Programming (PDF Library)

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SAP Programming

SAP NetWeaver Programming Core


SAP NetWeaver Overview ABAP Objects Advanced ABAP

3 days 5 days 5 days

NW001 NW BC405 NW
Technology Solutions ABAP Reporting
Powered by
SAP NetWeaver

8 hours 5 days


Fundamentals of ABAP Workbench Programming User Dialogs Dialog Programming using
SAP Web AS Foundations EnjoySAP Controls

3 days 5 days 3 days 5 days


Managing ABAP Enhancements and BDT – Business Data
Development Projects Modification Toolset

2 days 3 days 2 days

CA611 NW BC430 NW
eCATT and ABAP Dictionary
Test Workbench

2 days 2 days

BC407 NW BC414 NW BC417 NW

Experience in Reporting with the InfoSet Pogramming Database BAPI Development for
any programming Query and QuickViewer Changes Accessing SAP

2 days 2 days 3 days

BC415 NW
Remote Function Calls in BC460 NW
SAPscript Forms Design
and Text Management
2 days

3 days
BC416 NW
Web Services in ABAP BC470 NW
Form Printing using SAP
Smart Forms
2 days

2 days
BC420 NW
Data Transfer BC480 NW
PDF-Based Print Forms
with the Interactive Forms
5 days Solution

3 days

CERTIFICATION Solution Academy basic training as Development Consultant SAP NetWeaver 2004 - Web Application Development Focus ABAP

(for new ABAP consultants) TAW10 > TAW12 > C_TAW12_04

ALTERNATIVE COURSES SAPTEC > BC400 > BC401 > BC402 > BC405 > BC410 > BC414 > BC425 > BC430 > SM001 > C_TAW12_04

Overview Course Foundation Course Detailed Course Delta Course Recommended/

216 Required
Classroom training E-learning On Request Certification Prerequisite
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

CA611 · eCATT and Test Workbench

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 13-feb-08

TARGET GROUP GOALS • Develop executable test cases

This course is aimed at all employees who • Create automated test scripts • Version eCATT scripts
are involved in creating or organizing test • Create executable data-controlled test • Migrate CATT to eCATT
cases. cases • Test Workbench overview
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Include test cases in test projects that SOFTWARE

SAPTEC Fundamentals of SAP Web AS or you manage with the Test Workbench SAP NW 2004S
relevant experience in using an SAP (status tracking and issue management) NOTES
system • Migrate test cases from CATT • This training is also suitable for
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED CONTENT participants using SAP Web Application
• General software testing experience • Introduction to automated testing of Server 6.20.
• General programming knowledge SAP systems • The content of course CA611 is the
(such as BC400 - ABAP Workbench • Set up the system landscape for eCATT same as the PDECAT workshop.
Fundamentals) • eCATT environment (scripts and script
• Test applications (what can I test
and how?)

MBC40 · Managing ABAP Development Projects

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP • Customer exits and user exits SOFTWARE

• IT managers • Customer development R/3 4.6C

• Development managers • Roles in the project team NOTES

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Standards • This course is designed for IT managers

SAPTEC Fundamentals of SAP Web AS • Documentation who are responsible for implementing
GOALS • Software logistics and system developments using the ABAP
This course will enable you to explain the environment Workbench.
development process using the ASAP • Change requests, Workbench Organizer • We recommend that you attend this
Roadmap and describe the tasks necessary • Originals and copies course to prepare for your project kick-
within an ABAP development project, • Process and technical design off meeting.
including the critical success factors. • Using the ABAP Workbench in • The objective of this course is to give a
CONTENT development projects complete overview of the development
• Change levels • Data model and ABAP Dictionary process, and not to train ABAP
• Customizing • Transactional processing programmers.
• Personalizing • Reporting
• Modifications • Quality assurance, maintenance 217
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC400 · ABAP Workbench Foundations

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES 07-jan-08, 31-mrt-08

TARGET GROUP syntax help modules, classes and methods, BAPIs

Developers, project managers, consultants • Process source text with the ABAP • Project-oriented development using the
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED Editor Workbench Organizer
• Programming knowledge • Test programs using the Debugger • Overview of the different options for
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Define elementary and structured data adapting software

• Learn the fundamental concepts of the • Overview of important ABAP SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0
ABAP programming language statements NOTES
• Efficiently use the ABAP Workbench • Use internal tables (introduction) The course is also suitable for participants
tools • Use modularization techniques local in who are using a release older than the one
• Create simple application programs the program specified (at least SAP R/3 4.6). All ABAP
with user dialogs (selection screen, list • Database dialogs: information about programming courses require that you
and screen) and database dialogs database tables in the ABAP Dictionary, understand the contents of this basic
(reading from the database) read database tables course.
CONTENT • User dialogs: list, selection screen,
• Create ABAP programs and the most screens
important Repository objects using • Overview of ABAP Web Dynpro (from
appropriate ABAP Workbench tools SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0)
• Navigate in the Workbench and use the • Use function groups and function

BC401 · ABAP Objects

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES 14-jan-08, 07-apr-08


• Developer • Analyze and design classes (UML) This course is aimed exclusively at
• Consultants • Classes, instances, references participants without any knowledge of
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism object-oriented programming. You
• Programming experience • Events should attend both BC400 (ABAP
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Special object-oriented techniques Workbench Foundations) and BC401
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) • Global classes/interfaces (Class Builder) (ABAP Objects) to gain in-depth
GOALS • Class-based exception concept understanding of the ABAP Workbench as
• Determine the concepts of object- SOFTWARE well as the ABAP programming language.
oriented programming SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0 (ABAP consists of procedural and object-
• Develop business applications with oriented parts. This is also reflected in
ABAP Objects these courses.) The course is also suitable
• Good understanding of object-oriented for participants who are using a release
programming using ABAP Objects as an older than the one specified (at least
example SAP R/3 4.6).

SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC402 · Advanced ABAP

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request


• Developer • ABAP runtime environment The topic of the performance of ABAP

• Project team members • ABAP types and data objects programs is also subject of the BC490
• Consultants • Unicode (ABAP Performance Tuning) course.
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Analysis tools for programs BC490 focuses on analyzing and
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Work with internal tables eliminating existing performance
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) • Program modularization with function problems, whereas BC402 is concerned
• BC401 (ABAP Objects) modules with avoiding performance problems even
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Performance of complex Open SQL during the design and implementation of
• ABAP (Objects) programming skills statements a program. The course is also suitable for
GOALS • Dynamic programming with field participants who are using a release older
• In-depth knowledge of the ABAP symbols and references than the one specified (at least SAP R/3
programming language to be able to • Runtime type information, runtime 4.6). The topics ‘Shared Objects’ and
write more robust programs type creation ‘Runtime Type Creation’ are only relevant
• The ability to assess ABAP • Program calls and memory from SAP Web Application Server 6.40.
programming techniques according to management
performance aspects and develop high- • Shared objects
performance programs SOFTWARE
• Acquire the necessary knowledge to SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0
develop dynamic ABAP programs

BC405 · Programming ABAP Reports

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP • You can use logical databases to obtain SOFTWARE

• Developer data from the database and even SAP Web Application Server 6.40
• Project team members program complex database queries NOTES
• Consultants yourself. If required by all participants, the object
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Obtain data: discussed in the course, which was
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) - Selection screen introduced with SAP Web Application
• Practical ABAP programming - Logical databases Server 6.40. If not, the ALV Grid Control
experience - OpenSQL version is used, which was introduced
GOALS • ALV programming: with SAP R/3 4.6B and can also be used in
• You will learn how to use the different - using the ALV to display tables the latest SAP software. The version that is
techniques for list processing. - Trigger ALV basic functions from the not used can be discussed briefly on
• You can design and implement simple application request.
basic lists. - Layout adjustments
• You can implement complex data tasks - Use display variants
using the SAP List Viewer (ALV). - Process user actions (double-click, press
pushbuttons and so on) 219
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC407 · Reporting with the InfoSet Query and QuickViewer

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES 17-apr-08

TARGET GROUP Query tools. • Necessary ABAP foundations to create

• Query developers • You also learn to set up the the InfoSet
• Project team members administrative Query environment and • InfoSets
• Query administrators to manage it. • Transportation

• Fundamental knowledge of a • QuickViewer SAP R/3 4.6C

programming language • InfoSet Query NOTES
• SAP user experience - Lists When revising courses, we reserve the
GOALS - User Administration right to usemore up-to-date software
• This course enables you to create simple • SAP Query than specified in the course.
and complex data analyses using the - Lists
QuickViewer, InfoSet Query and SAP - User Administration

BC410 · Programming User Dialogs

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 23-jan-08, 21-apr-08

TARGET GROUP CONTENT radio buttons, subscreens, tabstrips,

• Developer • Principles and ergonomics of user table controls
• Consultants dialogs • Context menus
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • User interface • List processing in dialog programming
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) - Menu Painter (tool) SOFTWARE
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) - Menu bar SAP R/3 4.6C

• BC430 (ABAP Dictionary) - Options When revising courses, we reserve the

• ABAP programming experience • Screen objects – attributes right to usemore up-to-date software
GOALS implementation and processing: than specified. The course is also suitable
In this course you will learn to develop - Screen Painter (tool) for participants who are using a release
screen-based user dialogs. - Text fields, frames, status icons, older than the one specified (at least SAP
input/output fields, dropdown list R/3 4.6).
boxes, pushbuttons, checkboxes,

BC412 · Dialog Programming using EnjoySAP Controls

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request


• Developer • Function and use of the Control SAP R/3 4.6C

• Consultants Framework NOTES

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Integrate and call controls This courses teaches you to control the
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Data transport between ABAP programs EnjoySAP Controls from ABAP programs
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) and controls (using the classes delivered in the standard
• BC410 (Developing User Dialogs) • Change control attributes system). The ABAP Objects syntax
• Knowledge in object-oriented • React to actions in the control elements that are necessary for this are
programming (such as ABAP Objects) • Context menus also part of the course contents. The
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Drag and drop functionality following are not part of the course:
• BC401 (ABAP Objects) • Combination of EnjoySAP Controls object-oriented modeling, general object-
GOALS with other ABAP dialog forms oriented programming and the control of
This course explains techniques for • Function scope and use of selected external controls.
creating user dialogs that are maintained EnjoySAP Controls: HTML control,
using the EnjoySAP Controls from ABAP picture control, text edit control, ALV
programs. grid control, tree control
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC414 · Programming Database Updates

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES On request


Developer Consultants • Open SQL statements fromABAP for SAP R/3 4.6C
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED changing the contents of database tables NOTES

ABAP programming experience • The LUW concept Participants in this course should be able
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Use of the SAP locking concept to use the ABAP Workbench. Knowledge
• BC410 (Developing User Dialogs) • Database changes from dialog programs of ABAP dialog programming is very
GOALS using suitable techniques: inline useful. When revising courses, we reserve
The courses explains techniques for updates, synchronous, asynchronous the right to usemore up-to-date software
programming change transactions in the and local updates in V1 and V2 mode than specified in the course. The course is
SAP NetWeaver Application Server. • Implementation of complex also suitable for participantswho are using
transactions a release older than the one specified (at
least SAP R/3 4.6).

CR590 · BDT - Business Data Toolset

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP CONTENT - Service programs

Technical consultants and developers • In this course the BDT and its - Interfaces
working with the BDT and who enhancement technology are discussed. - Visual Configuration Tool (VCT)
• Develop new functionality internally The enhancement technology includes SOFTWARE
within SAP or programming function groups in • SAP CRM 3.0
• or for development partners reserved namespaces and the execution • SAP R/3 4.6C
• Enhance existing BDT applications via BDT control tables. The technology NOTES

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED is supported by exercises in using the BDT is used in SAP Business Partner,
Good knowledge of ABAP SAP Business Partner (programmed Banking, Insurance, FI-CA, Real Estate,
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED with BDT technology). Payment Cards, Financial Service and
Experience with dialog programming • The following topics are dealt with: Waste Management.
GOALS - Data Dictionary enhancements
At the end of this course you will be able - Dialog control
to carry out enhancements to - Event technique in dialog and program
applications created with the BDT. The logic
course provides fundamental information - Enhancements with table appends
about dialog, program logic and service - Enhancements with new tables
program functionality within the BDT. - GUI menu 221
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC425 · Enhancements and Modification

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES On request


• Project managers • Overview of the options for making • Modifications:

• Developer customer-specific adjustments to the - Procedure
• Consultants SAP standard system - Utilities (Modification Assistant,
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Personalization (transaction variants) Modification Browser)
• SAPTEC Fundamentals of SAP Web AS • Enhancements to: - Modification adjustment
• BC400 ABAP Workbench Foundations - Elements of the ABAP Dictionary • SAP Note Assistant (tool for SAP Note
• BC401 ABAP Objects - SAP programs implementation)
GOALS - SAP screen menus SOFTWARE

• Display the options for making - SAP screens WEB AS 6.20

customer-specific adjustments to the • Enhancement techniques: NOTES
SAP standard system - Enhancements to elements of the ABAP • When revising courses, we reserve the
• Searching for and using enhancements Dictionary right to use more up-to-date software
• Correct implementation of - Enhancements via customer exits than specified.
modifications - Business Transaction Events (BTEs) • The course is mainly suitable for
- Business Add Ins (BAdIs) participants using SAP R/3 4.6.

BC430 · ABAP Dictionary

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 14-apr-08


• Dictionary administrators • Terms and functions of the • Views and append views
• Developer ABAPDictionary • Search help and append search help
• Consultants • Type definitions in the ABAP Dictionary SOFTWARE

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Tables incl. includes and appends SAP Web Application Server 6.20
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Performance aspects when accessing NOTES
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) tables: Basic knowledge of using and the scope of
GOALS - Buffering functions of the ABAP Workbench are
The course discusses the role of theABAP - Indexes essential. This course is also suitable for
Dictionary in the SAP system and its scope • Relationships between tables: participants using SAP R/3 4.6. When
of functions. - Define and manage foreign keys revising courses, we reserve the right to
- Texttables usemore up-to-date software than
• Dependencies between objects in the specified.

SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC460 · SAPscript: Forms Design and Text Management

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP components, forms and print programs, • Modifications: procedure for changing
• Project team members processing flow forms and print programs, transporting
• Developer • Form elements: windows and pages, SAPscript objects
• Consultants paragraph formats, character formats • SAPscript font maintenance
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Text editor: text layout in the PC editor • Overview of SAP Smart Forms
BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) and in the line editor SOFTWARE

GOALS • Icons and control commands SAP R/3 4.6C

• Learn the basic elements of SAPscript • Print program: functions of the print NOTES
and how its components interact program and the form processor, This course discusses the technological
• Create and maintain forms important function modules, aspects of SAPscript. It does not give you
• Maintain and execute print programs outputting text elements, processing any application-specific knowledge. This
CONTENT header lines, functions of the form course is also suitable for participants
• Overview of SAPscript: Significance of processor using SAP R/3 4.6.
SAPscript in the SAP system, • Formatting text modules using styles

BC470 · Form Printing using SAP Smart Forms

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES 07-feb-08, 28-apr-08


• Project team members • Overview of SAP Smart Forms SAP R/3 Enterprise
• Developers • General concepts of form printing: NOTES
• Consultants windows and pages, main and This course is also suitable for participants
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED secondary windows, text and data using SAP R/3 4 6C. Refer you the
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) • Create and adapt an SAP Smart Form: documentation for your application(s) to
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) Form Builder, Form Painter, form logic, see whether SAP Smart Forms or
• ABAP programming experience node types (texts, graphics, addresses SAPscript is used. SAP Note 430621 offers
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED and so on) initial information. Also note that from
• Relevant application courses • Variables: form interface, global data SAP™ ERP 2005, PDF-based forms are
GOALS • Tables: Table Painter, dynamic tables, delivered in addition to the existing forms
Learn SAP Smart Forms: templates, headers and footers fromboth older methods or instead of
- Create and maintain forms • Smart Styles: Style Builder, paragraph them. This course discusses the
- Application programs and character formats technological aspects of Smart Forms. It
- Smart Styles • Changing the form and application does not give you any application-specific
program knowledge. 223
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core

BC480 · PDF-Based Print Forms

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 05-mei-08


• Developers • Create forms for print scenarios with From SAP NetWeaver 2004 (SAP Web
• Project team members Interactive Forms based on Adobe Application Server 6.40), a new
• Consultants software technology is available for creating and
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Integration in ABAP programs displaying forms in addition to SAPscript
• SAPTEC (Basics of SAP Web AS) CONTENT and Smart Forms: PDF-based forms using
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) • Overview: Architecture Adobe technology. Standard forms are
• Programming experience with ABAP • Interface delivered from SAP™ ERP 2005. (Delivered
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Context forms in SAP™ ERP 2004 may only be
• Knowledge of SAPscript and/or Smart • Designer (the graphical layout tool) implemented and used in customer
Forms • Form structure systems following consultation with SAP
• Static elements and with support from an SAP
• Dynamic elements and tables consultant. See also SAP Note 735050.)
• Scripting Course BC480 provides details about print
• Integration in ABAP programs scenarios with these forms. (Interactive
SOFTWARE applications or integration in Web
SAP Web Application Server 6.40 scenarios are not discussed in the course,
however.) Course BC480 discusses the
technological aspects of the PDF-based
forms; it does not give you any
application-specific knowledge.

SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core additional Courses Adobe

Overview / Awareness SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe

Adobe Interactive Forms

1 day

SAP Interactive Forms for ABAP Development


Fundamentals of ABAP Workbench ABAP Objects Workshop Interactive Workshop Advanced ABAP
SAP Web AS Foundations Forms ABAP Development Interactive Forms for ECC

3 days 5 days 5 days 4 days 3 days

SAP Interactive Forms for Java Development


SAP J2SE Fundamentals SAP J2EE Fundamentals Java Web Dynpro Workshop Interactive Workshop Advanced Java
Forms Java Development Interactive Forms
Introduction for CE

5 days 5 days 5 days 4 days 3 days

Dit SAP Interactive Forms curriculum is een lokale samenwerking tussen Adobe, NL4B en SAP Education Nederland

WNLADA · Adobe Interactive Forms Awareness

DURATION 1 day PRICE € 565 STARTING DATES 29-feb-08, 16-mei-08, 16-jun-08

TARGET GROUP GOALS • Overview of Adobe Software possibilities

• Sales consultants, pre-sales consultants, • Understand the partnership between • Overview of standard Interactive Forms
project managers, key users / power SAP and Adobe Scenarios
users. • Understand the possibilities of • Sales triggers and the way of selling
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED Interactive Forms • Relationship between Interactive Forms
• Knowledge of business processes and • Understand the relationship between and Business Processes
their disruptive process steps Interactive Forms and Business • Possible scenarios and the way of
• Knowledge of the use of paper forms Processes implementation
within business processes • Find the sales triggers to sell Interactive • Participants presentation of a local case
• Knowledge of the way IT supports Forms SOFTWARE
business processes CONTENT • NW 2004s
• Partnership SAP and Adobe NOTES
• Overview of possibilities of Interactive • Course language: Dutch

Overview Course Foundation Course Detailed Course Delta Course Recommended/

Required 225
Classroom training E-learning On Request Certification Prerequisite
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core additional Courses Adobe

WNLADJ · Workshop Interactive Forms Java Development Introduction

DURATION 4 days PRICE € 2260 STARTING DATES 22-apr-08, 17-jun-08

TARGET GROUP • To implement an Interactive Form in a • Implementing an offline and online

• SAP Java Developers who want to create Web Dynpro for Java scenario Interactive Form scenario
Interactive Forms applications. • To use simple Scripting within an • Create an Interactive Form for a Web
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED Interactive Form Dynpro for Java scenario
• Programming experience with Java CONTENT • Zero Client Installation (ZCI) versus
• JA100 SAP JS2E Fundamentals • Partnership SAP and Adobe Active Component Framework (ACF)
• JA300 SAP J2EE Fundamentals • Overview of possible scenarios for using • Generating and E-mailing an Interactive
• JA310 Java Web Dynpro Interactive Forms Form in a SAP environment
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Architectural overview of Adobe • Uploading and Downloading Interactive
• JavaScript Document Server within SAP Forms
GOALS NetWeaver • Extracting data from an Interactive
• To understand the partnership between • Working with the Adobe Acrobat & Form in a SAP environment
SAP and Adobe Adobe Reader • Making use of the PDF object Java
• To understand the architecture of • Setting ReaderRights for Interactive Classes
Adobe Document Server within the SAP Forms in Adobe Reader • Making use of Form Scripting
NetWeaver environment • Standard SAP Controls and their use in SOFTWARE
• To develop Interactive Forms using the Interactive Forms • NW 2004s
Adobe Document Server and Adobe • Working with the Adobe LiveCycle NOTES
LiveCycle Designer Designer • Course will be held in Dutch, unless
• To process data, from an Interactive • Working with the designer within the English is necessary
Form, within a SAP environment NetWeaver Development Studio

WNLADO · Workshop Interactive Forms ABAP Development Introduction

DURATION 4 days PRICE € 2260 STARTING DATES 04-mrt-08, 20-mei-08

TARGET GROUP CONTENT • E-mailing an Interactive Form

• SAP ABAP Developers who want to • Partnership SAP and Adobe • Developing an online Interactive Form
create Interactive Forms applications. • Overview of possibilities of Interactive • Making use of Form Scripting
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED Forms • Making use of DDIC or XML Interfaces
• A sound knowledge of ABAP • SAP Business Scenarios and use of PDF • Create an Interactive Form for a Web
- BC400 ABAP Workbench Foundations • Architectural overview of Adobe Dynpro for ABAP scenario
and Document Server within SAP • Making use of Zero Client Installation
- BC401 ABAP Objects NetWeaver (ZCI) Forms
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Working with the Adobe Acrobat & • Uploading and Downloading Interactive
• ABAP Web Dynpro knowledge Adobe Reader Forms
GOALS • Choosing between Active Component • Making use of the PDF object ABAP
• To understand the partnership between Framework (ACF) and Zero Client Classes
SAP and Adobe Installation (ZCI) • How to extract data from an Interactive
• To understand the architecture of • Standard SAP Controls and their use of Form
Adobe Document Server within the SAP PDF • Processing Interactive Forms
NetWeaver environment • Making use of the Adobe Designer SOFTWARE
• To develop new Interactive Forms using • Create a standalone Interactive Form • NW 2004s
the Adobe Document Server • Developing an offline Interactive Form NOTES
• To change existing Interactive Forms • Making use of the SAP transaction • Course will be held in English, unless
within standard SAP scenarios “Form Builder” everyone understands Dutch, this
• To process data, from an Interactive • Change an existing Interactive Form course will be held in Dutch
Form, within a SAP environment • Making use of the function modules of
226 the Adobe Document Server
SAP Programming
SAP NetWeaver Programming Core additional Courses Adobe

WNLADV · Workshop Advanced ABAP Interactive Forms for ECC

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 17-mrt-08, 26-mei-08

TARGET GROUP • To understand the architecture of the • Implementing tables, dynamic

• SAP ABAP Developers who want to Internal Service Request (ISR) properties and standard SAP library
create Interactive Forms applications. Framework controls
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • To develop Interactive Forms for ISR • Adding fonts and font replacements
• Programming experience with ABAP Framework scenarios within Interactive Forms
• BC400 ABAP Workbench Foundations • To make us of fonts replacement, • Making use of Digital Signatures and
• BC401 ABAP Objects signatures and certificates Certificates
• WNLADO Interactive Forms ABAP • To understand performance • Understanding aspects influencing the
Development Introduction influencing aspects performance of Interactive Forms
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • To understand how to trace and handle • Troubleshooting regarding Interactive
• NET310 ABAP Web Dynpro errors Forms
• BC425 Enhancements and CONTENT SOFTWARE
Modifications • Developing and understanding Internal • NW 2004s
• JavaScript Service Request (ISR) Form scenarios NOTES
GOALS • Web Dynpro for ABAP, advanced • Course will be held in Dutch, unless
• To understand Interactive Forms Interactive Forms topics English is necessary
possibilities within SAP Enterprise Core • Implementing multi-language
Component (ECC) Interactive Forms

WNLAJA · Workshop Advanced Java Interactive Forms for Composite Environment

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES 30-jun-08

TARGET GROUP • To develop Interactive Forms for • Adding fonts and font replacements
• SAP Java Developers who want to create Guided Procedure (GP) environment within Interactive Forms
Interactive Forms applications. • To make us of fonts replacement, • Making use of Digital Signatures and
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED signatures and certificates Certificates
• Programming experience with Java • To understand performance • Understanding aspects influencing the
• JA100 SAP JS2E Fundamentals influencing aspects performance of Interactive Forms
• JA300 SAP J2EE Fundamentals • To understand how to trace and handle • Troubleshooting regarding Interactive
• JA310 Java Web Dynpro errors Forms
• WNLADJ Interactive Forms Java CONTENT SOFTWARE
Development Introduction • Developing and understanding • NW 2004s
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED composite Forms in Guided Procedures NOTES

• JavaScript • Web Dynpro for Java, advanced • Course will be held in Dutch, unless
GOALS Interactive Forms topics English is necessary
• To understand Interactive Forms • Implementing multi-language
possibilities within SAP Composite Interactive Forms
Environment (CE) • Implementing tables, dynamic
• To understand the architecture of properties and standard SAP library
Composite Environment controls 227
SAP Programming
Application Specific Programming Courses


SAP NetWeaver Overview Fundamentals of ABAP Workbench
SAP Web AS Foundations

3 days 3 days 5 days

NW001 NW HR350 ERP

Technology Solutions See special prerequisites Programming in Human
Powered by for AC400 and HR350 Capital Management
SAP NetWeaver on pages 95 and 116

8 hours 5 days

Programming in Financials

Cursusdetailgegevens kunt u vinden via de index op pagina 280

3 days

SAP Programming
Programming Web Applications


Fundamentals of ABAP Workbench ABAP Objects Internet Application
SAP Web AS Foundations Components (IACs)

3 days 5 days 5 days 3 days

SAP NetWeaver Overview Experience in Developing
any programming BSP Applications

3 days 5 days

NW001 NW NET310 NW NET311 NW

Technology Solutions ABAP Web Dynpro Advanced Web Dynpro for
Powered by ABAP
SAP NetWeaver

8 hours 5 days 2 days

NET100 · SAP ITS: Developing Screen-Based IACs

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES On request
TARGET GROUP component and IACs that are based on • Synchronizing
Developers who are creating or want to the Web transactions programming • Authentication
adapt IACs model. • Input help
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) • SAP ITS architecture • Frame transactions
• HTML foundations • Web transactions programming model SOFTWARE

PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Service files and service parameters • SAP Internet Transaction Server
BC410 (Developing User Dialogs) • HTMLBusiness templates • SAP Web Application Server 6.20
GOALS • HTMLBusiness language elements NOTES

• Course participants learn in detail how • Creating user dialogs using the SAP This course is not aimed at SAP ITS
to create an Internet Application HTMLBusiness function library administrators. These topics are discussed
Component (IAC). • Layout and design adjustments in NET170 (SAP ITS: Administration).
• The course focuses on the differences • Language-dependencies
between classic transactions of an SAP • ITS Debugger

NET200 · Developing BSP Applications

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES 28-jan-08, 19-mei-08
TARGET GROUP SAP Web Application Server • Layout design with BSP extensions
• Developer • Create Web applications that are based • Model View Controller (MVC)
• Consultants on the Business Server Pages (BSP) programming model
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED programming model. • Adjustment options:
• BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) CONTENT - Internationalization (OTR)
• Basic knowledge of HTML / HTTP • System architecture of the SAP Web - Design adjustment
• Basic knowledge of object-oriented Application Server • Logon procedure
programming (preferably: ABAP • Process of an HTTP request/response • Additional techniques:
Objects) cycle - Connecting back-end systems using
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED • Components of a BSP application and a RFC
• Knowledge of transaction programming BSP - Sending e-mails from BSP applications
(preferably: BC410 (Developing User • Create BSP applications and BSPs - Client role of the SAP Web Application
Dialogs)) • Ease of navigation Server
GOALS • Status management (session handling) SOFTWARE

Overview of the system architecture of the • MIME objects in BSPs SAP Web Application Server 6.20

Overview Course Foundation Course Detailed Course Delta Course Recommended/

Required 229
Classroom training E-learning On Request Certification Prerequisite
SAP Programming
Programming Web Applications

NET310 · ABAP Web Dynpro

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES 04-feb-08, 21-apr-08, 16-jun-08

TARGET GROUP GOALS • Changing context and UI at runtime

• Developers and consultants who want • To discuss the role of ABAP Web • Connecting components
to create applications based on the Dynpro with regard to SAP’s UI strategy • Integrating the SAP List Viewer (ALV)
ABAP Web Dynpro programming • To develop ABAP Web Dynpro-based • Portal integration
model. applications • Configuring and personalizing
• Project managers who want to learn CONTENT SOFTWARE
about the capabilities of ABAP Web • Web Dynpro component architecture SAP NetWeaver 2004s
Dynpro. • Create and use Web Dynpro controllers NOTES

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Data storage in Web Dynpro Please note that Web Dynpro for ABAP is
A sound knowledge of ABAP, particularly components: context only available from SAP NetWeaver 2004s
of the material covered in the courses • Navigation and data transfer (SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.0).
BC400 (ABAP Workbench Foundations) • Definition of the Web Dynpro user
and BC401 (ABAP Objects) interface
• Internationalization
• Define and send messages
• Input help

NET311 · Advanced Web Dynpro for ABAP

DURATION 2 days PRICE € 1130 STARTING DATES 28-apr-08, 13-jun-08


• Developers of ABAP Web Dynpro • The ABAP Web Dynpro API • Please note that ABAP Web Dynpro was
applications • Dynamic Component Usage introduced only with SAP NetWeaver
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • Popup windows 7.0.
• ABAP Web Dynpro (NET310) • Enhancements for ABAP Web Dynpro

• At the end of this course you will be • SAP NetWeaver 7.0

able to use advanced ABAP Web Dynpro
coding techniques

SAP Programming
Business Programming Java


Technology Solutions SAP NetWeaver Overview Java Web Dynpro Advanced Web Dynpro for
Powered by Experience with J2EE Java
SAP NetWeaver

8 hours 3 days 5 days 5 days

JA100 NW JA300 NW JA320 NW

SAP J2SE Fundamentals SAP J2EE Fundamentals SAP Java Persistence

5 days 5 days 5 days

JA331 NW JA314 NW
SAP J2EE Open Integration Java WebDynpro –
Technologies Business Graphics

12,5 hours 2 hours

JA340 NW EP120 NW
SAP Java Development SAP NetWeaver
Infrastructure Portal Development

3 days 5 days

EP130 NW
SAP KMC Development

5 days

CERTIFICATION Solution Academy basic training as Development Consultant SAP NetWeaver 2004 - Web Application Development Focus Java

JA100 > JA300 > JA331 > JA340 > JA310 > JA320 > C_JA320_04

JA100 · SAP J2SE Fundamentals

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request
TARGET GROUP • They can implement simple object- • Collection framework
• Developer oriented applications in Java • SAP Java Connector and SAP Enterprise
• Consultants • They can call remote function modules Connector
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED in an SAP system from a Java application • Overview of Java 2 Enterprise Edition
Programming knowledge in any CONTENT (J2EE)
programming language • Development tools in the Java 2 NOTES
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED Software Development Kit The course uses the SAP NetWeaver
Basic knowledge of ABAP, especially about • SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Developer Studio as the development
function modules and BAPIs • Java data types environment. All subsequent courses
GOALS • Operators, expressions and statements (JAxxx) require that you understand the
• Participants learn the attributes, special • Object-oriented programming with Java contents of this course.
features and the syntax of the Java • Inheritance and interfaces
programming language • Exception handling

Overview Course Foundation Course Detailed Course Delta Course Recommended/

Required 231
Classroom training E-learning On Request Certification Prerequisite
SAP Programming
Business Programming Java

JA300 · SAP J2EE Fundamentals

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request


• Developer • Overview of the SAP NetWeaver - Open SQL for Java
• Consultants Application Server Java system - Overview of supported persistence
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED architecture models
• JA100 SAP J2SE Fundamentals or • Administration tools: Visual • Introduction in Web Services
equivalent knowledge Administrator, SAP Management • SAP Web Dynpro Java (introduction)
• Knowledge of HTML, especially HTML Console • Servlets, JSP (introduction)
forms • SAP NetWeaver Development • Programming Java stand alone clients
GOALS Infrastructure (NWDI) and Web clients for EJBs
Develop J2EE applications based on the • Overview of Enterprise JavaBeans SOFTWARE
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java • Introduction to the SAP persistence WEB AS 6.40

JA310 · Java Web Dynpro Basics

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP CONTENT • Messages and multilingual capability

• Developer • Core Positioning • Input help
• Consultants • Web Dynpro development with the SAP • Debugging Web Dynpro applications
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED NetWeaver Developer Studio • Dynamic changes to context and UI
JA100 (Java Start-Up Kit) • Web Dynpro Controller • Using models using adaptive RFC as an
GOALS • Context definition example
Develop graphical user interfaces in Java • Context access at runtime SOFTWARE
with the Web Dynpro technology • UI elements SAP Web Application Server 6.40

JA312 · Advanced Web Dynpro for Java

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP - Phase model - Dynamic context visualization

• Experienced Java Web Dynpro - Dynamic action handler and complex • Multilingual capability in Web Dynpro
developers parameter mapping • Web Dynpro model objects
• Project members - Definition of standalone component - Changes to the RFC interface
• Consultants interfaces - Web Service models and Java Bean
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED - Navigation and popup windows models
• JA310 Java Web Dynpro Basics - Error handling SOFTWARE
• Practical programming experience with - Suspend/resume plugs SAP NW 2004S
Java Web Dynpro - Web Dynpro technology service classes NOTES

GOALS - Application and URL properties This course is not suitable for beginners.
The course provides developers with a - Structuring complex Web Dynpro This is an advanced and highly technical
deeper understanding of the Java Web applications training course. If possible, programmers
Dynpro programming model. It also • Complex context properties with a basic knowledge of Web Dynpro
discusses aspects of larger Web Dynpro - Supply and dispose functions should have already completed a
applications with a complex business logic - Typed context API productive Web Dynpro project before
and user interface layout. • Complex UI properties attending this course.
CONTENT - Programming with tree UI elements
• Web Dynpro Programming Model - Object value selectors

SAP Programming
Business Programming Java

JA314 · Business Graphics Integration



Java WebDynpro Developers • Use the Internet Graphics Server with • Internet Graphics Server Overview
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED WebDynpro • Installation and Configuration of the
• JA300 SAP J2EE Start-Up Kit • Install, Configure and Integrate Web IGS
• JA310 Java Web Dynpro Dynpro with the Internet Graphics • WebDynpro integration with the IGS
Server NOTES
• Supply Business Data from your This content was formerly part of TJA311
WebDynpro Application to the Internet Java WebDynpro
Graphics Server for presentation

JA320 · SAP Java Persistence Framework

DURATION 5 days PRICE € 2825 STARTING DATES On request

TARGET GROUP GOALS • Transaction handling

• Developer Develop J2EE applications based on • Managing logical locks using the
• Consultants relational database tables enqueue server
• JA100 (Java J2SE Fundamentals) • Maintaining the properties of database • Secure database access with J2EE
• JA300 (SAP J2SE Fundamentals) or tables using the Java Dictionary security roles and UME permissions
equivalent knowledge • Overview of the persistence models in SOFTWARE
SAP Persistence Framework: JDBC, SAP Web Application Server 6.40
SQLJ, entity beans, and JDO

JA331 · SAP J2EE Open Integration Technologies



Development Consultants responsible for • SAP Enterprise Connector (JCo) SAP Web Application Server 6.40
developing in Java applications • Java Connector Architecture (JCA) NOTES

PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • JCo RFC Provider – ABAP > Java If you have studied this E-learning
• JA100 (Java Start-up Kit) Communication material in detail, successful participation
• JA300 (SAP J2EE Startup Kit) • Java Message Beans (JMS) and Message in the following classroom training course
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED None Driven Beans (MDB) is possible in all cases. The course material
GOALS • Web Services – Use and Creation is available in English only. A training
Develop Java applications that integrate • Protocols of Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, system is not available from SAP
with other systems. UDDI) Education for E-learning.

JA340 · SAP Java Development Infrastructure

DURATION 3 days PRICE € 1695 STARTING DATES On request


Development Consultants responsible for • Component Model If you have studied this E-learning
developing in Java applications • Software Deployment Manager (SDM) material in detail, successful participation
PREREQUISITES - REQUIRED • JDI from a programmers point of view in the following classroom training course
• JA100 (Start-up Kit) - Design Time Repository (DTR) is possible in all cases. The course material
• JA300 (SAP J2EE Startup Kit) - Component Build Service (CBS) is available in English only. A training
PREREQUISITES - RECOMMENDED None - Change Management Service (CMS) system is not available from SAP
GOALS SOFTWARE Education for E-learning.
Use the Java development Infrastructure SAP Web Application Server 6.40
for your development projects 233

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