Taste and Other Tales: Activity Worksheets

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

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While reading Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat
Taste 5 Find words in the story to show that these
1 Answer these questions. statements are false.
a Does Richard Pratt drink the first wine? a Mrs Bixby goes to see the Colonel twice a
b Why is the claret in the study? month.
c What is Mike’s first bet? b Mrs Bixby is disappointed by the Colonel’s
d What does Pratt then ask him to bet? letter.
e What does Mike’s wife think of the bet? c Aunt Maude is very rich.
f What does Mike say to Louise to show that d Pawnbrokers never give people the full value
he is very confident? of the goods they exchange.
g Does Pratt guess the name of the wine e Mrs Bixby likes the way her husband dresses.
correctly? f Mr Bixby does not think his wife will
h How does he do this? be pleased with the present from the
2 Put these events in the right order. pawnbroker’s.
a c Mike goes and gets the claret. The Way up to Heaven
b c Richard bets his two houses. 6 Who is being described in questions (a) and
c c Mike, his wife and daughter and Richard (b) and who is speaking to whom in questions
Pratt get ready for dinner. (c)–(g)?
d c Richard wants Mike to bet the hand of a She began walking up and down the hall and
his wife in marriage. whenever the butler came by, she asked him
e c They eat fish with a Mosel wine. the time.
f c Richard guesses where the wine comes b He walked down the stairs slowly, pausing
from. halfway to look at the sky.
g c They bet a case of the wine. c ‘I warned Mr Foster that you must leave at
A Swim 9.15.’
3 Correct these sentences. d ‘I’m just going to wash my hands.’
a Mr Botibol bets on the speed of the ship. e ‘Well … how was Paris?’
b Mr Botibol consults the captain. f ‘I must have left it in my bedroom.’
c Mr Botibol wants a new house. g ‘Isn’t your husband travelling with you?’
d Mr Botibol has plenty of possibilities to win 7 Make true sentences about the story using the
the bet. following words in each one.
e The woman at the end of the story is very a fear – plane – train
reliable. b unnecessary – Mr Foster
4 Who says the sentences below, and who do c six-floor house – New York
they say them to? What are they talking d study – ready
about? e Paris – alone
a ‘Going at a 150 …’ The Sound Machine
……………………………………………… 8 Find the questions for the following answers.
b ‘Two hundred!!’ a Because Klausner phones him.
……………………………………………… b Plants cry.
c ‘About how long do you think he did it?’ c Because she is afraid of Klausner. She thinks
……………………………………………… he is acting crazy.
d ‘What shall I do?’ d Because Klausner phones him again.
……………………………………………… e The branch makes a horrifying sound, as if it
e ‘I’m very lazy.’ were crying.
……………………………………………… f Because he thinks Klausner is mad so agrees
to use iodine.

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Taste and Other Tales Photocopiable

The Leg of Lamb g What does the woman’s husband think about
9 Put these events in the correct order. the new baby? …..
a c Mrs Maloney telephones the police. 1) that he is strong.
b c Mrs Maloney gives Jack a drink. 2) that he is too small.
c c Patrick tells his wife some bad news. 3) that he will not survive.
d c Mrs Maloney goes to the shop. Poison
e c Mrs Maloney kills her husband. 11 Put these events in chronological order.
f c Mrs Maloney puts the meat in the oven. a c Timber phones Dr Ganderbai.
g c A doctor and a photographer come to the b c Harry reads a book.
house. c c The krait sleeps on Harry’s stomach.
h c Jack Noonan arrives. d c Dr Ganderbai gives Harry the serum.
i c A policeman goes to the shop. e c Harry sees the krait.
j c The policemen have a meal. f c Dr Ganderbai arrives.
Birth and Fate g c The krait moves under the sheet.
10 Find the correct answer to these questions. h c Harry does not move for hours.
a Which of the woman’s other children was the i c Timber gets the chloroform.
oldest? ….. j c Timber arrives.
1) Gustav k c Timber gets the knife.
2) Otto After reading
3) Ida 12 Write a detailed description of one of the
b Which of her other children died first? ….. characters in one of the stories. Do not say
1) Gustav who it is. Read the description aloud and ask
2) Otto the other members of the class to guess who it
3) Ida can be and why.
c What is her husband’s job? ….. 13 What will happen to these people? What will
1) police officer they do now?
2) postman – Mrs Bixby
3) customs officer – Mrs Foster
d Where do they live now? ….. – Ida Hitler
1) Berlin – Harry Pope
2) Belgium – Dr Ganderbai
3) Braunau – Mr Schofield
e Who helps the doctor with the birth? ….. – Richard Pratt
1) the barman’s daughter – Mrs Maloney
2) the barman’s wife – Klausner
3) the barman’s mother
f What is the problem with all the woman’s
children? …..
1) They are all small.
2) They all get sick.
3) They all die.

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Progress test LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

Taste and Other Tales Photocopiable

1 Match the first half of the sentences (a)–(e) with 6 Match (a)–(e) with (1)–(5) to make true sentences.
the second half (1)–(5). a Mary Maloney was …..
a Richard Pratt is ….. b Patrick Maloney was …..
b Mike always ….. c Patrick decided …..
c Mrs Schofield ….. d Mary was married …..
d Richard Pratt does not ….. e Sam …..
e Mike keeps ….. 1) to a policeman.
1) does not agree with the betting game. 2) six months pregnant.
2) the wine in his study. 3) to leave his wife.
3) famous for his love of food and wine. 4) a policeman.
4) smoke any kind of cigar. 5) sold vegetables to Mary.
5) plays a betting game. 7 Complete the sentences with the correct character
2 Answer these questions. from the story.
a What does Mr Botibol bet on exactly? How much a …………… believes the baby is all right.
does he pay? b …………… was Klara’s first son.
b What does he wait for before he goes to bed? c …………… is the fourth baby.
c Why is he alarmed the next morning? d …………… is afraid of losing her child.
d Who does he see on the deck? e …………… was given a post in Braunau.
e What is the reason he gives the lady for being in the 8 Choose the appropriate sentence to answer the
deck at the moment? questions.
3 Write questions for these answers. a How did the snake get into Harry’s bed? …..
a To visit a gentleman known as the Colonel. 1) He put it there.
b A mink coat. 2) It crawled into the bed.
c Fifty dollars. 3) It appeared unexpectedly.
d On the seat of her taxi. b What did Timber plan to do if Harry was bitten?
e Because she doesn’t want him to recognize her. …..
4 Complete the text using the following words. 1) Cut the flesh and suck the poison.
missing three anxiety Paris daughter 2) Cut the snake into pieces.
Mrs Foster suffered from (a) …………… every time 3) Use a knife to kill the snake.
she had to travel by train or plane. She was especially c What does Harry suggest to Timber? …..
concerned about not (b) …………… this specific 1) Call the doctor.
plane which was taking her to (c) …………… 2) Find the snake.
to visit her (d) …………… and (e) …………… 3) Remove the sheet.
grandchildren. d Why does Harry not want a cold cloth on his face?
5 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false …..
ones. 1) He gets very cold.
a Klausner has bought a machine to hear sounds that 2) He wants to cough.
we cannot normally hear. ….. 3) It makes him move.
b Klausner is a tall, strong man. ….. e Why did Harry start jumping in the air? …..
c Klausner hears the flowers scream when they are 1) Because he is happy now.
cut. ….. 2) Because the doctor tells him to.
d He asks Mrs Saunders to cut another flower. ….. 3) Because he wants to check if the snake is there.
e Klausner phones the doctor very late at night. …..

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