Reference To Context.: AUNT JENNIFER'S TIGERS by Adrienne Rich
Reference To Context.: AUNT JENNIFER'S TIGERS by Adrienne Rich
Reference To Context.: AUNT JENNIFER'S TIGERS by Adrienne Rich
Reference to Context.
1. “Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.”
2. a. Aunt’s fingers are fluttering due to nervousness and a disturbed state of mind.
b. Due to the fluttering Aunt finds even the ivory needle hard to pull.
c. The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band signifies a life of bondage. Aunt feels
weighed down by her marriage.
d. Aunt Jennifer is in a state of turmoil, mental trauma.
3. a. The hands are called terrified as Aunt Jennifer is nervous and she is dominated by her
b. Aunt Jennifer has been mastered by her husband through the marriage and he is a
dominating person who doesn’t treat her like an equal. He believes in relationships
based on male authority and power.
c. Aunt Jennifer is a prisoner of marriage. She has lost her identity. The freedom that she
dreams of through her art is symbolic of her oppressed self. She is shackled by her
wedding ring and this is what the phrase ‘ringed with ordeals’ signifies.
d. No. The tigers are a work of Aunt Jennifer but they are not bound to her like she is
bound to her husband. They will continue to live after her death.