Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment: User/Workstation Questionnaire
Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment: User/Workstation Questionnaire
Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment: User/Workstation Questionnaire
Document Changes
User/Workstation Questionnaire
Name/User: Date:
No Question Yes/No/
1.Work Chair
1 Is your chair stable and have a five-star base?
2 Does it allow you to adopt a proper seated posture by adjusting the back support?
3 Is the seat height easily adjustable?
4 Do the arms of the chair (if any) allow you to sit right up to the front edge of the desk?
1 Is the work surface large enough for the screen, keyboard, documents, etc?
2 Is there enough legroom underneath it?
3 Is there room at the front of the keyboard to support/rest the wrists?
1 Can the keyboard place on feet from a flat position
2 Is the keyboard easy to use and clean? i.e., keys do not stick
1 When sat in front of the screen is it free from reflective glare?
2 If you sit opposite or next to a window, is your screen at a right angle to it to prevent
reflective glare?
3 Are you aware of how to swivel/tilt the screen?
4 Is it free from flicker?
5 Are the characters sharp?
6 Can you change the brightness/contrast easily?
1 If a document holder is used, is it at the correct height?
2 Is your mouse within easy reach and do you have a mat?
3 Is a footrest used?
6. Awareness
1 Are you aware of the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992? These make it a legal
requirement for DSE workstation assessments conducted.
2 Are you aware how to adjust your chair and workstation?
3 Can you comfortably use the software?
Document Changes
7.Working environment
1 Are cables routed/covered to avoid trip?
2 Is the noise level low enough to conduct a normal conversation?
3 Do you have sufficient space to change position and vary movements?
4 Is there sufficient lighting?
5 Do the windows in the area have coverings to reduce reflective glare?
6 Does the equipment produce excess heat liable to cause you any discomfort?
7 Are there any electrical hazards, e.g., worn or improperly connected cords?
User Assessment
1 Can you conduct your DSE work without undue twisting of your back?
2 Do you sit square to the keyboard and screen?
3 Is your lower back supported by the lumbar support of your chair?
1 Have you experienced any specific health problems during/after DSE work? If yes,
please specify e.g., sore eyes, painful back
2 Do you have any pre-existing health issues which could affect your comfort whilst at
your workstation? If yes, please specify and state what action you take to minimise your
3 Do you have any problems with vision (e.g., focussing difficulties, difficulties in seeing or
reading the screen or source documents?
Document Changes
Important Note: if you are suffering with any medical conditions prior or post your assessment which in turn
require adjustments/ changes to your current workstation you must inform your Line Manager straight
Please record any comments you would like to make about your assessment or workstation
Number Action Required Due Date
Thank you for your time and help, please return the completed form to nicholas.adams@eandj.co.uk
Signed: N. Adams