Module 03
Module 03
Module 03
Learning outcomes-
1. Student will able to learn about Plant tissue culture meaning,
types, basic requirements and general procedure to culture a
plant cell/ tissue/ organ.
2. Student will able to learn the basic technology to maintain a tissue
culture lab and latest techniques of PTC.
3. Student will let to know about applications of PTC.
4. Student will learn about concept of edible vaccines, advantages,
disadvantages, methods and applications.
Historical development of plant tissue culture,
types of cultures, Nutritional requirements,
growth and their maintenance. Applications of
plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy.
Tissue Culture
Plant Animal
Tissue Culture Tissue Culture
Plant-tissue culture is in-vitro cultivation of plant cell or tissue under
aseptic and controlled environment conditions, in liquid or on
semisolid well defined nutrient medium for the production of primary
and secondary metabolites or to regenerate plant.
In other words it is an experimental technique through which a mass of
cells (callus) is produced from an explant tissue.
The callus produced through this process can be utilized directly to
regenerate palntlets or to extract or manipulate some primary and
secondary metabolites.
The plant tissue culture refers to the cultivation of a plant cell
which normally forms a multicellular tissue.
When grown on agar medium, the tisse forms a callus or a mass
of undifferentiated cells. The technique of cell culture is
convinient for starting and maintaining cell lines, as well as, for
studies pertaining to organogensis and meristem culture.
Advantages of tissue culture
1. Availability of raw material
Some plants are difficult to cultivate and are also not available
in abundance and tissue culture technique is considered a better
source for regular and uniform supply of raw material for
medicinal plant industry for production of
7. Biosynthetic pathway
Tissue culture can be used for tracing the biosynthetic pathways of
secondary metabolites using labelled precursor in the culture medium.
8. Immobilization of cells
Tissue culture can be used for plants preservation by immobilization
(entrapment)of cell further facilitating transportation and
9 Continuous, uniform biomass is obtained.
Disadvantages of tissue culture
Basic requirements of Plant Tissue Culture:
•Plant material
•Equipments and Glasswares
•Aseptic Condition
•Washing and storage facilities
•Media preparation room
•Sterilization room
•Nutrient medium
•Transfer room
•Culture room or incubators
•Proper and optimum aeration
•Well equipped observation or recording area
Plant material
•The plant material should be disease free and should not be to old.
•Also the particular species/variety/genotype which are used should be
the right one.
•Generally in-vitro germinated seedlings are frequently chosen as seed
is often also much more readily sterilized than softer plant tissues.
•When plants are healthy and at the desired stage for use, it is often the
case that only a specific part of these plants will give the best explants.
E.g. A particular internode, the youngest fully expanded leaf etc.
•Nutrient medium
•Media is composed of
•Inorganic nutrients which includes macronutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium etc. and micronutrients like boron,
copper, iron, manganese, zinc etc.
•Organic nutrients includes Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B6, B3, B5 etc.
Amino acids like L-arginine, L-asparagine, L-cysteine HCL, L-glutamine
etc, Carbon source like glucose or maltose, Growth hormones/regulators
like auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins, ethylene, abscisic acid.
•Others media substances like protein hydrolysates, yeast extaracts,
fruit (e.g. banana) extracts, coconut milk, solidifying agents like agar,
alginate, gelatin etc., Iron source e.g.EDTA, Antibiotics.
•pH of the medium should be in a range of 5.6-6.0 before autoclaving the
culture medium
•Transfer room
•It is provided with the laminar flow hood where most of the work
of culture initiation and subsequent sub culturing is performed.
Culture re-plantation, transfer or re-initiation in a clean media,
harvesting of ‘ripe’ cultures is also performed in this area.
Basic Methodology/technique of Plant Tissue Culture
The general technique used in the isolation and growth of culture is described
as follows:
1. Preparation of suitable nutrient medium: As per the selection of plant
medium is autoclaved.
2. Selection of explant: Any excised part of health plant to be used e.g. Bud,
leaf, root, seed etc.
3. Sterilisation of explants: by sodium hypochlorite, mercuric chloride etc.
and washed asceptically for 6-10 times with sterilised water.
4. Inoculation (Transfer): The sterile explant is inoculated on solidified
nutrient medium under asceptic condition.
5. Incubation: Cultures are incubated at of 25±2°C and at a relative humidity
upto 50-70% fro 16 hrs of photo period.
6. Regeneration: Plantlets regenerated after transferring a portion of callus
into another medium and induction of roots and shoots or directly from
7. Hardening: Is the gradual exposure of plantlets for acclimatisation to
environment condition.
8. Plantlet transfer: Plantlet are transferred to green house or field conditions.
Preparation of an explant Inoculation After incubation
Selection of plant
2. Depending on the part used for culture
a) Organ Culture
i. Root tip culture (Meristem - root tip culture)
ii. Shoot tip culture (Meristem - shoot tip culture)
iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture
iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)
v. Anther and pollens culture
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
vii. Ovaries culture
viii. Nucellus culture
ix. Seed culture
x. Cotyledon culture
xi. Endosperm culture
xii. Fruit culture
xiii. Plant cell culture
b) Hairy Root Culture
c) Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization
Callus – a mass of undifferentiated plant cells grown on solid media
from plant part/explant.
It may initiate from explants of any multi-cellular plant.
The organs such as root, stem tips, leaves, flowers and fruit are grown
on solid media.
The cell groups are initiated from:
- Explant/Segments of root, stem or leaf either from the mature or
embryogenic plant
- Explant/Excised fragments of parenchyma or mixed tissue containing
cambium or endosperm
The longer the tissue explant the more complex the range of cell types
& greater the possibilities of initiating a culture of mixed cells.
Callus can be induced to undergo organogenesis and/or
embryogenesis and eventually whole plant by providing suitable
nutrient medium.
To study the biosynthetic pathway of various metabolic processes by
using tracer elements in callus culture.
It is useful for the production of secondary metabolites.
It involves active proliferation of callus as
undivided unit suspended or submerged in a
liquid medium.
The nutrient medium in this case is in
constant agitation so as to prevent the cells
from settling or aggregating in to clumps.
Suspension cultures are normally initiated
by transferring pieces of undifferentiated
callus to a liquid medium which is agitated
during incubation.
Batch Suspension Culture
It means ‘Culture in a fixed volume of culture
In general, a nutrient medium and cellular
inoculum are mixed, aerated and allowed to grow
In Batch cultures, as the cells grow, the medium is
depleted of nutrients and metabolic byproducts
from the cells accumulate.
Batch cultures are characterized by
- continuous changes in the medium
- continuous internal changes in cellular
- accumulation of metabolic products.
The system is “closed” with respect to additions or
removal of culture, except for circulation of air. 31
Semicontinuous Suspension Culture
Here, the system is ‘open’.
There is periodic removal of culture and the
addition of fresh medium, due to which growth of
the culture is continuously maintained.
Cell proliferation takes place under constant condition.
This system allows
- Establishment of steady states of growth and
- Study of the changes which occur in transitions from one
steady state to another.
- Identification of the controlling factors.
Two types of Continuous Suspension Culture
1. Open type
Regulated new medium and balancing harvest of equal
volume of culture
Continuous new medium input is set at a predetermined
rate and determine the nature of the resulting
Useful to study the steady states.
Desired rate of growth is maintained by adjusting the
level of concentration of nutrient by constant inflow of33
Cell density is set at a predetermined
level (as monitored by the optical
properties of the culture) and new medium
is added to maintain cell density within
Particularly valuable for work at low cell
Offers a simplified system for study of
effects of physical factors and growth
regulating substance in growth rate and
associated metabolism.
2. Closed type
The used medium is replaced with fresh
medium, hence, the cells from used medium
are mechanically separated and added back to
the culture and thus, the cell biomass keeps
Organogenesis is a process involving redifferentiation of
meristematic cells present in callus into shoot buds or root or
even whole plantlets.
Embryo is defined as the earliest recognisable multicellular stage
of an individual that occurs before the development of
characteristic organs of the given species.
Production of embryo like structure from callus is known as
embryogenesis. In higher plants such embroys usually arise from
zygote formation and are termed as zygotic embryos.
Various types of cells and tissues can be used as source of
embryogenic cells. It may be microspores (1n), zygote (2n),
somatic cells (2n) or somatic hybrids (4n).
Embryogenesis can be induces in such cells by nonproliferative or
proliferative direct embryogenesis or by growing embryogenic
callus which in turn germinates and develops into whole plant.
Embryogenesis can be initiated in an explant only from the more
juvenile or meristematic tissues.
Immature zygotic embryos, cotyledons and hypocotyl dissected
from ungerminated seeds are common explants.
Isolated somatic cells can develop into embroys.
Embryo development occurs through an organised sequence of cell
division, enlargement and differentiation.
The final stages of development towards maturation are
distinguished by overall enlargement and matured embryo
Somatic embryogenesis involves three distinct steps which are
absent in organogenesis
It is the initiative phase where cells of callus are induced to divide
and differentiate into groups of meristematic cells called
embryogenic clumps (ECs).
These ECs develop into initial stages of somatic embryo i.e.
globular stage.
In this phase somatic embryos develop into mature embryos by
differentiating from globular to heart shaped and the mature embryo
here undergoes biochemical changes to acquire hardness.
Embryos germinate to produce seedlings.
Advantages of Organogenesis & Embryogenesis
2. Depending on the part used for culture
a) Organ Culture
i. Root tip culture (Meristem - root tip culture)
ii. Shoot tip culture (Meristem - shoot tip culture)
iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture
iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)
v. Anther and pollens culture
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
vii. Ovaries culture
viii. Nucellus culture
ix. Seed culture
x. Cotyledon culture
xi. Endosperm culture
xii. Fruit culture
xiii. Plant cell culture
b) Hairy Root Culture
c) Protoplast Culture and Somatic Hybridization
2. Depending on the part used for culture
a) Organ Culture
ii. Shoot-tip culture (Meristem – shoot tip culture)
iii. Leaves or leaf primordia culture
iv. Flower culture (Meristem - floral culture)
v. Anther and pollens culture
Young flower buds are removed from the plant and surface
Immature stage of anther or late stage of anther containing starch
filled pollen usually grow abnormally or the development is generally
ineffective and hence for better response always select mature
anther or pollen.
The anthers are then carefully excised and transferred to an
appropriate nutrient medium.
The anthers are generally cultured on a solid agar medium where
they develop into embryoids for anther culture under alternate light
and dark period.
Anther or pollen grains of different species have been successfully
culture to obtain large number of haploid plants.
Pollen grains removed from the anther either mechanically or by
naturally dehiscence. Anthers placed in 5 ml of liquid medium in a
petri dish containing pollen grains in the culture media are sealed
with parafilm and incubated. After incubation haploid plantlets are
developed. 47
vi. Ovule and embryo culture
Mature embryos are excised from ripened ovule/seeds and
cultured mainly to avoid inhibition in the seed for germination.
Very small globular embryos require a delicate balance of the
Embryo is dissected from the ovule/seed and put into culture
This type of culture is relatively easy as the embryos require a
simple nutrient medium containing mineral salts, sugar and
agar for growth and development.
Also, multicellular immature embryos are dissected out and
cultured aseptically to obtain viable hybrids. Once the embryo
is rescued, two genomes are needed to be combined together
to produce a fertile plant.
By this method dormancy period of seeds can be shortened,
as well as haploids can be produced.
By ovule culture, it is possible to grow, study various nutritional
requirements and stages young embryos or zygote. 48
vii. Ovaries culture
viii.Nucellus culture
ix. Seed culture
The seeds are treated with 70% alcohol for about two
minutes, washed with sterile distilled water, treated with
surface sterilizing agent for specific period.
Once again rinsed with sterilized distilled water and kept for
germination by placing them on double layers of pre-
sterilized filter paper, placed in petri-dish moistened with
sterilized distilled water or placed on moistened cotton swab
in petri-dish.
The seeds are germinated in dark at 25-28°C and small part
of the seedling is utilized for the initiation of callus.
x. Cotyledon culture
Immature cotyledon develops into somatic embryos, shoot
buds and complete plants if cultured on a suitable nutrient
xi. Endosperm culture
xii. Fruit culture
The culture of fruit tissues as whole organ or isolated tissue
section such as ovary has been successfully cultured to give rise
to mature fruits e.g. strawberry.
Usually when an isolated portion of the fruit tissue is introduced
into a sterile environment.
It immediately loses structural integrity and degenerates into a
rapidly dividing callus mass.
Loss of structural integrity is associated correspondingly with an
alteration of physiology that is subsequently reflected in the
production of an altered metabolism.
So it is not possible to make a meaningful study of fruits
developing using callus derived culture.
The use of fruit culture is to serve as a bioassay system to study
fruits maturation events within a controlled environment.
Cells were cut only through the cell wall, releasing intact
1. Mechanical Method
Cells Plasmolysis
Plant Tissue
Release of protoplasm
Cutting cell wall with knife
Collection of protoplasm
2. Enzymatic Method
Leaf sterilization,
removal of epidermis
Cellulose + Pectinase
2. Enzymatic method
Commercial preparations of purified cell wall degrading enzymes such as
macroezyme, cellulase and hemicellulose became available that gave
further progress to enzymatic isolation of protoplasts.
By this method very large number of protoplast are obtained compared to
mechanical method.
Cells are not damaged or broken
Osmotic shrinkage of protoplast is much less.
2.2Mixed enzymatic
This involves simultaneous separation of cells and degradation of their
walls to convert protoplast by immersing plant tissues in mixture of
pectinases and cellulases.
2. Enzymatic method
Plasmolysed Plasmolysed
cells cells
Release of Protoplasm
Protoplasm released released
isolated cells
Isolation, mainly from leaves & pollen
Mechanical Enzymatic
Isolated protoplast are usually cultured in either liquid or semisolid agar media
plates. They require somatic protection in culture medium until they generate a
strong cell wall. Methodology of Protoplast culture is described below:
Isolated Protoplast is cleaned by centrifugation and decantation method
Allow the medium to set, seal petridishes with paraffin film and incubate
Protoplasts capable of dividing undergo cell divisions from callus within 2-3
•Protoplast fusion
• It is the technique in which two or more protoplast are fused
into a single cell protoplast.
Three main phases are there for fusion:
Protoplast A Protoplast B
2A 2B
A-B Hybrid
(Cytoplasmic hybrid ) 69
Methods of Protoplast fusion
Various stages of somatic hybridization are as follows
1. Isolation of protoplast
Advantages of somatic hybridization
Novel approach for introducing or increasing genetic
variability at nuclear or extra nuclear organelle genome level,
in higher plants
Production of novel interspecific and intergenic hybrid
◦ e.g. Pomato (Hybrid of potato and tomato)
Somatic hybridization is significant in improvement of plants
such as banana, potato, sugarcane, and yam.
Production of fertile diploids and polypoids from sexually
sterile haploids, triploids and aneuploids
Transfer gene for disease resistance, abiotic stress resistance,
herbicide resistance and many other quality characters.
Production of heterozygous lines in the single species which
cannot be propagated by vegetative means
Studies on the fate of plasma genes
Production of unique hybrids of nucleus and cytoplasm
Limitations of Somatic
Poor regeneration of hybrid plants
Non-viability of fused products
Not successful in all plants.
Production of unfavorable hybrids
Lack of an efficient method for selection of hybrids
No confirmation of expression of particular trait in
somatic hybrids.
Elimination of chromosomes from the hybrid cell
- Sucrose 2-5%
- Fructose Defined Undefined
- Lactose
- Maltose
- Starch - Milk of
Major Minor cocunut
Inorganic ions - Amino acids -Extracts of
- NH4+ - Glycine malt
- NO3- - Glutamine yeast & corn
Composition of Culture
• Cultre Media is composed of
• Inorganic nutrients which includes macronutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous, potassium, calcium etc. and micronutrients like
boron, copper, iron, manganese, zinc etc.
• Organic nutrients includes Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B6, B3, B5
etc. Amino acids like L-arginine, L-asparagine, L-cysteine HCL,
L-glutamine etc, Carbon source like glucose or maltose, Growth
hormones/regulators like auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins,
ethylene, abscisic acid.
• Others media substances like protein hydrolysates, yeast
extaracts, fruit (e.g. banana) extracts, coconut milk, solidifying
agents like agar, alginate, gelatin etc., Iron source e.g.EDTA,
• pH of the medium should be in a range of 5.6-6.0 before
autoclaving the culture medium
Inorganic Macro nutrients for plant tissue cultures
Constituents Heller Nitsch & White Hildebrand Musashige Gautheret
Nitsch t Ricker & & Skoog
NaNO3 600
CaCl2 25
Ca(NO3) 2
NH4NO3 1650
Inorganic Micro nutrients for plant tissue cultures
Constituents Heller Nitsch & White Hildebrandt Musashige Gautheret
Nitsch Ricker & & Skoog
NiSO4 0.05
FeSO4 7H20 27.8 0.05
MnSO4 4H20 0.01 3 7 4.5 22.3 3
KI 0.01 0.75 3.0 0.83 0.5
NiCl2 6H20 0.03
CoCl2 0.025
Ti(SO4)3 0.2
ZnSO4 7H20 0.01 0.5 3 6 8.6 0.18
CuSO4 5H20 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.05
BeSO4 0.1
H3BO3 1.0 0.5 1.5 0.38 6.2 0.05
H2SO4 1.0
FeCl3 6H20 1.0
Mg2MO4 0.025 0.25
AlCl3 0.03
Fe2 (SO4) 3 2.5
Ferrictartarate 40 86
Inorganic nutrients:
• Mineral elements play very important role in the growth of
plant Function of nutrients in plant growth. Essentially about
15 elements found important for whole plant growth have
also been proved necessary for the growth of tissue(s) in
• Macronutrient: Elements required in the life of a plant greater
than 0.5 mmol/lit are referred as macronutrients.
• The macronutirents include six major elements as follows:
Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorous (P), Calcium (Ca),
Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S).
Nitrogen 2-20mmol/lit – Influences plant growth rate,
essential in plant nucleic acids (DNA), proteins, chlorophyll,
amino acids, and hormones.
• Phosphorus 1-3 mmol/lit– Abundant in meristimatic and
fast growing tissue, essential in photosynthesis,
Growth regulators/Hormones and their
c) Genetic transformation (Transgenic plant)
The plants obtained through genetic engineering contain a gene usually
from an unrelated organism, such genes are called transgenes, and the plants
containing transgenes are called as transgenic plants.
Genetic transformation can be defined as the transfer of foreign genes
(DNA) or the recombinant DNA isolated from plants, viruses bacteria into a
new genetic background.
The targeted cells for gene transformation are cultured cells or protoplast,
meristem cells from embryos, pollens, zygote and cells from immature
embryos, shoots and flowers.
Genes have been successfully transferred to many crops for resistance to
various biotic stresses
Genes resistant to abiotic stresses like herbicide resistance
Resistance against viral infection
Gene transfers to improve quality of food products
Male sterility and fertility restoration in transgenic plants
Transgenic plants have both basic and applied role in crop improvement.
E.g. Tobacco, tomato, soybean, Satavari, papaya, liquorice, neem etc.
d) Elicitors
Elicitors are organic/inorganic agents used in tissue culture to trigger
rapid and increase production of secondary metabolites or rapid growth of
plant cell culture/organs.
Induction of stress in plant cultures in terms of specific environmental,
physiological & biological conditions, to enhance the production of
secondary metabolites, is known as Elicitation.
The secondary compounds synthesized & accumulated in response to
such conditions are called ‘Phytoalexins’, which act as defense agent to
invading pathogens. The signals triggering the formation of phytoalexins
are called elicitors.
Classification of Elicitors
A. Based on Origin
1. Exogenous elicitors: Enzymes, metal ions, U.V. Light, chitosan etc.
2. Endogenous elicitors: Hepta-β-glucoside, Dodeca β-1,4 D-galacturonide
B. Based on nature
1. Biotic elicitors
2. Abiotic elicitors 112
1. Biotic elicitors
They are derived from microorganisms or produced within the plant
cells by plant defensive process against microbial infection.
They include mainly β-Linked glucans, chitosan, enzymes, cell wall
derived polysaccharides like pectin, pectic acid, cellulose, etc.
These elicitors when added to medium in low concentration (50-
250ng/l) enhance metabolite production.
2. Abiotic elicitors
Product accumulation also occurs under stress caused by physical or
chemical agents like UV, low or high temperature, antibiotics, salts of
heavy metals, freezing and thawing cycles, non-essential components of
media (agarose, tin, and agaropectin), certain chemicals (methyl
jasmonate, copper sulphate, silver nigtrate etc.), and high salt
concentration grouped under abiotic elicitors.
3. Synthetic seed (Artificial seed or Somatic seed or Synerts or
6. Cryopreservation
• Vaccines
• Edible Vaccines
1. Developing
2. Candidates required
3. Recent developments
4. Applications
• Advantages
• Limitations
• Conclusion
What are vaccines ?
• Vaccines are designed to elicit an immune response
without causing diseases.
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Candidates for Edible Vaccines
• Malaria:
Three antigens are currently being
investigated for the development of a plant
based malaria vaccine,
Merozoite Surface Protein (MSP) 4 & (MSP) 5
from P.falciparum, & MSP 4/5
from P.yoelli.
• Measles :-
MV-H antigen was selected for the
development of edible vaccine, which
can be transformed in tobacco plants.
• Diabetes :-
Transgenic potato and tobacco plants
with gene GAD67, fed to diabetic mice ,
developed insulin dependent diabetes.