Oisd RP 108

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Page No. I

First Edition





Prepared by


Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
8th Floor, OIDB Bhavan, Plot No. 2, Sector – 73, Noida – 201301 (U.P.)
Website: www.oisd.gov.in
Tele: 0120-2593800, Fax: 0120-2593802

Page No. II


Indian petroleum industry is the energy lifeline of the nation and its continuous performance
is essential for sovereignty and prosperity of the country. As the industry essentially deals
with inherently inflammable substances throughout its value chain – upstream, midstream
and downstream – Safety is of paramount importance to this industry as only safe
performance at all times can ensure optimum ROI of these national assets and resources
including sustainability.

While statutory organizations were in place all along to oversee safety aspects of Indian
petroleum industry, Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) was set up in 1986 Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India as a knowledge centre for formulation of
constantly updated world-scale standards for design, layout and operation of various
equipment, facility and activities involved in this industry. Moreover, OISD was also given
responsibility of monitoring implementation status of these standards through safety audits.

In more than 25 years of its existence, OISD has developed a rigorous, multi-layer, iterative
and participative process of development of standards – starting with research by in-house
experts and iterating through seeking & validating inputs from all stake-holders – operators,
designers, national level knowledge authorities and public at large – with a feedback loop of
constant updation based on ground level experience obtained through audits, incident
analysis and environment scanning.

The participative process followed in standard formulation has resulted in excellent level of
compliance by the industry culminating in a safer environment in the industry. OISD – except
in the Upstream Petroleum Sector – is still a regulatory (and not a statutory) body but that has
not affected implementation of the OISD standards. It also goes to prove the old adage that
self-regulation is the best regulation. The quality and relevance of OISD standards had been
further endorsed by their adoption in various statutory rules of the land.

Petroleum industry in India is significantly globalized at present in terms of technology

content requiring its operation to keep pace with the relevant world scale standards &
practices. This matches the OISD philosophy of continuous improvement keeping pace with
the global developments in its target environment. To this end, OISD keeps track of changes
through participation as member in large number of International and national level
Knowledge Organizations – both in the field of standard development and implementation &
monitoring in addition to updation of internal knowledge base through continuous research
and application surveillance, thereby ensuring that this OISD Standard, along with all other
extant ones, remains relevant, updated and effective on a real time basis in the applicable

Together we strive to achieve NIL incidents in the entire Hydrocarbon Value Chain. This,
besides other issues, calls for total engagement from all levels of the stake holder
organizations, which we, at OISD, fervently look forward to.

Jai Hind!!!

Executive Director

Oil Industry Safety Directorate


Page No. III


The Oil Industry in India is over 100 years old. As such, various practices have
been in vogue because of collaboration/association with different foreign
companies and governments. Standardisation in design philosophies and
operating and maintenance practices at a national level was hardly in existence.
This, coupled with feedback from some serious accidents that occurred in the
recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to review
the existing state-of-the-art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas

With this is view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a
Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD), staffed
from within the industry, for formulating and implementing a series of self-
regulatory measures aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and
upgrading the existing standards to ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD
constituted a number of functional committees comprising of experts nominated
from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.

The present document "Recommended Practices on Oil Storage and Handling"

has been prepared by the Functional Committee on "Oil Storage and Handling"
based on the accumulated experience and knowledge of industry members and
various national and international codes and practices.

This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding. Suggestion from industry members may
be addressed to:

The Coordinator
Committee on "Oil Storage and Handling"
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
8th Floor, Tower – A, OIDB Bhawan, Plot No. 2,
Sector-73, NOIDA -201301

Page No. IV


OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the property of Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied or loaned or
exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the
data contained in these documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims any
liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use.

These documents are intended only to supplement and not to replace the
prevailing statutory requirements.

Page No. V




------------- ------------- ------------

Shri E.Nandakumar, Cochin Refineries Limited, Cochin


Shri H.S.P.Rao, Bharat Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. (R),


Shri N.Rajkhowa, Engineers India Limited, New Delhi

Shri D.K.Agarwal, Hindustan Petroleum Corpn. Ltd. (R),


Shri I.Gore, IBP Company Limited, Mumbai

Shri P.R.Waghmare, Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd. (M) , Mumbai

Shri T.Jayakumar, Madras Refineries Limited, Madras

Shri S.N.Mathur, Oil Industry Safety Directorate,
New Delhi

(In addition to the above, several other experts from industry contributed in the
preparation, review and finalisation of this document.)

Page No. VI





2.0 SCOPE 1

3.1 Terminals 1
3.2 Slop 1
3.3 Gantry 1
3.4 Tanks 1
3.5 Sick Wagon 2
3.6 Classification of Petroleum 2


4.1 Roofs 3
4.2 Tank Bottom 3
4.3 Location 4
4.4 Capacity 4
4.5 Corrosion Allowance 4
4.6 Tank Appertenances 4
4.7 Tank Protection 6


5.1 General 7
5.2 Manifolds 7


6.1 Heaters 7
6.2 Mixers 8



8.1 Loading Pumps 10
8.2 Wagon & Truck Loading Gantries 10
8.3 Handling of Sick Wagon/Truck 11


9.1 Collection 11
9.2 Processing and Disposal 12

OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 1



Crude oil, the feed to all petroleum refineries, is received and stored in tanks to build up enough
inventory prior to processing. This takes care of contingencies like delays in crude receipt and
avoids interruptions in crude oil processing. Tanks are also provided to store intermediate
products/finished products prior to transfer to terminals for further distribution. Ultimately,
distribution of petroleum products is done by wagons/trucks/pipeline/tankers/ barges etc.


The present document is applicable to safety in the design philosophies and operating
procedures pertaining to the storage and handling of crude oil and petroleum products at crude
oil exploration & production, refineries and pipelines installations which are normally stored in
above ground atmospheric pressure or low pressure storage tanks and underground tanks.
This does not cover the storage and handling of propane, LPG, butane etc. which requires
pressurised/cryogenic storage.


For the purpose of this document, relevant terms are defined as below:


Terminals consist of tanks which receive crude/products from oil tankers, rail wagons/truck
tankers, pipelines as well as loading or unloading facilities for despatch or receipt of products. A
terminal could be part of a refinery/production unit or a separate marketing facility or a cross
country pipeline installation.

3.2 SLOP

Off-specification products obtained during plant start- up, shutdown or upset conditions and
draining etc. from various equipments/tanks/pumps containing oil -water mixture from process
plants / marketing / pipeline installations are called slops.

Slops containing large quantity of free water are known as wet slop. When free water content is
low enough to process the slop in plant, in a controlled manner, it is known as dry slop.

In order to handle large number of wagons/trucks for loading or unloading, facilities called
gantries are provided. These consist of loading/unloading headers with loading/unloading
points with hoses/arms, walkways, railings,set stop ramping/upramping down (opening in steps
and closing in steps) automatic cut-off valves, approach platforms, metering station, rail tracks


Storage tanks are defined as "ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANK" and "LOW PRESSURE

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 2


Tanks designed as per API Code 650 or equivalent are called ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE
TANKS.These tanks can also be sub-divided into two catagories:

- Atmospheric storage tanks with open vent to atmosphere i.e. goose neck type vent

-Atmospheric storage tanks with blanketing facilities


Tanks designed as per API Code 620 or equivalent are called LOW PRESSURE STORAGE
TANK. Products having slightly higher vapour pressure are stored in these type of tanks.


3.4.1 Nominal Capacity of a Tank

Nominal capacity shall mean the geometric volume of the tank from bottom upto curb angle in
case of fixed roof tanks and the underside of roof deck upto the maximum floating position of
floating roof in case of floating roof tanks.

3.4.2 Gross Capacity of a Tank

Gross capacity (stored volume) is the capacity of the tank upto the maximum safe filling height
of the tank.

3.4.3 Net Capacity

Net capacity is the net pumpable capacity of the tank during operation after subtracting the
volume of tank bottom contents up to the top of normal pumpout nozzle from safe filling
capacity of the tank.


Sick wagons are those which are declared defective because of leaky bottom valve, missing
safety valve, leaking body or any other mechanical failure.


Petroleum products are divided into three classes based on their flash points as follows:
Class A - Flammable liquids having flash point below 23 c.
o o
Class B - Flammable liquids having flash point of 23 C and above but below 65 C.

Class C - Flammable liquids having flash point of 65oC and above but below 93oC.

Excluded - Liquids having flash point of 93 degree C Petroleum and above

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 3



Tanks are classified based on their roof design. Normally, atmospheric tanks are of fixed roof or
cone roof or floating roof or fixed cum floating roof (with or without Nitrogen blanketing) type
tanks and low pressure Nitrogen blanketed tanks.

Floating Roof

Floating roof may be single deck pontoon roof, double deck or pan roof. Pan roof shall not be
used as these are unsafe. For designing these tanks, API 650 guidelines may be followed.

Fixed Roof

Fixed roof may be of cone type or dome shaped. The tank may be pressurised (to a few inches
of water) type with breather valves. Alternatively, tanks may be provided with fuel gas or inert
gas blanketing to prevent oxygen/moisture ingress. Fixed roof tanks for light products (e.g.
Motor Spirit) breathing into a neoprene balloon is not acceptable. For designing
atmospheric/low pressure tanks, API 650 or API 620 may be followed based on the type of the

Fixed cum Floating Roof

These tanks have a fixed roof over a floating roof.They are used for products having very
stringent water content specifications like Aviation Turbine Fuel and products sensitive to
oxygen like light intermediate feed tanks. Where oxygen ingress is to be avoided, it is
preferable to provide Nitrogen blanketing.

4.1.1 Selection of Roof

Selection of type of roof generally depends on ambient conditions and the product handled.

4.1.2 Ambient Temperature

Ambient temperature statistics shall be taken for the past atleast 15 years. Maximum average
daily temperature for four (4) summer months for each year shall be considered.

4.1.3 Product Handled

Following guidelines should be used for specific cases:

(a) Tanks used to store finished Aviation Gasoline/ Turbine Fuel shall be floating cum fixed
roof to avoid entry of water into product.
(b) Where product degradation due to air/moisture ingress is a problem and fixed roof tanks are
used,such tanks should be provided with inert gas blanketing.
(c) Nitrogen blanketing for internal floating roof tanks/fixed roof tanks should be considered for
storing hazardous petroleum products like benzene etc.


Tank bottoms may have conical shape or inverted cone shape, also known as "Apexdown".
Tanks used to store finished Aviation Turbine Fuel shall have bottoms coned downwards
towards the centre with a sump of adequate size at the centre of the tank bottom and a siphon
drain. The outside of pipe shall be epoxy coated.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 4


Tanks may be above ground, on elevated ground or underground. In case of underground

storage tanks, protection to the external surfaces of fixed tanks/pipes shall be provided by a
glass or synthetic fibre reinforced hot applied bitumen and by surrounding the heated tank with
a backfill of selected sand. This is preferred over solid skin of fine concrete through contraction
or subsidence. Cathodic protection should be provided where very high standard of protection
is required due to soil condition/geographic location.


Tank capacities are defined based on item 3.4. Risk analysis for the surrounding area should
preferably be undertaken while constructing large capacity tanks beyond 20,000 Cu.M. (Refer
OISD Standard-118 on Layouts for Oil and Gas Installations).


Corrosion allowance should be specified depending on the nature of petroleum products to be

stored, it's impurities level, atmospheric conditions etc.


4.6.1 Ladders and Handrails

Individual tank shall be provided with access to the roof. A platform with railing should be
provided from the top of the stairway to gaugewell and roof ladder. On floating roof tanks, non-
sparking self levelling tread type rolling ladder with suitable earthing connection are to be


Stairs should be made of grating. All staircases shall have resting/landing platform preferably
for every 5m height.

4.6.2 Manholes

Number of manholes shall depend on diameter of the tank (Refer API 650 for details). Minimum
of one flush type clean out manhole should be provided for tanks under dirty services.

4.6.3 DRAINS

(i) Bottom Drains

Drains should be provided in all tanks for draining water and also for emptying out the tank for
cleaning. Besides, these are also useful for draining water after a hydrotest or initial flushing
during a start up operation. Refer API 650 for number and details of such drains. Apex down
tank bottom shall have one drain connection located at the lowest point near the centre of the
tank in addition to normal circumferential drains.

(ii) Floating Roof Drains

Maximum rainfall rate on hourly basis for the past 15 years should be considered for designing
the number and size of drains for open floating roof tank. Also drains shall pass the design
rainfall when roof is resting at the lowest position. Primary roof drain system shall be closed
type using pipe and swing joints and shall include a suitable outlet valve. The inlet for these

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 5

drains shall have a swing type check valve to prevent product from flowing into roof if pipe drain

(iii) Emergency Roof Drain

Emergency drain for floating roof tank shall be provided on the roof to take care of drainage
problem and drainage of total water in case of plugging of normal roof drain.

4.6.4 Dip Hatch

Dip hatch or gauge hatch is used for gauging the height of the liquid in a tank as well as to take
out samples for testing. Gauge hatch shall be non-sparking(or lined with non-sparking material)
and self closing type. Storage tank having pressure while in normal operation may pose
problem in sampling or taking manual dip. For such tanks, it is suggested to resort to slot
dipping device. This accessory permits sampling/dipping in tanks having pressure upto 300 mm
WG. For operating pressure beyond this, it may be necessary to provide appropriate
instrumentation with redundancy.

Gauge well pipe (with slots) should be provided for all types of tanks. This should have
continuous contact by means of strips with bottom plate of the tank. Continuous contact makes
the tank safer with respect to static charge accumulation and acts as a support for the gauge
well pipe.

4.6.5 Walkway on the Roof

Walkway with handrail on the roof of the tank should be provided to facilitate
inspection/checking of vents/ flame arrestor etc. so that movement of personnel on roof is

4.6.6 VENTS

(i) Open Vents

Open vents shall be of goose neck type, covered with a 4 to 8 mesh screen. For sizing the
vents API 2000 is to be referred. However, following are the basic guidelines need to be
considered :
(a) Maximum and minimum ambient temperatures
(b) Vapour pressure of the product at operating/design temperature
(c) Maximum pumping in and out rates
(d) Blending components likely to be handled in the tank

(ii) Breather Valve

Breather valves shall be provided in the blanketed tanks designed as per API 650. For low
pressure tanks breather valve required shall be provided as per API 620. The tank breathes - in
air when the tank pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure and breathes - out when
tank pressure is greater than the set pressure. Pressure and Vacuum Relieving Valves
(PVRVs) provided on cone roof tanks usually have 20% accumulation. While designing, it is
necessary to ensure that under full relieving conditions, the design pressure/vacuum in the tank
is not exceeded. Set pressure of PVRV must be decided according to API 520 guidelines.

Breather vents/flame arrestors are known to fail through the formation of crystalline waxy /
heavy hydrocarbon deposits or ice on the seats of valve diaphragms or inside the nozzle
connection upon which the valve is mounted. Breather vents/flame arrestors are not
recommended on these services, instead only open vents should be provided.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 6

Where tanks are blanketed, breathing-in will be from the blanketing gas system. Necessary
control valve shall be provided for supply of blanketing gas at constant pressure. The tank shall
be provided with a safety valve by way of lift disc/diaphragm or any other suitable device.
Gauge hatch and other manholes shall be of gas
tight construction.


(i) Level

Tanks shall be provided with at least two numbers of level instruments of which one may be
local and the other remote, located in control room or office. In addition, high/low level alarms
with independent primary sensing device are recommended.

Automatic isolation of tank receipt line based on High Level sensing device should be
considered for tanks receiving at high flow rates ( unloading from ship/ pipeline receipt etc.).

(ii) Temperature

When rundown temperatures are likely to be higher than 100 degree C, a remote temperature
indicator with alarm should be provided in addition to local indicators. For tank capacity higher
than 5000 cu.m., a minimum of two numbers of local temperature indicators should be so
located (within 500 mm above the inlet/outlet nozzle) as not to sense the direct heat of the coil.


4.7.1 Earthing

Every storage tank, including its roof and all metal connections, should be electrically
continuous and be effectively earthed. In case of floating roof tanks, stainless steel shunts may
be provided across the peripheral seals to ensure earthing of floating roof. Alternatively, the
pontoon, ladder and shell of the floating roof tank shall be continuously bonded (electrically
continuous) with copper cable and the shell shall be independently earthed. Refer OISD-RP-
110 on Recommended Practices on Static Electricity.

4.7.2 Painting and Numbering

Painting is essential for tank protection. Besides tank number, safe filling height, reference
height etc. should be painted on the tank to avoid operating errors.

(a) For all white oil products a heat reflecting and self cleaning paint is recommended e.g.
white "EPIKOTE" ester paint and self cleaning enamel paint.

(b) Numbers should be painted at three positions, 120 degrees apart, below roof level and
should be clearly visible from outside the dyke/roadside. Recommended size of letters is
half metre high and 50 mm thick. Additionally, at the foot of the staircase of each tank, tank
number, safe filling height, reference height and name of the product being handled should
be painted clearly.

Recommended size of letters is 150 mm and 12 mm thick. Luminous paint shall be preferred.


Necessary insulation will normally be provided for heat conservation. It is advisible to provide a
two meters high insulation around the tanks having higher surface temperature for personal
protection. Also, patch insulation may be provided on the shell along with spiral stairway.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 7


The dyke wall may be of earth, masonary or stone.The purpose of a tank dyke is to contain the
petroleum product, in the event of the tank rupture. For details of tank farms, refer OISD-STD-
118 on "Layout for Oil and Gas Installations".

5.1.1 Tank Farm Drains

Tank farm drainage / spillages / rain water shall be routed either to oily water sewerage or
storm water channel. Provision should exist for diversion valves located outside the dyke. In
case of clear rain water, the same shall be diverted to open channel. Should a tank rupture, the
contents shall remain within the bundwall and gradually be diverted to oily water sewer.

In case of high wax content product or high pour crude, the tank oil drains could be separated
and pumped to crude/slop tanks. Depending on capacity, a group of tanks can be considered.
The separator shall have steam heating arrangement and auto start/stop for pump can be
provided for. In this regard refer OISD Standard 109 on "Blowdown & Sewer System".

5.1.2 Fire Protection

The details of the fire protection are covered under OISD Standard - 116 on "Fire Protection
Facilities for Petroleum Refineries & Oil/Gas Processing Plants" and OISD Standard - 117 on
"Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Depots and Terminals". Where large tank farms are
involved (especially in refineries/crude terminals or marketing installations in thickly populated
areas) hydrocarbon detectors may be located in selected tank farms with remote alarms in
control stations.


For safety considerations, it is desirable to keep the number of inlet/outlet connections to the
tank shell to minimum. This reduces the number of flanges/valves close to the tank. In case of
more number of lines, it is desirable to take a single header and form as manifold away from
the tank. Tank manifolds shall be located outside the dyke area. The floor underneath should
be paved, have curb walls and connected to drainage system.

Crude and other tanks, where water contamination can lead to unit upsets, additional suction at
two elevations may be considered so that top outlet can be lined up initially. Alternatively,
floating suction shall be installed. After tank settlement, a depression is normally formed on
tank pad along the circumference. The same should be effectively made up with proper slope
to avoid rain water accumulation and subsequent corrosion. Where large settlement is
anticipated, it is desirable to use flexible joints/spring supports for piping to nozzles.



Tank heating can be accomplished either by steam heating or electric tracing or hot oil
circulation. Heating flues using fired burners are not recommended as these are not safe.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 8

6.1.1 Design Criteria

Tank heaters shall be designed to hold the product at the specified storage temperature when
tank is filled upto safe filling height. For design calculations, it is necessary to specify average
wind velocity and minimum ambient temperature over extended period of time.

6.1.2 Steam Heating

Manway heaters consist of a tube bundle, usually of hairpin type,fixed through a manhole of the
tank.Manway heater shall be designed so that its removal can be done without the requirement
of person entering in the tank.

Steam coils should have no flange connections inside the tank. Provision should exist in
condensate outlet lines to check for oil leak. Gradient of the coil bundle inside the tank should
be such that condensate accumulation is avoided.

6.1.3 Electric Heating

Electric tracing of one or more courses of shell can be provided.However, the classification and
thermal rating of electric tracing should be verified before application. The electric conduits and
cabling should conform to Classification of Areas for Electrical Installations.

6.1.4 Hot Oil System

In case of fuel oil, LSHS, Bitumen etc. steam leak in the tank could lead to boil over. For this
reason, hot oil heating can also be considered for such cases. This would consist of a fired
heater located in remote area. A pump takes suction from a tank containing heating oil (e.g.
Dowtherm) and circulates through heater to the tank. Necessary remote temperature indicators
and control valves are required for the system. Again, isolation and sampling facilities are to be
provided at each tank to check leaks. Heating oil tank level should be monitored with indicators
and alarm.


Though line blending is a preferred practice in refineries, final corrections may have to be done
in tanks. Mixing is also required to avoid stratification of heavy oil products and also to
accommodate downgraded products, seasonal quality changes as well as for pipeline
interphases during cross country transfer. However, blending of Class 'A' product into Class 'C'
product by transfers should not be resorted to. Otherwise, the tank should be re-classified.

Types of Mixers

Blending may be carried out by side entry propeller mixers, jet mixers or eductor mixers. In
general, eductor mixers shall be preferred for blending. The outlet of eductor shall be located
away from tank shell to avoid direct impingement.

Jet mixing shall not be considered for high viscous products and products with high water
content. Selection of type of mixer should be based on economics, effectiveness and safety of
operation. The mixing stream in operation should never break the surface of the liquid.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 9


(i) Entry on floating roof is permitted only if all the following conditions are fulfilled:

(1) The roof is at least half way to the top.

(2) Gastestshowsno presence of H2S and gas concentration is below 10% of the lower
explosive limit.
(3) Floating roof is levelled and free of oil and excessive water.
(4) One man is standby at the top of platform with a cannister mask / breathing apparatus
readily available.
(5) A life line with safety belt is used for the man going on the roof. The other end of the line
held by the standby at the top platform.
(6) The tank is not under receipt or delivery.

(ii) No gauging or sampling of tanks should be undertaken during thunder or hail storms.

(iii) Flow velocity at tank inlet should not exceed 1 m/s until the inlet is completely submerged.
For easy reference, permissible flow rates for initial filling are given below:

Size (in mm) of Inlet Pipe Max.Flow

-------------------------- -------------------
300 246
250 168
200 109
150 59
100 27
80 25.5

(iv) Conductive footwear e.g. leather soles or electrically conducting rubber soles, should be
worn while gauging, sampling or taking tempertures. Nylon rope shall not be used for
lowering sample bottles in the tank.

(v) One of the most common sources of leaks and spills is mobile storage tanks,such as diesel
fuel tanks used for construction machinery. It is desirable to dig a small pit or construct
temporary dyke around the tank.

(vi) If the tank has internal heating coils, steam to the coils should not be charged until the coil
is fully submerged and the condensate from these coils must be monitored for oil content.
(vii) In case of large tank farms effective communication is essential. Telephone with loud
hooters may be provided on roadside at various locations. This can also be utilised for
communication during emergency like fire.

(viii) Side entry mixers may be operated only when liquid level is above the blades. The side
entry mixers should be of such a design as to facilitate add-packing while the tank is in

(ix) Whenever saline water is used for testing of tank, an oxygen scavenger and a corrosion
inhibitor or other mixture of chemicals can be used.

(x) While cleaning the tanks, care should be taken to avoid generation of static electricity. For
this reason, steaming of gassy tanks and cleaning of tanks by means of gas oil spray
should be avoided. Water washing is preferred.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 10



(i) Pumps shall be located in an exclusive paved area with drainage facilities. To avoid wide
variation in pressure, leading to a 'kick' or 'hammering' in header and hoses, it is necessary
to choose pumps with flat characteristic curves.
(ii) Loading pumps shall also be provided with additional explosion proof switches located at
the gantry to switch off the pump in case of emergency.
(iii) It is preferred to have a dedicated pump for each product. Common standy pump may be
used for MS/Naptha or Kero/HSD or LDO/FO etc. However, positive blinding facility shall
be available. Common standby pump shall not be used between Class 'A' and Class B/C or
Class 'B' and Class 'C' products.
(iv) It is desirable to have separate pumps for truck loading and not combined with wagon
loading as the latter are normally of much higher capacity.
(v) Receiving lines as well as discharge lines shall be provided with thermal safety relief valves
to relieve pressure due to ambient temperature rise. Whenever isolation valves are used to
isolate TSV, isolation valve with lock open provision should be considered.
(vi) Safety relief valves may vent into a tank or may be piped to a collector drum having level
indicator/alarm or to OWS located in safe area. When connected to tank, it should be
provided with isolation valve on either side and break flange/union on tank side.
Also,location shall be close to drain sump. SRV discharge for congealing service should
not be routed to OWS but to a paved area.
(vii) No cast iron valve shall be used in oil service. Only cast steel valves shall be considered.
(viii)Provision shall exist for emptying out the loading headers back to tank by means of loading
pumps or through a drain vessel. Use of loading pump is feasible by connecting discharge
pipe to pump suction, downstream of suction valve and giving a similar connection from
upstream of discharge valve to upstream of suction valve. This ensures safe maintenance.
(ix) In case of large capacity wagon loading gantries where loading could vary from a rake to
few wagons, it is desirable to provide a minimum flow controller on discharge line to take
care of pressure fluctuations. When more than one loading pump is required to be run to
meet higher loading rates, minimum continuous flow requirement of each pump shall be
(x) Where flow indicators/totalisers are provided for gantries, vapour eliminators shall be
(xi) For tank truck, loading should preferably be done with set flow indicators rather than
(xii) It is desirable to consider fire proof remote operated shut off valves for loading headers so
that gantry headers can be isolated in case of emergency.


(i) Loading points shall have quick shut-off valves viz. Plug or Ball Valves.
(ii) Vacuum release valves shall be provided with chain lever arrangement for release in case
of stuck up vacuum release valves.
(iii) As there would be variations in number of trucks/wagons being loaded at a time, the flow
rate through each point would also vary. Hence, restriction orifices or flow control valves
must be provided to restrict velocity upto 6 m/sec, particularly for motor spirit, kerosene,
ATF and diesel.
(iv) Kero and diesel can form a multipoint. Similarly, LDO and FO may be combined. Two types
of Naphtha viz. HAN & LAN can be put together. However, ATF or MS shall be exclusive.
(v) All flanged points, in loading header and loading points shall be provided with jumper wires.
(vi) Earthing of loading gantry shall be provided at structure pillars. Railway gantry should be
grounded at every 25m. Loading header in the loading gantry shall be bonded to the
Railway track at every 25m. Earthing of truck tankers to be ensured before commencing
loading / unloading operation.

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 11

(vii) In case of loading hoses, only neoprene impregnated hoses, supplemented with external
wire connecting loading nozzle to pipe should be used.
(viii) All tank wagons and tank trucks should have a fill pipe leading to the bottom. In the
absence of the same, portable fill pipe shall be used. However, splash filling is permissible
for asphalt loading in tank truck or tank wagons.
(ix) Where bottom loading is done, deflector plates in the trucks / wagons to be ensured.
(x) Bottom flameproof lighting should be provided for night time checking of wagon bottom
leaks and also for proper sealing and inspection wherever loading/unloading during night is
required to be done.
(xi) Loading gantry platform should have atleast one explosion-proof telephone for
communication with pump house as well as in emergencies.
(xii) Gantries shall be protected with well designed fire fighting system. For details refer
OISD-STD-116 and 117.
(xiii) Tank wagon and truck loading gantries shall be suitable for all weather conditions.
(xiv) Loading platforms (swing type) shall be light in construction and bottom rest shall be
neoprene packed to avoid spark generation due to impact.
(xv) Proper handrail arrangement shall be provided on opposite side of loading point for safe
movement of personnel over truck/wagon.
(xvi) Well maintained earthing clamps should be available for earthing of trucks.
(xvii) Protection against pressure surge in the loading header due to sudden change in loading
rate need to be considered. Provision of shock absorber as one of the surge protection
method at suitable locationons on rail/road loading header may be considered.
(xviii) Wagon/truck loading gantries shall be on concrete supports. Alternatively, fire-proofing
shall be done upto the platform if made of steel structure.
(xix) Entire loading gantry, including areas below railway lines/truck bays,shall be paved for
smooth draining and collection of spillages into drains. Also, underground drain shall be
provided with riser and funnel for each loading point so that the hose after loading can be
inserted into the same to avoid spillages.
(xx) Open drains along the railway line/gantry shall be covered with gratings so as not to
endanger movement of personnel.
(xxi) All trucks entering truck loading gantry shall be provided with flame arrestors at the
(xxii) Oil and water collected from loading areas should be routed to central waste water treatment
facilities. Where such central facility does not exist, as in the case of terminals/bulk
plant/depots, local oil water collection and separation system should be provided.
Depending on size, this could be a catch basin or trap, API separator or similar facility. A
slop tank may be earmarked for storing separated oil.


When a wagon is found leaking during loading, provision should be kept for unloading the
content safely. A drain header should be provided to drain out the content to a underground
tank/sump from where it can be pumped out to storage tank or to the loading header.
Alternatively, in case, mobile pump is used for unloading sick wagon, explosion proof motor
and power connection should be provided. Similar facility should be provided for unloading sick
truck tanker also.



9.1.1 Underground Drainage

A network of undeground drainage system should be provided to collect oil drains from various
equipments, gantry areas, pump houses etc. They should also collect surface drains from

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”
OISD – RP – 108 Page No. 12

places where oil spillages are likely to occur. The underground drainage should lead to central
waste water treatment plant/oil catcher as the case may be.

9.1.2 Receiving Sump

The receiving sump of the central oily water treatment facilities shall have inverted weir
arrangement to skim off upper layer of accumulated oil. Skimmed oil shall be pumped directly
to wet slop tanks. Left over oil water mixture shall be routed to waste water treatment.

9.1.3 Slop Oil Collection Sump

Separated oil from waste water treatment plant should be routed to an underground sump
called slop oil sump. It is also desirable to provide a standby sump which would facilitate proper
cleaning and maintenance.


9.2.1 Unit Slops

Off-spec products during start up or shutdown of process units are routed to dry slop
tank.However,hot and heavy products shall be routed separately to a tank and high RVP
products to another tank. The tanks shall be designed to suit the pumping rate, RVP etc. and
should be floating roof type.These dry slops are either routed to crude tank or directly
processed as a slop stream in processing units.

9.2.2 Wet Slops

Wet slops carry water and hence these tanks should be designed with liberal corrosion
allowance (Refer item 4.5).Wet slops are allowed to settle in wet slop tanks for further water
separation and subsequent draining. The draining shall be supervised and the oil may be
transferred to dry slop tanks.


(i) API Stds.- 650,2000,2550, RR 2003 etc.

(ii) Petroleum Rules
(iii) UOP Project Specs.
(iv) CALTEX Basic Practices
(v) Storage & Handling of Petroleum Liquids by John R. Hughes
(vi) OISD Standard-118:"Layouts for Oil & Gas Installations"
(vii) OISD Standard-116:"Fire Protection Facilities for Petroleum Refineries and
Oil/Gas Processing Plants"
(viii) OISD Standard-117:"Fire Protection Facilities For
(ix) Petroleum Depots and Terminals"

“OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting
from the use of OISD Standards/Guidelines.”

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