Importing Learners With The User Connector: Confidential Document Version: 2H 2020 - 2020-10-09
Importing Learners With The User Connector: Confidential Document Version: 2H 2020 - 2020-10-09
Importing Learners With The User Connector: Confidential Document Version: 2H 2020 - 2020-10-09
Q3 2016 - Present
The following table summarizes changes to this guide for recent releases.
Learning connectors can import thousands of entities in the system, so we highly recommend that you engage with
our Professional Services organization or a certified Learning implementation partner before you attempt to use
connectors or any data import, especially in a production environment.
You may attempt to implement connectors on your own, but in doing so, you assume full responsibility for your
actions. While we provide safeguards when able, it’s possible to load thousands of erroneous data in the system
and end up incurring significant costs to correct them. Operational interruptions may be caused by having
incorrect completion data; causing severe impact in regulated trades and industries. As with any other opt-in
feature, we highly recommend that you do thorough testing before turning on connectors.
Read about using connectors to sync users in an SAP SuccessFactors integrated environment.
The user connector (User Connector) imports user data through a connector. It is the standard user connector.
The system has two other user connectors: Federal and SF (for Federal customers and integrated customers).
View the default map for User Connector data file between the header column and its data, along with notes, rules,
and other information.
When you create your data file, it must be named as follows, where <Suffix> is your tenant ID. In some uncommon
cases, customers set a different suffix in System Administration Configuration System Configuration
CONNECTORS . If you have set a different suffix, you can find it in the property.
The "LMS Database Column Name" is provided for readers who are familiar with user configuration in SAP
SuccessFactors Learning. For example, if you are familiar with other user connectors, you might recognize
"NOTACTIVE" as the active flag in the SAP SuccessFactors Learning tables.
LMS Character
LMS Database Column Name Description and Rules LMS Data Type Length in Bytes
NOTACTIVE Required to be present in the input file. De Alpha Numeric Y or N only (Boo
faults to N if null or invalid. lean)
N = Make active
Y = Make inactive
MI Alpha Numeric 90
GENDER The value of this field must be M for Male or F Alpha Numeric 1
for Female.
JP_ID If the provided Job Code ID does not exist in Alpha Numeric 150
LMS DB, it will be created automatically.
This field is referenced in the database.
JP_DESC Only used if provided Job Position ID in same Alpha Numeric 300
row does not exist in LMS DB and is created
automatically. If Job Position ID already ex
ists in LMS DB, provided Job Position De
scription will not overwrite or nullify existing
JOB_TITLE Job Title is not directly associated with Job Alpha Numeric 300
Position ID in LMS DB.
ROLE_ID For new User records: for an invalid or no role Alpha Numeric
then the connector defaults to the value in
This field is referenced in the database.
the configuration file. If a role is invalid or not
supplied, the existing role is retained.
JL_DESC Only used if provided Job Location ID in same Alpha Numeric 120
row does not exist in LMS DB and is created
automatically. If Job Location ID already ex
ists in LMS DB, provided Job Location De
scription will not overwrite or nullify existing
DMN_DESC Only used if provided Domain ID in same row Alpha Numeric 300
does not exist in LMS DB and is created auto
matically. If Domain ID already exists in LMS
DB, provided Domain Description will not
overwrite or nullify existing value.
This field is referenced in the database. The connector rejects the record if the Region
ID is not valid.
EMAIL_ADDR If the customer uses email validation in the Alpha Numeric 384
system, please take the validation rules into
consideration when preparing and sending
user data. The LMS email validation settings
will not be applied during Connector run.
HIRE_DTE If Hired Date is later than the system date Date & Time
when the connector runs, record will be re
jected (Hired Date cannot be in the future).
TERM_DTE If Terminated Date is later than the system Date & Time
date when the connector runs, or if Termi
nated Date is earlier than the Hired Date in
the input file the record will be rejected (Ter
minated Date cannot be in the future and
cannot be an earlier date than the Hired
PHON_NUM1 This is a phone number for the user. Alpha Numeric 120
PHON_NUM2 This is a phone number for the user. Alpha Numeric 120
PHON_NUM3 This is a phone number for the user. Alpha Numeric 120
TIMEZONE Default Time Zone preference for the user. Alpha Numeric
Connector will update or not update this
This field is referenced in the database.
value based upon the configuration file set
LOCALE Default Locale preference for the user. The Alpha Numeric
locale preference sets the date/number for
This field is referenced in the database.
mat preferences.
CAN_USE_ORG_ACT This allows user’s to access the account co Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
des available to their linked organization ID
for chargebacks.
ACCT_DESC Only used if the provided Account Code ID in Alpha Numeric 120
same record will be created by the connector.
If Account Code ID already exists in LMS DB,
provided Account Code Description will not
overwrite or nullify the existing value.
JP_EFF_DTE If Job Position Change Date is later than the Date & Time
system date when the connector runs, record
is rejected. The Job Position Change Effective
Date cannot be in the future.
If null, defaults to Y.
LGL_ENTITY_2483_ID This is the Legal Entity ID used for French Alpha Numeric 90
government reporting. If provided Legal En
This field is referenced in the database.
tity ID does not exist in LMS DB, it will be cre
ated automatically.
LGL_ENTITY_2483_DESC Only used if provided Legal Entity ID in same Alpha Numeric 300
row does not exist in LMS DB and is created
EMP_CLASS_2483_ID This is the Employee Class ID used for French Alpha Numeric 90
government reporting. If provided Employee
This field is referenced in the database.
Class ID does not exist in LMS DB, it will be
created automatically.
EMP_CLASS_2483_DESC Only used if provided Legal Entity ID in same Alpha Numeric 300
row does not exist in LMS DB and is created
HOURLY_RATE This is the hourly rate used for French gov Numeric
ernment reporting.
HOURLY_RATE_CURRENCY This is the hourly rate currency used for Alpha Numeric
French government reporting. This must be a
This field is referenced in the database.
valid currency ID.
NATIVE_DEEPLINK_USER This indicates whether the user can access Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
native deep links.
ADJUSTED_HOURLY_RATE This is used for 2483 French government re Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
porting. It is the adjusted hourly rate.
ADJUSTED_HOURLY_RATE_CUR This is used for 2483 French government re Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
RENCY porting. It is the adjusted hourly rate’s cur
This field is referenced in the database.
AGE This is used for 2483 French government re Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
porting. It is the user’s age.
DISABILITY_CLASSIFICATION_ID This is used for 2483 French government re Alpha Numeric Y or N (Boolean)
porting. It is the user’s disability classifica
This field is referenced in the database.
BIRTH_DATE This is used for 2483 French government re Alpha Numeric Integer
View the User HRBP and Alternate Manager map for User Connector data file between the header column and its
data, along with notes, rules, and other information.
When you create your data file, it must be named as follows, where <Suffix> is your tenant ID. In some uncommon
cases, customers set a different suffix in System Administration Configuration System Configuration
CONNECTORS . If you have set a different suffix, you can find it in the property.
This input file supports mapping a user to an alternate manager or an HRBP manager. The LMS supports up to a
total of 200 alternate managers and HRBPs. This file, when present, is processed by the user connector.
It’s possible to run the standard User Connector and User Connector - Federal with only the
user_manager_data.txt file.
The "LMS Database Column Name" is provided for readers who are familiar with user configuration in SAP
SuccessFactors Learning. For example, if you are familiar with other user connectors, you might recognize
"NOTACTIVE" as the active flag in the SAP SuccessFactors Learning tables.
MANAGER Required to be present in the input file. Refer Alpha Numeric N/A
ence field. The connector rejects the record if
the Manager value isn’t a valid user ID
REMOVE_ALT_SUPER This removes the manager from the user ID. Alpha Numeric Y or N only (Boo
Defaults to N. lean)
Options are:
ALT_SUPER_TYPE Required to be present in the input file. This Alpha Numeric A or H only (Boo
is the alternate manager type. lean)
Options are:
H = this is an HRBP
Read how you can add additional custom columns through the user connector.
The custom column table expands. Each row is a column number and value. This allows you to add additional
custom columns, not just the number specified in the map. You must configure the connector to support additional
custom columns.
In the System Admin Configuration System Configuration CONNECTORS system properties file, you find
the following configuration:
The col_num is the custom column number as set up in the LMS. The field mapping from input file is the input field
that you are mapping to this custom column. For example, you want to add custom columns 200, 300, 400, and
500 then you would add this to the properties file:
Read how you can run more than one file in the user connector.
You can run multiple user files through a single connector run. Type a sequence number after the .txt portion of the
filename. For example, if you had two files to process in a single run then you would name the two separate files as:
user_data.txt.1 and user_data.txt.2. The connector processes each file separately. This causes the connector to
output a report for each file it processes.
View the process and rules for marking users as active or inactive with User Connector.
In the User Connector, the active and inactive flag is controlled by a value of N or Y. This connector looks at only one
criterion for determining whether a record will be created or updated to active or inactive:
● If “NOTACTIVE” value = N, record will be created Active (or existed records will be updated to Active).
● If “NOTACTIVE” value = Y, record will be created Inactive (or existed records will be updated to Inactive).
These rules are displayed for informational purposes and cannot be modified. When a user is inactivated (you
inactivate a user through the NOTACTIVE field), the system:
● Removes the user being inactivated from current and future enrollments
● Removes any item requests that exist for the user being inactivated
● Removes the inactive user from any classes
● Does not inactivate users who are direct subordinates to the user getting inactivated
● Inactivates the related instructor record of the user who is inactivated
● Locks the related administrator for the user who is inactivated
● Removes the inactive user as a contact from schedule offerings
● Resets (clears) online items started by the user who is inactivated
Verify that User Connector - SF allows rehires so that you can rehire an employee who has left the organization. If
you do not configure it to allow rehires, your learning assignments are likely to fail the second time you hire the
In the core file for User Connector - SF, platform includes a column called EXIT_DATE. Map it to TERM_DTE has
logic that expects the mapping. When EXIT_DATE passed a value to TERM_DTE in an earlier run but then the user
appears in a later connector run with a null value for with a null value for EXIT_DATE, TERM_DTE nullifies. The user
appears in Learning as rehired.
If you map TERM_DTE to another field, TERM_DTE still nullifies when that other field passes a null value, but you
probably do not get the expected result in Learning. We built the nullify logic expecting TERM_DTE to be
mapped to EXIT_DATE.
1. Go to SAP SuccessFactors Learning Administration and then go to System Admin Configuration System
Configuration and then edit CONNECTORS.
2. Verify that you have set to EXIT_DATE.
Sample Code
User Connector - SF logs errors and prevents mistakes when you attempt to add alternate managers in a way that
can adversely affect your system.
In the configuration for User Connector - SF, ignore all mapping fields that begin with or They are
Sample Code
SAP SuccessFactors Learning protects you from assigning users to alternate managers who don’t exist or creating
incorrect relationships. User Connector - SF doesn't make the alternate manager relationship if:
● The alternate manager ID that you pass in the connector file is missing from the Learning database
● The user is missing a primary manager.
● The alternate manager assignment creates a circular reference. Users can’t be their own manager’s manager
(or alternate). For example Mary can supervise Mark, but then Mark can’t also supervise Mary.
● Users can’t supervise themselves. We reject if the alternate manager ID matches the user ID (from USERID) in
the same row.
If you pass a null value for any alternate manager field, User Connector - SF doesn’t remove any alternate manager
from the user’s record. The connector removes specific alternate managers using the REMOVE_* fields.
For example, you add an alternate manager by passing the alternate manager's ID in the ALT_SUPER1 column of
the data file. It could be that the user is doing some work for another team and the other team's manager becomes
the user's matrix manager. In Learning terms, the matrix manager is an alternate manager. Later, if the user leaves
the other team and therefore loses the matrix manager, you can’t pass null in ALT_SUPER1 to remove the
relationship. Instead, you must pass the matrix manager's ID again, but in the REMOVE_ALT_SUPER1 column.
View the notification settings for new users created through the connectors.
New users created from the connector receive the notification settings defined in System Admin Configuration
User Settings .
In most cases, connectors reject records that have a referenced value that does not already exist.
In this user connector's fields default map, you see a column that flags referenced fields. In most cases, if a field is
referenced, and if you do not provide a reference value that the system can find, the connector rejects the record.
For example, if you have not added a US Dollar (USD) currency in the referenced values, and you try to add a user
with the currency of USD, the system rejects the user record.
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Example Code
Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. They are not for productive use. The example code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and
phrasing rules. SAP does not warrant the correctness and completeness of the example code. SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages caused by the use of example
code unless damages have been caused by SAP's gross negligence or willful misconduct.
Gender-Related Language
We try not to use genderspecific word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP may use masculine word forms to refer to all genders.
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