Studies On Nutritional, Pharmacological and Health Importance of "Chikoo" (Manilkara Zapota L.)

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583

Studies on Nutritional, Pharmacological and Health

Importance of “Chikoo” (Manilkara Zapota L.)
Pooja Singh1*, Mamta Rathore2, H. G. Prakash3
1, 2, 3
Directorate of Research, C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.) India
*Corresponding Email: ps794743[at]

Abstract: Zapota, Sapota, Chico, Naseberry or sapodilla generally known as chikoo (Manilkara zapota). It has denominating a
popular tropical evergreen fruit which native to Central America and the Caribbean islands. Today, sapotas major commercial crop
spread and grown all over in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia. Sapodilla appears dull, grey or brown, sandy and similar to
kiwi -like fruit. It is a sweet taste and high calorie fruit same as that of calories in sweet potato and banana. Sapotas fruit content with
potent antiviral, antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Chikoo fruits can helps to boost our immunity as content good
vitamin C and iron as well as a rich source of antioxidants called tannins. And also excellent source of dietary fiber. Sapodilla fruit is a
good source of minerals like-potassium, copper, iron and vitamins such as folate, niacin and pantothenic acid. Its regular consumption
is also believed to protect our body from harmful free radical which damage and reduce oxidative stress. Due to content of saponins, it
may cause a dry mouth sensation. So that sapodilla (chikoo) has several wonderful health benefits for the digestive, cardiovascular and
immune system.

Keywords: chickoos, sapodilla, nutrients, saponins, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory

1. Introduction Genus: Manilkara

Species: Manilkara Zapota
Sapota (Manilkara Zapota L.) is one of the major tropical
fruit crops in India and belongs to sapotaceae family. This Sapota is the fruit of the plant family Sapotaceae which is
crop originated from tropical South America and it has also generally available from May-September. Unripe fruits
habituate in the coastal tropics of India which sometimes is retain white, hard, inedible pulp that secretes sticky latex
considered to be an indigenous crop to this country (Shirol which toxic substance called saponin. Sapodilla is thin
et al., 2009). Sapota is a very familiar amazing fruit. It is skinned, sweet in taste and musky flavor. Fruits has pale
also called as Naseberry, Mud Apples, and Sapodilla Plum yellow-brown colour with grainy texture and shaped like
(Gilly, in 1943). The texture of chikoo has rough and black cryptic, egg shaped or ellipsoid. It contains about 3 to 10
bean-shaped seeds. Chikoo grows in a hot climate and takes black, smooth, shiny biconvex shaped seeds of ¾ inch in
about 5-8 years to mature. In the U.S., the name derived length located at its centre. The fruit come in variety of sizes
from the Sapota is commonly known as sapodilla which ranging from 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) in diameter and weighs
represent Spanish word zapotilla, meaning “small sapote” about 150 gm. This fruit is favourite in the American
(Mickelbart, 1996).” tropics.

Chikoo is most familiare and generic name, Manilkara, is Flowering Time

derived from manil-kara, a indigenous name for M. kauki in Under tropical conditions, Sapota flowering almost
Malayalam (Umberto, 2000). Today, Sapota has attained throughout the year but there are two or three main seasons
prominent part of commercial crop in many states of of peak flowering (Hayes, 1975; Srivastava, 1990). The
Maharashstra occupied the first place both in area and three seasons of flowering are June-August, October-
production with Karnataka, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu (NHB, December and March (Sunderarajan, 1960). Varieties,
2011). The Chikoo fruit is a delicate brown fruit which climatic and soil moisture conditions affects the season of
tastes very sweet and yummy. The growth of Chikoo is also flowering (Sunderarajan, 1960 and Madhava Rao and Abdul
popularized in Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Khader, 1961).
Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Belize, and the Caribbean
(Schroeder, 1958). In Mexico, White latex from the trunk of Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota): Fresh nutritive value per
chikoo tree is the source of „chicle‟, which is used for 100 gm-
making chewing gum. White latex (milky latex) generally
disappears and its white flesh turns brown with ripening

The production and yield of chickoo obtained two or more

times growing in a year. It has a surprising number of health
benefits, pharmaceutical uses and is very nutritious fruit.

Botanical description-
Kingdom: Plantae
Family: Sapotaceae

Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21319173103 DOI: 10.21275/SR21319173103 1473
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583
Nutrients Nutrients value (mg/gm) Percentage of RDA
Energy 83 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 19.9 gm 15%
Protein 0.44 g <1%
Total Fat 1.10 g 3.50%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0&
Dietary Fiber 5.3 g 14%
Folates 14 μg 3.50%
Niacin 0.200 mg 1%
Vitamin A 60 IU 2%
Vitamin C 14.7 mg 24.50%
Sodium 12 mg 1%
Potassium 193 mg 4%
Calcium 21 mg 2%
Copper 0.086 mg 9% 4) Tikal
Potassium 193 mg 4% This variety was one of the first superior commercial
Iron 0.80 mg 10% varieties planted in Florida and United states. Tikal is a
Magnesium 12 mg 3% special variety smaller than other types and ripens fast from
Phosphorus 12 mg 2% December to March (Anon. 2012a; Morton, 1987).
Zinc 0.10 mg 1%
*Source: USDA National Nutrient data base Table 2: Sapota cultivars grown in different states of India
S. No. State Cultivars
Improved varieties of sapotas (chikoo)- 1 Andhra Pala‟, „Kirtibarthi‟, „Singapore‟, „Cricket
Many cultivars of sapodilla are grown worldwide, described Pradesh Ball‟, Dwarapudi‟, „Guthi‟, „Jonravalasa‟,
as below- „Bangalore‟.
2 Gujarat „Kalipatti‟, „Bhuripatti‟, „Pilipatti‟, „Dhola‟,
1) Brown Sugar variety „Diwani‟, „Jhumakhia‟, „Cricket ball‟.
It is a superior variety and originated in Homestead, Florida. 3 Maharashtra „Kalipatti‟, „Cricket Ball‟, „Morabba‟.
Its tree is tall, bushy, regular and high yielder. Fruit are 4 Karnataka „Kalipatti‟, „Cricket Ball‟, „Pala‟,
medium to small, 2 to 2-1/2 inches long. Skin is light and „Kirtibarthi‟, „DHS-1‟, „DHS-2‟.
scruffy brown. Flesh pale brown, fragrant, juicy, and very 5 Tamil Nadu „Guthi‟, „Kirtibarthi‟, „Pala‟, „CO-1‟, „CO-2‟,
sweet granular texture, quality is superb. It has a good
6 Assam Cricket Ball‟, „Barmasi‟, „Oval‟, „Co.1‟.
storage-ability (Anon., 2012a; Morton, 1987). 7 West Bengal, Cricket Ball‟, „Calcutta Round‟, „Large
Bihar Calcutta‟,
2) Prolific 8 Uttar Pradesh „Baramasi‟, „Oval‟, „Kalipatti‟.
This cultivar was originated as a seedling grown at the *Source: NHB (2011) and ASFAC (2012)
Agricultural Research and Education Center, Homestead,
Florida and released in 1941. It has a cone shape, skin is Climate and Soil-
brown in colour and pinkish inside. It has a sweet taste and Calcareous soils (pH 6-8) give good crops of Sapota. Deep
fragrance. The quality of prolific is termed as good. The skin Sandy loams or alluvial soils or medium black soils are best.
is lighter as compared to „Russell‟ and tends to lose much of Sapota can be grown in a wide variety of soils. Dry and
the scurf as it ripens (Anon., 2012a; Morton, 1987). strong winds also damage Sapota. High temperature 410 C
causes drying of stigmatic surface. Temperature range is
3) Russell 11C to 34 degree C. Annual rainfalls 125-250cm are best.
It was named and propagated by R.H. Fitzpatrick. The fruit But at higher altitudes and in subtropics it produces only one
is of high quality with nearly round, large, brown-scurfy crop an year with reduction in quality and quantity. Sapota is
with gray patches with reddish flesh. It is not a dependable a tropical fruit and can be grown up to 1200m.
bearer (Morton, 1987).
Health benefits of Sapota
Sapodilla is one of the high calorie fruits (100gm provides
83 calories) also similar calories in sweet potato and banana.
In addition, it is an excellent source of dietary fiber (5.6
g/100 g) which provides relief from constipation. The people
of India used it for anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It
maintains the overall health as it is loaded with various
nutrients. Along with the fruit, other parts are also used to
treat colds and cough because it contains antidiarrheal,
diuretic, antihyperglycemic, antibiotic and
hypercholesteraemic effects. People don‟t ignore to include
this fruit in your diet. There are abundant health benefits so

Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21319173103 DOI: 10.21275/SR21319173103 1474
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583
people should be consume not just for it‟s taste but also amazing fruit. Chikoo is beneficial especially for pregnant
health point of view. and lactating mothers due to presence of high amount of
carbohydrates and essential nutrients.
Helps in digestion
Sapota has a high amount of dietary fiber (5.6/100g), which Sapota herb is beneficial in reducing bleeding in case of
makes for an excellent bulk laxative. The body which relief piles and injuries and can be applied as a paste for relieving
from many health conditions such as colon cancer, stings and insect bites. So this fruit is performed as
diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel. „haemostatic properties‟ i.e. stopping blood loss. This fruit
has a big role as a „anti viral and anti-parasitic and anti-
Perfect anti-inflammatory agent bacterial properties.‟ According to International Journal of
The high content of tannins makes sapota or chikoo an Food Science and Nutrition, regarded as an anti-diarrheal
important anti-inflammatory agent (According to properties. A wonderful decoction is prepared from this fruit
International Journal of Food Science and Nutition). It helps which can cure diarrhoea. And also helps in piles and
in improving the problem of digestive tract. It also reduces dysentery. A person who suffering from insomnia, anxiety
inflammation by lessen the problem of swelling and joint and depression, this fruit is helpful to keep mental health
pain. strong. Sapota fruit helps in weight loss by regulating the
secretion of gastric enzymes and prevent obesity. Sapota
Cures cold and cough acts as a diuretic agent by removing waste material from the
It has also been found that sapota fruit is effective in keeping body and prevents oedemas or water retention also. Due to
congestion and chronic coughs at bay by removing the the present of high latex content, this fruit can be used to
phlegm and mucus from the nasal passage and respiratory decay tooth cavities. It also slows down the aging process
tract. such as dark spots and wrinkles. The recent studies show
that Vitamin B5 accelerates the healing process by
Keeps always bones healthy improving the multiplication of cells. In short, eating sapota
Minerals act as powerhouse due to rich amounts of calcium, or chikoo fruit helps in developing body resistance against
phosphorus and iron are required by bones to increase their many infectious diseases.
endurance. Being rich in calcium, iron and phosphorus,
sapota fruit greatly helps in enhancing and strengthening the Traditional uses
bones. Copper is essential for the growth of bones, The decoction of this fruit is useful to treat diarrhoea. The
connective tissue and muscles. The deficiency of copper infusion of the young fruits and flowers helps to soothe the
increases the chances of osteoporosis, muscle weakness, low pulmonary ailments. The seed of this fruit contains quercetin
strength, breakage, weak joints etc. The studies show that and saponins which are used as aperient, febrifuge, diuretic
the intake of copper with manganese, zinc, calcium slows and tonic. The compressed seeds are used to eradicate the
the loss of bone in older women. bladder and kidney stones. The decoction of old, yellowed
leaves is effective for colds, coughs and diarrhoea. The daily
Acts as an Antioxidant intake of decoction made from the Schum elude leaves and
Chikoo strengthens the intestines as well as boost immunity. Sapodilla helps to reduce the blood pressure. In the tropics,
Also prevents various bacterial infections due to prominent the latex is used for tooth cavities. The decoction of bark is
source of antioxidant. Chikoo is a storehouse being rich in useful to cure diarrhoea, dysentery and paludism. The
nutrients of Vitamin E, A and C. Vitamin C could be found flowers are used in Indonesia as an ingredient of a powder
in Sapodilla by 39.33%. All of which are great for skin which is rubbed on the woman‟s body after childbirth. The
health and has astounding moisturizing properties. Sapodilla fever and diarrhoea are treated in Cambodia with the bark as
seed oils also help in treating hair fall. it possesses tannin.

Relieves stress Value added products from Sapotas

Chickoo boost immunity and prevents various bacterial Fresh sapota are a great addition to fruit salad. In Asia,
infections due to the presence of vitamin C, that improves Chikoo milkshake smoothie is a favorite drink. Sapodilla is
the overall health. consumed raw by scooping the flesh out or made jam or
sherbet. It is also added to the pancakes and cakes. In India,
Prevention of certain cancers these are a large scope to produce value added products in
food industries as well as markets and also found in the form
The Vitamins A and B present in abundant amount of this of custard, juice, ice creams or milkshakes, fruit jam, jellies,
fruits and known to offer protection from lungs and cavity squashes etc.
cancers. And it also essential for maintaining healthy
mucosa and skin. Preparation and serving method
Firstly wash the sandy scruff and fresh sapodilla should be
Other health benefits eaten in soft stage. After buying, it is best to consume
Fresh ripe sapodilla is also good source of minerals like chikoos within 3-4 days. Cut the fruit into two halves, then
potassium, copper, iron and vitamins like-folate, niacin and scoop the flesh using a spoon and throwing away the seeds.
pantothenic acid. These compounds are essential and It should be enjoyed and experience its unique flavor.
worked as cofactors in various metabolic processes in the
body. It‟s also good to treat anaemia. Therefore mostly
children and menopausal women should consume this
Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21319173103 DOI: 10.21275/SR21319173103 1475
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583
Selection and storage action on the stomach lining and a good overall vitamin and
Sapodillas can be available all around the season in the mineral content, although eating too much may not be good
markets. Always select fresh and ripened chikoos. The for gastritis sufferers who should limit their fiber intake.
ripeness of chikoos can be tested by pressing it gently with
fingers. Always select chikoos which are in good shape and 3. Acknowledgements
color. Avoid rotten, hard and spotted, cuts/cracks or
bruises/wrinkles of chikoos. Harvesting process is same as This research was conducted at Directorate of Research, the
done by plucking each fruit gently. This fruit can be stored C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur
at room temperature for a few days. Firm ripe sapodillas can under NAHEP Centre for Advanced Agricultural Science &
be store for several days in the home refrigerator at 35 0 F Technology on Nutritional Crops Sponsored by ICAR, New
and also can be kept for upto six months. Raw chikoos, Delhi. The financial assistance is duly acknowledged and
when stored in a rice of bag for two days, can be ripened thanks for Director Research of the University for providing
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. me with the research support.

Pests and Diseases of sapotas- References

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and made into nutritious powder which can be used in Milk South America and it has also habituate in the coastal
shakes and sweets. The latex from stems and immature fruits tropics of India which sometimes is considered to be an
is used in the preparation of chewing gum. Sapota is a indigenous crop to this country.
delicious dessert fruit. Sapota is good source of sugars,
protein, fat, fiber and minerals (Ca, P, Fe). It has a soothing
Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21319173103 DOI: 10.21275/SR21319173103 1476
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2019): 7.583
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Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR21319173103 DOI: 10.21275/SR21319173103 1477

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