SAS Basics - Part 1
SAS Basics - Part 1
SAS Basics - Part 1
This module will introduce some basic, but very important and frequently used commands and operations in SAS.
Learning Objectives
data name1;
input varl var2 $ var3;
<Programming Statements>;
<Data Matrix>
Line 1: In the first line we designate a name for the new data set. Here the data set is called name1. The data set name may
be up to 32 alphanumeric characters and must begin with a letter. No special characters are allowed in the name except for
'_'. 1/30
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Line 2: The input statement indicates which variables are included in the data set. Here there are 3 variables with the names:
var1, var2, var3. SAS differentiates between variables whose values are numeric and variables whose values are character.
For character variables, a dollar sign '$' must be added after the name of the variable (like for var2 above). The variable
names may be up to 32 alphanumeric characters and must begin with a letter. No special characters are allowed in the
variable name except for '_'.
Line 3: There may be many lines of programming statements between the input statement and the datalines statement.
Programming statements are used to manipulate the variables in the data set, create new variables, label and format
variables, and exclude observations from the data set.
Line 4: Tells SAS that the data to be analyzed are next. Note that cards may be used instead of datalines.
Line 5: The data matrix contain rows of observations and columns of variables.
Line 6: The final semicolon indicates that there is no more data to be read.
Line 7: The run; statement must be on the last line of the data step and indicates that the data step is finished.
In module 1 we created a very small data set in SAS as follows:
data weight;
input height weight;
65 130
70 150
67 145
72 180
62 110
Procedure Steps
"Proc" statements are the procedures that are to be performed on the data set.
General Format:
proc <procedure name> data =<data set name> <options>;
<SAS statements>;
Proc Print
"proc print" is the procedure that lists data: 2/30
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data one;
input studyid name $ sex $ age weight height;
[The next steps in the program are commands to print the specified fields in the data set.] 3/30
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Notice that, by default, SAS adds a variable OBS in the output for proc print that indexes the rows in the data set. However,
the noobs option can be used to suppress OBS from the Output.
More Basics 4/30
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The id statement in proc print is helpful when printing so many variables that the output does not fit on one page. Using the
id statement will ensure that the id variable specified is on each page of the output.
The output shown in the original example above is what you see in the results window. The output in the output window
looks like this:
If you want to copy output from SAS to paste into a Word document, you can select and copy from the results window. This
will look like this:
In a later lecture, we will show you how to extract the results so they look as nice as they do in the results window! 5/30
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Note that the var statement is not required. If it is omitted, SAS will, by default, print all the variables in the data set.
Proc Means
proc means produces descriptive statistics on continuous variables: mean, standard deviation, etc.
Example: 6/30
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Again, if we omit the var statement, SAS will provide results for all (continuous) variables.
We can also select specific statistics to be calculated and displayed. These include the default statistics, N, Mean, Std, Min,
Max, and others, such as Median, Q1, and Q3. Here, we ask for just N, Mean and Median to be displayed :
Temporary SAS datasets only exist during the current SAS session.
Permanent SAS datasets are saved to a location on the computer and exist after exiting SAS.
SAS calls the directories that contain datasets libraries. To create a library, use a libname statement. A libname statement
performs 2 important tasks:
Once a SAS library and computer directory link have been created using the libname statement, a permanent SAS data set
can be:
A SAS data set name has the library name before the
period and the data set name after the period.
Note: The 'dixonmassey' data set is from Dixon WJ and Massey FJ Jr: Introduction to Statistical Analysis, Fourth Edition,
McGraw Hill Book Company, 1983.
Use a libname statement to establish the library perm and to link it to the F drive. Then save the data set dixonmassey as
a permanent SAS data set on the F drive. The statement data perm.dixonmassey creates a SAS data set
called "dixonmassey.sas7bdat" located in the F drive.
The statement below creates a SAS library named "perm" and then links "perm" to the F drive. 8/30
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Importing a Data set
Import the permanent SAS data set, copy_cd4count, into SAS. 9/30
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The libname statement below creates a SAS library named extern and links the library extern to the directory "C:\temp" on the
computer. The data set copy_cd4count.sas7bdat which is stored in the directory "C:\temp", is now in the extern SAS library
and can be used immediately in SAS data steps and procedures. Note that once it has been linked to the extern SAS library,
it does not need the extension .sas7bdat.
When a library is not specified, SAS automatically uses the temporary library "work."
data dixonmassey;
input Obs chol52 chol62 age cor dchol agelt50;
[Note: The "dixonmmassey" data set is from Dixon WJ and Massey FJ Jr., Introduction to Statistical Analysis, Fourth Edition,
McGraw Hill Book Company, 1983. ] 10/30
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Remember that the work library is only temporary and when SAS is closed all of the datasets in work are deleted.
A New Variable
Suppose we have a data set called weight which has height and weight data.
data weight;
input height weight;
65 130
70 150
67 145
72 180
62 110
We would like to create a new data set with a new variable, BMI, or body mass index, based on height and weight.
To create a new variable choose a name for the new variable, use a data step, and then define it based on already
existing variables using the equals sign (=).
YearAge65 = byear+65;
income = salary + interest + dividends;
Parentsbp = (momsbp + dadsbp)/2;
Body mass index (BMI) is equal to (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches)2
So in this case, if we had a data set that contained weight in pounds and height in inches, we could use SAS to compute a
derived variable called "bmi" based on these two other variables. Here's how we can do this in SAS:
data w;
input height weight;
bmi = (weight*703)/(height**2);
cards; 11/30
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65 130
70 150
67 145
72 180
62 110
The data set "w" has three variables, height, weight, and bmi. Note that the statement creating the new variable, bmi, is
between the input statement and the cards statement. The creation of a new variable always occurs within a data step.
data weight_new;
set weight;
The set statement puts the data from the data set weight (created above) into a new data set called weight_new. Because the
data set weight already exists within SAS, no input statement is necessary. Note that the structure and contents of the new
data set weight_new are identical to those of the SAS data set weight.
You can look at your log file to confirm what your code is doing:
92 data weight_new;
93 set weight;
94 run;
NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set
NOTE: The data set WORK.WEIGHT_NEW has 5 observations and 2
variables. 12/30
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The log will always show you your code and then log notes (and warnings and errors). From now on, we will only show the
actual log (not the code).
In order to create a new variable in an existing SAS data set, the data set must first be read into SAS and then a data step
must be used to create a new SAS data set and the new variable.
The following data step creates a new (temporary) SAS data set called bmidata, which is identical to the SAS data set weight
but with the addition of a new variable bmi.
data bmidata1;
set weight;
bmi = (weight*703)/(height**2);
NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set
NOTE: The data set WORK.BMIDATA1 has 5 observations and 3
data indata.weight1;
set indata.weight;
bmi = (weight*703)/(height**2);
run; 13/30
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An if-then statement can be used to create a new variable for a selected subset of the observations.
For each observation in the data set, SAS evaluates the expression following the if. When the expression is true, the
statement following then is executed.
When the expression is false, SAS ignores the statement following then. For a person whose age is less than 65, the variable
older will be missing.
An optional else statement can be included (if-then-else) to provide an alternative action when the if expression is false.
For a person whose age is less than 65, the variable older will equal 0.
An optional else-if statement can follow the if-then statement. SAS evaluates the expression in the else-if
statement only when the previous expression is false. else-if statements are useful when forming mutually exclusive
A person aged between 50 and 60 will be in agegroup 2 (again, notice the strict inequality: those aged exactly 50 will
not be included in this agegroup, but will be in agegroup 1).
A person whose age is greater than 60 will be in agegroup 3.
A person whose age is 40 or younger will not be assigned to an agegroup, and their agegroup variable will be missing.
An if statement can be followed by exactly one else statement or by many else-if statements. SAS will keep
evaluating the if-then-else-if statements until it encounters the first true statement.
The following code creates a new variable called group from an existing variable called gpa. The new variable called group
takes on one of two values: "good standing" if a person's gpa is greater than or equal to 3.0 and "not good standing" if a
person's gpa is less than 3.0.
data grades;
input name $ gpa;
if gpa<3.0 then group = "not good standing";
if gpa>=3.0 then group = "good standing";
Ann 3.7
Bart 2.9
Cecil 3.5
Denise 4.0
Emily 2.5
Frank 3.6
run; 15/30
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proc print;
This results in:
Note that SAS does not generally distinguish between upper and lower case (you can use either). The exception is in the
value of character variables. The value "Good standing" is not the same as the value "good standing".
Suppose we want to create a variable called gpagroup which takes on one of 3 values:
"Excellent Grades" for those with a gpa greater than or equal to 3.5,
"Good" for those with a gpa greater than or equal to 3.0 and
"Satisfactory" for those with a gpa greater than or equal to 2.5.
data grades;
input name $ gpa;
if gpa>=3.5 then gpagroup = "Excellent Grades";
if gpa>=3.0 then gpagroup = "Good";
if gpa >= 2.5 then gpagroup = "Satisfactory";
Ann 3.7
Bart 2.9
Cecil 3.5 16/30
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Denise 4.0
Emily 2.5
Frank 3.6
data grades;
input name $ gpa;
if gpa>=3.5 then gpagroup = "Excellent Grades";
else if gpa>=3.0 then gpagroup = "Good";
else if gpa >= 2.5 then gpagroup = "Satisfactory";
Ann 3.7
Bart 2.9
Cecil 3.5
Denise 4.0
Emily 2.5
Frank 3.6
run; 17/30
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proc print;
id age
1 35
2 missing
3 24
4 38
5 29
Individual 2 has a missing age value, so the data would be entered as follows:
data ages;
input id age;
1 35
2 .
3 24
4 38
5 29
; 18/30
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If we run proc means, we would get the following:
SAS will automatically exclude missing values from calculations, if they are coded correctly. Notice that N=4 for the age
variable, because there are only 4 observations with non-missing ages.
However, some data sources will code missing values as 9 or -9 or 99, or some other numeric value. If this is the case, you
should immediately re-code these to periods. If you don't recode the missing values, here is what will happen:
data ages;
input id age;
1 35
2 -9
3 24
4 38
5 29
If we run proc means, we would get the following:
Notice that the minimum age is negative! And the mean age is less than the youngest age in the data set. 19/30
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If a data set has missing values coded as anything other than a period, you need to convert these before running the SAS
program. This can be done easily by adding an if statement to the data step as illustrated in the example below.
data ages;
input id age;
if age eq -9 then age=.;
1 35
2 -9
3 24
4 38
5 29
If we run proc means, we would get the following:
The observation with missing age coded as -9, now has age coded correctly with a period. Notice that the minimum age is
now (correctly) 24, and that the mean is actually in the range of the ages! Also notice that N=4 for the age variable, because
there are only 4 observations with non-missing ages.
Now we will create a variable called agecat which takes on the value of 1 if the age is less than or equal to 30 and 2 if
the age is greater than 30.
We have checked (how?) and the missing age has been correctly coded.
data ages;
input id age;
if age<=30 then agecat = 1;
else if age>30 then agecat=2;
1 35
2 . 20/30
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3 24
4 38
5 29
The problem here is that SAS treats missing numeric values as negative infinity. Here, SAS treats the missing age value as
negative infinity, which is definitely less than 30, so this observation will be assigned agecat=1.
To fix this problem we need to recode the agecat variable to specifically account for missing values:
data ages;
input id age;
if age = . then agecat = .;
else if age<=30 then agecat = 1;
else if age>30 then agecat=2;
1 35
2 .
3 24
4 38
5 29
run; 21/30
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Now the observation with missing age also has a missing agecat variable.
If your data had missing age coded as -9, you would first have to re-code missing age to a period, and then account for
missing ages in creating agecat.
data ages;
input id age;
if age eq -9 then age=.;
if age = . then agecat = .;
else if age<=30 then agecat = 1;
else if age>30 then agecat=2;
1 35
2 -9
3 24
4 38
5 29
data region;
input urban_area $; 22/30
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In printing these data, the value of the variable urban_data has been cut off. To prevent this, you must use a length statement
when creating character variables.
data region;
length urban_area $13;
input urban_area $;
run; 23/30
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The length statement specifies the maximum length for the values of a variable. The length statement should come
at the beginning of the data step, before the variables for which the lengths are being set are defined.
This is true for variables entered using an input statement, or those created in a data step.
data grades;
input name $ gpa;
if gpa<3.0 then group = "not good standing";
if gpa>=3.0 then group = "good standing";
Ann 3.7
Bart 2.9
Cecil 3.5
Denise 4.0
Emily 2.5
Frank 3.6
proc print;
run; 24/30
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SAS will use the first value it encounters if there is no length statement. So, in the example, the first value is "not good
standing," and so the length is set at 17, which is more than enough for the value "good standing".
If we had instead reversed the two lines of code, the length of the variable group would be set to 13, and some of the values
would be truncated.
data grades;
input name $ gpa;
if gpa>=3.0 then group = "good standing";
if gpa<3.0 then group = "not good standing";
Ann 3.7
Bart 2.9
Cecil 3.5
Denise 4.0
Emily 2.5
Frank 3.6
If you are accessing an already created SAS data set (temporary or permanent), you do not have to use a length statement,
as the length is stored with the SAS data set.
In order to understand how to create new variables using mathematical expressions in SAS we must first review the rules of
= or eq (equal)
^= or ne (not equal)
^ or not (negation)
Priority 5: AND
Priority 6: OR
Rule 3: For operators with the same priority, operations are performed left to right except for priority 1 operations which are
performed right to left.
Example 1:
. B = 3, C = 6, D = 9
= 18 / 9
Example 2: 26/30
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G = 2, H = 4, I = 1, J = 3
= 2 + 12
= 14
Example 3:
Y = 2, Z = 3, A = 2
X = Y * Z**A
= 2 * 3**2
= 18
Sum Function
Calculates the sum of the variables in parentheses. Missing values are treated as 0.
We want to look at change in TCBV, the ratio of TCB to TCV from time 1 to time 2. We do this in two ways. First we calculate
TCBV at each time, and simply subtract these two variables. We also do this in one statement (without first calculating the
two TCBV variables).
Finally, we want to create the average TCB over the three measures (and try three different methods). 27/30
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data one;
input id tcb1 tcb2 tcb3 tcv;
mean_tcb=mean(of tcb1,tcb2,tcb3);
1 980 975 975 1255
2 994 980 970 1262
3 1015 1002 1000 1280
4 940 . 900 1240
5 1020 1010 . 1259
6 998 998 990 1245
Let's look at the log.
NOTE: Invalid argument to function LOG(0) at line 695 column
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----
705 6 998 998 990 1245
id=6 tcb1=998 tcb2=998 tcb3=990 tcv=1245 tcbv1=0.8016064257
tcbv2=0.8016064257 tcbv_d_A=0
tcbv_d_B=0 log_d=. mean_tcb=995.33333333
ave_tcb_A=995.33333333 ave_tcb_B=2326 _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing
an operation on missing values.
Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
1 at 692:13 1 at 693:28 1 at 694:17 1 at 695:9 1 at 697:18 1
at 697:23
1 at 698:17 1 at 698:27
NOTE: Mathematical operations could not be performed at the
following places. The results of the
operations have been set to missing values.
Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).
1 at 695:9
NOTE: The data set WORK.ONE has 6 observations and 13
Since for ID 6, the difference between TCBV at times 1 and 2 is zero, the log of this difference cannot be calculated, and SAS
tells you this, and sets log_d to missing. 29/30
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