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Islamic Studies Grade 05-1

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�- Grade s ---41

Given the dire need for Islamic studies material in

schools incorporating the subject in English,
Darussalam has endeavoured to publish an Islamic
Studies series covering all the grades, from grade
one through grade twelve.
©Mataba Dar-us-Salam, 2011
King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Abdul Aziz, tv'oulavi

Islamic Studies- grade 5. tv'oulavi Abdul Aziz -2. Riyadh, 2011
160p; 17x24cm

ISBN: 978-603-500-125-0

1-lslamic 2- Islam - General principles

1- Title
210 de 1432/5334

LD.no. 1432/5334
ISBN: 978-603-500-125-0

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © U_;.,...., �� J_,.h �

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Supervised by: Abdul Malik Mujahid

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Publisher's Note

All praise belongs to Allah; we praise Him and

seek His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in
Allah from the evil of our own selves and from our
sinful deeds. Whomever Allah guides, there is none
to misguide him, and whomever He leads astray,
none can guide him. We bear witness that there is no
god worthy of worship except Allah, alone, and we
bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and
Messenger. We pray to Allah the Almighty to bestow
His peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad,
upon his good and pure family, as well as upon all the
noble companions and those who follow them in
righteousness until the Day of Judgement.

Given the dire need for Islamic studies material

in schools incorporating the subject in English,
Darussalam has endeavoured to publish an Islamic
Studies series covering all the grades, from grade one
through grade twelve.

The series will cover all areas of Islamic

studies: tafseer, hadeeth, tawheed, fiqh, seerah, and
general etiquette relating to different areas and
situations. Given the importance of authentic Islamic
knowledge, every effort has been made to ensure
that the material presented in the series is authentic.
Also, given the importance of Arabic Islamic terms,
most of the terms are presented in their original
Arabic script, along with the transliteration and the
translation of their meanings. This also applies to
supplications which have to be memorised in their
Arabic from. The aim here is to help the reader read
the original text and understand its meaning. Each
lesson is followed by exercises covering questions
about the lesson.

One striking feature in the series is the

colourful artwork used in it that certainly appeals to
children. This is certainly bound to attract the young
readers' attention, stimulate them, amuse them as
well as educate them.
Publisher's Note

The series aims to acquaint the student with

the teachings of Islam in every aspect: beliefs,
practices and moral conduct. The series, with its
unique features, certainly fills a gap in this area which
has long been partially neglected.

The present breathtaking work was initiated by

an expert in the field of education, Maulvi Abdul Aziz,
MA. English literature, who held different posts in the
field including that of Senior Administrative Officer in
the Department of Private Education, Ministry of
Education, Dubai, UAE, from 1982 to 2002.

The current project also owes its existence in

its present form to a number of people who made
informative suggestions, particularly AI-Arabee Ben
Razzouq, College of Languages and Translation,
Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University, Riyadh, who
undertook the painstaking task of checking the
authenticity of the material presented in the series,
proofreading the text as well as adding references to
certain quotations from the Qur'an and the hadeeth.
Special thanks also go to Sheikh Abdui-Qawiy
Luqman, AI-Madeenah University graduate, for his
interesting suggestions and to Mr. Zulfiqar
Mahmood who conscientiously applied his expertise
in the field of graphic design to produce the series in
a superb shape.

We pray to Almighty Allah to reward our

endeavours and to make the present series
abundantly beneficial to students in all stages of
education as well as to any one who reads them.

Abdul Malik Mujahid

Sha'aban, 1429 AH.
August 2008.
Chapter CONTENTS Page Number

Tawheed: Oneness of Allah l

2 Ar-Risaalah(The Message) 8

3 AI-Akhirah(Life after Death) 14

4 Surat at-Teen(The Fig) 19

5 Surat ai-Qadr(The Decree) 23

6 Surat az-Zalzalah(The Earthquake) 27

7 Surat ai-Aadiyaat(The Racers) 32

8 Surat ai-Qaari1ah(The Striking Hour) 36

9 Surat at-Takaathur(Greed for More and More) 40

10 Surat ai-Humazah(The Slanderer) 44

ll Surat Quraysh 48

12 Surat ai-Maalun (Help) 51

13 Surat ai-Kaafiroon(The Disbelievers) 54

14 Prophet Muhammad (�) 57

15 Prophet Muhammad( � ) 61

16 Prophet Muhammad ( � ) 66

l7 Prophet Muhammad ( � ) 69

18 Prophet Muhammad ( � ) 76

19 Prophet Muhammad( � ) 81

20 Prophet Muhammad( � ) 86

21 Prophet Ayyub (�\) 92

22 Prophet Alyaas(��) 96

23 Prophet Yunus ( ��) l 01

24 The Best Use of Time 105

25 Ammar ibn Yaasir ( �) ll 0

26 Safiyyah bint Abd ai-Muttalib ( �) ll 3

27 Ruqayyah bint Muhammad ( �) 115

Chapter CONTENTS Page Number

28 Kindness to parents 11 7

29 The Qurlan is th Word of Allah 121

30 Fingerprints-The Unique Creation of Allah! 124

31 Islamic Dress Code 127

32 Etiquette of Eating and Drinking 132

33 The Friday Prayer 136

34 As-Sunan or-Raatibah 140

35 AI-Witr Prayer 142

36 Dhikrullaah (Remembrance of Allah) 145

37 Dulaa (Calling upon Allah) 150

38 Some Sayings of the Prophet (�) 158


Tawheed is the most important belief in Islam . It means that

Allah is One, Supreme and there is nothing like Him. Allah says in
Surat al-lkhlaas,

He is Allah, the One.

Allah, the Everlasting Sustainer of all,
He has not given birth and was not born;
And no one is comparable to Him.

Tawheed means Allah alone is the Creator. He is the only power

behind the universe and the sole source of its guidance. He knows
everything , sees everything and has power over everything. He is
Eternal and is beyond human knowledge and reasoning. This does
not mean that Allah is so far away that He cannot possibly know or
care about what He created . On the contrary, He is close
to all of us. He listens to our prayer when we call on to Him. It is Allah
Who created us and so He knows everything about us. I n fact, He is
nearer to us than our jugular veins. Everything in the universe belongs
to Allah .
Allah knows everything . If a calamity strikes, it is for a reason He
knows, even if we do not understand why it has happened .

When someone likens anyone or anything to Allah, suggests in

anyway that other people or things share Allah's creative power with
Him or have the knowledge or ability to guide or to forgive - this then
is the sin of shirk. If someone worships others besides Allah , he has
also committed the sin of shirk.
A prophet cannot be god . In fact, no prophet of Allah ever
claimed he was a god . lsa ( ��) was a prophet. It is true that he
worked miracles but he did so by the command of Allah . Allah has
no equal or partner.
Allah is the Giver of life. He keeps things alive and provides for
their needs. He was not created by anyone or anything . He has
always been and will always be. He is the First and the Last.
He creates what He likes, and He is never tired of creating . He is
the Creator. There is no one and nothing that can be compared with
He was not born , and He has no father or mother. He is not in
need of children to live after Him or help Him. He has no wife. He is
One and without a partner. Therefore, we should not worship any of
the following because it is shirk to do so:

(1 ) Any created beings such as men , angels, animals or the

dead in their g raves!
(2) Any created objects such as trees, mountains, stones,
rivers, statues, idols or pictures.
(3) Man-made gods and goddesses.

Shirk means associating others with Allah in worship. It is the

opposite of Tawheed . If someone associates anyone or anything
with his Creator in worship, he becomes a mushrik. Tawheed rejects
all kinds of shirk. A mushrik worries and relies on material things. Shirk
makes a person believe in superstitions.

Allah has forbidden Paradise to those who commit the sin of

shirk. Shirk is the worst kind of injustice. Anyone who associates
partners with Allah will never enter Paradise. The people of Tawheed
will be admitted into Paradise because Tawheed is the key to it. The
gates of Paradise will not open for anyone without this key, or for
anyone who has a key that lacks teeth. The teeth of this key are
shahadah, salah , zakah, sawm and hajj .
Anyone who acquires the right key in this life, the key of
Tawheed along with its teeth , by following Allah's commands, will
come on the Day of Judgement to the door of Paradise with the only
key that opens it. He will not be kept out, unless the burden of his sins
remains with him.

Paradise is the home of the pure. Hell is the home of impurities.

Allah is One. He commands and forbids. He creates and
provides. He causes death and gives life. He decrees and delivers.
He elevates and lowers. He changes night into day. He alternates
the days of people and nations, replacing one with another.
What Allah wills comes into being in the manner He wills it. His
orders and His decrees are fulfilled in the heavens, in the farther
corners of the earth , beneath it, in the seas and every other part of
the universe. He originates what He wills. His knowledge
encompasses all things. He keeps account of everything. His Mercy
and Wisdom envelops all things. Allah's power is limitless.

Allah1S hearing encompasses all

voices. Yet they do not mix with each
other. Rather, He hears everything very

Allahls sight envelops all visible things. He sees everything. The

hidden for Him is visible and the secret for Him is public. He knows
what is secret. He even knows what is in a person's mind and heart!

Allah forgives sins. He alleviates sufferings and hardships. He

teaches the ignorant and guides those who are astray. He directs
the confused and helps the desperate. He feeds the hungry and
clothes the naked . He cures the sick and forgives sins. He accepts
the repentance of the sinners and rewards the righteous. He helps
the oppressed , humbles the arrogant and steadies those who
He covers our faults and gives us safety from fear. He gives
generously and that does not lessen in the least what He possesses.
He is All-Powerful ; the whole earth will be in His grip on the Day of
Judgement, and the heavens will be folded in His Right Hand.
No sin is too g reat for Him to forgive. No need is too great for
Him to fulfil. However, He never forgives the sin of shirk.

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Everything perishes except His Face. Every kingdom fades
except His Kingdom . Every shade will be withdrawn except by His
permission and Mercy. When He is obeyed , He appreciates. When He
is disobeyed, and sought for forgiveness He overlooks and forgives.

If all the trees on earth were pens and all the seas with seven
others added to them were ink, and those pens were to write with that
ink, both the pens and ink would be exhausted , but the words of
Allah1S unlimited knowledge or those describing His attributes and His
grandeur or praise of Him would not.
Allah has the Most Beautiful Names and the perfect Attributes.
We must believe in their great underlying meanings and describe
Allah the Almighty in a manner that suits His Majesty without likening
His Attributes to any of those of His creatures.
All acts of worship, such as invocation, trust, fear and sacrifice,
should be directed to Him alone. We should invoke none but Allah,
rely on none except Allah , seek no one's help except Allah's help
and seek no one's refuge but Allah's refuge.

+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

l. Tawheed means of Allah.

2. Allah has not given birth and was not '------'

3. was a prophet.
4. is a sin that Allah will never forgive.
5. encompasses all voices.

B. Are these statements true or false? In the box provided, write T if the
statement is true or F if it is false.

l . Allah knows all the secrets we keep in our hearts. D

2. Since Almighty Allah was not born , He has no father or mother. D
3. The teeth of the key of Tawheed are shahaadah, salah, zaka h , sawm
and hajj . D
4. Our needs are too much for Allah to fulfil. D
+x e r cis e s

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What i s Tawheed?

2. What i s shirk?

3. Name some attributes of Allah you studied i n this chapter.

4. Are we allowed to worship rivers, statues, graves etc.? Whom should we

worship, and why?

Ar-Risaalah is an Arabic word which means message. It is man's

duty to serve Allah, his Creator. It is his duty to submit to His Wil l . This is
the teaching of Islam.

Obviously, man cannot do this unless Allah lets him know what
His Will is! How should he live his life on earth? How can he decide
whether a particular action is right or wrong , good or bad?
But Allah is Just. He is Merciful . He is the Creator of man. He
knows all his needs. He, therefore, revealed His Will through His
prophets and messengers. He gave man a code of conduct through
these prophets and messengers. Ar-Risaalah - the message - is a link
between Allah and humanity. A rasool is a prophet. He is a
messenger of Allah.
A message communicated directly from Allah to a prophet's
heart or through Angel Jibreel (�1) is called wahy, or revelation . Allah
is the only source of guidance to human life. Man must submit to this
guidance as ultimate and final . Allah revealed His guidance as
ultimate and final. Allah revealed His guidance to human beings
chosen by Him for this purpose. These chosen human beings are
called prophets.

Allah sent many prophets and messengers at different times
between Ada m and Prophet Muhammad (� ) . Only Allah knows the
number of them . Adam (�I) was the first of the prophets, and
Muhammad ( � ) was the last prophet and messenger. He was sent
as a mercy to all the nations.
Of these prophets and messengers, twenty-five Prophets are
mentioned by name in the Qur'an. They are:
( 1 ) Adam , (2) ldrees, (3) Nuh , (4) Salih , (5) Shu'ayb, (6) Hud , (7)
lbraaheem , (8) Lut, (9) lsmaleel , (1 0) ls'haq , ( 1 1 ) Ya'qub, ( 1 2) Yusuf,
( 1 3) Yunus, ( 1 4) Musa , ( 1 5) Harun, ( 1 6) Ayyub, ( 1 7) Dawood , ( 1 8)
Sulaiman, ( 1 9) llyas, (20) AI Vasa' , (21 ) Dhul l<ifl , (22) Zakariyyaa, (23)
Yahya , (24) lsa , and (25) Muhammad (May Allah1S peace and
blessings be upon them all)
The messengers did not choose to do the work of guiding
people themselves. In fact, it was Almighty Allah who chose them.
The four prominent prophets before Muhammad ( � ) were Nuh ,
lbraaheem , Musa and lsa .
The Qur'an teaches us that every human community received
a messenger who spoke to them in their language. The essence of
the message of all the prophets was the same - to call their people
to worship only Allah and not to commit the sin of shirk!
Prophet Muhammad (�) was the last in a long succession of
prophets. He was the Seal of all the Prophets who had gone
before him. The prophets were all human beings. They were given
the same message - Allah is One and His Commands are to be
obeyed . Allah refers to all the prophets as Muslims because all of
them submitted to His Will . All of them followed the Straight Path . They
were all His true and faithful slaves. They submitted to His Will in every
part of their lives. Allah gave many of them books.

The Revealed Books include:

At-Tawrah (Torah) - revealed to Musa (�\) .

Az-Zaboor (Psalms) - given to Dawood (�\) .
Al-lnjeel (the Gospels) - the teachings given to lsa ( �1 ).

Each of these books was originally a complete revelation , but

they became all corrupted .
The Zaboor, Tawrah and lnjeel were changed in various ways.
Bits were left out. Many things were forgotten. Many fragments that
were not part of them were added to them .
The Qurlan , which Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad ( �),
is the only book that Allah has protected . It is the eternal Book that
came to confirm the true and original message of Islam and to stand
witness over the previous books by approving the truth and
disproving falsehood in them. In fact, it is Allah1S message to all
mankind , not only to Arabs.
It is part of every M uslim1S faith to believe and respect all the
prophets of Allah . The Qur'an mentions that Allah sent a messenger
to every nation in the world . The Qur'an makes it necessary that a
Muslim should believe in all of Allah1S prophets and messengers .
If someone rejects any of Allah1S prophets or messengers, he
becomes a disbeliever. Prophethood came to an end with Prophet
Muhammad ( � ) . With his coming, Allah completed the religion of
Islam. Allah revealed the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad ( �) through
Angel Jibreel (�I) over a period of twenty-three years.

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After Laa ilaaha illallaah we recite Muhammadur-Rasulullaah,
which means Muhammad (�) is the Messenger of Allah . This means
that we accept and believe that Muhammad ( �) is the prophet
through whom Allah sent us His guidance the Qur'an .
Prophet Muhammad ( � ) showed u s the best way we should
follow to lead our lives. His life was the Qur'an in practice. The surest
way to understand the Qur'an and follow its message is to learn what
Allah's Messenger ( �) said and did . We should try to understand his
sayings and actions and follow into his footsteps.
Once Allah's Messenger ( �) gives his decision and judegment
on any matter, no believing man or woman has any right to
question , doubt, disobey or keep in his mind any feelings of
disapprova l . He must submit to him willingly.
+x e r cis e s

A. Match the following

1 Ar-Risaalah a First Prophet
2 Az-Zaboor b Final Messenger 2
3 Wahy c Seal of the Prophets 3
4 Muhammad d Prophethood 4
5 Adam e Given to Dawood 5
f Message sent from Allah to a prophet

B. Unscramble

1. prophet was Adam ( �\ ) first the.

2. all Prophets the Muhammad ( � ) of was Seal the.

C. Answer these questions .

1 . Name four books Allah revealed to some of His messengers.

2. Name a t least 10 prophets.

+x e r cis e s

3. Who was the first prophet and who was the last?

4. Name the four prominent prophets that came before Muhammad ( � ).


Allah has created death and life so He may test which of us is

best in deeds. Our role in this life is to live, as our Creator desires us
to live: to surrender to Him and worship Him alone. Allah has given us
the faculties of hearing and seeing . He has given us two eyes, a
tongue and a pair of lips. He has also given us the ability to think
and understand the difference between right and wrong. He has
given us free will - the freedom to choose - and has shown us the
Straight Path through His Last Messenger ( � ) .
Allah created u s and to H i m we will return . We are o n our jour­
ey towards the hereafter. Only Allah knows when , how and where
we will die. We do not know how much longer we will live on this
earth, but we do know that one day we will certainly die and return
o our Lord .
The world has continued its course throughout the ages since
the time of Adam ( �\ ) , but this will not go on forever! The day will
come when this world will come to an end . After that, all men from
Adam to the end of time will be brought to life for judgement.

We must give an account of our conduct. We must face the

consequences of how we live our life on this earth . This judgement will
be made only after our earthly life has ended. Almighty Allah, Who
knows everything, Who is All-Powerful and All-Just, will judge us fairly.

Islam teaches us that human life is divided into three parts - the
temporary life on earth , the life of barzakh between this life and the
Day of Judgement and the eternal life that will follow. Since our
earthly life is very short in comparison with the afterlife, it is clear that
the eternal life is far more important, and so we must work hard to
get to Paradise.

Allah has g iven us the freedom to choose between right and

wrong , but when this life comes to an end , Allah will call everyone to
His presence; some people will be sent to Paradise, while some
others will be sent to Hellfire, depending on whether they followed His
Straight Path or the path of Satan.
After death comes the afterlife which begins with life in the
barzakh - a life between this life and resurrection . On the Day of
Judgement, no one else's love or help can free others from their sins.
Everyone stands alone before Allah , answerable only for himself.
Everyone will get j ustice in full . No one will be wronged even by an
atom's weight.

Everything we do in our lives is recorded . Even the smallest of

incidents will be displayed before our eyes on the Day of
Judgement. The Judgement will be final. No one will escape it.
Paradise will be the reward for those who did good actions, and
Hellfire will be the punishment for those who disobeyed Allah and
were ungrateful to Him. The Qur'an describes the delights and
pleasures of Paradise as well as the punishments of Hell in detail. This
is what the Prophet ( � ) came to convey and this is what gives
meaning and purpose to our lives.

Allah's Messenger (� ) once said that on the Day of Judgement,

no person will move from the presence of Allah unless he has
answered the following five questions:

1. How he spent his life,

2. How he spent his youth ,
3. How he earned his wealth , and
4. How he spent it,
5. What he did about his knowledge. (At-Tirmidhee)

Let us then start to prepare for the Akhirah today. It is better for
us to obey Allah and His Messenger ( �) and avoid the path of Satan.
Let us act while we have time!
Let the thought of what awaits us at the end of this life - death ,
Judgement, Heaven or Hell - help us to 'live wisely' . May the
teachings of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet ( �) always
be our light, our guidance and our strength !

+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

l. Allah has given us the freedom to choose between .___

__ _ __, and

2. Everything we d o i n o u r lives is '------'

3. Hellfire will b e the punishment for those who '------' Allah and
were '------'
to Him.

4. '------__j will be the reward for those who did good actions.

5. No one will be '-----_____j on the Day of Judgement because Allah is

x e r cise s

B. Answer these questions.

1 . Why has Allah created life and death?

2. Mention a few things that will happen when this world comes to a n end .

3. Mention the five things we will be asked about on the Day of Judgement.

���l':"" -.:;/
I n the Name of Allah, Most Kind , Most Merciful .

1. By the fig and the olive,

2. And Mount Sinai,
3. And this Safe Land ;
4. We have certainly created man in the best form ;
5. Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low,
6. Except for those who believe and d o right actions; they will
have a never-ending reward .
7. So what causes you to deny the Judgement after this?
8. I s Allah not the Best of judges?

This surah of eight verses was revealed in Makkah and takes its
title from the first word lat-Teenl which means fig .

11By the fig and the olive and Mount Sinai and this Safe Land11

Allah swears by these four things and says that He created man
in the finest mould. The fig and the olive are well known fruits. The fig
and the olive offer an example of wholesome health-giving fruits.
Mount Sinai is the place where Allah spoke to Prophet Musa
( �� ), and the �safe Landi is Makkah, where the Qur'an was first
revealed .
Allah then says that He created man in the best image and
form . He then reduced him to the lowest of the low; that is, Hellfire.
After this attractiveness and beauty, the destination of those who dis­
obeyed Allah will be Hellfire. However, those who believe in Allah
and follow His guidance will not be among them ; rather, they will
have a reward without end . Some scholars said that the lowest of

the lowl also means old age.

This surah ends by asking about that which causes people to
deny the Final Judgement.
It is a fact that many of the worst criminals are not caught or
punished in this life. Likewise, many God-fearing people who do their
best in this life are not rewarded . Allah will surely hand out exact jus­
tice to His creatures in the end !

Is Allah not the Best of judges? This means Allah the Almighty is
indeed the best of judges Who does not do any injustice to anyone.
It is in absolute J ustice that He will establish the Day of Judgement,
and He will then reward the good people and punish the evil ones.
is e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

B. Answer these questions.

1 . What are the four things by which Allah the Almighty swears in Surat

2. What does the 'Safe Land' in the surah mean?

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

In the name of Allah, Most Kind , Most Merciful.
1. Truly, We sent it (the Qurlan) down on the Night of ai-Qadr.
2. And what will make you understand what the Night of ai-Qadr is!
3. The Night of ai-Qadr i s better than a thousand months.
4. I n it, the angels and the Ruh descend by the permission of their
Lord with decrees.
5. It is peace until the coming of the dawn .

Allah tells us that He sent down the Qurlan during Laylat ai-Qadr
(the Night of Decree) , which is a blessed night. Laylat ai-Qadr occurs
during the month of Ramadan . Allah sent down the entire Qur'an
from ai-Lawh ai-Mahfoodh (The Preserved Tablet) to the House of
Might (Baitul-11zzah), which is in the lowest heaven. Then it came
down in parts to the Prophet Muhammad ( �) according to the
incidents that occurred over a period of twenty-three years.
The Prophet ( � ) mentioned that the Night of Decree falls on
one of the odd-numbered nights of the last third of Ramadan (2 1 st,
23rd , 25th , 27th or 29th) . During these last ten days, Allah's
Messenger ( � ) and his companions used to spend all of their time
in the mosque in seclusion (l'tikaaf) . They used to pray and recite the
Qur'an and waited anxiously for this special night on which the
angels come down to the earth with Allah1S Commands.
The angels descend during this night because of its great
blessings. They come down with blessings and mercy. The Ruh in the
verse means Angel Jibreel (�\ ) . Some scholars said that during this
night, all matters are decided , and the times of death and provisions
are also decided during it.

The Prophet ( �) once mentioned that there is a night in

Ramadan which is better than a thousand months, and that whoever
is deprived of its good he has truly been deprived . He also once
said, ��whoever stands (in prayer) during the Night of ai-Qadr with
faith and expecting reward (from Allah) , he will be forgiven for his
previous sins.11 (Muslim)
There is peace on this night because Satan cannot do any evil
or harm u ntil the coming of dawn .
+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1 . Laylat ai-Qadr occurs during the month of '------'

2. It is one of theL__
nights of Ramadan.
3. The Qur'an came down in parts to the Prophet Muhammad ( � )
according to the incidents that occurred over a period of'-------'

4. The word Ru h in this surah means
5. The Night of ai-Qadr is better than L_____

B. Answer these questions.

1 . What is Laylat al Qadr?

2. What did the Messenger ( � ) and his companions d o during the last ten
nights of Ramadan?

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

Q a\J,J:IL.;. ;:�G 0 Cl I)J��'lt))S l�l
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In the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful

1. When the earth is shaken with a great quake ,

2. And the earth gives u p its burdens,
3. And man exclaims, ��what i s the matter with it?11
4. On that Day it will report its news,
5. Because you r Lord will inspire it.
6. On that Day people will proceed in scattered groups to be
shown their actions,
7. So whoever does a n atom's weight of good will see it,
8. And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.

This surah of eight verses was revealed in Makkah. It gives a

powerful vision of the fearful events of the Day of Judgement when
all men will be gathered together to reap the fruit of their deeds.
The great earthquake of the Day of Judgement will shake the
earth over and over again . The earth will throw out its treasures and
the dead . All the people who ever lived since the time of Prophet
Adam ( �\) will be brought to life again. People at first will be in
shock. They will be confused and amazed to find themselves
awakened . They will wonder, ��what is happening? What is wrong with
the earth?11
Allah the Almighty will command the earth to speak about the
actions people did on it in this life. People's own tongues, hands and
feet, eyes and ears, and even their skins will also speak out about the
deeds they committed with them. The reckoning will be so accurate
that an atom's weight of actions will be counted on that terrible day.
��on that day people will proceed in scattered groups to be
shown their actions��. This means that they will be divided into
different g roups, some will be happy while others will be miserable;
some will be sent to Paradise, while others will be sent to Hellfire. The
separation of people into the Company of the Right Hand, the
Company of the Left Hand , or the Companions of the Garden , and
the Companions of the Fire, the good-doers and the evildoers is an
example of these g roupings.
�x e r cis e s

A. Match the following .


Surat az-Zalzalah a will be shown his actions on the

Day of Judgement.
2 Everyone b are the Companions of the fire.
3 Whoever does an atom's c has eight verses.
weight of good
4 People will ask, d "What has happened to it?"
e wi ll see it.

B. Complete the following sentences.

1. The earth will be shaken with a great '------'

2. O n that day it will its news, because your �---�

will inspire it.

3. O n that day people will proceed in to be
shown their

C. Answer these questions.

1 . What will the state of people on the Day of Judgement be?

+x e r cis e s

2. Where was this surah revealed?

3. How are you preparing yourself for that dreadful day?

4. According to what will people be divided on the Day of Judgement?

D. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah , the Most Kind, the Most Merciful .
1 . By the charging horses panting hard ,
2. Striking sparks of fire ( by their flashing hooves) ,
3 . Raiding at full gallop i n the early dawn ;
4 . Raising a trail of d ust behind them ,
5. And plunging into the middle of the enemy!
6. Man is indeed ungrateful to his Lord ,
7 . And indeed h e bears witness to that fact;
8 . Truly, he i s passionate in his love for wealth.
9. Does he not know that when the contents of the g raves are
poured out,
1 0 . And the secrets of the breasts are made known?
1 1 . Indeed , their Lord will know everything about them on that day!

This surah was revealed in Makkah. It consists of eleven verses.

The surah can be divided into three sections for the purpose of study.
1. The first is a series of oaths by horses in a state of war,
engaging in intense activity (verses 1 -5).
These verses describe horses in battle in a vivid style. Horses are
noble. They are brave and faithful animals. If trained , they can
patiently perform many useful tasks for man. They can travel under
dangerous conditions, carry their masters through the raging battles,
cross rivers and climb mountains.
2. The second section consists of three verses. These three
verses state that man is ungrateful to Allah and loves wealth with
passion (verses 6-8).
The truth is that in our time we need the energy to guard
ourselves against the condition mentioned in these verses. A man
can collect a lot of wealth ; the fact is he cannot take any of it with
him when he dies. It will not help him in the least when he has to
stand before Allah to be j udged .
3.The third section is a reminder to such people of the Day of
Resurrection when what they hide (even from themselves) will be
open to all , and particularly to Allah who is ai-Khabeer, that is, the
One Who knows about everything and everyone.
x e r cis e s

A. Complete the following sentences.

1. Man is indeed to his Lord.

2. Truly, he is passionate in his for wealth.

B. Answer these questions.

1. Where was this surah revealed?

2. How many verses does it contain?

3. What does Allah swear by in Surat ai-Aadiyaat?

4. What does this surah teach us?

C. Memorisation

Learn the surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful
1 . The Striking Hour!
2. What is the Striking Hour?
3 . And what will make you know what the Striking Hour is?
4 . I t is the day when people will be like moths, scattered about,
5. And the mountains will be like wool , fluffed up.
6 . As for h i m whose scales are heavy (with good deeds) ,
7 . H e will live a pleasant life.
8 . But a s for h i m whose scales are light,
9. He will have his home in ai-Haawiyah ,
1 0. And what will make you know what it is?
1 1 . (It is) a blazing fire.
This surah was revealed in Makkah. It consists of eleven brief
verses. The surah paints a vivid and fearful picture of the Day of Res­
urrection , which is here called ai-Qaari'ah, 'the Striking Hour' , the
knocking or pounding one.
AI-Qaari'ah is one of the names of the Day of Judgement. It has
this name because it strikes hearts and ears with its frightening
events. On that day, there will be an ear-splitting blast, and people
will be scattered about like moths or locusts. They will be bewildered
at what is happening to them. Even the mighty mountains on that
day will become like carded wool that has begun to wear out and
be torn apart.
On that day, the scales will be set up, and everyone's deeds will
be weighed on these special scales in Allah's Court of Justice.
People will be of two types:
1. Those whose good deeds outweigh their evil deeds, and who
will therefore be commanded to enter Paradise.
2. Those whose evil deeds outweigh their good deeds, and who
will therefore be commanded to enter the Fire of Hel l .

When that day comes, people will recall what they had been
doing in this life. Good people will be given their records of deeds in
their right hands, while the evil ones will receive theirs in their left
The records of deeds will reveal people1S actions in this life.
People will not be able to deny them.
�X e r c1s e s

A. Are the following statements true or false?

1 . AI-Qaari'ah means the slanderer. D

2. This surah was revealed in Makkah . D
3. Everyone's deeds will b e weighed o n that day. D
4. I t i s a day o n which people will be like moths, scattered about. D

B. Answer these questions.

1. Describe the two types of people who will be divided according to their

2. Mention some ways in which people will not be able to hide their bad

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah , Most l<ind , Most Merciful

1. Competing with each other in (worldly) increase diverts you ,

2. Until you reach the graves.
3. No, but you will soon come to know!
4. Again no, surely you will come to know!
5. No, if you only knew now with sure knowledge,
6. You will surely see the Hellfire,
7. Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty.
8. Then, you will surely be asked that day about (life's) pleasures.
This surah was revealed in Makkah. It consists of eight verses.
The surah is a warning to those who are occupied in this life only with
the love for this world and its pleasures. They devote much of their
time to making more and more money and collecting more and
more material possessions. The afterlife does not cross their minds at
all . This attitude is very common today. It diminishes all human soci­
eties in our technological age. The term 'at-takaathur' means 'striv­
ing greedily for worldly increase'. It shows man's obsessive passion
for more and more comforts, more and more material goods, more
and more power, without ever thinking about the hereafter.
Allah the Almighty u rges mankind to abandon the worship of
this world . The worship of the worldly things blinds man to the realities
of this life and the life to come. Such people are not prepared to
stop and think about moral values taught by the Qur'an. The greed
for more and more wealth makes people forget the real purpose of
their lives. This surah is a warning to such people .
On the Last Day, Allah will ask us about our g ratefulness to Him
for the favours He has blessed us with, such as health , safety, food
and drink and sleep. He will ask us if we returned His favours by wor­
shipping Him alone and being thankful to Him for His favours.
Those who are engrossed in the things of this world do not get
time to prepare themselves for the life after death . This life is very
short. Their passion for the things of this world and vying for more and
more worldly possessions diverts their attention from a matter even
more important.
+x e r cis e s

A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Surat at-Takaathur was revealed in / �·

2. It consists of verses.
3. The word 'at-takaathur' means striving hard for �----======J'
4. Allah urges mankind to abandon the worship of this �----�

5. The pleasures of the life of this world the attention of those

who love them from the hereafter.

B. Answer these questions.

1. What does this surah warn us against?

2. What will we b e questioned about o n the Last Day?

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful
1. Woe to every slanderer and mocker,
2. Who collects wealth , g reedily counting it;
3. H e thinks that his wealth will make him immortal;
4. No, he will surely be thrown into the Crusher.
5. And what can tell you what the Crusher is?
6. I t i s the Fire of Allah, set ablaze.
7. Rising u p over the hearts;
8. I t will close in u pon them ;
9. Stretching and in pillars .

This surah was revealed early in Makkah. I t consists of nine

verses. It presents a vivid picture of a person who is so small-minded
that his wealth blinds him to the truth and even to the common
courtesies in human relations. The surah presents the picture of a
very wealthy man who used to slander the Prophet ( � ) and his
companions, both to their faces and behind their backs. But the
surah applies to such people at all times and places.
Slandering is to make a spoken
statement about someone, which
damages his reputation , honour or

Mocking is laughing at
someone by copying him in an
amusing but unkind way. It involves
attacking him by gestures or
expressions, sometimes by tongue
and sometimes by the movements
of the eyes, eyebrows, hands, lips or
the head.

Greed is another thing which is

condemned in this surah. Some
people become so occupied with
wealth that they forget that they will
die one day.

Those who have these characteristics will be thrown into the

Crusher, the Hellfire, which crushes anything that is thrown into it.
This surah warns those people who waste their life, slandering
and mocking good people, and those who have no other concern
but to collect wealth and count it without having the slightest desire
to spend it in ways pleasing to Almighty Allah. Those who do so think
that their wealth will make them immortal. For such people, Allah has
prepared a severe punishment in the Hereafter.
+x e r cis e s

A. Complete these sentences.

B. Answer these questions.

1 . Where was Surat ai-Humazah revealed?

2. What are the three things this surah warns us against?

3. What is slandering?

4. What is mocking?

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah , Most Kind , Most Merciful

1. For the safety and security of the Quraysh ;

2. For their benefit, the caravans go out in the winter and summer.
3. So let them worship the Lord of this House,
4. Who has fed them against hunger a n d made them safe from

This surah was revealed in Makkah. It consists of four brief

verses. It refers to the path of safety between the tribe of Quraysh
and their neighbours, enabling them to take trading trips. Thus in
winter they travelled to Yemen in the East where they bought spices
and other things coming from India and beyond . These they took to
Syria in the West during summer. They sold them and broug ht back
other trading goods.
Allah then directs them to be g rateful to Him for His favou rs on
them by worshipping Him alone. For He gave them safety from fear
and fed them against hunger.
+x e r cise s

A. Answer these questions.

1. Where was Surat Quraysh revealed?

2. What does 'them' in the verse "Let them worship the Lord o f the House"
refer to?

3. Where did the trade caravans of the Quraysh go during winter? Why?

4. Where d i d they go during summer?

B. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

In the Name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful

1. Have you seen the one who denies the Day of Judgement?
2. That is the one who repulses the orphan,
3. And does not encourage the feeding of the needy.
4. So, woe to them who pray,
5. But who are negligent in their prayers,
6. Those who make a show (of their deeds) ,
7. And refuse simple acts of kindness!
The name of this surah is derived from the word 'Maa'un'
occurring in the last verse . The term means all small things needed
for one's daily use such as a cooking pot, sugar, coffee, matchsticks,
and a needle. It also means occasional acts of kindness consisting
in helping out one's fellow men when they need such things. In its
broader sense, it means help in any difficulty or need . People who
refuse to do even these small and simple things for others become
hard-hearted and tight-fisted .
How do some people become so hard-hearted? This surah
answers this question . Blindness to the small acts of kindness is the
result of the refusal to accept the moment of Reckoning!
+x e r cis e s

A. Complete the following sentences.

1 . to the small acts of kindness is the result of the refusal to

accept the moment of Reckoning .
2. Have you seen the one who the Day of Judgement?
3. That i s the one who repulses the
4. And does not the feeding of the '-----___J

B. Answer these questions.

1 . What does the word 'Maa'un' mean?

2. How do some people become so hard-hearted? Answer in reference to

Surat ai-Maa'un.

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

I n the Name of Allah , Most Kind, Most Merciful
1. Say: "0 you disbelievers,
2. I do not worship what you worship,
3. Nor will you worship what I worship.
4. Nor will I worship what you are worshipping ,
5. Nor will you worship what I am worshipping.
6. For you is your religion, and for me is my rel igion . "

This surah, which consists of six brief verses, was revealed i n

Makkah. I t expresses one single subject: Nothing must be
worshipped besides Allah .
The Makkans who opposed the Prophet's message used to try to
make compromises or deals with him every now and then to change
the teachings of Islam. In one of these attempts, the Quraysh invited
the Prophet ( � ) to worship their idols for a year and they would in
turn worship Allah for a year. So Allah revealed this surah, in which He
commands the Prophet ( � ) to keep himself away from the idolaters
and their false gods.
In this surah, Almighty Allah commands the Prophet ( �) to reject
Shirk and to affirm Tawheed . "For you is your religion" means the Shirk
that you follow; "and for me is my religion" means Tawheed and
Islam which I follow and which I do not reject.
Allah's Messenger ( � ) used to recite this surah in the first rak1ah
and surah al-lkhlas in the second rak1ah of the Sunnah prayer of
Salat ai-Fajr. He would also perform the Witr prayer by reciting Surat
ai-Niaa in the first rak1ah , Surat al-l<aafiroon in the second one and
Surat al-lkhlas in the third one.
It is important to note that the Prophet ( � ) criticized idol worship
strongly, but he never used foul or obscene language. His manners
were too good to allow any use of rude or obscene language.

A. Are these statements true or false?

1. AI-Kaafiroon means the disbelievers. D

2. The subject of this surah i s that ease will surely come after difficulty. D
3. This surah was revealed i n Madinah . D
4. The Prophet Muhammad ( � ) criticized idol worship most strongly. D
5. Shirk is the opposite of Tawheed . D
B. Answer these questions.

1 . Who wanted the Prophet ( � ) to change the teachings of Islam?

2. What deal d i d they try to make with the Prophet ( � )?

3. What does this surah teach you?

4. How d id the Prophet ( � ) denounce idol worship?

C. Memorisation

Learn this surah by heart.

The chiefs of Makkah soon realized that in spite of their
opposition , the followers of Prophet Muhammad ( �) were increasing .
They were moulding themselves into a separate community. The wise
among them recognized that the problem they faced would unlikely
vanish . Utbah ibn Rabee'ah was one of the leaders in Makkah. He was
one of the first to realize that Islam was getting stronger despite all the
attempts of the Quraysh to stop its progress.

One day, Utbah was sitting with a group of important men of

Makkah. The Prophet ( � ) was sitting alone close to the Ka'bah. Utbah
suggested to his friends, "Let us approach Muhammad with some
offers. It is quite likely that he may accept one or the other. If he does,
this will end our problem with him . " Utbah went to the Prophet ( � )
and said to him, 11My nephew, you know you have a position of high
esteem and noble birth among us, but you have come to your
people with something which split them up. You have discredited their
way of life, found fault with their gods and religion and spoken ill of
their forefathers. Now listen to me. I am making you some offers. I
would like you to consider them . You may find one of them
The Prophet ( � ) asked him to make his offers. Utbah said, "My
nephew, if you are doing this to make money out of it, we will give you
so much of our wealth that you will become the richest person among
us. If it is position and honour that you are seeking , we will make you
our chief. If you want to be a king, we will make you our king . If you
are possessed , we will spend all we have to seek a cure for you . "
Allah's Messenger ( � ) listened to Utbah attentively. When he stopped ,
the Prophet ( � ) asked him whether he had finished . Utbah said, "Yes. "
The Prophet (� ) asked h i m to listen to what h e had to say. The Prophet
( � ) then recited the first thirty-eight verses of Surat Fussilat (surah 4 1
of the Qur'an) . Utbah listened attentively. When the Prophet ( � )
finished his recitation , he prostrated himself to Allah , before saying to
Utbah, "You have heard what I had to say. Now you can do whatever
you like."
Utbah left quietly. He went to his people who realized as they saw
him coming that a change had come over him. He said to them , "I
have heard something the like of which I have never heard in my life.
It is neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor has it to do with soothsaying . Take
my advice and leave this man alone. What I heard will bring great
events. If the rest of the Quraysh kill him, they will spare you the
trouble. If he wins, that will be your victory." They remarked , "He has
certainly thrown a spell over you . " Utbah said, "I have given you my
opinion . ''

But the Quraysh were not prepared to listen to the words of

wisdom .
+x e r cis e s

A. Unscramble these words from the lesson and put the letters in the boxes
below together to answer the question .

l. EF FORS _ 0 _ _ _ _

2. RECU _ 0 _ _

3. HECIFS _ _ _ _ _ 0
4. POSINIOT _ _ [l _ _ _ _ _

- - -

6. NBOLE _ _ _ _

7. KAH KMA _c _ _ _ _

8. TREAG _ _ _ _ [ ]
Which surah did Prophet ( � ) recite to Utbah? [ ] [ J[JDDDl ][ _]

B. Answer these questions.

l . What did Utbah accuse the Prophet ( � ) of?

2. What are the various things Utbah offered the Prophet ( � )?

+x e r cis e s

3. What was the effect of Surat Fussilat o n Utbah?

4. What advice did he give his people?

5. Did the Quraysh take Utbah's advice?

As time went by, the Makkans used every opportunity to
torment the Muslims. It became a favourite pastime for the Quraysh to
subject Muslims to physical torture or mental pressure. Their victims
were numerous and of various tribes and positions.
Allah's Messenger ( �) was also not spared though he was under
the protection of his uncle Abu Talib and his clan . They accused him
of being a magician, a poet and a fortune-teller. They told him to his
face that he was mad . All this, however, did not weaken the Prophet's
resolve to carry on with his mission - conveying the word of Allah to his
people. He called on everyone to abandon pagan worship and to
accept Islam.
One day a group of the Quraysh elders met at the Ka'bah. The
Prophet ( � ) appeared . He walked to the Ka'bah and started his
tawaaf. They jumped at him and started to maul him. He stood firm
and resolute. One of them took him by the collar and others pushed
him around . Abu Bakr ( � ) tried to defend him, shouting at them , 'Do
you want to kill a man for merely saying Allah is my Lord?'
Uqbah ibn Abee Mu'ayt was a bitter enemy of the Prophet ( � )
and Islam. One day he pulled the Prophet's upper garment and tried
to strangle him. Once when the Prophet ( � ) was prostrating himself
near the Ka'bah , Uqbah brought the entrails of a goat and flung them
on his back. Fatimah ( � ) , the Prophet's daughter, came out and
removed the dirty stuff.
In addition to Abu Lahab, his wife and Uqbah ibn Abee Mu'ayt,
Abu Jahl also sought to inflict bodily harm on the Prophet ( � ) . On
one occasion , he took a big stone and attempted to let it fall on the
Prophet's head while he was prostrating in the courtyard of the
Ka'bah. But as he drew near, he saw a huge camel charging in his
direction . He threw the stone down and fled to tell this story to his
fellow idolaters. This incident gives us an example of how Allah
completes what He Wills. When the Prophet ( � ) was told about what
Abu Jahl did and said, he remarked , 'It was the angel Jibreel! Had
Abu Jahl drawn closer, he would have taken his life.'
4'1:t.!ut{•liDfll#)ie1•u•S4J@t•ln._ . �

One day Abu Jahl passed by the Prophet ( � ) when he was

near the hill of as-Sofa , a short distance from the Ka'bah. Abu Jahl
assaulted and abused him. He also ridiculed Islam. He talked about
the Prophet's message with contempt. The Prophet ( � ) did not say
a single word in reply. A maid, however, saw this happening through
a window of a house in which she worked . When Abu Jahl had
finished his evil act, he went to join a group of his folk sitting near the
Ka'bah. Soon afterwards Hamzah, an uncle of the Prophet ( � ) ,
returned from a hunting trip. Hamzah enjoyed his hunting . I t was his
habit, whenever he returned from hunting , to go first to the Ka'bah
and do a tawaaf. This time, the maid stopped him as he passed by
her. She described to him what she saw Abu Jahl doing to his
nephew. She also told him that the Prophet ( � ) did not say or do
anything in return .
Hamzah became furious with Abu Jahl. He went straight to the
mosque to search for him when he discovered him with his kinsfolk.
He went up to him with his bow in his hand. As he stood over Abu
Jahl's head , he stuck him with the bow with all his strength , causing
a long cut in his forehead.
He then said , 'Do you abuse him when I follow his faith? I say the
same as he says . Try to stop me if you can . ' As Abu Jahl's wound
began to bleed , his folks tried to avenge him. He, however, realized
that the situation could go out of hand. So he told them , 'Leave
Hamzah alone. I have abused his nephew very badly. '
Hamzah ( � ) had acted on the spu r of the moment. But he
went to the Prophet ( � ) and learnt from him about Islam . Hamzah's
acceptance of Islam gave the Prophet ( � ) and the Muslims a
feeling of strength because Hamzah was a very brave fighter in


A. Read this chapter and list out the names of those people who were
bitter enemies of Islam

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Prophet Muhammad ( � ) was protected by

2. While the Quraysh mauled the Prophet ( � ) , came to
defend him.
3. Abu Bakr (�) said, ' Do you want to '-------" a man for merely
is my Lord?'
wanted to throw a big stone on the Prophet's head.
5. struck Abu Jahl on the forehead with his bow.

C. Answer these questions

1. What did the Quraysh accuse the Prophet ( � ) of?

x e r c ses

2. Who was Uqbah ibn Abee Mu'ayt? How did he try to hurt the
Prophet ( :1 )?

3. What did Abu Jahl see as he walked towards the Prophet ( � ) to hurt
him? How did the Prophet ( :1 ) explain this strange incident?

4. Why did Hamzah ( � ) embrace Islam?

5. What made Hamzah ( � ) an important addition to the Muslim

Some of the Quraysh chiefs, which included Utbah and Abu Jahl ,
went to Abu Talib to make him convince the Prophet ( � ) to change
his mind . They made the same suggestions which Utbah had already
put before the Prophet ( � ) . Abu Talib sent for the Prophet ( � ) and
told him what the people had said. Abu Talib then added , 11My
nephew, I have become old . It is not possible for me to face the
attack of the Quraysh . Do not put me in such trouble. It is beyond my
power.11 Allah's Messenger ( � ) answered , 11My uncle, by Allah , If they
put the sun in my right hand and the moon in the left so that I would
abandon this matter, I would not abandon it until Allah gives me
victory or I die while calling to it.11
Abu Talib was a very important person in Makkah. He
commanded the highest respect among the chieftains of Makkah. He
was the chief of the Banu Hashim tribe. The enemies of the Prophet
( � ) were reluctant to attack the Prophet ( � ) because of the
presence of Abu Talib. The Prophet ( � ) got up. His eyes were filled
with tears. Moved by what the Prophet ( � ) said , Abu Talib said to him,
111 will not withdraw my support. I will not hand you over to your enemies
while it is within my power.11

+x e r cis e s

A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1 . The Quraysh approached '-------_j

to make the Prophet ( ?I )
change his mind .
2. The Prophet ( � ) said that he would not give u p calling to Allah even if
they put the sun in his hand and the in his left

B. Answer these questions.

1. Whom did the Quraysh approach to make the Prophet ( � ) change his
2. Why were the enemies of the Prophet ( � ) reluctant to attack him?

C. Think-up

Why do you think Abu Talib disagreed to help the Prophet ( � ) first, then
agreed later?
� l�tl@!iui{fj;ftjl[e e!lf'l@,•l'tfi0e)@'
All the efforts of the pagans of Makkah to stop the mission of the
Prophet ( � ) failed . The Prophet ( � ) continued preaching Tawheed
(Oneness of Allah) , and the Quraysh deeply felt the power and
strength of the Message. Now the Quraysh reacted violently. They
tried to stop the Prophet ( � ) from entering the Ka'bah . They set their
louts to raise a hue and cry against him . They called Muslims bad
names. They made their movements impossible. They did not allow
them to meet people from outside Makkah. They began to persecute
the poor and the weak more intensely. Life became very hard for the
When the Prophet ( � ) saw this sad situation, he suggested to
the Muslims to leave for Abyssinia whose Christian king , the Negus,
was a just ruler.
Sixteen men and four women were
the first Musli m emigrants to Abyssinia. AI-Madinah

Among them was Uthman ibn Afton (� ) , """' \� -s,. •

who later became the third Caliph, and
his wife, Ruqayyah, the daughter of the
Prophet ( � ) .
Migration to Abyssinia
� U. Pfophei(•J s.ew lhel hls �

Atryn�n�a l!lere
--. constantty perwc:uled, .-.d ll'\ilt l'le cannot

proledlham.he....., ta lhem:11youleavelortlle

The Quraysh were very annoyed

1anc1 o1 !t • kll>g who owreuos
r>O Qnl'l, anc! H ii i Larodoflrultl,tta)' lhenlvntil
AIWl fll'ods you a rellef frornthll mlsery;andtNs
wasthe!Qtmignltk>n lnllllam.

when they saw that Muslims were safe in

Abyssinia, so they decided to send a
delegation to the Negus to request him to
send the Muslims back home. Amr ibn
ai-Aas and Abdullah ibn Abee Rabee'ah
were chosen for the task. They took with
them expensive gifts for the Negus and his generals.
Amr presented every one of the generals who attended the
Negus' court with a precious gift. He said to them , "Some of our foolish
men have arrived in your land . They have rebelled against our
religion . They have come up with a new faith . We have come as
representatives of our leaders to request the king to return these
people to us. When we make this request to the king, we hope you will
advise him to grant it without taking the trouble of calling them and
speaking to them . "
The generals promised Amr and his friend of their support. When
they were admitted into the court, the generals advised the king ,
"0 king! Hand them over to them . "
The Negus became very angry. H e refused to accept what they
said. He said , "A group of people have sought refuge in my land . They
have chosen me over everyone else. I will not judge them in their
absence. I will call them in first and give them a chance to see what
they have to say about what these two men have accused them of. If
I find these allegations true, I will hand them over to them . Otherwise,
they will certainly enjoy my protection . "
The Muslims consulted with each other when the king's
messenger delivered to them an order to appear at the court. They
decided that they would answer every question put to them
truthfully. They would state the whole truth as had been taught to
them by the Prophet ( � ) .

When they were admitted to the presence of the king, who was
surrounded by his generals, he asked them , "What is this new religion
over which you are in dispute with your own people, and which is
also different from my own religion?"
The Muslims had chosen Ja'far ibn Abee Talib ( � ) , the
Prophet's own cousin, as their spokesman. He said, "Until recently we
were ignorant people. We worshipped idols. We ate dead animals.
We committed all kinds of sins. We attached little value to keeping
relations with our relatives . We behaved badly with our neighbours.
We believed that might was right. This continued to be our situation
until Allah sent us from among ourselves a Messenger. H is good
name, honesty and sincerity were well known to us. He cal led us to
believe in Allah, the One and Only God , and asked us to stop
worshipping idols .
"He commanded us to speak the truth and to be honest, to be
good to our relatives and neighbours, not to shed blood and to
keep away from sins, robbery and false accusations against
women .
"He also commanded us to devote our worship to Allah and not
to set partners of any sort with Him.
"We gave him a good response. We believed in him. We gave
him our fu ll support. We followed the commands of Allah revealed to
him. We began to worship Allah alone. We kept away from what he
made unlawfu l to us. Our people, however, assaulted us. They
tortured us to return to idol worshi p . They wanted us to return to our
past sinful life . We were oppressed . We were denied the freedom to
choose our faith, so we sought refuge in your country. We hoped
that in your protection we will not suffer injustice at all.
The Negus asked Ja'far to recite to him something from the
Qur'an. Ja'far recited the opening verses of Surat Maryam , which
speaks about Prophets Zakariyyah and Yahya and relates the
beautiful story of the birth of Prophet lsa ( �� ) . The Negus was so
moved that he wept until his beard was wet with tears. His bishops
also wept until their books were damp with their tears.
The Negus said , 11This and what Jesus came with must have
come from the same
source . �� He turned to the
delegation of the Quraysh
and said to them , 11Go ; by
Allah , I will never hand them
over to you .
The next morning Amr
ibn ai-Aas went to the Negus
with a wicked plan. 110 king !
They say terrible things about
lsa , the son of Marya m . You may wish to question them on that.11
When the Muslims realized the reason for their second summons
to attend the king's court, they were alarmed. But they decided to stick
to the truth and simply state what the Prophet ( ;:i ) had taught them ,
whatever the result. Ja'far ( � ) again answered the king's question
about their view of lsa (�1) without hesitation, ��our view is that which is
taught to us by our Prophet ( ;:i ). lsa is Allah's servant and Messenger.
He is His Spirit. He is His Word delivered to the Virgin Mary.11 The Negus
picked up a straw lying on the floor and said , ��what you have just said
about lsa does not go beyond the truth by the size of this straw.�� He
then said to the Muslims, ��vou are safe in my land . Whoever harms
you will be brought to justice. I will not harm any one of you for a
mountain of gold . " He then ordered his courtiers to return the g ifts of
the Quraysh delegation.
The emigration of the Prophet's companions took place in the
fifth year of the start of the Qur'an's revelation . The emigration to
Madinah took place eight years after the emigration to Abyssinia .
When the last of the Prophet's companions , who went to Abyssinia,
came back, they joined the Prophet ( � ) and his army at the
conquest of Khybar, when the battle was already over. This took
place in the seventh year after the Prophet's settlement in Madinah .
This means, Ja'far ibn Abee Talib ( .:;t-h ) and some of his
companions stayed in Abyssinia for fifteen years.
The Prophet ( � ) valued their contribution to the welfare of Islam.
He considered that their stay in Abyssinia was a part of their work to
establish Islam as a divine message for all mankind.
is e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The Prophet's companions left Madinah and went to '-------'

2. Abyssinia was ruled by

Abyssinia is present-day
_ :;--
4. A total o f ,-----:_ ------'
_ _

_ ==

5. '-------�
chosen to speak to the Negus against the Muslims.
6. The emigration took place in the year of the start of the

Qur'anic Revelation.

B. Answer these questions.

1 . How did the Quraysh make life difficult for the Prophet ( � ) and his

2. Why did the Prophet ( � ) tell his companions to leave Makkah?

3. What kind of a king was the Negus?

�x e r cis e s

4. Whom did the Prophet's companions choose to be their spokesperson?

5. What comparison did the Negus make to show that his views on lsa
( �� ) were the same as those of the Muslims?
t#) lie'
Omar's acceptance of Islam was a turning point in the history of
Islam. The Prophet ( � ) once prayed to Allah to make Islam strong
with either of the two men , 'Amr ibn Hisham or Omar ibn AI- Khattab.
When Omar accepted Islam, he added power to Islam and to the
Muslims. Muslims were not able to pray before the Ka'bah until Omar
(�) accepted Islam . His acceptance of Islam was a severe blow to
the prestige of the Quraysh .
After the conversion of Hamzah, the biggest victory for the
Prophet ( � ) was the conversion of Omar. Like Hamzah, Omar was a
strong man with great courage. He accepted Islam only a few
months after the conversion of Hamzah. The Muslims were delighted
and the disbelievers were dismayed . Omar ( � ) played a great role
in the success of Islam . He was called ai-Farooq , that is, the one who
distinguishes between truth and falsehood .
One day Omar came to know that his maidservant had
embraced Islam. He was a bitter enemy of Islam at that time. He
called his maid and asked her about her new faith and started
beating her. After a while, when he asked her whether she would
leave Islam, the maid refused . The proud Omar could not stand such
daring refusal and started to beat her again, but to no avail . Tired
and angry, Omar ( � ) decided to kill the Prophet ( � ) .
As he left his home with a sword , he met a friend who had
become a Muslim but had not declared his acceptance of Islam
openl y. The man asked Omar (�) about his destination . 111 want to kill
Muhammad ,11 said Omar. The man replied , 1100 you think that Banu
Hashim and Banu Zuhrah would leave you in peace if you killed
Muhammad?11 Omar said , 11What! You have also become Muslim and
left your forefathers' religion?��
The man said , ��could I tell you something that will surprise you
even more? Your brother-in-law and your sister Fatimah have both
become Muslims and have left your religion !�� Omar ( � ) hurried to
their house in great agitation and anger. He confronted his sister and
her husband . He asked , ��what is this humming which I have just
heard?11 (Omar had actually heard them recite the Qur'an as he
approached their house.)
She answered , ��only something that has been talked about
between us.11 Omar said, 11Perhaps you have left the religion of your
ancestors. �� 11What can be done if the Truth is in something other than
your religion?�� said Fatimah's husband.
Omar leapt upon him, hitting him and kicking him as hard as he
could. Fatimah stepped in between the two men in an attempt to
protect her husband. But she was badly hit in the face and bled
profusely. She remarked angrily, 111 bear witness that there is no god
except Allah and that Muhammad ( � ) is His Messenger. I have
become a Muslim. Do what you like."
Omar was greatly moved and shaken . His sister's words moved
him to pity and love. He said calmly, "May I look into what you were
reciting a little while ago?"
"But you are impure, and the Qur'an should only be touched by
the pure ones. So go and wash yourself, " his sister said .
So Omar washed himself. He then took the sheet to see what was
in it. The sheet contained the first part of Surat To Ha. He read the
verses again and again. When he reached the fourteenth verse,
Omar was a different man.
He became convinced that a human being could not write
these verses. As a learned man, he realized that a man like
Muhammad ( � ) , who never had any education, could not produce
such a beautiful piece of writing . It was something else. It was
revelation. Omar's heart was deeply touched .
"I am deeply convinced that Muhammad ( � ) is the Messenger
of Allah," declared Omar. He expressed a wish to go to see the
Prophet ( � ) . He wanted to declare himself a Muslim . Tears of joy
flowed from the eyes of Fatimah and her husband. Omar ( .t� ) went
directly to the place where the Prophet ( � ) stayed . He wanted to
admit that there is no god except Allah.
When he knocked at the door of the House of ai-Arqam, there
was a deep silence inside - Omar the enemy of Allah was at the door
armed with his sword . But the Prophet ( � ) firmly allowed Omar to
come in. Omar entered and accepted Islam. Everyone, including the
Prophet ( � ) , was delighted , and they all exclaimed , 'AIIahu Akbar' .
Allah had answered the Prophet's prayer. Omar ( � ) had become a
The days of preaching Islam quietly were now over, and with
Umar's acceptance of Islam a new phase began in the history of
Islam. This event took place in the sixth year of Prophethood .
Omar ( � ) said , 11That night when I became a Muslim, I went to
the house of Abu Jahl , the bitterest enemy of Islam and knocked at his
door. When he came out to see me, I told him that I had accepted
Islam . He was very unhappy and immediately slammed the door in
my face. "
The news that Omar ( � ) had become Muslim quickly spread
among the Makkans who were very annoyed . They were against
him, but Omar (�) fought back until the Quraysh decided to leave
him alone.

+x e r cis e s

A. Are these statements true or false?

1. Omar ( � ) was a courageous man. D

2. He accepted Islam before Hamzah ( � ). D
3. Omar ( � ) used to be a bitter enemy of Islam. D
4. The Quraysh tried not to mess with Omar ( 4Jk> ) . C
5. Omar ( � ) accepted Islam in the 7th year of Prophethood. D

B. Name the following :

1 . The surah that 'opened' Omar's heart to Islam . '- : ===�

2. The place where Omar ( �) found the Prophet ( � ) . c.__
___ ___,

3. Omar's sister. c__

____ __.
+x e r cis e s

C. Answer these questions.

1. Why do you think Omar was called 'ai-Farooq'?

2. Why did Omar ( � ) beat his maid? Did beating her make any

3. Why did Fatimah ask Omar ( � ) to wash himself before touching the
sheets on which Surat Ta Ha was written?

D . Think-up

1. From the lesson, in what different ways did Omar's acceptance of

Islam affect Islam and the Muslims? (You may list them).

2. Why do you think Omar ( �� ) told Abu Jahl of his becoming Muslim?
Islam began to spread among the tribes. The Quraysh saw that
the companions of the Prophet ( � ) had landed in a country where
they found security and stability. The Negus had protected those who
took refuge in his country. Omar ( � ) and Hamzah ( � ) added
strength to Islam. The Quraysh saw that Islam continued to spread
among the tribes of Arabia .
When the Quraysh realized that Banu Hashim and Banu
ai-Muttalib were determined to protect the Prophet ( � ) and defend
him, they met to discuss the situation and reached an unjust decision .
They decided not to intermarry with them , trade with them , sit with
them , mix with them , enter their houses, speak to them or show them
any kindness until they handed the Messenger of Allah over to them
so that they could kill him. They wrote this in a document and swore to
stick to its terms. Then they hung it inside the Ka'bah in order to give
it authenticity.
When the Quraysh did that, Banu Hashim and Banu ai-Muttalib
gathered round him in his quarters in a narrow valley of Makkah.
Both the Muslims and the disbelievers agreed to support their
leader, Abu Talib, except Abu Talib's own brother, Abu Lahab who
was hostile to Islam from the beginning. He broke off relations with his
own clan and joined the boycott. The Quraysh were very happy with
his decision to join them. The aim of the Quraysh was to force Abu
Talib to hand over his nephew to them . The Quraysh had planned to
kill the Prophet ( � ) .
So the boycott was fully enforced against the Prophet ( � ) his

followers and their protectors from Banu Hashim and Banu ai-Muttalib.
The Shi'b of Abu Talib was a rough valley, full of rocks and enclosed
by hills on all sides. It could only be entered from Makkah through a
narrow opening. In this barren valley, Allah's Messenger ( � ) , his
companions and the entire clans of Banu Hashim and Banu
ai-Muttalib were forced to retire with limited supplies of food and
The boycott was strictly applied and food was so rare that they
often had to eat tree leaves. If they found a dry hide, they would roast
it and eat it. Their hungry children's cries could be heard all over the
valley. The Quraysh told the merchants not to sell them any goods.
Prices were increased to prevent them from buying even the essential
Allah's Messenger ( � ) was in the same condition , but he
continued to call his people to Allah night and day, privately and
openly. Banu Hashim and Banu ai-Muttalib bore this hardship
Some fair-minded people of the Quraysh did not like this
boycott. Among them was H isham ibn Amr ibn Rabee'ah. He hated
this unfai r boycott. He contacted some men of the Quraysh whom
he knew to be kind-hearted . He told them that it was shameful to
allow such cruelty to continue. He asked them to abandon the unjust
boycott. As a result, a number of people rose in favour of ending the
I n the meantime, the Prophet ( � ) told Abu Talib that he was
informed by Allah that the document bearing the agreement had
been eaten away by wh ite ants except the part bearing the name
of Alla h .
Their banishment from Makkah took place in the beginning of
the seventh year of the Prophet's mission .
Soon the supplies of food and basic necessities began to run
short. The dwellers of the Shi'b had to wait for foreign traders who
came to Makkah only occasionally to buy fresh supplies .
As the days and the months of their confinement dragged
along , the wailing of hungry children and women in the Shi'b could
be heard in Makkah. Some of the Quraysh known for their
hard-heartedness and cruelty were well satisfied with the effect of
the boycott, which they had imposed on the Muslims. Many were
moved by pity and sympathy. Many others were impressed by the
devotion and courage of the Muslims in the cause of Islam.
The boycott lasted for three years. The Prophet ( ti ) and those
with him could only venture outside their place of confinement
during the season of pilgrimage. At those times, which were scarce ,
they could go out and mingle freely with their oppressors. They
would perhaps get some supplies, either as gifts, which some kind
people in Makkah gave them in secret, or by buying them from
foreign merchants.
The Muslims were now allowed to return to their homes. When the
Quraysh went to the Ka'bah to take down the boycott agreement,
they found it had been completely eaten away by white ants, except
for the portion where the name of Allah was written. The Quraysh'
determination to enforce the boycott was at last broken .
The end of the boycott marked the tenth year of the Prophet's
mission . Allah's Messenger ( � ) returned to face new trials and

1s e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The document was eaten away by L....__ _____ ___j

2. Banu Hashim and Banu ai-Muttalib were determined to
the Prophet ( � ) .
3. The Quraysh met to discuss the situation a n d reached an L....________,
decision .

B. Name the following :

1. The two tribes that were boycotted . �

The place where the disbelievers hung the document . --'=
3. The Prophet's uncle who supported the boycott. �------�
4. The place where the Prophet ( �) an d his companions took refuge
during the boycott. '-----____J
+x e r cis e s

C. Answer these questions.

1 . What was decided in the Quraysh's meeting?

2. Write down three decisions the Quraysh wrote down in the document.

3. What difficulties did Muslims go through during the boycott?

4. Describe the Shi'b o f Abu Talib.

5. How did some kind-hearted Qurayshites help the Muslims?

- .
l '
..- , •

J . - ) . .. )4. -

By now Allah's Messenger ( � ) had been preaching the message
of Islam for close to ten years. But the overall situation was not very
encouraging . In Makkah, the Muslims were a minority. But Allah fulfils
His purposes through a variety of methods, some of which human
beings may never expect.
The period of the boycott lasted for three years. A large number
of Makkans endured great hardships. People continued to enter Islam
despite the boycott. This was, however, on a limited scale.
The boycott was a period of quiet in the conflict between Muslims
and the disbelievers. There was little contact between them , so many
of the Quraysh notables had time to reflect on the message of Islam
revealed in the Qur'an . To them the Qur'an was something wonderful
and its words were powerful. When recited , they could not turn away
from it. The idol-worshippers� chiefs did everything to stop people from
listening to the Qur'an . But the Qur'an has its attraction even to the
bitterest enemies of Islam . They knew that the Prophet ( � ) spent
some time every night in worship reciting the Qur'an in it, so some of
them would sit just outside their houses in the darkness of night,
listening to the Qur'an being recited by the Prophet ( � ) .

Six months after leaving the Shib

of Abu Talib, two sad events took
place, which were particularly hard
for the Prophet ( � ) to bear. Abu Talib
died . That was in Rajab of the tenth
year of Prophethood . In fact, Abu
Talib had provided support to the
Messenger of Allah as well as
protection to Islam against
aggression from the leaders and the
rabble alike.
Two months after the death of Abu Talib, Khadijah ( � ) also
passed away. This happened in Ramadan of the tenth year of
Prophethood . She was sixty-five years then . The Prophet ( � ) deeply
mourned her death , for she had been the best of supporters to him,
encouraging him to convey the message, consoling him and
supporting him with her wealth . The Prophet ( � ) once said about
her, "She believed in me when people disbelieved in me, she shared
her wealth with me when people deprived me, and Allah blessed
me with children from her and from no one else."
The Prophet ( � ) was aware that he was left not only without a
loving wife, but also without a protector. His enemies saw in the
death of Abu Talib a long-awaited opportu nity to harm and
persecute him. In fact, they became fearless after the death of Abu
The Prophet's neighbours, who were opposed to him, increased
their attacks under the leadership of Abu Jahl and his wife. They
repeatedly threw rubbish inside his yard and in front of his door.
Once, one of their insolent mobs threw dust and earth upon his
head. As he entered his home, one of his daughters wept bitterly as
she wiped the dust from her father's head . 1100 not cry my daughter. ��
he said, 11for Allah will certainly protect your father.
When the leaders of the Quraysh heard about Abu Talib's
illness , they rushed to his bedside. They included Abu Jahl, Abu
Sufyan and Abdullah ibn Umayyah . They complained to him about
the Prophet's activities in Makkah . They requested him to call the
Prophet ( ·� ) and ask him to stop preaching Tawheed . The Prophet
( � ) came and found Abu Jahl by his side, and he said , liMy uncle!
J ust bear witness that there is no god but Allah , and I will plead for
you before Allah ! 11 Abu Jahl and Abdullah ibn Umayyah said, 11Abu
Talib! Will you leave the faith of Abd ai-Muttal ib?11 They continued to
speak to him until he said, 111 will remain on the faith of Abd
One report says that Abu Talib told the Prophet (� ) that the only
reason for his remaining in the religion of Abd ai-Muttalib was his fear
that the Quraysh pagans link his conversion to the fear of death . The
name of Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, will be forever remembered
with g ratitude by Muslims, although he died without accepting
Islam. His real name was Abd Manaf, but he is better known by his
kunya Abu Talib (the name of his first born son was Talib) .
Abu Talib's eldest son , Talib, sympathized with the cause of
Islam. He was forced by the Quraysh pagans to take part in the
Battle of Badr. He was not killed there, nor taken prisoner by Muslims,
nor did he ever return to Makkah. It is not known what happened to
him. You will learn about the g reat Battle of Badr in Grade Seven ,
lnshaa Allah .
Abu Talib was generous and kind-hearted . In spite of his
poverty, he held a position of esteem among the chiefs of the
Quraysh . He regarded the care for the life of his nephew as the
central object of h is life . He loved him more than his own children .
He protected him against the cruelties of the Quraysh pagans. He
did everything in h is power to ease the hardships the Prophet ( � )
suffered in Makkah. His death in the tenth year of the Prophet's
mission was one of the distressing events in the life of the Prophet
( � ) . After Abu Talib, the Prophet ( � ) had no powerful protector in
Makka h .

1s e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1 . The boycott lasted for years.

2. Abu Talib was the Prophet's uncle and
-- ::::
-'= ---:
:::;- --:-:-
:- -'
3. Khadijah ( � ) passed away only I I after the death of Abu Talib.
4. year of Prophethood .
5. Abu Talib's real name was '------'

B. Answer these questions .

1. Which two events grieved the Prophet (� )?

2. What reasons can you give for the death of Khadijah ( t� )?

3. What kind of a support was Khadijah ( � ) to the Prophet ( � )?

4. What difficulties did the death of Abu Talib bring to the Prophet ( �)?
+x e r cis e s

5. Abu Talib did not really disbelieve in Allah a nd His Messenger ( � ) . What
reason did he give for not accepting Islam?

6. What do you know about Abu Talib's son , Talib?

C. Think-up

There is benefit in everything that Allah allows to happen. What benefit

did the boycott have on the Quraysh notables?
Prophet Ayyub ( �� ) was a descendant of Prophet lbraaheem
( �� ) . He lived in an area in the North-eastern part of Arabia called
Huron, near Palestine.
Allah sent him as His Messenger to the area of Huron to teach its
people Tawheed and to guide them to the Straight Path . Most of the
people of Huron did not believe in Allah. They were very selfish . They
did not help the needy or the orphans. They did not feed the hungry.
Prophet Ayyub ( WJ\) spent his days and nights calling them to believe
in Allah . He warned them of the Day of Judgement.
Ayyub ( �� ) was a very rich man. He had cattle, slaves, servants
and a lot of lands and property. He also had many children and a
big family. Allah had blessed Ayyub ( �� ) with many comforts. H is
house was on a vast piece of land . There were fruit gardens with rows
of towering trees. He possessed fields, which produced many kinds of
vegetables. In the fields around his house, Ayyub ( �� ) and his family
kept animals.
The wealth of Ayyub ( �� ) was a test from Allah . The life of
Prophet Ayyub ( �� ) was an example for others to fol low. Ayyub
( �� ) had great wealth and comforts, but he knew that they were
blessings from Allah . He always remembered and thanked Allah .
Allah tested Ayyub ( �� ) in a different
way. Everything was taken away from him,
one after the other, and he suffered
different types of diseases . No part of his
body was safe or healthy except his heart
and tongue, with which he remembered
Allah . H is sickness continued for many years that the people around
him stayed away from him except his loving wife who carried on
looking after him.
She remembered his good treatment
of her and his compassion for her. Prophet
Ayyub ( �� ) never lost patience at all.
When the sickness had afflicted him for a
long time, he said to her, 111 have lived for
seventy years in a healthy condition, could
I not bear all this patiently for the sake of Allah for another seventy
She was impatient with this answer. She served other people for
wages to feed Ayyub ( W:\1 ) , but after sometime, people stopped
g iving her work because, being Ayyub1S wife, they were afraid that
she might pass on h is diseases to them .
Ayyub's wife was not an ordinary woman . She remained by his
side through all the hard times. She would hold his hands and talk to
him when everyone else stayed away from him. It was extremely
painful for Ayyub ( �� ) and his wife to go through all of this.
Ayyub (�\ ) showed patience and always remembered Allah
even u nder such circ umstances. He would call out to his Lord ,
' Great harm has afflicted me and You are the Most Merciful of the
Merciful . ' Allah the Almighty answered his prayer. After this long test
which lasted for so many yea rs , Allah relieved Prophet Ayyub ( �\ )
from his suffering . He returned to him his health and the sa me
wealth and children and doubled them for him. Ayyub ( �� ) had
passed the test. He had remained steadfast i n the face of

Allah commanded Ayyub to strike the

earth with his foot. He did as he was
commanded and Allah caused a spring
of fresh and cool water to gush forth .
Allah ordered him to wash in it and drink from it. Al lah caused his
sickness that had afflicted his body for so long to come to an end .

Allah made h i m a healthy and

handsome person agai n . He gave him
much wealth in the form of gold . When
Allah relieved Ayyub, He caused locusts
of gold to rain down u pon him.
Prophet Ayyub ( �� ) lived an extremely hard life. The most
amazing quality that Ayyub ( �� ) had was his patience. He
remained patient throughout his hard life .
Believers have a g reat exam ple to fol low i n the life of Prophet
Ayyub ( �� ) .
+x e r cis e s

A. Circle the correct answer between the brackets.

1. Prophet Ayyub ( �� ) was a descendant of

(Prophet lbraaheem , Prophet Nuh).
2. Allah sent him to the people of (Madyan , Huron).
3. Ayyub's wife was (pious, rude) .
4. The most amazing quality of Ayyub ( �I ) was his
(thankfulness, patience) .

B. Answer these questions.

1. What were the people of Huron like?

2. What are some o f the blessings with which Allah blessed Prophet Ayyub
( �\ )?

3. How did Allah test Ayyub's faith?

4. Why did people stop giving work to Ayyub's wife?

Prophet l lyaas ( �\) was from the family of Prophet Haroon (�\ ) .
Allah sent him to the town of Ba'labak, west of Damascus, to call its
people to the way of Allah and to forbid them from worshipping idols.
The people of Ba'labak were idol-worshippers. They had
forgotten the teachings of their prophets that Allah is One and He has
no partner. They made these idols with their own hands out of stones
and wood . Their favourite idol was called Ba'l. Even the king of
Ba'labak worshipped Ba'l . They held festivals and fairs in its honour.
People came from everywhere to celebrate its fake greatness. The
town of Ba'labak was named after this idol .
There were huge gatherings in different seasons of the year for
the worship of Ba'l . Many temples were built for the purpose. They lit
fires around the idol and burnt perfumed articles in it. Sometimes
human sacrifices were also offered to the idol . The idol of Ba'l was
entirely made of gold, sixty feet in height, having four faces. Five
hundred servants were employed to look after the idol.
llyaas ( �� ) informed them of the Message of Allah. He told them
that Allah is the Only Creator and the Lord of everything . He was a
very noble person . The greed of the wealthy people made llyaas ( �I)
very sad . He pleaded with the wealthy people to obey Allah , but they
hardly listened to him. Soon they became upset with Prophet llyaas
( �I ) and his message. Some evil people decided to kill him.

When llyaas ( �� ) learnt of their evil plot, he became very sad .

This group of evil people included the king of Ba11abak and his own
wife. llyaas ( �� ) decided to leave the place. One night, he left the
town quietly and took refuge in a cave in a mountain far away from
the evil people of Ba1labak. The cave became his new home. He lived
there by himself and spent his time praying to Allah .
As the time went by, the town of Ba11abak was in the grip of
famine. The people of Ba1labak were in panic. They did not know
what to do. The famine lasted for a long time. Finally, they set out to
find l lyaas ( �� ) to see if he could help them. They looked for him
everywhere but they could not find him. However, just when they
gave up hope, Allah commanded l lyaas ( �� ) to return to Ba11abak.
llyaas ( �� ) told his people, 11The famine has come to you as a
sign from Allah . It is a warning . You rejected me. You rejected Allah's
Commands. You are a very stubborn people. This drought is a
punishment from Allah for not obeying His Commands.�� Some of his
people said, 110 llyaas, we understand what you say! We accept Allah
as the One and Only Creator. We are grateful to Allah for leading us
out of darkness.��

llyaas ( �� ) prayed to Allah for rain. Allah responded to his

prayer and the rain fell . The fields of Ba11abak became green again .
The people of Ba11abak were grateful for the changes in their
fortunes. Prophet llyaas's followers began to increase. He began to
gain popularity. But still many of the people of Ba11abak refused to
obey him. They rejected him. They were not prepared to listen to him.
They once again planned to kill him. llyaas ( �� ) again left the
town . He retuned to Ba11abak after the death of the king . He
continued to teach the Message of Allah until he passed away.
+x e r cis e s

A. Circle the correct word between brackets.

1 . Prophet llyaas ( �� ) was from the family of (Haroon , Nuh) .

2. People worshipped an idol called (Ba'l, Ba'labak) .
3. People of Prophet l lyaas ( �� ) worshipped (idols, Allah) .

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

C. Answer these questions.

1 . What was the name of the town of Ba'labak named after?

2. In what different ways did the people of Prophet llyaas ( �� ) honour Ba'l?
1s e s

3. What did llyaas ( �I) d o when h e came to know that his people wanted
to kil l him?

4. What reason did llyaas ( �� ) give for the famine that had struck his
The story of Yunus ( �� ) affirms Allah1S Kindness to His slaves.
Allah's help comes when His slaves are in despair and hardship. Allah
is Merciful . He has power over everything !
Allah sent Prophet Yunus ( �� ) to the people of Nineveh, which
was situated on the left bank of the River Tigris, opposite the present
city of Mosul . One of the mounds in this area is still named after
Prophet Yunus ( �� ) .
The people of Nineveh had strayed from the Straight Path of
Islam . They worshipped false gods and idols instead of Allah . Prophet
Yunus (�\ ) began to call people to Allah. He asked them to stop
worshipping false gods and idols. He told them that Allah is One and
the Only Creator and that He alone deserves to be worshipped. But
the people of Nineveh ignored and rejected him. Prophet Yunus (�\)
continued to preach the Truth to them , but nobody seemed to be
listening. He felt that his people were very stubborn . They were blind
to the Greatness of Allah.
Angrily, he left them warning them that Allah's punishment would
come to them after three days. Knowing that prophets do not lie, the
people went out into the desert with their children and cattle. There
they humbly asked for Allah's forgiveness and prayed fervently to Him
for mercy. They regretted what they had done to their Prophet ( �I ) .
Allah responded to their call and did not punish them .

Yunus ( �� ) had already left
the town . He walked until he
arrived at a sea harbour. As he
approached the water, he found a
ship ready to set sail. He boarded
the ship in the sea . Soon a storm hit
them . The sea rolled , and the ship
was heavy and it almost sank. The
people decided to draw lots with everyone's name. The one whose
name was drawn would be thrown into the sea to lighten their loads.
The lot fell on Yunus ( �� ) . So they drew lots again . A second time the
lot fell on Yunus ( �� ) . Then a third time and it fell on him again. So
they knew that Allah had intended him in this matter.
Yunus ( �� ) then was thrown into the sea . Allah sent a whale to
swallow him. Allah commanded the whale not to eat him and not to
bite him. The whale took him to the depths of the sea .
Yunus ( �I ) felt very sorry and
prayed to Allah to forgive him. He
was in the dark belly of the whale.
He called out from the depths of
darkness, 11There is no god other
than You . Glory be to You . I have
truly been among the wrongdoers . ��
Allah's Messenger ( � ) says about this supplication , 11NO Muslim
calls upon Allah by these words , about anything, but that Allah will
answer his supplication . �� (Ahmad a n d At-Tirmidhee)
Allah showed mercy to Prophet Yunus ( �\ ) and saved him from
the trial. He commanded the whale to spit him onto the shore. It was
because of Yunus' praising of Allah and seeking repentance that
he was saved from the belly of the whale Otnerwise he would have
stayed there until the Day of Resurrection .

The whale
swam to the shore
and threw him onto
it. Yunus ( �� ) was
exhausted . He was
ill. He lay there
under the bright
glare of the sun . He was feeling very weak.
Allah again showed H is Mercy to Prophet Yunus ( �� ). He
commanded a plant of the gourd kind to grow over him
abundantly. Its leaves were very soft. It provided much shade, and
flies never approached him. He ate of the fruit, whether cooked or
When Yunus ( �I ) had fully recovered , he went back to his
people and preached to them once again. This time his people
believed him and a hundred and twenty thousand or more of them
accepted his teachings.
There are lessons for the believers in the story of Yunus ( �� ) .
The lesson i s that we should never give up our duty to call to the
worship of Allah . We should not give up hope or be angry if we do
not succeed first; we should continue to do our duty. Success will
eventually come. It may be closer to us than we think!
e r c1s e s

A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. The story of Yunus ( �� ) teaches us that Allah's help comes when His
slaves are in and hardship.
2. Prophet Yunus ( � of --'====,--____j
� ) was sent to the peop le::_::_
.- _
3. Nineveh was o n the left bank of the River'------'

present city of '-------'

4. Prophet Yunus ( �\ ) said his people would b e punished after L_


5. Allah commanded a '------' to swallow Yunus ( �\ ) .

B. Answer these questions .

1 . What did the people of Nineveh worship?

2. Why was Yunus ( �� ) thrown over board from the ship?

3. How did Allah care for Yunus ( �\ ) on the shore?

4. What lesson do we learn from the story of Yu nus ( �� )?

C. Think-up
Why do you think the whale did not eat Yunus ( �� )?
Time is not money or gold. It is life and it is limited . A Muslim must
appreciate every moment of his life. He should always strive to make
the best use of it.

Time is the longest, yet it is the shortest. It is the swiftest, yet it is the
slowest. All of us neglect it. All of us regret it. Nothing can be done
without it. It eats away what is small. It builds up all that is great. This is
the nature of time.
Time is the longest because it lasts forever; it is the shortest
because none of us has enough time to finish life's work. It is the
swiftest for those who are happy. It is the slowest for those who suffer.
Life is made of time. Time, therefore, is not gold or money; it is life.
Time lost cannot be recovered . We cannot store it. Time lost is
never found . We all have the same supply of time: twenty-four hours
a day but we use it differently.
Allah's Messenger ( � ) said, "There are two blessings which many
people lose: health and leisure time." (AI-Bukhaaree)
The Arabic word "ghabn'', used here as "lose" , actually means
buying something at a far higher price than its actual price or selling
it at a far lower price than its actual price, which clearly shows a great
loss. This hadeeth likens a morally responsible person to a trader and
likens health and leisure time to capital, the money used for starting a
new business. If someone puts his money to good use, he will get
excellent returns on it; otherwise, he will lose it and experience
This hadeeth also urges us to benefit from our health and leisure
time to get closer to Almighty Allah ; we should do righteous deeds
while enjoying these blessings before we lose them .
Leisure time is the time when you are not working or doing other
Each weekday you get between four or five hours of free time. At
the weekend , you get another twenty-four hours or so. Some of your
free time will have to be spent doing your homework, so what do you
spend your time doing? Do you have enough time to do everything
you want?

What do you do with your time?

Make a schedule of the things you usually do during the day.
Start with the time you get up and end with the time you go to sleep .

6.00 a . m . _________

7 . 00 a . m .

8 . 00 a . m .

And so on.
Study the schedule you have made. Mark with a small circle the
hours where you do something that benefits you or others. Look over
your activities again. Do you waste a lot of time? Do you put off doing
things? The way you use your time shows your worth .
If you value time, you will be prompt. You will be punctual.
Promptness and punctuality affect the success of any activity.
If you value time, you will divide your hours and the minutes
among your different daily activities . How much of your time do you
waste just talking to your friends? Do you offer your · daily obligatory
prayers on time? Do you have time for recreation? Do you do this
Do you have a balance of work and
leisure in your time schedule? While you
must always strive to make the best of your
time, you must aim for excellence.
Excellence in everything you do. The
Prophet ( � ) said, "Allah has prescribed
lhsaan (excellence, proficiency) in all
things. " (Muslim) It is therefore necessary that everybody must spend
some time at the beginning of the week planning in detail the exact
schedule of the week.
You must realize that the Qur'an and hadeeth can be fully
memorized , books can be read, books can be written, and
examinations can be passed by the proper use of time. Time could
be spent for self-development. Plan your day each morning by
writing down the things to do, and check them off as they are done!
A Muslim begins his day with salah and ends it with salah. These
two salahs are Salatui-Fajr and Salatul-lsha .
Our time is our capital, and so we must use it wisely, according
to the teachings of our religion , to lead a happy life in this world and
eternal bliss in the hereafter.
+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. There are two blessings which people lose: L___

_ ___________.J

�--------J;_ �

We must use our time to lead a happy life in this world and
_ ___,
bliss in the hereafter.
3. A Muslim begins his day with salatul- c__
_ __
and ends it with

B. Answer these questions.

1. How is time the shortest and the longest?

2. What i s leisure?

3. What beneficial things can you do to better use your time?

is e s

C. Think-up

Write down "A Day in My Life" . Start from the time you get up to the time
you go to bed .
Ammar's father, Yaasir ai-Ansee, came from Yemen to Makkah
with his two brothers in search of a lost brother of theirs. His brothers
ai-Haarith and Maalik returned , while Yaasir settled in Makkah. He
married Sumayyah bint Khubbaat. Sumayyah was a slave-girl of
Banu Makhzum , so Ammar was born in bondage. But later he was set
free by his master Abu Hudhayfah ibn ai-Mugheerah.
Ammar (�-:b) and his parents were among the early adherents of
Islam. They were cruelly tortured because of their faith . They were ex­
posed to a severe test, but they bore this test with great courage and
patience. Sumayyah ( � ) , the mother of Ammar, was the first martyr
of Islam . Abu Jahl killed her with a spear in a very cruel way. Yaasir
(�) , his father, also died because of torture, but Am mar survived. The
Prophet (�) said to them once, "Be patient, family of Yasir; your meet­
ing place will be in Paradise."
The pagans would expose Am mar (�) to the searing sand of the
hot desert, burn him with hot iron in various parts of his body and
plunge him into water with his bleeding wounds until he fainted . They
would punish him in this way many times so he would leave Isla m , but
he refused .
Ammar ( �) migrated first to Abyssinia and later to Madinah . He
took part in all the battles in the lifetime of the Prophet ( � ) and in
those during the days of Abu Bakr (�) and Omar (�) . He was known
for his courage. He also took part in building the Prophet's Mosque. He
fell in the battle of Siffeen in the year 3 7 A. H .

On the day of the Battle of Siffeen , Am mar said, 11Bring me a drink

of milk.11 When it was brought to him, he drank it and said , 11The Prophet
( � ) said [to me] , 'Your last drink in this world will be a drink of milk. 11'
He then went forward and fought until he was martyred . He was
ninety-three years old at the time, and was buried at Siffeen .
+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words .

1. I
Sumayyah ( � ) was the first � I in Islam.
2. Yaasir ( � ) was martyred under � --
----:-:-:- -:-;========='--,
3. Am mar ( � ) was martyred i n the battle of '------'

B. Answer these questions .

1. Who were Ammar's parents?

2. How were Ammar's parents tortured? Did they survive the torture?

3. What did the Prophet ( � ) say would be Ammar's last drink? Was the
Prophet's prophecy fulfilled?
Safiyyah ( �� ) was the daughter of Abd ai-Muttalib. Abd
ai-Muttalib was the chief of his people and was a wise man who
commanded authority.
Safiyyah ( �� ) was the sister of Hamzah, Abu Lahab, AI-Abbas
and Abu Talib. Her mother was Haalah bint Wahb, the sister of Amino
bint Wahb, the mother of the Prophet ( � ) . She was from the clan of
Banu Hashim and was the Prophet's aunt. She belonged to the tribe
of Quraysh . After the death of her first husband, she married
ai-Awwam ibn Khuwwaylid. AI-Awwam was the brother of Khadijah
( � ), the Prophet's beloved wife.
One of Safiyyah's sons was az-Zubayr ibn ai-Awwam. He was a
companion of the Prophet ( � ) and a powerful warrior. Safiyyah was
one of the early Muslims. She emigrated to Madinah and lived after
the Prophet's death , to the Caliphate of Omar ibn ai-Khattab ( �) . She
was seventy-three years old then.

x erc1ses

A Match the following .

1 Safiyyah was the sister of a Banul Muttalib.
2 She was from the clan of b Abu Talib and AI-Abbas (�) . 2
3 She was from the tribe of c Az-Zubayr ibn ai-Awwam. 3
4 Her son was d Quraysh. 4
e Banu Hashim.

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Who were Safiyyah's parents?

2. What was the relationship of Safiyyah's parents with the Prophet ( � )?

Ruqayyah ( �r-� ) was the oldest daughter of the Prophet ( � ) from
his wife Khdijah ( � ) . She had been married to Utbah ibn Abu Lahab
ibn Abd ai-Muttalib before Allah's Messenger ( � ) began to receive
the Qur'an. When the Prophet (� ) was sent on his divine mission and
Allah revealed Surat ai-Masad , "Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab
. . . ", Utbah's father asked him to divorce Ruqayyah. So Utbah
divorced her. She embraced Islam when her mother Khadijah ( � )
Othman ibn Affan ( � ) married her, and she immigrated to
Abyssinia twice with him. On the first emigration , she miscarried the
child she had from Othman ( ��) . Later she bore him a son whom he
named Abdullah. When the Prophet ( � ) emigrated to Madinah , she
followed suit, after her husband Othman ( �) .
Ruqayyah fell ill when the Prophet ( � ) was preparing for the
Battle of Badr. So he left behind her husband Othman to look after
her. She died in Ramadan, seventeen months after the Prophet's
emigration, while the Prophet ( � ) was at Badr.
Zayd ibn Haarithah came from Badr with the good news of the
victory. When he entered Madinah, the people were levelling the
earth over her grave.

+x e r cis e s

A. Are these statements true or false?

1. Ruqayyah ( � ) was the daughter of A'ishah ( t..� ) . D

2. She immigrated twice to Madinah. D
3. She died when the prophet ( �) was at Badr. D
B. Answer these questions.

1. Who was Ruqayyah ( t;._�) married to first? Why did her first husband divorce

2. Where did Ruqayyah [ t;._5P ) emigrate?

3. The good news of the victory of Badr clashed with a sad event. What was
Allah commands us to treat our parents with honour and respect.
Allah says,
1 1And be good to your parents. If one or both of them reach old
age in your life, do not say to them a word of disrespect, nor
shout at them , but speak to them in gracious words.11 ( 1 7 : 23)

11Give thanks to Me and to your parents. �� (3 1 : 1 4)

11Behave with them in this world kindly. �� (3 1 : 1 5)

A man once came to the Prophet ( � ) and asked his permission

to take part in jihad . The Prophet ( � ) asked him, 11Are your parents
still alive?11 The man answered , 11Yes. 11 The Prophet ( � ) then said , 11Well
then , consider their service as j ihad . " (Muslim)
The nature of honour and respect for our parents is such that it
requires many things including the following:

1. That we keep them out of harm's way;

2. That we treat them with kindness;
3. That we do not get irritated with them or with their needs;
4. That we regard service to them as an act of worship;
5. That we pray to Allah to forgive them and have mercy on them;
6. That we do not raise our voice above theirs;
7. That we do not go against their wishes, as long as this does not
entail any violation of Allah's Commands;
8. I f our temper should even flare up i n anger towards them , we
must remember how they brought us up, how they spent many
sleepless nights doing so, how they cared for us and wore
themselves out. We must also remember the words of Allah:

11Speak to them in gracious wordS. 11 ( 1 7 : 23)

They went hungry themselves to keep us satisfied . They stayed

awake at night so we could enjoy our sleep.
Of course, it costs to obey. But young people should not think
that they are the only ones in this world who should obey! Every one
of us has to obey. Working people obey their employers. Teachers
obey school authorities. Soldiers obey commanding officers. Young
people should above all keep clearly in mind that Allah commands
them to love, respect and obey their parents .
So we should love them from our hearts. We should always try
hard to make them happy. We must show them our love and satisfy
their needs. We should look after them if they are sick and whenever
they need our help.
Parents receive authority over their children from Allah , so
children must obey them in all things, with the exception of a
command to sin.
If you told your mother you would be back home at, say, 5:00
p.m., be home on time! If you offered to c lean the garden for your
father, do the job and keep working until you finish it.
A man once came to the Prophet ( � ) and said, 110 Allah's
Messenger, Who is more entitled to my best companionship?�� The
Prophet ( � ) said, 11Your mother. 11 The man then asked , 11Who is next?11
He answered , 11Your mother.�� The man further asked , 11Who is next?11
He answered , 11Your mother.11 The man then asked , 11Who is next?11 He
answered , 11YOur father. 11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
The Prophet ( � ) said that Allah has forbidden us from
disobeying our parents. He also said that disobeying parents is one
of the major sins.

+x e r cis e s

A. Are these statements true or false?

1 . We do not have to treat our parents well. D

2. Disobeying parents is a major sin. D
3. Young people are the only ones who should obey others. D
is e s

B. Answer these questions.

1. What does the Qur'an command us to do regarding our parents?

2. List at least four things we should do to honour our parents.

3. What are some of the hardships our parents went through while
bringing us up?

C. Think-up

1. When should you obey your parents? Give two examples .

2. Why do you think mothers deserve more love and respect than the
The Qur'an is the Word of Allah. It is His book. It is the Revelation
(Wahy) which Angel Jibreel (�I) brought down from Almighty Allah to
H is Messenger Muhammad ( � ) . The Prophet ( � ) delivered it as he
received it to his community.
The Qur'an is uncreated . It has not been invented , changed ,
fabricated or abridged . It does not contain anything that is
Allah has taken it upon Himself to protect it against corruption,
and no falsehood can approach it from before or behind it. Allah
says, �� verily, We have sent the Reminder (i .e. the Qur'an) , and We will
surely protect it [against corruption] . �� (Surat AI-Hijr, 1 5 :9)
"Verily, it is an honourable , well-fortified book of exalted power.
No falsehood can approach it from before or after it: it is sent down
by the All-Wise, worthy of all praise. " (Surat Fussilat, 41 : 4 1 -2)
The best amongst Muslims are those who learn it and teach it to
others. Whoever recites it will be greatly rewarded for doing so. The
Prophet ( � ) describes the person who has nothing of it in his heart
as a ruined , deserted house.
The Prophet ( � ) said, "Whoever recites a letter from the Book
of Allah will receive one reward , and one reward comes with ten like
it. I do not say that [the letters] Al it, Loam and Meem are one letter,
but rather Alit is a letter, Loam is a letter and Meem is a letter. "

The Qur'an•s Rights upon M uslims

The Qur'an makes five demands from every Muslim. They are as
follows :
1 . A Muslim is required to believe in the Qur'an.
2. He is required to read it.
3 . He is required to understand it.
4 . He is required to act upon its teachings.
5. He is required to convey its teachings to others.
The recitation of the Qur'an nourishes the heart. Those who
lived during the time of the Prophet ( � ) received their inspiration
and training from the Qur'an . The Qur'an was thei r guide. It was their
light and their leader. It was their constant companion .
The Qur'an is full of wisdom . We should spend hou rs
understanding the Qur'an. If we really want to benefit from the
Qur'an , we should listen to it and study it as if it is being revealed to
us today - now!
After understanding what we read in the Qur'an, we should act
upon its teachings.
+x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. brought down the Qur'an to the Prophet ( ?i ) .

2. The Qur'an is the of Allah .

3. Allah has protected the Qur'an from '------'

4. The best among Muslims are those who learn the Qur'an and ,__
_ ___j

it to others.

B. Answer these questions.

l. What are the rights of the Qur'an on Muslims?

2. From the life of the Prophet's companions, what should the position of the
Qur'an in our lives be?

C. Write a brief note on the Qur'an .

There are more than 6 billion people in the world . Some are tall;
some are short. ome are fat; some are thin. Some have black hair;
some have fair hair. Some are dark-skinned ; some are fair-skinned .
Each person is unique, with his or her own physical features.
Many different subjects are mentioned in the Qur'an in the
course of inviting people to believe. Sometimes the Qur'an mentions
the heavens, sometimes the animals, and sometimes the trees and
plants. It also mentions many other things as evidence of Allah's
Greatness and Wisdom . The Qur'an calls us in many verses to reflect
on our own creation and on anything Allah created .
The creation of man and the miraculous aspect of this creation
are stressed in many verses of the Qur'an. Some bits of information
within these verses are so wonderful and detailed that it is impossible
for a person living in the 7th century to have known them . Hence, it
follows that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah! It is sent down by the
Creator of man for man's own guidance.
Let us consider the uniqueness of the fingerprints.
The Qur'an says, 11Does man think We will not assemble his bones?
Yes, We are able even to put together in perfect order the very tips of
his fingerS.11 (Surat ai-Qiyyaamah, 75: 3-4)
One feature that distinguishes you from everyone else is the
pattern of the curved lines on the tips of your fingers. These patterns
are different in every person , and no two people have the same
The patterns of your fingerprints do not change, as you grow
older, even if your skin becomes cracked and wrinkled with age. So
your fingerprints can be used to identify you . Wherever you go, you
tend to leave your fingerprints behind you . That is why fingerprints are
widely accepted as a very important way of identifying people.
The fingerprints are unique to its owner. Every person has a
different set of fingerprints. All the people who have lived throughout
history also had different fingerprints. Can fingerprints form by
It is interesting to note that two centuries ago fingerprints were not
important. It was only in the late 1 9th century that fingerprints were
discovered to be different from one person to the other.
In the 7th century, the Qur'an pointed out that the fingerprints of
human beings bear a unique characteristic.
11Does man think we will not assemble his bones? Yes, we are able
even to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers.�� (Surat
ai-Qiyyaamah, 75: 3-4)
What does this show? This clearly shows that the Qur'an is the
Word of Allah . Every bit of information and description of the Qur'an is
true because every verse of it, every syllable of it, every particle of it is
from Almighty Allah . It also shows that Allah is Great and Wise and
creates everything in the best of forms and shapes.
.x e r cis e s

A. Answer these questions.

1. What answer does the Qur'an give to those who think it i s impossible to
be raised after death?

2. D o fingerprints change a s we grow older?

3. When did man discover fingerprints, and when did the Qur'an mention

4. What do the wonderful design of fingerprints point to?

B. Activity

1. Apply watercolour to your fingers and mark prints on paper. Now

compare your prints with those of your friends. Are any of the patterns

2. There are four lines given here I

__ 1
__ . You may make them long
or short, but try to make as many patterns as you can . How many could
you make? Remember Allah has made billions upon billions of patterns
of fingerprints and is continually generating new ones.
Who is not interested in clothes? Young people nowadays seem
very concerned about being in style, because they consider this one
of the requirements for acceptance by other boys and girls - whose
acceptance means so much to them . But our real joy lies in Allah's
acceptance of us! Unfortunately, it is easy for some of us to confuse
real happiness with glittering-but-quickly-vanishing 'fun' that leaves
us downright unhappy.
Islam requires us to be careful about our appearance. It wants
us to dress decently. It wants us to enjoy what Allah has created for
the purposes of dressing and adornment. Clothes in Islam have two
main purposes: to cover the body and to beautify the appearance.
There are three types of clothes:
(1) Those which Allah has declared unlawful for everyone;
(2) Those which He has declared unlawful for certain individuals
but not for others; and
(3) Those which He has disapproved .
1. The first type of clothes that have been declared unlawful
for everyone are those that are wrongfully obtained by
such acts as stealing .
2. An example of those which have been declared unlawful
for certain individuals and not for others is silk. Silk is
permissible for women but not for men .
3. Those that are disapproved are those going to
extravagant lengths, to the point where they amount to
boastfulness and arrogant pride.

SiI k is permissible
for wo m e n

Matters of dress have two sides:

One of them is related to the right of Allah , while the second is
related to the right of man .
As for the side relating to the right of Allah , it is the concealing
of the private parts (awrah) from the eyes of people.
As for the side pertaining to the rights of humans, it is that which
provides protection from the heat, the cold and all kinds of things
that can be harmful.
It is not right for men to imitate women's style of dress. Likewise,
it is not right for women to i mitate the style of men . The Prophet ( � )
cursed the person who would do such a thi n g . He warned us
against it with dire threats.
It is also reprehensible to wear any kind of d ress which is so
transparent that the body can be seen throug h it. If the private
parts (awra h) are visible through it, the wea rer is a sinner. He is an
immoral person .
On one occasion , Asmaa' bint Abu Bakr ( � ) was visiti ng her
sister A'ishah ( � ) , wife of the Prophet ( � ) , when he noted that
Asmaa's dress was not thick enough. He turned his face away in
anger a nd said, " If the woman reaches the age of puberty, no part
of her body should be seen but this, and he pointed to h is face and
hands. "
We should c learly keep it i n mind that the choice of clothes
shouldn't first be governed by what one l ikes best or what is least
expensive, but by the u nchanging principles of modesty. Modesty
is one of the most delightfu l characteristics of a woman. The g i rl
who d resses modestly and tastefully shows her refinement.
Immodesty in dress cannot be considered elegant. It is mostly
Some Req u i rements i n Dress a ccord i ng to the Qur'an and the
S u n n ah of the Prophet
1. The covering of awra h . Awrah refers to the pa rts of the body
that should be covered at all times. The covering of awrah is
also a necessary condition for the validity of prayers for both
men and women . Awrah for men is defined as the area
between the navel a nd the knees. For women the awrah is
defined as the whole body except for the face a nd the hands.
Hence, men a nd women shou ld fully cover their awra h .
2. Clothes should be loose enough so as not to reveal what they
are covering (the awrah) .
3. They should be thick enough so a s not to reveal the colour of
the skin or the parts required to be covered .
4. A woman should not wear a man's clothes, nor should a man
wear a woman's clothes. An aspect of such imitation includes
the manner of speaking, walking , dressing and moving .
5. They should not be clothes of fame, pride and vanity.

In addition to the above conditions, men are not allowed to

wear silk and gold . This, however, does not apply to women .

e r c1s e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. is permissible for women but not for men.

2. in dress cannot be considered elegant.

B. Write a brief note on the requirements of dress in Islam.


C. Name the following :

1. The two purposes of clothes

2. The three types of clothes

3. The two sides of clothes

D. Answer these questions.

1. Explain the Arabic term awrah. What is the awrah for men and

2. What governs the choice of clothes?

3. What does a girl who dresses modestly prove?

A M uslim must eat and drink only what is pure and lawful . He
should avoid all that is impure and unlawful , such as dead a nimals,
pork, blood and alcoholic drinks . He should also avoid food and
drink obtained by unlawful means, such as theft or deceit.
A M usl i m must always eat and drink with the i ntention of
gai ning strength to worship Allah better. He must remember that the
reason why Al lah created him is to worship H i m .
Islam calls to cleanliness, a n d so a M uslim m ust wash h i s hands
before and after eating .
4'Jiit.L![#)i(#J·1I1Ei11U· ·IIt·l•ttG13iit•a...
A M uslim m ust say .J, , � 11ln the Name of Allah every time he

wants to eat or drink. If he fo rg ets to say ( .J,, � Bismillooh) at the


beginning of a mea l , he should say, wh e n he remembers,

o..,..> iJ .:tJ�l � .J, , � Bismilloohi fee owwalihi wo aokhirihi 11ln the Name
of Al fa h , a t its beginning and at its end11•
He should a lso eat and drink with his right hand . The Prophet
( � ) once said that Satan eats and drinks with his left hand .
He should eat from the side of the plate that is i n front of him if
he is eating with people from the same plate. He should not eat
from the top or the middle of the pile of food but from the sides . If
he uses his hand , he should use three fingers to handle his food .
If, however, there are different plates , and the food consists of
different types , he can move his hand around , like in the case of
sweetmeats or fruits, where he may stretch his hand and choose.
He should not blow on hot food . Rather, he should wait
patiently u ntil it is easy to eat. If he wants to drink, he should do so
with the right hand , say .J,, � Bismillooh and drink in three breaths.
He should never criti'c i se food . Criticising food , which is a
blessing from Allah , means not appreciating Allah's blessings. The
Prophet ( � ) never criticised food ; if he liked it, he would eat it; but
if he d id not like it, he would leave it.
It is bad manners to eat or d rink in a reclining position . It was
not the Prophetls practice to do so . It is permissible to eat and drink
while standing or at a table. Sitting down to eat, however, is highly
recommended .
It is not permissible to eat or d rink i n plates or vessels of gold or
silver. Once a person has placed a morsel in the mouth , he should
not take it out again , u nless it is too hot or spoiled . If it happens to
be spoiled , he may spit it out without d rawing people's attention .
When passing food or drink to someone, he should start with
the person sitting on his right. The Prophet ( � ) was once given
some milk. On his right was a Bedouin a nd on his left was Abu Bakr
( � ) . After the Prophet ( � ) had drunk, he passed the milk to the
Bedouin and said , "Serve the person to the right fi rst, then the next
person to the right." (AI-Bukhaaree)
It is bad manners to blow one's nose at the table or talk with
one's mouth ful l . One can of course talk while eating , but only when
a little or no food is left in the mouth .
A good M uslim always remembers to thank Allah after eating
1 ' 0 /

or drinking by saying 4U .J � l A/ Hamdulil/aah "Praise be to Allah".


The Prophet ( � ) wou ld say,

AJ-Hamdulillaahilladhee at'amanee haadaa wa razaqaneehi

min ghairi haw/in minnee walaa quwwah
"Praise be to Allah Who fed me this and provided it for me
without a ny strength or power on my part . "
He should not overeat. He should stop eating before he
becomes ful l , following the Prophet's exa mple. If he happens to be
somebody's g uest, he should recite the following du 'aa for the host
and his family:

Allaahumm a baarik lahum feemaa razaqtahum, waghfir

lahum, war-hamhum
"0 Allah ! Bless for them what you have provided them with ,
and forgive them and have mercy on them . "
+x e r cis e s

A. Are these statements true or false?

1. It is a l l right to eat with the left hand once i n a while. D

2. I t i s a l l right t o blow on hot food and drink. D
3. It is healthy to drink water i n one large gulp. D
4. It is rude to blow one's nose at the table. D
5. We should not talk with our mouth full. D
6. I t i s not bad manners to recline while eating. D
B. Complete the following sentences.

1. Food is a from Allah and so we must not criticise it.

2. It is not permissible to eat or drink in plates or vessels of I I or

3. If we use our hand , we should use I I fingers to handle food.

4. When passing food or drink, we should start from the I I side.

C. Answer these questions .

1 . What should one say before and after eating?

2. What do you know about eating and drinking in anything made of gold
or silver?

D. Activity

Memorise the du'aas in this lesson and recite them at their proper times.
Salaatul Jumu'ah (the Friday prayer) is a special prayer which is
offered in place of Salaat adh-Dhuhr on Friday. It consists of two
rak'ahs and is preceded by a sermon - the khutbah .
Salaatul Jumu'ah brings together a large number of people
from different places. This increases the sense of togetherness.

Salaatul Jumu'ah is an obligation . Allah says,

11 0
you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for the prayer
on Friday, come to the remembrance of Allah and leave off
business. That is better for you if you only knew. II (62-9)
Salatul Jumu'ah is obligatory on every free, adult, non-travelling
men who do not have a valid excuse, such as illness, for not
attending. It is optional for women . If a woman decides to pray at
home, or if anyone is prevented from attending Salatul Jumu'ah , he
or she must pray the four rak'ahs of the Dhuhr prayer in the usual

into Paradise, and on it he was expelled from it. The hour will not
occur except on Friday." (Muslim)

The fol lowing are some of them :

1. Ta king a bath (g husl)
The Prophet ( � ) said, 11Taking a bath on Friday is obligatory for

every [male] adult.11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

2. Wearing clea n clothes and fragrance

3. Leaving early to a rrive before its time

4. Not to separate between two people who a re sitting

5. Prayi ng two rak1ahs before sitting down

When one enters while the imam is delivering the sermon , he
should perform two raka'hs briefly.
6. Listening attentively when the i m a m is giving the khutbah
Muslims should listen attentively to the Friday sermon and
remain silent throughout. Even telling others to be quiet is not
allowed . The Prophet ( � ) said , 11lf one of you tells his [Muslim]
brother to be quiet while the imam is giving the sermon , he is
guilty Of idle talk. 11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
7. Reciting Surat ai-Ka hf
It is recommended to recite Surat ai-Kahf ( 1 8th surah of the
Qur1an) on Friday. The Prophet ( � ) said, ��whoever recites Surat
ai-Kahf on Friday, what is between the two Fridays will be
illuminated for him by light. 11 (AI-Haakim)

8. I nvoking Al lah1S peace and b lessi ngs o n the Prophet (�)

liiilliiiilll...,.;liiillll I I ...
When the imam comes into the mosque, he greets the people
with salaam and ascends the minbar. Then the mu'adh-dhin calls
the adha n .
After the adhan, the imam stands u p facing the worshippers
and delivers the khutbah . He glorifies Allah and invokes Allah1S
peace and blessings on the Prophet ( ?j ) . He then reminds the
assembly of their duties towards Allah . He reminds them to follow
what Allah has commanded and avoid what He has prohibited . He
urges them to do good deeds and abandon evil ones. Then he sits
down for a brief pause. He then stands up again to resume the
khutbah . Finally, he prays for the congregation and for the entire
Muslim community.
The muladh-dhin calls the iqaamah, and the imam then leads the
congregation in salah . He recites the Qurlan in the two rak1ahs aloud.
+x e r cis e s

A. Name the following :

1. The place where the imam stands to give the khutbah : '-------'
3. The Arabic word for Friday: '-------'

4. The name of the surah which is recommended to be recited on Friday:

B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. M uslims should I ! attentively while the imam is giving the I 1.

2. The imam gives the khutbah after the I I is called.
3. Salaatul Jumu'ah consists of two I I·

C. Answer these questions.

1. Who is obliged to attend Salatul Jumu'ah?

2. What should a person d o if he is prevented from offering Salatul Jumu'ah?

3. What are the benefits of reciting Surat ai-Kahf?

4. What should a person do when he enters the mosque while the imam
is delivering the sermon?
Fair: 2

Dhuhr: 4+2

Maghrib: 2

Isbaa: 2

As-Sunan ar-Raatibah are the established voluntary prayers

which the Prophet ( � ) regularly performed in combination with the
five obligatory prayers. They are performed before and after the
obligatory prayers, and offering them entails a great deal of
blessings and rewards.

llliillliiiiiYiiilllll1 �&:.lli&li:j��
a . Two rak'ahs before the Faj r prayer: A'ishah ( lr.�j, ) reported
that the Prophet ( � ) said, "The two rak'ahs of the Fajr are better for
me than this world and all it contains." (Muslim)
b. Four rak'ahs before the Dhuhr prayer and two after it.
c . Two rak'ahs after the Maghrib prayer.
d . Two rak'ahs after the lshaa Prayer.
Umm Habeebah ( � ) said that she heard Allah's Messenger
( � ) say, "Whoever prays twelve rak'ahs in a day and night, a house
will be built for him in Paradise. They are: four before Dhuhr,
two after it, two after Maghrib, two after lsha and two before Fajr."
(At-Tirmidhee and M uslim)

1s e s

A. Are these statements true or false?

l. As-Sunan ar-Raatibah entail great rewards from Allah. D

2. As-Sunan ar-Raatibah are not important. D
3. The Prophet ( � ) always prayed As-Sunan ar-Raatibah. D
4. We should follow the example of the Prophet ( � ) by
offering As-Sunan ar-Raatibah. D

B. Answer these questions.

l. Explain the term As-Sunan ar-Raatibah.

2. When are they performed?

Arabic word witr means 110dd numberll and is generally
used to refer to salatul-witr, which is the performance of the last
voluntary night prayer as one rak'ah . The maximum prayer before it
should be ten. The Prophet ( � ) said , 11The (optional) night prayer
should be offered in twos and twos; if you fear that dawn is
approaching , then offer one rak1ah to make (the number of rak1ahs)
you have offered odd (witr) .11 (AI-Bukhaaree)

Al-witr prayer is a necessary Sunnah, and a Muslim should not

leave it under any circumstances. The time for al-witr extends from
the lsha prayer u ntil shortly before the Fajr prayer. It is preferable to
perform it in the last part of the night, unless one fears one might
wake up late to do it. The Prophet ( � ) said, ��whoever among you
thinks that he will not be able to wake up in the last part of the night
should perform the witr prayer in the first part; and whoever among
you thinks that he can wake up in the last part of the night should
pray witr in the last part. For, indeed , prayer during the last part of the
night is attended [by the angels] and is more virtuous. " (Muslim a nd

For the two rak'ahs that occur before the witr prayer, it is
recommended to recite Surat al A'ala (Surah 8 7) after Surat
ai-Fatihah in the first one and Surat al Kaafiroon (Surah 1 09) after
Surat ai-Fatihah in the second one. In the witr rak'ah , the Prophet
( � ) frequently recited Surat al-lkhlas (Surah 1 1 2) after Surat
-'· �

ai-Fatihah, and only occasionally recited Surat ai-Falaq (Surah 1 1 3) ,

and Surat an-Nos) along with Surat al-lkhlas.

A Muslim, however, should not offer the witr prayer twice in the
same nig ht. If someone has performed the witr prayer in the first part
of the night, then wakes u p and wants to perform any voluntary
prayers, he can do so without repeating the witr prayer. The Prophet
( � ) said , "There are no two witr prayers in the same night." (At-Tirmidhee)
�x e r cis e s

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1 . The time for witr extends from the L__

_ _______j
until shortly before
2. The witr prayer is a L-----;:====='--_____..,

B. Answer these questions.

1. How many raka'hs does the witr prayer has?

2. What surah should be recited in the witr prayer?

3. What a re the two surahs that are recommended to be recited after

Surat ai-Fatihah in the two rak'ahs before the witr prayer?
Dhikrullaah (or dhikr, for short) means the remembrance of
Allah. It can be done by either the tongue or the heart, but the best
form of dhikr is the one that is done by both of them . Almighty Allah
commands us to do dhikr:
, 0 / / , 0 , ,. 0 / J 0 /

0� �J � �!J �;s�t �#��

/ /

Remember Me and I shall remember you . Be grateful to Me and

do not deny Me. (ai-Baqarah 2 : 1 52)
When we remember Allah , the Creator and Lord of the worlds,
He remembers us in return . Allah said in a hadeeth qudsee:
111 am as My servant thinks I am, and I am with him when he
remembers Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make
mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in a
gathering, I make mention of him in a gathering better than it . . . 11
(AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

Dhikrullaah is supremely g reat. Allah's Messenger ( � ) would

always remember Allah : before going to bed , upon waking up,
before entering the toilet, u pon leaving it, upon entering the
mosque, upon leaving it, before and after eating and drinking, in
the morning and in the evening and at all times. He once said,
11The comparison of the one who remembers his Lord and the one
who does not remember his Lord is like that of the living and the
dead.11 (AI-Bukhaaree)

fRi•Jeet¥i•1lll@eefelefl:f¥)1t¥)6�j.)la]blijli[!![e e!"
1 . It drives away Satan ;
2 . It i s pleasing to Allah ;
3 . I t removes the worries of the heart and brings happiness
and joy to it.
4. It illuminates the face and the heart;
5. It gives life to the heart. In fact, it is to the heart as water
is to the fish . Fish cannot survive without water.
6. It nourishes the heart and the sou l . If someone is
deprived of it, it is as if his body was deprived of food .
7 . It erases sins.
8 . I t delivers one from Allah's punishment.
9. It is a good way to help the tongue avoid such evil things
as backbiting, lies and vain talk.
Each specific form of ibaadah or acts of worship - salah ,
sawm , hajj are a l l different forms of dhikr.
Recitation of the Qur'an
Reciting the Qur'an is the best form of dhikr. In fact, the Qur'an
is our guide, light and our leader, and so it must be our constant
com panion .

Various Expressions of Dai ly D hikr

1.The Prophet ( � ) said, "[There are] two statements which are
light for the tongue, heavy in the scales [of deeds] and dearer to
the Most Merciful :

Subhaan-AI/aahi wa bihamdihee, subhaan-AI/aahii-'Adheem

Glory be to Allah , His is the praise; glory be to Allah , the Most Great
(AI-Bukhaaree and M uslim)
2. Abu Musa ( � ) said , "Allah's Messenger ( � ) said to me,
"Shall I not direct you to one of the treasures of Paradise?" I said ,
"Yes, 0 Allah's Messenger." He said,

Loa haw/a wa loa quwwata il/aa billaah

There is neither power nor might except with Allah (AI-Bukhaaree and
M uslim)
3 . Abu Hurairah (�) narrated that Allah's Messenger ( �) said,
"Whoever says,

Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihee (Glory be to Allah , His is the Praise)

one hundred times a day will be forgiven all his sins even if they
were as much as the foam of the sea ." (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
4 . Allah's Messenger ( � ) said , 11For me to say
: .<t .ti3 1'J� .ti31 � � Al l -;r � .J � � � � � � L� 01.,�
....;-:-" � ;.

J ,; / 'J / •

Subhaanallaahi waf hamdufil/aahi wa faa ilaaha illallaahu

wallaahu akbar.
Glory be to Allah , Praise be to Allah , there is no god but Allah
and Allah is Most Great is dearer to me than that over which the sun
has ever risen (Muslim)

5. Allah's Messenger ( � ) said, ��whoever says:

Loa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu faa shareeka fahu,

fahuf-mufku wa fahuf-hamdu wa huwwa 'afaa kulli shai'in qadeer.
There is no god but Allah Alone, He has no partner, His is the
dominion and His is the praise, and He is Capable of all things,
ten times, will have the same reward as that given for freeing ten
slaves; one hundred rewards will be written in his account, one
hundred sins will be removed from his account, and this saying will
be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody
will be able to do a better deed except the one who has done
more than him . 11 (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
6. Ali ( � ) narrated that Allah's Messenger ( � ) told him and
�i 4UI

to his wife Fatimah ( �� ) , 11 . . . When you go to bed , say

Allaahu Akbar thirty-four times, � .J ��
/ /
Af-Hamdu fillaah

thirty-three times and � � Z,L�:� Subhaan-AIIaah thirty-three

times" . (AI-Bukhaaree and M uslim)
+x e r c is e s

A. Answer these questions.

1 . What does dhikrullaah mean?

2. Mention at least four benefits of dhikr.

3. What is the likeness of the person who remembers Allah and the person
who does not remember Him?

4. What is the best form of dhikr?

B. Activity

1. Learn the various forms of dhikr from the lesson and practise them in
your daily life.
2. Find out what is meant by 'hadeeth qudsee' mentioned in the lesson .
Du'aa means calling u pon Allah and seeking His Help, for
worldly benefits such as wealth and health , or for religious benefits
such as forgiveness and everlasting happiness in the hereafter.
Allah's Messenger ( �) described it as being marrow of worship. In
fact, d ulaa is a believer's response to Allah's words in the Qur'an,

11And your Lord says, �call upon Me and I will answer your prayerS. 111
(40 : 60)

Du'aa is a great tool in the hands of a Muslim. It is h is strength .

He may supplicate to Allah in his own words, but it is better to use
the beautiful du'aas the Prophet ( � ) has taught us.
It is important to observe the following etiquette of du'aa so
that we may get benefit from them :

a. Seek out the blessed times for it: Friday (between the adhaan
and the iqaamah , when it is raining , the last third of the night,
upon breaking the fast, while prostrating in the prayers, on the
Night of AI-Qadr (Decree) and on the Day of Arafah .
b. B e in a state of purity.
c. Face the direction of qiblah and raise the hands.
d. I mplore Allah with humility a n d reverence.
e. Insist to Allah in one's supplication by repeating the du'aa
many times and invoke Him by His Names and Attributes.
f. Be fervent in prayer and hopeful of the answer.
g. Begin supplication with the mention of Allah , before asking of
Him, and entreat Him to send His blessings and peace upon
the Prophet ( ti ) .
h. Make sure that one's income i s lawful , invoke Allah alone and
be sure that He will answer one's prayer.

Supplications for various occasions

l. Before you go to sleep, say,

Bismik-AIIaahumma amootu wa ahyaa

In Your Name, 0 Allah , I die and I live.

Alhamdu lillaahilladhee ahyaanaa ba 'da mao amaatanaa
wa ilaihinnushoor.
All praise is for Allah Who has brought us to life after causing
us to die, and to Him is the return [after death] .

2. Whenever the Prophet ( � ) went to bed each night, he would

cup his hands together and gently blow on them . Then he would
recite into them :
0 ,

�i 4h i � Jj
/ '

��say: He is Allah , the One . . . 1 (Surah 1 1 2),

,.., .,. o j
J/ o }
J..W I �_).: ��j Jj /

11 1 seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak . . . 11 (Surah 1 13) , and

�. � ,. : J� o :
�W i y� ��I Jj /
I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind 11 (Surah 1 14) .
. . .

Then he would pass them on as much of his body as his

hands could reach . He would begin with the head and the face,
then the entire part of his body. He would do this three times.

3. Allah's Messenger ( � ) said, "When you have repaired to your

bed , then recite Ayat-ui-Kursee until you complete it, and it will
continue to be from Allah a protection for you and no devil will
approach you until you come upon the morning . "
4. When you enter the toilet, say:

Bismil/aah. Allaamumma innee 0100dhu bika mina/-khubuthi

0 Allah , I seek protection in You from the male and female devils.

I.!..U � Ghufraanak
/ 0

5. When you come out of the toilet, say:

I seek Your forgiveness (0 Allah) .

6. Allah's Messenger ( � ) said,

��say � � � Bismillaah (In the Name of Allah) , eat with your
/ /

right hand and eat of that which is next to you . 11 If you forget to
mention Allah's Name at the beginning, say when you remember:
- � .:.

�..>->IJ tU.JI � 4.01 �

� .. 0

- /
/ / / / ...... /

Bismillaahi fee awwalihi wa aakhirih

In the Name of Allah , at the first of it and at the last of it.
When you finish eating, say:

Alhamdu lillaahilladee at'amanee haadhaa, wa

razaqaneehi, min ghairi haw/in minnee wa faa quwwah.
Praise be to Allah Who has given me this to eat and has
provided me with it with neither might nor power on my part.
8. I f you are a guest a t a M uslim's house, say when you finish
eating food :
Q o. / 0 (j / 0 / / 0 , r: /

" ��
���j lj � -# IJ '�j) l�� � cl_)�
Allaahumma baarik lahum feemaa razaqtahum, waghfir
lahum, war-hamhum
0 Allah ! Bless for them what You have given them , and forgive
them and have mercy on them .

9. When you leave your home, say,

o " " 4il t L� u..tS " - , 4il t o
r.: / J / / ' 0 ,/. /

4il u � � c� �_j" J_¥-

I t I

• /

�_j " �
� � / /

Bismillaah, tawakkaltu 'alallaah, wa faa haw/a wa faa

quwwata il/aa billaah
In the Name of Allah ; I put my trust in Allah , and there is neither
power, nor might except with Allah .
1 0. On entering your home, say:

Bismillaahi walajnaa, wa bismillaahi kharajnaa, wa 'alaa

Rabbinaa tawakkalnaa
In the Name of Allah we enter, and in the Name of Allah we
leave, and in our Lord we put our trust.

ll. U pon entering the Mosque, say:

..:. , / / J ,... a / , ,., � / ..:.

4U I J�_) � r� IJ ;;� IJ 4U I �

/ /

Bismillaah, wassalaatu wassa/aamu 'alaa Rasoolillaah.

Allaahum-maftah lee abwaaba rahmatik.
In the Name of Allah , and prayers and peace be upon the
Messenger of Allah . 0 Allah , open the gates of Your mercy for me.

1 2. When you leave it, you should say:

.!. J / ; } r:: _,. } / � / ..:.

4U I J�_) � r� IJ ;;� IJ 4U I �

/ / /

Bismillaah, wassalaatu wassalaamu 'alaa rasoolillah .

Allaahumma innee as'aluka min fadlik
I n the Name of Allah , and prayers and peace be upon the
Messenger of Allah . 0 Allah , I ask You of Your favour.
1 3 . When you hear the call to prayer (the adhan) , say as the
mu'adh-dhin says, except when he says:
� ($

� ��
/ ,/ 0 / /. / /

r� ' � ' c� l Hawa alas-Sa/aah 11Come to

prayerll and Hawa alai-Falaah ��come to success��, you should say:
Loa haw/a wa faa quwwata il/aa billaah, after each statement.

After the Adhan say,

Allaahumma Rabba haadhihid-da'watittaammati,

was-Salaatil-qaa'imati, aati Muhammadanil-waseelata
wal-fadeelata, wab'ath-hu maqaaman mahmoodan-illadhee
wa 'adtahu

��o Allah , the Lord of this perfect call and the established
prayer, give Muhammad AI- Wasee/ah (a high position in Paradise)
and AI-Fadeelah (a rank above the rest of creation) , and raise him
on the honoured station which You have promised him . 11

When you have finished it, ask of Allah and you will be given
The Prophet ( � ) said, "The supplication which is made
between the adhan and the iqamah is not rejected . " (Abu Dawood)
+x e r cis e s

A Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Du'aa is a great '--

[ __ __J[ in the hands of a Muslim.

B. Write a brief note on the etiquette of du'aa.

C. Answer these questions.

1. What is d u'aa? How did the Prophet ( � ) describe it?

2. List some etiquette for du'aa.

3. A person may supplicate to Allah in his own words. However, what is

the recommended way of doing du'aa?

D. Activity

Learn the beautiful du'aas in this lesson and practise them in your daily
life .

"A Muslim is one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and
hands, and a muhaajir (migrant) is the one who abandons that
which Allah has forbidden . " (AI-Bukhaaree)

"Part of someone's being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that

which does not concern him . " (At-Tirmidhee)
"The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it
to others. " (AI-Bukhaaree)

"Convey to others on my behalf even if it is a single verse. "


"Save yourselves from Hellfire even by giving half a date in charity. "
(AI-Bukhaa ree and Muslim)

"The person who severs the ties of kinship will not enter Paradise. "
(AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)

"None of you will be a believer until he loves for his [Muslim] brother
what he loves for himself. " (AI-Bukhaaree and Muslim)
/ /

( j� �j� � )

"There should be neither harming , nor reciprocating harm . "

(Ibn Majah)

Memorise the sayings of the Prophet ( � ) .

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