Fanuc-Page-7 (Pluse @i64)

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The document discusses various diagnostic signals that can be checked when problems occur on Fanuc CNC controls. It also explains the meaning of bits in some diagnostic codes and provides instructions for performing grid shift.

Some common diagnostic signals mentioned include G138.3 for external deceleration, G127.2 for MAN/ABS signal, G105.0-G105.3 for servo off signals, and F150.5 for manual data input start signal.

The bit value in diagnostic 700-723 represents different machine states - for example a value of 1 in bit 0 of diagnostic 700 represents that the control is waiting for the spindle speed arrival signal to turn on.

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Some other Diagnostics to check when you have problems are:

G138.3 External Deceleration Signal X- G138.3 X-
G138.0 External Deceleration Signal X+ G138.0 X+
G138.4 External Deceleration Signal Y- G138.4 Z-
G138.1 External Deceleration Signal Y+ G138.1 Z+
G138.5 External Deceleration Signal Z-
G138.2 External Deceleration Signal Z+

MAN/ABS Signal G127.2

X016.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return X
X017.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return Y
X018.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return Z
X019.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return 4

X016.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return X
X017.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return Z
X018.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return 3
X019.5 Deceleration Signal for Reference Return 4

F150.5 Manual Data Input Start Signal

F149.7 CNC Ready Signal

G115.0 Miscellaneous Function Completion Signal

G120.0 External Program Input Start Signal M Series

G117.0 External Program Input Start Signal T Series

F188.0 Tool Change Signal

G105.0 Servo Off Signal X 1/13
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G105.1 Servo Off Signal Y

G105.2 Servo Off Signal Z
G105.3 Servo Off Signal 4

G105.0 Servo Off Signal X
G105.1 Servo Off Signal Z
G105.2 Servo Off Signal 3
G105.3 Servo Off Signal 4

F149.1 Reset Signal

G120.4 Spindle Speed Reached Signal

G120.5 Spindle Orientation Signal

G120.6 Spindle Stop Signal

F148.5 Automatic Operation Start Signal

F148.4 Automatic Operation Halt Signal

G103.7 Miscellaneous Function Lock Signal

F178.7 Feed Hold Signal

The following table is very useful:

If the Edit Protect key is on you can input characters on the buffer line
but they will not be inserted into the program.

Following is the meaning of the Diagnostics 700 - 723.

D700 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

A 1 in the bit means the following:

Control is waiting for the speed arrival signal of the spindle to turn on.

Interlock is turned on.

Override is 0%.

In-position check is done.

Dwell is being executed.

Move command is being executed in automatic operation mode.

M,S,T functions are being executed. 2/13
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D701 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

A 1 in the bit means the following:

Emergency Stop, External Reset, or Reset Button on MDI panel is turned on.

Data is being input via Reader/Punch Interface.

Data is being output via Reader/Punch Interface.

D712 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

A 1 in the bit means the following:

Stops pulse distribution. Is set for the following reasons.
1.External reset button is turned on.
2.Emergency stop button is turned on.
3.Feed Hold button is turned on.
4.Reset button on MDI panel is turned on.
5.Manual mode (JOG,HANDLE,STEP) is selected.
6.Other alarms exist.
STP is useful for when Automatic operation won't execute.

This flag is set when the External Reset, Emergency Stop, or Reset button is
turned on.

This flag is set when the Emergency Stop button is turned on.

This flag is set when the Reset button is turned on.

This flag is set when the Emergency Stop button is turned on or a Servo
Alarm occurs. Check Diagnostics 800 - 803.



D802 - ------

D803 - ------

D720 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3/13
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A 1 in the bit means the following:

An overflow alarm has occurred.

A wire disconnection alarm has occurred.

An alarm of regenerative discharge circuit has occurred.

An over voltage alarm has occurred.

An excessive current alarm has occurred.

An under voltage alarm has occurred.
An overload alarm has occurred. (Alarm 400 - 402 ) Power transistor heat sink or Discharge unit overheat or motor

400,402 = Overload Alarm OVL OH or thermostat of AC servo motor functions.

Corresponding LEDs.


Diagnostic 720 is for the X Axis, 721 Y Axis, 722 Z Axis, 723 4th Axis.

D27 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

A 1 in the bit means the following:

One rotation signal of pulse coder for L axis is on.

One rotation signal of pulse coder for M axis is on.

One rotation signal of pulse coder for N axis is on.

One rotation signal of pulse coder for 4th axis is on.

One rotation signal of pulse coder for spindle is on. 4/13
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This table is helpful for self diagnostics:


000-022 Input signals from machine tool.

(Output signal from receiver. No. 016-022 are effective without PMC.)

027 One revolution signal from pulse coder and position coder.

048-053 Output signals to machine tool.

080-086 Output signals to machine tool. Output signals to driver.

(These numbers cannot be used without PMC)

100-147 Input signals from machine tool (PMC).

(No. 116-122 are effective without PMC)

148-199 Output signals to machine tool (PMC)

(no. 148-153 are effective without PMC)

200-249 Window data from PMC to CNC.

250-299 Window data from CNC to PMC.

700,701 Status of the CNC when it appears not to be working in automatic operation.

712 Automatic operation stop and pause conditions.

720-723 Alarm contents of servo system.

800 Position Deviation amount of X axis.

801 " " " " Y (M) Z (T)

802 " " " " Z (M)

803 " " " " 4th axis.

820 X axis machine tool position from the reference point.

821 Y (M) Z (T) axis machine tool position from the reference point.

822 Z (M) axis machine tool position from the reference point.

823 4th axis machine tool position from the reference point.

Diagnostic 720 is for the first (usually X) axis, 721 is the second (Y for a mill, Z for a lathe) etc.

720 Bit 6 = LV (Low Voltage at the Servo Amplifier)

5 = OVC (Over current in the Servo Motor)
4 = HC (Abnormal Current in the Servo Amplifier)
3 = HV (Over Voltage at the Servo Amplifier)
2 = DC (Regenerative Discharge at the Servo Amplifier)

Also check the Servo Amp for and LED indication of the alarm. 5/13
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If you have one of these bits turned on but there is no LED indication on the amplifier, check the amps operating

+20V +20V +/- 2V

+24V +24V +/- 2V
-15V -15V +/- .75V
+15V +15V +/- .75V
+5V +5V +/- .25V

If any of the voltages are abnormal check the 220VAC supply.

Another useful diagnostic:

D820 Distance from Reference Point X axis (Detection Units)

D821 Distance from Reference Point Z axis

The Diagnostic or Keep Relay lists of some machines will show certain bits as UNUSED or NOT USED. Quite often
this will indicate that those bits are Fanuc defined. They may have significance to the operation of the control as it
relates to the operation of the machine. This becomes important if you load the PMC into the control and the bits get

You have to be very careful about changing Keep Relays and Diagnostics because of how machine builders use
them throughout the ladder. Setting these wrong can cause some bizarre behavior. In the case of an Ecoca SJ-20
this can mean the turret will index fine at home (G28 U0 W0) but will hang up any where else. In this case, the hang up
is not as simple as the turret not starting the index or a turret alarm being issued, it may cause the turret to overshoot
in one direction or the other or both or undershoot in one direction or both or to undershoot on one tool but overshoot
another, etc.

Bit 7 of Diagnostic 760-767 does not indicate and alarm when a serial pulse coder is used it should be 1.

Sometimes a machine with a Fanuc control will use data bits in the ladder to function as diagnostic bits or keep
relays. These will be denoted with D (i.e. D0009.6). This is a G.DATA bit and works like a keep relay, in that, making
its value equal 1 will normally have the effect of enabling something in the ladder, but just as with keep relays this is
determined by the instruction which is associated with the data bit. An important point is that the G.DATA values are
displayed as decimal numbers and normally you will be changing only one bit as previously mentioned D0009.6 so
you will have to convert the bit that needs to be changed to a decimal number and enter it, if the current value of the
address (D0009) is 0 or add the new value to the current value if it is something other than 0. For example, if you are
trying to enable some function in the ladder (parts catcher, bar feeder, etc.) and the instruction that has the function
disabled is D0009.6 and this instruction is an Examine On instruction (this is explained later) then you will need to
change the value of D0009.6 from 0 to 1. The first thing you need to know is how to convert the bit information to
decimal. When you look at the G.DATA table you will see:



0000 D0000 16
0001 D0001 0
0002 D0002 64

etc... these are merely examples.

Scroll down to the data address you need to change. A data value of 16 is equivalent to a binary value of 00010000.
The bits are assigned decimal values based on their position in the eight bit binary number. The least significant bit
(first from the right) is assigned a value of 1, the next bit from the right is assigned a value of 2, the third bit is
assigned a value of 4 and so on until the most significant bit (first from the left) is assigned a value of 128.

Decimal 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Binary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/13
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So, using our example of D0009.6, if the current value of D0009 is equal to 0 you would change bit 6 to 1, bit six has
been assigned a value of 64 so you would enter 64 as the value for D0009. If, however, the current value of D0009
was something other than 0, let’s say, 32 which tells us that D0009.5 equals 1 you would have to add to the two
values together to avoid setting bit 5 to 0. So just add the 64 to the 32 and enter a decimal value of 96. The control
interprets this and sets bits 5 and 6 to 1. Changing a bit from 1 to 0 is the same, just using subtraction instead of

Most of the Keep Relays used on a control are used by the machine builder but
there are a few which are defined and used by Fanuc, they are K16, K17(K900),
K18(K901) and K19(K902). These are reserved for use by the PMC control soft-
ware and cannot be used for any other purpose.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


If you have an axis problem you can insert a dummy plug into the Servo Amp axis plug to loop back the signals to
differentiate between a true axis problem and an amplifier problem.

For excessive axis noise and vibration adjust the Servo Tuning Parameters. The Proportional Gain parameter is the
most effective but normally requires a large change in value to produce a noticeable result. Adjusting the Filter
Parameter can help sometimes. Adjusting either too far will cause the Excessive Servo Error alarm.

To access the Servo Tuning parameters:

3. Right Chapter button.....

If the displayed position does not match the actual movement, check the Servo Parameter Page. In particular check
the Feed gear and Ref. Counter values.

If the Feed gear number is set too low, the machine will display a position greater than the actual movement. If the
number is too high, the machine will display a position less than the actual movement.

Check terminals of dual servo amplifier are:

0V 0 volts
5V Control Power +5V (+5 +/- 0.25)
IRL R Phase motor current of L axis
ISL S Phase motor current of L axis
IRM R Phase motor current of M axis
ISM S Phase motor current of M axis

When tuning a servo, increase the gains one at a time. Increase until the motor starts to vibrate while at rest then
decrease the value by 20%.

When working with an older Servo Amplifier(Velocity Control Unit), there are three adjustments to be aware of. These
are potentiometers RV1, RV2 and RV3. In the event of an amplifier which drives more than one motor these will be
arranged RV1-RV3 from top to bottom and X to Z from left to right. Adjustment of these is almost always necessary
after replacing an amplifier with a new one or even when putting a repaired one back in to service. In this case, also
be aware of the jumpers or shorting pins on the drive which may be different as well. It’s a good idea to record these
settings before sending the unit to Fanuc. RV1 is the Gain adjustment. The most obvious symptom of a need for
adjustment of this one is rough or jerky movement of the motor. RV2 adjusts the position deviation amount while the 7/13
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axis is at rest. Ideally, this should be zero and is easily attainable with this adjustment. The exception is for a gravity
axis such as the X axis on a turning center. The deviation will normally move between 1 and 2 due to the effects of
gravity. The deviation amount can be monitored by diagnostic function. In the case of a zero control on a lathe this is
Diagnostic 800 for the X axis and 801 for the Z axis. Once this is adjusted for zero or very close to it, the deviation
amount in each direction will be the same value. This adjustment is critical to operation of the machine because if the
position deviation amount is too great, the machine will not operate as it should. Programs will not execute in MDI or
AUTO. The spindle will not run, etc. The determining factor in this is the value set it Parameter 500 for X, 501 for Z.
This parameter is the In Position Width. The control compares the value of this parameter to the value in Diagnostic
800, 801, etc. If the value in the diagnostic exceeds the value set in the parameter bit 3 of Diagnostic 700 is set to 1.
Diagnostic 700.3 is the IN-POSITION CHECK (CINP). If this bit is set to 1, automatic operation will not execute.
Another thing you will find is that commands whether given in Auto or MDI will not be performed. For example, if you
command M3 in MDI mode, press Cycle Start, the Cycle Start lamp will turn on, BUF will be displayed on the CRT
showing that the command was read into the memory buffer but will not be acted upon. The same is true for a tool (T)
command or speed (S) command. In addition, the spindle will not start. A more or less typical value for the In-Position
Width is 20. This is in Detection Units. RV3 adjusts the deviation amount while the axis is in motion. The difference
between actual position and commanded position while in motion is known as LAG and is relative to feedrate. As
the feedrate increases so too does the lag. Sometimes the lag can become excessive and cause servo problem. To
adjust the lag, move the axis while watching Diagnostic 800, 801, etc. Rotate RV3 clockwise to decrease the amount
of deviation.

Newer Fanuc motors always come with a pulse coder but there was a time when they could be bought without one.
Typically this is true for controls Series 6 and older. The number on the nameplate indicates if a pulse coder is
supplied or not. The part of the number that determines this is the last two digits. If the last two are either 05 or 25, no
pulse coder is supplied. There may be other numbers which fit this description but motors with these two numbers
never have pulse coders. It is hard to determine by physical appearance if a pulse coder is supplied because the
motors use the same end cap and cable connector for the tacho-generator so a motor with a tach will look the same
from the outside as one with a pulse coder.

If you replace the motor or pulse coder on a Fanuc servo motor you must perform a grid shift for the axis unless you
can put the pulse coder back in the same location radially relative to the axis position. This is very hard to do in some
cases because of the coupling device not being keyed, etc. This is normally a problem only when the entire motor is
replaced. Generally speaking, the pulse coders have a slot across the face of the shaft which matches a slot in the
shaft of the motor by way of a driver that goes between them. In this case, as long as the the motor's position is not
change between the time that the pulse coder is removed and replaced then there are only two possibilities. Either
the axis position will be correct or the pulse coder will be out by 180 degrees which will result in an error of half a
revolution of the ball screw. Sometimes the error can go unnoticed if the machine operator goes ahead and re-
touches the tools on that axis without checking actual position first and if they are not using all of the travel on the axis.

Servo parameter settings are determined by the Motor I.D. number. This is a two digit number which is defined by
parameter. In the case of a 0 control, it is set in parameter 8120 for the X axis, 8220 for Y, 8320 for Z, etc. To
determine the correct setting for a motor, look at the table in the Maintenance Manual.

The Motor ID number for the A06B-145-B077 is 10, A06B-146-B077 is 27 and A06B-147-B077 is 20.

The pins of the motor connector for the Alpha series are:

D - Ground

When looking at the connector (motor) face on, the pin to the right of the notch is pin A, below it is pin B, to it's left is
pin C, above it is pin D.

The resistance from any of the windings of a Fanuc motor to it's frame should be 100 megohms or higher. A reading
of 10 to 100 megohms indicates that the winding has begun to deteriorate but operation should be, for the most part,
normal. A reading of 1 to 10 megohms indicates considerable deterioration but the motor will still run although likely
abnormally. A reading of less than 1 megohm cannot be tolerated, the motor must be replaced. 8/13
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An important thing to know about Fanuc servo motors is that unlike a normal AC motor, they use permanent
magnets. This gives them exceptional positioning ability and controllability but they do have a down side, in that, the
magnets can become demagnetized or the poles may become scrambled. When this happens the motor will exhibit
one or more of the following symptoms:

1. Cogging (when the motor is rotated by hand you feel notches similar to the way a DC motor feels).
2. Motor pulls high current even under little or no load.
3. Motor has no torque (in extreme cases it can be stalled by holding the shaft with your hand.
4. Motor rotation feels rough or jerky.

A common cause for this condition is if the motor gets too hot. Also, a servo amplifier can fail in such a way as to
cause this problem. In either case, magnets can be re-magnetized by a either Fanuc or a company in Chicago called
Endeavour Technologies.

Another thing to know about these motors is that they are like a DC motor in that if one of the windings is shorted
internally or if two of the output phases of the amplifier are shorted together the cogging effect will be present. In this
case the motor will normally be harder to turn than it is when the poles are demagnetized or are scrambled.

The following pin outs are typically of a Fanuc Alpha I64 pulse coder:

Honda Connector Cannon Plug

(M185, M188, etc.)

1 --------------------------------- N
2 --------------------------------- T
4 --------------------------------- J
5 --------------------------------- K
6 --------------------------------- H
14 ------------------------------- F
15 ------------------------------- G
16 ------------------------------- A
17 ------------------------------- D
20 ------------------------------- H

You will notice that both pin 6 and pin 20 of the Honda connector are connected to pin H of the Cannon (military style)
plug. Typically what you will find is that pin H has no connection to the pulse coder. Pin H is used as a tie point for the
two wires. This is preferable to connecting a jumper between the two pins at the Honda connector.

The magnets used in Fanuc Alpha series motors are Neodymium Ferrite.

When trying to determine the compatibility of motors:


A06B identifies it as an Alpha motor.

The next two numbers identify the range of models.

03 - a1/3000
01 - a3/3000
a22/1500 9/13
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a40/2000 (with fan)
013 a300/2000

Of these the most common found on YCI, Takumi, etc. is the a22.

The next two numbers define the specific model.

71 - a1/3000
72 - a2/2000
73 - a2/3000
23 - a3/3000
27 - a6/2000
28 - a6/3000
42 - a12/2000
43 - a12/3000
46 - a22/1500
47 - a22/2000
48 - a22/3000
51 - a30/1200
52 - a30/2000
53 - a30/3000
57 - a40/2000
58 - a40/2000 (with fan)
31 - a65/2000
32 - a100/2000
33 - a150/2000
7 - a300/2000
8 - a400/2000

The first number after the B indicates the type of output shaft.
0 - Taper Shaft
1 - Taper Shaft with brake
5 - Straight Shaft
6 - Straight Shaft with brake

The taper shaft is considered the standard configuration.

On models a1 and a2 the brake is 2 Nm.

On models a3 and a6 the brake is 8 Nm.
On models a12, a22, a30 and a40 the brake is 35 Nm.
On models a65, a100 and a150 the brake is 100 Nm.

The next two numbers indicate the type of pulse coder supplied with the motor

75 - Pulse Coder aA64

77 - Pulse Coder aI64
88 - Pulse coder aA1000

If a Fanuc servo amplifier has S1 and S2 (shorting pins), normally S1 will be empty and S2 will be shorted. If S2 is
not shorted the result may be that when the axes attempt to move, the position display will count but the servo motors
will not move. In the case of a gravity axis, it may oscillate once the brake releases.

If you are working on a motor or encoder problem and you need the machine on with a cable disconnected, you can 10/13
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power the control up with the E-stop engaged to avoid the generation of servo alarms. This is very useful for looking
at and changing parameters and diagnostics which cannot be when a servo alarm is active.

When the Alpha drives power up they will flash the software version on the LED display. For example, it will flash a 10
for 9010 or 20 for 9020, etc.

If an axis jumps and jerks for several seconds after the axis command is removed, check the Motor ID parameter. If it
gets changed, the axis can behave this way.

Some motor horsepowers:

a22/1500 4 HP
a22/2000 5 HP
a22/3000 5.9 HP

a30/1200 4.4 HP
a30/2000 6.7 HP
a30/3000 7.1 HP

All of Fanuc's motor data can be found in the Servo Descriptions manual, part number B65142E.

On an Alpha series servo amplifier that controls three axes the motor terminal configuration is:

1st axis (X) 2nd axis (Y) 3rd axis (Z)

U V | U V | U V
| |
W G | W G | W G

G = Ground

Fanuc Beta series motors are not as smooth as Alpha series. On a machine that uses Beta series for axis control,
you may notice roughness. In most cases, this is normal.

With Beta series drives the parameters are stored in the drive so if you
replace the drive the parameters will go with it.

To save and restore Power Mate CNC Manager parameters to Beta Servo Drives:

This is required when replacing a Beta drive and applies to the following

16iA,18iA,21iA,16iB,18iB,21iB,20i,16,18,21,0i,Powermate-iD and Powermate-iH.

1. Make NC PRM 960.3 (PMN) = 0 (Enables PMM function).

2. Select where parameters are to be saved (to save to memory card on i series controls make PRM 960.2
(MD2) = 0 and PRM 960.1 (MD1) = 1, to save as a part program make PRM 960.1 = 0).
3. Set parameter 8760 to the program number you want the parameters to be stored as. Note 1.
4. Press the SYSTEM button then the RIGHT CHAPTER button until the Power Motion Manager screen is
5. Press the SYSTEM soft key.
6. Press the PARAM soft key.
7. Press the OPRT soft key.
8. Press the RIGHT CHAPTER button. READ and PUNCH soft keys will be displayed.
9. Select EDIT mode.
10.To save parameters from Beta drive to CNC press the READ soft key, press the ALL soft key then the EXEC
soft key. 11/13
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11.To restore the parameters from the CNC to the Beta drive press the PUNCH soft key, press the ALL soft key
then the EXEC soft key.

Parameter 960.0 (SLV) determines how many slaves are displayed on the screen when the Power Motion Manager
is selected.

0 = One slave.
1 = Up to four slaves with the screen divided into four.

Parameters 960.1 (MD1) and 960.2 (MD2) set the slave parameter input/output destination.
MD1 = 0, MD2 = 0, destination is the part program storage.
MD1 = 1, MD2 = 0, destination is the memory card.

Parameter 960.3 (PMN) sets the status of the power motion manager function.
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled (Communication with slaves is not performed).

Note 1: The program under which the parameters will be stored is derived by multiplying the number of the Beta drive
I/O link group by 10 and adding the result to the value in parameter 8760. So if the group number is 2 and the value of
parameter 8760 is 9000, then 9000 + (2 x 10) = 9020, the parameters will be stored in program O9020.

On the older servo amplifiers, the TGLS indicator (red LED) is for tacho generator loss of signal. It normally comes
on when either the motor or tach is disconnected from the amplifier. Some machines will have a contactor which
disconnects the motor from the drive when the NC is off or the machine is in E-Stop, etc which will cause the LED to
be on. The motor output on these drives is at terminals 5,6,7 and 8. Terminals 5 and 6 will be tied together at the
drive and 7 and 8 will be tied together.

For a machine with Alpha drives if MCC does not energize and there is not an E-Stop condition, check that
connector K9 (JX1B) for the SPM or SVM has been attached at the end of the connection chain. There may be a
problem with the cable that connects JX1A on the Spindle or Servo Module and JX1B on the Power Supply Module.
Also check pins 1 and 3 of CX3. These pins correspond to the normally open contact of the MCC driving relay which
energizes MCC.


Fanuc controls do not have an Axis Release parameter like a Mitsubishi control but an axis can be designated as
unused by the control. Fanuc calls this clamping and it is accomplished by placing a jumper between the DRDY and
the MCON signal of the axis not being used. The number of the connector will vary depending on which control and/or
axis card is used. As an example, to clamp the X axis on a zero control you would short pins 7 and 12 of M34 or
M184. When this is done the axis in question still has to have it's parameters to prevent generation of an alarm.

One way to perform grid shift is to:

1. Set the Grid Shift Parameter to 0.

2. Zero return the axis.
3. Measure the distance from where the axis referenced to where the actual physical home is supposed to be.
4. Remove the decimal point and enter this value into the Grid Shift Parameter.

This only works if you know where the home is supposed to be. Some machines will have marks for this purpose,
normally two arrows on the axis which line up with one another.

When working with problems regarding G28, axes at home, etc., be aware of the signals ZPX (F94.0) and ZPZ 12/13
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(F94.1) for the X and Z axes in the case of a lathe. These signals turn on when the reference position has been
established. These signals are typically used by the builder to turn on the axis home lamps. Also be aware of the
signals F120.0 and F120.1.

When working with parameters whose setting unit is specified as detection units it helps to know what a detection
unit is. A detection unit is the smallest increment of movement that can be expressed (Least Command Increment).
To find out what this unit is, you must observe the position of the machine in metric mode. In most cases you can go
to the position page and observe the MACHINE position which is almost always in metric. Otherwise you will have to
go to the SETTING page and change the machine to metric mode. The LCI is determined by how many places there
are to the right of the decimal point. If there are three places to the right the Least Command Increment is 1/1000th of
a millimeter. In this case when you enter a value into a parameter that is specified in detection units, if you enter a
value of 1000, you have actually entered a value of one millimeter, etc.

Position Deviation while the axis is at rest is known as OFFSET and when it is excessive, can cause a number of

If a machine will not execute axis motion in controlled feed (G01), try to run in Dry Run mode. In this mode the control
does not care about the spindle in executing G01.

Even though an axis may appear to be in position according to the position display, it may not be in position as far
as the control is concerned. The control's in-position window is very, very narrow. This window is specified by
parameter and can be changed but shouldn't be. If an axis pulls high current while at rest, it may not be in position. To
check this, go to the Servo Tuning page. If you can't get any axis to move on a control, check the Machine Lock
(MLK) signal. Normally this signal must be high to allow for axis motion. In some cases you may have a switch
supplied by the machine builder for Machine Lock.
If a wire is broken at the switch, etc nothing will move but the spindle will run, M functions will execute, etc.

For information concerning Grid Shift refer to GE Fanuc document ST940819 GRIDSHFT.DOC

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The information on this and subsequent pages is intended to supplement and reinforce the knowledge of competent
machinists and technicians. The authors of this website are in no way lialble for damage or injury resulting from the
improper use of the instructions contained herein. 13/13

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