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Alcantara Final Exam Ms 13

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T.R. Alvarez, Subd. Brgy. Del Carmen Pagbilao Quezon

Roselyn P. Alcantara MS13-FINAL EXAMINATION

BECED-III Prof: Giovann Sevilla

1. As a future teacher in Kindergarten, how will you handle children with special
needs and integrate them to your classroom?

From my perspective, this profession necessitates a great deal of patience

because we are dealing with a wide range of learners with varying levels of
intelligence and requirements. As a future kindergarten teacher, I believe the
most important thing is to get to know each student individually and learn
basic information about them, particularly those students who have difficulties
or special needs, so that we can provide them with equal and accurate
assistance based on their needs. I came up with the thought that, as their
teacher, I need to explain the concept of inclusion to their parents and
especially to my students, based on what I've read in my research about the
right method to deal with children with special needs, the two terms,
accommodation and modification. And why is it significant? To be able to
bridge the gap between a traditional classroom setting and one in which all
students, regardless of their disabilities, are welcomed and get an equal and
high-quality education. Accommodation in which the materials and facilities
are appropriate for their abilities, taking into account their capability to do a
certain work. I believe that in order to handle kindergarten students with
special needs, I must develop materials that are appropriate for their level.
They are free to participate without fear of being left behind by the other
students. For the sake of the pupils' safety and comfort. Knowing the
indications of learning disabilities that make it difficult for them to learn. I
believe it will assist me as a teacher in identifying areas where I need to
improve and eliminate in order to increase my pupils' learning. Modification, in
which I, as their teacher, change the substance of my lesson and the way I
deliver it to make it easier for them to understand. Each special needs student
need unique instructional methodologies and resources in a structured
environment, such as my classroom setup, that supports and maximizes their
learning potential. Learning challenged children, in my opinion, do not need to
be handicapped or unable to study; contrary, students require diversified
education that is suited to their unique learning skills. It will enough to teach
my pupils about diversity and inclusiveness. Allowing them to broaden their
knowledge, raise their consciousness, and refute disability myths. Allowing
them to learn from one another and share with students who are different from
themselves. I intend to make my classroom a friendly and happy environment.
Also, I believe that parental involvement in their children's education is critical,
particularly for students with special needs. We require teamwork in order for
learners to learn more effectively.
2. What teaching Practices would you choose to ensure that learners will actively
engage in your classes?

Education has a different way to disseminate the information to engage and to

have an efficient and effective way of teaching. Many of the educators today's
uses different approaches to be able to assure the understanding of the
student. Some of them Use Real-life Situation, Collaboration with other Pupils,
or Using a technological Devices and alike. In aiming for full engagement, it is
essential that students perceive activities as being meaningful that piques their
attention and encourages them to think creatively.

In this day and age of Modernization, Technology has a big impact on the
student in terms of attending school. In that Aspect, I can use it as an
advantage to engage my future students in my class.

In my case, as a future Early Child Educator, I would use the Integration

of Technology because most of the students today are more familiar with this
aspect. I believe that in this kind of approach I can get their attention by means
of the Visual Presentations, Colorful graphic Organizers, Engaging Music and

For Instance, my lesson is all about the Alphabet and Color, if I am going
to use the traditional way of teaching in this generation it look not appeal to the
student especially in Pre-School level, So by means of using Television, Projectors
and Speaker I can easily to show what is the Alphabet and Color in the way of
much effective and engaging way.

Another idea in terms of Technology is that I can easily show the accurate
representation of the things or elements without confusion. For example, If I am
going to draw a Cat it might not look like a cat to my other students but because
of the colorful representation that I have I can easily show and explain it clearly
and concisely.

As future educators, we have different approaches that we can use in terms of

teaching to be able to get our students to actively participate in our class. And
by means of that way of learning style, I believe it can bring a positive
implication to their academic status to cope with broader lessons in the future
of those students.
3. How do you compensate or provide intervention if any or a few of your
learners are learning slowly than his/her classmates?

My first priority as a teacher is to ensure that my kids learn and receive the
best possible education. I believe that no child should be left behind, so if some
of my students are having difficulty coping with the lessons I teach or are being
left by their classmates during class, I believe the best way to help them is to
find out what specific lesson or area they are having difficulty understanding
so that I can provide them with instruction that is appropriate for their level. I
feel that not all children learn in the same way or at the same rate. Not every
child is gifted in the same areas; they have different strengths and weaknesses.

To increase a slow learner's pace, I believe it is critical to provide a healthy and

supportive environment. Slow learners, I believe, require unique instructional
pacing, proper guidance, remedial teaching, and/or modified materials, all of
which must be delivered within conditions that make for effective learning.

I modified the instructional technique by integrating a visual depiction of

content and adopting a more flexible instructional presentation so that my
students could catch up with my lessons. Aside from the right materials and
instruction, I also employ what is known as remedial teaching, in which I use
specific exercises, strategies, and practices to address weaknesses or deficits
that are common among slow learners. Reteaching content that was not
previously learned. Consistent repetition of a specific lesson that they do not
understand. Creating instructional strategies that are tailored to the slow
learner's specific needs.

My instructional method more often shifts from presentation to discussion to

seat work for my students, providing the variety that slow learners require to
stay engaged in the learning process. Adjustments to my homework
assignments and activities are also required to match the language skills and
complexity level of my students.

The most important component of teaching a slow learner, in my opinion, is for

the teachers to be sympathetic and persistent throughout the course. Although
it takes time, we must prioritize the learning of all learners because no one size
fits all. We must reteach and cater to their unique needs. I believe that the
primary issue with slow learners' education is their attention deficits skills,
which are compounded by their low learning speed. As a teacher, I must be
understanding and patient with their tendency to become easily distracted and
have a short attention span. Do whatever it takes to assist them in overcoming
their weaknesses and avoiding the feeling that they are being neglected

Collaboration with the parents can suffice as well. And I believe that rewarding
them for even the tiniest effort made by my student would instill confidence in
them to achieve better. This would boost their self-confidence.
4. In an environment wherein stress and fatigue are very high for teachers, what
necessary preparations and adjustments are you planning to ensure that such
things like those will not affect your teaching-learning classes.

A teacher's job is one of the most demanding but also one of the most
rewarding. If I ever find myself in a situation where my workplace is causing
me more negativity and stress, I believe I will need a set of plans and routines
to help me cope with the stress and pressure without jeopardizing my
performance or the quality of teaching I provide to my pupils. I need to prepare
myself for any problems that may arise in my teaching career. Clearing my
head, establishing goals, and determining desirable results for my students.
Despite the negativity and stress in the environment, remaining adaptable and
driven. Teachers are human, and they are susceptible to stress and pressure.
As a future educator, I must prepare myself by learning to control my emotions
and bringing a long patience. A strategic plan that I can use to guide and
remind myself of my progress as a teacher and what I contribute to the table.
Despite the fact that I'm the type of person that gets stressed easily and
overthinks everything. I'm still working on it, though. As a teacher, I must
manage my time effectively in order to meet the obligations, as there are many
paper works and responsibilities that I may encounter during my teaching
career. Aside from sticking to my schedules and practicing good time
management, I believe it is beneficial to practice breathing in and out to relieve
stress and tension in the atmosphere. I'm learning to move away from things or
people who make me feel stressed or anxious. Prioritizing my mental health is a
good idea, and prioritizing the learners is a necessary.

As a pledge to this great profession, I will do everything in my power to achieve

my objectives and provide a high-quality education for future generations.
Although we cannot escape unwanted events in our teaching field because they
are a part of our career, I believe we should be adaptable and acting in
accordance with our profession. We must remember that our emotions and
feelings matter in any profession, but we must also stay on course,
remembering the reason why we teach.
T.R. Alvarez, Subd. Brgy. Del Carmen Pagbilao Quezon




AND MINS 7:30- 7:40 10 Mins Arrival Time *Checking of attendance

Routinary activities*Prayer*Greeting songs*Days

7:40-8:00 10 Mins of the week*Checking of the weather

Small Group Activities(Language Arts

8:00-8:50 50 Mins Activities)Picture Puzzle*Alphabet Board*Letter

Discussion* Group Activities* Letter Domino*

8:50-9:10 20 Mins Matching Game*Asking questions* Letter
Hunting*Serration Game* Share experience
9:10-9:25 15 Mins Recess Time

9:25-9:45 20Mins Story Telling* The Dove and The Ant /Rest Time

Number games*Arrange in sequence* Sort and

9:45-10:30 45 Mins classify*Play dough*String beads

Indoor/ Outdoor Activities

10:30- 20 Mins Sand Play, Water play/Science Experiment

10:50- 10 Mins Meeting Time 3


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