Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment: User/Workstation Questionnaire

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DSE Self- Issue No.

1 Issue Date: Issued By: H&S

Assessment 17/02/21 Dept.

Document Changes

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment:

User/Workstation Questionnaire

Name/User: Date:

No Question Yes/No/
1.Work Chair
1 Is your chair stable and have a five-star base?
2 Does it allow you to adopt a proper seated posture by adjusting the back support?
3 Is the seat height easily adjustable?
4 Do the arms of the chair (if any) allow you to sit right up to the front edge of the desk?

1 Is the work surface large enough for the screen, keyboard, documents, etc?
2 Is there enough legroom underneath it?
3 Is there room at the front of the keyboard to support/rest the wrists?

1 Can the keyboard place on feet from a flat position
2 Is the keyboard easy to use and clean? i.e., keys do not stick

1 When sat in front of the screen is it free from reflective glare?
2 If you sit opposite or next to a window, is your screen at a right angle to it to prevent
reflective glare?
3 Are you aware of how to swivel/tilt the screen?
4 Is it free from flicker?
5 Are the characters sharp?
6 Can you change the brightness/contrast easily?

1 If a document holder is used, is it at the correct height?
2 Is your mouse within easy reach and do you have a mat?
3 Is a footrest used?

6. Awareness
1 Are you aware of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992? These make it a legal
requirement for DSE workstation assessments conducted.
2 Are you aware how to adjust your chair and workstation?
3 Can you comfortably use the software?

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DSE Self- Issue No. 1 Issue Date: Issued By: H&S
Assessment 17/02/21 Dept.

Document Changes

7.Working environment
1 Are cables routed/covered to avoid trip?
2 Is the noise level low enough to conduct a normal conversation?
3 Do you have sufficient space to change position and vary movements?
4 Is there sufficient lighting?
5 Do the windows in the area have coverings to reduce reflective glare?
6 Does the equipment produce excess heat liable to cause you any discomfort?
7 Are there any electrical hazards, e.g., worn or improperly connected cords?

User Assessment
1 Can you conduct your DSE work without undue twisting of your back?
2 Do you sit square to the keyboard and screen?
3 Is your lower back supported by the lumbar support of your chair?

9.Shoulders, upper arms, forearms, and wrists

1 Are your shoulders in a neutral, relaxed position?
2 Are your forearms almost horizontal when using the PC?
3 Is your forearm supported (rested on the desk) when using a mouse?
4 Are your wrists kept straight when using the keyboard/mouse?
5 Are you aware that you should take frequent breaks away from your PC to vary muscle
use and avoid eye strain?

10.Head and eyes

1 Is your head slightly inclined downward in line with your line of vision?
2 Do you wear contact lens or glasses?
3 Are your glasses specifically for DSE work?
4 Please tell us the date of your last eye test

1 Have you experienced any specific health problems during/after DSE work? If yes,
please specify e.g., sore eyes, painful back

If yes, what can you do to minimise these problems?

2 Do you have any pre-existing health issues which could affect your comfort whilst at
your workstation? If yes, please specify and state what action you take to minimise your

3 Do you have any problems with vision (e.g., focussing difficulties, difficulties in seeing or
reading the screen or source documents?

4 Do you use a PC or other similar hobbies at home e.g., computer games?

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DSE Self- Issue No. 1 Issue Date: Issued By: H&S
Assessment 17/02/21 Dept.

Document Changes

Important Note: if you are suffering with any medical conditions prior or post your assessment which in turn
require adjustments/ changes to your current workstation you must inform your Line Manager straight

Please record any comments you would like to make about your assessment or workstation

For Use by Manager: Date:

H&S Dept: Assessed by: Date:

Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment

Reviewers Action Sheet

Number Action Required Due Date

H&S use: Reviewed by: Date:

Feedback to manager/user: Date:

Thank you for your time and help, please return the completed form to nicholas.adams@eandj.co.uk

All DSE assessments reviewed and any individuals’ concerns are to be


Signed: N. Adams

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