Instruments For Examination in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Section 1
Instruments For Examination in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Section 1
Instruments For Examination in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Section 1
Procedures in
Obstetrics and
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal
Instruments For
Examination In Obstetrics SECTION 1
SECTION 1: Instruments For Examination In
Obstetrics And Gynecology
And Gynecology
SECTION 2: Instruments For Dilatation,
Curettage And Evacuation
SECTION 3: Instruments For Tubal Patency
SECTION 4: Instruments For Operative Vaginal SIMS SPECULUM
SECTION 5: Instruments For Destructive Designed by Marion Sims
SECTION 6: Catheters It is a nonself-retaining vaginal speculum used in vaginal examinat ion and
SECTION 7: General Instruments In Obstetrics
operat ions t o ret ract post erior vaginal wall (somet imes lat eral or ant erior wall)
And Gynecology
SECTION 8: Special Instruments In Obstetrics
and view vagina and cervix.
And Gynecology
SECTION 9: Instruments For Cervical Screening
At an angle t o shaft and point t owards same side. Different sizes are used for
different sizes of vagina. Each valve (blade) is rounded at t he end so t he
inst rument is at raumat ic (Fig. 1.1).
For drainage of secret ions by slight ly t ilt ing t he inst rument and collect ion of
specimen from vagina. 2
T OC Index
Instruments and
Procedures in
Obstetrics and
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal
Wear gloves. Appropriat e size of t he speculum is t aken. Lubricat e speculum
(except in Pap smear). Labia minora are gent ly separat ed and uret hra is
ident ified prior t o insert ion. Speculum is insert ed well below t he meat us
because of uret hral sensit ivit y. To improve comfort wit h speculum examinat ion
t he woman is asked t o relax post erior wall muscles. Sims speculum should not
be insert ed wit h blades in line wit h cleft of t he vulva and t hen rot at ed in vagina
because it is designed for “direct ” applicat ion. In any case vagina is wider from
side t o side t han from front t o back, so Sims speculum is int roduced direct ly
post eriorly t o it s full lengt h for inspect ion of cervix.
2. Performing procedures
Medical t erminat ion of pregnancy (MTP)
Dilat at ion and evacuat ion (D and E).
Good view.
Devised by Cusco Edward Gabrial.
Met allic
Plast ic.
T OC Index
Instruments and
Procedures in
Obstetrics and BLADES
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal Two blades are shaped like t he beak of a duck
Blades can be opened up and fixed at t he required angle by an adjust able
arrangement (Fig. 1.2).
SECTION 1: Instruments For Examination In
Obstetrics And Gynecology
SECTION 2: Instruments For Dilatation,
Curettage And Evacuation HANDLE
SECTION 3: Instruments For Tubal Patency
Test It is at right angle t o t he blades. When handle is closed blades will open
SECTION 4: Instruments For Operative Vaginal
Delivery Screw mechanism on handle makes it self-ret aining.
SECTION 5: Instruments For Destructive
SECTION 6: Catheters
SECTION 7: General Instruments In Obstetrics
And Gynecology
SECTION 8: Special Instruments In Obstetrics
And Gynecology
SECTION 9: Instruments For Cervical Screening
1. P/S examinat ion: An import ant examinat ion in obst et rics and gynecology
SECTION 1: Instruments For Examination In
Obstetrics And Gynecology
SECTION 2: Instruments For Dilatation,
Ideal for visualizat ion and operat ions on cervix
Curettage And Evacuation Self-ret aining, so no assist ant is required
SECTION 3: Instruments For Tubal Patency
Test It can be used in pat ient s who cannot be put in lit hot omy posit ion.
SECTION 4: Instruments For Operative Vaginal
SECTION 5: Instruments For Destructive
SECTION 6: Catheters
SECTION 7: General Instruments In Obstetrics Limit ed view of vagina as ant erior and post erior walls cannot be visualized. 6
And Gynecology
SECTION 8: Special Instruments In Obstetrics
And Gynecology
SECTION 9: Instruments For Cervical Screening AUVARD SPECULUM
It is self-retaining vaginal speculum.
It is a heavy inst rument wit h a heavy met al ball.
Groove: A channel is provided on t he handle t o collect t he blood and drain
(Fig. 1.3).
Heavy met al ball: Which makes it self-ret aining.
T OC Index
Posit ion: Lit hot omy
Met hod: Same as in Sims speculum.
Instruments and
Procedures in
Obstetrics and ▮ USES
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal It is used t o ret ract post erior vaginal wall in
1. Operat ions on vagina, cervix and ut erus, e.g. vaginal hyst erect omy.
2. Ant erior colporrhaphy, VVF repair. 7
This inst rument is used along wit h Sims speculum t o ret ract t he ant erior vaginal
A long inst rument wit h shaft and oval fenest rat ed ends.
Two loops are set at an angle of 15° wit h t he shaft which face in opposit e
direct ions (Fig. 1.4).
Transverse serrat ions on loop prevent slipping of inst rument and fit s int o
rugosit ies of vagina.
It is different iat ed from ut erine curet t e by following point s:
▪ It is larger in size.
▪ Oval loops have t ransverse serrat ions.
Int erlocking sharp t eet h which ensure a firm grip on cervix when it is locked (Fig.
1.5). 9
Blades have a curve so t hat field of vision is not blocked during t he procedure.
Dist ance in bet ween blades prevent crushing of t issues held in bet ween t hem.
The inst rument gives a firm grip on t he cervix and pulling cervix straightens
uterocervical canal so t hat chances of perforat ion are reduced.
Vaginal exposure is done by ret ract ing vaginal walls using Sims speculum and
Sims ant erior vaginal wall ret ract or.
T OC Index
1. To cat ch t he ant erior lip of cervix for surgical procedures
Cervical t rauma and bleeding. The cervix is soft in pregnancy so sponge holding
forceps is used t o hold cervix inst ead of vulsellum.
It is used in t he nulliparous cervix in place of vulsellum.
T OC Index
Instruments and
Procedures in
Obstetrics and
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal
Designed by Simpson.
It is 30cm long angulat ed inst rument wit h handle at one end and a rounded
blunt t ip at t he ot her end.
It has graduat ions in inches or cent imet ers (Fig. 1.7).
The angle accommodat es for flexion of ut erus and prevent s perforat ion as it
fit s int o t he ant evert ed or ret rovert ed ut erus.
Angulat ed at 7cm from t he t ip (which is t he normal ut erocervical lengt h).
Blunt t ip does not cause injury when int roduced.
T OC Index
Instruments and
Procedures in
Obstetrics and
Gynecolog y
Kiran Agarwal
Figure 1.7: Simpson uterine sound
SECTION 1: Instruments For Examination In
Obstetrics And Gynecology
SECTION 2: Instruments For Dilatation,
Uterine sounding
Curettage And Evacuation
Bimanual examinat ion.
SECTION 3: Instruments For Tubal Patency
Test Ret ract ant erior and post erior vaginal walls for exposure of t he cervix.
SECTION 4: Instruments For Operative Vaginal
Delivery Ant erior lip of t he cervix is grasped wit h vulsellum.
SECTION 5: Instruments For Destructive Ut erine sound is held as a “Pencil” wit h t humb and t wo fingers.
SECTION 6: Catheters
Sound is guided slowly t hrough cervical os int o t he ut erine cavit y and t o
SECTION 7: General Instruments In Obstetrics fundus.
And Gynecology
The dist ance from t he fundus t o ext ernal os is measured by score marks
SECTION 8: Special Instruments In Obstetrics
And Gynecology (graduat ions) along t he lengt h of sound.
SECTION 9: Instruments For Cervical Screening
It confirms t he direct ion of ut erus, i.e. ant evert ed or ret rovert ed.
It measures ut erine cavit y and cervical lengt h, i.e. ut erocervical lengt h. 13
Infect ion.
It is a long inst rument similar t o ut erine sound.
T OC Index ▮ PARTS
It is different iat ed from ut erine sound by following point s:
Short er in lengt h 14
(Fet oscope)
Invent ed by Adolphe Pinard.
Inst rument t o hear fet al heart sound.
Simple hollow t ube wit h one broad end and anot her narrow end (Fig. 1.9). 15
The inst rument is kept at right angle on pat ient 's abdomen.
T OC Index
The inst rument should not be t ouched wit h hand while list ening t o FHS.
It is rarely used now since use of st et hoscope and digit al fet al Doppler.
Instruments and
Obstetrics and
Gynecolog y These inst rument s are t o hear FHS wit h high acoust ic sensit ivit y.
Kiran Agarwal
St et hoscope has ear t ips wit h ear t ubes set t o accommodat e t he anat omy
of t he ear (Fig. 1.10).
Auscult at ion
The fet al heart is auscult at ed for one minute (normal 110–160 bpm)NICE
guidelines. During labor fet al heart rat e should be auscult at ed during and
immediat ely aft er ut erine cont ract ion t o det ect lat e decelerat ion.
▪ Low-risk pregnancy
Auscult at ion in—1st st age labor: 30 minut es int erval
2nd st age labor: 15 minut es int erval.
▪ High-risk pregnancy
Auscult at ion in—1st st age labor: 15 minut es int erval
2nd st age labor: 5 minut es int erval.
T OC Index