De La: Lights Camera Action

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"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Lights Camera Action

Domain head:
Sarah Abraham: 9930885653
Meet Satra: 8082800009

Participation per class: maximum 2 teams per class (2 participants per team)

Description: 2 contrasting characters from any Hindi/English TV show/Movie will be

given to the participants along with a scenario. The participant needs to act exactly like
the character in the given scenario. There will be 3 bowls, two bowls will have chits of
very contrasting characters and one bowl containing a scenario. Both people in the team
need to pick up one chit from the characters bowl, both of them will be picking up from
different character bowls. Then, the participants decide mutually and one of them picks a
chit from the bowl of scenarios.


1. Participants will get 5 mins to prepare after which they have to perform for 3
Negative marking will be assigned if participants exceed the time limit.
2. A list of characters and scenarios which will be in the chits will be provided in
3. The language of choice can be Hindi, English or both.
4. Use of foul language or obscenity will result in disqualification.
5. Participants failing to perform will not be eligible for participation points.
Judging Criteria:
● Overall performance
● Interpretation of the character
● Analysis of the situation
● Spontaneity
● Diction and vocal delivery

In case of a tie, judging criteria will be prioritized as per the above sequence..
General rules:

1. All Judges' decisions are final.

2. Arguments with the judges will result in disqualification.
3. Judges will deal with all fouls and misconduct which will be punished accordingly.
4. The Management, Dean of students’ affairs and students’ council reserves the
right to edit the rules anytime and disqualify teams for reasons not being stated in
this list or take action.
Cricket slam
Domain Head :
Anthony Benno :9137811659

Participation per class: 1 teams , 2 students per team(1 girl +1 boy)

Description:The game is a culmination of Lawn Tennis and Cricket.

The players are expected to play a round of unconventional Tennis using cricket bats.
It is played by 2 teams having 2 members each.
The objective of the game is to score 15 points first.

Reference video: link:

1. A match consists of 1 game of 15 points.
2. The game starts with a toss to determine which team will serve first and which
side they want to serve from.
3. The server must then serve each point diagonally from alternative sides on the
middle line and directly to the opponent's court.(the server is allowed to bounce
the ball once with their hand for tossing the ball while they serve)
4. At the start of the serve the server and receiver stand diagonal to each other.
5. If the ball touches the net or ribbon during service, it is a re-serve.
6. If it touches the net or ribbon again during the re-serve, the serving team loses a
7. The player shall continue serving from alternative sides till the opponent gets a
8. Both team mates have to serve alternatively after each break point.
9. During a rally the player can receive the ball only after one bounce on their
respective court. Receiving the ball before one bounce or after multiple bounces
is a foul and the opponent team will get a point.
10. While returning a legal ball, the ball has to bounce once on their own court and
then again once on the opponent court.
11. Multiple players of a team cannot touch the ball while returning a shot..
12. If the ball lands anywhere on the outside line it will be considered a legal play.
13. During the game if the ball touches the net and lands legally the game shall
14. During a point as long as it bounces inside the court the player can return the ball
from outside the court.
15. The pair winning the rally adds a point to their score.
16. At 14-all, the pair which first gains a 2 point lead wins that game.
17. At 24- all, the side scoring the 25 point wins the game
18. The players will lose a point if they touch the net with any part of their body or
19. The players or supporters must not deliberately distract their opponents.After 3
warnings if the team still continues to do this they will be disqualified.
20. Sledging, trash talk, obscenity and vulgarity by players or supporters during the
game will result in direct disqualification and severe action against the class.
21. Any call by the referee for the match will be final. Failure to abide by the call will
lead to disqualification.

General rules:

1. All Judges' decisions are final.

2. Arguments with the judges will result in disqualification.
3. Participants need to play a minimum of 1 match to be eligible for
participation points.
4. Judges will deal with all fouls and misconduct which will be punished accordingly.
5. The Management, Dean of students’ affair and students’ council reserves the
right to edit the rules anytime and disqualify teams for reasons not being stated in
this list or take action.
Talk Till You Drop
Domain head:
Malaika Monteiro: 9321794448

Participation per class : 2 participants

Description :
Talk Till You Drop is here to test your public speaking skills! You need to be quick with
your thoughts and graceful with your words! How long can you talk before you drop?!

The event will take place in three rounds, with the qualifying participants moving to the
next round :

Round-I “Easy-Breezy” :
In this round each contestant will be given a topic. They have 1 minute to prepare
themselves, once they have received their topics, they have to talk about that topic for 1

Time limit : 1 minute

Event Rules :
1. The language for communication is strictly English.
2. It is an individual event
3. Topics will be provided on the spot
4. Hesitation, deviation and repetition will lead to deduction of points
5. "Hesitation" will be watched very strictly - Momentary pauses, tripping over one’s
6. "Repetition" means the repetition of any word excluding articles,prepositions, etc
unless they have been used extremely.
7. For example : And I went to the grocery-store. And then I purchased a carton of
milk. And then I went home.
8. Repetition also means repetition of a phrase again and again.
9. "Deviation” includes "Deviating from the English language as we know it" and
"Deviation from grammar as we understand it"
10. Explicit content will not be permitted
11. Not adhering to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
12. The speaker will be judged based on their fluency, speaking style and coherence
13. Use of slang is not allowed
14. Incase of any implications, the decision taken by the Students Council and the
faculty will be final

Judging criteria:
● Communication skills
● Fluency/Coherence
● Vocabulary
● Creativity

Round-II “I Spy” :
The participants will be given a picture and they have to talk about the picture for 2
minutes. They will be given 1 minute to prepare themselves.

Time limit: 2 minutes

Event Rules :
1. The language for communication is strictly English.
2. It is an individual event
3. Topics will be provided on the spot
4. Hesitation, deviation and repetition will lead to deduction of points
5. "Hesitation" will be watched very strictly - Momentary pauses, tripping over one’s
6. "Repetition" means the repetition of any word excluding articles,prepositions, etc
unless they have been used extremely.
7. For example : And I went to the grocery-store. And then I purchased a carton of
milk. And then I went home.
8. Repetition also means repetition of a phrase again and again.
9. "Deviation" includes "Deviating from the English language as we know it" and
"Deviation from grammar as we understand it"
10. Explicit content will not be permitted
11. Not adhering to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
12. The speaker will be judged based on their fluency, speaking style and coherence
13. Use of slang is not allowed
14. Incase of any implications, the decision taken by the Students Council and the
faculty will be final

Judging criteria:
● Communication skills
● Fluency/Coherence
● Vocabulary
● Creativity
Final Round “JAM” :
The contestant has to formulate a cohesive and evolving narration of a story/events
where they are given a new word every few seconds that has to be incorporated in the
narration. The transition from one word to the next in the narration and the end of the
narration should be smooth.

Time-limit : 4 minutes

Event Rules :
1. The language for communication is strictly English.
2. It is an individual event
3. Topics will be provided on the spot
4. Hesitation, deviation and repetition will lead to deduction of points
5. "Hesitation" will be watched very strictly - Momentary pauses, tripping over one’s
6. "Repetition" means the repetition of any word excluding articles,prepositions, etc
unless they have been used extremely.
7. For example : And I went to the grocery-store. And then I purchased a carton of
milk. And then I went home.
8. Repetition also means repetition of a phrase again and again.
9. "Deviation" includes "Deviating from the English language as we know it" and
"Deviation from grammar as we understand it"
10. Explicit content will not be permitted
11. Not adhering to the time limit will lead to negative marking.
12. The speaker will be judged based on their fluency, speaking style and coherence
13. Use of slang is not allowed
14. Incase of any implications, the decision taken by the Students Council and the
faculty will be final

NOTE: Participants failing to perform ROUND 1 will not be eligible for

participation points.

Judging criteria:
● Communication skills
● Fluency/Coherence
● Vocabulary
● Creativity

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