A Study On Undrained Strength of Soil at Limiting Water Content

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Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021

December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli

Trichy Chapter

A study on Undrained Strength of Soil at Limiting Water Content

Arti Sudam Pupalwad 1
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VNRVJIET, Hyderabad-500090
E-mail: artisudam_p@vnrvjiet.in

Abstract: So far called the shear strength of the soil, resulted at the maximum stress it can endure. If strain exceeds
strength and later leads to the failure. Strength analysis may be made for tensile, compressive strength whereas shear
stresses of the soil which result negligible strength, geotechnical engineers seldom execute strength investigation. The
pure mathematics of most geotechnical issues such as soil mass behaves compression though the introduction of huge
compressive stresses might lead to soil catastrophe, the soil really fails in shear but not in compression. Hence, almost
all geotechnical strength analysis is accomplished for shear stresses. In field, there is also condition, wherever pure
sort of soil might not be found. In that, there will be some sort of sand or others are going to be gift and hence, shear
strength of soil will not be a unique as 1.7 kN/m2. It is a modification reckoning on variety of things like clay
minerology, condition of soil etc. Few such factors such as percentage of clay minerals and limiting water content
present in it are emphasized in this study which plays vital role. Due to change in both the parameter, the shear strength
of soil will vary and which is one of the most important engineering properties considered during construction of
major civil engineering structure like dams, retaining walls, embankments etc.
Keywords: Undrained shear strength, Free swell index, Liquid limit, Vane Sher Test

1. Introduction
Shear strength of soil is the strength in which how much shear stress that the soil can sustain. Friction and interlocking
particles are a result for the shear resistance of soil. As, it is subjected to the shear strains due to interlocking, particulate
material may expand or contract in volume. Strength will decrease, if the density of the particle decreases. When the
forces act on the soil mass, then it’s intrinsic capacity to resist failure and shear strength of soil. The factors that
influence the shear strength of soil are clay minerals present in the soil, percentage of minerals present, liquid limit.
Shear strength of soils can be calculated by using vane shear test especially for soft clays. In 1973, vane shear strength
test provided an under estimated shear strength compared to compressive tests where as good quality of sample was
obtained. In drained causing the volumetric strain in the soil, the pore water can drain out where as in undrained, the
pore water is not able to drain out.
Commonly used methods were studied to determine the undrained shear strength of soil. Soil properties may change
with respect to time and so called many factors. Soil may behave as slightly over consolidated soil. At the stage where
drainage occur, it means that at that place loading would be taking place. More pore water pressure was generated by
keeping the moisture content and volume of soil as constant. The strength which was developed at this stage is the
shear strength (Su). For total stresses, the shear strength (Su) was said to be cohesion intercept (Cu). Till there was no
change in moisture-content, the strength of the soil had no change. It will remain same. The undrained shear strength
(Su) is assumed capable the cohesion intercept (Cu) of the Mohr-Coulomb envelope for total stresses. For these
assumptions the undrained strength of a saturated clay was not laid low with amendments in confining stress because
the water content will not be changed.

Arti Sudam Pupalwad1

Undrained shear is that if the water path isn't allowed to flow in or out of the soil. Shear strength of the soil depends
on the direction of the strain, the voidance conditions, the effective stress and also the density of the particles.
A value of the undrained shear strength of a saturated clay specimen was obtained by several laboratory and field
tests. The common demand of those tests is that the failure stresses ought to be developed while not voidance or
volume amendment. Also, tests should be conducted on comparatively undisturbed soil, looking for the shear strength
of the fine-grained soils at consistency limits will develop the strength of soil at totally different water contents.
Water content is more or less near the liquid limit of soils hence it is also important to understand the various factors
which are influencing the undrained shear strength of fine-grained soil as it is not expected that strength at liquid limits
can be unique for all soils: the bearing capacity of soil, stability of soils and earth pressure against retaining structure
directly depends upon shear strength of soil.
Shear strength characteristics of different soils are influenced by different parameters of soil such as type of clay
minerals, percentage of clay minerals, sand content and limiting water content. Shear strength of soils at the higher
limiting water content, namely liquid limit not only having non-linear variation with liquid limit but also dependent
on type of clay mineral, presence of fine sand (frictional material) in soils at high water contents. In the present study,
it is mainly emphasized on the few influencing factors of fine-grained soil such as clay minerals and limiting water
on to the shear strength of fine-grained soil.

2. Materials and Experimental Program

All the preliminary test were performed on locally available soil samples at VNRVJIET college, Hyderabad and
commercially available soils like bentonite, Kaolinite with diverse range of plasticity properties. Soil samples first
kept in oven for 24 hours so as to remove moisture. After 24 hours, soil sample was sieved through 75 microns sieve.
All the samples were characterized for the physical properties namely, grain size distribution, specific gravity, cone
penetrometer to determine liquid limit and rolling thread method for plasticity characteristics as per (Bureau of Indian
Standards 1985). Required amount of soil was added for both vane shear and cone penetration test and soaked for 24
hours for appropriate saturation. Next day, Vane shear as well as and cone penetration tests are performed by adding
random water content and took five observations with two trails each one to find the liquid limits test. Shear strength
was determined from recorded observations.

Specific gravity test is performed for all soil samples as per (IS.2720 (Part 3) 1980). Sieve analysis and hydrometer
analysis (Bureau of Indian Standards 2016)have been performed for red earth (RE), kaolin, black cotton soil (BC) and
bentonite soils respectively as shown in figure 1 and 2. All the soil samples were classified as per Indian standard
classification as presented in Table 1. The degree of swelling was determined by free swell index as per (Bureau of
Indian Standards 1977) and results are presented in Table1.

Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021
December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli

Percentage Finer

10 RE BC
1 Particle size (mm) 10

Fig 1. Particle size distribution of soils used in the study



Percentage finer




10 Kaoline Bentonite

0.001 0.01 0.1
Particle size (mm)

Fig 2. Hydrometer analysis of soils used in the study

Arti Sudam Pupalwad1

The vane shear tests were performed as per (Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 1980) to know the effect
of various parameter on undrained shear strength of virgin soils as well as for sand fraction combinations
with virgin soils to know the influence of frictional material such as fine sand inclusion with soil(Nagaraj
and Suresh 2018).
Table 1. Physical properties of the soils used in this study
Soil Soil Gs WL PL( Ip Free swell index Grain size distribution (%) IS Classification
No designation (%) %) (%)
Water Kerosene FSI Gravel Sand Silt Clay
(Vd) (Vk) (%)

1 Red earth 2.62 36 11.7 24.3 14 10 28.57 2.95 64.5 25.4 2.21 SM
2 Kaolinite 2.68 50 32 18 10 13 - 64 36 MH
3 Black 2.66 59 34 25 18 11 63.63 0.3 19.7 75.2 4.8 MH
4 Bentonite 2.66 267 13 253 84 18 366.6 17 83 CH
WL: Liquid limit; GS: Specific gravity; Pl: Plastic limit; IP: Plasticity index; FSI: Free swell index

3. Results & discussions

Cone penetration tests are conducted for red earth, kaolin, black cotton soil and bentonite soil inclusion with frictional
material such as fine sand of 0% 20%,40% and 60% with virgin soil. The limiting water content of red earth with sand
fraction series are found at 20 mm depth of penetration as presented in figure 2. The red earth with the sand fractions
is characterized and results are depicted in table 2. As the moisture content increased, depth of penetration also
increased(Dennehy 1979). The obtained limiting water content is used as base for predicting undrained shear strength
of soil.

Table 2. Physical properties of red soil with sand fractions

Sl. Sand fraction Red WL Wp Ip Sediment volume Free swell

No. <425 µm (%) earth(%) (%) (%) (%) (cc) index (%)
Water Kerosene
(Vd) Vk
1 0 100 36 11.78 24.22 15 12 25
2 20 80 45 15.8 29.2 15.5 13 19.2
3 40 60 34 13.4 20.6 18 15.5 16.1
4 60 40 27 10.5 16.5 19 17 11.8

Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021
December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli



Water content (%)




100 80/20 60/40 40/60
0 10 20 30 40
Penetration (mm)

Fig 3. Cone penetration test for red earth with sand

Figure 4 presented limiting water content kaolinite -sand fraction series. It is observed that depth of penetration is
increased upon addition of water content(Nagaraj, Sravan, and Deepa 2018). The same trend was observed for red
earth as that of kaolinite. It is pointed out that as addition of sand fraction increased the limiting water content keep
on decreased (Berilgen, Kılıç, and Ozaydın 2007; Nagaraj, Sravan, and Deepa 2018) as shown in figure 4. All
preliminary investigations are performed as depicted in table 3.
Table 3. Physical properties for Kaolinite with sand fractions

Sl. Sand fraction Kaolinite WL Wp Ip Sediment volume Free swell

No. <425 µm (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (cc) index (%)
Water Kerosene
(Vd) Vk
1 0 100 50 32 18 12 15 -20.0
2 20 80 42 24.5 17.5 11 15.2 -27.6
3 40 60 36 21.3 14.7 10.6 16.4 -35.4
4 60 40 25 19 6 10.1 8 -43.9

Arti Sudam Pupalwad1



Water content (%)





100 80/20 40/60 60/40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Penetration (mm)

Fig 4. Cone penetration test for Kaolinite with sand addition

It is found that increase in sand content, there was decrease in the limiting water content as shown in figure 5. The trend obtained
is similar to the red earth and kaolinite(Nagaraj, Sravan, and Deepa 2018). The obtained water content is reference for determination
of undrained strength characteristics of soil.

Table 4. Physical properties of black cotton soil with sand fractions

Sl. Sand fraction Black WL Wp Ip Sediment volume Free swell
No. <425 µm (%) cotton (%) (%) (%) (cc) index (%)
Water Kerosene
(Vd) Vk
1 0 100 50 33.9 25.1 18 11 63.6
2 20 80 53.8 34.2 19.6 16 10.8 48.1
3 40 60 50.4 35 15.4 14 10.5 33.3
4 60 40 43 37.8 13.8 13 10 30.0

Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021
December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli



Water content (%)




100 80/20 60/40 40/60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Penetration (mm)

Fig 5. Cone penetration test for Black cotton soil sand fraction series

The bentonite soil was characterized for all percentage of sand fraction series and results are portrayed in table 5. The
liquid limit decreased on the addition of sand fraction as presented in figure 6.The same trend was observed with the
red earth, kaolinite and black cotton soil sand fraction series(Nagaraj, Sridharan, and Mallikarjuna 2012).
Table 5. Physical properties of bentonite with sand fractions
Sl. Sand fraction Bentonit WL Wp Ip Sediment volume Free swell
No. <425 µm (%) e (%) (%) (%) (%) (cc) index (%)
Water Kerosene
(Vd) Vk
1 0 100 267 13.9 180.3 84 18 366.7
2 20 80 225 15.5 148.9 63 15.5 306.4
3 40 60 155 21.8 129.2 58 14.8 291.9
4 60 40 112.5 27.7 80.8 44 13.2 233.3

Arti Sudam Pupalwad1


Water content (%)





100 80/20 60/40 40/60
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Penetration (mm)

Fig 6. Cone penetration test for bentonite sand fraction series

Figure 7 reveals the plot of shear strength versus limiting water content intended to all the soil-sand fraction
series taken for study. It showed that undrained shear strength decreased as water content increased and the
same trend was observed for all soil -sand series(A.W.Skemption and R.D, n.d.). The imperative observation
can be made with respect to percentage of sand fraction. As the percentage of fine sand fraction increased, the
undrained shear strength was increased as presented in table 6. These results are attributed stating that the
percentage of sand fraction increased the particle-to-particle contact leading to more frictional resistance(And
Table 6. Undrained shear strength at limiting water content (WL) of red soil, black soil, kaolinite and bentonite

Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021
December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli

Sl.No. (Virgin Soil + Sand fraction) (%) Liquid limit WL (%) Undrained strength

1 RE (100) 54 1.7
2 RE (80 +20) 45 2.07
3 RE (60+40) 34 2.3
4 RE (40+60) 27 2.5
5 Kaolinite (100) 50 1.65
6 Kaolinite (80+20) 42 1.8
7 Kaolinite (60+40) 36 1.93
8 Kaolinite (40+60) 25 2.18
9 BC (100) 59 1.93
10 BC (80+20) 53.8 2.3
11 BC (60+40) 50.4 2.5
12 BC (40+60) 43 2.975
13 Bentonite (100) 267 2.125
14 Bentonite (80+20) 225 2.5
15 Bentonite (60+40) 155 2.675
16 Bentonite (40+60) 112.5 3.05

Undrained shear strength at liquid limit

water content ,cu (kpa)

RE Kaolinite BC Bentonite
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Liquid limit (mm)

Fig 7. Diversity of undrained shear strength at limiting water content (WL)

Arti Sudam Pupalwad1

From the experimental results, it can be summarized that:

1. The undrained shear strength at limiting water content (Liquid and Plastic limit) may not remain unique at 1.7
kN/m2, Secondly, it was also concluded that, maximum water content is an influencing parameter, Shear
strength reduced with rise in the liquid limit.
2. Most prominently strength depends on percentage of fine sand, type of clay minerals and percentage clay
minerals present in the soil. For both red soil and kaolinite soil, the undrained shear strength decreases as sand
content decreases because of rise in water content. For both black soil and bentonite soil, the undrained shear
strength increased later on decreased as sand content increased.
3. Shear strength of soil is primarily attributed to the mobilization of van der Waal' developed between clay
particles and frictional material like fine sand.
4. The clay mineral, type of mineral and percentage of clay mineral plays vital role in the determination of shear
strength behavior.

1. A.W.Skemption and R.D, Nothey. n.d. “The Sensitivity of Clays.” ICE Publishing 3 (1).
2. And, Binu sharma and padma k. bora. 2003. “Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit and Undrained Shear Strength of Soil—
Reappraisal.” Journal Fof Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129 (8).
3. Berilgen, SA A., H. Kılıç, and K. Ozaydın. 2007. “Determination of Undrained Shear Strength for Dredged Golden Horn
Marine Clay with Laboratory Tests.” Proceedings of the Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society’s First International
4. Bureau of Indian Standards. 1977. “IS 2720-40-1977 Determination of Free Swell Index of Soils.” Indian Standard Code,
5. Bureau of Indian Standards.1985.Methods of Test for Soils, Part 5: Determination of Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit.”
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. Reaffirmed (2006): 1–16.
6. Bureau of Indian Standards.2016.“Classification and Identification of Soils for General Engineering Purposes.” Is
1498:1970, 1–24.
7. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). 1980. “IS:2720 (Part 30) - 1980: Indian Standard Methods of Test for Soils Laboratory
Vane Shear Test.” Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8. Dennehy, J. P. 1979. “Remoulded Undrained Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils and Its Influence on the Suitability of
Embankment Fill.” National Conference Publication - Institution of Engineers, Australia, 87–94.
9. IS.2720 (Part 3). 1980. “Indian Standard, Determination of Specific Gravity, Part 3 (Section II)- Fine, Medium and
Coarse Grained Soils.” Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India. Reaffirmed (2002): 1–8.
10. Nagaraj, H. B., M. V. Sravan, and B. S. Deepa. 2018. “Factors Influencing Undrained Strength of Fine-Grained Soils at
High Water Contents.” Geomechanics and Geoengineering 13 (4): 276–87.
11. Nagaraj, H. B., A. Sridharan, and H. M. Mallikarjuna. 2012. “Re-Examination of Undrained Strength at Atterberg Limits
Water Contents.” Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 30 (4): 727–36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-011-9489-

Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference 2021
December 16-18, 2021, NIT Tiruchirappalli

12. Nagaraj, H. B., and M. R. Suresh. 2018. “Influence of Clay Mineralogy on the Relationship of CBR of Fine-Grained
Soils with Their Index and Engineering Properties.” Transportation Geotechnics 15: 29–38.


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