Operating System
on a computer system.
Interactive (GUI-based) A
graphical user interface is a user- Single-user , single-task operating
friendly operating system in which system This type of operating
commands can be entered by system allows only one user to do
clicking/double-clicking/right- a task on the computer and one
clicking a mouse. Windows thing at a time.
operating system is an example of MS- DOS
an interactive operating system.
Types of OS
Copying Files Moving Files Permanently Files/Folder
and folders and folders Deleting Files from Recycle
Bin window
Importance and need of care and
maintenance of computer
Computer systems require maintenance so
that the system works efficiently. Poor
Apply Basic maintenance may lead to system failure.
Regular care and maintenance may help you
Skills for Care detect any issues at an early stage and keep it
functioning well.
and Computer virus, malware, and other harmful
software can cause damage to the working of
Maintenance the computer. If anti-virus is installed in the
computer, and is updated and run
of Computer periodically, then any loss of data can be
A large number of files are stored on the
computer. These files can be disorganized and
fragmented and may result in slowing down of
the computer.
General precautions to be taken
while cleaning the computer
components are:
Always Power Off the computer system
before cleaning.
Cleaning the Never spray cleaning fluid directly on
the component of the computer. First
computer spray the liquid on the cloth and then
wipe the component.
components Do not allow the cleaning liquid to drip
near the circuit board.
Preferably use anti-static wrist band
which helps to prevent building up of
static electricity near electronic device.
Cleaning the computer components
Computer monitor: To Keyboard: You should Optical Mouse: You Digital camera: Never
clean the computer always clean the can clean the bottom touch the lens of the
monitor, you can use a keyboard periodically of the optical mouse camera. To remove the
soft lint-free cloth, like by holding upside with a clean lint-free dust, you can use soft
cotton and water or down and shaking it. cloth. Lens area can lens brush or wipe with
special cleaning liquid. You can also clean it be cleaned by blowing a soft dry cloth.
by blowing it with air or cotton swab.
compressed air.
Keep the components of the computer, like
keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc. clean.
Take regular backup of the data on your
maintenance computer. In case the data is lost due to
any reason, system failure, virus attack,
schedule etc. , you can easily retrieve your data
using backup files till your last update.
Don’t allow any untrustworthy person to use your
New use unknown pen drive/CD on your
Never click on the windows that pop-up when
you are surfing the Internet.
To prevent our computer from being infected
with virus, we should install anti-virus software,
run it periodically and keep it updated so
that it can scan and remove new viruses.
Antivirus software is a program designed to
detect and remove malicious programs from
Preparing the computer.
against virus
Microsoft Security essentials, and Quick Heal.
For an anti-virus program to be effective:
It needs to run in the background at all times.
Keep the anti-virus software updated so that it
can recognize new viruses.
Run full disk scans periodically.
Scanning and
cleaning virus
Temporary Files
Temporary files are
created when you are
running computer
programs. Microsoft
Windows and Windows
programs often create
a .TMP file as a
temporary file.
Temporary files are also
created by web
browsers to store your
web browser history.
A computer firewall could be a
programmable device or a software or
a network security system that monitors
and controls incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on user-defined
security rules.
A firewall typically establishes a barrier
between a trusted internal network and
Firewall untrusted external network, such as the
Internet. Firewall inspects each packet
of data whether incoming or outgoing
and determines whether it should be
allowed to pass or be blocked.
The main purpose of a firewall is to
reduce or eliminate the occurrence of
unwanted network communications
while allowing normal traffic.
Cookies are small files which are stored
on a user’s computer when you visit a
website on the internet. These files are
designed to hold data specific to a
particular client and website.
Only the website that creates a cookie
Cookies can read it.
These files typically contain information
about your visit to the webpage or
record your login information.
Some viruses and malware may get
disguised as cookies.