Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid: Thiyagesan M, Notam Munisaiyoganandh, Srinath D, Paarventhan R, Rajan P
Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid: Thiyagesan M, Notam Munisaiyoganandh, Srinath D, Paarventhan R, Rajan P
Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid: Thiyagesan M, Notam Munisaiyoganandh, Srinath D, Paarventhan R, Rajan P
Asst.Professor_R.M.K Engineering College,bUG Scholar_R.M.K Engineering College, cUG
Scholar_R.M.K Engineering College, dUG Scholar_R.M.K Engineering College, eUG
Scholar_R.M.K Engineering College
Here we presents an idea of a nano grid integrated system for hybrid storage system. The nano grid means it is a
single domain for voltage, reliability, and distribution and electricity sources are may or may not part of the
nano grid system. Interface to other power entities in gate ways. In this project we are using sepic converter for
reducing stress as compared to buck-boost converter. We are using bidirectional DC-DC converter is for
charging and discharging of the battery to support the nano grid. And the voltage and current reference proposed
in this paper provides the proper utilization of the solar PV in different operating conditions and UPS to the
loads along with the battery storage management. A modulation scheme is implemented to operate the SEPIC
for providing of AC or DC hybrid outputs from a single input. We evaluate the simulation in different modes of
operation. And also we showed in hardware kit using testing lamp. And this project is used in military areas and
some disaster places and weak electricity areas like ruler areas.
1. Introduction
Today the world usage is for a renewable source of generation using DC/AC converters. Places where
electric supply cannot reach like deserts, hurricane areas, military areas, rural areas with weak electricity grids.in
this place, we are implementing this project. For this project, we have used 12v solar as input and sepic
converter this converter work as a DC/DC converter this sepic converter can reduce the stress while conversion
process. And we are using a 12v battery for charging and discharging and this battery is connected by using a bi-
directional converter. And we have used single phase inverter to convert to dc to ac. We have connected the dc-
link capacitor in between the inverter and sepic. We are showing this output in both hardware and simulation
models. In the simulation model, the output will in the square waveform. Here we are MPPT for fast-tracking.
And in simulation we have different modes of operation to show the accurate output. In hardware, we are using
a testing lamp and solar to show the output.
2.. Existing System
The existing frame work requires two changing dc to dc convertors. The boost-converter process is used in
existing system. But in conversion process the stress is high in boost converter. Since the existing system is
intended for the energy move in both battery side and panel side. This converter like the non-detached bi-
directional DC-DC converters works in two methods as the boost and buck.
Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid
5. Hardware Requirements
5.1.. Microcontroller [Pic16f877a]
The sepic converters are controlled using PIC16F877A microcontroller, as it is more viable and powerful for
the application. We are using the latest Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm, .This algorithm helps in the
solar powered charging station project in an optimum way.
Thiyagesan M,Notam munisaiyoganandh,Srinath D,Paarventhan R,Rajan P
Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid
7. Working
First, we are using a 12V prototype solar panel as input. This input is connected to a sepic converter. It is a
dc to dc converter. It requires a duty cycle below 50% to buck the voltage when input is low. And this supply is
given to a single-phase inverter and simultaneously to a 12v battery unit with the help of a bi-directional
converter. After this conversion of dc to ac through an inverter and this ac, supply is given to load
Dc link capacitor is connected in between sepic and single-phase inverter because it provides more stable dc
voltage and it limits the fluctuation as the heavy inverter demand currently. Here we are showing output through
simulation and hardware. In the simulation, we are showing output.
8.Simulation Working:
We connected a voltage source in parallel with a capacitor, or a series of capacitor elements in series.
Thiyagesan M,Notam munisaiyoganandh,Srinath D,Paarventhan R,Rajan P
To fix the problem we can add a small resistance in series between voltage source and the capacitors. And
we connected a current source in series with an inductor, or a series inductors connected in parallel, and we can
add a large resistance in parallel with the inductor and the capacitors.
Electrical circuit with power lib libraries:-
While opening this libaries to produce the windows containing the blocks to copied into the circuits. And the
voltage measurement blocks acts as a interface between the sim power system. And the current measurement
Hybrid Energy Storage System For Nanogrid
blocks from the measurement library of powerlib can be used to convert any measred current into a simulink
8. Result
9. Application
It can be used in deserts, military campaigns,
It will use in natural disasters/hurricane prone areas.
The proposed system is successfully designed through hardware and simulation. Finally we have got the
stable output through the simulation and hardware. And we used different mode of operation in this project to
get accurate output. A power reference algorithm is proposed and implemented through the sepic DC-DC
converter for energy conversion from solar PV efficiently in different operating conditions. The battery storage
system is controlled by bi-directional converter. A prototype of the system has been developed to verify the
proposed system using CRO for simulation for hardware testing lamp. Finally we proposed a new conversion
process to reduce the stress and we improved efficient conversion process .
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