Successful Introvert
Successful Introvert
Successful Introvert
How to Enhance Your Job Search
and Advance Your Career
Wendy Gelberg
Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and
as accurate as possible, but no warranty of fitness is implied.
The information provided is on an “as is” basis. The authors and
the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any
person or entity with respect to loss or damages arising from the
information contained in this book.
“This is one of the most inspiring books I’ve read in a long time.
The Successful Introvert speaks to me, helps me understand
some of my actions and reactions, and learn why it’s okay to
be who I am. The techniques, tactics and stories make this a
rich, must-read for anyone who feels like they should be more
outgoing, but isn’t quite sure how to do it, or if they are being
dishonest with themselves.”
Jason Alba, CEO,
“My ‘dirty little secret’ is that I am an ultra-shy introvert (yes, I’m
both; thank you Wendy Gelberg for explaining that they’re not the
same). Given that way of characterizing my personality, you can
see that I’ve been socialized to believe shyness and introversion
are bad. In reading just the first few passages in Wendy Gelberg’s
Introduction, I immediately saw myself, relaxed and felt better about
my ‘affliction,’ and drank in her words: ‘My goal in writing this book
is to pick up where other job search and career transition books
leave off and to honor people of all types.’ She is so right — that
no other career book is dedicated to people like us.
“Finally, a book targeted specifically to introverts and their
unique challenges in today’s job search market. Wendy offers
sage advice, strategies, action plans and more to help you better
manage your job search, interviews, negotiations and more.
Follow her plan to career success!”
Wendy S. Enelow, CCM, MRW, JCTC, CPRW, Author &
Executive Career Consultant
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Introduction Introduction............................................................... 1
Section I Foundations............................................ 11
1 Are �����������������������
You Introverted or Are You
Shy?............ 13
II Job Search and Transition...................... 29
2 Finding Job Leads......................................... 31
3 Promoting Yourself:
Creating an
Effective Resume .......................................... 39
Chapter� 4
�� Cultivating
Connections................................ 45
5 Promoting Yourself:
Interviewing................. 63
6 After ��������������������������
You Land—Transitioning to
Success.......................................................... 75
III Final Thoughts........................................ 83
7 Embrace Your
Introversion........................... 85
Out of Sync
In our society, extraversion is often held up as the
gold standard for all people to aspire to. As a result,
the feeling of being out of sync is common among
introverts. Because of the extraverted culture that
we live and work in, we absorb a lot of negative
messages that suggest we are somehow “less
than” whatever is expected. People misinterpret
our more reserved personalities—they think we’re
aloof, non-communicative, withholding, snobbish,
and lots of other unflattering qualities. In my adult-
hood I was told that some of my extended family
were concerned that there was something seri-
ously wrong with me when I was little because I was
so quiet.
With pressure all around us to be more extraverted, it’s no surprise that this
same message carries over into the professional realm, both on the job and
in the job search. I came face-to-face with the typical extraverted advice in
the job search world when I was entering my current profession as a resume
writer/career advisor. Planning to put together a “tip sheet” on interview skills
for my resume clients, I went to the library and found all the books I could on
the subject (typical behavior for an introvert) and began to read through
them. To my dismay, most of the books offered advice about horn tooting and
sales and other behavior I couldn’t relate to, which literally made me cringe
and despair that “I could never do that.” But I put my objections aside, think-
ing they were my own individual quirks and shortcomings, and adopted and
even taught the commonly held views. (After all, all those experts can’t be
wrong, can they?) And then one day, as I was giving a workshop on interview
skills, I came to a PowerPoint slide that said, “Sell yourself.” Suddenly a hand
went up, and a voice spoke out: “What are you supposed to do when you
don’t want to sound like you think you’re the greatest thing since sliced
bread?” As I looked around the room, I saw that about half the people in the
room were nodding their heads in agreement. I suddenly realized this one
individual had voiced the objections that are actually felt by many people but
are often left unsaid. While some people hear that advice and feel empow-
ered by it, others hear the same advice and feel diminished by it.
were few resources that addressed the issue of professional success from
this perspective. My goal in writing this book is to pick up where other job
search and career transition books leave off and to honor people of all
types. If you’ve ever felt discouraged because you’ve heard that you have
to “toot your own horn” or “sell yourself ” or brag about all that you’ve done,
rest assured that not everyone needs to play the horn to get a job or suc-
ceed in one. Employers, like orchestras, need a variety of instruments to
create their music. It’s possible to succeed without undergoing a personal-
ity makeover. This book will help you develop the skills and strategies that
will enable you to present yourself so that an employer will understand and
appreciate the unique “sound” that you will contribute to the organization.
At the same time, the purpose of this book is also to validate the experi-
ences you’ve had as an introvert—quietly and often in isolation from oth-
ers, perhaps not realizing that you share those experiences with many
others and that you’re not alone in your reactions to the world. Ultimately,
I hope that you move from self-awareness to self-acceptance to self-
appreciation, that you come to embrace and celebrate all that is positive
about your introversion and to become comfortable in your own skin.
The biggest challenge in the job search process is that the skills required
to be successful in the search are not the same skills required to be suc-
cessful on the job. The search process requires a combination of strong
social and communication skills, and the typical advice sends the mes-
sage to introverts that they must transform themselves into extraverts in
order to succeed. This book will look at the process from a different
perspective—introverts can be successful by using their introverted
strengths. In addition, introverts sometimes forget that there are disad-
vantages to being extraverted, as well, and I will speak to the fact that the
grass isn’t always greener on the other side. As Mrs. Nelson said, it isn’t
better or worse to be one or the other. The key is learning to capitalize on
those situations where introversion gives us an advantage and to com-
pensate for those where it puts us at a disadvantage.
A key theme throughout this book will be the notion of possibilities.
Whether we are introverted or extraverted, shy or outgoing, we have
choices and decisions about how we will behave in any situation. Both
ends of the behavioral spectrum have advantages and disadvantages.
A lot of the standard advice on job search and career management comes
in the form of “shoulds,” such as “You’ve got to toot your own horn,” “You
have to sell yourself,” and so on. This book is unusual in that it contains no
shoulds. Instead, it contains suggestions that are intended to open up
possibilities and provide choices. It recognizes that people are individuals
and “one size does not fit all.”
All of us make decisions based on our beliefs and assumptions about how
the world works. But we don’t always recognize when we’re making
assumptions, when our “beliefs” are really just stories that we’ve created
to provide explanations for events when we have incomplete information
about them. We introverts have such active inner worlds that we probably
do that even more than the average person, and we don’t even realize the
extent to which we do it. Part of what I’ll do in some of the strategies and
suggestions I present is to provide what I call “reframes”—these are essen-
tially alternative stories that you can use to replace the story you may be
telling yourself if that story is holding you back from something you want
or need to do. Since we base our behavior on stories, this approach allows
you to pick stories that enable you to get where you want to go. Remember,
too, that the stories that you have been telling yourself are not necessarily
the stories that others are telling themselves—so your assumptions may
be faulty in the first place.
get to see the struggles or challenges that they had to deal with, so their
success looks falsely uncomplicated. We will look at stories of some
famous people to apply some reality testing to our notions of what it means
to be successful. Sometimes we only see the surface success and not the
choices that lie beneath the success.
In those instances where success involves using other skills, I’ve tried to
offer options for you to try, with the understanding that developing these
other skills will enhance your effectiveness by adding to your other intro-
verted strengths. I am not suggesting you need to be someone you’re not.
Note that, with regard to shyness, I sometimes refer to “overcoming” shy-
ness because many people set that as a goal for themselves in response
to their own internal discomfort; thus, I offer some strategies and quotes
in support of that goal.
It’s been fun to think about the population of introverts and shy people and
to realize that one of the things that characterizes this group is that it isn’t,
in fact, a group. In the first place, most introverts and shy people, by defini-
tion, avoid groups. In a delightful paradox, one of my interviewees said,
“We introverts have to stick together.” I had to laugh at the imaginary
“Professional Association of Introverts” organization that my mind con-
jured up as I thought about where to market this book. Who would attend
the meetings?! In the second place, whether or not this population actually
gathers together physically, the people within it are not all alike. There is a
spectrum of behaviors, attitudes, values, and experiences. As a result,
every strategy presented in this book will not work for each person who
reads the book. Some of the strategies may even be contradictory. But all
• “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” (see Chapter 4) helped me to
approach many strangers. I emailed several people I discovered who
blog on this topic—most responded positively and agreed to partici-
pate, but some didn’t. I focused my energy on appreciating the gener-
osity of those who offered to help and did not berate myself for
“bothering” those who didn’t respond. I gave myself alternative expla-
nations for their lack of response and didn’t dwell on it. For example,
my email might not have reached them because of spam filters or
because they simply deleted a message from a source they didn’t
It’s been interesting talking with so many introverts and seeing the range
of behaviors. Some, predictably, asked to know my questions prior to
The people I interviewed for this book include family, friends, colleagues,
and complete strangers. They range in age from mid 20s to mid 60s, with
most in their 30s, 40s, or 50s and in the middle of their careers. They cur-
rently live in nine states in all regions of the country, and their past and pres-
ent occupations cover a wide range of job titles, in both support and
leadership roles. A partial list (in alphabetical order, with more than one per-
son frequently represented in several of the categories) includes: adminis-
trative assistant, author, business development manager, career coach,
college career services consultant, client relations manager, college profes-
sor, corporate writer, dental assistant, desktop publisher, director of corpo-
rate relations, doctor of osteopathy, documentation clerk, editor, EEO
Affirmative Action manager, film director, financial services executive, fund-
raising researcher, healthcare researcher, human resources manager,
Internet strategist and efficiency expert, life coach, MBA student/manage-
ment consultant, mechanical engineer, medical researcher, organizational
consultant, professional speaker, purchasing assistant, retail merchandiser,
sales and customer service representative, social worker, software engi-
neer, and teacher.
The strategies presented here are intended to provide new options to try
and to remove some of the discomfort from job search and career transi-
tion (recognizing that it’s impossible to remove all of the discomfort). The
purpose is to help you develop the versatility to apply skills that are appro-
priate to each situation, not to be someone you’re not.
Section I
If you’ve ever felt shy, you know the feeling. You fear being judged or
criticized and typically dislike being in the spotlight. Common triggers of
shyness include situations in which “a person can be observed and
evaluated . . . this includes performing tasks, being tested, and speaking
publicly, such as asking or answering questions, making comments,
contributing to meetings, talking to authority figure, and making small
talk.”3 In those moments, you’re likely to be somewhat preoccupied with
yourself (“I don’t know what I should say, . . . do, . . . wear”). You may
experience physical symptoms (racing heartbeat, sweating, blushing),
difficulty concentrating, and a lot of negative self-talk. Throughout this
book we will examine some of the negative stories we tell ourselves, do
a reality check, and offer alternative and more empowering stories in the
context of job search and career success.
Shyness comes in many forms. Perhaps you’re among those who were shy
at one time but have overcome your shyness. Or at the other end of the
spectrum, you may be quite disabled by it. The good news about shyness
is that, even if you can’t change your shy feelings, you can change behavior
or actions that are preventing you from reaching your goals. You have
choices, and your shyness doesn’t have to define or limit you. In some
instances, shyness in mainstream American culture is seen as a negative
and is sometimes equated with less competence and less intelligence.
A couple of years ago I contacted a local organization to propose a work-
shop on networking for shy people and was told that the topic wouldn’t
attract people because it was “too negative.” Other cultures view shy
behavior differently. Swedes view shyness as a positive attribute, indicating
sensitive, reflective, and non-pushy personalities.4 In Japan, a well-known
proverb states, “The nail that stands out is pounded down,” resulting in
1. Signe A. Dayhoff, Ph.D., “How to Speak Without Fear Small Talk E-Course,”, personal correspon-
dence (email), July 10, 2008.
2. Bernardo J. Carducci, Ph.D., A Bold New Approach, Quill, 1999, p. 33.
3. Signe A. Dayhoff, Ph.D., “How to Speak Without Fear Small Talk E-Course,”, personal correspon-
dence (email), July 10, 2008.
4. Åke Daun, professor of ethnology at the University of Stockholm, Ethnologia
Scandinavica, Vol. 28, 1998, “Describing a National Culture—Is it at all Possible?”
If you consider yourself shy (or if you have been at some point in your
life), you’re in good company. Look at the accompanying list, and you’ll
see that plenty of people whose careers place them in the limelight—
such as entertainers, athletes, journalists, CEOs, and politicians—have
struggled with shyness, along with others who have pursued less public
Agatha Christie • T.S. Eliot • Lois Lowry • George Bernard Shaw •
Charles Schultz • Harriet Beecher Stowe • Garry Trudeau •
E.B. White
Brenda Barnes • Michael Dell • Bill Gates • Katharine Graham •
Kenneth D. Lewis
5.–000030& page=6
6. The individuals listed have described themselves as shy or have been des
cribed as shy based on observation.
David Beckham • Larry Bird • Roberto Clemente • Chris Evert •
Mia Hamm • Marvin Harrison • Annika Sorenstam • Ricky Williams
7. Larry King, How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere: The Secrets to Good
Communication, Crown Publishers, Inc., NY, 1994.
8. Barbara Walters, How to Talk With Practically Anybody About Practically
Anything, Doubleday Co., Inc. Garden City, NY, 1970, p. xiii.
These stories illustrate the different choices that are possible for people
who experience shyness. In the upcoming chapters, we’ll talk about dif-
ferent strategies and choices for handling shyness when it presents itself
in the job search process and in the transition to a new job.
13. Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D., The Introvert Advantage, Workman Publishing,
NY, 2002, pp. 74–75.
Reflect before they talk or act
Are energized by solitude
Prefer socializing one-on-one to group events
Like periods of quiet; feel depleted after a lot of activity
Enjoy deep relationships with just a few select friends
Frequently turn their focus to thoughts, ideas, the inner world
Are characterized by depth of interest
Talk out loud as they think
Are energized by being around people
Enjoy large group activities
Like a lot of activities
Enjoy a wide circle of friendships
Frequently turn their focus to people, things, the outer world
Are characterized by breadth of interest
Unlike shyness, you can’t “overcome” introversion; but like shyness, there
are choices you can make that will enable you to manage it so that you can
function most effectively in job search and work-related activities. And like
shyness, you’ll see that there are quite a number of famous and success-
ful people who have been identified as introverts. Some, but not all, also
appear on lists of shy celebrities.
Famous Introverts 14
Show Business
Candace Bergen • Ingrid Bergman • Glenn Close • Michael
Douglas • Clint Eastwood • Richard Gere • Katharine Hepburn •
John Lennon • Sarah McLachlan • Shirley McLaine • Julia
Roberts • Fred “Mister” Rogers • Steven Spielberg • Meryl Streep
Brenda Barnes • Warren Buffett • Henry Ford • Bill Gates •
Katharine Graham • Charles Schwab
Tom Brokaw • Peter Jennings • Diane Sawyer
14. Names on the list have been identified as probable introverts by numerous
individuals, myself included, who are qualified to administer and interpret as-
sessments such as the MBTI® instrument and are based on biographical infor-
mation or observation.
A few stories illustrate how some of these introverts managed their intro-
version as they pursued their careers and causes.
Thomas Jefferson, both shy and introverted, was described by one bio
grapher as someone who loved conversation but was unable to think on
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These stories illustrate some of the ways that introverted qualities can con-
tribute to success. The strategies noted below can help you manage shyness
or introversion. The upcoming chapters will apply these and other strategies
and choices to the process of job search and transition to a new job.
Focus Outward—The very process of shifting your focus to others means
you can’t be self-conscious or focused on yourself. When you’re serving
others or attending to their needs or concerns, you’ll be acting in ways that
aren’t shy.
Practice—All of the skills that you are trying to develop become easier
with practice. Think of yourself as trying to improve the strength or agility
in your non-dominant hand—it’s awkward at first, but it becomes more
natural as you do it more often. Model your behavior on those who have
the skills you desire, and take small steps, changing one thing at a time.
Remember that the goal isn’t to change who you are but to increase your
18. Willard Sterne Randall—Thomas Jefferson: A Life, Henry Holt & Company, NYT,
1993, p. 17.
Section II:
Job Search and
The rest of this chapter will discuss reframes of those stories and will
present strategies to help you maximize your results.
Multiple Paths
Figuring out where the job opportunities are is a big part of the challenge of
the job search process, and whether you’re an introvert and or an extravert,
you will be drawn toward the path of least resistance. That path will lead you
to jobs that are advertised in various places, such as newspapers, Internet
job boards, and postings at college and state career services offices. It’s
also a particularly comfortable path for those who are introverted or shy,
because uncovering these opportunities falls into the category of research,
a nice, solitary activity that is usually well within our comfort zone. So a
caveat, especially to introverts: remember to balance your introverted activ-
ities with some extraverted ones to achieve the best results.
The other path to explore will typically require more effort, but it will take
you to the land of the so-called “hidden job market,” or unadvertised jobs,
where you’ll be able to uncover the very sizable number of job opportuni-
ties that are not posted. Studies have shown that anywhere between two-
thirds and three-quarters of all jobs may fall into this category! Many of
the traditional activities required to tap into these possibilities are more
extraverted activities, but this chapter will present strategies you can use
that draw on your introverted strengths. In fact, you’ll find that there are
some aspects of this process in which introverts probably have something
of an advantage over extraverts.
It’s a good idea for you to explore both the advertised and the unadvertised
paths for a shorter and more productive job search. It’s also helpful to
track your activities as you go along. How much time are you spending on
different activities? If you get stuck in a pattern of little return on your
investment of time, change the proportion of time you’re spending in each
area to see if that produces different results. And make sure you are, in
fact, exploring all the possible avenues. Tracking your activities will also
reassure yourself (and your loved ones, whose well-intentioned impa-
tience can sometimes add to the pressure you’re already feeling) that you
are doing all that you can do.
Advertised Jobs
Newspaper Ads—Many employers still place ads in newspapers, partic-
ularly smaller organizations and those that are looking to draw from a
narrow geographic area. However, newspaper classified sections are
growing smaller, so don’t rely only on them. And understand that the ads
that are printed in the written publication are not always the same ads
that are posted on the newspaper’s Web site, so be sure to check both
Unadvertised Opportunities
Target Companies—This strategy builds on the process we’ve just
discussed, to develop a list of companies that you’d like to work for and
looking on the company Web sites for appropriate positions. However,
I encourage you to take this process a step further. It’s entirely possible
that there will be no suitable openings at the time you begin your search.
So another step is to look for opportunities to talk with people who work
there now or who worked there previously. Do some information gather-
ing. What’s it like to work for that company? What are its current chal-
lenges? What’s happening with the competition? How might someone
with your skills fit in? Here’s where you can apply your inclination to “go
deep” and really get to know about the organization. The sources of this
information, the people who work(ed) there, can be found simply by ask-
ing your current contacts if they know people at your target companies
who might be willing to have a conversation with you. This is all done at a
one-on-one level, first with people you already have relationships with and
who are inclined to want to help with your job search, and then with their
contacts. It’s been my experience writing this book that even strangers are
willing to take time to provide information and advice if they think they can
be helpful. In addition, business networking sites such as
can enable you to locate and connect with people at target companies
(additional information and advice will be presented on this topic in the
Chapter 4). Caveat: Watch out for spending too much time doing research
and not enough time actually applying for jobs or networking or engaging
in other activities that will ultimately bear fruit.
Jason Alba, CEO,, author of I’m On LinkedIn:
Now What? and I’m On Facebook: Now What?
“Social networking sites allow you to get to know others in the comfort of
your own home, with some level of being anonymous. Even though you
are saying who you are, and they are saying who they are, we still get time
to digest their message and personality, and determine if this is someone
we want to forge a relationship with. Instead of the other person being ‘in
my face,’ I can move forward at a pace that I’m comfortable with.”
“Interestingly enough, some of the people I know who are more ‘aggres-
sive’ on social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook are quiet and reserved
in a face-to-face environment!”
Promoting Yourself
3 Creating an Effective
The rest of this chapter will discuss reframes of those stories and will
present strategies to help you find compelling content for your resume.
Employers want to hire people with specific skills, credentials, and personal
attributes that will solve a particular problem that their organization faces.
A strong resume demonstrates the match between your background and
Essentially, the resume will tell the story of what you’ve done in your vari-
ous jobs. It needs to highlight what distinguishes you from others who
have held similar jobs, so the employer can get a clear picture of what it’s
like to have you as an employee. The emphasis is on you, not on the job
you held. If your resume contains statements that could appear on the
resumes of others with your job title, those statements are too generic.
(A typical generic—and ineffective—teacher resume might contain a sen-
tence that says, “Planned and taught lessons in language arts, math, sci-
ence, and social studies.” That statement describes almost all elementary
school teachers. A better, specific statement would be something like,
“Introduced an integrated unit on trees in which students ‘adopted’ trees
in a local park, studied the changes over time (science), estimated the
number of leaves (math), and wrote poems about them (language arts).”
This story illustrates what it’s like to have this teacher in charge of a class.
It involves no deception, no embellishment. It simply tells a true story. Or
compare the generic statement for an administrative assistant: “Created
Excel spreadsheets.” with the specific story: “Developed color-coded
Excel spreadsheet to track and coordinate monthly schedules of 15 staff.”
These examples demonstrate that even people who do the same job don’t
do it the same way.
Remember, too, that once we learn our jobs well, they seem very easy to
us, and we have a tendency to downplay the skills that we’ve developed
and the accomplishments we’ve achieved. “No big deal. Anyone would
have done that.” Not true. Only someone with your specific skills, experi-
ence, judgment, and so on would have done that. Or done it that exact way.
We are not interchangeable cogs. The more you can define what distin-
guishes you from others, the better you can communicate what you have
to offer to employers.
Keep in mind two general rules about resumes. The first is that they must
be honest and accurate. Honest means no exaggerations, and certainly
no lies. Accurate means they are factually correct and free of typos and
grammatical mistakes. (My favorite typo was when the intended phrase
“assisted clients” appeared as “assassinated clients”—not many employ-
ers are looking to hire people with that skill!) The second general rule: The
Just the Facts—Present the facts, just the facts, not embellishments or
exaggerations, in order to present your most flattering attributes. You can
be selective with regard to which information you reveal—the resume isn’t
a complete autobiography, and you get to choose the information that
portrays you at your best.
Show and Tell—Create a portfolio with samples of your work (e.g., charts,
reports, newspaper articles, certificates, documents you created, perfor-
mance reviews, testimonials). Your portfolio will provide you with material
for your resume. You can also bring it with you to the interview and use it
to generate or support points for discussion. Moreover, you can create a
Web portfolio with links to the various items.
Before and After—Compare your job as you found it when you were first
hired with your job now (or when you left it). How did things change? What
was your role in the change?
Claire, social worker
“Outplacement had me go through each of my jobs and list three things
that I felt really good about. I realized I really did accomplish some things.
It was a reframe that it wasn’t tooting my own horn as much as just stating,
factually, here are some things that I’ve done.”
4 Connections
“If I don’t come away with a job lead, it’s a waste of my time.”
The rest of this chapter will discuss reframes of those stories and will
present strategies to help you find opportunities to comfortably cultivate
relationships as both a job search and career management activity.
Wired to Help
Networking at its most basic is simply sharing information and resources
for mutual benefit. We do that all the time outside of the context of job
search and career—ask for the name of a good mechanic, give advice on
gardening, alert friends to a new book or movie or restaurant that we know
will interest them, and so on. Yet for some reason our stories get us tan-
gled up when a job or career enters the picture.
It helps to turn the situation around and imagine yourself being on the
receiving end of a phone call or an inquiry from somebody you know
Seek “Advice”
If you struggle with the idea of asking for “help,” think about asking for
“advice” instead. You’ll find people more than eager to give advice—
Planting Seeds
Think of networking as planting seeds. You don’t know which ones are
going to sprout or when, but eventually some do. The more seeds you
plant, the more will take root. This process is nonlinear, indirect, and seren-
dipitous. It’s also long term and multi-step. It can be hard to be patient with
the process when you want or need immediate results, but if you approach
your networking activities with a mindset that is long term and open to pos-
sibilities, you may be pleasantly surprised. As with any relationships, if you
enter them not attached to the outcome, not invested in a specific result,
you are more likely to have a positive outcome of some sort.
Rejection Raincoat
A client once shared with me the technique that she was taught as part of
her sales training, which allowed her to not take rejection personally. She
imagined putting on a rejection raincoat prior to making cold calls. Anytime
someone said “no,” the “no” just rolled off the raincoat and didn’t touch her.
The key is remembering that it’s not about you if someone does say no.
The person might be having a bad day, or you may have caught them at
an inconvenient time, or they might not have understood what you were
asking. If they didn’t return a message, perhaps there was a mechanical
or electronic malfunction or a filter or gatekeeper and your message didn’t
actually get through. You did nothing wrong by reaching out to them.
Provide yourself with a story that keeps your ego intact.
Another story that can be helpful is to recognize that certain people you
might like to approach already aren’t helping. You have nothing to lose and
everything to gain if you ask. If they say no, you’re right where you started.
If they say yes, you’re ahead of the game. My experience writing this book
involved reaching out to a lot of strangers (and applying many of the tech-
niques in this chapter to change my own unhelpful stories as I prepared to
call on people in the first place and then had to deal with the occasional
“no” response), and I found most people incredibly gracious and obliging.
Where to Network
Group Events
Introverts don’t typically enjoy group events, but sometimes they are nec-
essary and unavoidable, both in life generally and in your career specifi-
cally. By definition, since you’re mingling with people, you will be networking
in one form or another because you will be exchanging information. You
will also be visible, and your presence will be noted. As Woody Allen said,
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Even events that are not career-
related can benefit your career, although you may not always be able to
predict or determine precisely how. If you do attend any of these kinds of
events, be open to the possibilities. Sometimes simply engaging in an
activity with others who share your interest is enough of a connection to
begin to build the personal trust that is the foundation of networking.
Perhaps you will find it advantageous to deliberately seek out some of
these kinds of gatherings or activities either to advance your job search or
to further your career.
Specific tips for handling these events will appear in the Strategies
Formal networking events
Alumni reunions
Professional association meetings or conferences
Holiday parties, family/neighborhood gatherings
Individual Communications
The introvert typically prefers one-on-one contacts to large groups, and
there are infinite possibilities for these kinds of meetings. They can occur
as planned sessions with a specific agenda—such as the information
exchange ideas noted in the section above (Wired to Help) or they may be
chance encounters and casual conversations. Specific tips for managing
energy, self-consciousness, and general awkwardness will appear in the
Strategies section.
The strategies presented here are intended to provide new options to try,
and to remove some of the discomfort from networking. The purpose is to
help you develop the versatility to apply skills that are appropriate to each
situation, not to be someone you’re not. As you prepare to step outside
Large Gatherings
Before the Event
Prepare—Preparation will make the event flow more easily. Start by pre-
paring a comfortable and brief (say, 30-second) introduction for yourself,
since you’ll be asked about yourself numerous times. Describe what you
do in terms that the listener can relate to—if the other person is from your
industry, you can use technical jargon, but if not, tailor your answer to
match your audience. You’ll want to have a supply of business cards—if
you’re currently unemployed, you can have business cards created for
you with your name, contact information, the job that you’re targeting, and
perhaps a statement indicating your areas of expertise or personal brand.
Next, contact the organizers to find out who else will be there. You can then
plan to seek out specific people you would like to meet, enabling you to
use your time (and energy) efficiently. You can also do some background
research about them beforehand, to make conversation easier. People
will be flattered that you know a little about them. Finally, if you need to,
prepare general conversation starters, such as those in the chart below.
If you dislike superficial chit-chat, remember that these kinds of opening
statements or questions get the conversation flowing and can lead to
more substantive discussions.
The Occasion
• �����������������������������������������
What a view! Those mountains are amazing!
• �������������������������������������������������������������������
There was a lot of traffic getting here. Do you know a good way to
avoid the highway?
Nametag Information
• ����������������������������������������������������
That’s an interesting name. How do you pronounce it?
• ����������������������������������������������������������������
You’re from Albuquerque! I’ve always wanted to go there. How do
you like living there?
• [Read
company name aloud.] What
kind of business is that?
• [Read
company name aloud.] How
did you come up with that
• [Read
company name aloud.] How
did you get into that line of
Visual Cues
• �����������������������������������
There’s quite a good turnout today.
• ��������������������������������������������
I love your pin. Is there a story behind it?
• ������������������������������������
Look at all those tempting desserts.
• �������������������������������������������������������������������
I wonder if the weather will discourage people from coming tonight.
• ����������
Are you a [sports
team] fan?
That was a great game last weekend.
Organize Your Day—This one isn’t always possible, but if you can sched-
ule your networking activities for the block of time when your energy is
highest, the event will be easier. Also, try to plan the rest of your day with
lower energy activities so you’re not too drained.
Take Breaks—If you attend a long or multi-day event, make sure you build
in some time for solitude. You may need to pass on some of the group
social events, or perhaps skip a workshop or two (if you have the option to
One-on-One Contacts
Before You Connect
Keep in Touch—It’s helpful, on general principles, to keep in touch with
people you know professionally. If you maintain relationships when you
don’t need anything in particular—just to share information, bounce ideas
around, keep up to date on people’s career progression and personal
lives—it becomes easier to contact people if you do need something.
Enjoy the energy flow of one-on-one interactions.
Take the Pressure Off—As with large group events, set goals that are
within reach. Perhaps making only two or three phone calls is reason-
able for you in one day. Allow yourself recovery time if you need it.
Remind yourself that there doesn’t have to be a lot riding on the conver-
sation. As one person I spoke with said, “What’s the worst that can
Prime the Pump—Several introverts told me that if they had to make dif-
ficult phone calls, they found it helpful to make one or two “inconsequen-
tial” phone calls beforehand, to sort of warm up and get their thoughts
flowing. So they would schedule a hair cut appointment or call a friend, or
engage in some kind of simpler conversation before making the important
phone call.
Practice—As you repeat some of these activities, even those that seem
hard, they become easier.
Pave the Way—If someone gives you the name of someone to call, ask
them to call ahead to make sure their contact is willing to talk with you. It’s
much easier to contact someone if you know they’re willing to receive your
call. Or if you know that they prefer to receive an email instead.
Shift the Spotlight—If you sincerely focus your attention on what other
people need, you’ll be less self-conscious about contacting them and dur-
ing your conversation. If you are calling because of your own need, focus
on asking for advice or information. That tends to reduce the fear of rejec-
tion, and it reduces the feeling that you’re asking for charity. Benjamin
Disraeli said, “Talk to people about themselves and they will listen for
Dan Schawbel, Publisher, Personal Branding Magazine,
“With the rise of web 2.0, the social graph and the growth in participation
on the Internet, the introverted can become empowered. Blogs, social
networks, virtual worlds and wikis have provided them with shelter for their
ideas and relationships. The digital world has become a bootcamp or
training ground for introverts.”
Promoting Yourself
5 Interviewing
The rest of this chapter will discuss reframes of these stories and will
present strategies to help you interview effectively.
Level the Playing Field—To extend the above point, the other mental
shift you can do is to adopt the view of yourself as consulting with the
employer to help him or her determine the best candidate for the posi-
tion—whether or not that candidate is you.21 Your goal is to ask questions
that clarify for the employer what the key challenges, and—most
importantly—what the key outcomes are that are expected of the person
hired. By adopting a consulting mindset, you take the performance
pressure out of the equation.
21. This concept is at the core of the professional speaking model taught by Dean
Lincoln Hyers, film director/professional speaker,
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener . . . —If you feel awkward about inter-
viewing and think that extraverts have all the advantages, consider these
drawbacks that extraverts as well as hiring managers have shared with me.
Because many extraverts tend to formulate their thoughts as they speak,
their answers can be rambling and unfocused. And because they converse
so easily, they sometimes don’t do much preparation and just “wing it,”
contributing further to answers that are too long-winded. In addition, extra-
verts sometimes have a tendency to talk before they fully understand the
question, or to talk over the interviewer, neither of which scores points,
since they can miss the point of the interviewer’s question altogether. High-
energy extraverts have commented that their exuberance sometimes
overpowers or overwhelms people—they come on too strong.
22. From the RESPECT™ model for job interviews and performance dialogs,
with permission of Murray A. Mann, CCM, CPBS, Principal of Global Diversity
Solutions Group,
Remember that one of the key goals of the interview is to establish rap-
port. The stories you tell in the interview will enable you to do that. If you
make sure the stories follow the P-A-R format described in Chapter 3,
spelling out the problem you faced, the action you took, and the results
you achieved, you’ll be able to avoid minimalist answers.
Before the Interview
Get the Details—When you are invited for an interview, ask about the
structure of the interview. How many people will you be meeting with?
What are their names and titles? Will you be meeting with them together
or in back-to-back meetings? How much time should you schedule for the
interview process? Knowing the expected time frame will allow you to
manage your energy flow, following the techniques described below.
Advance knowledge of the sequence of events will reduce the stress and
the energy drain. Also, get directions and parking options and, if you have
time, do a trial run to learn the route and check the travel time. These are
details that are within your control, and you’ll decrease the stress and
your overall nervousness on the day of the interview if you get on top of
“What experience and skills does someone need to be effective in this job?”
“What’s the first problem you need the person you hire to tackle?”
“How will that be measured? How will you know whether it’s been
Also, be sure to ask about the next steps in the process at the conclusion
of the interview.
Use a “Cheat Sheet”—If you’re concerned that you’ll forget the exam-
ples you came up with during your advance preparation, bring a leather-
bound notepad with you, and use the paper both to take notes and to
prepare ahead of time a couple of words or phrases as cues to your sto-
ries. (These cues need to be very brief, or else you’ll have trouble finding
the information on the page.) Then, during your momentary pause to
organize your thoughts, you can glance down at your notepad and find the
prompts you’ve written for yourself. This strategy can help you think on
your feet.
Sometimes Your Work Can Speak For Itself—Bring a portfolio with you
that displays samples of your work, certifications, honors and awards,
testimonials, and so on. You can redirect the interviewer’s attention onto
the portfolio and show what you can produce.
Let Others Speak for You—If you’ve made a positive impression on others,
whether clients, managers, coworkers, or others who know your professional
work, you can reference what they said about your work. When a question
comes along that invites a strong statement on your behalf and you worry
about sounding boastful, you can say, “My clients consistently commented
that . . . ” or “In my performance evaluation, my manager wrote . . . ”
Shift the Spotlight—You can refocus the spotlight and take the pressure
off yourself by concentrating on learning as much as you can about the
company and the interviewer(s). Being curious about the organization
and people you’re meeting with will divert your attention from yourself,
reducing self-consciousness and enhancing your effectiveness.
Show Enthusiasm—If the job interests you, say so. Employers want to
hire people who are genuinely enthusiastic about the job. One Human
Resources manager told me that he almost didn’t hire someone because
she showed so little excitement about the position. He hired her only
because she came with a strong referral—without that, he would never
have offered her the position. A good place to express your interest is at
the conclusion of the interview; along with thanking the interviewer, state
your continued interest in the position and reiterate in a sentence or two
the match between your background and the requirements.
Meghan Wier, business writer/author: Confessions of an Introvert,
The Shy Girl’s Guide to Career, Networking and Getting the Most
Out of Life
“As an introvert, the interview itself is not as much of a problem/challenge
as the time before and after. I always have to take quiet time before and
after to calm myself.”
First Impressions
Acclimating to a new job is exciting but also stress-
ful. The edge you have as an introvert is your ability
to listen and learn the ropes. Use the “honeymoon”
period to get to know your coworkers: their roles,
their history with the company, their perceptions of
office politics (be careful to keep your own objectiv-
ity and just mentally record their observations with-
out taking them to heart), and so on. Your genuine
interest in others will go a long way toward making
a good first impression and building solid profes-
sional relationships. As with the job search pro-
cess, focusing your attention on others will relieve
any early jitters you may feel.
Meetings and other large gatherings can create challenges for introverts.
Ask for the meeting agenda ahead of time so you can review the issues
and prepare your thoughts. If you make the time to do so, you’ll be able to
contribute to the discussion more easily. Several introverts shared with me
the frustrating experience of not offering an idea because it wasn’t fully
formed or because they weren’t sure whether it was really a good idea or
not, only to have someone else present the same idea and receive lots of
praise and recognition for it. Alternatively (or additionally), ask for the
option to offer input after you’ve had time to process the information.
Follow-up with an email that summarizes your reactions after you’ve had
time to reflect.
Conscious Communication
Because introverts can so easily withdraw into their work, it’s a good idea
to pay attention to deliberately communicating with others. It may help to
share your style with others so they don’t make negative assumptions
about your personality or motives. When you get caught up in your
thoughts, you can lose sight of the fact that others don’t know what you’re
thinking unless you share those thoughts. (I learned that painful lesson in
graduate school when the seven members of a seminar were asked what
grades we would give ourselves; I was unpleasantly surprised that the
professor didn’t agree that I deserved an A—his comment to me was that
I may have gotten a lot out of the class, but that wasn’t apparent in terms
of my contributions to the discussion.) If you concentrate heavily on just
the tasks of the job and don’t socialize at all, your behavior appears secre-
Just as you need to take breaks from extraverted activities, you’d be wise
to take breaks from the intense introverted activities you’ll be drawn into.
Seek out others to socialize with. This can be superficial conversation
about last night’s sports event, if that fits the culture of the organization,
or it can be more substantive and work-related. Share what you’ve been
working on and get input or advice from others. Most organizations want
to know that you can function as part of a team and interact well with oth-
ers, whatever your individual contribution may be.
Effective self-promotion helped you to get the job in the first place, and it
will help you to advance in your career. A tool that can make this process
considerably simpler is an accomplishment journal or log. On a regular
basis, record your accomplishments as they occur. While they’re fresh in
your mind, you can capture all the P-A-R information (described in Chapter
3) that will be valuable if you request promotions, bonuses, or special
assignments. A Human Resources manager told me about an engineer,
raised in another country, who became discouraged watching others less
qualified and less talented receive all the perks—and the primary reason
was that he was reluctant to promote himself. Introverts often think their
work will speak for itself—but much of the time you have to direct people’s
attention to the work before they can “hear” what the work has to say. And
that’s where the accomplishment log can be useful. In addition, when the
time comes to update your resume, you’ll simplify that process by having
all the information you need at hand.
Susan Whitcomb, author and career coach
“Try to buy some prep time when thinking about important things…e.g.,
Ask people to provide you with an agenda of an upcoming important
meeting so you’ve got time to think through what you might want to say.
Or, when someone asks, ‘What are your thoughts on that?’ don’t be afraid
to say, ‘You know, I have some initial thoughts on that and they are [fill in
the blank].’ And, to be honest, as an introvert, I usually come up with my
best ideas about 8 hours later, so I’ll be sure and include those thoughts
in an email if you’d like!”
Section III:
Final Thoughts
Embrace Your
7 Introversion
It’s not always apparent to the outside observer whether you are intro-
verted or extraverted—after all, to be overly simplistic, extraverts think,
and introverts talk. Just as with right- or left-handedness, we all have some
degree of skill on our non-dominant side. The distinction stems primarily
from the energy source. Introverts are energetic when they’re involved
with the ideas that excite them. They are outgoing when they’re connect-
ing with people they care about, especially in one-on-one situations.
The highly social nature of the job search process and the world of work
can be over-stimulating to us if we’re introverts and taxing to us if we’re shy
or reserved in nature or if we’ve been taught that talking about our accom-
plishments is wrong. And yet there are countless people, some famous and
some not, who are successful despite, and sometimes because of, their
introverted and more modest traits. The key is to develop the versatility to
apply whichever skills are appropriate to achieve your goals—and to make
choices that value, appreciate, and, most importantly, celebrate the unique
combination of qualities that make you who you are.
24. Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Free Press,
NY, 2004, p. 235.
“I seem to have the gift for listening to complex and winding conversations
and reducing them down to their essence. I am also very good at listening
to staff and honing in on what their issue or problem is.”
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Additional Endorsements
“This is one of the most inspiring books I’ve read in a long time.
The techniques, tactics and stories make this a rich, must-read
for anyone who feels like they should be more outgoing, but
isn’t quite sure how to do it, or if they are being dishonest with
Jason Alba, CEO,