Quantity GhateKhola Shambhu
Quantity GhateKhola Shambhu
Quantity GhateKhola Shambhu
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete e
for the super structure, deckslab, girder etc. including g
compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all u
complete as per specification and drawing. [2000] l
(including drainage spouts as indicated in drawing and a
instructed/ approved by Project Manger [3107] ) r
a) M20/20 CM 14,734.94 - o
b) M25/20 CM 34.11 15,780.84 538,284.45 l
Prepared by Checked by Recommended by g by
Local Government o
Province-3 rf
Indrasarowar Rural Municipality axt
Office of Rural Municipal Executive re
Patichaur,Makwanpur ca
Project: Ghate Khola sa
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur ]s
Rate in Figure E
S.No. Description of Works Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) n
Providing and laying Reinforcement including cutting,
3.03 bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all MT 2.29 117,587.50 269,275.38 m ca
complete as per specification and drawing. [2014] o
Providing, Preparing and Installing formwork including e
necessary supports, falseworks and removing after r
3.04 SM 95.07 646.75 61,486.52 w e/
completion for the super structure, deckslab, girder etc.
[1800] d
Providing & fixing in position 2" dia GI pipe (medium
3.11 RM 83.62 1,047.06 87,555.16 b
grade) for railing including painting [3105] yA
Providing and laying, placing RCC guide posts all T
3.12 NOS 20 1,163.33 23,266.60 t
complete M20/20 [3105] h
Providing and Painting two coats after filling the surface e
with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on
3.13 SM 44.68 844.98 37,753.71 r
concrete/plaster surfaces as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. e
Sub-Total (3) : 1,017,621.82 u
Prepared by Checked by Recommended by g by
Local Government o
Province-3 rf
Indrasarowar Rural Municipality axt
Office of Rural Municipal Executive re
Patichaur,Makwanpur ca
Project: Ghate Khola sa
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur ]s
Rate in Figure E
S.No. Description of Works Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) n
Road way excavation including disposal upto 10m and m
4.01 ca
lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification [900]. o
c) Soft Rock CM rw
d) Hard Rock CM - e/
Formation of embankment including compaction in
layers not exceeding 150mm. compacted depth,
4.02 CM 31.82 652.10 20,749.82 b
watering and haulage 10m. etc. all complete as per yA
specification. [900] T
Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with h
diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving as
4.04 CM 473.33 5,119.82 2,423,364.40 e
per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all
complete[2400] r
Excavation for foundation (for road structures / protection g
4.07 works) through all types of soil including relevant lift and CM 233.33 198.82 46,390.67 u
disposal upto 20m. [900] l
Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in a
4.08 cutting(other than rock excavation) incluing disposal of CM 57.23 132.80 7,600.14 r
material upto 10m. [1000] o
Sub-Total (4) : 2,607,937.24 b
Prepared by Checked by Recommended by g by
Local Government o
Province-3 rf
Indrasarowar Rural Municipality axt
Office of Rural Municipal Executive re
Patichaur,Makwanpur ca
Project: Ghate Khola sa
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur ]s
Rate in Figure E
S.No. Description of Works Unit Quantity Amount (NRs.) n
5.00 OTHERS ti
Clearing and grubbing of forest including uprooting, m
carrying and disposing of vegetation, grass, bush, ca
5.01 SM 30.80 0 o
sapling and trees of girth upto 300mm (measured at a ve
height of 1m above the ground level).[200] e
Providing and place grass turfing on slopes including rw
watering, manure,Opearation includes digging planting d
5.02 hole to a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or hard-wood SM 252.00 772.72 194,725.44 o
peg, depending on the nature of b
the soil.[2800] yA
Enviromental protection works/Project manager as T
5.03 PS t
stated in specification/Special provisions[109] h
Supply and erection of hoarding board (size 1.8m X e
1.2m) and Bridge name board(1.0mx0.75m) at site
5.04 NOS 2.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 r
giving details of the contract in the format and wording
as directed by the Engineer. e
Sub-Total (5) : 194,725.44 u
TOTAL 6,246,364.51 l
13% VAT 812,027.39 r
GRAND TOTAL 7,058,391.90
Prepared by Checked by Recommended by g by
Project: Ghate Khola
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur
S.No Description of works Nos Quantity Unit
L(m) B(m) H(m)
A. Foundation and Substructure
A.1 Foundation excavation in all type of soil.
Base Slab 1 6.40 5.45 1.15 40.11
Cut off wall U/s 1 7.90 1.00 4.52 35.71
Cut off wall D/s 1 9.71 1.00 5.02 48.74
Rigid Apron U/s 1 7.15 2.00 2.21 31.60
Rigid Apron D/s 1 8.06 2.50 2.21 44.5315
Wing wall 4 5.00 1.97 1.62 63.83
Total 264.52 m3
Supply and place lean concrete M10/40 including dewatering, mixing,
laying,compacting and curing all complete.[2000]
Base slab 1 6.40 5.45 0.1 3.49
Cut-off wall foundation u/s 1 7.90 1.00 0.1 0.79
Cut-off wall foundation d/s 1 9.71 1.00 0.1 0.97
RCC Apron u/s 1 7.15 2.00 0.1 1.43
RCC Apron d/s 1 8.06 2.50 0.1 2.02
Wing wall foundation 4 5.00 1.80 0.1 3.60
Total 12.30 m3
Supply and place lean concrete M15/40 including dewatering, mixing,
laying,compacting and curing all complete.[2000]
RCC Apron u/s 1 7.15 2.00 0.40 5.72
RCC Apron d/s 1 8.06 2.50 0.40 8.06
Cut-off wall foundation u/s 1 7.90 1.00 0.30 2.37
Cut-off wall foundation d/s 1 9.71 1.00 0.30 2.91
Cut-off wall u/s 1 7.90 0.40 1.1 3.48
Cut-off wall d/s 1 9.71 0.40 1.6 6.21
Total 28.75 m3
Supply and place M25/20 grade concrete including mixing, laying,
A.4 compacting and curing all complete (2000)
Side walls 2 3.80 5.45 0.4 16.57
Base slab 1 5.5 5.45 0.4 11.99
Fillet 4 Area= 0.011 5.45 0.240
Total 28.80 m3
Supplying, Cutting, bending, placing of reinforcement (HYSD bars) in
A.5 position as shown in the drawings and binding by wires as specified in
the specification. (2014)
Side walls and Intermediate wall 1 1614.760 1614.76
Base slab 1 893.680 893.68
Apron and cut-off wall 1 976.64 976.64
Total 3,485.08 Kg
3.49 ton
Supply and place form works for substructure and removal after
Base Slab 1 21.900 0.400 8.760
Fillet 4 0.210 5.45 4.578
Side walls 2 8.400 5.45 91.560
Cut-off wall u/s
Foundation 1 17.80 0.30 5.34
wall 1 16.60 1.10 18.26
Cut-off wall d/s 0.00
Foundation 1 21.42 0.30 6.43
wall 1 20.22 1.60 32.35
RCC Apron u/s 1 18.30 0.40 7.32
RCC Apron d/s 1 21.12 0.40 8.45
Total 183.05 m2
Providing and laying Dry-stone soling in foundation work, lead
A.7 30m,lift 1.5m with stone size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling 1
etc. complete.
Base Slab 1 6.40 5.45 0.20 6.98
Cut-off wall u/s 1 7.90 1.00 0.20 1.58
Cut-off wall d/s 1 9.71 1.00 0.20 1.94
RCC Apron u/s 1 7.15 2.00 0.20 2.86
RCC Apron d/s 1 8.06 2.50 0.20 4.03
Total 17.39 m3
Total 47.69 m3
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar
A.10 (1:4) including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc complete
Wing wall 4 Area= 4.28 5.00 85.60 m3
B Superstructure
B.1 Supply and place M25/20 grade concrete including mixing, laying,
compacting and curing all complete (2000)
Top slab 1 6.400 5.450 0.400 13.95
50mm thick wearing coat 1 13.400 5.450 0.050 3.652
Railing post 22 0.150 0.150 1.000 0.495
Approach slab 2 3.500 5.450 0.250 9.538
Kerb 2 13.400 0.600 0.275 4.422
approach slab Hunch 4 Area= 0.094 5.450 2.049
Total 34.11 m3
B.2 Supplying, Cutting, bending, placing of reinforcement (HYSD bars) in
position as shown in the drawings and binding by wires as specified in
the specification. (2014)
Top slab with kerb 1 876.81 876.81
Railing post 22 7.470 164.34
Approach slab with Kerb 2 545.47 1090.94
Approach seat 2 81.00 162.00
Total 2,294.09 kg
2.29 ton
B.3 Providing and fixing of formwork and removal after specified time
including necessary falsework/staging all complete. [1800]
Top slab(Side) 1 23.700 0.400 9.480
Top slab(Bottom) 1 6.400 5.450 34.880
Railing Post 22 0.600 1.000 13.200
Approach Slab 2 17.900 0.250 8.950
Kerb 2 27.994 0.275 15.397
Approach Slab Hunch 4 5.450 0.604 13.167
Total 95.07 Sqm
B.4 Supply and fixing in position 50mm dia GI pipe (Medium class)
railings as per drawings. (3100)
at deck slab 6 6.937 41.62
at approach slab 12 3.500 42.00
Total 83.62 Rm
B.5 Providing and Painting two coats after filling the surface with
synthetic enamel paint in all shades on concrete/plaster surfaces as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Railing Post 22 0.600 1.000 13.20
Kerb (Sides) 2 27.994 0.275 15.40
Kerb (Top) 2 13.397 0.600 16.08
Total 44.68 Sqm
C Approach Road & Protection work
C.1 Embankment / filling with suitable material including excavation for
obtaining fill material, transportation, laying,compacting all complete. 1 Area= 5.839 5.45 31.82 m3
C.2 Road way excavation including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m
etc. all complete as per specification in BMS
C.3 Excavation for foundation (for road structures / protection works)
through all types of soil including relevant lift and disposal upto 20m.
Flexible Apron U/s 1 9.397 2.000 1.000 18.79
Flexible Apron D/s 1 11.633 2.500 0.500 14.54
Gabion protection work U/S 2 20.000 2.000 0.500 40.00
Gabion protection work D/s 2 20.000 2.000 0.500 40.00
Gabion mattress 1 80.000 3.000 0.500 120.00
Total 233.33 m3
C.4 Construction of gabion works by providing & laying, heavy zinc
coated GI mesh wire 10SWG, Selvedge wire 7SWG & Binding wire
12SWG,fabricating boxes in hexagonal mesh size 100mmx120mm,
supply & filling stones, lying lids all complete works [2400]
Boring , providing and Installing bored cast-in-situ RCC pile in soft soil of diameter
4 16.03.01 1612 Rm 7,862.16
600mm including Bentonite as per specification and drawing etc. all complete.
Boring , providing and Installing bored cast-in-situ RCC pile in Hard soil of diameter
5 16.03.02 1612 Rm 17,769.31
600mm including Bentonite as per specification and drawing etc. all complete.
preparing well sinking site,opening road access,making island and providing and laying
6 17.02 1703 Mt 150,755.64
cutting edge of mild steel et. Complete.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth upto 3m including
7 17.06.01.b.i 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 18,498.99
and drawings.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 3m-6m including
8 17.06.01.b.ii 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 19,842.05
and drawings.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 6m-9m including
9 17.06.01.b.iii 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 21,739.03
and drawings.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 9m-12m including
10 17.06.01.b.iv 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 24,189.86
and drawings.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 12m-15m including
11 17.06.01.b.v 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 27,748.50
and drawings.
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 15m-18m including
12 17.06.01.b.vi 1705 clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per specification Rm 32,650.18
and drawings.
13 17.08 1707 Providing and filling sand m3 1,713.00
Providing, Preparing and installing formwork including necessary supports,scaffolding
14 17.05 1704 m2 253.70
etc for well curb, steining
Summary of Rates
Project: Ghate
npur Specification Rate
S.N. Norms No Description Unit
Clause No. ( NRs.)
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M10/40 for the founation and
15 20.01.i 2000 footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc all complete as per m3 10,800.27
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M15/40 for the founation and
16 20.01.ii 2000 footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc all complete as per m3 11,365.24
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M20/20 for the founation and
17 20.01.iv 2000 footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc all complete as per m3 12,662.70
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M25/20 for the founation and
18 20.01.v 2000 footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc all complete as per m3 13,484.64
Providing and laying Reinforcement of dia. Above 8mm and upto 16mm including
19 20.07.ii 2000 Mt 124,372.50
cutting,bending,fixing in position and lead 30m.etc. all complete as per specification
Providing and laying Reinforcement of dia. Above 16mm including
20 20.07.iii 2000 Mt 117,587.50
cutting,bending,fixing in position and lead 30m.etc. all complete as per specification
Providing,preparing and installing formwork including necessary supports,falseworks
21 18.01.a 1804 & 1805 m2 235.81
and removing after complection for foundation and footings
2602,2603 & Providing and laying RRM in cement motar (1:4) including
22 26.03 m3 9,876.53
2 607 scaffolding,curing,preparation of mortar etc.,allcomplete.mortar 35%
Providing and installing of geo-textile filter fabric ( min 155 gm/m2) as specified in
23 24.09 2404 m2 152.95
Specification and Special Provisions.
Providing and filling with graded gravel filter material in layers with necessary watering
24 24.11 2404 & 3110 m3 1,926.25
and compaction.lead 30m,lift 1.5m.
Back filling with common material after filter, in layers in foundation pits, trenches ,
25 908 m3 974.50
9.10 etc, including compaction and watering etc. complete upto depth 6m
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete [M20/20] for the super structure,
26 20.03.i 2000 deckslab, girder etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all m3 14,734.94
complete as per specification and drawing.
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete [M25/20] for the super structure,
27 20.03.ii 2000 deckslab, girder etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all m3 15,780.84
complete as per specification and drawing.
18.05.a & Providing, Preparing and Installing formwork including necessary supports, falseworks
28 1803 m2 646.75
18.08.01 and removing after completion for the super structure, deckslab, girder etc.
Providing and installing different type of Bearings including all necessaary axilliary
30 9.01 902 Nos 50,600.00
and incidental works etc. complete as per drawing and specification.
Providing and installing Expansion Joints including all necessaary axilliary and
31 8-Jan 901 Rm 20,872.50
incidental works etc. complete as per drawing and specification.
Providing & fixing in position 2" dia GI pipe (medium grade) for railing including
32 30-Jan 3105 Rm 1,047.06
painting .
Road way excavation in soft soil including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all
33 9.01.a 905 m3 577.45
complete as per specification.
Road way excavation in Hard soil/Gravells/Boulder mixed soil including disposal
34 9.01.b 905 m3 769.93
upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Road way excavation in soft rock including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc.
35 9.01.c 905 m3 2,117.30
all complete as per specification.
Road way excavation in hard rock including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc.
36 9.01.d 905 m3 9,239.10
all complete as per specification.
Formation of embankment including compaction in layers not exceeding 150mm.
37 9.05.01 909 m3 652.10
compacted depth, watering and haulage 10m. etc. all complete as per specification.
Earth work excavation in soft soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting,
38 9.02.a 905 bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per m3 692.93
Earth work excavation in Hard soil/Gravells/Boulder mixed soil for drain and trenches
39 9.02.b 905 including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m m3 1,154.89
etc. all complete as per specification.
Earth work excavation in soft rock for drain and trenches including shoring, struting,
40 9.02.c 905 bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per m3 2,309.78
Earth work excavation in hard rock for drain and trenches including shoring, struting,
41 9.02.d.i 905 bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per m3 12,318.80
24.01.02.a , Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting
42 24.02.01.a , 2401 and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all complete. Mesh m3 4,928.41
24.02.04 size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [3m×1m×1m]
Summary of Rates
Project: Ghate
npur Specification Rate
S.N. Norms No Description Unit
Clause No. ( NRs.)
24.01.02.b , Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting
43 24.02.01.b , 2401 and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all complete. Mesh m3 5,097.96
24.02.04 size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [2m×1m×1m]
24.01.02.d , Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting
44 24.02.01.d , 2401 and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all complete. Mesh m3 5,333.10
24.02.04 size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [1m×1m×1m]
24.01.02.j , Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting
45 24.02.01.j , 2401 and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all complete. Mesh m3 6,305.32
24.02.04 size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [1m×1m×0.5m]
24.01.02.m , Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting
46 24.02.01.m , 2401 and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone, filling all complete. Mesh m3 9,157.68
24.02.04 size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [1m×1m×0.3m]
Providing and laying RRM in cement mortar (1:4) including scaffolding, curing,
47 26.03 preparation of mortar etc., all complete, mortar 35% [2600] for side drains, retaining m3 10,064.08
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:4:8) for the roadside /
48 20.06.a.i 2000 retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead m3 9,769.04
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:3:6) for the roadside /
49 20.06.a.ii 2000 retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead m3 10,654.98
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:2:4) for the roadside /
50 20.06.a.iii 2000 retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead m3 11,644.23
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Excavation for foundation (for road structures / protection works) through all types of
51 9.07.01.a 907 m3 1,539.85
soil including relevant lift and disposal upto 20m.
Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in cutting(other than rock
52 10.01 1000 m3 132.80
excavation) incluing disposal of material upto 10m.
Subgrade construction with loose untreated materials;preparation and formation of
53 10.03 1000 m3 827.01
subgrade in fill areas.
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel
54 12.01 1200 m3 1,757.44
subbase grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification.
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel
55 12.12 1205 m3 281.18
wearing course Class -2 .
Supplying, making and fixing in place RCC delineator including excavation, back
56 15.04 1504 filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per Specification / Special Provisions Nos 1,163.33
and as instructed / approved by the Project manager
Clearing and grubbing of forest including uprooting, carrying and disposing of
57 2.01 201 vegetation, grass, bush, sapling and trees of girth upto 300mm (measured at a height of m2 30.80
1m above the ground level).
Providing and place grass turfing on slopes including watering, manure,Opearation
58 28.08.04 2807 includes digging planting hole to a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or hard-wood peg, m2 772.72
depending on the
Laying of dry nature
stone of the
rip rap soil. protection and river training works with stone
for scour
59 2406(2,3) 24.12.b weighting not less than 75kg and packed with stones 20-40kg.lead 30m with out using m3 6,493.36
mechanical means.
Providing and laying Dry-stone soling in foundation work, lead 30m,lift 1.5m with
60 24.03.01 2403(4) m3 4,013.50
stone size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete.
Providing and laying RCC pipes having dia 900mm with or without collars,jointed with
61 7.02 701 stiff mixture of cement mortar in the porportion of 1:2(1cement:2fine sand), lead upto rm 16,071.27
Page 14 of 52
Rate Analysis
Project: Ghate Khola
Location: Patichaur,Makawanpur
Description of works: Excavation in foundation in all types of soil,all complete including dewatering/diversion/dam/lift and haulage [upto 6m depth] Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 903 & 907
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.01 Unskilled md 4.000 650.00 2600.00
tools and equipments 3.00% of labour cost 78.00
Sub total of A = 2600.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 78.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2678.00
Contractors overhead 15% 401.70 It has been assumed that average depth of foundation is 4m and can be used upto 6m depth Unit Rate = 3079.70
9.08 Hw:Df Fine Graded soil Rate
<0 0 3079.70 Note:
0-0.2 7% 3295.28 i)Height of water table/level from the bottom of foundation during working season.
0.2-0.4 14% 3510.86 ii) Df- Depth of the bottom of foundation from the ground.
0.4-0.6 20% 3695.64 iii) This is applicable when depth of water above ground level is less than 0.5m. For greater
0.6:0.8 30% 4003.61 depth of water above ground level,separate norms specific to site condition has to be developed
0.8:1 40% 4311.58
>1 50% 4619.55
Description of works: Excavation in foundation in soft rock,all complete including dewatering/diversions /dam/lift and haulage[disposal upto 10m and lift upto 6m]
Spec. cl. No: 903,905 & Unit : 1 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.02 unskilled md 2.750 650.00 1787.50
tools and equipments 3.00% of labour cost 62.40
9.04 unskilled md 0.450 650.00 292.50
Sub total of A = 2080.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 62.40
Sub total of A +B + C = 2142.40
Contractors overhead 15% 321.36 Unit Rate = 2463.76
9.08 Hw:Df Fine Graded soil Rate
<0 0 2463.76 Note:
0-0.2 7% 2636.22 i)Height of water table/level from the bottom of foundation during working season.
0.2-0.4 14% 2808.69 ii) Df- Depth of the bottom of foundation from the ground.
0.4-0.6 20% 2956.51 iii) This is applicable when depth of water above ground level is less than 0.5m. For greater
0.6:0.8 30% 3202.89 depth of water above groun level,separate norms specific to site condition has to be developed
0.8:1 40% 3449.26
>1 50% 3695.64
Description of works: Excavation in foundation in hard rock,all complete including dewatering/diversions /dam/lift and haulage[disposal upto 10m and lift upto 6m]
Spec. cl. No: 903,905 & Unit : 1 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.03 unskilled md 12.000 650.00 7800.00
tools and equipment 3.00% of labour cost 242.78
9.04 unskilled md 0.450 650.00 292.50
Sub total of A = 8092.50 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 242.78
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Sub total of A +B + C = 8335.28 Page 15 of 52
Contractors overhead 15% 1250.29 Unit Rate = 9585.57
9.08 Hw:Df Fine Graded soil Rate
<0 0 9585.57 Note:
0-0.2 7% 10256.56 i)Height of water table/level from the bottom of foundation during working season.
0.2-0.4 14% 10927.55 ii) Df- Depth of the bottom of foundation from the ground.
0.4-0.6 20% 11502.68 iii) This is applicable when depth of water above ground level is less than 0.5m. For greater
0.6:0.8 30% 12461.24 depth of water above groun level,separate norms specific to site condition has to be developed
0.8:1 40% 13419.80
>1 50% 14378.36
Description of works: Boring , providing and Installing bored cast-in-situ RCC pile in Hard soil of diameter 600mm including Bentonite as per specification and drawing etc.
all complete. Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1612
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Description of works: preparing well sinking site,opening road access,making island and providing and laying cutting edge of mild steel et. Complete.
Unit : 1 MT
Spec. cl. No: 1703
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
17.02 Skilled md 15.00 900.00 13500.00 Mild Steel t 1.05 93000.00 97650 Gas cutter hr 1.00 1278.57 1278.57
Unskilled md 15.00 650.00 9750.00 Nuts & bolts kg 17 190.00 3230 Welding machine hr 0.50 1278.57 639.29
Electrodes,gas etc. LS 5% of above 5044
Sub total of A = 23250.00 Sub total of B = 105924.00 Sub total of C = 1917.86
Sub total of A +B + C = 131091.86
Contractors overhead 15% 19663.78 Unit Rate= 150755.64
Description of works: Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth upto 3m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as
per specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth upto 3m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as
per specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm Page 17 of 52
Spec. cl. No: 1705
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10t-crane with grab &
Skilled md 0.8 900.00 720 Diesel lit 30 75 2250 hr 3 3628.57 10885.71
17.06.01.b.i accessories
Semi-skilled md 1.6 480.00 768
Sub total of A = 1488.00 Sub total of B = 2250.00 Sub total of C = 10885.71
Sub total of A +B + C = 14623.71
Add 10% of total cost for kentledges,removal of obstruction and correction against
shift,tilt,etc,as required=
Total= 16086.08
Contractors overhead 15% 2412.912 Unit Rate= 18498.99
Description of works: Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 6m-9m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as per
specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1705
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10t-crane with grab &
Skilled md 1 900 900 Diesel lit 35 75 2625 hr 3.5 3628.57 12699.995
17.06.01.b.iii accessories
Semi-skilled md 2 480 960
Sub total of A = 1860.00 Sub total of B = 2625.00 Sub total of C = 12700.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 17185.00
Add 10% of total cost for kentledges,removal of obstruction and correction against
shift,tilt,etc,as required=
Total= 18903.50
Contractors overhead 15% 2835.525 Unit Rate= 21739.03
Description of works: Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 9m-12m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as
per specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1705
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10t-crane with grab &
Skilled md 1.1 900 990 Diesel lit 39 75 2925 hr 3.9 3628.57 14151.423
17.06.01.b.iv accessories
Semi-skilled md 2.2 480 1056
Sub total of A = 2046.00 Sub total of B = 2925.00 Sub total of C = 14151.42
Sub total of A +B + C = 19122.42
Add 10% of total cost for kentledges,removal of obstruction and correction against 1912.24
shift,tilt,etc,as required=
Total= 21034.66
Contractors overhead 15% 3155.199 Unit Rate= 24189.86
Description of works: Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 12m-15m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as
per specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1705
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Description of works: Sinking of well through Sandy soil of diameter 6m and depth 15m-18m including clearance of obstructions, correction of shift and tilts etc. complete as
per specification and drawings. Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1705
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10t-crane with grab &
17.06.01.b.vi Skilled md 1.4 900 1260 Diesel lit 53 75 3975 hr 5.3 3628.57 19231.421
semiskilled md 2.8 480 1344
Sub total of A = 2604.00 Sub total of B = 3975 Sub total of C = 19231.42
Sub total of A +B + C = 25810.42
Add 10% of total cost for kentledges,removal of obstruction and correction against 2581.04
shift,tilt,etc,as required=
Total= 28391.46
Contractors overhead 15% 4258.719 Unit Rate= 32650.18
Description of works: Providing, Preparing and installing formwork including necessary supports,scaffolding etc for well curb, steining
Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 1704
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
17.05 Skilled md 1.00 900 900.00 Ply wood 9mm thick m2 1.375 451.85 621.29
Unskilled md 1.00 650 650.00 struts, ballies m3 0.033 4264.00 140.71
Nail,spikes,etc kg 2.500 90.00 225.00
Sub total of A = 1550.00 Sub total of B = 987.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2537.00 rate (10 m2) 2537.00
Unit Rate= 253.7
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M15/40 for the founation and footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc
all complete as per specification Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.ii Skilled md 0.5 900 450 cement t 0.26 15000 3900.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 628.57 377.14
unskilled md 3.5 650 2275 Aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.53 1900 1007.00 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.64
Aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.24 2000 480.00
Aggregate 10mm & d m3 0.11 1350 148.50
coarse sand m3 0.46 1420 653.20
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete of M25/20 for the founation and footing etc. including compaction,curing,testing and lead 30m etc
all complete as per specification Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.v Skilled md 0.500 900 450.00 cement t 0.38 15000 5625.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m )
hr 0.60 628.57 377.142
unskilled md 3.500 650 2275.00 Aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.58 1900 1102.00 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.6425
Aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.30 2000 600.00
coarse sand m3 0.45 1420 639.00
petrol lit 0.10 95 9.50
diesel lit 3.00 75 225.00
water lit 225.00 0.3 67.50
Sub total of A = 2725.00 Sub total of B = 8268.00 Sub total of C = 446.78
Sub total of A +B + C = 11439.78
2.5% of cost of concrete for mix design and 285.99
quality control=
Total= 11725.77
Contractors overhead 15% 1758.8655 Unit Rate= 13484.64
Description of works: Providing and laying Reinforcement of dia. Above 8mm and upto 16mm including cutting,bending,fixing in position and lead 30m.etc. all complete as
Unit : 1 MT
Spec. cl. No: 2000 per specification
Norms No. Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Skilled md 12 900 10800.00 Reinforcement t 1.15 77000.00 88550.00
Unskilled md 12 650 7800.00 Binding Wire kg 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Sub total of A = 18600.00 Sub total of B = 89550.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 108150.00
Contractors overhead 15% 16222.50 Unit Rate = 124372.50
Description of works: Providing and installing of geo-textile filter fabric ( min 155 gm/m2) as specified in Specification and Special Provisions.
Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 2404
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.09 unskilled md 0.02 650 13.00 Geotextile m2 1.20 100 120.00
Description of works: Providing and filling with graded gravel filter material in layers with necessary watering and compaction.lead 30m,lift 1.5m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2404 & 3110
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete [M25/20] for the super structure, deckslab, girder etc. including compaction, curing, testing and
lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.03.ii skilled md 0.8 900 720 cement t 0.375 15000.00 5625 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.6 628.57 377.142
unskilled md 6 650 3900 aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.58 2000 1160 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.6425
operator md 0.2 950 190 aggregate10mm & down m3 0.3 1350 405
sand m3 0.45 1420.00 639
petrol lit 0.1 95.00 9.5
diesel lit 3 75.00 225
water lit 225 0.30 67.5
Sub total of A = 4810.00 Sub total of B = 8131.00 Sub total of C = 446.78
Sub total of A +B + C = 13387.78
2.5% of cost of concrete for mix design and
quality control=
Total= 13722.47
Contractors overhead 15%= 2058.3705 Unit Rate= 15780.84
Description of works: Providing and installing Expansion Joints including all necessaary axilliary and incidental works etc. complete as per drawing and specification.
Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No: 1901
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
19.02 Expansion Joint m 1.100 15000.00 16500.00
Add 10% of the cost of Expansion joint for necessary labour,materials,equipment
and other consumables= 1650.00
Sub total of A = 0.00 Sub total of B = 18150.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 18150.00
Contractors overhead 15%= 2722.50 Unit Rate= 20872.50
Description of works: Providing & fixing in position 2" dia GI pipe (medium grade) for railing including painting .
Unit : Rm
Spec. cl. No: 3105
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
31.01 Skilled md 0.005 900 4.50 GI pipe m 1.020 847.00 863.94
Unskilled md 0.008 650 5.20 Paint lit 0.067 550.00 36.85
Description of works: Road way excavation in soft soil including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.75 650 487.50
3% for T & P 14.63
Sub total of A = 502.13 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 502.13
Contractors overhead 15%= 75.32 Unit Rate= 577.45
Description of works: Road way excavation in hard rock including disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.d.i Unskilled md 12.00 650 7800.00
3% for T & P 234.00
Sub total of A = 8034.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 8034.00
Contractors overhead 15%= 1205.10 Unit Rate= 9239.10
Description of works: Formation of embankment including compaction in layers not exceeding 150mm. compacted depth, watering and haulage 10m. etc. all complete as per
specification. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 909
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.05.01 Skilled md 0.002 900 1.80 Suitable material m3 1.1 450 495 Grader hr 0.005 1328.57 6.64
Unskilled md 0.008 650 5.20 deisel lit 0.12 75 9 Roller (8-10t) hr 0.017 1128.57 19.19
3% for T & P 0.21 water lit 100 0.3 30
Sub total of A = 7.21 Sub total of B = 534.00 Sub total of C = 25.83
Sub total of A +B + C = 567.04
Contractors overhead 15%= 85.06 Unit Rate= 652.10
Description of works: Earth work excavation in soft soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all
complete as per specification. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.a Unskilled md 0.90 650 585.00
3% for T & P 17.55
Sub total of A = 602.55 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 602.55
Contractors overhead 15%= 90.38 Unit Rate= 692.93
Description of works: Earth work excavation in Hard soil/Gravells/Boulder mixed soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto
10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification. Unit : 1 m3
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Earth work excavation in Hard soil/Gravells/Boulder mixed soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto
10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification. Unit : 1 m3 Page 31 of 52
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.b Unskilled md 1.50 650 975.00
3% for T & P 29.25
Sub total of A = 1004.25 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1004.25
Contractors overhead 15%= 150.64 Unit Rate= 1154.89
Description of works: Earth work excavation in hard rock for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5 m etc.
all complete as per specification. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.d.i Unskilled md 16.00 650 10400.00
3% for T & P 312.00
Sub total of A = 10712.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 10712.00
Contractors overhead 15%= 1606.80 Unit Rate= 12318.80
Description of works: Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone,
filling all complete. Mesh size : 100×120,mesh wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [3m×1m×1m] Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.01.02.a , Skilled md 0.50 900 450.00 Mesh wire 10 swg Kg 35.1 110 3861.00
24.02.01.a , Unskilled md 0.22 650 143.00 Selvedge wire 7 swg Kg 4.51 102 460.02
24.02.04 Skilled md 0.75 900 675.00 Binding wire 12 swg kg 1.81 99 179.19
Unskilled md 2.25 650 1462.50 Block Stone m3 3 1500 4500.00
Unskilled md 1.04 650 676.00 Bond stone m3 0.3 1500 450.00
Description of works: Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone,
filling all complete. Mesh size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [2m×1m×1m] Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.01.02.b , Skilled md 0.34 900 306.00 Mesh wire 10 swg Kg 24.15 110.00 2656.50
24.02.01.b , Unskilled md 0.33 650 214.50 Selvedge wire 7 swg Kg 3.41 102.00 347.82
24.02.04 Skilled md 0.50 900 450.00 Binding wire 12 swg kg 1.30 99.00 128.70
Unskilled md 1.50 650 975.00 Block Stone m3 2.00 1500.00 3000.00
Unskilled md 0.75 650 487.50 Bond stone m3 0.20 1500.00 300.00
Description of works: Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone,
filling all complete. Mesh size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [1m×1m×0.5m] Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.01.02.j , Skilled md 0.12 900 108.00 Mesh wire 10 swg Kg 8.78 110.00 965.80
24.02.01.j , Unskilled md 0.06 650 39.00 Selvedge wire 7 swg Kg 1.83 102.00 186.66
24.02.04 Skilled md 0.13 900 117.00 Binding wire 12 swg kg 0.52 99.00 51.48
Unskilled md 0.37 650 240.50 Block Stone m3 0.50 1500.00 750.00
Unskilled md 0.32 650 208.00 Bond stone m3 0.05 1500.00 75.00
Description of works: Fabrication of Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms including rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification, placing and supply of stone,
filling all complete. Mesh size : 100×120,mesh Wire: 10 selvedge wire:7 binding wire: 12swg [1m×1m×0.3m] Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.01.02.m , Skilled md 0.07 900 63.00 Mesh wire 10 swg Kg 4.83 110.00 531.30
24.02.01.m , Unskilled md 0.03 650 19.50 Selvedge wire 7 swg Kg 1.63 102.00 166.26
24.02.04 Skilled md 0.83 900 747.00 Binding wire 12 swg kg 0.36 99.00 35.64
Unskilled md 0.25 650 162.50 Block Stone m3 0.30 1500.00 450.00
Unskilled md 0.26 650 169.00 Bond stone m3 0.03 1500.00 45.00
1.5% of cost
Sub total of A +B + C = 8622.04 Mix Design and Quality Control= 129.3306
of concrete
Total= 8751.37
Contractors overhead 15%= 1312.7055 Unit Rate= 10064.08
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:4:8) for the roadside / retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.a.i Skilled md 0.50 900 450.00 cement t 0.170 15000.00 2550.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 628.57 377.14
Unskilled md 3.50 650 2275.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.650 1900.00 1235.00 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.64
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.240 2000.00 480.00
sand m3 0.470 1420.00 667.40
petrol lit 0.100 95.00 9.50
diesel lit 3.000 75.00 225.00
water lit 102.000 0.30 30.60
1.5% of cost
Sub total of A +B + C = 8369.28 Mix Design and Quality Control= 125.5392
of concrete
Total= 8494.82
Contractors overhead 15%= 1274.223 Unit Rate= 9769.04
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:3:6) for the roadside / retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec.cl.No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.a.ii Skilled md 0.50 900 450.00 cement t 0.220 15000.00 3300.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 628.57 377.14
Unskilled md 3.50 650 2275.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.650 1900.00 1235.00 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.64
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.240 2000.00 480.00
sand m3 0.470 1420.00 667.40
petrol lit 0.100 95.00 9.50
diesel lit 3.000 75.00 225.00
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
water lit 132.000 0.30 39.60 Page 36 of 52
1.5% of cost
Sub total of A +B + C = 9128.28 Mix Design and Quality Control= 136.9242
of concrete
Total= 9265.20
Contractors overhead 15%= 1389.78 Unit Rate= 10654.98
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete (1:2:4) for the roadside / retaining / protection structures etc. including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 kg
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.a.iii Skilled md 0.50 900 450.00 cement t 0.320 15000.00 4800.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 628.57 377.14
Unskilled md 3.50 650 2275.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.520 1900.00 988.00 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.64
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.330 2000.00 660.00
sand m3 0.045 1420.00 63.90
petrol lit 0.100 95.00 9.50
diesel lit 3.000 75.00 225.00
water lit 192.000 0.30 57.60
1.5% of cost
Sub total of A +B + C = 9975.78 Mix Design and Quality Control= 149.6367
of concrete
Total= 10125.42
Contractors overhead 15%= 1518.813 Unit Rate= 11644.23
Description of works: Excavation for foundation (for road structures / protection works) through all types of soil including relevant lift and disposal upto 20m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 907
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.01.a Unskilled md 2.00 650 1300.00
3% of labour cost for T&P 39.00
Description of works: Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in cutting(other than rock excavation) incluing disposal of material upto 10m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.01 Skilled md 0.01 900 9.00 Diesel lit 0.12 75.00 9.00 Grader(75 Hp) hr 0.01 1328.57 13.29
Unskilled md 0.10 650 65.00 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 1128.57 19.19
Description of works: Subgrade construction with loose untreated materials;preparation and formation of subgrade in fill areas.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1000
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C) Page 38 of 52
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.03 Skilled md 0.01 900.00 9.00 Diesel lit 0.12 75.00 9.00 Grader(75 Hp) hr 0.02 1328.57 26.57
Unskilled md 0.10 650.00 65.00 Suitable material m3 1.10 450.00 495.00 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 1128.57 19.19
Water lit 100.00 0.30 30.00
Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course Class -2 .
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1205
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.12 Skilled md 0.005 900 4.50 Aggregate m3 1.22 0.00 0.00 Grader hr 0.036 1328.57 47.83
Unskilled md 0.02 650 13.00 Diesel lit 1.200 75.00 90.00 Vibrator Roller hr 0.036 1128.57 40.63
Water bowser hr 0.050 678.57 33.93
Loader hr 0.011 1328.57 14.61
Sub total of A = 17.50 Sub total of B = 90.00 Sub total of C = 137.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 244.50
Contractors overhead 15%= 36.68 Unit Rate= 281.18
Description of works: Supplying, making and fixing in place RCC delineator including excavation, back filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per Specification /
Special Provisions and as instructed / approved by the Project manager Unit : No.
Spec. cl. No: 1504
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.04 Skilled md 0.021 900 18.90 M20/20 RCC m3 0.03 12662.70 379.88
Unskilled md 0.055 650 35.75 Formwork(F3) m2 0.54 235.81 127.34
Enamel paint lit 0.18 550.00 99.00
Reinforcement bar kg 2.82 124.37 350.72
Sub total of A = 54.65 Sub total of B = 956.94 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1011.59
Contractors overhead 15%= 151.74 Unit Rate= 1163.33
Description of works: Clearing and grubbing of forest including uprooting, carrying and disposing of vegetation, grass, bush, sapling and trees of girth upto 300mm
(measured at a height of 1m above the ground level). Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 201
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.01 Unskilled md 0.04 650 26.00
add 3% for T& P 0.78
Sub total of A = 26.78 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Description of works: Laying of dry stone rip rap for scour protection and river training works with stone weighting not less than 75kg and packed with stones 20-40kg.lead
30m with out using mechanical means. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2406(2,3)
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.70 900 630.00 boulders/Stones m3 1.10 1500.00 1650.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 116.40
Unskilled md 5.00 650 3250.00
Sub total of A = 3880.00 Sub total of B = 1650.00 Sub total of C = 116.40
Sub total of A +B + C = 5646.40 Unit Rate = 6493.36
Contractors overhead 15%= 846.96
Rip-rap should be measured in Sq.m considering the design thickness.
Description of works: Providing and laying Dry-stone soling in foundation work, lead 30m,lift 1.5m with stone size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2406(2,5)
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.03.01 Skilled md 0.60 900 540.00 Stone m3 1.100 1500.00 1650.00
Unskilled md 2.00 650 1300.00
Description of works: Providing and laying RCC pipes having dia 900mm with or without collars,jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the porportion of
1:2(1cement:2fine sand), lead upto 100m Unit : 1 Rm
Spec. cl. No:701
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
7.02 Skilled md 0.34 900 306.00 RCC Pipe m2 1.00 12075.00 12075.00
Unskilled md 1.56 650 1014.00 Cement kg 9.06 15.00 135.90
sand m3 0.01 1420.00 14.20
Jute kg 0.375 61 22.875
Sub total of A = 1320.00 Sub total of B = 12247.98 Sub total of C = 0.00
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
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Add 3% for 407.04
ballies,crow,bars,chain,pully,blocks&ropes etc.
Sub total of A +B + C = 13975.02
Contractors overhead 15%= 2096.25 Unit Rate= 16071.27
Description of works: Assembling and erecting fabricated structural steel components / elements in place including tying down bolts, nuts, rivets etc. complete as per drawing.
(False work not included) Unit : 1 Ton
Spec. cl. No: 2208
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
22.02.02 Engineer md 0.50 900.00 450.00 Diesel lit 15.0 75.00 1125.00 20t-cap crane hr 1.5 3628.57 5442.86
Technician md 1.00 600.00 600.00
skilled md 3.0 900.00 2700.00
Semi-skilled md 6.0 480.00 2880.00
Unskilled md 6.0 650.00 3900.00
Prestressed additional
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M40/20 (prestressed) for prestressed structures including compaction,curing,testing and lead
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.04.i Skilled md 0.50 900.00 450.00 Cement t 0.48 15000.00 7200.00 Concrete mixer hr 0.600 628.57 377.142
Unskillled md 3.50 650.00 2275.00 aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.57 2000.00 1140.00 (0.28/0.2 m3)
aggregate 10mm& down m3 0.33 1350.00 445.50 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.6425
coarse sand m3 0.44 1420.00 624.80
petrol lit 0.10 95.00 9.50
diesel lit 3.00 75.00 225.00
water lit 288.00 0.30 86.40
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
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Sub total of A = 2725.00 Sub total of B = 9731.20 Sub total of C = 446.78
Sub total of A +B + C = 12902.98
2.5% of cost of concrete for mix design and
quality control=
Contractors overhead 15% 1983.83 Unit Rate = 15209.38
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M45/20 (prestressed) for prestressed structures including compaction,curing,testing and lead
30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.04.ii Skilled md 0.50 900.00 450.00 Cement t 0.55 15000.00 8250.00 Concrete mixer hr 0.600 628.57 377.142
Unskillled md 3.50 650.00 2275.00 aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.57 2000.00 1140.00 (0.28/0.2 m3)
aggregate 10mm& down m3 0.33 1350.00 445.50 vibrator hr 0.25 278.57 69.6425
coarse sand m3 0.44 1420.00 624.80
petrol lit 0.10 95.00 9.50
diesel lit 3.00 75.00 225.00
water lit 330.00 0.30 99.00
Providing and installing prestressing tendons including prestressing, anchoring etc. complete as per specification and drawing.
Description of works:
Unit : 1Mt
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
21.01 Engineer md 1.40 900.00 1260.00 Tendon/Wire t 1.10 201121.42 221233.56 Pre-stressing Jack hr 8 928.57 7428.56
Technician md 2.80 600.00 1680.00
skilled md 10 900.00 9000.00
unskilled md 10 650.00 6500.00
Description of works: Providing and installing prestressing tendons sheaths with necessary supports including removal of extractable ones and grouting of ducts etc. complete
as per specification and drawing Unit : 10Rm
Spec. cl. No: 2106&2110
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
21.02 Engineer md 1.40 900.00 1260.00 Tendon sheath m 11.00 1000.00 11000.00 Grouting Pump hr 0.2 928.57 185.714
skilled md 10 900.00 9000.00 Cement kg 33.00 15.00 495.00
unskilled md 10 650.00 6500.00
Description of works: Providing and installing anchorage assembly in position etc. complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit : Nos
Prepared by Checked by Approved by
Providing and installing anchorage assembly in position etc. complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit : Nos
Spec. cl. No: 2105 Page 46 of 52
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
21.03 Anchorage assembly No 1.00 8000.00 8000.00 Grouting pump hr 0.2 928.57 185.714
Description of works: Providing and Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades on concrete/plaster surfaces as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. Unit : 10 sqm
Spec. cl. No: 1501
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.40 Skilled md 3.00 900.00 2700.00 Paint ltr 6.00 550.00 3300.00
9 Loader hr. 1200.00 128.57 1328.57 11 GI Pipe 50mm medium class rm 847.00 847.00
15 Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr. 1200.00 128.57 1328.57 17 bentonite kg 20.00 20.00
17 Vibrator hr. 150.00 128.57 278.57 19 struts, ballies, etc. m3 4264.00 4264.00
19 Bitumen Distributor hr. 1300.00 128.57 1428.57 21 Graded filter material m3 1050.00 1050.00
Description of works: Collection of rubble of required size, hauling distance10m. and stacking. Unit: 1 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
8.01.03 Unskilled md 1.40 650.00 910.00
Spec. Clause No. 800 Travel time (T) for truck to be used for this activity shall be determined as follows:
T=2x{d1/v1+d2/v2+d3/v3+………………..dn/vn}, where d1,d2,d3………dn and v1,v2,v3……..vn are the streches of distances to be travelled and corresponding average speeds
on these streches. [ T = 2*(d1/v1+d2/v2+……dn/vn) = ] (T=travel time for truck in
1.2) Sand m3 Unskilled md 0.30 650 195.00 Fuel lit 1.7xT= 0.170 75.00 12.75 Truck hr 0.13x(T+0.75)= 0.111 1328.57 147.47
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 355.22
2.1) Crushed aggregate m3 Unskilled md 0.50 650 325.00 Fuel lit 2.1xT= 0.210 75.00 15.75 Truck hr 0.16x(T+0.75)= 0.136 1328.57 180.69
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 521.44
3) Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone m3 Unskilled md 0.50 650 325.00 Fuel lit 2.7xT 0.270 75.00 20.25 Truck hr 0.21x(T+0.75)= 0.179 1328.57 237.81
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 583.06
4) Cement t Unskilled md 0.40 650 260.00 Fuel lit 1.5xT 3.375 75.00 253.13 Truck hr 0.12x(T+0.75)= 0.360 1328.57 478.29
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 991.42
5) Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire t Unskilled md 0.60 650 390.00 Fuel lit 1.5xT 3.375 75.00 253.13 Truck hr 0.12x(T+0.75)= 0.360 1328.57 478.29
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 1121.42
a) RCC hume pipe of 600mm m Skilled md 0.02 900 18.00 Fuel lit 0.6xT 0.000 75.00 0.00 Truck hr 0.054x(T+1.75)= 0.095 1328.57 126.21
Unskilled md 0.25 650 162.50
Sub total = 180.50 Sub total = 0.00 Sub total = 126.21
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 0.00
a) RCC hume pipe of 900mm m Skilled md 0.04 900 36.00 Fuel lit 0.78xT 0.000 75.00 0.00 Truck hr 0.06x(T+1.75)= 0.105 1328.57 139.50
Unskilled md 0.40 650 260.00
Sub total = 296.00 Sub total = 0.00 Sub total = 139.50
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 0.00
8) Water 1000litSkilled md 0.01 900 9.00 Fuel lit 1.5xT 0.000 75.00 0.00 Truck hr 0.12x(T+0.75)= 0.090 1328.57 119.57
Pump 10
Unskilled md 0.10 650 65.00 hr 0.050 328.57 16.43
cm dia
Sub total = 74.00 Sub total = 0.00 Sub total = 136.00
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 210.00 per lit= 0.21
8) Fabricated Structual Steel t Skilled md 0.40 900 360.00 Fuel lit 1.5xT 0.000 75.00 0.00 Truck hr 0.12x(T+1.25)= 0.150 1328.57 199.29
Unskilled md 4.00 650 2600.00
Sub total = 2960.00 Sub total = 0.00 Sub total = 199.29
Total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 3159.29
1) Labour 4) Material
District Unit district
S.N. Description Unit S.N. Description Unit
Rate rate
1 Skilled md 900 1 Sand m3 1420.00
2 Semiskilled md 650 2 Rubble (stone) m3 1500.00
3 Unskilled (Labour) md 650 3 Cement mt. 15000.00
4 Operator md 950 4 Water lit. 0.30
5 Engineer md 1250 5 Crushed Aggregate
6 Technician md 950 5.a 10 mm ( Small) m3 1350.00
5.b 20 mm ( Intermediate) m3 2000.00
2) Fuel and Lubricant 5.c 40 mm (Large) m3 1900.00
1 Diesel lit. 75 6 RCC Hume Pipes
2 Petrol lit. 95.00 6.a 300 mm diameter rm 3150.00
6.b 600 mm diameter rm 6405.00
6.c 900 mm diameter rm 12075.00
3) Equipment 7 Reinforcement
DoR hire 7.a 8-16 mm dia mt. 77000.00
S.No. Description Unit
rate 7.b 16-32 mm dia mt. 76000.00
1 Truck ( 3 tonnes) hr. 460.00 8 Binding Wire
2 Truck ( 5 tonnes) hr. 630.00 8.a Binding wire Black kg 100.00
3 Truck ( 8 tonnes) hr. 1290.00 8.b Binding wire White kg 100.00
4 Grader ( 75 HP) hr. 1500.00 9 G.I Wire heavy coated
5 Pump 10cm dia hr. 170.00 9.a 7 gauge kg 102.00
6 Vibrator Roller hr. 800.00 9.b 10 gauge kg 110.00
7 Roller ( 8 - 10 ton) hr. 700.00 9.c 12 gauge kg 99.00
8 Water bowser hr. 550.00 10 Geo - Textile Sqm 100.00
9 Loader hr. 1000.00 11 GI Pipe 50mm medium class rm 847.00
10 Boiler hr. 140.00 12 MS steel mt. 93000.00
11 Sprayer hr. 260.00 13 Enamel ltr 550.00
12 Air compresser hr. 130.00 14 Jute kg 61.00
13 Hand Sprayer hr. 260.00 15 Plywood 9mm thick sqm 451.85
14 Aggregate Spreader hr. 130.00 16 Nuts & bolts kg 190.00
15 Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr. 1200.00 17 bentonite kg 20.00
16 mixer hr. 470.00 18 Planks 38mm thick. m3 5.00
17 Vibrator hr. 150.00 19 struts, ballies, etc. m3 4264.00
18 Generator hr. 150.00 20 Nails,spikes,etc. kg 90.00
19 Bitumen Distributor hr. 1280.00 21 Graded filter material m3 1050.00
20 Chip Spreader hr. 130.00 22 timber m3 5.00
21 Tractor hr. 350.00 23 bearing no. 40000.00
22 20t crane hr. 3500.00 24 expansion joint rm 15000.00
23 Boring equipment with pump and all m3
suitable material 450.00
accessories. hr. 3500.00 25
24 Crane for handling reinforcement m3
hr. 3500.00 subbase aggregate 1050.00
cage and tremie pipe 26
25 Gas cutter hr. 1150.00 27 aggregate m 3
26 Welding machine hr. 1150.00 28 Grass slips no 50.00
27 10t-crane with grab & accessories hr. 3500.00 29 Line string m2 100.00
28 Screw jack hr. 25.00 Prestressed additional
29 Electical heating plate hr. 50.00 30 tendon/wire t 200000
30 Electrical hand drill hr. 50.00 31 tendon sheath m 1000
31 Asphalt mixing plant hr. 700.00 32 anchorage assembly no 8000
32 Asphalt paver hr. 260.00
33 Steel tyred roller hr. 440.00
34 Tipper trucks hr. 1800.00
35 Prestressing jack hr. 800
36 Grouting Pump hr. 800