Linkboy's Lots
Linkboy's Lots
Linkboy's Lots
The Land of Lamordia is cold and dismal with steam powered settlements
kept stable by secretive scientist and their foul experiments. But what
happens to the scrap metal once they’re done with it.
This chapter gives an overview on the history and basic OLGA CUTTER
information about the Linkboy Lot and its propitiators
the Odenwald family. Olga Cutter was an up and coming scientist from
Ludendorf University who had to walk at Linkboy's Lot
when it was owned by Greta. When Sigmund came into
CURRENT SKETCH control of the lot he tokes interest in Greta and the pair
began to date. They had five children till on faithful day
This scrapyard is protected by rusty iron gates covered in two weeks after having their fifth child Greta expressed
tiny spikes. Signs made form scraps of weatherworn sheet wanting to live outside the Scrapyard. When it was clear
metal worn trespassers will be put to work. Inside steam Sigmund would not let her leave she packed a items and
powered machine in the shape of bulls' lug sheets of metal went to fetch the kids. While going to get the kids
hither and thither will large hulking constructs search for Sigmund caused the collapse of a scrap pile and buried
pieces of metal worth keeping. her. Olga is now a spirit bound to the lot she tries to
guide trespassers to the exits so they don't become
The scrapyard is where most left over from experiments captives to her husband like she was before. Each dawn
performed by the scientist in Ludendorf. The owner is Olga hides her corpse somewhere in the junkyard to
the cruel Sigmund Odenwald known locally as the “Rust avoid it being found by Sigmund's foul constructs.
Baron.” Sigmund runs the yard with the help of his five
sons and those he finds in the junkyard. Sigmund is an
inventor who always used his sloppy creations to
perform tasks he’s too lazy to do, these constructs
were successful to varying digress but he never
stopped making them. Sigrid came into ownership of
the scrapyard from another noble named Greta Hurst
who tricked Sigmund into buying it. Sigmund is
protective of his property and stands “Anything on my
LAND is my PROPERTY” this includes anyone he finds
trespassing who he captures and forces to work in the
scrapyard indefinably.
This section gives all the information you need on the
Odenwald family.
The patriarch of the family and vile inventor. He is the
harsh owner who runs the scrapyard like his personal
dictatorship. Anyone who is found inside the
junkyard without his permission is taken captive and
worked until they die. Sigmund once had a wife
named Olga Cutter with he had five children with who
wanted live somewhere safer then Sigmund’s
ramshackle junkyard. After a harsh argument Sigrid
crushed his wife under a pile of scrap. Olga body was
Judith is the only actual employ of Sigmund and works
as his muscle. Judith doesn't mind the treatment of the
workers in fact she gets a bonus if she can bring in a new
slave. Judith can be bribed to look the other way, but if
Sigmund finds out she is killed.
Sigmund forces those he finds trespassing on his
property to work inside his scrapyard. The people live in
squalor and are forced to do hard labor. Norbert puts a
potion in their rations that make them under his and his
father’s suggestion. The labor can be anyone form
random commoners, children and even beasts that are
effected by the potion.
1. You see in the distance many people 1d6+2 commoners try to apprehend the party if they're spotted. Trivial
hualing large peices of scrap into a
2. You find a small toy doll covered in A DC 12 Insight (Wisdom) check reveals the name on the dolls tag N/A
mud. It has a tag with a smudged name is Gertrude. Returning the dolls will make Ludmilla trust the
on it. party.
3. A mechianal bull breaks free of its The bull is a Gorgon but a construct and istead of it's petrifying Medium
reigns. It stomps the worker next to it's breath it has a convicing breath.
head into the ground then charges at
Convincing Breath (Recharge 4-6). The gorgon exhales
convincing breath in a 30 ft cone. All creatures must make a DC 13
Con save or be under the effect of a dominate person spell. The
target can repeat the save on the following turns.
4. As you turn the corner you're meet This is Judith Subdon, she's making her rounds when she Medium
with a tall women in a parka with dark encounters the party. She is a Gladiator and fights to half her hit
hair tied into a study bun. She raises a points before fleeing. Judith can be bribed for 50 GP a person.
spear "Drop your weapons and
surender" she barks in a gruff tone.
5. You walk along the pile of rusty and The junk collasp is 120ft long and 60ft away. On initiative count Deadly
junk that has piled upped over the 10 all creatures in the range must make a DC 15 Dex save or take
years. As you walk by a pile collap as 3d10 blugeoning damage and 4d6 piercing damage half as much
sharp steel begins to fall. on a success.
6. A giant hulking construct made The creature is a Cadaver Collector that was created by Sigmund Deadly
form scrap walks around and sift to find the body Olga. The creature only attacks if the party
througth piles. It's looking for attacks it.
something, but what?
7. You see a humanoid figure This is one of Sigmund's Children, which is up to the DM N/A
standing in the distance of the scrap
8. You see the ghostly apperation of a The is Olga Cutter the dead wife of Sigmund who use the Ghost Trival
women that difts in the wind. stats.
Odenwald You see a large log cabin that sits squat in the center
of the scraplot. The building is lit by candle and it's
You stare house made entirly of scraps. Steel beams inside are empty execpt for a few dozen moldy cotts
hold up rotten wood and cracked glass frames. The and scraps of rotten food.
stairs are patchworked and the house moans in pain
at your added weight.
The worker's barrack resembles a prison more then a
something people should be living in. At night all of the
Within the Odenwald Household you'll find room for all workers enter here, eat, and sleep. Construct guards
the children, the master bedroom, the kitchen, a watch the prerimter for any escaping workers.
workshop, and many other rooms. The house's layout
should be determined by the DM but traps, construct Judith Subdon's personal shack is small and simple.
guardians, and mindless servents way roam the manor. When player's arrive read, paraphrase, or sing the
following description.
This is the large water mill created by Karla, when Judith Subdon's Shack
players arrive read, paraphrase, or sing the following
description. A small shack rests in the mud. Inside is the basic
necessities; a stove, bed, foot locker, and fully
stocked book shelf.
2. A servant named Tilla Ebbinhardt has escaped the scrapyard and now they're being hunted down. Tilla begs
anyone to harbor her and free the other workers.
3. A whaler from Whale's End named Holger Von Tillavich has prepared to escape with Karla Odenwald via a boat
hidden in the water mill. Holger needs someone to distract the rest of the family so they can escape.
4. Ludmilla Odenwald wants kill her father, she sneaks out to Ludendorf and tries to find someone to assassinate
her father. Ludmilla is unaware her father Sigmund already knows her plan and sets a trap for the adventurers.
5. Norbert Odenwald wants alchemical agents from all corners of the domain. He needs the party to do it since he
can't leave.
6. Ullrich Odenwald has sent admission letters to Ludendorf Univeristy a month ago and it hasn't come back. He
suspects his father has hidden the letter from him. He asks the players to investigate his office to try and find the
7. A rampaging Cadaver Collector programing has failed and now it seeks to kill as many creature as possible.
Ullrich needs the players to trap the construct so he shut it down.
8. Judith Subdon has stated kidnapping travelers and forcing them to work under Sigmund. The Ludendorf
Constables need help investigating the case before more people go missing.
9. Olga Cutter's ghost needs to hide her body before Sigmund finds it. She asks the party to get her body out of the
scrapyard before Sigmund can reanimate it.
10. Gertrude has started drawing pictures of a ghostly figure similar to Olga Cutter. One of the Odenwald children
seek out the adventurers to find out the source of the imagery. The players will be sent on a goose chase to find Olga