary system
o autonomic nervous system
o gastrointestinal system
o muscle, immune, endocrine, etc.

3.3.4 Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions (CTD

Items to address:
• interactions at receptor level
• interactions due to medications administered concomitantly.

3.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacology Findings

Provide a summary of the salient pharmacology findings. Focus on the relation of the effects in animals
to those expected in humans. Points to consider:
• comment on the non-clinical evidence for proof of concept
• describe the undesirable pharmacodynamic properties that may impact human safety, state the
safety concern and explain why
• comment on the relevance of the models and methodology chosen
• outline any deficiencies in the studies or the absence of studies
• highlight and provide the rationale for any areas of disagreement with the sponsor's conclusions
regarding the pharmacology findings
• consider the findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

3.4 Pharmacokinetics (CTD 4.2.2)

Chosen analytical methods (and their validation) used in the following non-clinical pharmacokinetic
studies should be discussed within the individual study reports.

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3.4.1 Absorption Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• extent and rate of absorption, in vivo and in situ
• site of absorption for oral routes of administration
• kinetic parameters after single and repeat dose administration
• bioequivalence and/or bioavailability (serum/plasma/blood PK studies)
• dose proportionality
• interspecies comparison.

3.4.2 Distribution Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• method of assessment
• tissue distribution studies
• protein binding studies
• distribution in blood cells
• placental transfer studies
• excretion in milk
• distribution of parent drug and metabolites in context to toxicity.

3.4.3 Metabolism Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• chemical structures and quantities of metabolites in biological samples
• possible metabolic pathways (insert diagram)
• pre-systemic metabolism (GI/hepatic first-pass effects)
• Phase I (P450 studies) and Phase II (conjugation) metabolism: affinity, substrate specificity,
inhibition studies, drug interactions
• enzyme induction and inhibition
• interspecies comparison
• species-specific metabolites.

3.4.4 Excretion Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• routes and extent of excretion
• excretion in milk
• interspecies comparison.

3.4.5 Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions (CTD

Items to address:
• in vitro and in vivo drug interaction studies
• interactions with drugs that may be administered concomitantly.

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3.4.6 Other Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies (CTD

Studies include investigations in animal models of disease (e.g. renally impaired animals) or in
pregnant or juvenile animals.

3.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Findings

Provide a summary of the salient pharmacokinetic findings. Focus on the relation of the effects in
animals to those expected in humans. Points to consider:
• explore any undesirable pharmacokinetic properties that may impact human safety (e.g.
distribution to organs, excretion routes, active metabolites), note the safety concern and explain
• evaluate choice of animal model(s) based on the difference in PK parameters and metabolic
patterns between humans and animals
• outline any deficiencies in methodology that weakens the validity of the findings
• list the absence of important studies, if any
• highlight and provide the rationale for any areas of disagreement with the sponsor's conclusions
regarding the pharmacokinetic findings
• consider the findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

3.5 Toxicology (CTD 4.2.3)

3.5.1 Single-Dose Toxicity (CTD

Items to address:
• duration of assessment
• toxic signs, death and time of occurrence
• delayed toxicity
• difference in toxicity related to different routes of administration/species/sex/age
• pharmacological effect dose
• maximum no toxic effect dose and other toxicity parameters
• dose-response curve. Summary and Discussion of Single-Dose Toxicity

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the single-dose toxicology findings. Focus on the
relation of the effects in animals to those expected in humans. Points to consider:
• describe the important observed effects and the significance for human safety
• comment on the rationale of the chosen animal models (based on ADME and exposure
margin), and the duration and dose(s)/concentration(s) used in the studies
• outline any deficiencies in the studies or the absence of studies
• highlight and provide the rationale for any areas of disagreement with the sponsor's conclusions
regarding toxicology findings
• consider the findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

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3.5.2 Repeat-Dose Toxicity (CTD

Items to address:
• species/sex/age
• route and duration of drug administration
• relevant laboratory findings, body weights
• pharmacological effect dose
• NOEL, MTD, and other toxicity parameters in different species
• toxic signs and symptoms, target organ(s) of toxicity
• duration and reversibility of toxic effects
• potential systemic toxicity
• species/gender related differences
• dose response relationship
• exposure ratio and safety margin. Summary and Discussion of Repeat-Dose Toxicity

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the repeat-dose toxicology findings. See instruction
box under for more information.

3.5.3 Genotoxicity (CTD,,

Items to address:
• cytogenic and genotoxic effects in in vitro nonmammalian and mammalian cell system studies
• general toxic, cytogenic and genotoxic effects in in vivo mammalian system studies (including
supportive toxicokinetics evaluation)
• dose-response relationship
• human margin of safety. Summary and Discussion of Genotoxicity

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the genotoxicity findings. See instruction box under for more information.

3.5.4 Carcinogenicity (CTD,,

Items to address:
• species/sex/age
• dosage, route of administration, duration of treatment
• toxic signs and symptoms, particularly those not evident in studies of shorter duration
• pre-neoplastic and neoplastic changes
• dose-response relationship. Summary and Discussion of Carcinogenicity

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the carcinogenicity findings. See instruction box under for more information.

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3.5.5 Reproductive and Development Toxicity (CTD,,,,

Items to address:
• studies include male and female fertility, embryo-fetal development, prenatal and postnatal
development, including maternal function and offspring investigations
• exposure and distribution in pregnant/lactating females and offspring, including milk excretion
• pathology
• NOEL and other toxicity parameters in different species
• exposure ratio and safety margin. Summary and Discussion of Reproductive and Development Toxicity

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the reproductive and development toxicity findings.
See instruction box under for more information.

3.5.6 Local Tolerance (CTD

Studies in this section assess local tolerance at site of administration. Summary and Discussion of Local Tolerance

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the local tolerance toxicity findings. See instruction
box under for more information.

3.5.7 Toxicity of Impurities (CTD

Items to address:
• genotoxic vs. non-genotoxic
• total daily intake of impurity
• studies evaluating the toxicity of impurity
• exposure margin (animal vs. human exposure)
• risk assessment (indication, patient population and dosing duration). Summary and Discussion of Toxicity of Impurities

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of the impurity toxicity findings. See instruction box
under for more information.

3.5.8 Other Toxicity Studies, if applicable (CTD,,,,,,

Studies include antigenicity, immunotoxicity, dependence, metabolites, impurities, phototoxicity and

molecular toxicology.

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure Summary and Discussion of Other Toxicity Studies

Provide a summary and integrated discussion of toxicology findings not included in the above sections.
See instruction box under for more information.

3.5.9 Discussion and Conclusions of Toxicology Findings

If not adequately captured above, provide an overall discussion and conclusion of the main toxicology
findings. Focus on the relation of the effects in animals to those expected in humans. Points to consider:
• describe the important observed effects and the significance for human safety
• comment on the rationale of the chosen animal models (based on ADME and exposure
margin), and the duration and dose(s)/concentration(s) used in the studies
• outline any deficiencies in the studies or the absence of studies
• highlight and provide the rationale for any areas of disagreement with the sponsor's conclusions
regarding toxicology findings.
• consider the findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

3.6 Microbiology

3.6.1 General Product Class

Items to address:
• the antimicrobial therapeutic class(es)
• relevant information on other members of the class(es)
• route of administration, proposed indication and proposed pathogens
• other indication/s for which the drug has been proposed or authorized. Mechanism of Action

Items to address:
• information on the mechanism(s) of action (from literature reports and/or specific studies
undertaken by the sponsor)
• chemical structure of the drug and any similarity to known antimicrobial drugs. Characterization Studies

Items to address:
• physiological studies to elucidate the bacteriostatic or bactericidal actions of the drug(s) on the
target microbial cell, including those having bactericidal effects against several clinical isolates
and/or standard laboratory strains of the infectious agents indicated on the labelling or time kill

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure Other Studies

Items to address:
• any other studies such as those having activity of major metabolites or post-antibiotic effect. Resistance Mechanisms

Items to address:
• studies regarding natural (intrinsic) resistance or acquired resistance of some strains within a
species usually susceptible to the antimicrobial under consideration (acquired resistance), either
from literature or from studies performed by the sponsor
• information from related analogues within the same drug class in the absence of data on the
drug substance
• details of microbial resistance patterns in relevant microorganisms which have emerged with
the use of the proposed product elsewhere, i.e.
o changes that have been identified in minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the
antimicrobial against isolates of relevant microorganisms collected from clinical cases
o data on development of resistance during therapy in pivotal trials or from post
marketing analysis or from other uses of the antimicrobial product. Cross-Resistance

Items to address:
• information on cross-resistance in relevant microorganisms to the antimicrobial in question and
other antimicrobials in the same class or other antimicrobial class, either from literature or from
studies performed by the sponsor
• phenotypic as well as genotypic description. Co-Resistance

Items to address:
• information on co-resistance of the antimicrobial in question with other antimicrobials, either
from literature or from studies performed by the sponsor
• phenotypic as well as genotypic description. Resistance Development

Items to address:
• information on studies to demonstrate in vitro or in vivo rate and extent of resistance
development, e.g.
o in vitro mutation frequency studies
o laboratory animal studies and/or data that showed resistance from patients on therapy
or from post marketing data.

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Items to address:
• information on studies with other antimicrobial products with anticipated clinical use in
• whether the activity of either product is affected when used in combination.

3.6.2 In Vitro Data Antimicrobial Spectrum

Items to address:
• surveillance in vitro MIC data by the dilution and diffusion techniques
• whether the great majority (>75%) of these isolates are from geographically representative,
recent, typical clinical isolates obtained from patients (but not necessarily the specific patients
in the NDS/S-NDS clinical trials) throughout North America
• whether the listed microorganisms are recognized as significant (not anecdotal) pathogens at
the body site(s) or in the infection(s) for which clinical effectiveness has been established in
adequate and well-controlled trials. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

Items to address:
• dilution technique and diffusion technique for aerobic microorganisms and anaerobic
techniques for each antimicrobial drug product.

3.6.3 In Vivo Studies in Animals

Items to address:
• whether the route of exposure to the challenge agent is the same as the anticipated human
exposure route
• demonstration of the reliable quantification and reproducibility of the challenge dose
• the infection models used (e.g. thigh infection, pneumonia, pyelonephritis/kidney infection,
peritonitis/septicemia, meningitis, and endocarditis)
• information on the distribution of proposed antimicrobial to extracellular, intracellular or to
CSF and epithelial lining fluid.

3.6.4 Pharmacodynamics / Supporting Studies

(Free drug level/MIC90 for PK/PD indices.) In Vitro PK/PD

Items to address:
• the “target” PK-PD parameter (eg, 24 h AUC/MIC ratio or Time >MIC) for producing
bacteriostatic drug, 50% or even 90% of the maximum response

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure PK/PD Parameters from Animal Models

Items to address:
• PK-PD data derived in animal models of infection for predictability of best PK/PD index for
determining human dose and for establishing breakpoints for in vitro susceptibility testing. PK/PD Parameters from Human

Items to address:
• PK-PD parameters for various dosage regimens calculated for various MIC values, based on
the PK properties in humans at safe doses.

3.6.5 Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Test Methods

Items to address:
• the development of a clinical laboratory susceptibility test method
• peer laboratory studies using these methods while utilizing the control organism/s (Quality
• the criteria for interpretation. Quality Control

Items to address:
• the acceptable quality control ranges to be used in validation of susceptibility test results. Susceptibility Test Interpretive Criteria

Items to address:
• in vitro surveillance data
• PK-PD from animals and humans
• clinical outcome from phase-III trials.

3.6.6 Summary and Discussion of Microbiology Findings

Provide a discussion and overall conclusion of the main microbiology findings, approvable pathogens,
interpretive criteria.

3.7 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Non-Clinical Studies

Briefly summarize and discuss information (e.g. informal discussions or formal consultation reports,
foreign review reports, expert opinions, etc.) that does not fall uniquely within one of the Clinical
Safety and Efficacy subheadings above.

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3.8 Overall Conclusions of Non-Clinical Studies

Outline the salient findings in the non-clinical studies or refer to the summary sections above. Provide
an overall evaluation of the preclinical development program and findings. Identify any areas that
require further investigation. Points to consider:
• potential safety (and other) issues arising from the non-clinical studies that may have
implications for clinical use
• limitations of the non-clinical studies in predicting potential adverse effects in humans for this
• issues highlighted in the quality (chemistry and manufacturing) review that may affect the
reliability of the non-clinical data
• absence of mandatory or scientifically prudent studies (e.g. carcinogenicity) and deviations
from expected selection of species/systems, study parameters or other deficiencies in
methodology (refer to TPD recognized guidelines)
• if information outside the submitted studies (e.g. foreign review reports, Scientific Advisory
Committees) was assessed, describe its impact on the evaluation of the non-clinical findings
• if not discussed in the relevant sections, outline any concerns/issues that were addressed to the
sponsor in clarifaxes
• identify findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

4. Clinical Studies

4.1 Introduction

Briefly comment on the clinical development plan. Points to consider:

• critical design decisions (e.g. changes in formulation, target population, etc.)
• non-standard approach to studies or statistical analysis
• decision to submit data at this time (e.g. if pivotal studies are ongoing)
• ongoing/planned clinical studies.

4.2 List of Clinical Studies

Provide a list of all clinical studies, including the page number where the review of the study can be
found in this report and the module, volume and page number where the study can be found in the
submission dossier. A tabular format of the studies can be included in the Appendix under Section 7.1,
if desired.

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4.3 Clinical Pharmacology

Points to consider when reviewing clinical pharmacology studies:

• summarize the study (design, results and sponsor's conclusions)
• provide a critical assessment (comments on the validity and relevance) of the methodology and
o choice of dose(s)
o study population, including intrinsic/extrinsic factors
o endpoints
o approach to PK (traditional vs. population analysis)
• discuss the sponsor's choice of bioanalytical and analytical methods (and validation) within the
individual study reports (CTD
• relate how the study findings may impact safety (or efficacy) in the clinical setting
• evaluate the sponsor's justification for dosing and dosing schedule
• identify studies lacking from the development plan
• take note of findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

4.3.1 Reports of Biopharmaceutical Studies (CTD 5.3.1) Bioavailability (BA) Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• absolute bioavailability of market formulation
• characteristics of drug absorption, e.g. gastric pH
• effect of food on bioavailability and recommendations for PM. Comparative Bioavailability (BA) and Bioequivalence (BE) Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• relative bioavailability of
o different formulations that were used during development
o marketed formulation to formulation used in clinical trials
o similar drugs from different manufacturers
• if informal discussions were held with DBE, or if a formal consultation report was prepared,
what were the main conclusions?
• has the standard criteria for bioequivalence been met? If not, identify the potential safety and
efficacy implications. In Vitro - In Vivo Correlation Study Reports (CTD

Items to address:
• in vitro dissolution studies
• in vitro evidence for product effectiveness in vivo.

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4.3.2 Reports of Studies Pertinent to Pharmacokinetics Using Human Biomaterials (CTD 5.3.2)

Human biomaterials refers to proteins, cells, tissues and related materials derived from human sources
used in vitro or ex vivo to assess the PK properties of drug substances. PK studies in healthy subjects
and patients are reviewed in 4.3.3. Plasma Protein Binding Study Reports (CTD

Items to address:
• ex vivo protein binding parameters and their effects on drug distribution. Reports of Hepatic Metabolism and Drug Interaction Studies (CTD

Items to address:
• hepatic metabolism (metabolic pathways):
o phase 1 and/or phase 2 (conjugation) reactions
o specific cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes or P-glycoprotein transport processes
o other metabolic/transporter pathways
• drug-drug interactions:
o inhibitor or inducer of CYP enzymes
o inhibitor of multi-drug resistance proteins (e.g. P-glycoprotein)
• if indicated for combination therapy, potential for interaction
• other drug-drug interactions in clinical setting (e.g. other medications that may be co-
• need for in vivo drug-drug interaction studies (see
• consider findings that need to be reflected in the PM. Reports of Studies Using Other Human Biomaterials (CTD

Any study with other human biomaterials should be described here.

4.3.3 Reports of Human Pharmacokinetic (PK) Studies (CTD 5.3.3)

Items to address under the PK studies in healthy subjects and patients ( and
• PK parameters of the drug and its metabolites:
o absorption (refer to
o distribution (refer to
o metabolism (refer to
o elimination (renal or hepatic) and drug excretion
• single dose and multiple dose PK parameters
• causes of intra- and inter-individual variability in PK parameters in patients and healthy
• comparison of PK parameters in healthy subjects and patients
• degree of linearity or nonlinearity in the dose-concentration relationship
• change of PK parameters following chronic dosing (steady state).

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure Healthy Subject PK and Initial Tolerability Study Reports (CTD

See Section 4.3.3. Patient PK and Initial Tolerability Study Reports (CTD

See Section 4.3.3. Intrinsic Factor PK Study Reports (CTD

Items to address:
• effect of intrinsic factors on PK including age, gender, race, weight, height, disease, genetic
polymorphism, organ dysfunction (renal or hepatic impairment)
• impact of this change in PK on the safety and efficacy of the drug
• recommendations for dose adjustments in above populations based on dose/concentration-
response curve
• information on the effects of pregnancy and lactation. Extrinsic Factor PK Study Reports (CTD

Items to address:
• effect of extrinsic factors on PK including drug-drug interactions, diet, smoking, alcohol use,
herbal products
• if in vitro studies suggest in vivo drug-drug interactions, were they performed and what was
their outcome?
• impact of this change in PK on the safety and efficacy of the drug
• recommendations for dose adjustments based on dose/concentration-response curve. Population PK Study Reports (CTD

Items to address:
• rationale for population PK study
• if the study is the only source of PK data, is it sufficient?

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4.3.4 Reports of Human Pharmacodynamic (PD) Studies (CTD 5.3.4)

Points to consider when critically assessing PD studies:

• preliminary evidence of activity
• correlation between preclinical and clinical findings
• relevance of chosen biomarkers or response endpoints and method of measurement
• accurate characterization of active metabolites
• relationship between dose and response, and plasma concentration and response for safety and
• time to onset and offset of action
• justification for dosing and dose regimen
• tolerability of secondary pharmacodynamic activity (eg. effects on ECG, specifically QT
interval prolongation, blood pressure, biochemisty, etc.). Healthy Subject PD and PK/PD Study Reports (CTD

See Section 4.3.4. Patient PD and PK/PD Study Reports (CTD

See Section 4.3.4.

4.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Clinical Pharmacology

Briefly summarize and discuss information (e.g. informal discussions or formal consultation reports,
foreign review reports, expert opinions, etc.) that does not fall uniquely within one of the Clinical
Safety and Efficacy subheadings above.

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4.3.6 Summary and Discussion of Clinical Pharmacology

Provide a summary of the salient pharmacokinetic (ADME profile) and pharmacodynamic (primary
and secondary therapeutic activity) findings. Discuss how use of the drug affects safety and efficacy.
Points to consider:
• describe the exposure-response assessments that lead to dose and schedule selection for phase
II and III trials
• list the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that alter the PK and PK/PD relationships (and, thus, may
affect safety and/or efficacy) of the drug, and recommended dosing adjustments if needed
• identify the pharmacodynamic activity that may affect safety (e.g. QT interval prolongation)
• clearly outline the potential for drug-drug interactions and the clinical implications
• comment on points of divergence between preclinical and clinical findings
• identify any deficiencies in the studies or the absence of important investigations
• highlight any issues in the bioequivalence or quality (chemistry and manufacturing) review or
that could affect the reliability of the clinical pharmacology data
• provide a rationale for any areas of disagreement with the sponsor's conclusions regarding the
clinical pharmacology findings
• if information outside the submitted studies (e.g. foreign review reports, Scientific Advisory
Committee reports) was assessed, note its impact on the evaluation of the pharmacology
• identify the findings that need to be reflected in the PM.

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4.4 Clinical Efficacy and Safety Studies and Reports

Points to consider when reviewing clinical efficacy and safety studies:

• Distinguish between pivotal, non-pivotal and supportive trials using scientific and clinical
• Provide a summary of the individual study reports, critically assessing the study design and
safety and efficacy findings:
o were the study objectives achieved?
o were the objectives relevant to the indication(s) sought?
o was the comparator group valid (e.g. current practice standard in Canada)?
o what methods of randomization were used?
o was the study blinded and/or what other methods were used to minimize bias?
o does the study population reflect the target population for the intended indication?
o was the exclusion/inclusion criteria reasonable given the target population for the drug?
o was the population enriched for safety, efficacy or compliance?
o was the choice of primary and secondary endpoints relevant?
o if surrogate endpoints were used, were they validated?
o were the statistical analyses altered or interim analyses not pre-specified in the original
o was the expected size effect (delta) clinically relevant?
o were the assumptions used in the sample size calculation realized?
o was the initial study protocol followed and/or amendments adequately justified?
o was there symmetry in the baseline data?
o were all the patients accounted for throughout the study and follow-up period?
o were the protocol violations balanced between treatment arms and acceptable?
o were patients compliant with treatment? If not, why?
o were the outcomes for the primary and secondary endpoints clinically relevant?
o were there studies with negative/inconclusive results?

4.4.1 Pivotal Studies (CTD,

See Section 4.4.

4.4.2 Non-Pivotal Studies (CTD,

See Section 4.4

4.4.3 Supportive and Other Clinical Study Reports (CTD,,

See Section 4.4. Studies in this section include:

• studies in special populations (e.g. elderly, renal/hepatic impairment)
• studies not related to the claimed indication
• substudies focusing on safety concern (e.g. lipid substudy)
• microbiology studies
• interim analyses or ongoing studies (not considered pivotal or non-pivotal).

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4.4.4 Reports of Analyses of Data from More than One Study (CTD

Reports in this section include analyses performed across trials, such as meta-analyses or other pooled
exploratory analyses or formal bridging studies.

4.4.5 Reports of Post-Marketing Experience (CTD 5.3.6)

Reports in this section include Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs) and ad hoc analyses
investigating adverse events. Points to consider:
• extent of worldwide experience
• data suggesting new/increased incidence of ADRs
• need for ad hoc analysis/post-marketing studies to investigate safety concerns
• labelling changes or other communications from foreign regulatory jurisdictions
• safety concerns that need to be reflected in PM.

4.4.6 Summary and Discussion of Other Information on Clinical Safety and Efficacy

Briefly summarize and discuss information (e.g. informal discussions or formal consultation reports,
foreign review reports, expert opinions, etc.) that does not fall uniquely within one of the Clinical
Safety and Efficacy subheadings above.

4.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Efficacy Findings

Provide a summary of the main efficacy findings across the clinical studies and reports. State the total
number of studies and subjects involved. Points to consider:
• are the efficacy findings statistically significant and clinically relevant?
• is the overall body of efficacy evidence sufficiently robust?
• were there confounding methodological factors that may have resulted in false
negative/positive results?
• was a relevant comparator group used and were the efficacy endpoints valid?
• have the recommended dose and schedule been fully justified by the studies?
• is the lowest dose demonstrating efficacy? If not, why not?
• do the efficacy results support the sponsor's intended indication and for the targeted
• has efficacy been proven in subpopulations included in the indication (gender, race, age, organ
function, disease severity, genetic polymorphism)?
• have predictors of a positive or negative response been identified?
• what is the risk for drug interactions affecting efficacy?
• are there any subpopulations/drug interactions that need dose adjustments?
• is there sufficient long-term data?
• are there studies with inconclusive or negative efficacy results and can they be justified?
• if not discussed in the relevant sections, outline any issues/concerns that were addressed to the
sponsor in clarifaxes
• what efficacy findings need to be conveyed in the PM?

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4.4.8 Summary and Discussion of Safety Findings

Provide a summary of the main safety findings across the clinical studies and reports. State the total
number of studies and subjects involved. Points to consider:
• evaluate the extent of exposure (dose, duration, number of patients) and demographics of the
study population to determine the degree to which safety can be assessed by the studies
• were the doses of the comparator group relevant?
• identify and state the occurrence of the common adverse events and changes to laboratory
• identify, state the occurrence and comment on the strength of causality of deaths, serious
adverse events, and other significant adverse events that lead to discontinuation, dose reduction
or increased use of concomitant medication
• identify the risk factors for the occurrence of serious adverse events
• describe the biological plausibility for the mechanism of action of serious AEs
• was the study sufficiently powered for the statistical analysis of AEs ?
• evaluate the adverse events by grouping events by organ, system or syndrome to help identify
hidden safety concerns
• identify AEs by reversible, short term and long term safety concerns
• describe the dose and time dependency of AEs
• do the AEs at the starting dose support a lower dose? Will it have an impact on efficacy?
• describe changes in the patterns of lab tests with drug use
• identify changes in vital signs, physical findings (weight) and other observations (EEG, ECG,
X-rays, etc)
• identify the safety concerns (e.g. drug interactions) for special populations/situations:
o intrinsic factors (age, gender, weight, genetic polymorphism)
o extrinsic factors (smoking, alcohol, food, drugs)
o pregancy/lactation
o overdose/drug abuse/withdrawal
o impairment of mental ability/ability to drive
• are there dosing recommendations for special populations or for those with risk factors for
serious adverse events?
• are there sufficient long-term studies?
• have different safety signals appeared post-market?
• if not discussed in the relevant sections, outline any issues/concerns that were addressed to the
sponsor in clarifaxes.
• what are the safety concerns that need to be identified in the PM?

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5. Overall Assessment

5.1 Conclusions

Integrate the preclinical, clinical pharmacology and efficacy and safety studies findings and provide an
overall conclusion. Points to consider:
• do the overall results from the preclinical and clinical development program support the
claimed indication and recommendation for use?
• are there important limitations of the non-clinical program and study results (e.g. study
methodology not relevant, absence of important studies, findings suggestive of safety concerns
for human use, etc)?
• are there important limitations of the clinical program and study results (e.g. lack of relevant
comparator group, endpoints not valid, absence of important safety information)?
• has the bioequivalence or quality (chemistry and manufacturing) review highlighted any issues
that could affect the reliability of the non-clinical or clinical data?
• did the findings in the preclinical development program predict the clinical safety profile? If
not, what are the points of divergence and why?
• what is the rationale for any differences between the sponsor's and reviewer's conclusions?
• if information outside the submitted studies (e.g. foreign review reports, Scientific Advisory
Committee reports) was assessed, describe its impact on the evaluation of the overall

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5.2 Benefit/Risk Assessment

Compare the benefits and risks of drug use in the context of the target population, the disease and the
available treatment options. Points to consider:
• benefit estimation:
o strength of evidence to support proposed dose in target population
o strength of efficacy in subpopulations
o information outside the submitted dossier (e.g. expert advice, medical literature,
foreign regulatory bodies)
• risk estimation:
o preclinical toxic dose levels relative to proposed maximum human dose, taking into
account toxicokinetic differences
o adverse events in target population
o adverse events in subpopulations
o potential for drug interactions
o other potential safety concerns (e.g. QT interval prolongation)
o risk of abuse or misuse
o information outside the submitted dossier (e.g. expert advice, medical literature,
foreign regulatory bodies)
• benefit-risk assessment
o nature and severity of disease for which the product is intended
o target population
o concurrent disease states
o availability of current treatments and their associated risks
o risk associated with withholding the drug
• risk management strategy options: discuss and evaluate the options to manage risk provided by
the sponsor (e.g. in their Risk Management Plan) and identify other options of risk
management, if needed, including:
o modification of proposed dosage regimen (e.g. in subpopulations, for food effects, etc.)
o restriction of the drug to minimize risks (e.g. indicated as second-line therapy or in
high risk patients only, etc.)
o drug labelling to reflect potential safety concerns regarding drug-drug or drug-disease
o drug labelling to monitor for signs or adverse events (e.g. monitoring of vital signs,
ECG, laboratory values)
o recommendations for surveillance or post-marking studies.

5.3 Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision

Provide a recommendation for management's regulatory decision (e.g. NOD, NON, NOC/c or NOC),
along with a brief rationale based on the safety and efficacy conclusions and benefit/risk analysis. State
any recommendations for altering the sponsor's proposed indication or recommendations for use,
• change in dosing/dosing schedule or duration of treatment
• change in target population
• inclusion/exclusion of subpopulations
• restriction of drug.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 34 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

5.4 Disposition of Submission

This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered acceptable with respect to the
safety and efficacy data reviewed.



[The following comments should be included in the NOD or NON:

Major Objections:

insert comments that preclude continuing the review (NOD) or preclude recommending marketing
authorization (NON)

Other Concerns:

insert additional comments that preclude recommending marketing authorization under the current


Drafts of the NOC/c-QN, LOU, DHCPL, and Fact Sheets have been prepared].

For a NOD recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NOD. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude continuing the review (i.e. insufficient data
to conduct an appropriate benefit risk assessment, e.g. no QT studies).

For a NON recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NON. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude recommending marketing authorization (i.e.
sufficient data to determine that the benefit risk is not favourable, e.g. lack of convincing efficacy).

For both NODs and NONs, the “Other Concerns” should include additional comments that preclude
recommending marketing authorization under the current conditions (e.g. reduced shelf life).

For an NOC/c-QN recommendation, provide draft versions of the necessary documentation, including:
• NOC/c Qualifying Notice (NOC/c-QN),
• Letter of Undertaking (LOU),
• Dear Health Care Professional Letter (DHCPL),
• Fact Sheets.

For an NOC recommendation, no comments are expected.

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Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

6. Labelling

6.1 Labelling Issues

For submissions that are recommended for approval (as discussed with the review manager), outline
any concerns regarding the sponsor's proposed labelling. Include a brief assessment of the sponsor’s
subsequently proposed PM revisions, if important for discussion.

Points to consider:
• does the PM clearly and accurately reflect the data?
• are the safety warnings sufficient?
• do the Overdosage section in Parts I and III of the PM include the boxed statement “For
management of a suspected drug overdose, contact your regional Poison Control Centre”?
• if additional information on overdose management has been included in Part I, has the
information been verified (e.g. Poisindex database in Micromedex)?
• does the Part III contain similar wording on overdose for the consumer?
• if additional information on overdose management has been included in Part III, is it in
appropriate language? (e.g. If you have taken a large number of tablets all at once, contact your
doctor or the nearest hospital emergency department immediately, even though you may not
feel sick. Show the doctor your prescription bottle.)
• have risk management strategies been considered (e.g. dose reduction for special populations,
monitoring of vital signs, etc.).

Clarifaxes and responses concerning the PM issues may be appended here in full, if warranted. The
final approved PM itself does not have to be appended, but a cross reference to the appropriate version
(include the revision date), should be included.

All clarifaxes and responses should be listed in Appendix 7.3.4.

Remember there should only be one PM for each DIN; however, each indication may have a different
Part III.

6.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer

Items to address:
• has the PM (Part III, Consumer Information) been reviewed by the label reviewer?
o if not, does the PM need to be seen by the label reviewer?
o if a label review is necessary, have any specific concerns been identified (e.g. lack of
safety information, side effect to watch for)?

7. Appendices

7.1 Tabular List of Studies

Insert the list of non-clinical and/or clinical studies in tabular format, if desired.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 36 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

7.2 Reference List

Provide a bibliography of all references used by the reviewer to (including those in the submission
package). This may include scientific publications, patient care guidelines, regulatory guidelines (e.g.
ICH), formal consultation reports, information from advisory committee meetings, foreign regulatory
review report, etc. Any of the above references may be appended in full at the end of this section, if

7.3 Communications with Sponsor

In chronological order, list all communications with the sponsor. Provide the date, persons involved and
their contact information, and a brief description of the discussion if important (e.g. Jan01/06,
telephone call from Ms. Jane Doe, regulatory manager for sponsor, 514-888-8888, to confirm
teleconference regarding surrogate endpoints).

Communications include emails, telephone calls, meetings, teleconferences, clarifaxes and their
responses and any other information received from the Sponsor during the course of the review (e.g.,
PSURs, interim analysis reports, etc.).

Copies of emails, meeting minutes and clarifaxes do not have to be appended to the report, but must be
included in the CR file.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 37 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Appendix 2: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on Responses to Notices of Deficiency (PSEAT-NOD)

Therapeutic Products Directorate

To: [Name], Manager Security – Classification:

[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] Protected B
From: [Name(s)], Date:
[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] [Completion date of the report.]

Subject: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment:

Response to Notice of Deficiency
PSEAT-NOD GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2): Effective Date 2010-01-01

Brand or Product Name of Drug Product

Proper or Common Name of Drug Substance
Manufacturer / Sponsor
Therapeutic Classification
Dosage Form(s) and Strength(s)
Route(s) of Administration
Type of Submission Response to Notice of Deficiency for an [NDS or
TPD Target Date / Review Target Date [Target date for entire [Target date for this
submission review as review as per division
per Management of review plan.]
Drug Submissions
Control Number / File Number

Parts of Submission [e.g. Entire NOD response and originally filed submission OR Responses to
Reviewed in this NOD comments #1 through 7 of 15 only.]
Review Period [Start date and completion date for review of all documents.]
Reviewer This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered
Recommendation acceptable with respect to the safety and efficacy data reviewed (see above).

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 38 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Table of Contents

1. Submission Overview................................................................................................................... 41
1.1 Submission History........................................................................................................... 41
1.2 Overview of NOD Issues .................................................................................................. 41
2. Review Strategy and Data Sources............................................................................................. 41
3. Sponsor’s Response to NOD and Reviewer’s Assessment........................................................ 41
3.1 Comment 1........................................................................................................................ 42
3.2 Comment 2........................................................................................................................ 42
3.3 Comment 3........................................................................................................................ 42
4. Reviewer’s Assessment of the NOD Response .......................................................................... 42
5. Non-Clinical Studies .................................................................................................................... 42
5.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 42
5.2 List of Non-Clinical Studies ............................................................................................. 42
5.3 Pharmacology ................................................................................................................... 42
5.3.1 Primary Pharmacodynamics ................................................................................ 42
5.3.2 Secondary Pharmacodynamics ............................................................................ 42
5.3.3 Safety Pharmacology ........................................................................................... 42
5.3.4 Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions................................................................... 42
5.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacology Findings.................... 43
5.4 Pharmacokinetics .............................................................................................................. 43
5.4.1 Absorption Studies............................................................................................... 43
5.4.2 Distribution Studies ............................................................................................. 43
5.4.3 Metabolism Studies.............................................................................................. 43
5.4.4 Excretion Studies ................................................................................................. 43
5.4.5 Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions...................................................................... 43
5.4.6 Other Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies ...................................................... 43
5.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Findings................ 43
5.5 Toxicology ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.5.1 Single-Dose Toxicity ........................................................................................... 43
5.5.2 Repeat-Dose Toxicity .......................................................................................... 43
5.5.3 Genotoxicity......................................................................................................... 43
5.5.4 Carcinogenicity .................................................................................................... 43
5.5.5 Reproductive and Development Toxicity ............................................................ 43
5.5.6 Local Tolerance ................................................................................................... 43
5.5.7 Toxicity of Impurities .......................................................................................... 43
5.5.8 Other Toxicity Studies, if applicable ................................................................... 43
5.5.9 Summary and Discussion of Toxicology Findings .............................................. 44
5.6 Microbiology...................................................................................................................... 44
5.6.1 General................................................................................................................. 44
5.6.2 In Vitro Data ....................................................................................................... 44
5.6.3 In Vivo Studies in Animals .................................................................................. 44
5.6.4 Pharmacodynamics / Supporting Studies............................................................. 44
5.6.5 Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Test Methods ................................................ 44
5.6.6 Summary and Discussion of Microbiology Findings .......................................... 44
5.7 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Non-Clinical Studies ........... 44
5.8 Overall Conclusions of Non-Clinical Studies................................................................... 45
6. Clinical Studies............................................................................................................................. 45
6.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 45
6.2 List of Clinical Studies ..................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Clinical Pharmacology...................................................................................................... 45

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 39 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

6.3.1 Reports of Biopharmaceutical Studies................................................................. 45

6.3.2 Reports of Studies Pertinent to Pharmacokinetics Using Human Biomaterials... 45
6.3.3 Reports of Human Pharmacokinetic (PK) Studies............................................... 45
6.3.4 Reports of Human Pharmacodynamic (PD) Studies............................................ 45
6.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Clinical
Pharmacology ...................................................................................................... 45
6.3.6 Summary and Discussion of Clinical Pharmacology........................................... 45
6.4 Clinical Efficacy and Safety Studies and Reports ............................................................ 45
6.4.1 Pivotal Studies ..................................................................................................... 45
6.4.2 Non-Pivotal Studies ............................................................................................. 46
6.4.3 Supportive and Other Clinical Study Reports...................................................... 46
6.4.4 Reports of Analyses of Data from More than One Study .................................... 46
6.4.5 Reports of Post-Marketing Experience ................................................................ 46
6.4.6 Summary and Discussion of Other Information on Clinical Safety and Efficacy46
6.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Efficacy Findings................................................... 46
6.4.8 Summary and Discussion of Safety Findings ...................................................... 46
7. Overall Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 46
7.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................................... 46
7.2 Benefit/Risk Assessment .................................................................................................. 46
7.3 Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision.................................................... 46
7.4 Disposition of Submission ................................................................................................ 46
8. Labelling ....................................................................................................................................... 46
8.1 Labelling Issues ................................................................................................................ 46
8.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer .......................................................................................... 46
9. Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 46
9.1 Tabular List of Studies...................................................................................................... 46
9.2 Reference List ................................................................................................................... 46
9.3 Communications with Sponsor ......................................................................................... 46

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 40 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

1. Submission Overview

1.1 Submission History

Items to address:
• provide a brief introduction to the submission:
o type of submission (e.g. NDS, S/NDS, PR, NOC/c)
o brand and generic name
o therapeutic class
o indication and recommendations for use
• any future considerations for this product.

1.2 Overview of NOD Issues

Items to address:
• brief overview of the issues listed in the NOD (e.g. lack of QT studies) as per the Executive

2. Review Strategy and Data Sources

Describe the general review strategy employed.

Items to address:
• information in the submission package emphasized or not reviewed and why
• other sources of data/information used in the report, including
o CTA assessment reports
o foreign review reports
o data from other indications
o consultation reports by Health Canada experts
o other expert opinions
o advisory committee meetings
o scientific publications
o specific guidance documents used for the review
o minutes of meetings or correspondence with sponsors (e.g. pre-submission meetings,
PR and NOC/c requests, ad hoc teleconferences, etc.)
• if multiple reviewers are involved in reviewing the submission, include:
o names of reviewers involved
o division of work
o method by which the overall conclusions and recommendations were synthesized and
• state if this is a second (additional) review for this submission.

3. Sponsor’s Response to NOD and Reviewer’s Assessment

Address each NOD issue, as described below in Section 3.1, following the order presented in the NOD.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 41 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

3.1 Comment 1

• insert the first NOD comment

• insert the sponsor's response to the issue either in full or, if too lengthy, as a summary
• provide the reviewer's critically evaluation of the data and other information provided by the
• incorporate information from other resources (e.g. foreign review reports, scientific
publications, expert opinions), if available.

3.2 Comment 2

See Section 3.1.

3.3 Comment 3

See Section 3.1.

[Add additional sections as necessary]

4. Reviewer’s Assessment of the NOD Response

Items to address:
• provide a summary and overall conclusion of the issues pertaining to the NOD
• discuss whether or not the overall response to the NOD issues are sufficient to allow review of
the full submission:
o if the NOD response is sufficient, continue the review of the original submission, using
this template and the instruction boxes provided in Appendix 1 (annotated PSEAT-
(S)NDS), deleting already reviewed sections of this template as necessary.
o if the NOD response is insufficient, delete sections 5 and 6 of this template and go
directly to section 7.

5. Non-Clinical Studies

5.1 Introduction

5.2 List of Non-Clinical Studies

5.3 Pharmacology (CTD 4.2.1)

5.3.1 Primary Pharmacodynamics (CTD

5.3.2 Secondary Pharmacodynamics (CTD

5.3.3 Safety Pharmacology (CTD

5.3.4 Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions (CTD

5.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacology Findings

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 42 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

5.4 Pharmacokinetics (CTD 4.2.2)

5.4.1 Absorption Studies (CTD

5.4.2 Distribution Studies (CTD

5.4.3 Metabolism Studies (CTD

5.4.4 Excretion Studies (CTD

5.4.5 Pharmacokinetic Drug Interactions (CTD

5.4.6 Other Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Studies (CTD

5.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Non-Clinical Pharmacokinetic Findings

5.5 Toxicology (CTD 4.2.3)

5.5.1 Single-Dose Toxicity (CTD Summary and Discussion of Single-Dose Toxicity

5.5.2 Repeat-Dose Toxicity (CTD Summary and Discussion of Repeat-Dose Toxicity

5.5.3 Genotoxicity (CTD,, Summary and Discussion of Genotoxicity

5.5.4 Carcinogenicity (CTD,, Summary and Discussion of Carcinogenicity

5.5.5 Reproductive and Development Toxicity (CTD,,,, Summary and Discussion of Reproductive and Development Toxicity

5.5.6 Local Tolerance (CTD Summary and Discussion of Local Tolerance

5.5.7 Toxicity of Impurities (CTD Summary and Discussion of Toxicity of Impurities

5.5.8 Other Toxicity Studies, if applicable (CTD,,,,,, Summary and Discussion of Other Toxicity Studies

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 43 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

5.5.9 Discussion and Conclusions of Toxicology Findings

5.6 Microbiology

5.6.1 General Product Class Mechanism of Action Characterization Studies Other Studies Resistance Mechanisms Cross-Resistance Co-Resistance Resistance Development Synergy or Antagonism

5.6.2 In Vitro Data Antimicrobial Spectrum Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing

5.6.3 In Vivo Studies in Animals

5.6.4 Pharmacodynamics / Supporting Studies In Vitro PK/PD PK/PD Parameters from Animal Models PK/PD Parameters from Human

5.6.5 Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Test Methods Quality Control Susceptibility Test Interpretive Criteria

5.6.6 Summary and Discussion of Microbiology Findings

5.7 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Non-Clinical Studies

5.8 Overall Conclusions of Non-Clinical Studies

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 44 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

6. Clinical Studies

6.1 Introduction

6.2 List of Clinical Studies

6.3 Clinical Pharmacology

6.3.1 Reports of Biopharmaceutical Studies (CTD 5.3.1) Bioavailability (BA) Studies (CTD Comparative Bioavailability (BA) and Bioequivalence (BE) Studies (CTD In Vitro - In Vivo Correlation Study Reports (CTD

6.3.2 Reports of Studies Pertinent to Pharmacokinetics Using Human Biomaterials (CTD 5.3.2) Plasma Protein Binding Study Reports (CTD Reports of Hepatic Metabolism and Drug Interaction Studies (CTD Reports of Studies Using Other Human Biomaterials (CTD

6.3.3 Reports of Human Pharmacokinetic (PK) Studies (CTD 5.3.3) Healthy Subject PK and Initial Tolerability Study Reports (CTD Patient PK and Initial Tolerability Study Reports (CTD Intrinsic Factor PK Study Reports (CTD Extrinsic Factor PK Study Reports (CTD Population PK Study Reports (CTD

6.3.4 Reports of Human Pharmacodynamic (PD) Studies (CTD 5.3.4) Healthy Subject PD and PK/PD Study Reports (CTD Patient PD and PK/PD Study Reports (CTD

6.3.5 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Clinical Pharmacology

6.3.6 Summary and Discussion of Clinical Pharmacology

6.4 Clinical Efficacy and Safety Studies and Reports

6.4.1 Pivotal Studies (CTD,

6.4.2 Non-Pivotal Studies (CTD,

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 45 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

6.4.3 Supportive and Other Clinical Study Reports (CTD,,

6.4.4 Reports of Analyses of Data from More than One Study (CTD

6.4.5 Reports of Post-Marketing Experience (CTD 5.3.6)

6.4.6 Summary and Discussion of Other Information Regarding Clinical Safety and Efficacy Studies

6.4.7 Summary and Discussion of Efficacy Findings

6.4.8 Summary and Discussion of Safety Findings

7. Overall Assessment

7.1 Conclusions

7.2 Benefit/Risk Assessment

7.3 Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision

7.4 Disposition of Submission

This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered acceptable with respect to the
safety and efficacy data reviewed.



[The following comments should be included in the NOD or NON:

Major Objections:

insert comments that preclude continuing the review (NOD) or preclude recommending marketing
authorization (NON)

Other Concerns:

insert additional comments that preclude recommending marketing authorization under the current


Drafts of the NOC/c-QN, LOU, DHCPL, and Fact Sheets have been prepared].

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 46 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

For a NOD recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NOD. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude continuing the review (i.e. insufficient data
to conduct an appropriate benefit risk assessment, e.g. no QT studies).

For a NON recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NON. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude recommending marketing authorization (i.e.
sufficient data to determine that the benefit risk is not favourable, e.g. lack of convincing efficacy).

For both NODs and NONs, the “Other Concerns” should include additional comments that preclude
recommending marketing authorization under the current conditions (e.g. reduced shelf life).

For an NOC/c-QN recommendation, provide draft versions of the necessary documentation, including:
• NOC/c Qualifying Notice (NOC/c-QN),
• Letter of Undertaking (LOU),
• Dear Health Care Professional Letter (DHCPL),
• Fact Sheets.

For an NOC recommendation, no comments are expected.

8. Labelling

8.1 Labelling Issues

8.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer

9. Appendices

9.1 Tabular List of Studies

9.2 Reference List

9.3 Communications with Sponsor

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 47 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Appendix 3: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on Responses to Notices of Non-Compliance (PSEAT-NON)

Therapeutic Products Directorate

To: [Name], Manager Security – Classification:

[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] Protected B
From: [Name(s)], Date:
[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] [Completion date of the report.]

Subject: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment:

Response to Notice of Non-Compliance
PSEAT-NON GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2): Effective Date 2010-01-01

Brand or Product Name of Drug Product

Proper or Common Name of Drug Substance
Manufacturer / Sponsor
Therapeutic Classification
Dosage Form(s) and Strength(s)
Route(s) of Administration
Type of Submission Response to Notice of Non-Compliance for an
[NDS or SNDS].
TPD Target Date / Review Target Date [Target date for entire [Target date for this
submission review as review as per division
per Management of review plan.]
Drug Submissions
Control Number / File Number

Parts of Submission [e.g. Entire NON response OR Responses to NON comments #1 through 7
Reviewed in this of 15 only.]
Review Period [Start date and completion date for review of all documents.]
Reviewer This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered
Recommendation acceptable with respect to the safety and efficacy data reviewed (see above).

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 48 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Table of Contents

1. Submission Overview................................................................................................................... 49
1.1 Submission History........................................................................................................... 49
1.2 Overview of NON Issues .................................................................................................. 49
2. Review Strategy and Data Sources............................................................................................. 49
3. Sponsor’s Response to NON and Reviewer’s Assessment........................................................ 49
3.1 Comment 1........................................................................................................................ 50
3.2 Comment 2........................................................................................................................ 50
3.3 Comment 3........................................................................................................................ 50
4. Reviewer’s Assessment of the NON Response .......................................................................... 50
5. Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision ........................................................... 50
6. Disposition of Submission ........................................................................................................... 50
7. Labelling ...................................................................................................................................... 50
7.1 Labelling Issues ............................................................................................................... 50
7.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer ......................................................................................... 50
8. Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 50
8.1 Tabular List of Studies ..................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Reference List .................................................................................................................. 50
8.3 Communications with Sponsor ........................................................................................ 50

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 49 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

1. Submission Overview

1.1 Submission History

Items to address:
• provide a brief introduction to the submission:
o type of submission (e.g. NDS, S/NDS, PR, NOC/c)
o brand and generic name
o therapeutic class
o indication and recommendations for use
• any future considerations for this product.

1.2 Overview of NON Issues

Items to address:
• brief overview of the issues listed in the NON as per the Executive Summary.

2. Review Strategy and Data Sources

Describe the general review strategy employed.

Items to address:
• information in the submission package emphasized or not reviewed and why
• other sources of data/information used in the report, including
o CTA assessment reports
o foreign review reports
o data from other indications
o consultation reports by Health Canada experts
o other expert opinions
o advisory committee meetings
o scientific publications
o specific guidance documents used for the review
o minutes of meetings or correspondence with sponsors (e.g. pre-submission meetings,
PR and NOC/c requests, ad hoc teleconferences, etc.)
• if multiple reviewers are involved in reviewing the submission, include:
o names of reviewers involved
o division of work
o method by which the overall conclusions and recommendations were synthesized and
• state if this is a second (additional) review for this submission.

3. Sponsor’s Response to NON and Reviewer’s Assessment

Address each NON issue, as described below in Section 3.1, following the order presented in the NON.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 50 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

3.1 Comment 1

• insert the first NON comment

• insert the sponsor's response to the issue either in full or, if too lengthy, as a summary
• provide the reviewer's critically evaluation of the data and other information provided by the
• incorporate information from other resources (e.g. foreign review reports, scientific
publications, expert opinions), if available.

3.2 Comment 2

See Section 3.1.

3.3 Comment 3

See Section 3.1.

[Add additional sections as necessary]

4. Reviewer’s Assessment of the NON Response

Items to address:
• provide a summary and overall conclusion of the issues pertaining to the NON
• discuss whether or not the overall response to the NON issues are sufficient for regulatory
• conduct the remainder of the review using the instructions provided in Appendix 1.

5. Reviewer’s Recommendation for Regulatory Decision

6. Disposition of Submission

This submission [IS or IS NOT or IS CONDITIONALLY] considered acceptable with respect to the
safety and efficacy data reviewed.



[The following comments should be included in the NOD or NON:

Major Objections:

insert comments that preclude continuing the review (NOD) or preclude recommending marketing
authorization (NON)

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 51 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Other Concerns:

insert additional comments that preclude recommending marketing authorization under the current


Drafts of the NOC/c-QN, LOU, DHCPL, and Fact Sheets have been prepared].

For a NOD recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NOD. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude continuing the review (i.e. insufficient data
to conduct an appropriate benefit risk assessment, e.g. no QT studies).

For a NON recommendation, provide a draft version of the comments to be included in the NON. The
“Major Objections” should include concerns that preclude recommending marketing authorization (i.e.
sufficient data to determine that the benefit risk is not favourable, e.g. lack of convincing efficacy).

For both NODs and NONs, the “Other Concerns” should include additional comments that preclude
recommending marketing authorization under the current conditions (e.g. reduced shelf life).

For an NOC/c-QN recommendation, provide draft versions of the necessary documentation, including:
• NOC/c Qualifying Notice (NOC/c-QN),
• Letter of Undertaking (LOU),
• Dear Health Care Professional Letter (DHCPL),
• Fact Sheets.

For an NOC recommendation, no comments are expected.

7. Labelling

7.1 Labelling Issues

7.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer

8. Appendices

8.1 Tabular List of Studies

8.2 Reference List

8.3 Communications with Sponsor

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 52 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Appendix 4: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for Notifiable Change

Therapeutic Products Directorate

To: [Name], Manager Security – Classification:

[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] Protected B
From: [Name(s)], Date:
[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] [Completion date of the report.]

Subject: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment:

Notifiable Change
PSEAT-NC GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2): Effective Date 2010-01-01

Brand or Product Name of Drug Product

Proper or Common Name of Drug Substance
Manufacturer / Sponsor
Therapeutic Classification
Dosage Form(s) and Strength(s)
Route(s) of Administration
Type of Submission Notifiable Change
TPD Target Date / Review Target Date [Target date for entire [Target date for this
submission review as review as per division
per Management of review plan.]
Drug Submissions
Control Number / File Number

Parts of Submission [e.g. All proposed changes described in the submission.]

Reviewed in this
Review Period [Start date and completion date for review of all documents.]
Reviewer This Notifiable Change [IS or IS NOT] considered acceptable with respect to
Recommendation the safety and efficacy data reviewed (see above).

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 53 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Table of Contents

1. Product Overview ........................................................................................................................ 53

1.1 Purpose of Notifiable Change........................................................................................... 53
1.2 Background of Drug and Indication(s) ............................................................................. 53
1.3 International Regulatory History and Post Market Issues ............................................... 53
2. Review Strategy and Data Sources............................................................................................. 54
3. Sponsor’s Proposed Changes and Reviewer’s Assessment ...................................................... 54
4. Reviewer’s Recommendations ................................................................................................... 54
4.1 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................ 54
4.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer ......................................................................................... 55
5. Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 55
5.1 Reference List .................................................................................................................. 55
5.2 Communications with Sponsor ........................................................................................ 55

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1. Product Overview

1.1 Purpose of Notifiable Change

Items to address:
• briefly outline the general reason(s) for the NC (e.g. safety issue(s), updating the PM
format, etc.)
• state the indication(s) affected by the NC
• state if more than one PM is affected.

1.2 Background of Drug and Indication(s)

Items to address:
• class of drug
• dose/dose regimen and route(s) of administration
• disease or condition for which the drug is indicated
• target population
• important adverse events, contraindications, warnings and precautions relevant to the

1.3 International Regulatory History and Post Market Issues

Items to address:
• salient issues raised in foreign jurisdictions relevant to the NC
• salient issues raised in the scientific or medical community (e.g. scientific publications,
conferences, etc.)
any future considerations for this product.

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2. Review Strategy and Data Sources

Describe the general review strategy employed.

Items to address:
• information in the submission package emphasized or not reviewed and why
• other sources of data/information used in the report, including
• CTA assessment reports
• foreign review reports
• data from other indications
• consultation reports by Health Canada experts
• other expert opinions
• advisory committee meetings
• scientific publications
• specific guidance documents used for the review
• minutes of meetings or correspondence with sponsors (e.g. pre-submission
meetings, PR and NOC/c requests, ad hoc teleconferences, etc.)
• if multiple reviewers are involved in reviewing the submission, include:
• names of reviewers involved
• division of work
• method by which the overall conclusions and recommendations were
synthesized and documented
• state if this is a second (additional) review for this submission.

3. Sponsor’s Proposed Changes and Reviewer’s Assessment

Items to address:
• outline the changes and/or revisions to the PM proposed by the sponsor (or by the
• outline the body of evidence provided by the sponsor to support the proposed changes
• critically evaluate the sponsor's methodology, findings and rationale for the proposed
• document the use of any information in the assessment found outside the submitted
• if any clarifaxes were sent to the sponsor, discuss the responses received
• ensure that the proposed revisions are consistent with the rest of the PM.

4. Reviewer’s Recommendations

4.1 Conclusions and Recommendations

Items to address:
• state the reviewer's decision on the changes proposed by the sponsor
• outline the acceptable revisions to the PM

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4.2 Issues for Labelling Reviewer

Items to address:
• has the PM (Part III, Consumer Information) been reviewed by the label reviewer?
• if not, does the PM need to be seen by the label reviewer?
• if a label review is necessary, have any specific concerns been identified (e.g.
lack of safety information, side effect to watch for)?

5. Appendices

5.1 Reference List

Provide a bibliography of all references used by the reviewer to (including those in the submission
package). This may include scientific publications, patient care guidelines, regulatory guidelines (e.g.
ICH), information from advisory committee meetings, foreign regulatory review report, etc. Any of the
above references may be appended in full at the end of this section, if warranted.

5.2 Communications with Sponsor

In chronological order, list all communications with the sponsor. Provide the date, persons involved and
their contact information, and a brief description of the discussion if important (e.g. Jan01/06,
telephone call from Ms. Jane Doe, regulatory manager for sponsor, 514-888-8888, to confirm
teleconference regarding surrogate endpoints).

Communications include emails, telephone calls, meetings, teleconferences, clarifaxes and their
responses and any other information received from the Sponsor during the course of the review (e.g.,
PSURs, interim analysis reports, etc.).

Copies of emails, meeting minutes and clarifaxes do not have to be appended to the report, but must be
included in the CR file.

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 57 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Appendix 5: Annotated Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Template for assessment reports
on pediatric studies for Data Protection extensions PSEAT-PED

Therapeutic Products Directorate

To: [Name], Director Security – Classification:

Office of Patented Medicines and
Liaison Protected B
From/: [Name(s)], Date:
[Reviewing Division]
[Bureau] [Completion date of the report.]

Subject: Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment:

Data Protection (Pediatric Studies)
PSEAT-PED GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2): Effective Date 2010-01-01

Brand or Product Name of Drug Product

Proper or Common Name of Drug Substance
Manufacturer / Sponsor
Therapeutic Classification
Dosage Form(s) and Strength(s)
Route(s) of Administration
Type of Submission [NDS or SNDS]
TPD Target Date / Review Target Date [Target date for entire [Target date for this
submission review as review as per C.08.004.1
per Management of requirements.]
Drug Submissions
Control Number / File Number

Reviewer The clinical trials were [NOT] designed and conducted for the purpose of
Recommendation increasing the knowledge on the use of the innovative drug in pediatric
populations. The additional knowledge for use of the drug in the pediatric
population is [NOT] publicly available in the drug labelling and/or product
monograph. A six-month extension of data protection [SHOULD or
SHOULD NOT BE] should be granted.
Manager’s The recommendation of the reviewer(s), as recorded in this report [IS or IS
Decision NOT] considered acceptable. [See memo dated mm dd, yy for additional

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 58 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Signature and Date

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 59 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

Therapeutic Products Directorate Standard Operating Procedure

Table of Contents

1. Rationale for Studying the Drug in a Pediatric Population ..................................................... 59

2. Studies in the Submission............................................................................................................ 59
2.1 Pediatric Population.......................................................................................................... 59
2.2 Study Objectives and Hypotheses..................................................................................... 59
2.3 Study Design and Conduct ............................................................................................... 59
2.4 Study Results .................................................................................................................... 59
3. Reviewer’s Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................................... 59

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1. Rationale for Studying the Drug in a Pediatric Population

Items to address:
• was the rationale for studying the drug in a pediatric population clearly outlined?
• what is the target pediatric population for the intended indication?

2. Studies in the Submission

2.1 Pediatric Population

Items to address:
• what were the age groups studied?
• were the age groups studied appropriate and relevant with respect to the intended indication?
• do they meet the requirements set out in the definition of “pediatric population” in section
C.08.004.1(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations?

2.2 Study Objectives and Hypotheses

Items to address:
• were the objectives of the studies in the drug submission aimed to increase the knowledge of
the use of the drug in the pediatric population?
• were the hypotheses of the clinical studies clearly stated and relevant to the use of a drug in the
pediatric population?

2.3 Study Design and Conduct

Items to address:
• was the study appropriately designed and conducted (minimization of random and systematic
errors) to answer the question outlined in the hypothesis?
• were the efficacy and safety endpoints appropriately selected for the pediatric population?
• were the statistical analyses used appropriate?

2.4 Study Results

Items to address:
• are the results of the study publicly available in the labelling (i.e. PM and patient information

3 Reviewer’s Conclusions and Recommendations

Items to address:
• do the results of the studies in the drug submission increase the knowledge about the use of the
drug in the pediatric population?
• are the results of the study available publicly to assist health professionals, parents, caregivers
and patients in making informed choices about drug therapy?

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Appendix 6: Assessment Report Completion Checklist

Pharmaceutical Safety and Efficacy Assessment Report Completion Checklist

✔ Are all the sections in the template filled in? If not, has the reviewer provided adequate

✔ Is a Schedule F review necessary, and if so, has it been conducted?

✔ Has a pediatric study plan been submitted, and if so, has a review of the plan been conducted?

✔ Are there any inconsistencies in the reviewer’s early critical assessment of a study and the
later discussion or conclusions of the same data?

✔ If the submission was carried out by more than one reviewer, is it clearly described in the
Review Strategy and Data Sources section of the template?

✔ Is the report in Times New Roman 11 pt and, preferably, in Word?

✔ Are all the reviewer’s comments highlighted yellow?

✔ Is the suggested text for the Summary Basis of Decision italicized?

✔ Are the report pages numbered?

✔ Has the Table of Contents been updated using the Outlining Toolbar?

✔ Are all references listed in the Appendices section?

✔ Are all the communications with the sponsor documented in the Appendices section (e.g.
emails, phone calls, clarifaxes, etc.)?

✔ Have all clarifax responses been addressed in the report?

✔ Is all the related documentation (e.g. DHCPL letter) complete and included in the Appendices

✔ If the Product Monograph needs to be seen by the labelling reviewer, has this been

✔ Is the Product Monograph in the final approved form?

✔ Is the report free of spelling and grammatical errors?

✔ Are all the boxes on the administrative page filled in?

✔ As the final step in completing the review report, has/have the reviewer(s) signed the bottom
and dated the administrative (first) page?

Using the PSEATs to prepare reports 62 GRP(PSE)-01-1(v2)

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