Module 03

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Module-3 Plant Tissue Culture and Edible vaccines

Scope- This module includes detailed information on the topic Plant

Tissue Culture and an introduction to new approach of oral
immunization that is Edible vaccines.

Learning outcomes-
1. Student will able to learn about Plant tissue culture meaning,
types, basic requirements and general procedure to culture a
plant cell/ tissue/ organ.
2. Student will able to learn the basic technology to maintain a tissue
culture lab and latest techniques of PTC.
3. Student will let to know about applications of PTC.
4. Student will learn about concept of edible vaccines, advantages,
disadvantages, methods and applications.

Historical development of plant tissue culture,
types of cultures, Nutritional requirements,
growth and their maintenance. Applications of
plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy.

Tissue Culture

Plant Animal
Tissue Culture Tissue Culture
 Defination:
 Plant-tissue culture is in-vitro cultivation of plant cell or tissue under
aseptic and controlled environment conditions, in liquid or on
semisolid well defined nutrient medium for the production of primary
and secondary metabolites or to regenerate plant.
 In other words it is an experimental technique through which a mass of
cells (callus) is produced from an explant tissue.
 The callus produced through this process can be utilized directly to
regenerate palntlets or to extract or manipulate some primary and
secondary metabolites.
 The plant tissue culture refers to the cultivation of a plant cell
which normally forms a multicellular tissue.
 When grown on agar medium, the tisse forms a callus or a mass
of undifferentiated cells. The technique of cell culture is
convinient for starting and maintaining cell lines, as well as, for
studies pertaining to organogensis and meristem culture.

 The technique of in-vitro cultivation of plant cells or organs is

primarily devoted to solve two basic problems:

1. To keep the plant cells or organs free from microbes

2. To ensure the desired development in cells and organs by

providing suitable nutrient media and other environmental

Advantages of tissue culture
1. Availability of raw material
Some plants are difficult to cultivate and are also not available
in abundance and tissue culture technique is considered a better
source for regular and uniform supply of raw material for
medicinal plant industry for production of

2. Fluctuation in supplies and quality

The method of production of crude drugs is variable in quality
due to changes in climate, crop diseases and seasons. All these
problems can be overcome by tissue culture.

3. New methods for isolation

It is possible to obtain new methods for isolation and newer
compounds from plant by this technique and for which Patent
rights can be obtained.
4. Biotransformation (Process through which the functional group of
organic compound are modified by living cells) reactions are feasible
using plant-cell cultures.

6. Disease free and desired propagule

Large scale production of plant with disease free and desired
propagule could be stored and maintained without any damage during
transportation for subsequent plantation.

7. Biosynthetic pathway
Tissue culture can be used for tracing the biosynthetic pathways of
secondary metabolites using labelled precursor in the culture medium.

8. Immobilization of cells
Tissue culture can be used for plants preservation by immobilization
(entrapment)of cell further facilitating transportation and
9 Continuous, uniform biomass is obtained.

10. Medicinally important compound can be synthesized, which can’t

be synthesized chemically.

11. Useful natural compounds can be produced, independent of soil

condition & change in climatic conditions.

12. Improvement of medicinal plant species.

13. Propogation of plant without seeds in defined and controlled


Disadvantages of tissue culture

1. High level of expertise is required.

2. A small error may lead to complete collapse of product/plant.
3. Lots of chemicals are required for plant tissue culture which must contain
high purity.
4. There is no chance for evaluation of mutation.
5. Culture on artificial medium may lead to the depression of unusual
metabolic pathways, which may not be beneficial to biotechnologist.
6. In majority cases amount of secondary metabolites produced is negligible.
7. The protocols for individual plants differ very widely and Change in the
medium constitution & environmental parameters affect the rate of cell
growth & accumulation of secondary metabolites.
8. To maximize on the cell mass produced the cell suspension culture
eventually becomes very dense and these presents problems of even
9. Instability
10. Slow growth
11. Expensive process
12. Aseptic conditions are to be maintained through out the growth of plant.
Historical development of plant tissue culture
The principles of tissue culture were involved 1838-1839 in cell theory advanced by
Schleiden and Schwann.

Basic requirements of Plant Tissue Culture:
•Plant material
•Equipments and Glasswares
•Aseptic Condition
•Washing and storage facilities
•Media preparation room
•Sterilization room
•Nutrient medium
•Transfer room
•Culture room or incubators
•Proper and optimum aeration
•Well equipped observation or recording area

Plant material
•The plant material should be disease free and should not be to old.
•Also the particular species/variety/genotype which are used should be
the right one.
•Generally in-vitro germinated seedlings are frequently chosen as seed
is often also much more readily sterilized than softer plant tissues.
•When plants are healthy and at the desired stage for use, it is often the
case that only a specific part of these plants will give the best explants.
E.g. A particular internode, the youngest fully expanded leaf etc.

Equipments and Glasswares

•Incubating chamber or laminar airflow cabinet with UV light fitting for
aseptic transfer
•Incubator with temperature control ± 0.5ºC generally temperature
recommended for most tissue culture studies is 36ºC.
•Autoclave-for sterilization of glassware, media etc.
•Refrigerators and freezers-For storage of reagents, tissue culture stock
solutions, chemicals etc.
•Hot air oven-for dry sterilization of glassware, media etc.
•Microscope-Simple and special microscope with a provision to take
camera are required. The stage of this microscope should be large
enough to accommodate large roller bottles in specific cases.
•pH meter- for adjusting the pH of the medium
•A spirit burner or gas micro burner for flame sterilization of
•Washing up equipments- Washing facilities for glassware, pipette etc.
in deep soaking baths or washing sinks of stainless steel or
polypropylene are suitable for manual washing and rinsing of almost
all types of glassware except pipettes.
Standard siphon type pipette washers are suitable for washing the
pipettes soaked in detergent for overnight. The washed pipettes should
be rinsed with deionised water and dried in a stainless steel pippette
•Water purifier- Pure water is required at most of the plant tissue
culture study.
•Centrifuge- To increase the concentration of cell suspension culture
•Shakers- To maintain cell suspension culture
•Balance- To weigh various nutrients of the preparation of the medium
•Shelves- Build from rigid wire mesh to allow maximum air movement
and minimum shading should be used in the culture room.
•Scissors, scalpels and forceps- For explant preparation from excies plant
parts are for their transfer
•Culture vessels- Usually borosilicate glass vessels are preferred, it
includes test tubes, conical flasks, bottles, special flat tubes etc.
Now, the common vessels are 100 ml conical flasks or large test tubes of
25 × 150 mm size.
•Glasswares- Like measuring cylinders, beakers, funnels, petri dishes,
graduated pipette, conical flask etc. Are required for preparation of
nutrient media.
•Miscellaneous-Non absorbent cotton plug, screw cap or polyurethane
foam is required to close the mouth of the culture vessel. Aluminium foil
is required to cover the exposed part of plug from becoming wet when
autoclaved. Labels, marking pencils, hand lens, plastic disposables like
syringes, plastic bottles, hot plate, stirrer etc.
•Microwave- not essential but it melts the solidified media for pouring in
culture vessels like petri dishes etc. 14
Aseptic Condition
•The plant materials (tissues), equipments, culture media and
the room should be free from microorganisms.
•Usually dry heat, wet heat, ultrafiltration and chemicals are
used for the sterilisation process.
•Surface sterilisation of plant materials such as seed, fruit, stem,
leaf etc. by agents like
•9-10% calcium hypochlorite for 5-30 minutes
•2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 5-30 minutes. The
materials need to be washed thoroughly in double-distilled
water, after sterilising in these solutions.
•10-12% of hydrogen peroxide solution for 5-15 minutes.
•1-2% bromine water, for 2-10 minutes
•1% solution of chlorine water, mercuric chloride, silver
nitrate or antibiotics etc. can also be used.
•Absolute alcohol is used for hard tissues
•Dry heat method is used for sterilisation of equipments in hot
air oven.
•Sterilisation of equipment with chromic acid-sulphuric acid
mixture, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid strong detergent solution,
alcohol, incubator or autoclaves etc. are use for this purpose.
•Wet heat method is used for sterilisation of glassware, culture
media in autoclave at 121°C and 15 lb pressure for 15 minutes.
•Ultrafiltration is used for sterilisation of liquid media which are
unstable at high temperature.
•Antibiotics are added to medium to prevent the growth of the
microorganisms e.g. Potassium benzyl penicillin, strptomycin
sulphate, gentamycin etc.
•Chemicals like alcohol are used for sterilisation of working area
and the instruments.
•Sterilisation of the environment is done by fumigation method,
the inoculation chamber is generally laminar airflow cabinet is
widely used these days. 16
•Washing and storage facilities
•Fresh water supply and disposal of waste water facility should
be available.
•Space for distillation unit for the supply of distilled and double
distilled water and de-ionized water should be available.
•Working table, sink or wash basin for apparatus/equipment
washing should be acid and alkali resistant.
•Sufficient space is required for lacing hot air oven, washing
machine, pipette washers etc.
•For storage of dried glassware separate dust proof cupboards or
cabined should be provided.

•Media preparation room

•It should be spacious to accommodate lab ware, culture vessels,
equipments, chemicals etc. The preparation room should also be
well equipped with refrigerator, freezer etc. for storage of media
and stock solutions. 17
•Sterilization room
•In the tissue culture lab it is desirable to have separate sterilization room for
sterilization of culture media, glassware, metallic equipments like scissors,
scalp etc. Generally sterilisation is done in autoclave or hot air oven.

•Nutrient medium
•Media is composed of
•Inorganic nutrients which includes macronutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium etc. and micronutrients like boron,
copper, iron, manganese, zinc etc.
•Organic nutrients includes Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B6, B3, B5 etc.
Amino acids like L-arginine, L-asparagine, L-cysteine HCL, L-glutamine
etc, Carbon source like glucose or maltose, Growth hormones/regulators
like auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins, ethylene, abscisic acid.
•Others media substances like protein hydrolysates, yeast extaracts,
fruit (e.g. banana) extracts, coconut milk, solidifying agents like agar,
alginate, gelatin etc., Iron source e.g.EDTA, Antibiotics.
•pH of the medium should be in a range of 5.6-6.0 before autoclaving the
culture medium
•Transfer room
•It is provided with the laminar flow hood where most of the work
of culture initiation and subsequent sub culturing is performed.
Culture re-plantation, transfer or re-initiation in a clean media,
harvesting of ‘ripe’ cultures is also performed in this area.

•Culture room or incubators

•Cultures are incubated on shelves or in incubators under specific
condition of temperature, humidity, air circulation and light.
•Incubation chamber or area should have both light and
temperature controlled devices managed for 24 hours period.
• Generally high output, cool, white fluorescent light is preferred
for a photo-period duration (specified period for total darkness as
well as for higher intenesity light) with a temperature range of 25 ±
2°C (range 18-25°C).
•The rooms are required to be maintined at a relative humidity upto
70-75% (range of 20-90% controllable to ±3%) and uniform forced
air circulation. 19
•Proper and optimum aeration
•Adequate aeration is required for cell to grow.
•Tissues which are cultured on semisolid media do not require any
special method for aeration, but tissues which are grown in
suspension cultures, require special devices for aeration.
•Aeration for submerged cultures can be provided by following
•Placing the culture vessel with the liquid medium on an
automatic shaker.
•The two ends of the filter paper are dipped in a medium and
the middle horizontal portion on which the tissue is placed
remains above the level of the medium this method is called as
filter paper bridge method.
•Passing sterilised air through the medium and by stirring the
•The culture vessels are closed with non-adsorbent cotton covered
in cheese cloth. This process allows proper aeration but prevents
the entry of microorganisms. 20
•Well equipped observation or recording area
•At regular intervals growth and maintenance of the tissue culture
in the incubators should be recorded. All observations should be
done in aseptic environment.
•For microscopic examination separate dust free space shold be
marked for microscopic work.

Basic Methodology/technique of Plant Tissue Culture
The general technique used in the isolation and growth of culture is described
as follows:
1. Preparation of suitable nutrient medium: As per the selection of plant
medium is autoclaved.
2. Selection of explant: Any excised part of health plant to be used e.g. Bud,
leaf, root, seed etc.
3. Sterilisation of explants: by sodium hypochlorite, mercuric chloride etc.
and washed asceptically for 6-10 times with sterilised water.
4. Inoculation (Transfer): The sterile explant is inoculated on solidified
nutrient medium under asceptic condition.
5. Incubation: Cultures are incubated at of 25±2°C and at a relative humidity
upto 50-70% fro 16 hrs of photo period.
6. Regeneration: Plantlets regenerated after transferring a portion of callus
into another medium and induction of roots and shoots or directly from
7. Hardening: Is the gradual exposure of plantlets for acclimatisation to
environment condition.
8. Plantlet transfer: Plantlet are transferred to green house or field conditions.
Preparation of an explant Inoculation After incubation

Selection of plant

Various stages of plant growth

Plant ready to be transferred into
green house or hardening stage

Regeneration of a plant from an explant

Laminar air flow

Tissue culture rack

Types of Cultures
1. Depending upon the type of medium
2. Depending on the part used for culture
1. Depending upon the type of medium


Suspensi Static culture

on culture (Callus culture)
Semi- Continuous
Batch culture continuous culture
Open Closed
type type


2. Depending on the part used for culture

a) Organ Culture
i. Root tip culture (Meristem - root tip culture)
ii. Shoot tip culture (Meristem - shoot tip culture)
iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture
iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)
v. Anther and pollens culture
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
vii. Ovaries culture
viii. Nucellus culture
ix. Seed culture
x. Cotyledon culture
xi. Endosperm culture
xii. Fruit culture
xiii. Plant cell culture
b) Hairy Root Culture
c) Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization

Callus – a mass of undifferentiated plant cells grown on solid media
from plant part/explant.
 It may initiate from explants of any multi-cellular plant.
 The organs such as root, stem tips, leaves, flowers and fruit are grown
on solid media.
 The cell groups are initiated from:
- Explant/Segments of root, stem or leaf either from the mature or
embryogenic plant
- Explant/Excised fragments of parenchyma or mixed tissue containing
cambium or endosperm
 The longer the tissue explant the more complex the range of cell types
& greater the possibilities of initiating a culture of mixed cells.
 Callus can be induced to undergo organogenesis and/or
embryogenesis and eventually whole plant by providing suitable
nutrient medium.
 To study the biosynthetic pathway of various metabolic processes by
using tracer elements in callus culture.
 It is useful for the production of secondary metabolites.
 It involves active proliferation of callus as
undivided unit suspended or submerged in a
liquid medium.
 The nutrient medium in this case is in
constant agitation so as to prevent the cells
from settling or aggregating in to clumps.
 Suspension cultures are normally initiated
by transferring pieces of undifferentiated
callus to a liquid medium which is agitated
during incubation.

Batch Suspension Culture
 It means ‘Culture in a fixed volume of culture
 In general, a nutrient medium and cellular
inoculum are mixed, aerated and allowed to grow
 In Batch cultures, as the cells grow, the medium is
depleted of nutrients and metabolic byproducts
from the cells accumulate.
 Batch cultures are characterized by
- continuous changes in the medium
- continuous internal changes in cellular
- accumulation of metabolic products.
 The system is “closed” with respect to additions or
removal of culture, except for circulation of air. 31
Semicontinuous Suspension Culture
 Here, the system is ‘open’.
 There is periodic removal of culture and the
addition of fresh medium, due to which growth of
the culture is continuously maintained.

Continuous Suspension Culture

 The system is ‘open’ here also.
 In this systems, volume of culture remains
constant and fresh medium is added
continuously to a fixed volume of growing
culture and withdrawn.

 Cell proliferation takes place under constant condition.
 This system allows
- Establishment of steady states of growth and
- Study of the changes which occur in transitions from one
steady state to another.
- Identification of the controlling factors.
Two types of Continuous Suspension Culture
1. Open type
Regulated new medium and balancing harvest of equal
volume of culture
 Chemostat
 Continuous new medium input is set at a predetermined
rate and determine the nature of the resulting
 Useful to study the steady states.
 Desired rate of growth is maintained by adjusting the
level of concentration of nutrient by constant inflow of33
 Turbidostat
 Cell density is set at a predetermined
level (as monitored by the optical
properties of the culture) and new medium
is added to maintain cell density within
 Particularly valuable for work at low cell
 Offers a simplified system for study of
effects of physical factors and growth
regulating substance in growth rate and
associated metabolism.
2. Closed type
The used medium is replaced with fresh
medium, hence, the cells from used medium
are mechanically separated and added back to
the culture and thus, the cell biomass keeps

 Organogenesis is a process involving redifferentiation of
meristematic cells present in callus into shoot buds or root or
even whole plantlets.

 In short, the formation of organs is called organogenesis. The

de-navo genesis of plant organ is broadly defined as

 In plants, development is the process that results in a functional

mature organism which includes all the events during the life of
the plant that produce the body of the organism and provides the
capacity to obtain food, to reproduce and deal with the hazards
of its environment. Therefore, organogenesis is a process that is
in some way unique to plants.
 The shoot buds are monopolar structures which in turn give rise
to leaf primordial and the apical meristem.

 The stimulation of shoot bud differentiation in plants depends

on many factors which differ for different plant species.

Skoog showed that auxin could stimulate rooting and inhibit

shoot formation.

Other factors affecting organogenesis are size and source of the


Light intensity plays an important role in organogenesis.

High light intensity has been shown to be inhibitory for shoot

bud formation in tobacco.
Even the quality of light has effect as blue light has been
shown to induce shoot formation while red light stimulates
rooting in tobacco.

The optimum temperature required may vary with plant


A medium solidified with agar favours bud formation although

there are some reports about the development of leafy shoot buds
on cultures grown as suspension.

Embryo is defined as the earliest recognisable multicellular stage
of an individual that occurs before the development of
characteristic organs of the given species.
Production of embryo like structure from callus is known as
embryogenesis. In higher plants such embroys usually arise from
zygote formation and are termed as zygotic embryos.
Various types of cells and tissues can be used as source of
embryogenic cells. It may be microspores (1n), zygote (2n),
somatic cells (2n) or somatic hybrids (4n).
Embryogenesis can be induces in such cells by nonproliferative or
proliferative direct embryogenesis or by growing embryogenic
callus which in turn germinates and develops into whole plant.
Embryogenesis can be initiated in an explant only from the more
juvenile or meristematic tissues.
Immature zygotic embryos, cotyledons and hypocotyl dissected
from ungerminated seeds are common explants.
Isolated somatic cells can develop into embroys.
Embryo development occurs through an organised sequence of cell
division, enlargement and differentiation.
The final stages of development towards maturation are
distinguished by overall enlargement and matured embryo
Somatic embryogenesis involves three distinct steps which are
absent in organogenesis
It is the initiative phase where cells of callus are induced to divide
and differentiate into groups of meristematic cells called
embryogenic clumps (ECs).
These ECs develop into initial stages of somatic embryo i.e.
globular stage.
In this phase somatic embryos develop into mature embryos by
differentiating from globular to heart shaped and the mature embryo
here undergoes biochemical changes to acquire hardness.
Embryos germinate to produce seedlings.
Advantages of Organogenesis & Embryogenesis

1. Efficiency of process (reduction in labour cost and time, the

formation of plantlets is fewer steps)

2. The potential for the production of much higher number of

plantlets and morphological and cytological uniformity of the

3. Production of several plants on commercial scale includes food

crops, vegetables, spices, and fruits, medicinal and aromatic

2. Depending on the part used for culture

a) Organ Culture
i. Root tip culture (Meristem - root tip culture)
ii. Shoot tip culture (Meristem - shoot tip culture)
iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture
iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)
v. Anther and pollens culture
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
vii. Ovaries culture
viii. Nucellus culture
ix. Seed culture
x. Cotyledon culture
xi. Endosperm culture
xii. Fruit culture
xiii. Plant cell culture
b) Hairy Root Culture
c) Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization
2. Depending on the part used for culture
a) Organ Culture

i. Root tip culture (Meristem – root tip culture)

Root apical meristem is mainly responsible for the growth of

roots by cell division, cell enlargement and cellular differentiation.
Tips of the lateral roots are sterilised, excised and transferred
to fresh medium.
The lateral roots continue to grow and provide several roots,
which after seven days, are used to experimental cultures.
By this culture method it is possible to study the nutritional
requirements of roots, shoot and root growth, conditions required
for the development of secondary vascular tissues, lateral root
and bud formation, nodulation etc.

ii. Shoot-tip culture (Meristem – shoot tip culture)

 The shoot apex or shoot-tip (100-1000 µm long) consists of

the apical meristem and one to three adjacent leaf primordia.
 Actively growing shoot-tip is surface sterilized and is placed
on a defined culture medium under sterile conditions.

 Shoot Node culture is simplified form of shoot culture, which

is yet another method for production from pre-existing
meristem. It is the simplest method but is associated with the
least genetic variation.

 Some of the crop species that have been freed of

viruses by this technique, they include soyabean,
sweet potato, sugar cane and rhubarb.
 This method is used with both monocot and dicot

iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture

 The growth of leaves on the culture medium depends

upon the stage of the leaves during excision.
 It is observed that explants from immature young
leaves grow better than explants from older leaves.
 Leaves (800 µm long) may be detached from shoots,
surface sterilized and placed on a solidified medium
where they will remain in a healthy conditions for a
long period.
 It is believed that leaf culture depends upon the
physiological state and the age of the leaf.
 The shoot forming potentials differ in the leaf cultures
as per the derivation of the explant and the hormonal
factors involved.

iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)

 Flowers two days after pollination are excised,

sterilized by immersion in 5% calcium hypochlorite,
repeatedly washed with sterilized water and
transferred to culture tubes containing an agar
 When cultured, such flowers produce fruits. Larger
fruits are obtained on medium supplemented with
growth hormones. Flowers excised before pollination
do not produce fruits.

 This culture system is useful in studying

microclimates or nutritional effects on the vegetative
and reproductive processes of the plant.

v. Anther and pollens culture
 Young flower buds are removed from the plant and surface
 Immature stage of anther or late stage of anther containing starch
filled pollen usually grow abnormally or the development is generally
ineffective and hence for better response always select mature
anther or pollen.
 The anthers are then carefully excised and transferred to an
appropriate nutrient medium.
 The anthers are generally cultured on a solid agar medium where
they develop into embryoids for anther culture under alternate light
and dark period.
 Anther or pollen grains of different species have been successfully
culture to obtain large number of haploid plants.
 Pollen grains removed from the anther either mechanically or by
naturally dehiscence. Anthers placed in 5 ml of liquid medium in a
petri dish containing pollen grains in the culture media are sealed
with parafilm and incubated. After incubation haploid plantlets are
developed. 47
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
 Mature embryos are excised from ripened ovule/seeds and
cultured mainly to avoid inhibition in the seed for germination.
Very small globular embryos require a delicate balance of the
 Embryo is dissected from the ovule/seed and put into culture
 This type of culture is relatively easy as the embryos require a
simple nutrient medium containing mineral salts, sugar and
agar for growth and development.
 Also, multicellular immature embryos are dissected out and
cultured aseptically to obtain viable hybrids. Once the embryo
is rescued, two genomes are needed to be combined together
to produce a fertile plant.
 By this method dormancy period of seeds can be shortened,
as well as haploids can be produced.
 By ovule culture, it is possible to grow, study various nutritional
requirements and stages young embryos or zygote. 48
vii. Ovaries culture

 Ovaries excised after pollination can produce fruits on a

simple medium containing mineral salts, sugar and
 Ovaries taken from un-pollinated flowers fail to produce
fruits on such a simple medium but can develop into
seedless fruits on a medium supplemented with
 By this culturing method physiology of fruit development
can be studied.
 Haploids can be produced.
 Rare hybrids can also be produced by ovary culture.
 Dormancy period of seeds can be reduced.

viii.Nucellus culture

 Nucellar tissues excised from unfertilised ovules

have no adventitive embryoids. If cultured on a
medium containing malt extract and adenine,
embryoids are formed but they are unable to

 When such embryoids are excised and cultured on a

medium containing gibberellin, plantlets may be
formed which can then be transplanted to the field.

 Disease-free clones can be obtained by nucellus


ix. Seed culture
 The seeds are treated with 70% alcohol for about two
minutes, washed with sterile distilled water, treated with
surface sterilizing agent for specific period.
 Once again rinsed with sterilized distilled water and kept for
germination by placing them on double layers of pre-
sterilized filter paper, placed in petri-dish moistened with
sterilized distilled water or placed on moistened cotton swab
in petri-dish.
 The seeds are germinated in dark at 25-28°C and small part
of the seedling is utilized for the initiation of callus.

x. Cotyledon culture
 Immature cotyledon develops into somatic embryos, shoot
buds and complete plants if cultured on a suitable nutrient

xi. Endosperm culture

 If endosperm is cultured on a proper nutrient medium

continued proliferation of callus mass takes place
and subsequently plant is regenerated.

 It is useful for plant breeding and horticultures.

 It also useful in the production of plantlets as an

alternative to the conventional methods of crossing
i.e. tetraploids with diploids or triploids induction
which is applicable to fruit trees.

xii. Fruit culture
 The culture of fruit tissues as whole organ or isolated tissue
section such as ovary has been successfully cultured to give rise
to mature fruits e.g. strawberry.
 Usually when an isolated portion of the fruit tissue is introduced
into a sterile environment.
 It immediately loses structural integrity and degenerates into a
rapidly dividing callus mass.
 Loss of structural integrity is associated correspondingly with an
alteration of physiology that is subsequently reflected in the
production of an altered metabolism.
 So it is not possible to make a meaningful study of fruits
developing using callus derived culture.
 The use of fruit culture is to serve as a bioassay system to study
fruits maturation events within a controlled environment.

xiii. Plant cell culture

 Culture of isolated cells or very small aggregates remaining
disperswed in liquid medium.

 Certain soil bacteria of the genus Agrobacterium (Gram negative

bacteria) infects a wide range of plant species and causes the
infection in plant termed as “Hairy root” disease.
 The disease is transformed bye their genome t-DNA from a
bacterial plasmid to plant hairy root cells.
 A large number of small fine hairy roots covered with root hairs
originated directly from the explant in response to Agrobacterium
rhizogenes or Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
 The hairy roots are produced by inoculating the host plant when
grown in a hormone-free medium give rise to copious roots
referred to as 'transformed roots' or 'hairy roots'.
 These are fast growing, highly branched adventitious roots at the
site of infection.
 They are genetically stable and affect a wide range of
dicotyledonous plants and have same metabolic features.
Establishment/Methodology of Hairy Root Culture
 The explant material is inoculated with a suspension of
Agrobacterium rhizogenes generated by growing bacteria in YMB
medium for two days at 25°C with gyratory (round circle) shaking,
pelleting by centrifugation (5×10 rpm; 20min) and suspending the
bacteria in YMB medium to form a thick suspension.
 Transformation may be induced as asceptic plants grown from seeds,
of on detached leaves, leaf discs, petioles of stem segments from
green house plants following sterilization of excised tissue with 10%
(v/v) domestos for 20 minutes.
 Scratching the midrib of a leaf or the stem of a plantlet, with the
needle of a hypodermic syringe containing the thick bacterial
suspension allows inoculation with small (about 5-10µl) droplets
containing Agrobacterium rhizogenes.
 In some species a profusion of roots may appear directly at the site of
inoculation, but in other a callus will form initially and roots emerge
subsequently from it.
 In either case hair rot normally appear with in 1-4 weeks although the
susceptibility of species to infection is variable.
Advantages of Hairy Root Culture
 Genetic and growth kinetic stability over prolonged period of
growth in vitro.
 Ease of culture in vitro using simple media lacking
 Many plant cell culture systems, which did not produce adequate
amount of desired compounds is being reinvestigated using hairy
root culture methods.
 A diversified range of plant species has been transformed using
various bacterial strains.
 Plant regeneration, plant improvement and genetic manipulation in
plant can be done.
 Reproducible & predictable levels of product synthesis.
 Capability to synthesize (novel) secondary metabolites specific to
that plant species from which they have developed in equal or
even higher amount compared to field grown plants.
 More accumulation of secondary metabolites.
 Eg. Levels of steroidal alkaloid solasodine is significantly higher
in hairy root cultures than callus or suspension cultures. 56
Problems associated with Hairy Root Culture
Excess bacterial growth.
 Slow regeneration.
 Decreased cell division and transformation due to stress.
 No transformation.
 Loss of gene effects.

Applications of Hairy Root Culture

Sr. Plant Product obtained
1 Artemisia annua Artimisinin
2 Hyoscyamus Hyoscyamine
3 Nicotiana tabacum Nicotine, Anatabine
4 Podophyllum spp. Lignans
5 Panax ginseng Polyacetylene analogues
6 Solanum aviculare Solasodine
7 Withania somnifera Withanolides
8 Valeriana wallichi Valpotriates
c) Protoplast culture

Protoplast are plant cells with a plasma membrane but

without cell wall, because of this the protoplast provide the
starting point for many of the technique of genetic manipulator
of plants, in particular the induction of somaclonal variation,
somatic hybridization and genetic transfer.
They are cultivated in liquid as well as on solid media.

Isolation of Protoplasts is by two methods.

Protoplasts can be isolated from almost all plant parts i.e.,
roots, leaves, fruits, tubers, root nodules, endosperm, pollen
cells, and cells of callus tissue.
1. Mechanical method
2. Enzymatic method
1. Mechanical method

The cells were kept in a suitable plasmolyticum (lysis of plasma

membrane) and cut with a fine knife.

Cells were cut only through the cell wall, releasing intact

This mechanical procedure gave low yield of protoplasts and

could be utilized for only highly vacuolated and non meristematic

The method is laborious and tedious.

1. Mechanical Method

Cells Plasmolysis
Plant Tissue

Microscope Observation of cells

Release of protoplasm
Cutting cell wall with knife

Collection of protoplasm
2. Enzymatic Method
Leaf sterilization,
removal of epidermis

Filtration through Macroenzyme (Pectinase)

Nylon mesh in 13% Mannitol

Isolated cells + 2% Cellulose

1 and a half hour

Cellulose + Pectinase

2-3 hrs at 20-22°C

2. Enzymatic method
Commercial preparations of purified cell wall degrading enzymes such as
macroezyme, cellulase and hemicellulose became available that gave
further progress to enzymatic isolation of protoplasts.
By this method very large number of protoplast are obtained compared to
mechanical method.
Cells are not damaged or broken
Osmotic shrinkage of protoplast is much less.

Enzymatic method of protoplast isolation can be classified into two

2.1 Sequential enzymatic
This involves two steps where first macerated plant tissues are incubated
with pectinase to get single cells followed by cellulase treatment to get

2.2Mixed enzymatic
This involves simultaneous separation of cells and degradation of their
walls to convert protoplast by immersing plant tissues in mixture of
pectinases and cellulases.
2. Enzymatic method

Leaf sterlization, removal of

Mixed enzymatic Sequential enzymatic

Plasmolysed Plasmolysed
cells cells

Pectinase +cellulase Pectinase

Release of Protoplasm
Protoplasm released released
isolated cells

Isolation, mainly from leaves & pollen

Mechanical Enzymatic

• Used occasionally • Generally used

• Advantage: • Advantages:
Unknown effects of enzymes 1. Large quantity of protoplasts obtained

on protoplast eliminated 2. Cells not broken

3. Osmotic shrinkage is much less
• Disadvantage:
• Disadvantage:
Cells may be broken
Unknown effects of enzymes on protoplast

Isolated protoplast are usually cultured in either liquid or semisolid agar media
plates. They require somatic protection in culture medium until they generate a
strong cell wall. Methodology of Protoplast culture is described below:
Isolated Protoplast is cleaned by centrifugation and decantation method

The protoplast solution (1× 105 protoplast/ml) is poured on sterile and

cooled molten nutrient medium

Mix the two gently but quickly by rotating each petridish

Allow the medium to set, seal petridishes with paraffin film and incubate

Protoplasts capable of dividing undergo cell divisions from callus within 2-3

The callus is then subculture on fresh medium

Embryogenesis begin from callus when it is transferred to a proper nutrient

medium and subsequently whole plant develops 65
Applications of protoplast culture
1. To develop Novel hybrid plant through protoplast fusion.
2. In single cell derived colony, isolation of mutants through
mutagens is easier.
3. Single cell cloning can be easily performed with protoplasts.
4. Regeneration of entire plant or plant improvement through
protoplast culture.
5. Genetic transformation through DNA uptake can be
6. Reproducible protoplast to plant systems are now available
for many plants of agronomic value.
Protoplast fusion

•Protoplast fusion
• It is the technique in which two or more protoplast are fused
into a single cell protoplast.

•The protoplast fusion allows us to bring an desirable plant

traits in combination that are not possible by sexual means.

•May occur between same or different plant

•Mutinucleate protoplasm obtained after fusion

Three main phases are there for fusion:

1. Agglutination: Plasma membrane of two or more

protoplast are brought into close proximity. (A and B)

2. Membranes of protoplasts agglutinated by fusogen get

fused at the point of adhesion. This results in the
formation of cytoplasmic bridge between the

3. Rounding off of the fused protoplast due to the

expansion of cytoplasmic bridge froming a spherical
hetrokaryon (A-B) or homo karyons (A-A or B-B).
Binulceate hetero karyons. The fusion of the nuclei
results in a tetraploid hybrid cell. Also cybrid cell is
formed with a selective chromosome loss. 68
Stages of Protoplast fusion and Hybridization

Protoplast A Protoplast B
2A 2B

A-A Homokaryon B-B Homokaryon

A-B Hetrokaryon

A-B Hybrid
(Cytoplasmic hybrid ) 69
Methods of Protoplast fusion

Techniques/Methods of Protoplast Fusion

(Fusion of protoplasts of two different genomes)

1. Spontaneous Fusion 2. Induced Fusion

Intraspecific Intergeneric Chemical Mechanical Electrical

Techniques/Methods of Protoplast Fusion
Spontaneous Fusion
 Protoplast fuse spontaneously during isolation process mainly due to
physical contact among similar parental protoplast.
 Protoplast from their adjoining cells fuse through their
plasmodesmata to form a multinucleate protoplast.
 Two types of spontaneous fusion
• Intraspecific produce homokaryones
• Intergeneric have no importance
Induced Fusion
 Freely isolated protoplast from different sources are fused with the
help of fusion inducing agents.
 Fusion needs an inducing agent that actually reduces electro
negativity and allows the isolated protoplast to fuse.
 The various fusogens used for induced fusion are classified under
various class as below:
◦ a) Chemical fusion
◦ b) Mechanical fusion
◦ c) Electrical fusion
a) Chemical Fusion
Types of fusogens are used like PEG, NaNo3, Ca2+ ions,
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) etc. The cell membrane posses
negative charge and after treatment with such chemical
agents when cell membrane are brought into close
physical contact they fuse.
b) Mechanical Fusion
It is not dependent upon the presence of fusion inducing
agent. Physical fusion of protoplasts is done under
microscope by using micromanipulator and perfusion
c) Electrical Fusion
Protoplast are placed into a small culture cell containing
electrodes and a potential difference (10kv m-1) is applied
then the protoplast will line up (form chain) between the
Fusion of protoplasts of chain is induced by the
Somatic hybridization
The technique of hybrid production through the fusion of
isolated somatic protoplast under in-vitro conditions and
subsequent development of their product to a hybrid
plant is called somatic hybridization.

Various stages of somatic hybridization are as follows

1. Isolation of protoplast

2. Fusion of the protoplasts of desired species/varieties

3. Identification and Selection of somatic hybrid cells

4. Culture of the hybrid cells

5. Regeneration of hybrid plants

1. Isolation of Protoplast
Same as discussed before
2. Fusion of isolated Protoplast
Same as discussed before
3. Identification and Selection of somatic hybrid cells
The protoplasts of two parents may be labelled by different
fluorescent compounds, which will then enable for the
identification and selection of hybrids. Identification is based on
difference between the parental cells and hybrid cell with respect
to Pigmentation, Cytoplasmic markers, Presence of chloroplast,
Nuclear staining etc.
In the mixture of both fused and unfused protoplast Selection of
hybrid is done on the basis of several procedures like Genetic
complementation, antibiotec-resistant cell lines, isoenzyme
analysis, Phytotoxins, Specific amino acid, Auxin autotrophy,
Auxotrophic and metabolic mutants, Chromosomal analysis by
hybird cell, Herbicides etc.
4. Culture of the hybrid cells
Hybrid cells are cultured on suitable medium provided with
the appropriate culture conditions.

5. Regeneration of hybrid plants

Plants are induced to regenerate from hybrid cells. These
hybrid plants must be at least partially fertile, in addition to
having some useful property, to be of any use in breeding

Advantages of somatic hybridization
 Novel approach for introducing or increasing genetic
variability at nuclear or extra nuclear organelle genome level,
in higher plants
 Production of novel interspecific and intergenic hybrid
◦ e.g. Pomato (Hybrid of potato and tomato)
 Somatic hybridization is significant in improvement of plants
such as banana, potato, sugarcane, and yam.
 Production of fertile diploids and polypoids from sexually
sterile haploids, triploids and aneuploids
 Transfer gene for disease resistance, abiotic stress resistance,
herbicide resistance and many other quality characters.
 Production of heterozygous lines in the single species which
cannot be propagated by vegetative means
 Studies on the fate of plasma genes
 Production of unique hybrids of nucleus and cytoplasm
Limitations of Somatic
 Poor regeneration of hybrid plants
 Non-viability of fused products
 Not successful in all plants.
 Production of unfavorable hybrids
 Lack of an efficient method for selection of hybrids
 No confirmation of expression of particular trait in
somatic hybrids.
 Elimination of chromosomes from the hybrid cell








Nutrient Media for Plant Tissue
Functions of medium
 Provide water
 Provide mineral nutritional needs
 Provide vitamins
 Provide growth regulators
 Access to atmosphere for gas
 Removal of plant metabolite waste
Sources of energy

Carbon Source Nitrogen Source

- Sucrose 2-5%
- Fructose Defined Undefined
- Lactose
- Maltose
- Starch - Milk of
Major Minor cocunut
Inorganic ions - Amino acids -Extracts of
- NH4+ - Glycine malt
- NO3- - Glutamine yeast & corn

Composition of Culture
• Cultre Media is composed of
• Inorganic nutrients which includes macronutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium etc. and micronutrients like
boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc etc.
• Organic nutrients includes Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B6, B3, B5
etc. Amino acids like L-arginine, L-asparagine, L-cysteine HCL,
L-glutamine etc, Carbon source like glucose or maltose, Growth
hormones/regulators like auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins,
ethylene, abscisic acid.
• Others media substances like protein hydrolysates, yeast
extaracts, fruit (e.g. banana) extracts, coconut milk, solidifying
agents like agar, alginate, gelatin etc., Iron source e.g.EDTA,
• pH of the medium should be in a range of 5.6-6.0 before
autoclaving the culture medium
Inorganic Macro nutrients for plant tissue cultures
Constituents Heller Nitsch & White Hildebrand Musashige Gautheret
Nitsch t Ricker & & Skoog

KCl 750 1500 65 65

NaNO3 600

MgSO4 7H20 250 250 720 180 370 125

NaH2PO4 H20 125 250 16.5 33

CaCl2 2H20 75 440

KNO3 2000 80 80 1900 125

CaCl2 25

Na2SO4 200 800

Ca(NO3) 2

NH4NO3 1650

KH2PO4 170 125


Ca(No3)2 4H20 300 400 500

Inorganic Micro nutrients for plant tissue cultures
Constituents Heller Nitsch & White Hildebrandt Musashige Gautheret
Nitsch Ricker & & Skoog
NiSO4 0.05
FeSO4 7H20 27.8 0.05
MnSO4 4H20 0.01 3 7 4.5 22.3 3
KI 0.01 0.75 3.0 0.83 0.5
NiCl2 6H20 0.03
CoCl2 0.025
Ti(SO4)3 0.2
ZnSO4 7H20 0.01 0.5 3 6 8.6 0.18
CuSO4 5H20 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.05
BeSO4 0.1
H3BO3 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.38 6.2 0.05
H2SO4 1.0
FeCl3 6H20 1.0
Mg2MO4 0.025 0.25
AlCl3 0.03
Fe2 (SO4) 3 2.5
Ferrictartarate 40 86
Inorganic nutrients:
• Mineral elements play very important role in the growth of
plant Function of nutrients in plant growth. Essentially about
15 elements found important for whole plant growth have
also been proved necessary for the growth of tissue(s) in
• Macronutrient: Elements required in the life of a plant greater
than 0.5 mmol/lit are referred as macronutrients.
• The macronutirents include six major elements as follows:
Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorous (P), Calcium (Ca),
Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S).
Nitrogen 2-20mmol/lit – Influences plant growth rate,
essential in plant nucleic acids (DNA), proteins, chlorophyll,
amino acids, and hormones.
• Phosphorus 1-3 mmol/lit– Abundant in meristimatic and
fast growing tissue, essential in photosynthesis,

• Potassium 20 -30 mmol/lit– Necessary for cell division,

meristematic tissue, helps in the pathways for
carbohydrate, protein and chlorophyll synthesis.

• Calcium 1-3 mmol/lit - Involved in formation of cell walls

and root and leaf development. Participates in
translocation of sugars, amino acids, and ties up oxalic
acid (toxin)

• Magnesium 1-3 mmol/lit - Involved in photosynthetic

and respiration system. Active in uptake of phosphate
and translocation of phosphate and starches.

• Sulfur 1-3 mmol/lit - Involved in formation of nodules

Inorganic nutrients: contd…
• Micronutrient: Elements required in the life of a plant less
than 0.5 mmol/lit are referred as micronutrients.
• Overall the plant thrives on seventeen elements out of
which four like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are
derived from the atmosphere and the rest thirteen
microelements like Boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc,
cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, aluminium, iodine, ferrous,
sodium, chlorine.
• A media lacking in these micronutrient does not support
healthy and wholesome growth and the plant exhibits
deficiency symptoms such as pigmentation, absence of
vessels, presence of narrow cambial zone, cellular
hypertrophy and symptoms of chlorosis due to absence of
ferrous and sulphur.
◦ Micronutrients concentrations and there role
◦ Iron (Fe)-1 mM/l - Involved in Cell division, respiration,
chlorophyll synthesis and photosynthesis. Eg. FeNaEDTA
= sodium salt of EDTA.
◦ Manganese (Mn) 20-90 mM/l - Involved in Cell elongation,
regulation of enzymes and growth hormones. Assists in
photosynthesis and respiration.
◦ Boron (B) 2-5100 mM/l responsible for cell division and cell
◦ Copper (Cu) 0.1 mM/l
◦ Molybdenum (Mo) 5mM/l
◦ Cobalt (Co) 0.1 mM/l
◦ Zinc (Zn) 1.5-30 mM/l
◦ Iodine (I) Nickel (Ni), Aluminum (Al), Ferrous, chlorine (Cl)
and sodium (Na) are also required
• Organic nutrients
 It includes Nitrogen substances, Vitamins, Amino acids, Carbon source, Growth
 Nitrogen source
 Most cultured plant cells are capable of synthesising essential vitamins but not in sufficient
 To achieve best growth it is essential to supplement the tissue culture medium with one or
more vitamins and amino acid.
 Vitamins
 Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - essential as a coenzyme in the citric acid cycle. It is required
mostly in tissue culture and is considered to be essential. Thiamine hydrocholoride in 0.1-
1mg/lit concentration is required.
 Nicotinic acid (niacin-Vitamin B3) 0.5 mg/lit, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.5 mg/lit, Calcium
pentothenate (Vitamin B5) 0.1 mg/lit, are known to improve growth of the tissue culture
 Myo-inositol - part of the B complex, in phosphate form is part of cell membranes,
organelles and is not essential to growth but beneficial and have important role in many
biosynthetic pathways.
 Cynocobalamin (Vitamin B12), Riboflavin (Vitamin B1,), Folic acid (Vitamin M) 0.5 mg/lit,
Biotin (Vitamin H), p-amino benzoic acid (PABA), Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), α-
tocopherol (vitamin E) are added in special cases but their exact role is not yet well
• Amino Acids
• Some cultured plant-cells can synthesize all amino acids, none are
considered essential.
• The most common sources of organic nitrogen used in culture media are
amino acid mixtures, (e.g., casein hydrolysate), L-glutamine, L-
asparagine, orginine, methionine and adenine.
• When amino acids are added alone, they can be inhibitory to cell growth.
• Tyrosine has been used to stimulate morphogenesis in cell cultures but
should only be used in an agar medium. L-tyrosine - stimulates shoot
• Supplementation of the culture medium with adenine sulfate can stimulate
cell growth and greatly enhance shoot formation.
• Carbon source
• Carbohydrates are used in tissue culture media as an energy source of
carbon. Most plant tissue culture are nonautotropic and are therefore
entirely dependent on an external source of carbon.
• The most commonly used carbon source is Sucrose (2-5% or 20-30 g/lit)
• Glucose and Fructose are used for good growth.
• Maltose and raffinose are used in some cases.
• In general excised dicotyledonous roots grow better with sucrose where
as monocots do best with dextrose (glucose).
• Other carbohydrates like mannose, sorbitol, pentoses, sugar alcohol,
glycols, hexoses, uronic acid, lactose, galactose, potato starch, grain
starch and even glycosides can be used depending on the experimental
• Growth hormones/regulators/ Modulators
 The success of plant tissue, cell and organ culture will depends on the
amount of plant hormones and growth substance added into nutrient
 Auxins, ethylene, abscisic acid, cytokinins and gibberellins are
commonly recognized as the five main classes of naturally occurring
plant hormones.
 The requirement of these hormones varies considerable with their
endogenous levels.
 Other plant hormones like polyamines, jasmonates, salicylates are also
used depending on the experimental conditions and plants to be
Plant Growth Regulators (Hormones)

Auxins Gibberellins Cytokinins

- Stimulate - Elongate internodes - Promote cell
cell division

Synthetic Natural Synthetic

NAA Adenine Kinetin
2,4-D Zeatin Benzyladenine


Auxins show a strong influence over processes such as cell

growth expansion, cell wall acidification, initiation of cell division
and organization of meristems giving rise to either callus or
defined organs.

In organized tissue, auxins cause root formation, delaying leaf

senescence, fruit ripening and used in embryogenesis.

Commonly used natural auxin is indole-3-acetic acid (IAA-1-50

mg/lit), but depending on the species, other natural auxins are 4-
chloroindole-3-acetic acid, indole-3-butyric acid (IBA).

Commonly used synthetic auxins are 1-naphthaleneacetic acid

(NAA-0.1-10 mg/lit) and 2, 4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D-
0.05-0.5 mg/lit).
 Cytokinins are useful in culture for stimulation of cell division
(cytokinesis), release of lateral bud dormancy and induce
adventitious bud formation.
 Cell division is regulated by the joint actions of auxins and
 Auxins affect DNA replication where as cytokinins seems to exert
some control over the events leading to mitosis.
 In intact plants, cytokinins promote lateral bud growth and leaf
expansion, promote chlorophyll synthesis and enhance chloroplast
 The most commonly used cytokinins are the substituted purines
such as synthetic derived kinetin (0.1-10 mg/lit), BA (6-
 Zeatin and 2-iP (6-γ-γ-dimethylamino purine) are naturally
occurring cytokinins.
 Other cytokinins are adenosine and adenylic acid.
 Kinetin is 30,000times more potent than adenine.
 Gibberellins will promote flowering, seed germination and
stem or shoot elongation.
 There are over 20 known Gibberellins. Gibberellin (GA3) is
usually used to increase the shoot elongation.
 Gibberellins are used rarely compared to auxin and cytokinin.
 Cultured callus cells synthesize their own Gibberellins.

Abscisic acid (ABA)

 Abscisic acid (ABA) is naturally produced in plant tissues.
ABA and other structurally related natural compounds are
most likely produced by the cleavage of xanthophyll.
 ABA is often regarded as being an inhibitor, as it maintains
bud and seed dormancy, inhibits auxin-promoted cell wall
acidification loosening and slows cell elongation.
 ABA plays a key role in closing of stomatal apertures
(reducing transpiration) and abscission of leaves.
 ABA also control of water and ion uptake by roots. 97

It is a gaseous hormone synthesied in cultured cell, fungi and

Ethylene gas promotes fruit ripening, senescence, and leaf
At higher concentrations the gas decreased cell elongation but
increased cell expansion.
The role of ethylene can be difficult to understand because its
effects vary with development stage and because low
concentrations can promote (or sometimes inhibit) a process,
whereas higher levels have the opposite effect.
Ethylene is synthesized from methionine. Auxin stimulate the
production of ethylene but the physiological significance of
ethylene in tissue culture is quite obscure.

Growth regulators/Hormones and their

• -auxin – promote roots growth and Cell division.

• -cytokinin – promote shoots growth and Cell
• -gibberellin – promote cell enlargement and shoot
• -abscisic acid – plant stress hormone and inhibits
• -ethylene – low concentrations can promote (or
sometimes inhibit) a process, whereas higher levels
have the opposite effect
• Others media substances which promotes growth of
the tissue culture like protein hydrolysates (e.g., soy-protein
hydrolyzates), yeast extracts, fruit (e.g. banana) extracts,
coconut milk fresh/pasteurized.
• Phenolic compounds like Phloroglucinol - Stimulates rooting
of shoot sections.
• Activated charcoal is used as a detoxifying agent. Detoxifies
wastes from plant tissues and impurities.
• Adsorption quality vary, concentration normally used is 0.3 %
or lower. It adsorbs the secondary products secrted by the
culture tissue.
• Charcoal for tissue culture acid washed and neutralized never
• Controls the supply of endogenous growth hormones.
• De-mineralises water.
Solidifying agent
Solid media are often preferred because its improved oxygen
supply and support culture growth.

Therefore, substance with strong gelling capacity is added into

the liquid media.

The most commonly used substance is agar and others are

alginate, carrageenan, gelatin, starch, silica gel, hydroxy ethyl
cellulose and polyacrylamide.

Agar is extraordinary resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis at

incubation temperature and only few bacteria exist which are
capable of producing degrading enzyme.
 Iron source EDTA can be used as a iron source.

 pH of the medium should be in a range of 5.6-6.0 before

autoclaving the culture medium

 Antibiotics are used for prevention of excessive

contamination in the culture medium. Generally fungicides
and bactericides are used in culture medium but are not been
very useful because they can be toxic to the explant and the
contaminant sometimes reappears as soon as they are
removed. Commonly used antibiotics are Carbonicillin
(500mg/lit) and Augmentin (250 mg/lit)
 Rapid multiplication of selected plants by the
multiple production of plants identical to original
 New plant obtained is different from original & more
efficient according to certain defined criteria.
 Production of high-yielding, herbicide, drought,
insect resistant and salt resistant crops.
 Production of known molecule, using biosynthetic
capacities of plant cells breed in a bioreactor
 An innovative aspect, employing the new source of
variability accessible in vitro to obtain new
Application of plant tissue culture
 Plant tissue culture technology has been used in almost all the field of biosciences.
Its applications include
1. Production of phytopharmaceuticals and secondary metabolites.
a) Biotransformation (Biochemical Conversion)
b) Plant cell immobilization
c) Genetic transformation (Transgenic plant)
d) Elicitors
2. Micropropagation (Clonal Propagation)
3. Synthetic seed
4. Protoplast culture and somatic hybridization
5. Hairy root culture
6. Cryopreservation
7. Tracing the biosynthetic pathways of secondary metabolites
8. Generation novel compound from plant
9. Respiration, organ function and metabolism in plant tissue culture can be studied.
10. Plant improvement by studying diseases of plant and their elimination with the help
of plant tissue culture.
11. Mutant cell selection is done by addition of toxic substance to cells followed by
isolation of resistant cells.
12. Production of economical valuable chemicals by plant tissue culture which are not
possible by other chemical methods.
1. Production of phytopharmaceuticals and secondary metabolites
Secondary plant metabolites like alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, lipids, oils,
tannins, anthraquinones, flavones, napthaquinones, vitamins, proteins, anticancer
agents, antiviral agents etc. are isolated from plant tissue culutre. Following table list
few phytopharmaceuticals or secondary metabolities derived from plant tissue
Compound Plant species Culture type
Anthraquinones Cassia angustifolia Callus
Caffeine Coffee arabica Callus
Cardenolides Digitalis purpurea Suspension &
Codeine Papaver somniferum Suspension
Diosgenin Dioscorea composita Callus
Glycyrrhizin Glycyrrhiza glabra Suspension
Papain Carica papaya Callus
Reserpine Rauwolfia serpentina Suspension
Rosmarinic acid Coleus blumei Callus &
Trigonelline Trigonella foenum-graecum Suspension
Vinblastine Catharanthus roseus Callus
Visnagin Ammi visnaga Suspension
Xanthotoxin Ruta graveolens Suspension 105
a) Biotransformation (Biochemical Conversion)
It is a process through which the functional group of organic
compounds are modified by living cells.
conversion by
living cell culture Chemically different
Substrate product

This process can be done by using microorganism or plant cell

suspension, hairy root culture and immobilized cell.
Biotransformation by plant cell cultures yield a wide range of
reactions, such as glycosylation, glucosyleserification,
hydroxylation, oxido-reductions, hydrolysis, epoxidation,
isomerisation, methylation, demethylation and dehydrogenation
It not only increases the yield but also very economical for
commercial production.
Few examples of biotransformation are as follows: 106
Class Substrate Product Plant
Alkaloids Codeinone codeine Papaver
phenolics resorcinol glucoside Datura innoxia
Steroids Digitoxin digoxin Digitalius Lanata
Phenolic liquiritigenin Glucoside Datura innoxia,
flavonoids Catharanthus
Phenolic Rhein Glucoside Perilla frutescens
Phenolic Umbellifero Umbelliferone- Datura innoxia,
courmarins ne 7-glucoside Catharanthus
terpenoids Citral Citrol Lavandula
b) Plant cell Immobilization
It is defined as a technique, which confines to a catalytically active
enzyme (or to a cell) with in a reactors system and prevents its entry
into the mobile phase, which carries the substrate and product.
It involves the entrapment of cells within a gel or passive adsorption
on solid support materials, thus creating a situation for cell to imitate
membership on a tissue of a whole plant.
Immobilized Product
non-growing cells
It is a controlled process of agglutination, formation and adhesion on
a matrix under controlled condition.
It is a process in which highly reactive and sensitive enzyme is
embedded in a matrix so that only substance and product can pass
through matrix.
Cells cease to grow & accumulate metabolites.
In immobilization technique the plant cells are entrapped in different
polymerize matrices. E.g. alginate, agar, agarose etc. and converted into
hetrogeneous catalyst. 108
Different types of immobilization are
1. Adsorption-Direct intracellular binding due to natural affinity
(adhesion or agglutination)
2. Covalent linkage-Covalent coupling on otherwise inert
3. Cross linking-Intracellular connection via bi or poly functional
4. Embedding-Mixing with suitable materials by changing their
consistency with temperature.
5. Entrapment-Physical retention within the frame work of
diverse pore size and permeability (Micro encapsulation)
Mechanism/methods of immobilization system
1. Entrapment
a. Gel entrapment by polymerization with polymers like
polyacrylamide e.g. vinca
b.Gel entrapment by ionic network formation: Entrapment of cell
in calcium alginate
c. Gel entrapment by formation by precipitation of some natural and synthetic
polymer by changing one or more parameters such as pH, temperature,
salinity etc.
d. Entrapment in performed structures like hollow fibre reactors e.g.
Polyurethane foam.
2. Surface immobilization with help of nylon, cellulose etc.
3. Immobilization by embedding in agar, agarose etc.

Applications of plant cell immobilization:

 Biotransformation
 Rapid biosynthesis of secondary metabolites
 Synthesis from precursor
 The biosynthesis of secondary metabolites with increased yield over extended
period of time.

Examples: Immobilization of various plant like Capsicum, Coffee, Vinca, Mentha,

Tobacco etc.

c) Genetic transformation (Transgenic plant)
The plants obtained through genetic engineering contain a gene usually
from an unrelated organism, such genes are called transgenes, and the plants
containing transgenes are called as transgenic plants.
Genetic transformation can be defined as the transfer of foreign genes
(DNA) or the recombinant DNA isolated from plants, viruses bacteria into a
new genetic background.
The targeted cells for gene transformation are cultured cells or protoplast,
meristem cells from embryos, pollens, zygote and cells from immature
embryos, shoots and flowers.
Genes have been successfully transferred to many crops for resistance to
various biotic stresses
Genes resistant to abiotic stresses like herbicide resistance
Resistance against viral infection
Gene transfers to improve quality of food products
Male sterility and fertility restoration in transgenic plants
Transgenic plants have both basic and applied role in crop improvement.
E.g. Tobacco, tomato, soybean, Satavari, papaya, liquorice, neem etc.
d) Elicitors
Elicitors are organic/inorganic agents used in tissue culture to trigger
rapid and increase production of secondary metabolites or rapid growth of
plant cell culture/organs.
Induction of stress in plant cultures in terms of specific environmental,
physiological & biological conditions, to enhance the production of
secondary metabolites, is known as Elicitation.
The secondary compounds synthesized & accumulated in response to
such conditions are called ‘Phytoalexins’, which act as defense agent to
invading pathogens. The signals triggering the formation of phytoalexins
are called elicitors.

Classification of Elicitors
A. Based on Origin
1. Exogenous elicitors: Enzymes, metal ions, U.V. Light, chitosan etc.
2. Endogenous elicitors: Hepta-β-glucoside, Dodeca β-1,4 D-galacturonide
B. Based on nature
1. Biotic elicitors
2. Abiotic elicitors 112
1. Biotic elicitors
They are derived from microorganisms or produced within the plant
cells by plant defensive process against microbial infection.
They include mainly β-Linked glucans, chitosan, enzymes, cell wall
derived polysaccharides like pectin, pectic acid, cellulose, etc.
These elicitors when added to medium in low concentration (50-
250ng/l) enhance metabolite production.
2. Abiotic elicitors
Product accumulation also occurs under stress caused by physical or
chemical agents like UV, low or high temperature, antibiotics, salts of
heavy metals, freezing and thawing cycles, non-essential components of
media (agarose, tin, and agaropectin), certain chemicals (methyl
jasmonate, copper sulphate, silver nigtrate etc.), and high salt
concentration grouped under abiotic elicitors.

Elicitors stimulated the accumulation of secondary metabolites in

different plant culture like Opium, Dioscorea, Datura, Vinca, Capsicum,
Carrot etc.
2. Micropropagation (Clonal propagation)

Micropropagation or Clonal propagation is a field dealing with the

ability to regenerate plants directly from explants or from a single
individual by asexual reproduction, constitute a clone.
It is defined as True-to-type propagation of selected genotypes using in
vitro culture techniques.
Vegetative method of propagating plant is termed as micropropagation
or cloning tissue culture or growing in vitro.
Methods of Micropropagation are as follows:
a) Micropropagation by proliferation of axillary buds
b) Adventitious shoot proliferation
c) Artificial seed.
d) Plant regeneration by organogenesis from callus and cell
suspension cultures.
e) Plant regeneration from callus and cell suspension culture by
somatic embryogenesis.
f) Direct (adventitious) somatic embryogenesis (Non-zygotic
Advantages of this method is rapid multiplication of superior clones,
maintenance of genetic uniformity, high yielding crops of the desirable
characters in a short period of time, multiplication of sexually derived sterile
hybirds and improvement of plant by developing virus-free, insect-resistant,
disease –resistant, herbicide-resistant plant.

Example: Fennel is genetically heterozygous and produces wide variation in

oil yield and composition. Also various plants like Garlic, Brahmi,
Vinca, Eucalyptus, Gymnema, Liquorice etc. are propagation by this

3. Synthetic seed (Artificial seed or Somatic seed or Synerts or

Synthetic seeds are defined as artificially encapsulated somatic embryos,

shoot buds, cell aggregates or any other tissue that can be used for sowing a
seed and that possess the ability to convert into a plant under in vitro or ex
vitro conditions and that retain this potential also after storage.
Various plant species which are reported for artificial seed production are
Carrot, Alfa alfa (somatic embryos), Banana, Cardamom (Shoot buds or
shoot tips), Ecalyptus (Axillary buds) etc.
They are classified as Desiccated and Hydrated. These two are again
classified into encapsulated and uncoated.
The desiccated synthetic seeds are produced from somatic embryos
either naked or encapsulated in polyoxy ethylene glycol followed by their
desiccation. E.g. Wheat, Soyabean (Uncoated), Carrot (Encapsulated)
Hydrated synthetic seeds are produced in those plant species where
somatic embryos are recalcitrant and sensitive to desiccation. Hydrated
seeds are produced by encapsulating the somatic embryos or somatic
propagules in hydrogel capsules. E.g. Carrot, tomato (Uncoated), Mango,
Alfa alfa (Encapsulated)
Applications of synthetic seeds

1. Micropropagation through artificial seeds.

2. For development of plants for breeding purpose
3. Propagation of variety of crop plants especially crops for which true
seeds are not used or not readily available for multiplication or the true
seeds are expensive. Hybrid plants may vegetatively propagated plants
which are prone to infections e.g. Garlic, potato, tomato, hybrid rice etc.
4. Transplanting improved or selected material in forestry to reduce the cost
of breeding e.g. European larch, white spruce etc.
5. Germplasm conservation of endangered species through cryopreservation
of synseeds in near future.

4. Protoplast culture and somatic hybridization

Already discussed before

5. Hairy root culture

Already discussed before

6. Cryopreservation

The preservation of cell, tissue and organs in liquid nitrogen is called

cryopreservation and the science pertaining to this activity is known as

Cryopreservation is the non-lethal storage of biological material at

ultra low temperature.

At the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196ºC) almost all the

metabolic activities of cells are ceased and the sample can then be
preserved in such state for extended periods.

However, only few biological materials can be frozen to (-196ºC)

without affecting the cell viability.

Cryopreservation of few endangered medicinal plants e.g.

Dioscorea, Chirata, Podophyllum etc. is done these days.
7. Tracing the biosynthetic pathways of secondary
Tissue culture can be used for tracing the biosynthetic
pathways of secondary metabolites using labelled precursor in
the culture medium.
8. Generation novel compounds from plant
By various methods of plant tissue culture isolation of novel
compound and improvement in yield of the existing
compound can be achieved.
9. Respiration, organ function and metabolism in plant tissue
culture can be studied.
10. Plant improvement by studying diseases of plant and their
elimination with the help of plant tissue culture.
11. Mutation and selection of the mutant cell is done for
significant contribution to new genetic variability.
12. Production of economical valuable chemicals by plant tissue
culture which are not possible by other chemical methods.
A New Approach to oral immunization


• Vaccines

• Edible Vaccines
1. Developing
2. Candidates required
3. Recent developments
4. Applications

• Advantages

• Limitations

• Conclusion
What are vaccines ?
• Vaccines are designed to elicit an immune response
without causing diseases.

• Typically vaccines are composed of killed or attenuated

disease causing organisms.

• Successful vaccination programs lead to far fewer

individuals ever showing symptoms of diseases, thus
reducing the need for costly treatment procedures.
Edible Vaccines

➢ Vaccines that one can eat are called

edible vaccines, which are among the
most unusual approaches for administering
new vaccines.

➢ They are engineered to contain antigen,

but bear no genes that would enable whole
pathogen to form.

➢ Again these are mucosal-targeted vaccines, which cause

stimulation of both systematic and mucosal immune
➢ When they are taken orally, undergoes the
mastication process and the majority of
plant cell degradation occur in the
intestine as a result of action of digestive
or bacterial enzyme on these vaccines.

➢ The first report of edible vaccines in

tobacco, at 0.02% of total leaf protein
level appeared in 1990.

➢ These vaccines are currently being

developed for a no. of human and animal
diseases including measles,cholera &
hepatitis B.
Developing an edible vaccine
Methods for transformation of DNA/Gene into
plants :-

▪ There are several methods but two methods are sited


1. Agrobacterium tumifaciens method.

2. Microprojectile bombardment method ‘or’ Gene gun

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Candidates for Edible Vaccines

• Edible vaccines include bananas,

potatoes , lettuce and tomatoes as well
as rice, wheat, soybean etc.

• Choosing a plant to be used as a

vaccine is important i.e it must be
hardy, Palatable with high nutritive
and protein content.
What are the recent developments

• Edible vaccines have been

made to study the expression
of ORF2 gene of hepatitis ‘E’
virus in tomatoes.
• Genetically engineered
tobacco plant made to produce
Interleukin ten which is used to
test intestinal disorder i.e crohn’s
Application of Edible vaccines.
Major successes have been achieved
on these edible vaccines are,

• Malaria:
Three antigens are currently being
investigated for the development of a plant
based malaria vaccine,
Merozoite Surface Protein (MSP) 4 & (MSP) 5
from P.falciparum, & MSP 4/5
from P.yoelli.
• Measles :-
MV-H antigen was selected for the
development of edible vaccine, which
can be transformed in tobacco plants.
• Diabetes :-
Transgenic potato and tobacco plants
with gene GAD67, fed to diabetic mice ,
developed insulin dependent diabetes.

❖ Reduced need for medical personnel and sterile

injection conditions.

❖ Therapeutic proteins are free of pathogens &


❖ Economical in mass Production and


❖ Delivery of multiple antigens.


❖ Stability of vaccine in fruit is unknown.

❖ Selection of best plant is difficulty.

❖ Consistency of dosage from fruit to fruit,

plant to plant & generation to generation is not

❖ Certain foods like potato are not eaten raw &

cooking the food might weaken the medicine
present in it.

Edible vaccines might be a solution that will

enable the positive effects of vaccines. They offer a
way to deliver a vaccine orally thus decreasing the
cost of production and shipping .
Hence these novel inventions of edible
vaccines did a man’s service to humanity or

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