Joshua Act

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Within a family, alcohol misuse and alcoholism

can damage a marriage or build a breach
between family members. That means that
people who drink can deplete family finances,
instigate disputes, overlook children, and
generally harm the health and happiness of
others they care about.



Alcohol addiction has economic Noise, litter, obnoxious behavior,

consequences that are just as bad for vandalism, hostility, minor crime,
the country as it is for the individual, assault, and traffic safety hazards are
hurting the family, the community, all issues that alcohol usage causes in
and people of all ages. Children’s the community. Many of these
development is being harmed by societal ramifications can lead to
underage drinking, which is harming violence or harm to others.
the country’s ability to adapt to
future economic challenges.

Short Synopsis
Alcoholism is a growing concern in the culture and social life of Filipinos. A number of cases of
sexual and drug abuse, suicide and violence among Filipinos is usually due to drunkenness or
alcohol intoxication. House of Representatives committee has filed a bill proposing to ban
alcohol use in public spaces.

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