At Home PE Activities

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At Home PE Ideas

1. Long Jump
Just how far can your child jump? Challenge them indoors by having them jump on lines made by painters
tape on the floor or outdoors on grass or in the sand.

Skills developed: jumping

2. Color Run
On a driveway, sidewalk, or in a park, color four areas (draw circles or squares) with different colors of chalk.
Call out a color and have your child run to that colored area. Continue to call out different colors in varying

Skills developed: running

3. Beach Ball Blanket Toss

Hold the corners of a blanket (or towel). Throw a beach ball onto the blanket and listen to the kids giggle as
they bounce the ball up and catch it.

Skills developed: throwing, catching

4. Hide and Seek

Kids can hide either themselves or objects such as their stuffed animals in this favourite game played by kids
around the world.

Skills developed: agility

5. Limbo
How low can you go? A fun game indoors or out, use your imagination when it comes to using objects under
which your child must go under without their hands touching the floor. Objects could include a pool noodle, a
broom, or a rope.

Skills developed: balancing

6. Animal Walks
Inside or out, encourage your child to slither like a snake, crawl like an alligator, jump like a frog, gallop like a
horse, or walk like a bear on all fours.

Skills developed: hopping, galloping

7. Keep the Balloon Up

Outdoor on a calm, windless day, or inside, have your kids use their hands or half of a pool noodle to keep a
balloon afloat. How long can they keep the balloon off the ground?

Skills developed: volleying, striking

8. Chase and tag
Kids love a game of chase, especially with a parent or other adult they trust. A game of running from a “scary”
monster will involve much squealing with delight.

Skills developed: running, dodging, agility

9. Simon/Simone Says
While the rules are simple, the options for movement are endless. Simon can have kids jumping like a
kangaroo, standing as tall as a house, making funny faces, standing on one foot, or waving their hands over
their heads.

Skills developed: multiple depending on the leader’s actions (jumping, balancing, hopping, etc.)

10. Leaf Play

Not everyone loves the raking jobs that come in autumn, but kids love leaves. Rake them up and let kids jump
into the piles, throw the leaves in the air, and crunch the foliage in their hands. If you don’t have a garden or a
tree, go for a walk and let kids make music as they crunch through the leaves on the ground.

Skills developed: jumping, throwing

12. Hopscotch
A favorite with kids of all ages, hopscotch is a game that can be played inside or out. Inside, use painters tape
on the floor to pattern your own board and use buttons, rolled up socks or bean bags instead of rocks.
Outside, use chalk to make a court and use rocks or the chalk itself as a marker. The rules are simple and the
game can be played alone or with friends.

Skills developed: hopping, tossing

13. Fly a Kite

Find a wide open space in a park, a beach, or a field, make or purchase a kite, pick a day which is breezy but
not too windy, and head out to watch your child delight in running with their colorful toy.

Skills developed: running

14. Kicking
Balls are a staple for so many games and activities. Using different types and sizes of balls, have your child see
how far they can kick, or play goalie in front of a wall or fence and see if your child can kick the ball past you.

Skills developed: kicking

15. Balance Beam

Using an actual gymnastics beam isn’t the only way for a child to learn balance skills. Indoors, use painters
tape to make a straight line on the floor. Encourage your child to walk forwards, backwards, and sideways.
[link to tightrope activity] Outdoors, use a plank of wood, a rope, or make a line with chalk for the same
activity. When your child masters a straight line, add semi-circles or zigzags to add a bit more of a challenge.

Skills developed: balancing

13. Dance Party
Indoors or outdoors, turn up the music, use lights or decorations for ambiance, and let your kids twist,
macarena, floss, dance like their favorite animal, or freestyle their way to fun.

Skills developed: agility, balance, coordination

14. Bubble Play

Use various sizes and types of bubble wands and have kids blow their own bubbles or blow them yourself and
have kids chase and pop them.

Skills developed: agility

15. Ride a Bike

Whether it’s a tricycle, a balance bike, a bike with training wheels, or a two-wheeler, kids love to zoom around
under their own steam.

Skills developed: balancing

16. Freeze Tag

If you’ve got a group of four or more kids looking for some fun, look no further than a good old game of freeze
tag. Pick one child to be “it”, and have them chase the other kids around. When “it” touches a player, they
must freeze (stand still) until another player “unfreezes” them by touching them. When “it” freezes all players,
the game begins again with a new child as “it”.

Skills developed: agility, running

17. Fill the Bucket Water Game

Provide your child with a cup and two buckets (one smaller, one larger). Place the smaller bucket a short
distance from the larger bucket and fill the larger bucket with water. Have your child scoop water from the
larger bucket and fill the smaller one. To make the game more challenging, put small holes in the cup or have
your child dance as they move from bucket to bucket.

Skills developed: agility, balancing

18. Paper Airplanes

There are so many ways to make paper airplanes at home. Throw them inside or outside and see how high
they can fly, how far they can fly, or if your child can throw them through an object such as a hula hoop.

Skills developed: throwing

19. Avoid the Shark

Cover your living room floor (the shark-filled ocean) with foam floor tiles or towels (taped to the floor with
painters tape) and have your child jump or walk from one to the next without getting nabbed by a shark.

Skills developed: jumping, balancing

20. Bean Bag Toss or Sock Toss
Bean bags are an easy-to-grip and throw item for kids. Indoors or out, have kids toss them into targets such as laundry
baskets or hula hoops.

Skills developed: tossing

21. Egg and Spoon

For this ultimate hand-eye coordination and balance game, give kids a spoon and have them balance a hard-
boiled or plastic egg from one point to another either indoors or out. How quickly can they go? Can they dance
as they move?

Skills developed: balance, coordination

22. Pillow Walk

Set up a line of couch, throw, or bed pillows on your floor, and have your child walk from one end to the
other. It may sound easy but their balance will be challenged!

Skills developed: balancing

23. Bowling
Switch up regular bowling inside or outside by having your kids use different sizes of balls to knock down
different objects such as empty bottles or rolls of paper towels.

Skills developed: rolling

24. Climb a Tree

Pick a tree with low branches and let your child climb. Be close by for help but let your kids see how far they
can get on their own.

Skills developed: strength, balance

25. Bean Bag Balance or Sock Ball Balance

Have your child balance a bean bag on their head and walk from one point to another without dropping it. As
they master the walk, move the points further apart or make the course a bit more challenging by adding zig
zags or circles, or objects around which they have to maneuver.

Skills developed: balancing

26. Helicopter
Turn a jump rope or any rope around in a circle low to the ground while your child hops over it without
touching it. Be prepared to be the jumper when your child wants to turn the rope too!

Skills developed: jumping, agility

27. Obstacle Course
Indoors or out, let your imagination run wild as you set up an obstacle course for your child. Have them crawl
under tables, climb over chairs, jump over ropes, hop from cone to cone, crawl through a cardboard box, jump
through a line of hula hoops, throw a family of stuffed animals into a laundry basket, etc. etc.

Skills developed: agility, balance, coordination

28. Hike
Get into nature and encourage your kids to climb hills, jump over sticks, and balance on tree stumps.

Skills developed: agility, balance, coordination, endurance

29. Neighborhood Search

Prepare a list ahead of time of items to search for as you and your child leave the stroller at home and take a
walk through your neighborhood. Can they spot a stop sign, a blue flower, something with a tail, something
round, a fire hydrant, etc.? Check off the items on the list or use your phone to take pictures to review later.

Skills developed: endurance, agility, balance

30. Jump in the Sprinkler

Set up a sprinkler in your yard and have your kids jump through using animal movements or dance through
(singing along may cause hilarious water in mouth incidents!)

Skills developed: agility, jumping, hopping

31. Ten Catches

Kids learn to catch at different rates but working with them on the skill can begin with underhand tossing
them a balloon or a soft object such as a rolled up pair of socks or a light ball will be less intimidating than a
heavy or small ball. Start by standing close to your child, when 10 catches are made move 1 step further away.

Skills developed: catching

32. Indoor Skating

Have your kids place each of their feet on paper plates, face cloths, or felt squares, and let them slide along
like skating pros on hardwood or carpet. Turn on the music and let them skate to the rhythm!

Skills developed: balancing

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