Work Description 9 Litre Engine With 5 Cylinders

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Work description-
9 litre engine with 5 cylinders

Industrial Engine

Part No.
1 715 049 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1
Use a container to avoid spills when draining the
coolant and oil.
Dispose of used coolant and oil through an
authorised waste disposal contractor.

Immobilise the starting device It is highly dangerous to Avoid naked flames or sparks
when working on the engine. consume corrosion inhibitor. near the batteries.
If the engine starts out of Avoid skin contact When the batteries are charged,
control, there is a with glycol. oxyhydrogen gas is formed
SERIOUS RISK OF INJURY. which is inflammable and

Only start the engine in a well Corrosion inhibitor is highly Wear gloves and protective
ventilated area. dangerous if ingested and can goggles when charging and
If it is run in a enclosed space, prove fatal. handling batteries
there should be an effective Avoid contact with the skin. The batteries contain a highly
device to draw off exhaust gases corrosive acid.
and crankcase gases.

Never start the engine without Handling cleaning agents for Do not connect the terminals up
the air filter. the cooling system: incorrectly.
There is a risk of injury or Carefully read the warning This can cause serious damage
serious engine damage. label on the container. to the electrical system.
If the terminals are shorted,
sparking will occur.

The oil may be hot. Hot engine with pressurised
Wear protective gloves and cooling system:
goggles Open the cap carefully.
Water and steam may
spray out.
Risk of burn injuries.

2 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02


General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Removal of crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Fitting the crankshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
General tightening torques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Checking and grinding of crankshaft . . . . . . . 65
Engine assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Engine transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Special tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Removal of intermediate gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Removing the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fitting the intermediate gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Fitting the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Renewal of bearing in the intermediate gear for
Mounting the engine in a universal stand . . . . . 8 the fuel pump (or compressor and hydraulic
Special tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 pump if any) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Renewal of bearing in the intermediate gear for
Cylinder head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
the camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Checking and adjusting the valve clearance and Removal of camshaft gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
unit injectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Fitting the camshaft gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Removing the cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Removal of crankshaft gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Fitting the cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Fitting the camshaft gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Removal of valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Removal of camshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Fitting the valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Fitting the camshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Checking and machining of valves . . . . . . . . . 21
Renewing the camshaft bearings. . . . . . . . . . . 84
Renewal of valve stem seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Balance shaft unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Renewal of valve seats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Machining the cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Renewal of valve guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Renewal of sleeves for unit injectors . . . . . . . . 30 Renewing the ring gear on the crankshaft. . . . 96
Checking the ring gear on the crankshaft . . . . 98
Cylinder block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Lubrication system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Reconditioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Removal of cylinder liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Measuring oil pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Fitting of cylinder liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Oil filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Measuring the cylinder liner height . . . . . . . . . 35 Oil cooler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Renewal of rear crankshaft seal . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Oil cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Removal of flywheel housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Oil pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Fitting the flywheel housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Turbocharger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Renewal of the front crankshaft seal . . . . . . . . 44 Measuring radial and axial play . . . . . . . . . . 112
Crank mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Open crankcase ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Removal of connecting rod with piston . . . . . . 48 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Fitting of connecting rod with piston. . . . . . . . 49 Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Renewing a piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Checking connecting rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Checking the open crankcase ventilation . . . 119
Renewal of bearing bushing in connecting rod 56 Form for measuring the crankcase pressure . 121
Removal of flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Closed crankcase ventilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Fitting the flywheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Support bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Renewal of ring gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

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2 1

1. Instruction plate: Valve play

2. Warning label, fuel
3. EPA label
4. Engine type designation and engine serial number, stamped

Cylinder diameter 127,0 mm

Stroke 140,0 mm

Cylinder capacity 8,87 dm3

No. of main bearings 6

Firing sequence 1-2-4-5-3

Compression ratio 18:1

Direction of rotation (engine viewed from behind) Anticlockwise

Engine speed, low idling (all speed) 500-800 rpm

Engine speed, high idle (all speed) 2200 rpm

Oil volume 23 - 29 litre

Oil quality see booklet 00:03-01

Weight (without oil, coolant, radiator; with fan) 887 kg

4 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

General tightening torques

The following tightening torques apply in gen-

eral unless otherwise specified:*)

Thread M5 6,7 Nm

Thread M6 10,2 Nm

Flange screw M6 8,6 Nm

Flange screw M8 26 Nm

Flange screw M10 50 Nm

Flange screw M12 92 Nm

Stud screw in casting M8 13 Nm

Stud screw in casting M10 25 Nm

Thread M14 149 Nm

*) A tolerance of +/- 15% applies to the specified tightening torques unless stated otherwise.

Engine oil must be applied to all moving parts before fitting unless otherwise stated.

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Engine assembly

Special tools
Number Designation Illustration Tool board
99 318 Engine support
98 094 Lifting chain

587 308 Lever block

1 360 442 Lifting eye

Removing the engine 5. Fit the rear lifting eyes (1360442) and fasten
the lifting chain 98 094.
Mind the environment Use a container to 6. Fasten the lever block 587 308 to the front
avoid spills when draining the coolant lifting eye.
and oil. Dispose of used coolant and
oilthrough an authorised waste dis- Note The lifting eyes are dimensioned for
posal contractor. a maximum inclination angle of 20°
when lifting the engine.
1. Drain the oil and coolant.
2. Remove the air filter and the inlet pipe 7. Undo all the engine brackets and lift
between the turbocharger and the air filter. away/out the engine.
Cover the turbo inlet.
3. Undo the connections for coolant, charge air
pipes between engine and charge air cooler,
and ventilation line to the expansion tank.
4. Remove the cables with cable clamps.

Note The engine lifting eyes are sized for

lifting the engine only, not the
engine together with connected
equipment (high-current generator,
gearbox, reverse gear, etc.) or
frame. All three lifting eyes must be

6 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Fitting the engine

Note The engine lifting eyes are sized for

lifting the engine only, not the
engine together with connected
equipment (high-current generator,
gearbox, reverse gear, etc.) or
frame. All three lifting eyes must be

Note The lifting eyes are dimensioned for

a maximum inclination angle of 20°
when lifting the engine.

1. Fasten the lifting chain 98 094 to the rear lift-

ing eyes (1360442).
2. Fasten the lever block 587 308 to the front
lifting eye.
3. Lift the engine in position and bolt it to the
front engine suspension.
4. Connect the wiring with clamps.
5. Fit the connections for coolant, charge air
pipes between engine and charge air cooler,
and ventilation line to the expansion tank.
6. Fit the air filter and the inlet pipe between the
turbocharger and the air filter.
7. Fill with oil and coolant as directed in book-
let 00:03-01.
8. Test run the engine to check that no leakage
occurs. Top up with coolant if necessary.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 7

Mounting the engine in a universal stand

Special tools
Number Designation Illustration Tool board
99 331 Fixture

587 692 Universal stand

1. Remove the fuel filter, the control unit and

the starter motor.
2. Fit tool 99 331 to the universal stand and
attach the engine.

8 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Cylinder head

1. Cylinder head 13. Valve spring 25. Tight-fit screw

2. Socket 14. Valve spring collar 26. Rocker arm
3. Core plug 15. Exhaust valve 27. Adjusting screw
4. Rivet plug 16. Valve spring 28. Hexagon nut
5. Valve guide 17. Valve spring 29. Rocker arm
6. Valve seat insert 18. Valve spring collar 30. Adjusting screw
7. Valve seat insert 19. Collet 31. Hexagon nut
8. Pin 20. Valve bridge 32. Rocker arm
9. Pin 21. Screw 33. Adjusting screw
10. Cylinder head gasket 22. Bearing bracket 34. Hexagon nut
11. Seal 23. Shaft 35. Rivet plug
12. Intake valve 24. Rivet plug

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Checking and adjusting the valve clearance and unit injectors


Valve clearance, intake valve(cold engine) 0,45 mm

Valve clearance, exhaust valve (cold engine) 0,70 mm
Measure for unit injector (cold engine) 66,9+/-0,1 mm

Tightening torques
(See page 3 for general tightening torques)
Lock nut for adjusting screw on the rocker arm for 39 Nm
the unit injector
Lock nut for adjusting screw on the rocker arm for the valves 35 Nm
Screw for upper rocker cover 18 Nm
Screw for lower rocker cover 26 Nm
Bearing bracket and rocker arm shaft 105 Nm
Cable connection, unit injector 2 +/- 0,2 Nm

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

99 309 Tool to rotate flywheel D5

99 414 Setting tool Measuring tool cabinet

588 179 Torque screwdriver

10 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Order of adjustment
In order for the adjusting to be carried out on the
correct revolution, proceed as follows:
1. Rotate the flywheel so that the 72° mark on
the flywheel can be seen in the lower win-
dow of the flywheel housing whilst valve
overlap occurs on cylinder 5.
2. Then turn the flywheel clockwise so that it
passes TDC Down (0°) by about 20° and then
turn it anticlockwise until TDC Down (0°) is
visible in the lower window on the flywheel
housing. The reason for turning past
TDC down (0°) and then back is to counter-
act any backlash.
You are now on the first revolution and can adjust
the valves and unit injectors according to the fol- Flywheel seen from the rear of the engine.
lowing table.
* Direction of rotation when adjusting.
3. Rotate the flywheel anti-clockwise using
tool 99 309 so that the mark on the flywheel The solid line shows the order to take the ang-
is visible in the lower window of the fly- les on the first round and the broken line the
wheel housing. order for round 2.

Adjust unit injector Adjust intake and

Revo- Mark on flywheel Valve change on
rocker arm exhaust valves on
lution (degrees) cylinder
on cylinder cylinder
1 TDC Down 0 2 1
1 72 5
1 144 4 2
1 216 3
1 288 5 4
2 TDC Down 0 1
2 72 (432) 3 5
2 144 (504) 2
2 216 (576) 1 3
2 288 (648) 4

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If reading cannot be taken from under-
Turn the flywheel with tool 99 309 to valve over-
lap on cylinder 1 (which corresponds to TDC
down (0°) in the lower opening). Then turn the
flywheel anti-clockwise 144° at a time and
observe the valve overlap. Adjust the valves
according to the table below.

Adjust unit injec-

Valve overlap on cyl- Adjust the valves
tor rocker arm on
inder on cylinder
TDCdown 1 5 5
(144°) 2 3 3
(288°) 4 1 1
(432°) 5 2 2
(576°) 3 4 4

The flywheel is also marked at 240°/600° and

120°/480°; these marks apply to 6 cylinder
1. Start by rotating the flywheel so that the mark
on the flywheel is visible in the lower win-
dow as illustrated. Never read off the fly-
wheel mark in the top window - this reading
will be completely wrong..

2. Fit adjusting tool 99 414 with the metal plate

around the unit injector.

12 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02


When the unit injector is checked and the

measurement is outside
66.9+/-0.1 mm, it is necessary to be very
careful when handling the unit injector.
The spring is pre-tensioned and can come
loose, causing personal injury.

Setting tool 99 414 acts as a gauge with the

measurement 66.9 mm.

3. When adjusting, loosen the lock nut and

adjust the unit injector with adjusting
screw 1. The unit injector is correctly set
when the small piston 2 is level with the flat
upper surface of the tool. Check using a fin-
ger. It is possible to feel differences of less
than a hundreth of a millimetre. The setting
dimension is 66.9 +/-0.1 mm.
Refer to tables in Order of adjustment for unit

The setting tool piston is above or below the The setting tool piston is level with the flat
flat upper surface of the tool. Adjust the unit upper surface of the tool. The unit injector is
injector. correctly adjusted.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 13

4. Torque tighten the lock nut to 39 Nm after
5. Remove tool 99 414.
6. Fit the upper rocker cover and tighten the
screws to 18 Nm.
7. Close the bleeder nipple and tighten the banjo
8. Fill and bleed the fuel system, refer to Bleed-
ing the fuel system in booklet 03:04-02.

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Removing the cylinder head
1. Open the bleeder nipple and drain the fuel
system by undoing the banjo screw on the
back of the fuel manifold.


The fuel system must be empty or fuel

may run down into the cylinders, which
will result in a great risk of liquid hammer-
ing. If fuel runs into the combustion cham-
ber, it must be removed immediately
using a pump.

2. Clean the rocker cover and the surrounding

area and remove the top part of the rocker
3. Detach the cable to the unit injector and
remove it from the lower part of the rocker

4. Relieve the pressure on the valves by undo-

ing the bolts on the rocker arm shaft alter-

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 15


Do not lean over the engine when remov-

ing the rocker arm shaft. The unit injector
spring is pre-tensioned and can come
loose, causing personal injury.

Important If the spring comes loose from the

unit injector, the unit injector must be
5. Remove the rocker arm shaft.
6. Remove the bearing bracket.
7. Remove the pushrods.

Note The pushrod for the unit injector is

secured with a retaining ring. Jiggle
and pull carefully on the pushrod to
loosen it.

8. Remove the valve bridges.

9. Remove the lower rocker cover.
10. Remove the unit injector according to section
Unit injector- Removal, items 6-11 in booklet

11. Detach the intake manifold, fuel manifold,

ventilation pipe for the cooling system and
the exhaust manifold as necessary to remove
one or more cylinder heads.
12. Remove the cylinder head. Mark the cylinder
heads if more than one is being removed at
the same time.

16 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Fitting the cylinder head


Tightening torques

Cylinder head bolts:

- First stage 60 Nm

- Second stage 150 Nm

- Third stage 250 Nm

- Fourth stage 90°

Screw for lower rocker cover 26 Nm

Screw for shaft with rocker arms 105 Nm

Screw for bearing bracket 105 Nm

Exhaust manifold 63 Nm

Inlet manifold 26 Nm


Lubricant for the exhaust manifold screws and connections 561 205

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1. Check liner height, refer to Measuring the
cylinder liner height.
2. Fit a new cylinder head gasket.
3. Fit the cylinder head.
4. The cylinder head bolts can be reused up to 3
times. Therefore, make sure the bolts have no
more than 2 punch marks on top of the bolt
head. If any of the bolts has 3 marks, it must
be replaced with a new one.
5. Lubricate the cylinder head bolts on the
thread and under the head. Tighten the bolts
in the order given in the figure and in four
stages as follows:
1. Tighten all bolts to 60 Nm
2. Tighten all bolts to 150 Nm
3. Tighten all bolts to 250 Nm
4. Finallt, tighten all bolts to 90°
5. Make a mark with a centre punch on the
head of the bolt.
6. Fit the lower part of the rocker cover and
tighten the bolts to 26 Nm.

18 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

7. Fit the unit injector according to the section
Unit injector - Fitting, steps 1-5 in booklet
8. Fit the pushrods 2.
9. Fit the bearing bracket and torque tighten the
bolts to 105 Nm.
10. Fit the valve bridges 4.
Important Lubricate the valve bridges with
engine oil.
11. Continue according to the section Unit injec-
tor - Fitting, steps 6-8 in booklet 03:04-02.
12. Fasten the fuel manifold and the fuel lines.
Tighten the screws to 26 Nm and the banjo
screws to 11 Nm.
13. Tighten the exhaust manifold using a torque
of 63 Nm.
14. Attach the venting line for the cooling sys-
15. Attach the intake manifold with the wiring
16. Finish according to the section Unit injector -
Fitting, steps 9-11 in booklet 03:04-02

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Removal of valves

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

99 322 Drift D5

1. Press down the spring using tool 99 322 in a

press so that the collets can be removed.
Remove the collets, valve spring collars,
springs and valves.
2. Place the valves in a stand or mark them so
that they can be refitted in the same position
in the cylinder head.

Fitting the valves

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

99 322 Drift D5

1. Lubricate all parts well with engine oil before

2. Fit the valve in the guide.
3. Fit a new valve stem seal as shown in page
4. Fit the valve springs and the valve spring col-
5. Compress the springs in a press using tool
99 322 and fit the collets. Take care to fit the
collets in the correct position.

20 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Checking and machining of valves


Intake valve

Head angle 19,5 °

Minimum dimension A for ground valve 2,6 mm

Exhaust valve

Head angle 44,5 °

Minimum dimension A for ground valve 1,8 mm

- Check dimension A on all valves.

- Grind the valves in a valve grinding machine

Minimum dimension A for ground valve, see


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Renewal of valve stem seal

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

99 323 Drift D5

1. Remove the valve.

2. Remove the valve stem seal with a pair of pli-

3. Fit the valve.

4. Tap in a new valve stem seal carefully using
tool 99 323 and a hammer.
5. Fit springs and collets according to page 20.

22 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Renewal of valve seats

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

99 384 Drift D1-A3

99 385 Shank D1-B1

1. Remove the valve seat inserts. Use a dis-

carded valve that has been ground so that the
diameter of the disc is slightly smaller than
the inside diameter of the seat.
2. Fit the valve and weld around it with an elec-
tric welder. Cool with water.

The valves welded to valve seats

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 23

3. Turn over the cylinder head and knock the
valve stem so that the valve and seat insert
fall out.


Wear protective goggles. Always turn the

cylinder head with the underside face
down while knocking out the valve seat
insert. Otherwise, there is a risk that loose
shivers of metal can cause personal

4. Press in new valve seat inserts. Use drift

99 384 and shank 99 385. Cool the drift and
valve seat to about -80°C with dry ice or liq-
uid oxygen. Pressing must be carried out rap-


Be careful when handling the cold parts

and the cooling agents named above.
Risk of frost injuries.

Oversize valve seat inserts can be fitted if the

valve seat insert position has been damaged. The
position must then be machined using tool
587 277.

24 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Machining the cylinder head

Valve seat dimensions, machining values

Intake valve
A = 1,9 - 2,6 mm Exhaust valve
B = 0,75 - 1,8 mm A = 1,8 - 2,6 mm
C = diameter 39,8 +/- 0,5 mm (setting value B = 0,66 - 1,8 mm
for machining tool) C = diameter 37,9 +/- 0,5 mm (setting value
for machining tool)


Intake valve seat

Seat angle 20,0°-20,5°
Width of contact surface A 1,9 - 2,6 mm
Valve seat insert, outer diameter 46,054 - 46,065 mm
Valve seat insert position, diameter 46,000 - 46,016 mm
Valve seat insert position, depth 11,25 - 11,35 mm
Distance B between the cylinder head plane and the valve head 0,75 - 1,80 mm
Oversize valve seat insert
External diameter 46,254 - 46,265
Valve seat insert position, diameter 46,200 - 46,216
Cooling temperature when fitting valve seat insert approx -80 °C

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Exhaust valve seat
Seat angle 45,0°-45,5°
Width of contact surface A 1,8 - 2,6 mm
Valve seat insert, outer diameter 44,081 - 44,092 mm
Valve seat insert position, diameter 44,000 - 44,016 mm
Valve seat insert position, depth 11,25 - 11,35 mm
Distance B between the cylinder head plane and valve head 0,66 - 1,80 mm
Oversize valve seat insert
External diameter 44,281 - 44,292
Valve seat insert position, diameter 44,200 - 44,216
Cooling temperature when cooling valve seat insert approx -80 °C

Number Description Illustration
587 277 Valve seat cutter -

588 487 Cutter (exhaust valve)

588 488 Cutter (intake valve)
588 489 Guide spindle
587 145 Valve seat cutter

587 146 Cutter attachment

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For machining measurement and oversize valve
seat inserts, refer to Specifications on pages 25
and 26.
The following description applies to valve seat
cutter 587 277.
1. Make sure the contact surface and magnetic
stand are level and clean. Clean the valve
2. Select the largest spindle that moves easily in
the valve guide. Insert the guide spindle and
turn the feed screw to its uppermost position.

3. Select the cutter and fit it.

4. Release the quick-action lock and move the

pivot plate to the upper position with the
adjusting screw.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 27

5. Set up the dial on the cutter adjuster using a
6. Adjust the cutter. Diameter 37.9 mm and
39.8 mm respectively, refer to Valve seat
dimension, machining values.

7. Turn off the magnet (position 2). Insert the

guide spindle into the valve bushing. Adjust
the pivot plate so that the distance between
the cutter and the valve seat is approximately
1 mm. Centre the tool precisely.
8. Turn on the magnet (position 1).
9. Apply the quick-action lock. Make sure the
crank can be turned easily. If not, redo the

10. Machine the valve seat by cranking clock-

wise while turning the feed screw. Never
crank counterclockwise, as this could dam-
age the cutter.
Lubricate with cutting oil while machining.
11. When the surface of the valve seat has been
machined, reduce the cutting pressure by
turning 2-3 revolutions without any feed.
Continue turning while backing off the feed
screw. The valve seat cutter is now ready for
the next valve seat.
Cutter tool 588 145 with supplementary kit
588 146 can also be used for the machining.

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Renewal of valve guides

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 382 Drift D1-C6

99 383 Drift D1-B1

1. Press out the valve guides using drift 99 383.

2. Press in the new valve guides using drift

99 382. Press the guide down as far as the
drift allows, i.e. until it makes contact with
the spring seat in the cylinder head.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 29

Renewal of sleeves for unit injectors

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 394 Guide D2-A1

99 395 Drift D2-A1

99 397 Extension piece with D2-C5, C6

threaded shaft

588 221 Pilot tap

The cylinder head must be removed when renew-

ing the sleeve for the unit injector. The valves do
not need removing. The illustrations show the cyl-
inder head with the valves removed so that the
working method can be seen more clearly.
1. Thread the bottom part of the sleeve with
pilot tap 588 221 and guide 99 394. Use
extension piece 99 397.

30 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

2. Knock out the pilot tap and sleeve from
underneath. Use a 100 mm long metal rod
with diameter 9 mm.

3. Degrease and check the contact surfaces of

the sleeve and cylinder head. Smooth off any
burrs and irregularities that may score the
4. Degrease the new injector sleeve and apply a
thin film of sealing agent 561 200 on the
sleeve and cylinder head contact surfaces.
5. Press in the sleeve with drift 99 395 and
guide 99 394.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 31

Cylinder block

Heat arising from the main bearings seizing and
rotating in the cylinder block will change the
properties of the material in the cylinder block.
These cylinder blocks must be discarded.
If the main bearing seizes but does not rotate in
the cylinder block, the cylinder block can be over-
hauled. The main bearing seats must comply with
the demands on roundness given in the table.
Machining out-of-round main bearing seats is
something we do not recommend.

Tightening torques

Main bearing cap bolts:

Up to engine No. 6 285 724 50 Nm + 90 °
From engine No. 6 285 724 200 Nm + 90 °

1. Measure the diameter at four different posi-

tions as illustrated. The diameter must be
measured with the main bearing caps tight-
ened and without main bearings.
2. Compare the dimensions with those in the

Maximum permitted difference

Smallest permitted Largest permitted between maximum and minimum
diameter diameter diameter on same main bearing

112,200 mm 112,222 mm 0,016 mm

32 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of cylinder liner

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 066 Cylinder liner puller D2

Note The mark must be made only on the

surface indicated in the illustration.
Other surfaces are for sealing. If a
marker pen is used, the marking
can be done anywhere.

1. Mark the cylinder liners with numbers 1-5 if

more than on cylinder is removed. The mark
should face forward. The mark is necessary
so that the liners can be refitted in the same
place and position as previously.

2. Remove the cylinder liner using puller

99 066.
3. Remove the sealing rings in the cylinder

Puller for cylinder liner with hydraulic hole


01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 33

Fitting of cylinder liner
1. Carefully check the cylinder liners before fit-
ting them, both new and old, for cracks that
can arise during transport or careless han-
dling. Tap the liner carefully with a metal
object. It should give a clear metallic ring if it
is intact. If it is cracked, it will sound
"cracked" and should be replaced.
2. Make sure the interior of the cylinder block is
clean. Clean the O-ring surfaces.
3. Check the cylinder liner height as described
in Measuring the cylinder liner height.
4. Remove the cylinder liner.
5. Check that the holes for coolant to the cylin-
der head and cylinder liner are not blocked.
6. Lubricate the O-rings that seal between the
cylinder liner and the engine block with glyc-
erine or unscented soap and fit them.
7. Lubricate the lower guide surface on the cyl-
inder liner.
8. Carefully tap the liner down with a rubber

Note Turn already used liners with the

stamped cylinder number facing

34 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Measuring the cylinder liner height


Cylinder liner height above cylinder block 0,20 - 0,30 mm

Maximum permitted difference in height between two 0,02 mm

diametrically opposite points of a cylinder liner

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

87 198 Straight edge D2

98 075 Dial gauge D2

1. Thoroughly clean the cylinder block liner

shelf, the face around the cylinder, the cylin-
der liner shelf and the upper face of the cylin-
der liner.
2. Fit the cylinder liner without sealing rings
and push down using two tension lugs
98 515. Tighten the bolts to 20 Nm.
Important The tension lug bolts must not be
tightened more than 20 Nm. Otherwise the
cylinder liner may be damaged.
3. Place straight edge 87 198 with dial gauge
98 075 on the liner and zero the dial gauge to
the liner (A). Slide the tip of the dial gauge
over to the cylinder block (B) and measure
the height of the liner (A-B) as illustrated.
Measure each liner at two diametrically
opposite points.
4. The cylinder liner must be slightly above the
face of the cylinder block.
5. The height of the cylinder liner D (=A-B)
above the block should be 0.20 – 0.30 mm.
6. The difference between two diametrically
opposite points on the same cylinder liner A = Measuring surface on cylinder liner
may be max. 0.02 mm. B = Measuring surface on cylinder block
C =Tip of dial gauge
D =Height of cylinder liner D = A-B

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 35

Machining cylinder liner height If the cylinder liner height should be increased
less than e.g. 0.20 mm, machine the bearing seat
If, during control measuring, the cylinder liner until the liner height including shim is correct.
does not reach the specified value the liner seat
must be machined. Important If a shim is used to adjust the liner
height and the adjustment measurement
Adjust the liner to the correct height using a shim. does not correspond to existing shims, the
Shims are available in thicknesses of 0.20 mm, cylinder liner height must always be
0.30 mm and 0.40 mm. machined.

Tolerances for liner height

Lowest permissible cylinder liner height 0,15 mm

before machining

Permissible cylinder liner height on 0,20-0,30 mm

engines with machined liner seats

Desired measurement when machining 0,25 mm

Example of calculation of cutter depth

Height required 0,25 mm

Current cylinder liner height 0,14 mm

Increasing cylinder height (0.25-0.14) 0,11 mm

Shim thickness 0,20 mm

Material to be removed. (0,20-0,11) 0,09 mm

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 512 Cylinder liner cutter D2

588 672 Extension D2

36 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

1. Clean the contact surface between the center-
ing ring (which is included in the extension
kit) and the top plane of the cylinder block.

Note It is important for the surface to be

cleaned thoroughly otherwise the
cylinder liner seat may be cut to the
wrong depth or may be slanted.

2. Fit extension 588 672 on the cylinder liner

cutter 587 512.

3. Set the depth of the extension to 206 mm.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 37

4. Position the centering ring over the relevant
cylinder and then position the cylinder liner
cutter. Energize the magnet on the cylinder
liner cutter by setting the switch to position 1.

5. Check that the tool (cutter) does not touch the

edge of the liner seat when the cylinder liner
cutter is fitted in the centering ring. Other-
wise the vertical feed screw must be wound
up until the cutter is released from the liner

6. Lift the rapid feeder ring and move the cutter

by hand until it is positioned above the liner
seat surface without including the cylinder
block walls.

38 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

7. Wind round and at the same time turn the ver-
tical feed screw clockwise until the cutter just
touches the liner seat.
8. Lift the rapid feed ring and move the cutter
back so that it is within the liner seat surface.

9. Adjust the vertical feed screw in order to start

machining. The maximum feed per cut is
0.05 mm. If 0.05 mm is not enough, several
cuts may be required until the required posi-
tion is reached.
10. Wind clockwise with an even movement.
Hold in the horizontal feed screw with the
other hand at the same time. The cutter will
be fed horizontally at 0.13 mm per turn. Wind
carefully when the cutter starts to approach
the outer edge of the liner seat. Release the
horizontal feed screw when the cutter has
gone over the edge so that feeding stops.
Important Never wind the cylinder liner cutter
counter-clockwise, otherwise the cutter will

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 39

Renewal of rear crankshaft seal

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 410 Assembly tool D5

1. Remove the flywheel as described in Fly-

wheel, removing.
2. Remove the crankshaft seal using a screw-
driver. Take care not to scratch the sealing
surfaces on the crankshaft and the flywheel

Note The crankshaft seal must be fitted

dry and must not be lubricated. The
sleeve in the seal must not be
removed until just before the crank-
shaft seal is to be fitted on the

3. Fit the new crankshaft seal using tool 99 410.

Place the crankshaft seal on the tool and fas-
ten the tool with the bolts..
4. Turn the tool clockwise until is stops in order
to attain the correct crankshaft seal position.
5. Fit the flywheel as described in Flywheel, fit-

40 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of flywheel housing
1. Remove the flywheel as described in
Removal of flywheel.
2. Remove the starter motor.
3. Detach and remove any pumps in the power
take-off location.
4. Remove the flywheel housing.

Fitting the flywheel housing


Tightening torque

Screws for flywheel housing M10 : 50 Nm

M12 : 90 Nm

Sealing agent

Sealing agent for flywheel housing 816 064

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

588 189 Air-operated gun - -

584 117 Adapter for cartridge - -

584 118 Nozzle - -

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 41

1. Remove all old sealing compound on the
sealing surfaces of the timing gear casing and
timing gear plate. Clean off any oil and
grease using an alcohol based cleaning agent.
Important Clean carefully, the sealing surfaces
must be completely clean and free from
2. Apply the sealing agent (816 064) on the tim-
ing gear housing with the air powered sprayer
(588 189), cartridge adapter (584 117) and
nozzle (584 118). The width of the bead
should be between 0.8 and 1.2 mm. Follow
the pattern as illustrated.

Important Ensure that you apply sealing agent Apply sealing agent to the timing gear casing
inside the screwholes, but without allowing on the side against the timing gear plate.
sealing agent into the crankcase. The seal-
ing agent may block channels and noz- Apply sealing agent around the screwholes
zles.This is particularly important to bear in marked with arrows.
mind around oil ways, where the flow of oil
to the air compressor or injection pump can
be blocked.
Important Assembly must be completed within
25 minutes of starting to apply the sealing
3. Fit the flywheel housing against the transmis-
sion plate.

Note The bolts are of various sizes and

lengths. Ensure that they are fitted
in the correct places.

42 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

4. Torque tighten the M12 bolts to 90 Nm and
the M10 bolts to 50 Nm.

5. Fit the power steering pump.

6. Fit the starter motor.
7. Fit the flywheel, see Fitting of flywheel.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 43

Renewal of the front crankshaft seal
Front crankshaft seal

1. Front cover
2. Shaft seal
3. Pin
4. Gasket
5. Flange bolt

44 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Tightening torques

Screws for crankcase ventilation pipes against the 12 Nm

rocker cover

Bolts for the vibration damper 135 Nm+/-20%

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 374 Press tool for crankshaft seal D5

1. Remove the poly-V-belt and the pulley.

Note The crankshaft seal seals against

the belt pulley. Handle the pulley
with care.

Sealing surface for crank shaft


01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 45

2. Remove the crankshaft seal using a screw-
driver. Take care not to damage the sealing
surface in the housing.
3. Wipe clean the sealing ring seat in the hous-

Note The crankshaft seal must be fitted

dry and must not be lubricated. The
sleeve in the seal must not be
removed until just before the crank-
shaft seal is to be fitted on the

4. Place the new seal in tool 99 374 and press it

in place by tightening the bolts alternately.
The seal is correctly fitted when the tool bot-

The seal is correctly fitted when

5. Remove the tool. To make removal easier, fit the tool bottoms
the bolts into the threaded holes and use as a
6. Wipe clean the sealing surface on the belt
pulley and fit it immediately.
7. Fit the poly-V-belt.

46 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Crank mechanism
See page 90 for description of Balance shaft unit

1. Connecting rod 11. Bolt

2. Bolt 12. Crankshaft gear
3. Bearing bushing 13. Pin
4. Bearing cap 14. Flywheel
5. Pin 15. Ring gear
6. Bearing shell 16. Ball bearing
7. Crankshaft 17. Snap ring
8. Gear wheel 18. Bolt
9. Vibration damper 19. Piston
10. Driver

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 47

Removal of connecting rod with
1. Remove the cylinder head as described in
Removal of cylinder head.
2. Remove the oil sump.
3. Remove the balance shaft unit in accordance
with description on page 91.
4. Remove the piston cooling nozzle in the cyl-
inder block.
Important The piston cooling nozzle must not be
damaged. The oil jet must hit the piston pre-
cisely. If it does not, the piston will become
too warm resulting in engine breakdown.
Damaged nozzles must not be re-aligned,
renew them instead.
5. Remove the bearing cap and bearing shells.
Protect the oilway in the crankshaft e.g. by
winding tape around it with the adhesive side
6. Mark the piston before removing it. Parts
which should be reused must be refitted in
the same place and position. Lift out the pis-
ton and connecting rod.
7. For dismantling see Renewing a piston.

Note Always check the connecting rod as

described in Connecting rod,
checking, if the cylinder has seized,
been filled with water or has a bro-
ken valve. Bent connecting rods
must not be straightened.

48 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Fitting of connecting rod with piston

Tightening torques

Bolts for oil sump 32 Nm

Connecting rod bolts 20 Nm + 90°

Piston cooling nozzle 23 Nm

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

98 212 Piston ring compressor D3

1. Lubricate the piston, piston rings, cylinder

liner and piston ring compressor with engine
2. Remove the protection on the connecting rod
journal and also lubricate the journal.
3. Turn the piston rings so that the gaps are dis-
tributed around the piston.
4. Fit the upper connecting rod bearing shell
and lubricate the bearing surface.
5. Fit the connecting rod and piston. Clamp the
piston ring compressor 98 212 and push the
piston into the cylinder.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 49

6. Fit the connecting rod bearing shell into the
cap and lubricate the bearing surface. Fit the
7. Lubricate the bolts, fit them and torque
tighten to 50 Nm + 90°.
8. Fit the piston cooling nozzle. Tightening
torque 23 Nm.
Important The piston cooling nozzle must not be
damaged. The oil jet must hit the piston pre-
cisely. If it does not, the piston will become
too warm resulting in engine breakdown.
Damaged nozzles must not be re-aligned,
renew them instead.
9. Fit the balance shaft unit in accordance with
description on page 94.
10. Fit the oil sump. Torque tighten the bolts to
32 Nm.
11. Fit the cylinder head. Tighten the cylinder
head bolts as described in Fitting of cylinder

50 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Renewing a piston


Piston rings

Number of compression rings 2


1st ring 0,35 - 0,60 mm

2nd ring 0,45 - 0,65 mm

Maximum play in groove, 2nd ring 0,25 mm

Number of oil scraper rings 1

Gap 0,40 - 0,65 mm

Maximum play in groove 0,25 mm

Important Turn the rings marked "TOP" with

the mark face up.

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

87 362 Drift D3

Other tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 309 Piston ring expander D3

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 51

1. Place the connecting rod in a vice with soft
jaws. Remove the retaining rings for the
gudgeon pin.

2. Push out the gudgeon pin using drift 87 362.

3. Remove the piston rings using tool 587 309.

Take care not to scratch the surface of the
piston crown with the piston rings.

4. When cleaning graphited pistons in a

machine, the graphiting may disappear. This
does not matter after they have been in use
for a while. However, new pistons should be
washed carefully using white spirit or the

52 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

5. Make sure the piston ring gaps do not exceed
the permitted limit. Place the piston rings in
the cylinder liner and measure the gap using a
feeler gauge. For permitted gap, see Specifi-

6. Fit the piston rings using tool 587 309. The

oil ring is fitted with an expander. Compres-
sion rings marked with TOP must be turned
with TOP face up.
7. Oil all the bushings, the gudgeon pin hole
and the gudgeon pin before assembling.

8. Fit the piston to the connecting rod. Press in

the gudgeon pin with drift 87 362 and fit the
second retaining ring for the gudgeon pin.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 53

Checking connecting rods


Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 110 Checking device -

Check the connecting rods using tool 587 110.

Make sure the gudgeon pin bushing is not dam-
aged and then proceed as below:
1. Fit the bearing cap as marked and torque
tighten the bolts to 20 Nm +90°.
2. Fit the connecting rod in the tool using the
expander and put the corresponding gudgeon
pin in the gudgeon pin bushing.
3. Then apply the indicator to the gudgeon pin.

4. Check whether the connecting rod is twisted

with the indicator studs horizontal.

Checking if connecting rod is twisted.

54 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

5. Check whether the connecting rod is twisted
with the indicator studs vertical.

Checking if connecting rod is twisted.

6. The distance between the indicator studs on

the tool illustrated here is 75 mm. The dis-
tance between one of the indicator studs and
the measuring surface must be maximum
0.05 mm when measured using this tool.
Check with a feeler gauge.
7. Check also whether the connecting rod is
bent in an S-shape. This is done by measur-
ing the distance between the outside of the
connecting rod bushing and the level surface
of the tool. Turn the connecting rod around
and measure the corresponding distance. The
difference must not exceed 0,6 mm.

Obs! Bent connecting rods must not be

straightened. They should be scrap-
Checking if connecting rod is bent
in an S-form

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 55

Renewal of bearing bushing in
connecting rod

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 403 Tool for renewing bearing

Use tool 99 403 when renewing the bearing

The tool comprises three parts:
1. Pressplate with guide pin
2. Press drift
3. Supports
There are different supports, depending on the
engine type. The support marked D is for 9 litre

56 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

1. Place the connecting rod on the pressplate so
that the wide end of the connecting rod is
resting against support D. Turn the pressplate
so that the smaller diameter faces the bearing
bushing and press out the bearing bushing.

2. Turn over the press drift and mount a new

bearing bushing onto it. Press in the bearing

3. After pressing in a new bearing bushing, it

must be finish-turned. This requires special
equipment. Measurements as illustrated.

Diametre, d= 54,030 - 54,043 mm

Surface finish = 0,6 Ra

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 57

Removal of flywheel

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

87 368 Puller bolt AM1, D3, B1, AD1

1. Remove the speed sensors from the flywheel

housing in order to avoid damaging them.
2. Use tool 99 411 to lock the flywheel.
3. Remove the bolts for the flywheel.
4. Pull off the flywheel from the crankshaft
using puller bolts 87 368.

58 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Fitting the flywheel


Tightening torque

Flywheel bolts 130 Nm + 90°

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 324 Guide pins D5

99 411 Tool for locking flywheel D5

1. Fit two guide pins 99 324 in the crankshaft

2. Fit the flywheel on the crankshaft.
Important Always use new bolts.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 59

3. Use tool 99 411 to lock the flywheel.

Locking the flywheel with tool 99 411.

4. Torque tighten the bolts alternately to

130 Nm and then a further 90°.
5. Fit the engine speed sensors.

60 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Support bearing


Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 250 Drift D3, C4

The following job operations on the flywheel are

done with the flywheel removed.
1. Remove the retaining rings on both sides of
the support bearing.
2. Knock out the support bearing from the fly-
wheel using drift 99 250.
3. Fit the inner retaining ring and a new support
bearing using drift 99 250.
4. Fit the outer retaining ring.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 61

Renewal of ring gear
Renew the flywheel ring gear if the gear teeth
have become so worn that the starter motor pinion
will not engage.
1. Grind a groove as deep as possible in the ring
gear and crack it open with a chisel. Remove
the ring gear from the flywheel.


Use protective goggles due to the risk of

metal shivers.

2. Clean the contact surfaces on the flywheel

with a wire brush.
3. Heat the new ring gear evenly around its cir-
cumference to 100 - 150 °C.
4. Place the heated ring gear on the flywheel so
that the marking with the part number is fac-
ing the engine when fitting the flywheel.
Make sure the ring gear is securely against
the flywheel. If necessary, knock down the
ring gear with a plastic hammer.
5. The ring gear must not be cooled rapidly but
be left to cool in the open air.

62 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of crankshaft
1. Remove the crankshaft gear as described in
Engine transmission - Removal of crankshaft
2. Remove the oil sump, oil suction pipe with
strainer and the oil pump.
3. Remove the balance shafts as described in
Balance shaft unit - Removal.
4. Remove the pistons and connecting rods as
described in Crank mechanism - Removing
connecting rods and pistons.
5. Remove the crankshaft bearing caps, main
bearings and also the axial washers at the
rearmost main bearing cap.

Note The main bearings and bearing

caps are marked and must be refit-
ted in the same place.

6. Lift out the crankshaft.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 63

Fitting the crankshaft

Tightening torques

Main bearing cap bolts, engine number up to 6 285 724 50 Nm + 90°

Main bearing cap bolts, engine number from 6 285 724 200 Nm + 90°

Important All parts must be cleaned before

1. Place the bearing shells in the main bearing
seats in the engine block and then lubricate
the bearing surface with engine oil.

Note The outside of the bearing shells

must not be lubricated.

2. Lift in the crankshaft.

3. Fit the thrust bearing washers at the rear main
bearing cap.
4. Place the main bearings in the main bearing
caps and fit them.

Note Fit the main bearing caps at the

same location as before removal. If
the main bearings are reused they
should be placed in the same loca-

5. Torque tighten the cap bolts to 50 Nm +90° Motornummer:

for engine numbers up to 6 285 724 50 Nm + 90
and 200 Nm + 90° for engine numbers from < 6 285 724
6 285 724.
6. Fit the pistons with connecting rods accord-
ing to Fitting of piston and connecting rod.
7. Fit the balance shafts as described in Balance 90

shaft unit - Fitting


8. Fit the oil pump, oil suction pipe with strainer

and the oil sump. Motornummer:

9. Fit the crankshaft gear as described in Fitting ≥ 6 285 724

the crankshaft gear,.

64 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Checking and grinding of crank-
Measure the crankshaft journals. Use a microme-
ter to measure two diameters at right angles to
each other
If either of these diameters is lower than the mini-
mum indicated limit, regrinding of the crankshaft
should be considered.
Consideration must also be given to oil pressure,
which is in turn affected by such things as main
bearing and connecting rod bearing wear.
For dimensions see Dimensions on next page.

Measuring the crankshaft.

When regrinding, stated undersizes must be com-

plied with. Suitable bearings are available for
these sizes.
It is important that the fillet radius of the journals
is correct.
See next page for correct values.

Measure the fillet radius with a template.

After grinding the journals, the oil hole connec-

tions to the bearing surfaces should be rounded off
and polished.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 65


Main bearing journals

Standard, diameter 107,978-108,000 mm

Undersize 1, diameter 107,728-107,750 mm

Undersize 2, diameter 107,428-107,500 mm

Undersize 3, diameter 107,228-107,250 mm

Undersize 4, diameter 106,978-107,000 mm

Hole recess radius 4,75-4,85 mm

Surface quality 0,25 Ra

Connecting rod journals

Standard, diameter 86,978-87,000 mm

Undersize 1, diameter 86,728-86,750 mm

Undersize 2, diameter 86,478-86,500 mm

Undersize 3, diameter 86,228-86,250 mm

Undersize 4, diameter 85,978-86,000 mm

Hole recess radius 4,8-5,2 mm

Surface quality 0,25 Ra

Width, max. 56,05

Radial clearance 0,051-0,114 mm

Thrust washers

Standard, thickness 3,370-3,430 mm

Oversize 1, thickness 3,450-3,510 mm

Oversize 2, thickness 3,500-3,560 mm

Oversize 3, thickness 3,630-3,690 mm

Oversize 4, thickness 3,880-3,940 mm

Axial clearance 0,138-0,380 mm

66 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Engine transmission

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 67

1. Camshaft
2. Pin
3. Shaft
4. Roller tappet
5. Roller tappet
6. Snap ring
7. Snap ring
8. Guide sleeve
9. Shaft
10. Roller tappet
11. Roller tappet
12. Snap ring
13. Snap ring
14. Guide sleeve
15. Flange bolt
16. Banjo screw
17. Pushrod
18. Pushrod
19. Camshaft bearing
20. Camshaft gear
21. Hexagon bolt
22. Guide flange
23. Thrust washer
24. Flange bolt
25. Crankshaft gear
26. Intermediate gear
27. Intermediate gear
28. Ball bearing
29. Shaft
30. Snap ring
31. Spacing sleeve
32. Bolt
33. Hydraulic pump gear
34. Oil pump gear
35. Compressor gear

68 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of intermediate gear

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 074 Impact drift D1

99 309 Flywheel turning tool D5

Other tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 526 Puller -

The timing gear has one or two intermediate gears

depending on specification. These gears should be
removed in the same manner.
1. Turn the crankshaft so that cylinder number 1
is close to TDC. Use tool 99 309 and ratchet
handle on the flywheel starter ring gear.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 69

2. Remove the flywheel as described in the sec-
tion Removal of flywheel.
3. Remove the flywheel housing as described in
Removal of flywheel housing.
4. Manufacture a thread block according to the

5. The shaft on which the gear is located has a

groove. Fit puller 587 526, slide hammer
99 074 and the thread block. Pull off the gear
and shaft.

Important After removing the intermediate gear,

neither the camshaft nor the crankshaft
must be rotated. This may cause pistons and
valves to collide and be damaged.

70 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Fitting the intermediate gear

Tightening torque

Bolts for intermediate gear 50 Nm + 60°

1. Check that cylinder number 1 is close to

TDC. The markings on the camshaft gear and
crankshaft gear must point towards the centre
of the intermediate gear.
2. Lubricate the bearing surfaces

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 71

3. Fit the intermediate gear against the camshaft
gear and the crankshaft gear so that the mark-
ings point towards each other.
4. Fit the second intermediate gear if there is

Note The crankshaft gear has different

markings for the different engine
types. See picture

5. Tighten the bolts on the intermediate gears to

50 Nm + 60°.
6. Fit the flywheel housing as described in the
section Fitting the flywheel housing.
7. Fit the flywheel as described in the section
Fitting the flywheel.

72 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Renewal of bearing in the intermedi-
ate gear for the fuel pump (or com-
pressor and hydraulic pump if any)

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

87 348 Drift AM1

87 592 Drift -

1. Remove the intermediate gear according to

Removal of intermediate gear.
2. Remove the snap ring.
3. Press out the bearing assembly from the gear.
4. Press out the shaft of the bearing.
5. Press in the shaft in a new bearing using tool
87 348. Do not press on the outer ring.
6. Press the ring on the shaft journal.
7. Press in the bearing assembly in the interme-
diate gear. Use tool 87 592.
8. Fit the snap ring.
9. Fit the intermediate gear according to Fitting
the intermediate gear.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 73

Renewal of bearing in the intermedi-
ate gear for the camshaft

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

87 348 Drift AM1

87 592 Drift -

1. Remove the intermediate gear according to

Removal of intermediate gear.
2. Press out the shaft of the bearing.
3. Press off the bearing inner ring from the shaft
and remove the snap ring.
4. Place the removed bearing inner ring in the
bearing and press out the bearing with drift
87 348.
5. Press on a new bearing on the shaft end with
drift 87 348.

Note Do not press on the outer ring.

6. Press in the bearing with shaft into the inter-

mediate gear with drift 87 592.
7. Fit the snap ring.
8. Press the spacing sleeve on the shaft end.
Make sure that the shaft end stands on the
press table.
9. Fit the intermediate gear according to Fitting
the intermediate gear.

74 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of camshaft gear

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 309 Flywheel turning tool -

1. Turn the crankshaft so that cylinder number 1

is close to TDC. Use tool 99 309 and ratchet
handle on the flywheel starter ring gear.
2. Remove the flywheel as described in the sec-
tion Removal of flywheel.
3. Remove the flywheel housing as described in
Removal of flywheel housing.
4. Remove the intermediate gear.
Important After removing the intermediate gear,
neither the camshaft nor the crankshaft
must be rotated. This may cause pistons and
valves to collide and be damaged.
5. Remove the camshaft gear.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 75

Fitting the camshaft gear

Tightening torque

Bolts for the camshaft gear 63 Nm

1. Fit the camshaft gear and tighten the bolts to

63 Nm.
2. Fit the intermediate gear according to Fitting
the intermediate gear , points 1-2.
3. Fit the flywheel housing as described in the
section Fitting the flywheel housing.
4. Fit the flywheel as described in the section
Fitting the flywheel.

76 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of crankshaft gear

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 309 Flywheel turning tool -

1. Turn the crankshaft so that cylinder number 1

is close to TDC. Use tool 99 309 and ratchet
handle on the flywheel starter ring gear.
2. Remove the flywheel as described in the sec-
tion Removal of flywheel.
3. Remove the flywheel housing as described in
Removal of flywheel housing.
4. Remove the intermediate gear.
Important After removing the intermediate gear,
neither the camshaft nor the crankshaft
must be rotated. This may cause pistons and
valves to collide and be damaged.
5. Remove the crankshaft gear.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 77

Fitting the crankshaft gear
1. Fit the crankshaft gear.
2. Fit the intermediate gear according to Fitting
the intermediate gear , points 1-2.
3. Fit the flywheel housing as described in the
section Fitting the flywheel housing.
4. Fit the flywheel as described in the section
Fitting the flywheel..

78 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Removal of camshaft
5. Remove the flywheel as described in the sec-
tion Removal of flywheel.
6. Remove the flywheel housing as described in
Removal of flywheel housing.
7. Remove the rocker covers.
8. Remove rocker arms, pushrods and valve
9. Remove the intermediate gear according to
Removal of intermediate gear, and the guide
flange bolts.
10. Remove the camshaft gear.
11. Remove the timing gear plate.

12. Remove the camshaft covers.

13. Remove the valve tappets.

Note Mark the valve tappets because

they must be refitted in the same

14. Pull the camshaft backwards. Take care not

to damage the cams and bearings.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 79

Fitting the camshaft


Tightening torques

Flange bolts and banjo screws for valve tappets 32 Nm

Bolts for the camshaft gear 63 Nm

Bolts for the timing gear plate 63 Nm

Camshaft covers 32 Nm

Sealing agent

Sealing agent for the flywheel housing 816 064

Axial play

Allowed axial play 0,05-0,35 mm


Number Description Illustration Tool board

588 189 Air-operated gun - -

584 117 Adapter for cartridge - -

584 118 Nozzle - -

80 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

1. Lubricate camshaft bearings with engine oil
and fit the camshaft. Take care not to damage
the cams and bearings.
2. Lubricate with engine oil and fit the valve
tappets in the same places as they were
before removal. Tighten the banjo bolts to
32 Nm.
3. Fit the camshaft covers. Tighten the bolts to
32 Nm.
4. Fit the guide flange bolts.

Now the camshaft axial clearance can be

• Fit the camshaft gear temporarily.
• Measure the camshaft axial clearance using a
dial gauge. The axial clearance should be
between 0.05 - 0.35 mm.
• If the clearance is outside the permitted
range, renew the thrust washer.
• Remove the camshaft gear.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 81

5. Remove all old sealing compound on the cyl-
inder block and the sealing surface on the
timing gear plate. Clean off any oil and
grease from the sealing surfaces using an
alcohol based cleaning agent.
Important Clean thoroughly, as the sealing sur-
faces must be completely free of grease.
6. Apply sealant using the special nozzle onto
the cylinder block. The width of the bead
should be between 0.8 and 1.2 mm. Follow
the pattern as illustrated..

Applying sealing agent onto the cylinder


Important Ensure that you apply sealant inside

the screwholes, but without allowing sealant
into the crankcase. The sealant may block
channels and nozzles. This is particularly
important to bear in mind around oil ways,
where the flow of oil to the air compressor
can be blocked..
Important Assembly must be completed within
25 minutes of starting to apply the sealant..
7. Fit the timing gear plate onto the cylinder
block. Tighten the bolts to 63 Nm.

82 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

8. Fit the camshaft gear and torque tighten the
bolts to 63 Nm.
9. Fit the intermediate gear according to the sec-
tion Fitting the intermediate gear.
10. Ensure that the markings on the camshaft
gear point towards the centre of the interme-
diate gear.
11. Fit the flywheel housing according to the sec-
tion Fitting the flywheel housing.
12. Fit the flywheel as described in Fitting the
13. Fit the push rods, rocker arms etc.

Checking camshaft setting

1. Set the crankshaft to TDC after the compres-
sion stroke on cylinder number one.
2. Put two dial gauges against the valve spring
thrust washers.
3. Adjust the rocker arms to eliminate clearance
plus a further 0.1 mm (so that both valves are
open by 0.1 mm).
4. Zero both the dial gauges.
5. Turn the crankshaft one revolution in the
direction of rotation until the crankshaft
returns to TDC.
6. Read off both dial gauges and compare with
the values given below:
Intake valve lifting height 0,37-1,47
Exhaust valve lifting height 0,16-1,16

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 83

Renewing the camshaft bearings

Special tools

Number Description Illustration Tool board

99 003 Hydraulic cylinder H1

99 004 Air-operated hydraulic pump H1

99 373 Tool for renewing camshaft D5


1. Remove the camshaft according to the sec-

tion Removal of camshaft.
2. Remove the cover for the camshaft at the
front of the engine.
3. Wipe the bearing seat surfaces clean around
the old bearings.

Note Wipe around the edges and the

bearing seat surfaces around the
old bearings to avoid damaging the
contact surfaces when fitting the
new bearings

84 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

4. Place the new bearings in the space between
the bearing seats for the camshaft.

Note The recess in the bearing joint must

be turned towards the front of the

109 690
5. Place the flange nuts on the threaded stem,
part of tool 99 373, as illustrated.

Tool 99 373
1. Threaded rod with 8 flange nuts
2. Press drift
3. Flange

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 85

6. Take the threaded stem and insert the end
with flange nut number 1 from the rear of the
engine past the rearmost bearing seat. Insert it
further through the bearing seats and the new
bearings until flange nut 1 protrudes from the
front of the engine.

7. Screw the flange part of tool 99 373 securely

onto hydraulic cylinder 99 003 with two
M6x12 bolts. Press together cylinder 99 003
if not already in neutral position.
8. Screw the flange securely to the hydraulic
cylinder at the rear of the engine with two of
9. Screw on flange nut 7, from tool 99 373, onto
the threaded stem.

86 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

10. Hang a new bearing on the stem at the front
of the engine.
11. Place the press drift on the threaded stem and
place the bearing on the drift.

Note The recess in the bearing joint must

be turned towards the flange on the
press drifts. Secure the bearing on
the drift by placing the spring-
loaded ball in an oil way. The bear-
ing is correctly located on the drift
when the ball and a marking hole
are centred on the bearing oil hole.

109 689
The bearing is correctly located on the drift
when the ball and a marking hole are centred
on the bearing oil hole.

12. Clean around the bearing contact surface.

Note The marking on the drift must be

uppermost and vertical so that the
oil hole in the bearing will be central
to the oil ways.

13. Hold the press drift with the new bearing

against the old. Secure the threaded stem
between the press drift and hydraulic cylinder
99 003 by tightening flange nut 7 on the

Secure the threaded stem by tightening the

flange nut 7

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 87

Note The new bearing is in the correct
position before the old bearing is
completely released. The new bear-
ing has the correct position when
the distance from the front edge of
the cylinder block to the front edge
of the press drift has a permitted
value according to the table. -12 mm
means that the drift protrudes
12 mm from the cylinder block

14. Press in the new bearing at the same time as

pressing out the old bearing with hydraulic Check measurement of bearing number 1
cylinder 99 003 and hydraulic pump 99 004.
Check that the bearing is correctly located by
measuring it.

Table for correctly located camshaft


Camshaft No. Distance (mm)

1 -12 to -14
2 150 to 152
3 314 to 316
4 478 to 480
5 642 to 644
6 806 to 808

88 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

15. Remove the press drift by detaching flange
nut 7 and pushing in the threaded stem.
16. Check that the bearing oil hole is central to
the cylinder block oil ways.
17. Repeat the procedure for the remaining bear-

Note The seats for camshaft bearings 2, 4

and 6 have two oil ducts. The others
only have the lower one.

Carefully knock with a plastic hammer to release Extraction and pressing of bearing number 2
the old bearings which are still stuck.

Check measurement of bearing number 2

18. Carefully knock with a plastic hammer to

release the old bearings which are still stuck.
19. Clean the sealing surface, take a new gasket
and fit the cover for the camshaft at the front
of the engine.
20. Refit the camshaft according to the section
Fitting the camshaft. Then perform a check
on the camshaft setting.

89 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Balance shaft unit

1. Balance shaft frame 7. Screw 13. Balance shaft gear

2. Pin 8. Balance shaft 14. Balance shaft gear
3. Plug 9. Plug 15. Screw
4. Bearing cap 10. Radial bearing 16. Screw
5. Bearing cap 11. Radial bearing
6. Guide sleeve 12. Thrust bearing

90 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Dismantling of the balance shaft unit can be facil-
itated by loosening the bearing cap screws before
removing the balance shaft unit from the engine.
The bearing cap screws must not be totally


Action Remarks
1 Remove the oil sump.
2 Remove the oil strainer.
3 Remove the oil pump
3 Remove the balance shaft unit. There is no need to loosen the bearing cap
screws if no work is to be carried out on the
balance shaft unit.

The balance shaft unit may get jammed on

the guide pins. Tap lightly with a rubber mal-
let to release the balance shaft unit.


Remember that the balance shaft unit is



Action Remarks
1 Remove the bearing caps and bea- If the bearings will be reused, they must be
rings. refitted in the same place.
2 Remove the balance shafts. Mark the balance shafts so that they can be
refitted in their original positions.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 91

Important Make sure that the bearing surfaces
are clean before the balance shafts are refit-
ted. When renewing bearings, all bearings
should be renewed at the same time.
Important When the balance shaft unit is refit-
ted, the bolts should be bolted back in a spe-
cific order. It is important to observe this to
minimise the risk of stresses in the balance
shaft unit.

Note Check that the balance shafts rotate

easily after tightening each bolt.
Finish torque tightening all the bolts
before tightening the angle.

Action Remarks
1 Check that the balance shaft frame If the balance shaft frame is not level, the caps
is level. should only be loosely fitted on the balance
shaft frame. When the balance shaft frame is
fitted to the engine, it will be levelled and the
caps can be tightened.
2 Fit the thrust bearings
3 Fit the bearing halves
4 Fit the balance shafts. Make sure that the bearing surfaces are clean
before the balance shafts are refitted.
5 Fit the bearing cap and bearing Important! The bolts must be tightened in the
halves. correct order, see illustration.
The bolts should be tightened to 25 Nm + 45°.
6 Check the balance shafts There should be a slight axial clearance and
the shafts must rotate easily.
Permissible limits for bearing play:
Axial: 0.18-0.30 mm
Radial, both sides: 0.026-0.081 mm

Note When renewing bearings, all bea-

rings in the balance shaft unit
should be renewed at the same

92 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 93
Important When the balance shaft unit is refit-
ted, the bolts should be bolted back in a spe-
cific order. It is important to observe this to
minimise the risk of stresses in the balance
shaft unit.

Action Remarks
1 Position the engine so that TDC
down is visible in the lower window.
2 Fit the balance shaft unit. The balance shaft unit has a number of guide
pins and a lubrication duct which must be alig-

Important! The bolts must be tightened in the

correct order, see illustration A.

The bolts should be tightened to 90 Nm + 60°.

3 Remove the balance shaft gears. Tap carefully with a rubber mallet if they are
jammed on.
8 Reset the balance shafts, see illus- Reset the balance shafts by inserting a drift in
tration D. the resetting holes. Both balance shafts must
be reset at the same time, see illustration B.
A suitable drift should be 150 mm long and
have a diameter of 6 mm.
9 Clean the tapered joints of the
balance shafts.
10 Fit the balance shaft gears. The balance shaft gears are marked L and R
to aid fitting. The bearing caps are marked in
the same way.

The bolts should be tightened to 50 Nm + 60°,

see illustration C.
11 Remove the drift. Important! Do not forget to remove the drift
from the resetting holes.
12 Fit the oil pump and oil strainer.
13 Fit the oil sump.

94 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Important Do not forget to remove the drifts
from the resetting holes.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 95

Renewing the ring gear on the

1. Lift out the crankshaft according to Removal
of crankshaft.
2. Place the crankshaft in an upright position
and tap with a hammer and a soft drift as
illustrated. Tap all round the ring gear so that
it is not jammed.
If it is difficult to remove the ring gear, it can
be heated up with a gas burner. Since the ring
gear is fitted using a shrink fit, it will come
loose when it becomes hotter.
Important The ring gear must not be used again
but should be scrapped.

96 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

1. Clean the surface where the new ring gear
will be fitted.
Important The ring gear must never become
hotter than 180°C.
2. Heat the ring gear on a heater plate of some
kind. Use an instrument to measure the tem-


Remember that the ring gear will be very

hot when it is refitted. Use suitable protec-
tive equipment.

3. When the ring gear is hot enough, it can be

fitted onto the crankshaft and placed in posi-
4. Put back the crankshaft according to Fitting
the crankshaft.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 97

Checking the ring gear on the
When a new ring gear is fitted onto the crankshaft,
its mounting must be checked.
1. The main bearings should be screwed on so
that the crankshaft cannot move in an axial
2. Fit a dial gauge as illustrated.

Position of dial gauge when checking the

ring gear

3. Rotate the crankshaft and check at the same

time how much the ring gear runs out. The
run-out must not exceed 0.05 mm.

98 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Lubrication system



Lubrication oil volume

Lubrication oil volume 28 - 35 liter

Tightening torques

Magnetic plug in oil sump 80 Nm

Oil sump bolts 30 Nm

Oil nozzle for piston cooling, banjo bolt 23 Nm

Plug for reduction valve in oil cleaner 40 Nm

The magnetic plug in the oil sump must be lubri-

cated with oil before fitting.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 99

Measuring oil pressure

Oil pressure

Idle speed 1,6 bar

With warm engine running at 1 000 rpm 2,5 bar

With warm engine running at 2 000 rpms 4,5 - 6,0 bar

Special tools

Number Description Illustration

99 362 Measuring set

1. Remove the oil pressure sensor from the oil

2. Fit the measuring equipment with union and
adapters according to the illustrations.
3. Fit the oil pressure sensor.

100 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Oil filter
Only use original Scania filters.


Number Description Illustration Tool board

587 025 Filter wrench M1

Only use original Scania filters and renew the oil

filter according to our maintenance instructions.
Use filter wrench 587 025 when removing the oil
Oil the gasket and tighten the new filter by hand.

Important When renewing the oil filter the oil Removing the oil filter
cleaner should be cleaned in accordance
with instructions in page
If the oil cleaner is not cleaned, the oil filter will
quickly block up, increasing flow resistance in the
filter. If this happens, an overflow valve in the fil-
ter retainer will open to let the oil bypass the filter
without being cleaned.
The oil lubricates and cools such components as
the turbocharger. The turbocharger's rotation
speed is high, in some instances over
100,000 rpm. It is vital that the lubrication func-
tions properly.
There is no separate turbo filter; the oil is cleaned
by the engine oil filter. If the turbocharger
receives contaminated oil, the bearings become
severely worn.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 101

Oil cooler

Tightening torques

Bolts for oil cooler insert 26 Nm

1. Oil cooler 7. Cover 13. Packning

2. O-ring 8. Gasket 14. Nipple
3. O-ring 9. Self-tapping screw 15. Protective sleeve
4. Flange bolt 10. Piston 16. Gasket
5. Oil cooler cover 11. Spring 17. Flange bolt
6. Core plug 12. Plug

102 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Renewing the O-rings
1. Remove the side cover and oil cooler from
the cylinder block.

2. Remove the 4 bolts securing the oil cooler to

the side cover.
3. Remove the oil cooler.

4. Renew the 4 O-rings.

5. Fit the oil cooler insert and bolt securely to
the side cover using 26 Nm torque.
6. Securely bolt the side cover to the cylinder
block using 26 Nm torque.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 103

Oil cleaner


Permitted thickness of dirt deposits on walls of bowl 26 mm

Tightening torques

Lock nut for oil cleaner housing cover 15 Nm

Nut for rotor bowl Tighten by


Rotor shaft 34 Nm

Locking compound

Locking compound 561 200

104 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

1. Filter head 12. Spring 23. Nut
2. Overflow valve 13. Plug 24. Strainer
3. Union 14. Gasket 25. Cover
4. Straight union 15. Shaft 26. O-ring
5. Sealing ring 16. Washer 27. Lock nut
6. Gasket 17. Rotor 28. Washer
7. Flange bolt 18. Bearing 29. O-ring
8. Oil filter 19. Bearing 30. Retaining ring
9. Housing 20. Nozzle 31. Gasket
10. Plug 21. Rotor Cover 32. Flange bolt
11. Piston 22. O-ring

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 105

- There should be a certain amount of deposited
dirt apparent in the rotor bowl during routine
cleaning of the oil cleaner.
- If this is not the case, the rotor may not be turn-
ing. The cause must be established immedi-
- If the dirt deposit exceeds 20 mm after the rec-
ommended interval, the rotor bowl must be
cleaned more often.

1. Undo the nut holding the outer cover and

remove cover.

2. Lift out the rotor. Wipe off the outside. Undo

the rotor nut and unscrew it about one and a
half turns to protect the bearing.

Note The rotor must not be placed in a

vice. Never strike the rotor bowl.
This may cause damage resulting in

3. If the rotor nut is jammed:

Turn the rotor upside down and fasten the
nut, absolutely not the rotor, in a vice, and
turn the rotor one and a half turn anti-clock-
wise by hand, or use M20 bolt and nuts as
illustrated. The grip distance should be
30 mm.

106 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

4. Grasp the rotor bowl and tap lightly with
your hand or a plastic mallet on the rotor nut
so that the rotor bowl comes loose from the

Note Never strike on the rotor directly as

this may damage its bearings.

5. Remove the rotor nut and bowl from the


6. Remove the strainer located on the rotor. If

the strainer has seized, pry carefully with a
screwdriver at the lower edge between the
rotor and the strainer.

7. Scrape away the deposits inside the bowl

with a knife.
8. Wash the parts.
9. Inspect the two nozzles on the rotor. Ensure
that they are not blocked or damaged. Renew
any damaged nozzles.
10. Ensure that the bearings are not damaged.
11. Position a new O-ring in the lid.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 107

12. Assemble the parts and tighten the rotor nut
hard by hand.
13. Ensure that the shaft is not loose. If it is
loose, secure with locking compound
561 200. Clean thoroughly first with a suita-
ble solvent.
14. Tighten the rotor shaft using socket 98 421.
Tightening torque 34 Nm.
15. In order to tighten the rotor shaft, it is neces-
sary to modify socket wrench 98 421:
- Drill out the threads from a M20 nut so that it
fits on the square drive of the socket wrench.
- Weld on the nut.

Note The socket wrench can still be used

for old oil cleaners after the modifi-

16. Refit the rotor and rotate it by hand to check

that it turns easily.
17. Inspect the O-ring on the cleaner housing
cover and refit it. Torque tighten the lock nut
to 15 Nm.

108 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Oil pump

Tightening torques

Bolts for oil pump cover 26 Nm

Bolts for oil pump against cylinder block 26 Nm

1. Oil pump 6. Strainer

2. Flange bolt 7. Ring
3. Gasket 8. Flange bolt
4. Flange bolt 9. Pipe
5. Suction pipe 10. Sealing ring

A faulty oil pump must not be overhauled but renewed completely.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 109


Important information
Observe strict cleanliness at all times when work-
ing on the turbocharger. Never leave connections
for oil inlets or outlets unprotected. Foreign bod-
ies in the bearing housing can quickly lead to seri-
ous malfunction.

Oil leaks
A blocked air filter will cause excessive under-
pressure in the intake pipe. There is then a risk of
oil mist being drawn out from the bearing
If the sealing ring on the turbine side is worn, the
exhaust gases will be blue when idling.
If the oil drain tube from the turbo charger is dam-
aged, the lubrication oil pressure may cause oil to
leak out through the seals.

1. Lubrication oil pipe

2. Ferrule
3. Union nut
4. Straight union
5. Sealing ring
6. Straight union
7. Gasket
8. Return oil pipe
9. Gasket
10. Flange bolt

110 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Foreign bodies Air and exhaust leaks
Foreign bodies in the turbine or compressor, such Even small leaks in the line between the air filter
as a grain of sand or metal shavings, will destroy and the turbocharger will cause dirt to be depos-
the vanes. This will lead to imbalance and bearing ited on the compressor wheel. The charge pressure
wear. will be reduced, resulting in increased exhaust
The power output of the engine will decrease, and temperature and smoke, which will reduce the
if the engine continues running the reduced air service life of the engine.
supply may cause the engine to overheat, resulting Leaks in the exhaust line between the cylinder
in damage. This type of overheating is not visible head and the turbocharger will also result in loss
on the coolant temperature gauge. of charging pressure.
Important Never attempt to straighten a dam-
aged vane. It will break off when running
and the turbocharger will break down com-
pletely, causing damage to the engine.

Measuring the charging pressure

The charge air pressure can be measured using

Low charging pressure could be caused by a dirty
compressor wheel. This applies especially on
engines with closed crankcase ventilation.
- Remove the air filter and the connection hose
- Remove the compressor cover.
- Clean the compressor wheel with white spirit
and a brush.
- Fit the compressor cover and measure the
charge air pressure again.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 111

Measuring radial and axial play

Turbine shaft wear limits

Make Holset

Radial play max. 0,635 mm

Axial play max. 0,093 mm

Special tools

Number Designation Illustration Tool board

98 075 Dial gauge D2

587 107 Rocker indicator

587 250 Magnetic stand M1

Measuring radial and axial play often does not

give a good indication of the remaining service
life of the turbocharger.
When the turbocharger seems to be functioning
poorly or noisily, measuring the charging pressure
or radial and axial play may indicate whether the
turbocharger is at fault.

112 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Radial play
Measurement should be done on a removed turbo-
1. Measure the play both at the turbine wheel
and at the compressor wheel.
2. Place the tip of the dial gauge against the tur-
bine or compressor wheel.

3. Pull up both ends of the shaft. Take a reading.

4. Press down both ends of the shaft. Take a
reading. The difference between the two
readings is the radial play.

5. Repeat the measurement three times on each

6. If any of the wheels makes contact with the
housing, even if the radial play is within the
tolerances, the turbocharger must be

Axial play
1. Place the tip of the dial gauge against the end
of the shaft.
2. Push the shaft longitudinally to and fro and
take a reading at the end positions. The dif-
ference between the readings is the axial
3. Repeat the measurement three times.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 113

Checks after breakdown

Tightening torques

Bolt, turbocharger - exhaust manifold 50 Nm

Nut, turbocharger - exhaust pipe 50 Nm

Stud, exhaust manifold 20 Nm

Important Observe strict cleanliness at all times

when working on the turbocharger. Never
leave the connections for the oil inlet or out-
let unprotected. Foreign bodies in the bear-
ing housing can quickly lead to serious
1. Ensure that no leaks or loose particles are
present in the line between the air filter and
the turbocharger.
2. Check that there are no loose particles in the
exhaust or intake manifolds. Renew the
charge air cooler.
3. Ensure that all valves are intact.
4. Check that the oil return pipe from the turbo-
charger is not blocked or deformed.
5. Check that the oil delivery pipe to the turbo-
charger is not blocked, deformed or leaking
under pressure.
6. Renew the oil filter and clean the lubrication

114 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Open crankcase ventilation


Tightening torques

Screws for filter box cover 7,5 Nm +/- 0,5 Nm


Maximum oil mist and condensed water 4 g/h or 5 cc/h

Crankcase pressure 15 mbar +/- 5 mbar at 1900

rpm and full load.

Crankcase pressure with exhaust brake 25 mbar +/- 5 mbar.


Pos Action Remarks

1 Detach the intake hose.
2 Remove the bleed pipe. Quick coupling at the crankcase
ventilation filter housing.
3 Remove the draining pipe. Quick coupling at the fluid trap.
4 Remove the crankcase ventilation filter

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116 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

• Insert the filter as illustrated.
Important Make sure that the filter is fitted back
correctly in the filter retainer. The crank-
case gases should be led via the longest
route through the filter so that the oil mist
can be separated properly. The text on the
filter should be upside down.

1. Intake to filter
2. Draining


Pos Action Remarks

1 Fit the draining pipe.
2 Fit the crankcase ventilation filter housing
3 Fit the bleed pipe
4 Fit the intake hose
5 Check that all the hoses are intact and no hoses are

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118 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Checking the open crankcase venti-
If a fault is suspected in the open crankcase venti-
lation, a number of checks can be carried out.
• External check of filter, hoses and pipes.
• Internal check of filter, hoses and pipes.
• Oil mist measurement.
• Crankcase pressure measurement.

External check of filter, hoses and pipes

1. Make sure the intake hose between the rocker
cover and the filter box is intact and that it is
fastened properly.
2. Check that all screws and hose clips are fas-
tened properly.
3. Check that the filter box is not damaged.

Internal check of filter, hoses and pipes

1. Check that the drainage is not clogged by
removing the draining pipe and blowing
through it.
2. Make sure the filter is intact and not clogged
with soot and oxidised oil.
3. Check that the filter box seal is not damaged.
4. Make sure there is no frost or ice in the
crankcase ventilation hoses and pipes.

01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 119

Oil mist measurement
1. Unscrew the bleed hose from the bleed pipe.
2. Connect a container to the bleed hose and
fasten it with a cable tie or similar. Make sure
that the container is not contacting any hot
engine parts.
3. Leave the container in place for a long period
of time, approx. 24 running hours.
4. Check the oil mist at regular intervals.
The maximum permitted oil mist plus condensed
water is 4 grammes/hour or 5cc/hour.

Crankcase pressure measurement

1. Connect a manometer to the oil filling.
2. Start the engine.
3. Note the crankcase pressure while the engine
is idling. Use the form on the next page.
4. Drive the vehicle under load at an engine
speed of 1900 rpm and note the crankcase
pressure. Gensets are run at operating speed.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 three times.
6. Check the readings and compare them with
the permitted pressures.

120 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02

Form for measuring the crankcase

Date Engine number Customer

Area of usage for engine:

Noting the problem

High levels of oil mist

When did the problem occur for the first

Pos Operating range Test No.1 Test No. 2 Test No. 3

1 Idle speed mbar mbar mbar
2 Load 1900 r/min mbar mbar mbar

Test carried out by:


01:07-02 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 121

Closed crankcase Too much oil in the oil sump
ventilation If the engine is filled with too much oil, the excess
will splash around in the crankcase and be atom-
ized. This means that the crankcase gases will
Trouble shooting contain a large amount of atomized oil that the
crankcase ventilation will not be able to separate
Increased blow-by in engine oil properly. This will result in a large amount of
oil from the crankcase ventilation.
Blow-by is the flow of gases through the engine
crankcase and out via the crankcase ventilation. Air leak in the crankcase
The closed crankcase ventilation system is very In a well-functioning closed crankcase ventilation
sensitive for changes to the blow-by in the engine. system, there should be a certain amount of
If the blow-by increases, the amount of gas pass- vacuum in the crankcase. If air enters the
ing through the crankcase ventilation will also crankcase from outside, the flow of gas from the
increase. crankcase through the crankcase ventilation will
The crankcase gases can then take with it small increase. This is the equivalent of increased blow-
drops of oil from the crankcase. When the amount by and will lead to an increase in oil consumption.
of oil increases, the oil separator will not be able An air leak in the crankcase can be caused by:
to fulfil its task of separating the oil. Oil will then
accompany the air into the charge air system. • Poorly fitted oil filler cap.
Causes of an increase in blow-by are leaking pis- • Defective rubber plug on the oil dipstick
ton rings, valve guides, turbocharger or compres- handle.
sor. Gas leakage from the charge air system down
to the crankcase also give rise to increased blow-
by and therefore increased excess oil from the
crankcase ventilation.

122 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1 01:07-02


4 5
Closed crankcase ventilation: Low turbo position

1. Intake hose
2. Ventilation unit
3. Bleeder hose
4. Drain hose
5. Fluid trap Closed crankcase ventilation: High turbo position

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