Work Description 9 Litre Engine With 5 Cylinders
Work Description 9 Litre Engine With 5 Cylinders
Work Description 9 Litre Engine With 5 Cylinders
Edition 1 en
Work description-
9 litre engine with 5 cylinders
Industrial Engine
Part No.
1 715 049 © Scania CV AB 2006-06:1
Use a container to avoid spills when draining the
coolant and oil.
Dispose of used coolant and oil through an
authorised waste disposal contractor.
Immobilise the starting device It is highly dangerous to Avoid naked flames or sparks
when working on the engine. consume corrosion inhibitor. near the batteries.
If the engine starts out of Avoid skin contact When the batteries are charged,
control, there is a with glycol. oxyhydrogen gas is formed
SERIOUS RISK OF INJURY. which is inflammable and
Only start the engine in a well Corrosion inhibitor is highly Wear gloves and protective
ventilated area. dangerous if ingested and can goggles when charging and
If it is run in a enclosed space, prove fatal. handling batteries
there should be an effective Avoid contact with the skin. The batteries contain a highly
device to draw off exhaust gases corrosive acid.
and crankcase gases.
Never start the engine without Handling cleaning agents for Do not connect the terminals up
the air filter. the cooling system: incorrectly.
There is a risk of injury or Carefully read the warning This can cause serious damage
serious engine damage. label on the container. to the electrical system.
If the terminals are shorted,
sparking will occur.
The oil may be hot. Hot engine with pressurised
Wear protective gloves and cooling system:
goggles Open the cap carefully.
Water and steam may
spray out.
Risk of burn injuries.
Cylinder diameter 127,0 mm
Stroke 140,0 mm
Thread M5 6,7 Nm
Thread M6 10,2 Nm
Flange screw M8 26 Nm
*) A tolerance of +/- 15% applies to the specified tightening torques unless stated otherwise.
Engine oil must be applied to all moving parts before fitting unless otherwise stated.
Special tools
Number Designation Illustration Tool board
99 318 Engine support
98 094 Lifting chain
Removing the engine 5. Fit the rear lifting eyes (1360442) and fasten
the lifting chain 98 094.
Mind the environment Use a container to 6. Fasten the lever block 587 308 to the front
avoid spills when draining the coolant lifting eye.
and oil. Dispose of used coolant and
oilthrough an authorised waste dis- Note The lifting eyes are dimensioned for
posal contractor. a maximum inclination angle of 20°
when lifting the engine.
1. Drain the oil and coolant.
2. Remove the air filter and the inlet pipe 7. Undo all the engine brackets and lift
between the turbocharger and the air filter. away/out the engine.
Cover the turbo inlet.
3. Undo the connections for coolant, charge air
pipes between engine and charge air cooler,
and ventilation line to the expansion tank.
4. Remove the cables with cable clamps.
Special tools
Number Designation Illustration Tool board
99 331 Fixture
Tightening torques
(See page 3 for general tightening torques)
Lock nut for adjusting screw on the rocker arm for 39 Nm
the unit injector
Lock nut for adjusting screw on the rocker arm for the valves 35 Nm
Screw for upper rocker cover 18 Nm
Screw for lower rocker cover 26 Nm
Bearing bracket and rocker arm shaft 105 Nm
Cable connection, unit injector 2 +/- 0,2 Nm
Special tools
The setting tool piston is above or below the The setting tool piston is level with the flat
flat upper surface of the tool. Adjust the unit upper surface of the tool. The unit injector is
injector. correctly adjusted.
Tightening torques
- First stage 60 Nm
Exhaust manifold 63 Nm
Inlet manifold 26 Nm
Lubricant for the exhaust manifold screws and connections 561 205
Special tools
Special tools
Intake valve
Exhaust valve
Special tools
Special tools
Intake valve
A = 1,9 - 2,6 mm Exhaust valve
B = 0,75 - 1,8 mm A = 1,8 - 2,6 mm
C = diameter 39,8 +/- 0,5 mm (setting value B = 0,66 - 1,8 mm
for machining tool) C = diameter 37,9 +/- 0,5 mm (setting value
for machining tool)
Number Description Illustration
587 277 Valve seat cutter -
Special tools
Special tools
Heat arising from the main bearings seizing and
rotating in the cylinder block will change the
properties of the material in the cylinder block.
These cylinder blocks must be discarded.
If the main bearing seizes but does not rotate in
the cylinder block, the cylinder block can be over-
hauled. The main bearing seats must comply with
the demands on roundness given in the table.
Machining out-of-round main bearing seats is
something we do not recommend.
Tightening torques
Special tools
Special tools
Special tools
Special tools
Tightening torque
Sealing agent
Special tools
Important Ensure that you apply sealing agent Apply sealing agent to the timing gear casing
inside the screwholes, but without allowing on the side against the timing gear plate.
sealing agent into the crankcase. The seal-
ing agent may block channels and noz- Apply sealing agent around the screwholes
zles.This is particularly important to bear in marked with arrows.
mind around oil ways, where the flow of oil
to the air compressor or injection pump can
be blocked.
Important Assembly must be completed within
25 minutes of starting to apply the sealing
3. Fit the flywheel housing against the transmis-
sion plate.
1. Front cover
2. Shaft seal
3. Pin
4. Gasket
5. Flange bolt
Special tools
Tightening torques
Special tools
Piston rings
Special tools
Other tools
Special tools
Special tools
Tightening torque
Special tools
Special tools
Tightening torques
Thrust washers
Special tools
Other tools
Tightening torque
Special tools
87 592 Drift -
Special tools
87 592 Drift -
Special tools
Tightening torque
Special tools
Tightening torques
Camshaft covers 32 Nm
Sealing agent
Axial play
Special tools
109 690
5. Place the flange nuts on the threaded stem,
part of tool 99 373, as illustrated.
Tool 99 373
1. Threaded rod with 8 flange nuts
2. Press drift
3. Flange
109 689
The bearing is correctly located on the drift
when the ball and a marking hole are centred
on the bearing oil hole.
Carefully knock with a plastic hammer to release Extraction and pressing of bearing number 2
the old bearings which are still stuck.
Action Remarks
1 Remove the oil sump.
2 Remove the oil strainer.
3 Remove the oil pump
3 Remove the balance shaft unit. There is no need to loosen the bearing cap
screws if no work is to be carried out on the
balance shaft unit.
Action Remarks
1 Remove the bearing caps and bea- If the bearings will be reused, they must be
rings. refitted in the same place.
2 Remove the balance shafts. Mark the balance shafts so that they can be
refitted in their original positions.
Action Remarks
1 Check that the balance shaft frame If the balance shaft frame is not level, the caps
is level. should only be loosely fitted on the balance
shaft frame. When the balance shaft frame is
fitted to the engine, it will be levelled and the
caps can be tightened.
2 Fit the thrust bearings
3 Fit the bearing halves
4 Fit the balance shafts. Make sure that the bearing surfaces are clean
before the balance shafts are refitted.
5 Fit the bearing cap and bearing Important! The bolts must be tightened in the
halves. correct order, see illustration.
The bolts should be tightened to 25 Nm + 45°.
6 Check the balance shafts There should be a slight axial clearance and
the shafts must rotate easily.
Permissible limits for bearing play:
Axial: 0.18-0.30 mm
Radial, both sides: 0.026-0.081 mm
Action Remarks
1 Position the engine so that TDC
down is visible in the lower window.
2 Fit the balance shaft unit. The balance shaft unit has a number of guide
pins and a lubrication duct which must be alig-
1. Lift out the crankshaft according to Removal
of crankshaft.
2. Place the crankshaft in an upright position
and tap with a hammer and a soft drift as
illustrated. Tap all round the ring gear so that
it is not jammed.
If it is difficult to remove the ring gear, it can
be heated up with a gas burner. Since the ring
gear is fitted using a shrink fit, it will come
loose when it becomes hotter.
Important The ring gear must not be used again
but should be scrapped.
Tightening torques
Oil pressure
Special tools
Important When renewing the oil filter the oil Removing the oil filter
cleaner should be cleaned in accordance
with instructions in page
If the oil cleaner is not cleaned, the oil filter will
quickly block up, increasing flow resistance in the
filter. If this happens, an overflow valve in the fil-
ter retainer will open to let the oil bypass the filter
without being cleaned.
The oil lubricates and cools such components as
the turbocharger. The turbocharger's rotation
speed is high, in some instances over
100,000 rpm. It is vital that the lubrication func-
tions properly.
There is no separate turbo filter; the oil is cleaned
by the engine oil filter. If the turbocharger
receives contaminated oil, the bearings become
severely worn.
Tightening torques
Tightening torques
Rotor shaft 34 Nm
Locking compound
Tightening torques
Important information
Observe strict cleanliness at all times when work-
ing on the turbocharger. Never leave connections
for oil inlets or outlets unprotected. Foreign bod-
ies in the bearing housing can quickly lead to seri-
ous malfunction.
Oil leaks
A blocked air filter will cause excessive under-
pressure in the intake pipe. There is then a risk of
oil mist being drawn out from the bearing
If the sealing ring on the turbine side is worn, the
exhaust gases will be blue when idling.
If the oil drain tube from the turbo charger is dam-
aged, the lubrication oil pressure may cause oil to
leak out through the seals.
Low charging pressure could be caused by a dirty
compressor wheel. This applies especially on
engines with closed crankcase ventilation.
- Remove the air filter and the connection hose
- Remove the compressor cover.
- Clean the compressor wheel with white spirit
and a brush.
- Fit the compressor cover and measure the
charge air pressure again.
Make Holset
Special tools
Axial play
1. Place the tip of the dial gauge against the end
of the shaft.
2. Push the shaft longitudinally to and fro and
take a reading at the end positions. The dif-
ference between the readings is the axial
3. Repeat the measurement three times.
Tightening torques
Tightening torques
1. Intake to filter
2. Draining
Date Engine number Customer
4 5
Closed crankcase ventilation: Low turbo position
1. Intake hose
2. Ventilation unit
3. Bleeder hose
4. Drain hose
5. Fluid trap Closed crankcase ventilation: High turbo position