Financial Strategies For Value Creation (IIP)
Financial Strategies For Value Creation (IIP)
Financial Strategies For Value Creation (IIP)
Question 01
Answer 01
Now some of the major themes that underlie successful value creation
strategies in the information economy are:
Firms using diversification strategies enter entirely new industries.
While vertical integration involves a firm moving into a new part of a
value chain that it is already within, diversification requires moving
into an entirely new value chain. Many firms accomplish this through
a merger or an acquisition, while others expand into new industries
without the involvement of another firm.
Diversification means going into an operation which is either totally
or partially unrelated to the present operations.
Before opting for diversification, the following basic questions must
be seriously considered:
(a) Whether it brings a positive synergy, to the company?
(b) Whether the market wants the new product or service which we
(c) Whether the product or service has a good growth potential?