07 Chap 15 16 Mamalateo 2019 Tax Book
07 Chap 15 16 Mamalateo 2019 Tax Book
07 Chap 15 16 Mamalateo 2019 Tax Book
person (Sec. 11 O[A}, NIRC). The buyer becomes entitled to the input
tax upon consummation of sale and issuance of a VAT invoice, in the
case of sale of goods or properties, and upon payment of service fee
or compensation, in the case of sale of services. It is not necessary
that the inventory of goods or properties be sold before the buyer \
thereof becomes entitled to claim the input tax.
The value added of a taxpayer and his value-added tax due
or excess input tax on his transactions during the quarter can be \1
computed by using the formula shown below: Il
Sales Tax
VAT is a tax on the taxable sale, barter or exchange of goods,
properties, or services. A barter or exchange has the same tax
consequence as a sale. A sale m ay be an actual sale or a deemed
sale, or an export sale or a local sale. \
, ... i
Generally, there must be· an actual sale of goods, properties,
or services in the Philippines in order that value-added tax may be I\
Taxable Transactions
The main object of the value-added tax is the transaction. A
transaction could either be: jf5 a sale, ba~ter, or exchange of goods
or properties in the course of trade or business; Ma sale of service
in the course of trade or business; or ~an importation of goods
whether or not made in the course of trade or business (Sec. 105'
NIRC). '
Destination Principle
The destination of the goods determines taxation or exemption
from tax. Export sales of goods are subject to zero percent rate (or
zero-rated), while imports of goods are subject to 12% value-added
tax. Some rulings referred to the destination principle as "cross
border doctrine." Exports are zero-rated because the consumption
of such goods will be made outside the Philippines, while imports
of goods are subject to 12% value-added tax because they are for
consumption within the Philippines. In the case of services, the
consumption takes place where the service is performed following
the "situs-of-service principle." '
When the goods, properties or services are consumed or are
destined f~r _consumption abroad, they are zero-rated; hence, no
output tax is imposed on the sale thereof, but the input taxes passed
on _upon purchase of taxable goods, properties, or ser•ices may be
claimed by the taxpayer as refund or tax credit from the BIR.
Indirect Tax
~ indirect tax is_ a tax demanded in the first instance from one
person in the expectation and intention that he can shift the burden
Selling Price 120.0 1'\,l'Y 107.14 /i, 1-I
Output tax 14.4 • 12.86
Cost 100.0 100.00
Input tax 12.0 12.00
Gain 20.0 7.14
VAT Payable 2.4 0.86
Taxable Persons
A person may be characterized as a taxable person, if (a) he
undertakes taxable transactions in goods, properties or services
consumed or destined for consumption within the Philippines, (b)
such transactions are entered into in the course of his trade or
business, and (c) the amount of his gross sales or receipts is over the
threshold fixed by law or regulations. An importer of taxable goods,
whether made in the course of trade or business, is also a taxable
Revenue Regulations No. 13-2018, dated March 15, 2018,
implementing the VAT provisions under R.A. 10963 (TRAIN),
effective January 1, 2018, clarified the following:
1. The general VAT-exempt threshold1 is P3,000,000;
2. The VAT-exempt threshold on low-cost housing is the
selling price per unit as set by the Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating (HUDCC) pursuant to R.A.
7279 (Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992);2
3. The VAT-exempt threshold on socialized housing for
residential house and lot is P450,000 or as may from time
to time be determine by the HUDCC and the NEDA and
other related laws, and residential lot only, P180,000;3
4. The VAT-exempt threshold amount for sale of resident
lot is Pl,919,500, and sale of residential house and lot and
Sec. 109(BB) of the 1997 Tax Code, as amended by R.A. No. 10963 (TRAIN).
See RMC No. 30-2009, dated May 14, 2009.
See Rev. Regs. No. 13-2018; RMC No. 36-2014; HUDCC MC No. 1, S2013,
dated October 16, 2013.
Persons Liable to Tax
4The threshold amounts undt-r Soc. 109(1)(P), NlRC, as amended by R.A. No.
10963 (TRAIN), was clarified under Rev. Regs. No. 13-2018, dated March 15, 2018,
to mean residential lot valu~ at Pl ,500,000, and houi;e and lot and other residential
dwelling valued at ~2.500,000, as adjusted in 2011 using the 2010 Consumer
Price Index values; Refer to Rev. Regs. No. 3-2012, Rev. Regs. No. 16-2011.
make a person liable to value-added tax (Secs. 106, 107, and 108,
NIRC). In relation to Section 109(1)(BB) of the NIRC, an existing
VAT-registered person whose gross sales/receipts in the preceding
year did not exceed the VAT-exempt threshold of P3,000,000, may
opt to: (a) register as a Non-VAT as a result of the implementation
of R.A. 10963 (TRAIN), effective January 1, 2018; or (b) avail of
the Optional Registration for VAT of Exempt Person under Section
236(H) of the NIRC, subject to the condition that once availed of,
shall not be entitled to cancel the VAT registration for the next three
years (Sec. 13, Rev. Regs. No. 13-2018).
A taxable person may conduct business as an individual
(single proprietorship), estat e or trust, partnership, joint venture,
corporation, cooperative, or association. Special attention must be
given to the following situations:
Husband and wife. - For VAT purposes, husband and
wife shall be treated as separate taxpayers. Each spouse engaged
in taxable sale of goods, properties, or services must comply with
the administrative requirements prescribed for VAT taxpayers.
However, the "aggregation rule" for each spouse shall apply,
which means that the taxable sales of goods, properties, and services
by each spouse shall be added together to determine whether he/she
has exceeded the general threshold prescribed by law (P3,000,000). If
he/she does, then he/she must register as a VAT person and comply
with his/her obligations under the VAT law; otherwise, h e/she would
be subject to the three percent percentage tax under Section 116 of
the Tax Code.
Joint venture. - An unincorporated joint venture is created
when two corporations, while registered and operating separately,
were placed under one sole management, which operated the business
affairs of said companies as though constituted as a single entity,
thereby obtaining substantial economy and profits in the operation.
An unincorporated joint venture is a variant form of temporary
organization erected for the purpose of carrying out some particular
transaction or project. Dissolution is effected upon accomplishment
or abandonment of the purpose for which the organization was
formed. An unincorporated joint venture engaged in construction
activity or in energy-related projects, although exempt from income
tax, is liable to value-added tax. Hence, it must register as a VAT
person, secure its own Taxpayer Identification Number, keep its
books of accounts, issue sales invoices or official receipts, and file
VAT declarations 01· returns and pay value-added taxes.
Persons Liable to Tax
VAT Ruling No. 266-89, October 26, 1989.
A petition for declaratory relief against the RMC was filed by the First e-Bank
Tower Condominium Corporation on December 26, 2012 before a Makati RTC. The
cour1: ruled that the RMC did not only clarify an existing law, but chan ges its import
and mterpretation that in so doing it prejudices the right of the petitioner as a
taxpayer. Also, it added that the BIR failed to give due notice and opportunity to
be heard, before issuing said circular. Thus, in imposing additional tax burden on
petitioner, respondent violated the constitutional right to due process and hearing.
Persons Liable to Tax
8RMC No. 9-2013, January 31, 2013. The homeowners associations argue that
the LGUs involved would not generally issue the certification sta ting that they have
no resources t? rend~r .such basic community services in order to get the true-exempt
status. The said condition thus effectively removes the window when the homeowners
association may be exempted from tax.
Persons Liable to Tax
owners pooled together and will be spent exclusively for the purpose
of maintaining and preserving the building and its premises which
they themselves own and possess (First e-Bank Tower Condominium
Corp. v. BIR, Special Civil Action No. 12-1236, RTC Br. 146, Makati
Suggested answer 2:
In the case of Office Metro Philippines, Inc. (formerly Regus
Centres, Inc. v. CIR [CTA Case No. 8382), the Court only dealt with
the EWT issue as the VAT issue was not raised. However, the CTA
held that in the payment of association dues to a condominium
corporation, these dues are merely held in trust and used solely for
administrative expenses from which (the condominium corporation)
does not realize any gain or profit. The BIR, on the other hand, views
these payments as income or compensation for beneficial services.
However, a perusal of Section 105 shows that transactions in
the course of a trade or business (sells, barters, exchanges, leases
goods or properties, renders services, imports goods) are those subject
to VAT. In the case of a condominium corporation, the function of
the entity is merely for administrative purposes and not a trade or
business. Thus, payments in the form of association dues should not
be subjected to VAT.
[NOTE: Section 109(l)(Y) of the NIRC, as a mended by R.A.
10963 (TRAIN) and implemented by Rev. Regs. No. 13-2018, made
association dues, membership fees, and other assessments and
charges collected by homeowners associations established under
R.A. 9904 and condominium corporations established under R.A.
4726, exempt from VAT, effective January 1, 2018]
Recreational or sports club. - The Quezon City Sports
Club is not subject to VAT on membership dues and fees and guest
fees, tennis, pelota, squash, badminton, bowling, billiards, and gym
fees as payments for the use of facilities. 9 However, this ruling was
superseded by Revenue Memorandum Order No. 35-2012 dated
August 6, 2012, which declares that even a non-stock, non-profit
organization or government is liable to pay VAT on the sale of goods
or services. Thus, the gross receipts of recreational clubs, including
but not limited to membership fees, assessment dues, rental income ,
and service fees are subject to VAT. Also, PCCI, which is a non.
stock, non-profit corporation organized to maintain and protect the
integrity of its registry of purebred dogs and whose activities are
principally sourced from registration and membership fees from its
members, is subj ect to VAT (RMC No. 64- 2013, September 30, 2013).
However , the moment the non-stock, non-profit association
engages in any taxable sale of goods or services, like operating a
rest aurant or cant een, boutique or s hop selling sporting goods,
or leases its facilities or s paces to others, it is liable to the value-
a dded tax where the amount of its gross sales an d/or gross receipts
exceeds Pl.5 million (now P3,000,000), or subject to the three
percent percentage tax, if gross sales and receipts is Pl.5 million
or less. Non-stock, non-profit association may include foundations
and condominium corporations. It should be noted, however, that
a non-stock, non-profit association cannot be exempt from VAT
on its purchases of goods, properties, or services inasmuch as its
exemption from income tax is not a legal basis to make it exempt
from VAT. 10
The Cultural Center of the Philippines is not subject to tax on
ticket sales of cultural shows but is taxable on sales of goods by its
gift shops. 11
Importer. - Although t he actual seller of goods is the head
office in J apan, it cannot be made liable for value-added tax as the
sale was consummated in Japan. Neither is the Philippine branch
of the foreign corporation liable for value-added tax as it is not the
actual seller. The branch merely acted as an agent of the head office
in promoting its sales, delivering the samples and the quotation to
the possible buyers. The head office is t he actual seller of the goods
as indicated in the commercial invoices. The head office in J apan
as a trading office buys the goods from manufacturers in J apan
and then sells the same to local buyers in the Philippines. VAT is
properly and legally due on the local buyers who are considered the
importers. Considering that such value-added tax on importation
was already paid by the local buyers, it should no longer be imposed
on the Philippine branch (Kanematsu Corporation, Manila
Branch v. CIR, CTA Case No. 4875, February 12, 1997).
°VAT Ruling No. 247-89, October 4, 1989.
llVAT Rulin g No. 18-89, J a nuary 25, 1989.
Persons Liable to Tax
Suggested answers:
a. No, Greenhills Condominium Corporation will not be
subject to value-added tax, since its gross rental income
for the year 2007 will be Pl,440,000 (P120,000 times 12).
The sale or lease of goods or properties or the performance
of services other than the transactions mentioned in the
preceding paragraphs, where the gross annual sales and/
or receipts do not exceed the amount of One million five
hundred thousand pesos (Pl,500,000), shall be exempt
from value-added tax (Sec. 109[VJ, NIRC). However, it
would be subject to the three percent percentage tax on its
gross rental income under Section 116 of the Tax Code.
b. Yes. If Greenhills Condominium Corporation increases the
monthly rental income to P 150,000, it will be subject to the
12% value-added tax beginning November 1, 2008, unless
it registers as a VAT person effective January 1, 2008. The
reason for this is that the gross annual rental income of the
association for 2008 would be Pl,800,000 (P150,000 times
12) (Sec. 109[V], NIRC). Moreover, the association will be
deemed to be engaged in the business of leasing, despite its
being a non-stock, non-profit organization. The phrase "in
the course of trade or business" means the regular conduct
or pursuit of a commercial or an economic activity,
including transactions incidental thereto, by any person,
regardless of whether or not the person engaged therein is
Suggested answer:
Newtex is not subject to VAT. The VAT is imposed on sellers
and not on buyers. The branch office did not derive any income or
compensation so as to possibly permit the imposition of a value-
added tax on compensation for services rendered. In addition, since
the transactions are direct export sales, the VAT does not apply.
Export sales are among those that are either zero-rated or exempt
from value-added tax (Secs. 99-100, NIRC).