Appoint Letter Rev

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AryaVihar, Bhubaneswar-752050.
Ref No-AIET / / 2019 Date- / 02 / 2019

Mr. / Ms________________________

Letter of Appointment
Dear Sir / Madam,
With reference to your interview dated_____________, our offer letter no._____________
and your acknowledgement of acceptance of the same dt.___________, we are pleased to appoint
you as ____________ in __________ department of our Institute with the following terms &

i. Your scale of pay shall be as per AICTE norms i.e. Rs. ---------------------plus DA and other
allowances as applicable from time to time.
ii. Your service shall be governed by the terms & conditions of Appointment of the Institute,
its prevailing service Rules and its amendments, if any from time to time in future.
iii. You will be on probation for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of your joining, during
which your performance and/or conduct on job, keenness on career advancement &
research will be judged and apprised by the competent authority/management from time
to time.
iv. In case of successful completion of your probation period, your services shall be confirmed
in the appointed post.
v. In case you desire to leave the service after confirmation, you will be required to serve two
months notice to the competent authority/management, or deposit an amount equivalent
to your salary for the notice period with the management to enable issue of the release
vi. During the period of probation, your service shall be purely temporary, which shall be
liable to be terminated instantly, in case your performance and/or job is observed to be
below expectation of the authority/management
vii. You will report to the Head of the Department in which you are appointed, for
viii. You will be entrusted with various academic administration assignments, curricular and
co-curricular activities of the institute by your HoD and higher authorities of the Institute
from time to time.
ix. The duplicate copy of this Appointment Letter may be duly signed by you and returned to
the undersigned as a token of your acceptance of the same.

Now we look forward to you for a mutually rewarding long term professional association.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
For Aryan Institute of Engineering & Technology


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