Professional Development Plan 1
Professional Development Plan 1
Professional Development Plan 1
Pre-service Teacher Professional Development Plan for: Enedina Bautista Date: 02/21/2021
Directions: Your Professional Development Plan (PDP) serves as a guide toward continuous improvement during your teacher preparation program. List specific
competencies, skills and dispositions you would like to improve on this form, using input from FEAP evaluation reviewed with your mentor teacher, feedback
from your faculty steward, and other sources you deem reliable.
What do I want to improve? How will I achieve this? When will I Status/Comments
(list specific improvement goals) (list specific steps you will take) achieve this? (✔=accomplished; ⦸=in progress)
I will be able ● I will keep data on my
1. I will gain knowledge on differentiated to achieve lessons by documenting
I want to use a variety of instruction instruction by reading reliable sources. this by the when I have to modify or
materials to enhance and motivate 2. I will incorporate multimedia portions in end of my ∅ make adjustments.
student learning. my lesson plan for enhancement. student ● I will be able to track the
3. I will reflect on my students needs: teaching progress of my students'
visual, kinesthetic, auditory, social, etc. internship. engagement.
4. I will create and implement different ● Student engagement will
learning activities. increase; 50% of
I will be able
1. I will model as I teach..questioning. to achieve ● Students will be
I want to create and implement effective 2. I will decide on my goal or purpose for this by the ∅ encouraged to think
higher order questioning in my teaching. asking questions. end of my beyond literal questions.
3. Ask questions that require an extended student ● Students will use critical
response. teaching thinking skills because of
4. I will move my questioning from internship. the type of questions
concrete to abstract thinking. being asked.
● Students will apply,
analyze, synthesize, and
evaluate information
instead of recalling.