Tough Truths About Plastic Pollution: Author: Dianna Cohen Date: Time: Level: Ted Talk Link
Tough Truths About Plastic Pollution: Author: Dianna Cohen Date: Time: Level: Ted Talk Link
Tough Truths About Plastic Pollution: Author: Dianna Cohen Date: Time: Level: Ted Talk Link
Key vocabulary
1. Plastic pollution
2. Coalition
3. Installations
4. Fissure
5. Ephemeral
6. Marine environment
7. A proposal
8. Decommissioned
9. Gyre
10. The Pacific Garbage Patch (Google this)
11. An initial reaction
12. The bigger picture
13. A faucet
14. A small drop in a bucket (metaphor)
15. Disposable
16. Potentially
17. Toxin
18. To leach into
19. Debris
20. Increased
21. Sustainable
22. Old-school
23. Pyrex containers (Google this)
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TED Talks Comprehension Questions [6 minutes]
Time: Approximately 60 minutes
Lesson#1: [hard]
1. Listen once – take notes
2. Give 3 minutes to tidy notes
3. Listen again and add to notes (use a different colour pen).
4. Answer questions – set 10-15 minutes to answer.
5. Check answers
6. Listen again to check answers
2. Matching – match the endings [one has been done for you]
iv. Her main concern is the plastic toxins in the marine environment
5. Sentence gap fill – fill in the gaps with a suitable word
6. Solutions
ii. What does she recommend to use instead of disposable/ single-use plastics?
This is a huge problem in the oceans, but this is a problem that we've created as
and we can solve. We can solve this by raising of
the issue and teaching people to choose . So whenever possible, to
choose alternatives to single-use plastics. We can cut the stem and, our
Overall score / 26
People have written their greatest regrets on a blackboard in New York in a video that
has been viewed by millions.
In answer to the invitation to "write your biggest regret", New Yorkers and tourists
framed their hindsight wishes in often similar terms.
The video, created by online college Strayer University, said most answers focused not
on what had been done, but what had not - sending a message about "missed chances".
Some of the secret yearnings shared included: "Not pursuing acting", "not having kids
before my dad passed away" and "not being a better husband".
One young man who said he had been homeless said he regretted "not building bridges"
and allowing relationships to break down.
Another said: "I did all the things that were plan 'B'. I just never did it."
The video then urged viewers to treat every day like a "clean slate" and start again if
they so wished.
Some of the top regrets of a typical American involve, in order, romance, family,
education, career, finance and parenting,according to a psychology study at the
University of Illinois.
Women reported more regrets relating to love than work compared to men, while higher
educated Americans were more regretful about career decisions they made than those
with a lower level of education.
"Worrying" too much was highlighted as one of the biggest regrets, meanwhile, in
research by Cornell University - over and above major mistakes such as addictions,
affairs or bad business decisions.
Watch the video
Make a mind map with main ideas.
affection (afékshon) - afecto
agitation (adchitéishon) - agitación
agony (ágoni) - agonía
alarm (alárm) - alarma
amazement (améissment) - asombro
amusement (amiúsment) - divesión
anger (ánguer) - cólera, ira
anguish (ángüish) - angustia
annoyance (anóians) - molestia
anxiety (angssáiti) - ansiedad
apprehension (apriénshon) - aprehensión
arousal (aráusal) - excitatión
astonishment (astónishment) - asombro
attraction (atrákshon) - atracción
bitterness (bíternes) - amargura
contempt (contémpt) - desprecio
contentment (conténtment) - alegría
defeat (difíit) - fracaso
dejection (didchékshon) - desánimo
delight (diláit) - placer
depression (dipréshon) - depresión
desire (disáier) - deseo
despair (dispéar) - desesperación
disappointment (disapóintment) - desilusión
disgust (disgást) - repugnancia
dislike (disláik) - aversión
dismay (disméi) - consternación
elation (iléishon) - euforía
embarrassment (embárrasment) - vergüenza, bochorno
enjoyment (indchóiment) - placer
enthusiasm (enzúsiasm) - entusiasmo
envy (énvi) - envidia
euphoria (iufória) - euforia
exasperation (egsásperéishon) - exasperación
excitement (eksáitment) - entusiasmo
exhilaration (egsileréishon) - regocijo
fear (fíar) - miedo 1/3
30/6/2016 Sentimientos y Emociones Vocabulario en Inglés Feelings and Emotions | Sherton English
ferocity (ferósiti) - ferocidad
fondness (fóndnes) - cariño
glee (glíi) - regocijo
gloom (glúm) - tristeza
greed (gríid) - avaricia
grief (gríif) - pena
guilt (guílt) - culpa
happiness (hápines) - felicidad
hate (héit) - odio
homesickness (hóumsíknes) - nostalgia
hope (hóup) - esperanza
hopelessness (hóuplesnes) - desesperación
horror (hórror) - horror
hostility (hostíliti) - hostilidad
insecurity (insekiúriti) - inseguridad
insult (ínsolt) - insulto
irritation (irritéshon) - irritación
isolation (aisoléshon) - aislamiento
jealousy (dchélosi) - celos
joy (dchói) - alegría
jubilation (dchubiléishon) - júbilo
liking (láiking) - gusto
nervousness (nérvosnes) - nerviosismo
optimism (óptimism) - optimismo
outrage (áutreidsh) - indignación
pain (péin) - dolor
panic (pánik) - pánico
passion (páshon) - pasión
pity (píti) - compasión, lástima 2/3
30/6/2016 Sentimientos y Emociones Vocabulario en Inglés Feelings and Emotions | Sherton English
pleasure (plésher) - placer
pride (práid) - orgullo
rage (réidsh) - rabia
rapture (rápcher) - éxtasis
regret (rigrét) - remordimiento, lamento
resentment (risséntment) - resentimiento
revulsion (rivólshon) - asco, repulsión
sadness (sádnes) - tristeza
satisfaction (satisfákshon) - satisfacción
scorn (skórn) - desprecio
shame (shéim) - vergüenza
shock (shók) - conmoción
sorrow (sórrou) - pena
torment (tórment) - tormento
triumph (tráionf) - triunfo
uneasiness (anísines) - inquietud
unhappiness (anjápines) - infelicidad
woe (wóu) - aflicción
worry (uérri) - preocupación
wrath (raz) - ira
zeal (ssíil) - celo
zest (ssést) - entusiasmo 3/3